Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: rangedriver on May 26, 2016, 11:39:41 AM

Title: Freedom of speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: rangedriver on May 26, 2016, 11:39:41 AM

One single comment:-

The conclusion:-

Behold the guardians of fucking liberty.

Title: Re: Freedom of speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: rangedriver on May 26, 2016, 12:31:14 PM

Thankyou for the gold whoever you are. Unfortunately I can't thank you on the Dashpay subreddit due to being banned for apparently writing one comment which itself was a refutation of a ridiculously unsubstantiated claim.

Good to know that there are still people in the world who value freedom - it's just a fucking shame that the moderators of the Dash reddit aren't able to digest debate.

Sign of the times I suppose. Bullshit covered in bullshit. Viva la plastic revolution...

Title: Re: Freedom of speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: Someone47 on May 26, 2016, 12:33:16 PM
U have the butt hurt? Sad range driver. :'( :'( :'(

Title: Re: Freedom of speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: rangedriver on May 26, 2016, 12:42:04 PM
U have the butt hurt? Sad range driver. :'( :'( :'(

Not remotely. First time I've ever time I've posted in the Dash reddit. If you think that equates to some kind of loss then I have news for you. It's not exactly like being thrown out of your favourite nightclub for pissing on the sofa is it?

What angers me is that Dash are trying to paint themselves as some kind of libertarian bitcoin alternative, but they are not able to address the charges and claims made against them without resorting to strawman propagandesque defense tactics and a blanket ban on refutation.

Dash may not be as big as it once was, and that's a good thing, but it's still spewing out the same bullshit PR drive (based upon the profits of a multi-million dollar deception) and trying to wrap itself as the libertarians Ghandi.

And all the while, fucking dicks, whose entire conceptualisation of revolution is the legalisation of cannabis, fall victim to this retarded cult, without any comprehension of any of the enveloping variables, whether they be to do with politics, cryptography, or economics.

Fuck that shit.

Title: Re: Freedom of speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: somacoin on May 26, 2016, 12:45:19 PM
What angers me is that Dash are trying to paint themselves as some kind of libertarian bitcoin alternative, but they are not able to address the charges and claims made against them without resorting to strawman propagandesque defense tactics and a blanket ban on refutation.

Fuck that shit.

Welcome to Monero, rangedriver!

Enjoy your stay and enjoy the censor.... errr ride!

Title: Re: Freedom of speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: noobtrader on May 26, 2016, 12:51:49 PM
at least you can inform us all what are you replying to...

PSA: Disgusting & pathetic tactic launched by copycats & haters attempting to sabotage our efforts to get into Stack Exchange. Click for more details: (self.dashpay)
submitted 15 hours ago * by Basilpop
When I made this post about our Stack Exchange proposal the headline was very true. It was 19 questions left to reach the next phase (commitment). But when I checked today the amount of necessary questions was suddenly increased to 26 or so. Right now as of this writing it rests at 21 (still higher than before).
How did that happen? Well, Dash's irrefutable success breeds a lot of anger and jealousy from failed projects who can't compete with what Dash brings to the table. It must've been a mere coincidence that shortly after Dash made the proposal first (pioneering as usual) the haters made a proposal of their own to be integrated into Stack Exchange. And now they are actively sabotaging our efforts by following our proposal and downvoting our questions to keep them below a score of 10 (a necessary condition to reach the next phase).
This smug faced basement dweller as well as this guy are the ones still following both projects.
I am not asking anyone to retaliate by trolling them back. DASH never has and never will stoop down to their level. I however ask you all to rise up and vote up as many questions as you can on our proposal to propel us into the next phase.
Stack Exchange is a huge area for exposure and a perfect place to promote Dash, so please help us get onto there! We count on you!
Edit: 4 questions just have been upvoted, thank you for your support!!
Edit 2: Two more questions to 10+ votes and 5 new members! Please try to spread your votes out to get as many questions to exactly 10 points as you can with your 5 votes. More votes are wasted (for now at least) towards our goal. As of now there's a total of 11 votes wasted on questions that are above 10 points.

[–]SeemedGood 1 point 9 hours ago
I'm sure some people own both Dash and Monero (as that would be the smart thing to do economically). Assuming that people following both Stack Exchange threads are behaving maliciously is to display petulant ignorance.
Of course other competing currencies will also seek to get into Stack Exchange and that shouldn't be a problem nor a cause of alarm.

Basilpop 1 point 5 hours ago
I'm sure some people own both Dash and Monero
I'm aware of this, you're a prime example of that yourself. And I have no problem with this.
Assuming that people following both Stack Exchange threads are behaving maliciously is to display petulant ignorance.
That may be the case but there's a tiny difference here: It's not an "assumption". It's an obvious fact you can't deny. At least 7 questions have been downvoted to slow down our process from what I have witnessed first hand, which translates to at least 2 people actively attacking our proposal. The examples I have linked are self-proclaimed "avid enthusiasts" of the competing project and joined at the same time the downvotes happened. I'm sure that's a complete coincidence and it would be naive to assume otherwise, right?
Of course other competing currencies will also seek to get into Stack Exchange and that shouldn't be a problem nor a cause of alarm.
Strawman argument. I did not anywhere discourage their efforts to get into SE. I did however expose their tactics to sabotage ours.
Don't make a fool out of yourself: We have tons of evidence of malicious behaviour towards Dash. What I have shown here is a tiny bite off the giant hate cake. You apparently have never been to, have you? If you have you must have been willingly blind to deny what's happening.

Title: Re: Freedom of speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: Macrochip on May 26, 2016, 01:07:56 PM
Cry me a river you FUDding & sore Moronero loser.

Your bullshit has been debunked time and time again. People are sick and tired of Monero and its centralized, de-anonymizing web wallet, stalled development, non-existent innovation, non-existent official GUI-wallet, incompetent developers, retarded attack dogs and its asshole community in general.

Your jealousy of Dash has been long noted and long dismissed. You can bitch and moan all you want, you will never achieve what Dash has achieved. Either dump your shitcoin or shut the fuck up. Might as well go panhandle some more "development" funds for your failed Bytecoin-Scam-Fork.

Everybody hates Monero and rightfully so. Your ban was well deserved for the utter bullshit you spew. Deal with it.

Title: Re: Freedom of speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: rangedriver on May 26, 2016, 01:10:20 PM
Your jealousy of Dash has been long noted and long dismissed.

If I was jealous of Dash I'd just go out and buy some.

Do you understand that?

Title: Re: Freedom of speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: Macrochip on May 26, 2016, 01:19:28 PM
Your jealousy of Dash has been long noted and long dismissed.

If I was jealous of Dash I'd just go out and buy some.

Do you understand that?

I understand the sentence but it's simply not true. You think it's overvalued. Following your ideology the only "fair" price for Dash is 0.00 USD in your mind. You can't handle the fact it's more successful than your coin of choice. You also can't handle the fact that you simply missed out at the beginning when anyone had the chance to participate and get Dash for pennies on the dollar. Not Dash's fault and certainly not the developers fault. You're the only one to blame.

That explains the hate you so desperately try to pass off as "criticism".

Success is proving Dash right, bitching about it is a waste of time.

PS: Speaking of "Freedom of speech", how about yours, Moaneros? How black is the kettle again?!

Title: Re: Freedom of speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: rangedriver on May 26, 2016, 01:28:41 PM
You can't handle the fact it's more successful than your coin of choice. You also can't handle the fact that you simply missed out at the beginning when anyone had the chance to participate and get Dash for pennies on the dollar. Not Dash's fault and certainly not the developers fault. You're the only one to blame.

That explains the hate you so desperately try to pass off as "criticism".

Success is proving Dash right, bitching about it is a waste of time.

I refer you to the answer I gave some moments ago:-

Dash are not able to address the charges and claims made against them without resorting to strawman propagandesque defense tactics and a blanket ban on refutation.

Title: Re: Freedom of speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: DrkLvr_ on May 26, 2016, 03:47:46 PM

What do you expect from a camp that's been lying about their shitcoin scam from the get-go. Their Darkcoin reddit sidebar used to state "0.000000000% premined" - meanwhile their crooked dev team led by crooked Evan Duffield instamined like 40% of the coin at launch

Title: Re: Freedom of speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: TaoOfSaatoshi on May 26, 2016, 04:15:01 PM
If anyone has any issues with this or any other aspect of Dash, they can feel free to post on our rather large ANN thread, which is unmoderated and has documented thousands of dissenting posts over the years. Constructive criticism makes you stronger, and it's a big reason why Dash is so successful.

Title: Re: Freedom of speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: DrkLvr_ on May 26, 2016, 04:21:11 PM
If anyone has any issues with this or any other aspect of Dash, they can feel free to post on our rather large ANN thread, which is unmoderated and has documented thousands of dissenting posts over the years. Constructive criticism makes you stronger, and it's a big reason why Dash is so successful.

Not really, because as soon as something damning gets posted in the main thread the dash shitcoin protection team will purposefully start posting about whatever useless shit they can think of in order to bury the post. Why do you think the thread is thousands of pages long in the first place ::)

I think this belongs right where it is, but i understand why you'd want to censor this discussion, just like you censored the reddit post

Title: Re: Freedom of speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: TaoOfSaatoshi on May 26, 2016, 04:34:31 PM
i understand why you'd want to censor this discussion, just like you censored the reddit pots
Just for the record, I had nothing to do with what happened on Reddit, as I am not a mod there. I was just pointing out that our ANN is home to a lot of criticism that can still be seen by anyone. Of course you're free to discuss it here, though, as it is an Altcoin Discussion board.

Title: Re: Freedom of speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: rangedriver on May 26, 2016, 04:45:01 PM
If anyone has any issues with this or any other aspect of Dash, they can feel free to post on our rather large ANN thread, which is unmoderated and has documented thousands of dissenting posts over the years. Constructive criticism makes you stronger, and it's a big reason why Dash is so successful.

There's two problems with this.

The first is the conflict that exists between the obvious lack of free speech in the Dashpay subreddit compared with the bizarre invitation to carry on the same discussion in the ANN thread. Why practice free speech in one area of Dashpay, but vehemently shutdown the discussion in another?

Let's be clear about this: What we're talking about is a Reddit post made by a Dashpay moderator (BasilPop) that tacitly alleges that aspects of Monero are somehow behind an attempt to sabotage Dash's inclusion on Stack Exchange - an allegation that has absolutely no evidence to support it whatseover, and is no less an outright piece of prejudicial propaganda. When someone, quite rightfully, enters the frame to draw attention to this fact and provide a justified counterpoint (a first time poster to the Dashpay subreddit I may add) it is met with immediate banning from the subreddit leaving no capacity to appeal or even reply.

To then turn around and suggest the conversation should continue on the Dash ANN thread is just frankly bizarre.

But the second problem is that such a suggestion is itself a flawed invitation, because it was the very act of engaging in such discussions on the Dash ANN thread that led to the taxon that Monero was "invading" the Dash ANN thread with "hate" and "propaganda" in the first place - ironically the very charge made by BasilPop in his proceeding comment:-

We have tons of evidence of malicious behaviour towards Dash. What I have shown here is a tiny bite off the giant hate cake. You apparently have never been to, have you?

You can't have your cake and eat it. If you're going to make such invitations to practice free speech within the Dash infrastructure then you have to make those invitations applicable to all faculties including the Dash subreddit. If free speech exists you cannot turn around and label objective arguments and reasoning against Dash as "hate speech" or a grand conspiracy to somehow manipulate truth, and then stifle the debate by shutting down the narrative.

Healthy debates cannot function like this.

It would be good start to recognize that it is unacceptable for a Dash moderator to make such claims of sabotage, while providing no evidence whatsoever, nor any means to refute such claims.

Title: Re: Freedom of speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: DrkLvr_ on May 26, 2016, 05:36:04 PM
Why practice free speech in one area of Dashpay, but vehemently shutdown the discussion in another?

They invite criticism in their ANN thread because they know all about Forum Sliding, which doesn't work on Reddit.


If a very sensitive posting of a critical nature has been posted on a forum - it can be quickly removed from public view by 'forum sliding.' In this technique a number of unrelated posts are quietly prepositioned on the forum and allowed to 'age.' Each of these misdirectional forum postings can then be called upon at will to trigger a 'forum slide.' The second requirement is that several fake accounts exist, which can be called upon, to ensure that this technique is not exposed to the public. To trigger a 'forum slide' and 'flush' the critical post out of public view it is simply a matter of logging into each account both real and fake and then 'replying' to prepositined postings with a simple 1 or 2 line comment. This brings the unrelated postings to the top of the forum list, and the critical posting 'slides' down the front page, and quickly out of public view. Although it is difficult or impossible to censor the posting it is now lost in a sea of unrelated and unuseful postings. By this means it becomes effective to keep the readers of the forum reading unrelated and non-issue items.

Keep it up Dashtards.

Title: Re: Freedom of speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: rangedriver on May 26, 2016, 06:03:12 PM

You can't handle the fact that Dash is more successful than your coin of choice.

Reddit Subscribers

BTC: 177838
DOGE: 77479
LTC: 21976
ETH: 13741
XMR: 3427
DASH: 1799

Monero bigger than Dash by a factor of 1.9

Reddit Users Online

BTC: 380
ETH: 122
DOGE: 41
LTC: 14
XMR: 12

Monero bigger than Dash by a factor of 1.5

Average New Posts (an hour)

BTC: 4.08
ETH: 3.25
DOGE: 0.8
XMR: 0.5
LTC: 0.4
DASH 0.3

Monero bigger than Dash by a factor of 1.6666

Average New Comments (an hour)

BTC: 138
ETH: 45.2
DOGE: 20.4
LTC: 7.96
XMR: 7.00
DASH: 2.71

Monero bigger than Dash by a factor of 2.58

#IRC USAGE - Average Users Online

BTC: 1106
ETH: 368
DOGE: 228
LTC: 175
XMR: 153
DASH: 76

Monero bigger than Dash by a factor of 2.01

Github Contributors

BTC: 337
DOGE: 67
XMR: 44
DASH: 29
LTC: 19
ETH: 18

Monero bigger than Dash by a factor of 1.5172

You could even throw in accumulative forum posts from all three forums (Dash, Monero BCT) and in total the average size of Monero's community is 1.86 times bigger than that of Dash. It's also worth mentioning that Dash finished last in all but one of these key metrics.

The only thing Dash has got going that's bigger than Monero is market-cap, and conveniently, given the multi-million dollar riches of its lead developer is a very easy thing to arrange.

I'm also still yet to find one credible cryptography expert to praise Dash.

So I don't quite know how you're measuring success, other than a fistful of draconian deceptions, a Jabba-the-Hutt style instamine, a deeply flawed anonymity system without a credible userbase.

Title: Re: Freedom of speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: smooth on May 26, 2016, 06:56:53 PM
PS: Speaking of "Freedom of speech", how about yours, Moaneros? How black is the kettle again?!

You should try posting critical comments about Monero or Monero team or community members there, or ones stating that Dash or some other coin is superior, or anything of the sort, as long as it relates to speculation on Monero and isn't personal attacks (or use red text). Or you could just browse the thread and find thousands already that didn't and don't get deleted, including many by illodin or a few other Dash supporters who a regulars there. Or you could try reviewing the deleted posts that get requoted in tiny font and find even one that is on topic and was deleted for being anti-Monero.

Monero has no fear of criticism or contrary opinions (or more specifically, I don't, since I can't speak for the whole community) and they are welcome on my thread.

Title: Re: Freedom of speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: Laniakea on May 26, 2016, 07:01:01 PM
Monero has no fear of criticism or contrary opinions

So it really is true that Monero is a person?  Risto??

Title: Re: Freedom of speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: DrkLvr_ on May 26, 2016, 07:14:18 PM
Ouch, here you go Macrochip & Co. it might help the butthurt  :(

Title: Re: Freedom of speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: DaveyJones on May 26, 2016, 07:24:43 PM
What bothers me ... Dash claims to have made the StackExchange proposal first so it sounds like it was their idea....

For all the readers that did not now ---> ...

That one is over 2 month old, so who follows who´s footsteps

Title: Re: Freedom of speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: TaoOfSaatoshi on May 26, 2016, 10:21:39 PM

You can't handle the fact that Dash is more successful than your coin of choice.

Reddit Subscribers

BTC: 177838
DOGE: 77479
LTC: 21976
ETH: 13741
XMR: 3427
DASH: 1799

Monero bigger than Dash by a factor of 1.9

Reddit Users Online

BTC: 380
ETH: 122
DOGE: 41
LTC: 14
XMR: 12

Monero bigger than Dash by a factor of 1.5

Average New Posts (an hour)

BTC: 4.08
ETH: 3.25
DOGE: 0.8
XMR: 0.5
LTC: 0.4
DASH 0.3

Monero bigger than Dash by a factor of 1.6666

Average New Comments (an hour)

BTC: 138
ETH: 45.2
DOGE: 20.4
LTC: 7.96
XMR: 7.00
DASH: 2.71

Monero bigger than Dash by a factor of 2.58

#IRC USAGE - Average Users Online

BTC: 1106
ETH: 368
DOGE: 228
LTC: 175
XMR: 153
DASH: 76

Monero bigger than Dash by a factor of 2.01

Github Contributors

BTC: 337
DOGE: 67
XMR: 44
DASH: 29
LTC: 19
ETH: 18

Monero bigger than Dash by a factor of 1.5172

You could even throw in accumulative forum posts from all three forums (Dash, Monero BCT) and in total the average size of Monero's community is 1.86 times bigger than that of Dash. It's also worth mentioning that Dash finished last in all but one of these key metrics.

The only thing Dash has got going that's bigger than Monero is market-cap, and conveniently, given the multi-million dollar riches of its lead developer is a very easy thing to arrange.

I'm also still yet to find one credible cryptography expert to praise Dash.

So I don't quite know how you're measuring success, other than a fistful of draconian deceptions, a Jabba-the-Hutt style instamine, a deeply flawed anonymity system without a credible userbase.

That's a pretty impressive list. And I agree that Dash's community involvement is a weak point in the project, and it's an issue I'm tackling head on through the Dash Nation campaign and website in development. I have a challenge to generate more community passion and involvement in Dash, and the Monero community is one of a few that I am currently studying.

Title: Re: Freedom of speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: Macrochip on May 27, 2016, 10:04:10 AM
You wanna measure success, shitlord? Let's measure success. And this time it's not easily fakeable (MONERO: BUYING FAKE SUBSCRIBERS FOR REDDIT ( and meaningless social media statistics, you cherry picking ding dong. This time it's real world usage and utility.

Currency exchanges listing DASH:
18 (

Currency exchanges listing Monero:
A petty 5 (

Retail acceptance of Dash:
-Listing with 70+ merchants (
-Spend DASH (
-World Map currently listing 58 IRL places where you can spend Dash (

Retail acceptance of Monero
This page claims to list "merchants" accepting Monero ( but only 3 sites on there actually exchange services/goods for Monero, the fourth being offline/dead. The rest either accept donations in Monero (doesn't make you a Monero merchant, idiots!), are exchanges I already counted above or are services ran by the creators of the coin themselves and thus do not count as merchant adoption, rendering your merchant directory into a silly joke and Monero merchant acceptance virtually non-existent!

Features that did not exist before Dash came along
- The X11 algorithm
- The Masternode concept as a 2nd tier network
- Incentivized full nodes
- The Spork technology to mitigate forking risks in crypto
- The instant confirmation of transactions via Masternode locks
- Fixing and vastly improving CoinJoin to make it a useful privacy tool
- Paying developers and related projects directly from the blockchain
- Enabling Stakeholders to vote on budgets and development decisions of the project

Features that did not exist before Monero came along:
- Removal of fraudulent scam algorithms from a crippled miner in the Bytecoin codebase after XMR-developers have exploited it themselves

In conclusion Dash is vastly superior and thus vastly more successful in regards to merchant and exchange adoption and the actual amount of features it brings to the table. Three factors which are indubitably paramount and far outweigh the ever changing, flimsy and ultimately meaningless and inconsequential social media statistics bullshit you tried to wave in people's faces.
We're talking about a fucking currency here that is supposed to have utility, Einstein. Not a "Miss Currency" popularity contest or beauty pageant on Instagram to see who has the most followers and likes. You made a complete fool out of yourself by even attempting to paint Monero as more successful with this silly child's play bullshit.

You could even throw in accumulative forum posts from all three forums (Dash, Monero BCT) and in total the average size of Monero's community is 1.86 times bigger than that of Dash.

LOL. Completely ass-pulled lie of a statistic. Not that it has any significance but Dash has a dedicated forum with 4400+ members and 90400+ messages ( while Monero has a de facto DEAD forum where not even one category has a three digit thread amount and a joke of replies ( The amount of members isn't even shown, because it's too embarrassing. Do I really have to go on and mention the ANN threads? DASH ANN -> 120.326 replies & 6.256.794 views, Monero ANN -> 31.158 replies & 2.251.142 views.
I don't know where you learned math but our Forum plus our ANN blow your Moanero joke out of the water.
"1.86" <- LOL try 18.6 for Dash:Monero.

The only thing Dash has got going that's bigger than Monero is market-cap

Completely disproven and destroyed by the above, poor derangeddriver.

I'm also still yet to find one credible cryptography expert to praise Dash.

Kristov Atlas Security Audit of Dash (
Of course now you, like the shitlord you are, gonna come up with a reason to call him "not credible", but any outside observer can tell that will be a weak deflection attempt.

So: You wanna deny again that Dash is more successful than your scam-forked, innovation-free shitcoin?

Title: Re: Freedom of speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: DaveyJones on May 27, 2016, 10:29:27 AM
What bothers me ... Dash claims to have made the StackExchange proposal first so it sounds like it was their idea....

For all the readers that did not now ---> ...

That one is over 2 month old, so who follows who´s footsteps

Does it really matter son? Plenty of space in crypto for all. 

What a great time to be alive, what a great time to witness invocation and disruptive technology.

You and your greedy masters Risto and Smooth should focus on developing your coin instead of running down all around you.

But you can't can you?


FU  ;D

Sure it does matter ... rivalry does not come from nothing. Claims like that is the reason why we are in the back and forth we have now... but don´t worry... looks like the Lisk vs Eth camps will put us on the side with their fights...

Title: Re: Freedom of speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: rangedriver on May 27, 2016, 12:28:58 PM
You wanna measure success, shitlord? Let's measure success. And this time it's not easily fakeable (MONERO: BUYING FAKE SUBSCRIBERS FOR REDDIT ( and meaningless social media statistics, you cherry picking ding dong. This time it's real world usage and utility.

Currency exchanges listing DASH:
18 (

Currency exchanges listing Monero:
A petty 5 (

Retail acceptance of Dash:
-Listing with 70+ merchants (
-Spend DASH (
-World Map currently listing 58 IRL places where you can spend Dash (

Retail acceptance of Monero
This page claims to list "merchants" accepting Monero ( but only 3 sites on there actually exchange services/goods for Monero, the fourth being offline/dead. The rest either accept donations in Monero (doesn't make you a Monero merchant, idiots!), are exchanges I already counted above or are services ran by the creators of the coin themselves and thus do not count as merchant adoption, rendering your merchant directory into a silly joke and Monero merchant acceptance virtually non-existent!

Features that did not exist before Dash came along
- The X11 algorithm
- The Masternode concept as a 2nd tier network
- Incentivized full nodes
- The Spork technology to mitigate forking risks in crypto
- The instant confirmation of transactions via Masternode locks
- Fixing and vastly improving CoinJoin to make it a useful privacy tool
- Paying developers and related projects directly from the blockchain
- Enabling Stakeholders to vote on budgets and development decisions of the project

Features that did not exist before Monero came along:
- Removal of fraudulent scam algorithms from a crippled miner in the Bytecoin codebase after XMR-developers have exploited it themselves

In conclusion Dash is vastly superior and thus vastly more successful in regards to merchant and exchange adoption and the actual amount of features it brings to the table. Three factors which are indubitably paramount and far outweigh the ever changing, flimsy and ultimately meaningless and inconsequential social media statistics bullshit you tried to wave in people's faces.
We're talking about a fucking currency here that is supposed to have utility, Einstein. Not a "Miss Currency" popularity contest or beauty pageant on Instagram to see who has the most followers and likes. You made a complete fool out of yourself by even attempting to paint Monero as more successful with this silly child's play bullshit.

You could even throw in accumulative forum posts from all three forums (Dash, Monero BCT) and in total the average size of Monero's community is 1.86 times bigger than that of Dash.

LOL. Completely ass-pulled lie of a statistic. Not that it has any significance but Dash has a dedicated forum with 4400+ members and 90400+ messages ( while Monero has a de facto DEAD forum where not even one category has a three digit thread amount and a joke of replies ( The amount of members isn't even shown, because it's too embarrassing. Do I really have to go on and mention the ANN threads? DASH ANN -> 120.326 replies & 6.256.794 views, Monero ANN -> 31.158 replies & 2.251.142 views.
I don't know where you learned math but our Forum plus our ANN blow your Moanero joke out of the water.
"1.86" <- LOL try 18.6 for Dash:Monero.

The only thing Dash has got going that's bigger than Monero is market-cap

Completely disproven and destroyed by the above, poor derangeddriver.

I'm also still yet to find one credible cryptography expert to praise Dash.

Kristov Atlas Security Audit of Dash (
Of course now you, like the shitlord you are, gonna come up with a reason to call him "not credible", but any outside observer can tell that will be a weak deflection attempt.

So: You wanna deny again that Dash is more successful than your scam-forked, innovation-free shitcoin?

Thanks Macrochip.

I agree that Dash's community involvement is a weak point in the project, and it's an issue I'm tackling head on through the Dash Nation campaign and website in development.

I wouldn't go as far to say Dash's community is a weak point, but yeah I certainly know what you mean.

There are still people around who are passionate about Dash (Macrochip and ceti for example). One of the biggest problems that plagues it however is that it doesn't have a community energy built on solid objective fundamentals such as the geekery of cryptography, or the politics of transactional obfuscation.

Dash is entirely championed by speculators dependent on others for intelligence.

That wasn't always the case. Back in 2014 when the original Darkcoin was heralded by both political types, geeks and speculators alike, the project was widely tipped to be the next big thing. The reason why it ultimately failed was because it was constantly trying to strive under the gravity of a terrible name, a questionable genesis, and a flawed masternode system.

By the time the rebrand to Dash had occurred much of the original community had already departed (which of course is exactly the reason Dash's new subreddit fails to acquire the community metrics of it's former days.)

Fast forward to 2016 and Dash doesn't have the nerd-base or the political base anymore: it is based entirely on speculation alone.

Community has to be built up from the ground; small victories leading to large landslides further on down the line. It's all very well having these huge North Korean style hotels but if no-one's using them then what do you actually have, in real terms? The "Nation Campaign" as you call it certainly sounds victorious and large, (and I respect your determination to make it work) but it will be interesting to see what the results are one year down the road from now.

As for Monero, I have no idea whether Monero will exceed Dash's market-cap this year or the effect that it will have on Dash's speculative outlook. Time will tell.

Either way I wish you the very best with your Dash Nation concept.

Title: Re: Freedom of speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: DrkLvr_ on May 27, 2016, 12:33:10 PM

 :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(

Title: Re: Freedom of speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: Macrochip on May 27, 2016, 01:24:08 PM
You're welcome.

It's really entertaining to watch you project Monero's 2 years of non-progress and non-development onto Dash which in contrast has whipped out a ton of never before seen and unmatched technological as well as economical innovation. Here's breaking news for you: A community doesn't develop a technology, it merely promotes it. And that is all Monero is and all it can do. The project lacks progress or anything to show for itself, thus you try to play the "community" card, which is worthless when said community has no strong product to back up its (paid for?) enthusiasm. This is why XMR is going nowhere. Especially nowhere near Dash's marketcap. Mark my words.

I've been with Dash since February 2014 and I know several community members who are also still here from that time so your insinuation that the early community members are all gone holds no water. I've experienced all the developments, community buildup, market ups & downs, Masternodes being introduced, DarkSend going opensource, InstantX being invented by Evan in a "Eureka" moment, the release of DGbB, the announcement of Evolution and so forth first hand. I'm a Dash veteran and all the mud slinging disguised as "criticism" I've seen in the past two years has been disproven hundreds of times and got exposed (often by yours truly) everytime as an agenda-driven smear campaign with no credibility (but a lot of jealousness to make up for it).

In other news:
Suck on that, haters.
Your downvotes ( couldn't phase us. :P

Title: Re: Freedom of speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: rangedriver on May 27, 2016, 01:58:40 PM
Well it looks like that the offending post...

... has now been deleted by the Dashpay moderators:-

... presumably as a consequence of the post scoring gold, and/or the fact that the moderator 'BasilPop' kinda looked like a dick as a consequence. So now not only are you banning but you're also censoring too.

Congratulations, and viva the revolution.

I find it fucking extraordinary, frankly, that Dash even exists or has the audacity to claim that it exists in a libertarian fashion with the userbase's interests in mind... while not have the capacity to even address a simple fundamental as freedom of speech.

How anyone with a modicum of self worth can subscribe to your fucking North Korean bullshit is beyond me.

It's bad enough that the Dash developer is a Jabba-the-Hutt-esque lying pocket-lining bastard that waves a bullshit flag in the name of economic revolution and transactional privacy; it's bad enough that Dash is a mother-fucking monkey product designed for the purposes of profit whose entire ecosystem is based on a fucking fraud.

So go ahead, you can censor as much shit that you aren't able to digest as much as you like. It's in complete unison with every other faculty of your wanking nation's ideal.

You stupid fucking donut cunts. You don't have a damn clue.

Title: Re: Freedom of speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: Shrikez on May 27, 2016, 04:52:54 PM
Well it looks like that the offending post...


... has now been deleted by the Dashpay moderators:-


... presumably as a consequence of the post scoring gold, and/or the fact that the moderator 'BasilPop' kinda looked like a dick as a consequence. So now not only are you banning but you're also censoring too.

Congratulations, and viva the revolution.

I find it fucking extraordinary, frankly, that Dash even exists or has the audacity to claim that it exists in a libertarian fashion with the userbase's interests in mind... while not have the capacity to even address a simple fundamental as freedom of speech.

How anyone with a modicum of self worth can subscribe to your fucking North Korean bullshit is beyond me.

It's bad enough that the Dash developer is a Jabba-the-Hutt-esque lying pocket-lining bastard that waves a bullshit flag in the name of economic revolution and transactional privacy; it's bad enough that Dash is a mother-fucking monkey product designed for the purposes of profit whose entire ecosystem is based on a fucking fraud.

So go ahead, you can censor as much shit that you aren't able to digest as much as you like. It's in complete unison with every other faculty of your wanking nation's ideal.

You stupid fucking donut cunts. You don't have a damn clue.

You are so much win my friend.

There is much potential in some dash team members...all nullified by some inexplicable alien brain bug.

How can you NOT see? I will never understand. Honest, non Monero tainted opinion.

Title: Re: Freedom of Intelligence in the Monero camp much?
Post by: Macrochip on May 27, 2016, 06:42:27 PM
I think the reason for the deletion is right here:

"There is absolutely no hate directed at Dash"

This must be the biggest lie I have ever seen in my entire life. I can't even fathom how someone can either be so stupid or so malicious to even think of such a ridiculous lie. On a scale from 1 to 10 on how much this is a lie this is the equivalent of saying "I am not speaking right now" into someones face.
I could write an entire essay on how much these eight words are a malicious, fraudulent, vicious, despicable lie.
I could write an entire thesis on how much the author of these words is a lunatic, deranged, delusional, shitcoin pumping, desperate liar.
Quite frankly it makes me physically sick that there is a person on this planet that can type out such an incredible lie without a hint of shame and then even hit "submit".

The deletion of this comment on Reddit wasn't enough. It should be erased from the universe, along with author.

I said it before, I say it again: Cry me a river, shitcoiner.

Title: Re: Freedom of Speech in the DASH camp much?
Post by: rangedriver on May 27, 2016, 09:21:37 PM

This must be the biggest lie I have ever seen in my entire life.

Good luck with your thesis.