Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: prettybuds on May 27, 2016, 08:22:35 PM

Title: Delusion
Post by: prettybuds on May 27, 2016, 08:22:35 PM
which coin has the most delusional supporters?

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: benthach on May 27, 2016, 08:24:37 PM


Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: r0ach on May 27, 2016, 08:34:16 PM
which coin has the most delusional supporters?

1)  Marinecoin
2)  Zeitcoin
3)  Ethereum
4)  Lisk
5)  Dash
6)  IOTA
7)  Waves

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: Iris Linus on May 27, 2016, 08:35:54 PM
which coin has the most delusional supporters?

1)  Marinecoin
2)  Zeitcoin
3)  Ethereum
4)  Lisk
5)  Dash
6)  IOTA
7)  Waves

Very interesting selection.

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: benthach on May 27, 2016, 08:36:56 PM
which coin has the most delusional supporters?

1)  Marinecoin
2)  Zeitcoin
3)  Ethereum
4)  Lisk
5)  Dash
6)  IOTA
7)  Waves

no monero?

what about this;
1)  Monero
2)  Ethereum
3)  Dash
4)  IOTA
5)  Lisk

this crap waves not qualify yet

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: bapp on May 27, 2016, 08:37:58 PM
which coin has the most delusional supporters?

0) IXCoin
1)  Monero
2)  Marinecoin
3)  Ethereum
4)  Lisk
5)  Dash
6)  IOTA
7)  Waves
8)  Litecoin
9) Bitcoin

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: jwinterm on May 27, 2016, 08:38:17 PM
Lol marinecoin. I'd completely forgotten about that piece of shit.

I'll go with delugecoin for 600, Alex.

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: 50cent_rapper on May 27, 2016, 08:56:22 PM
which coin has the most delusional supporters?

1 ) Monero
2 ) Ethereum
3 ) Lisk
4 ) Dash
5 ) IOTA
6 ) Waves
7 ) Litecoin
8 ) Bitcoin

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: r0ach on May 27, 2016, 09:26:47 PM
which coin has the most delusional supporters?

1)  Marinecoin
2)  Zeitcoin
3)  Ethereum
4)  Lisk
5)  Dash
6)  IOTA
7)  Waves

Very interesting selection.

buying Sterile BTC or Tokens that can not make more of themselves is Pure Speculation.

Example: It is like a farmer buying a herd of cattle that are sterile.

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: bathrobehero on May 28, 2016, 12:58:10 AM
Most ICO coins. Basically crypto illiterate gamblers chasing the BTC/ETH/etc goldrush.

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: Mr Felt on May 28, 2016, 01:47:22 AM

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: kiklo on May 28, 2016, 06:09:18 AM
Every alt coin is priced in Satoshis on the exchanges, if Bitcoin rises and everybody held their coins, the value of alts would go up WITH BTC. And not only that, but if they held them, the alt marketcaps would grow and it would add more value and liquidity to the cryptosphere as a whole.

which coin has the most delusional supporters?

That is a easy one,

BTC has the most Delusional Supporters.  :)

1.  BTC set its all-time high on November 17, 2013 at US$1216.73 on the Mt. Gox exchange.
     Price has only recently moved closer to US$500 , which is still over a 50% loss from almost 3 years ago.
     (If this had been any other coin, we would all be Deaf from the Forum Users screaming BTC is a SHIT coin!)

2.  The Delusional believe the halving will double the price,
     Here is why it won't, Competition from other coins
     Those that are not BTC ZEALOTS (like r0ach) , would just as soon use LTC or Doge or another coin, for the faster speed and lower transaction fees.

3.  Coinbase the Major US Crypto Wallet Provider will soon offer other coins beside BTC, such as LTC and Ethereum.
     This will eat directly into BTC biggest advantage, the fact they were the primary coin used to transfer wealth between the virtual & physical world.
     This will directly weaken BTC main reason to be purchased. (Fiat to Crypto Conversion)

4.   BTC price is already too high to be considered for micro payments anymore.
      So they are also losing that possible utility to other coins.

5.   China now controls over 60% of BTC mining and could 51% attack it on a daily basis if they were so inclined.

6.   BTC is Never Going to Replace VISA , it can barely handle it's current transaction volume.

7.   Myth: Blockchain is going to be a Giant Centralized DataBase for the World storing all data.
      Hate to break it to everyone this is the Biggest Bullshit line, I have ever heard.
      It basically all comes down to resources , are you going to download (currently 70 Gigabytes of blockchain) and keep it synced.
      When they do increase the transaction size , it will grow even faster.
      In comparison , I can download the ENTIRE Encyclopaedia Britannica 2015 version at only 4.2 GB
      Blockchains are not efficient Databases due to the Blockchain Bloat, at some point , any blockchain will be so large, that it's user base will
      demand a new genesis block and a fresh start.

8.   BTC began in January 2009, it is slow & antiquated & too resource intensive compared to almost every new coin.

9.   r0ach thinks it has more value, because a few rich guys & corps are pumping its value,
     the rich guys & corps are controlling the mining & Asics to sell the simple minded a virtual coin for almost $500.
     When it only real value will be as a remittance service for a small volume Globally, which LTC & Doge & Others could easily replace.
     I can transfer $100 of LTC or Doge Faster than BTC at a lower transaction cost, the majority of the world will always chose the lower price option
     especially if it outperforms the more costly option.

10. PoW generation of coins , due to difficulty increases has proven to be a no win situation for All , but the very rich that can game the system with free electricity or early ASIC adoption , so for John Q. Public BTC has no real value to just hold the coin, as he is not privily to insider information that would allow him to trade at a profit.
So for the Public Use , Most will Buy and send BTC , which the person receiving will immediately convert to Fiat or some other coin (like a Proof of Stake where they actually can make more by holding it.)  ;)

Ethereum has the 2nd most Delusional Supporters.  :)

Trying to  make their Blockchain into a Programming Language is beyond Asinine.
It will draw too many resources and other leaner programming languages will always be chosen over it for real work.
Instead of Ethereum it Should be call the Malthusian Catastrophe Coin.

Ethereum’s Blockchain Data Continues to Grow Rapidly in Size
10, May 2016


It is not even a year since the mining of Ethereum’s Ether (ETH) coins has started and due to the short block time and the huge user interest the total size of the blockchain data of Ethereum has already grown huge and continues to grow rapidly. The current size of the Ethereum blockchain data files is already over 16 GB and just about two months ago it was a bit over 9 GB. With the increasing demands for storage to host the full blockchain data as a part of a local wallet or a full network node more users might be switching to online wallets and other services that do not require the user to have a local copy of the data files such as exchanges for example. With more users getting into Ethereum the number of transactions on the network is also growing and by the time when the switch from PoW to PoS phase happens we could even have Ethereum’s blockchain size getting close to that of Bitcoin. If you look only at ETH alone even 20 GB might not be that much, but if you have a local Bitcoin wallet as well as a few other crypto wallets installed on a PC with the full blockchain stored locally you might even start experiencing issues with available free space and things will only get worse with the fast increase of the size of the blockchain data.

@r0ach,   :D
would you like to pretend you have counter arguments or will you be using Humor to mask the fact that the above is accurate , like in most of our encounters.  ;)


Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: ashapasa on May 28, 2016, 09:19:01 AM
Well explained Kiklo, so are you saying all present crypto currency right now are fundamentally flawed due to the block chain ultimately becoming bloated with excessive data? Are they no solution please explain

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: ashapasa on May 28, 2016, 09:20:18 AM
What about ripple will it have the same problem?

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: kiklo on May 28, 2016, 10:00:36 AM
Well explained Kiklo, so are you saying all present crypto currency right now are fundamentally flawed due to the block chain ultimately becoming bloated with excessive data? Are they no solution please explain

Current Flaw in all Crypto is the increasing blockchain.
The Blockspeed & more Transactions stored makes this a more looming issue, normally the faster the block speed the faster the growth of the blockchain.

Only solution so far is a chain swap (usually performed by an exchange) , which would negate any database information stored in the old blockchain as it would not be transferred.

Personally had the idea of something like a running Genesis Block , that say every 3 or 7 years, the coin would automatically create a new genesis block with all of the address and balance amounts, however the closest anyone has come so far is using a block parser to get the addresses and create a new chain, not drop off the old section and only sync from a new genesis , which is what I believe would be optimal.

There is still time to find a solution, except for maybe Ethereum, they are growing an an ever increasing rate faster that any other coin.
So they will have to find a solution within 2 or 3 years or be crushed by their blockchain bloat.

Quick compare , even coins like ZEIT, Mint , & HBN with a fast 30 second block time don't usually add more than ~1 Gigabyte per year.
So we have ~10 to 20 years before we are using 20 gig of hard drive space, so we've still got some time.

BTC is at 70gig now with a 10 minute blockspeed (~7 year old blockchain), and they should grow even faster once they switch to a larger transactions.
Once their is ~ year or so with the bigger blocks, we will have a better feel for their faster growth rate due to larger transaction size.

The bigger blockchains mean less & less people will maintain a blockchain placing more and more control of these coins in the hands of the elite megacorps, that can afford insane amount of drive storage.


Think of it like storing your paper records , if you kept every receipt & every bill , and stored it all , after ~ 7 years it would fill up a garage.
Then you either archive it somewhere else or destroy it to make room for the next 7 years of data.
Because hard drive space like real space is not an unlimited resource , eventually the same thing has to happen with the blockchain , (Archive or Delete).

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: kiklo on May 28, 2016, 10:14:04 AM
What about ripple will it have the same problem?

According to the following they are at 1.5TB already.
and data from , 0-32569 has already been dropped.

Even thru they don't use a blockchain, interesting their Ledger info is bigger than BTC or Ethereum Blockchain.
If their Ledger number continues to increase , they will also have issues, unless at some point it quits growing, but someone with more info on ripple would have to answer that.
Its design may have some security issues , that blockchain based coins don't have , time will tell.



How big is the ripple blockchain? (self.Ripple)

submitted 10 months ago by brighton36

And, is it true that the beginning of the chain (before 32570) is ... missing? How is it that old blocks can be discarded?


sorted by: best

[–]sroose 3 points 10 months ago

Ripple does not work with a blockchain. It works fundamentally different.

Ripple nodes keep a ledger instead of a blockchain. The ledger contains the current state of the network, but no history at all. So basically all balances, trust settings and open offers. Every few seconds, nodes jointly construct an update to the ledger and use the consensus algorithm to agree on the correct new ledger. The last ledger agreed upon is called the Last Closed Ledger.

This does mean that "forks" are not possible. It is however possible for nodes to not disagree. The consensus algorithm luckily has some features that allows the network to cosntruct a new last closed ledger even when not all nodes agree 100%. Controversial parts will then be left out of the new ledger.

Ripple consensus works somewhat less distributed than Bitcoin block verification does. Every node keeps a list of other nodes it discovered (it's UNL or Unique Node List) and also keep a set of the nodes it trusts. When reaching consensus, whenever a node conflicts too much with your node's proposals, it will just be kicked. So this means that when there f.e. is a division between two groups of nodes that have a different implementation (version) and they fundamentally disagree, they will form two separate pools of nodes performing consensus entirely independently. They will have separate ledgers and there are no standard ways to recover other than just overwriting your ledger with the one from the other pool. As a client that does not participate in the consensus process, the ledger you interact with thus depends on the node you trust and you use to get your Ripple information.

So, to answer your question: Ripple nodes are not required to keep history of previously closed ledgers. They only need the Last Closed Ledger and the newly received transactions in order to participate in the consensus process. However, most Ripple nodes do keep a certain amount of historical ledgers in order to provide transaction data to clients that have been offline for some time. The nodes can decide themselves, based on the storage space they have, how much history they want to store.


[–]Sukrim 2 points 10 months ago

The fulll set of node data (ledger headers, inner tree nodes and leaf nodes) is around 1.5 TB at the moment.

Yes, 0-32569 are missing.

Ripple hashes not only transactions but also state, so to get a current view of the network, you only need the most recent ledger, not replay all transactions since genesis (like Bitcoin does for example).


[–]itsnotlupus 1 point 10 months ago

Getting every ledger is a long and slow operations. I don't remember how large it got last time I tried, but it was a respectable size (above 1gb, below 1tb, as a very rough order of magnitude.)

But yes, if you have the patience, you'll see the first few weeks worth of ledgers are just not showing up. Some kind of bug occurred and things got lost. I think a bunch of ledger were rebuilt after the fact, but some of it couldn't be put back together again.

Apparently, that doesn't really break anything, it just means we have no idea what happened in the early days.

Not sure I would trust ripple, due to the above info highlighted in blue.
Reason being a coin needs to hold at least 3 to 7 years of transaction history , in case confirmation is needed by some government authority for legal purposes.
Ripple began in 2012 and lost transaction history in less than 4 years, no I would not really trust them.  

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: ashapasa on May 28, 2016, 10:32:54 AM
Thanks that was helpful

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: sakinaka on May 28, 2016, 10:34:16 AM
1) Bitcoin (it has the biggest userbase, so surely the most delusional users)
2) Ripple
3) Dash
4) Monero

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: troleybüs on May 28, 2016, 10:55:35 AM
Ethereum is definitely in first place by far.
Then Dash, Ripple, Litecoin and all other useless coins.

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: pbleak on May 28, 2016, 10:57:21 AM
Litecoin and Monero are my candidates.

I like DASH, but it's very much a small-ish circle of people.

Anyone buying anything like LISK is an obvious case.

I'd not include BTC or Ether since both have wide enough communities that loses are not so bad.

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: J1mb0 on May 28, 2016, 12:35:09 PM
Delusional supporters do not bother me if they are not annoying, arrogant, aggressive or shady.

For annoying, arrogant, aggressive and shady delusional supporters you need look no further than MONERO..

Just take a look at my trust (all spurious negative feedback from Monero shills) - anyone can be harmlessly commenting on non Monero threads and they, and their shills, pile in and abuse folk for having a different view or opinion. Of course, all their threads are locked and monitored - they would fit in quite nicely in North Korea!  ;D

"You will admit that Monero is not only the best cryptocoin but that it is better than Bitcoin!"

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: rangedriver on May 28, 2016, 01:02:06 PM
Delusional supporters do not bother me if they are not annoying, arrogant, aggressive or shady.

For annoying, arrogant, aggressive and shady delusional supporters you need look no further than MONERO..

Of course, all their threads are locked and monitored - they would fit in quite nicely in North Korea!

Wow this post really sums you Dashtards up.

Now you're even stealing the put-down lines levied against you.

If you're going to try to put down a competing project at least come up with your own analogies.

The documented comparison between Dash and North Korea stems from the fact that the Dash cult is a deeply zombified ignorant userbase that has no industry whatsover outside of it's entire dependence on thy great leader, Evan Duffield, and his million-dollar riches that arose from a self-serving deception.

Its reliance on seemingly large yet otherwise deserted infrastructures, reminiscent of the evacuated white elephants that are 'luxury' North Korean hotels, is matched only by it's relentless inability to digest critical dissent without a propangandesque re-interpretation of such dissents as hate speech.... more recently codified in conjunction with totally banning dissent on its subreddit and duly censoring refutation - all the great hallmarks of an obscenely insane dictatorship with a feckless population that is rapidly vanishing... such as North Korea.

If you must have the creative ineptitude to steal analogies from your rivals, then at least have the decency to ensure that the analogy works in the first place.

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: J1mb0 on May 28, 2016, 09:09:40 PM

Wow this post really sums you Dashtards up.

What a bizzare rant based on the unfounded premise that I am a Dash bag holder.

I will have you know that I do not have a single fraction let alone coin of Dash.

You Monorons get more and more paranoid by the day.  ;D

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: somacoin on May 28, 2016, 09:46:43 PM
1) somacoin

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: rangedriver on May 28, 2016, 10:25:37 PM
What a bizzare rant based on the unfounded premise that I am a Dash bag holder.

You Monorons get more and more paranoid by the day.  ;D

“Strange how paranoia can link up with reality now and then.” - Philip K. Dick

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: J1mb0 on May 29, 2016, 11:27:46 AM
What a bizzare rant based on the unfounded premise that I am a Dash bag holder.

You Monorons get more and more paranoid by the day.  ;D

“Strange how paranoia can link up with reality now and then.” - Philip K. Dick

Yes. If you bothered to include the Spam abuse the Monerons initiated and left for me you would have enlightened the thread. It is not paranoia to react to bullying and threats.

I deleted my negative feedback for Smoothie as it appears he has deleted the same for me.

smooth ???: -1 / +7   2015-04-11   0.00000000   Reference   Promoter of the Bytecoin BCN fraudulent premine scam. Also, negative trust left against me by this scammer claims "risked BTC = 10" but we have never had any dealings where BTC was placed at risk; trust abuse.
MikeCorleone ???: -1 / +3   2015-04-09   0.00000000   Reference   Something smells rotten with the Bytecoin BCN altcoin scam. All the sudden new accounts are obviously shills. Stay very far away, man.
dnaleor ???: -1 / +2   2015-04-09   0.00000000   Reference   bytecoin scammer
fluffypony ???: -1 / +2   2015-04-03   0.00000000   Reference   Continues to perpetuate the Bytecoin scam (~82% of the coins were mined before it was publicly revealed)

Actually, this is what the Monerons do;
They initiate aggressive, threatening and abusive behaviour - spamming and abusing unrelated unmoderated threads, piling in with their shills and sock puppets to make it appear that the argument/world view is purely on their side, abusing trust, starting dozens of placeholder/useless threads and perpetually bumping them to the front page etc etc etc.

Whenever they are challanged on this behaviour they, en mass, accuse the accuser of the very same abuse. They believe that sheer weight of sock puppets and persistence sets the 'Truth' of who started what. Unfortunately this tactic seemed to work for a very long time.

Ring any bells? Maybe they are based in Riverside County, California.

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: NattyLiteCoin on May 29, 2016, 12:39:34 PM
Completely agree with LTC, I mean who would invest $10mil for nextgen mining chips for that piece of fuck?

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: Febo on May 29, 2016, 12:50:57 PM
lol @J1mb0   you were caught with your fingers in the marmalade, but you as usually still bla bla bla bla bla bla bla. I realy dont get you Dashers.

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: J1mb0 on May 29, 2016, 01:31:56 PM
lol @J1mb0   you were caught with your fingers in the marmalade, but you as usually still bla bla bla bla bla bla bla. I realy dont get you Dashers.

Are you being ironic and affecting a delusional stance just for this thread? My post clearly shows that I was spammed by Monerons before I retaliated.

You need to take Ceti's kind advice and calm down!  ;D

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: BitcoinHodler on May 29, 2016, 01:41:14 PM
it is always changing, you an never find a coin that can keep a lot of users on its hook for a long time because sooner or later everybody will find out about the truth and give it up.

also you can dump your premine ico ipo so many times on the delusional supporters for so long before they realize this ;D

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: Febo on May 29, 2016, 01:47:08 PM
Person cant be spammed. you were spamming this forum and still does.
let me translate you what is on last few posts here:

rangedriver said you are well known Dash shill
J1mb0 demanded that.
rangedriver posted your reputation where you gave positive reputation to Dash preminers ( possibly your main acount)  and give negative to Monero to sem well known Monero supporters.
J1mb0  altho was caught with fingers in marmelade, wrote post full of delusions and acted like all is fine.

Simple act that was played numerous times last 2 years here about basiclly just everything.

wrong is right
bad is good
premine is perfect
black is brighter then white

That is what dashers do.

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: J1mb0 on May 29, 2016, 04:44:55 PM
J1mb0  altho was caught with fingers in marmelade, wrote post full of delusions and acted like all is fine

You really are, actually a very sick and damaged human being. Please get some help.

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: d5000 on May 29, 2016, 05:56:47 PM
All bagholders of clone-coins that think that they will be the next big thing are delusional. (And yes, I would include Litecoin here.)

The only thing these bagholders can do is wait for a single price spike (because of some unimportant reason like "getting added by Poloniex", etc). But they must have good reactions and get out fast when the high is near. The probability that they will never see again that price is >90%.

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: kiklo on May 29, 2016, 10:25:51 PM
All bagholders of clone-coins that think that they will be the next big thing are delusional. (And yes, I would include Litecoin here.)

The only thing these bagholders can do is wait for a single price spike (because of some unimportant reason like "getting added by Poloniex", etc). But they must have good reactions and get out fast when the high is near. The probability that they will never see again that price is >90%.

All PoW based bagholders can do is what you mentioned above.

All Proof of Stake Users have more options,

1. They can keep their principle amount and sell only their stake on a reoccurring basis ,
    This means they can always cash out a little but save their principle amount for a time when they can make a profit selling.

Proof of Stake is the only way to make money in the long run , buying Sterile BTC or Tokens that can not make more of themselves is Pure Speculation.

Example: It is like a farmer buying a herd of cattle that are sterile. He only makes money if the market is higher when he has to sell, if the market is down when he has to sell , he just wasted his Time & Money, where if he buys a herd of cattle that can produce Offspring, he is able to keep his original amount of cattle and sell off any excess , therefore giving him a
Lifetime of Revenue verses a One-time Completely Speculative Time Sensitive Investment


Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: Viecoin on May 29, 2016, 11:07:00 PM

1)  Marinecoin
2)  Zeitcoin
3)  Eth
4)  Dao
5)  Dash

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: JPred on May 30, 2016, 08:40:24 AM

The coin with the most supporters (of the more or less 632 cryptocoins out there) is also the coin with the most delusional supporters. We (crypto fans) are all delusional according to google definition of delusion:

an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder.

The vast majority of peeps in the world today generally don't accept cryptocurrency as currency at all.

Welcome to the club!

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: bapp on June 18, 2016, 10:00:14 AM
which coin has the most delusional supporters?

0) IXCoin
1)  Monero
2)  Marinecoin
3)  Ethereum
4)  Lisk
5)  Dash
6)  IOTA
7)  Waves
8 )  Litecoin
9) Bitcoin


1 ) IXCoin
2 ) Ethereum
3 )  Monero
4 )  Marinecoin
5 )  Lisk
6 )  Dash
7 )  IOTA
8 )  Waves
9 )  Litecoin
10 ) Bitcoin

all the other coins don't even get a mention (too irrelevant)

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: Spoetnik on June 18, 2016, 10:09:32 AM
Well explained Kiklo, so are you saying all present crypto currency right now are fundamentally flawed due to the block chain ultimately becoming bloated with excessive data? Are they no solution please explain

Actually he is wrong.

He said it won't double their money ?

Look at the price charts..
It has recently gone from $400'ish to $700+ with $800 fast approaching !

And what he does not tell you is he advocates tons and tons of shitty ICO coins.
As that BETTER than what Bitcoin offers ?


He actually thinks and has said the more the better with Altcoins.

THAT IS FUCKING DELUSIONAL ! can all talk shit about the King of Crypto but at the end of the day..
Monero is worth $000.25 cents and Bitcoin is worth $750.00 a coin
Put THAT into perspective LOL

/end of debate.

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: greenuser on June 18, 2016, 10:31:26 AM
Delusion or not.  I love ethereum. My wallet is fatter for it.  I could see ethereum was a ponzi!  But I love a good ponzi.  
I started solo mining eth on 1st of April (April fools day), I hit two blocks in the first 36 hours.
I made ROI for my rig and electric costs in just 40 days.  I then pool mined up until last weekend when I decided to sell all my eth for Btc  (@ ~0.024btc pre eth) shut my rig down and sit back and watched it all happen.


So I won't have a bad thing said about VB, I want to kiss him.  I bet he wish he had not dropped out of collage now though.  :D

This volatility is where we make our money.  I currently have an eth position of 119 finney (0.119eth)
If Eth goes to $2... I will buy “a little” and look to sell it before the next crest ($18) or.... lose “a little” if it fails.

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: kiklo on June 18, 2016, 10:38:08 AM
Well explained Kiklo, so are you saying all present crypto currency right now are fundamentally flawed due to the block chain ultimately becoming bloated with excessive data? Are they no solution please explain

Actually he is wrong.

He said it won't double their money ?

Look at the price charts..
It has recently gone from $400'ish to $700+ with $800 fast approaching !

And what he does not tell you is he advocates tons and tons of shitty ICO coins.
As that BETTER than what Bitcoin offers ?


He actually thinks and has said the more the better with Altcoins.

THAT IS FUCKING DELUSIONAL ! can all talk shit about the King of Crypto but at the end of the day..
Monero is worth $000.25 cents and Bitcoin is worth $750.00 a coin
Put THAT into perspective LOL

/end of debate.

We really need to get this straight, I an an advocate for Proof of Stake verses Proof of Work,
if you are going to keep talking about me the least you can do is get your facts straight.

What gets me , is we all know this is a manufactured pump,
hell, the halving has not even happened yet and all of the BTC zealots are beating their chests like that is it game over.

1st off , its not game over ,
The only thing that will happen is BTC will lose market share as some alts are priced out of the BTC markets.
All of those satoshi that used to be bidding on an alt , won't have a home, which means either an investor has to sit on it praying it goes up, or it will fall back in the general market and decrease your precious price.
Alts will just move to LTC & doge Markets.

You Spoetnik Pointed out there is a monthly price drop for BTC every month, it has not happened yet for this month.
Don't expect the BTC price to hold when it does.

But if you want to be serious call the exact price and time people should sell to get maximum value of fiat.
I sure  they would appreciate it, me personally through I don't care, I spent all of my extra on ZEIT.


One thing you fail to see is that BTC has priced itself right out of the micro-transaction market, and this recent pump will remove a lot of alts from it also.
It is losing market not gaining, so it will be worse off after this artificial pump than before.  ;)
Also don't forget it is still not even near it's all time high of  US$1216.73 on 17 November 2013  .
Sucky investment the way I see it. ~ 3 years ago and those buyers (from near that date) are still in the hole.
That is the Problem with Time Sensitive Investments.
Yet today so many BTC shrills act like it is the 2nd coming, Its not!

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: Vlad2Vlad on June 19, 2016, 12:24:57 PM
it is always changing, you an never find a coin that can keep a lot of users on its hook for a long time because sooner or later everybody will find out about the truth and give it up.

also you can dump your premine ico ipo so many times on the delusional supporters for so long before they realize this ;D

So what would you call a coin that's had loyal followers for over 5 years, has never been pumped and dumped and never had the premine sold? 

Ya'll assholes need to riddle me that!  ;)

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: PoolMinor on June 19, 2016, 05:16:20 PM
2> Gamecoin
3> ORB
4> XRP
5> ETH
6> DAO

5 and 6 could be interchangeable.

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: Vaccinus on June 19, 2016, 05:17:23 PM
ethereum i think and the dao

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: Vlad2Vlad on June 19, 2016, 06:50:00 PM

I can't believe nobody has thought of ShitCoin.  About to get added to an exchange and people do think it can do well.  That's as crazy & delusional as it can get.  :D

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: GreenBits on June 19, 2016, 07:05:11 PM
In response to Kiklo (was too much to quote), the current price hike in btc is a legitimate response to the halving. And won't price out. I would think it would be gaining market share, ESP since the value from eth is trickling back into btc.

Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: kiklo on June 19, 2016, 09:41:05 PM
In response to Kiklo (was too much to quote), the current price hike in btc is a legitimate response to the halving. And won't price out. I would think it would be gaining market share, ESP since the value from eth is trickling back into btc.

Time will tell, the BTC from the Australian auction will be available for dumping either next week or later.
If BTC can hold its over $750 price for 30 days, then it may be its new level, but personally I sincerely doubt it.  :)
Problem is we have no way of knowing where the eth money will flow, the majority may go to fiat , which helps no crypto.


Title: Re: Delusion
Post by: Vlad2Vlad on June 19, 2016, 09:49:02 PM

Time will tell, the BTC from the Australian auction will be available for dumping either next week or later.
If BTC can hold its over $750 price for 30 days, then it may be its new level, but personally I sincerely doubt it.  :)
Problem is we have no way of knowing where the eth money will flow, the majority may go to fiat , which helps no crypto.


The ETH money should flow mostly into alts.  The top alts then probably flow into the cheaper alts.  But Bitcoin should continue higher as long as there's no attack on the network.