Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Searing on May 31, 2016, 01:31:31 AM

Title: What happens if China cracks down on BTC/CRYPTO & in what forms?
Post by: Searing on May 31, 2016, 01:31:31 AM

With the surge in Chinese capital pouring out of China, what are the likely measures China
Will take to curb this outpouring of capital flight?

Also your senarios of how mild to far reaching such actions may be taken and how likely they are to
limit or curtail this outpouring of capital out of China?

See the poll on odds of these actions having no effect to big effect on BTC/CRYPTO capital
out flow from China.


Title: Re: What happens if China cracks down on BTC/CRYPTO & in what forms?
Post by: AgentofCoin on May 31, 2016, 03:11:06 AM
With the surge in Chinese capital pouring out of China, what are the likely measures China
Will take to curb this outpouring of capital flight?

None. It is the Chinese elite who are using bitcoin to flee.
They would only attempt to control/ban when it is the average citizen trying to flee.

Title: Re: What happens if China cracks down on BTC/CRYPTO & in what forms?
Post by: CIYAM on May 31, 2016, 03:16:05 AM
There was a list of ten ways that Chinese move capital (published by a respected world authority) and Bitcoin was at the bottom and by far the least significant (not even 1% of 1% from memory).

So if they aren't cracking down on the other 9 methods then why would you expect them to do so for the least used one?

In the past though (back in 2013) they did prevent depositing of RMB into Chinese exchanges so that could well appear again if the price soars upwards.

Title: Re: What happens if China cracks down on BTC/CRYPTO & in what forms?
Post by: Evildrum on May 31, 2016, 03:22:32 AM
Not sold on China ever fully cracking down on money leaving China. Their own government is spreading money around the world in the same fashion,so its hard to imagine a full on clamp.

The issue China faces is any of these deals that are meant to enclose them and cut them off from the world going through. Then they have a problem but thats far down the pipe.

If anything China government muscles in on the action and takes it over.