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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Hamukione on June 02, 2016, 07:16:50 AM

Title: What is it about Theists needing to say Atheist has a god?
Post by: Hamukione on June 02, 2016, 07:16:50 AM
Like really...

Its all the damn time..

"You cant believe in Science or Nothing."
"You must believe in something".


I dont give a shit about how we got here. (Would be cool to know but I dont need to search everyday for answers)

Why is it especially Muslims cant accept people not being a theist.

Why do you feel entitled to say what I have and dont have... Just because you think a sky daddy is around.

Title: Re: What is it about Theists needing to say Atheist has a god?
Post by: Foxpup on June 02, 2016, 07:57:20 AM
It's because they've been brainwashed into believing that all atheists are sinners, thieves, adulterers, rapists, or worse. They are literally incapable of imagining a person being good with God. Therefore anyone who claims to be an atheist but is actually a good person must clearly be lying or deluded. No other explanation will satisfy those trapped in this way of thinking.

Religious leaders perform this brainwashing because the very idea that morality can come from somewhere other than religion is a threat to their business. People would leave religion in droves if they found out the truth.

Title: Re: What is it about Theists needing to say Atheist has a god?
Post by: Hamukione on June 02, 2016, 08:28:21 AM
It's because they've been brainwashed into believing that all atheists are sinners, thieves, adulterers, rapists, or worse. They are literally incapable of imagining a person being good with God. Therefore anyone who claims to be an atheist but is actually a good person must clearly be lying or deluded. No other explanation will satisfy those trapped in this way of thinking.

Religious leaders perform this brainwashing because the very idea that morality can come from somewhere other than religion is a threat to their business. People would leave religion in droves if they found out the truth.

Like when Danish priests asked the athiest movement in Denmark why there were only religous foundations that did charity.. The short answer was.. "Why do we need a new foundation when we work freely with you?"

Then it went silent and it was never heard from again.

Religous people/institutions should be sacked so they dont have political power.
Either you choose the church or the political world.

Cant mix the shit together.

Title: Re: What is it about Theists needing to say Atheist has a god?
Post by: Moloch on June 02, 2016, 02:33:33 PM
Its really only a few brainwashed theists who say this... the problem is that they wont shut up

Some theists are mad that atheists show them the truth of their religion (lies, inaccuracies, inconsistencies, etc)

They feel the best way to attack atheists is to lie about us... if they repeat this lie enough times, perhaps someone will believe it

Its blind bigotry... hatred of someone they do not understand... and refuse to understand... they don't want to understand atheists... that's the point

Religitards have no interest in the truth or reality... they want to believe in some fantasy land - full of gods and demons and angels and miracles... shit that isn't real... so they have no problem believing more lies... to them its all the same... it's fantasy/reality intertwined

Title: Re: What is it about Theists needing to say Atheist has a god?
Post by: Buffer Overflow on June 02, 2016, 03:39:39 PM
Obviously Atheists don't believe in God that's the whole point. It's only a tiny speck of unimportant theists that spew that sort of nonsense, mainly to get a reaction from Atheists, but also because their own faith is weak and they hope to spread doubt to others.

Title: Re: What is it about Theists needing to say Atheist has a god?
Post by: BADecker on June 02, 2016, 07:21:19 PM
It's just that everybody (in general) wants to be truthful... except atheists about the fact that there is a God over all.


Title: Re: What is it about Theists needing to say Atheist has a god?
Post by: Hamukione on June 02, 2016, 07:30:44 PM
It's just that everybody (in general) wants to be truthful... except atheists about the fact that there is a God over all.


Prove it.

Give me scientific evidence that is good enough to create a theory that can be tested so much that we can only conclude with 99.9% that it is correct.

Title: Re: What is it about Theists needing to say Atheist has a god?
Post by: Novep on June 02, 2016, 11:51:56 PM
I've been dealing with this kind of shit for so long now and I just choose to ignore them. I mean, everytime I explain to them why I don't believe with their so called God, together with all the possiblities that the world has and trying to explain this and that and I'm always ending up being shut because they will keep o askin the same question over an over like seriously. The universe is such a wide place for people who only belives in their almighty God! There are so many things to consider and not believing in someone or something is completely normal.

Title: Re: What is it about Theists needing to say Atheist has a god?
Post by: Evildrum on June 03, 2016, 12:28:02 AM
It's just that everybody (in general) wants to be truthful... except atheists about the fact that there is a God over all.


I will bite..

If the OP is stating he does not care,how is he being untruthful? It implies that he knows better that there is a god but no one can know for sure what one believes. I do not care either,if the lights go out and I need to pay the rent for living in sin so be it. Till I see it,I do not believe it and think its a lot to ask people to believe in something they can not,unable to or choosing not to see.

Title: Re: What is it about Theists needing to say Atheist has a god?
Post by: BADecker on June 03, 2016, 01:44:46 AM
It's just that everybody (in general) wants to be truthful... except atheists about the fact that there is a God over all.


I will bite..

If the OP is stating he does not care,how is he being untruthful? It implies that he knows better that there is a god but no one can know for sure what one believes. I do not care either,if the lights go out and I need to pay the rent for living in sin so be it. Till I see it,I do not believe it and think its a lot to ask people to believe in something they can not,unable to or choosing not to see.

Theists know God exists because they can see Him in the machinery of nature, because science tells them so, because they feel Him in their hearts. They don't know many of the attributes of God, or that the things that God tell us are true or false. Rather, they accept these things on faith. They believe that God isn't lying, or they believe they understand some of His attributes.

Atheists know God exists because they can see Him in the machinery of nature, because science tells them so, because they feel Him in their hearts. Then they attempt to believe He doesn't exist. Doesn't make a lick of sense.

Theists don't talk about God all the time, and atheists don't push the idea that He doesn't exist all the time. But there are times that we all have the urge to express the things we know and believe. Both of us can ignore the other if we want. The world is quite big. We can close the door on our private property and drown out the noise... if we want. We aren't required to follow our curiosity just to see what someone on the other side has to say this time.


Title: Re: What is it about Theists needing to say Atheist has a god?
Post by: Moloch on June 03, 2016, 02:41:33 AM
Atheists know God exists because they can see Him in the machinery of nature, because science tells them so, because they feel Him in their hearts

That must be why 95% of scientists are atheists

Do you EVER say anything that is actually true?

Title: Re: What is it about Theists needing to say Atheist has a god?
Post by: Foxpup on June 03, 2016, 04:06:04 AM
Atheists know God exists because they can see Him in the machinery of nature, because science tells them so, because they feel Him in their hearts. Then they attempt to believe He doesn't exist. Doesn't make a lick of sense.
You're wrong. I can't see Him in the machinery of nature, science tells me not, and I don't feel Him in my heart. Believing He doesn't exist requires no concerted attempt on my part. Why would you even presume to know what other people can see and feel? Doesn't make a lick of sense.

Title: Re: What is it about Theists needing to say Atheist has a god?
Post by: Hamukione on June 03, 2016, 06:12:48 AM
Atheists know God exists because they can see Him in the machinery of nature, because science tells them so, because they feel Him in their hearts. Then they attempt to believe He doesn't exist. Doesn't make a lick of sense.

Wut... Sounds more like a crazy stalker that you need to stay away from.

Title: Re: What is it about Theists needing to say Atheist has a god?
Post by: Buffer Overflow on June 03, 2016, 06:49:31 AM
Do you [BADlogic] EVER say anything that is actually true?
It would be an extremely rare occurance for a snakeoil salesperson to exercise the truth.

And what's he selling? He trying to sell the idea that atheism = theism, which is of course, absurd.

Title: Re: What is it about Theists needing to say Atheist has a god?
Post by: andloveme on June 03, 2016, 07:01:49 AM
If one has a belief in any God then great for them. It's when their God thinks that everyone else should should follow the same path is where I have a major problem. When beliefs become forced, then it ceases to be productive. Every Atheist I know doesn't go around saying that you shouldn't believe in whichever God you believe in. They believe that no God exists, and will only debate when confronted; a debate that never has a winner, by the way. I find an Atheist more magnanimous in his tolerance than most every other belief system. A close second is maybe Judaism. Oh, there are the well known Atheists who are vocal about their stand, but I've never met them. I don't think I've ever seen a Jew standing on a corner and trying to win souls or telling anyone that they are going to some evil place if they don't believe the way they do.

Title: Re: What is it about Theists needing to say Atheist has a god?
Post by: Foxpup on June 03, 2016, 10:51:39 AM
And what's he selling?
He's selling Christianity. Badly.

He trying to sell the idea that atheism = theism, which is of course, absurd.
It's not absurd at all. Stop thinking like a reasonable person and start thinking like a preacher. If you can convince people that atheists don't really exist and that anyone who claims to be one is a liar and not to be trusted, they'll be less likely to leave your church. The truth or even logical consistency of your arguments is irrelevant to your goal.

But BADecker's no preacher (or if he is, he's one of the worst I've seen). A preacher knows he can't convert an atheist by calling him a liar to his face, and employs somewhat less stupid arguments. But the brainwashed masses don't know that. They just repeat the same lines they heard in church then wonder why nobody takes them seriously.

Title: Re: What is it about Theists needing to say Atheist has a god?
Post by: Lethn on June 03, 2016, 11:23:31 AM
It gets even worse if you're an Anarchist like me and won't worship their God even if theoretically we could prove he existed, their heads can't wrap around the idea because they think "Oh Athiests are just saying that because they're arrogant and think they know everything about the spiritual world" type bollocks. Yet you have somebody like me who says they don't give a fuck either way and you can see them having a mental meltdown through their posts.

I don't have too much of an issue with people who simply choose that life as long as they aren't hurting anybody, but you're right, a lot of these people are simply brainwashed into their beliefs which is why they have such a hard time dealing with people like us and just resort to attacks when we actually try and get them to answer important questions. It is indeed Muslims who are the worst, but that's because a lot of them will be from the middle east where they're still in the fucking dark ages when it comes to information and learning.

Christians have been slowly rolled back on a lot of issues thanks to science and freedom of speech, but Imams and Saudi Princes still rule the middle east where a lot of Muslims travel back and forth from which is why you get people with engineering degrees going on a Jihad if they stay there for a long time and because we're not 'allowed' to criticise Islam in public there's very little that can be done without being ostracised in the west.