Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining => Topic started by: jallen1000 on June 11, 2011, 08:49:35 AM

Title: Mining with 2 different cards
Post by: jallen1000 on June 11, 2011, 08:49:35 AM
Hello Everyone,

I am curious to know how one would go about mining with a 5870, and a 6950 on the same board. How would you set up an overclock utility to oc them both seperately? Is there a way to do this? Does it matter if they are not crossfire'd?

I am using windows 7 x64.

Thanks, any help is very much appreciated!

Title: Re: Mining with 2 different cards
Post by: Waltibaba on June 11, 2011, 09:25:09 AM
Hi, I have a similar setup, and I have to admit it was VERY challenging to set up. My rig: 6950 unlocked, and just got a 5830 for mining. Before the 5830 I got ~405 MH/s off my 6950, using overdrive only, stock voltage, clocks at 950/1250 and power control at +20.

Reinstalled the drivers for the 5830 now, so I dont have the OC range from the modded overdrive anymore, therefore I use MSI Afterburner atm. 925/350 stock voltage on 6950 and 988/315 stock on 5830. 6950 only gives out 355MH/s now though :'( , but in total its worth it I think.

In order to get afterburner to give you the OC range, go to the install location, and modify the afterburner.cfg file like so:
Find the line "UnofficialOverclockingEULA" and replace it and the following line with this:

UnofficialOverclockingEULA   = I confirm that I am aware of unofficial overclocking limitations and fully understand that MSI will not provide me any support on it
UnofficialOverclockingMode   = 1

Taken directly from my config.

Hope I helped you, I know I could have used this kinda help hahaha. PM me, or post if you need anything, I'm subbing thread.

Title: Re: Mining with 2 different cards
Post by: jallen1000 on June 11, 2011, 02:58:49 PM
Thank you very much for your reply! You did help me out :) I have a 6950 (unlocked to 6970) and i can get a 5870 for really cheap. It looks like i should probably go ahead and get one hey? Even though msi won't clock the cards individually?

Thanks again,


Title: Re: Mining with 2 different cards
Post by: Waltibaba on June 13, 2011, 11:40:59 PM
Sure, I'm happy to help! My mobo just broke down (not due to mining) but I managed to get the setup working with Catalyst overclock on the 6950 and Rivatuner low-level OC on the 5830. That way there was no need for afterburner and the instability at high OCs that comes with it. In the end I was putting out 405MH/s + 280MH/s !!! Then I moved the PC, plugged it in again, and I assume static or the missing ground connection in my wall socket killed it.
Good luck!