Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: Emerge on June 10, 2016, 12:43:56 PM

Title: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: Emerge on June 10, 2016, 12:43:56 PM
Anyone have an idea and/or working product, but needs a co-founder or partner for graphics, marketing, front-end development?
I can help out with that. I've got an off shore Dedicated Server with 1TB HDD 16GB RAM and unmetered bandwidth.

I'm also starting to learn meteorJS at, and I've pretty much been using the dedi for a bitcoin node and a development environment for
my practice projects on meteor so.. If anyone would want to partner up with me, please hit me up with what you wanna do and let's talk.

JM Erestain

Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: eternalgloom on June 10, 2016, 01:42:34 PM
What kind of project are you thinking about? I have some experience in web development, but don't have any idea's that are good enough to build a project around...

Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: Emerge on June 11, 2016, 05:45:44 PM
What kind of project are you thinking about? I have some experience in web development, but don't have any idea's that are good enough to build a project around...

I'm still looking around.
I can host and be part of multiple projects as well by the way

Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: crazyivan on June 11, 2016, 07:15:38 PM
Dont do that. Specialisation s very important in business. Focusing on several projects at the same time lowers quality big time. I do have a nice idea, however, not inclined to reveal it unless I do have one of two team members ready to work. Web development is a must have.

Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: Emerge on June 12, 2016, 03:05:39 AM
Dont do that. Specialisation s very important in business. Focusing on several projects at the same time lowers quality big time. I do have a nice idea, however, not inclined to reveal it unless I do have one of two team members ready to work. Web development is a must have.

Well do you have your team members or do I have a slot to join? Always interested.

Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: nukedrabbit on June 12, 2016, 04:19:42 PM
I am a Backend/Frontend web developer... I know HTML, CSS, PHP, JS and am a fast learner.
I like backend a lot more than frontend as I am not creative.

Let's get a project going: Add me on skype, nuked_rabbit
Let's get a group together.

Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: Gleb Gamow on June 12, 2016, 09:29:29 PM
À la, I'm currently working on the biggest project of them all, seeking team members for all positions including CEOs (plural) since I'm just its founder knowing damn well that I would not be able to fill said role(s) accordingly like an experienced CEO et al. would.

How big, you wonder but are afraid to ask? Big enough to conceptualize a reality show centered around the project from its nascent stage to fruition - and beyond - mostly located in Nashville, TN, with the former Tennessee State Prison ( being the ambitious prize.

Team members would have a good shot of being on the reality show if produced. Of course, the stronger the team, the better the shot of having such manifested, with the worse case scenario being that there's no show, but a mega crypto-based endeavor will have spouted its legs in carrying it forward thanks, in part, to early members who will be amply rewarded.

Hit me up if anybody's interest via PM or on this thread that's now on my scantly Watch List.

Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: Emerge on July 05, 2016, 12:56:53 AM
I've taken up Gleb's offer but I guess I'm still looking for people who are looking for a co founder or partner to their bitcoin startup

Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: JohnXJ on July 05, 2016, 08:48:17 AM
Hi guys!  :)

Nice to meet you!! I already covered the hosting!

I am rebuilding an old e-coin at the moment (since Yesterday) from scratch. Only the great name will be in use!

The previous developer(s) (who i dont know) ran away from it at some point although it was somehow live in 2014!! and even listed..

But I think they drowned in it..  it can still be forked from Github.. Anyone seeing some potential? otherwise I will cut it and and we could rebuild it in Ethereum.

PS I also got a hold of their Twitter account  (old email addresses reloaded) PS no hidden agenda here!!

Who is in??  send me an PM so we can get together in a "dev" group and start developing for our future!

Thanks   ;)

Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: CTO@MyBitMine on July 05, 2016, 10:26:04 AM
Dont do that. Specialisation s very important in business. Focusing on several projects at the same time lowers quality big time. I do have a nice idea, however, not inclined to reveal it unless I do have one of two team members ready to work. Web development is a must have.

Hey crazyIvan, I'm looking to start a project. I'm based in the UK and have experience with the usual frontend and backend languages as well as NodeJS. Let me know if you are interested to have a chat :)

Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: 2c0de on July 05, 2016, 05:52:44 PM
Hello all, I am not Dorian

It's always fun to develop something :D (

Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: qsypoq on July 05, 2016, 10:23:09 PM
Just here to drop some ideas :
- Youtube like plateform but open source and allowing creator to earn money, while the plateform focus on privacy concern
- Non intrusive and pricavy friendly ads system.
All the payout done in BTC

Some contents creators really care about the privacy of their users and will be happy to see something like that :)

Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: YuTü on July 05, 2016, 11:26:56 PM
Just here to drop some ideas :
- Youtube like plateform but open source and allowing creator to earn money, while the plateform focus on privacy concern
- Non intrusive and pricavy friendly ads system.
All the payout done in BTC

Some contents creators really care about the privacy of their users and will be happy to see something like that :)

There's already one or two YouTube-esque platforms currently available allowing creators to earn via mostly Bitcoin having varied degree of success.

The post above - - by YuTubopolis' founder presents a platform advantageous for both YouTube creators and cryptocurrency enthusiasts, our main thread here:

YuTü.Ç is being rebranded as YuTubopolis, perhaps scaling back the ÇoinProŁite (ÇPŁ) and YuTüÇoin (YTÇ) aspects, the former originally conceived as a kickstarting mechanism for our endeavor, and would duly work hand-in-hand with any entity opting to pursue either or both altcoins.

YuTubopolis' goal of commoditizing YouTube creators' brands remains intact.

Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: arunka71 on July 06, 2016, 08:47:14 PM
Are you interested in tradebots? I can do backend, but I'm a poor UI dev.

Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: Enabler on July 12, 2016, 04:34:15 AM
Blockchain developers, ethereum smart contract? or hyperledger?

I've got ideas for daze... err days!

I'd start with a ticketing tag along app for ticketmaster/eventbrite once your done creating your ticketed event (/me waves to eventbrite crew...) it scripts data into a ethereium app,... that blockchain verifies and distribues pay to artist/muscians, promoters, ticket sellers, venues, advertisers, and all the people inbetween... Augmented reality, blockchain verification, geo tagging, media distribution, meet the talent via teleconferencing, and here we go pokemon ;-) w/ no dmca uploading interference? mmhm maybe...

for the sake of over simplifying thing ^ err over complicating things \/

What about scoping the smart contracts necessary to govern a website, or a physical location/group of people... The manifestations of an open source decentralized consensus governed self sustainable city/ship?

Digital/physical message boards?
What about NPC's from video games meet vending machines... on the blockchain providing utilities and merchandise sales
worldgaming/virgin gaming, video game betting on consoles
heres some tidbits of tonight rambelings... and something thatll manifest over time:

The Manifestations Project Road Map
by: Jeffery Ferguson Jr. (aka J Phoenix, Project leader)

PROJECT OVERVIEW BACKGROUND Katalyst Country Club is a neighbourhood demonstrating best practice in community development and rural regeneration, a self sustainable open source blockchain based model of society . It is being developed by Ferguson & Associates, along with The Manifestations Inc., Katalyst Country Club LLC. and a host of subsidiary companies. Seeking non profit status and working as an international NGO. The project is a mixed use development with a strong emphasis on economic, social and environmental sustainability. The ecovillage contains about a dozen business models which are involved in the provision of education and training on various aspects of sustainability. These businesses, and the events which they organise, are generally located in the French Corral, Grass Valley, Nevada County, California, USA. Currently a 600 acre plot of land extending into over 2000 available acres. Currently one building, an 1853 Historical Wells Fargo building which is a generally the only standing structure after the fires and abandonment in the early 1900’s. The future of this area is a small town of 12 sectors divided into the 7 chakra centers, 5 elements and the 13 autonomous non denominational consensus based community center. Each company, client and event will lead to these businesses invoicing each other, sometimes for transactions that essentially cancel each other out, creating a significant administrative burden. From the governing aspects to business to business and peer to peer transactions. Further information on the project can be found at

AIM OF PROJECT This project seeks to explore the role that blockchain apps, such as smart contracts on Ethereum, as well as how bitcoin might play in achieving administrative benefits for exchanges between our communities organisations. We intend to be forward looking into ripple and hyperledger. In particular, we seek to simplify administrative work by establishing a mutual credit system based on the Ethereum blockchain, on a pilot basis.

OUTLINE PROJECT FUNCTIONALITY The resulting technology will allow those organising an event to agree what level of payment will accrue to each individual business, to confirm that the goods and services contracted for have been satisfactorily delivered, and as a result to automatically process the transfer of virtual currency to individual accounts.

Example: Contract Creator (me) hires developer (you) who creates a End User License Agreement verified by attorney (soon to be, artificial intelligent attorneies that will fwd you all references for you to scroll, check as read and choose to save as read and agreed to, with automatic pop up fed from blockchain anytime there is an update) this will be programmed into check a database of rules and regulations. With signature checkmarks, like mortgages/banking..
Developer creates app, app api plugs into existing websites and apps. So when you submit on existing websites you can go through a blockchain hosted site and get all synched up.

App on phone or web, acts as blockchain wallet (tethers into unocoin?) or not? Or does it work like pokemon go? Hmm web 3.0 browsers like mist? how does this work...

Ticketing website such as or
Has an event where you choose time, location, amount of tickets, website, qr code, etc..
I’d like to add a plugin for uploads flyer, images, audio, video, has the ability to connect to teleconferencing solution such as google hangouts/skype/snapchat, etc..
Digital advertising attaches to flyer, ticket, etc… via augmented reality. Provides advertisement opportunity, pushes it out out to the blockchain people can bid on what they would pay for users to see content. Creator can choose their pre selected advertisement, or accept a bid, or tether into something like google adwords/adsense
Promoters register with app, take flyer to location, register geo-location with photo register they posted it, meet with owner of location sign them up on revenue sharing affiliate program.
Now if someone goes up to flyer and puts phone on it, augmented reality plays music of each band, a video of the musicians or talent/speaker, and the ability to connect with the hosts, or the talent directly for money… while being fed advertisements… the content stored on the block? Torrent? Bitcoin shared to the poster, landowner, talent, host, promoter, company, etc… so now flyers become physical repository of stored data, that sells tickets to events, spreads awareness campaigns, connects people live with the talent, shares revenues… I could utilize some help breaking this down better =) and some sleep!

Existing Blockchain apps, and their integration or our own creation: anyone got references to other blockchain reputation systems ?
The Fabriq app is a shared ownership social network for beaming and accepting reputation tokens, or reps. The more you beam, the more reps that you can earn. Beam your favorite DJs, art installations, stages, and find others like you. Create tribes with your group of friends and beam other tribes.

The project requires the delivery of software which can provide the following functionality: • creation of an upcoming event • mechanism for agreeing on timing, geo tagging, advertising, and coordinating that digital goods and services were satisfactorily delivered • automatic transfer of Ethers/bitcoins to accounts as agreed The software must be as easy to use as possible, and suitable for a user base without existing experience with Ethereum/bitcoin.

PROJECT PHASES Expressions of interest are sought to assist with this project. As the underlying technology (the Ethereum blockchain\Hyperledger) is still relatively new, and the details of the needs of the various entities participating are still unclear, the work will proceed in three phases, each building on the output from the previous phase. The phases are described in more detail below. Expressions of interest can be for one or more phases. They must be on a fixed price basis. Successful completion of the work involved in one particular phase does not guarantee continued involvement in future phases. It is possible that no expression of interest will be found suitable. The phases will be as follows:

1. Development of detailed specification (August 2016): Systems and process analysis, including interviews with end users (either face-to-face or via Skype), to ascertain requirements, develop business rules, and writing up a description of a complete system (including essential and optional components) suitable to pass to a third party for programming.
2. Development of software (September 2016): Developing the components described in the specification document from phase 1, to the extent agreed with the project leader.

3. Deployment, training, and user acceptance testing (October 2016): Implementation of the software developed in phase 2, including providing end-user documentation, training sessions and workshops (either face-to-face or via Skype), and making minor adjustments to the system in response to feedback from users. As the project is a pilot, phase 3 may be the final phase.

Expressions of interest must, as a minimum, deal with the following topics:

1. Experienced systems architect, coder, debugger and fell in love with Solidity, Serpent and the more common ((Javascript, Python, GO, C++, C#, Java, Node.js, Meteror. JSON, .Net, Apache, MySQL, (MS/Apple/Linux))
2. Blockchain knowledge (Ethereum, Bitcoin, Unocoin, Wallets, ripple, HyperLedger)
3. Virtual and Augmented reality integration interests (Microsoft Hololens, Meta Pro Glasses)
4. Documented comprehension of online communities (MMORPG’s, Facebook apps/games, Wordpress and Forum credit and reputation systems)
5. One page document on bridging the digital divide between the physical, metaphysical and digital realms
6. Examples of relevant projects developed to completion, and that you have been involved in
7. Scheduling of phases of work
8. Fixed price for each phase
9. References (Technical writing, websites, previous work experience/employer, etc, Resume/CV, Social and School Accomplishments)

OTHER INFORMATION All intellectual property generated will be vested by The Manifestations Inc., Ferguson & Associates, and any parties here by which we feel need to review. It is intended to make all software developed as part of this project open source.

Proposals are due to the project leader by email at

Decisions on proposals as soon as possible thereafter, and phase 1 should begin immediately after review.

links n tidbits ethereum blockchain app platform explanation of how this works IDE an exchange larger ledger consortium  apps on the etherum block chain  what developers should know’  Someone to refer to Smart Contracts and LAW Automating and Standardizing Smart Contracts Blockchain App smart app future consortium creating standards example of blockchain app history of where this came  examples funders were intersted in
Industry we headed to IBM, VISA investment
Raising funds blockchain
Unemployment verification
Butlerz app? run a town
Dao thefet
Power app

List of more whitepapers for reference  ties into

Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: bapparabi on July 16, 2016, 04:17:25 PM
@Emerge do you have any knowledge about manage any dedicated server for web hosting .. if so then we can work out something

Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: bittrojan on July 16, 2016, 04:20:25 PM
I love finding interesting threads like this one. It reminds me about how many smart people there are in this place.

Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: Emerge on July 17, 2016, 12:33:35 PM
@Emerge do you have any knowledge about manage any dedicated server for web hosting .. if so then we can work out something

Yes I do in fact have knowledge of server management and administration. Feel free to PM me :)

Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: electronicash on July 18, 2016, 02:24:15 AM
I do have a project that i would need support from programmer as well. would you be willing to spend 4 btcs for the project to start? you still get to host the site too.
I could get the b2b contacts and do the before and after sales support forever so long as we get to make money with it. if interested, let me know.

Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: Senor.Bla on July 18, 2016, 08:11:16 AM
where are you guys located? Or do you want to do everything online?

Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: rico666 on July 18, 2016, 08:48:11 AM
I'm pretty good at backend, large scalable architectures and managing middle sized IT companies (50-70 ppl).

I'm also very good at frontend criticism (UI, software ergonomy etc.), but suck big time when it comes to develop it (no skills whatsoever in JS, CSS, Graphics)

I do have access to some big iron that would not even know of some dedicated 16GB RAM, 1TB HDD, 2-4 Cores Xeon instance.
I do have experience with GeoDNS for poor mans Akamai/Cloudflare-like gographical distribution and scaling of services.

My ideal project would be an exchange, because all exchanges suck and I would like to have one that sucks less.
A Meta-Exchange would seem nice.
I like OpenBazaar and P2Pool and in fact all things that are decentralized and promise some economy of scale.


Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: pcoin on July 18, 2016, 09:08:27 AM
Can you host some nodes for a cryptocoin for a year? let me know your terms for this and how soon you can set it up.

Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: Gleb Gamow on July 18, 2016, 09:43:36 PM
I'm pretty good at backend, large scalable architectures and managing middle sized IT companies (50-70 ppl).

I'm also very good at frontend criticism (UI, software ergonomy etc.), but suck big time when it comes to develop it (no skills whatsoever in JS, CSS, Graphics)

I do have access to some big iron that would not even know of some dedicated 16GB RAM, 1TB HDD, 2-4 Cores Xeon instance.
I do have experience with GeoDNS for poor mans Akamai/Cloudflare-like gographical distribution and scaling of services.

My ideal project would be an exchange, because all exchanges suck and I would like to have one that sucks less.
A Meta-Exchange would seem nice.
I like OpenBazaar and P2Pool and in fact all things that are decentralized and promise some economy of scale.


Rico, if you're interested and have the skill sets, you could easily have virtually full control of the exchange my project would need. It's paramount that it's run 100% on the level. Hit me up if interested.

Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: arunka71 on July 20, 2016, 01:05:03 AM
Rico: where are you located? The implementation of an exchange is not the real problem. The regulation in most countries is the real challenge.

Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: btc4peace on July 20, 2016, 12:08:28 PM
Anyone have an idea and/or working product, but needs a co-founder or partner for graphics, marketing, front-end development?
JM Erestain

Yes.  I created and launched a few days ago.  

I am looking for the following:

@Investors/Sponsors: Name your own terms.  Tell me what you want in return for what you are offering.  Funds will be used for marketing and raising the club fund balance and viewer earnings.

@Promoters/Marketers: The site/app have a 20% commission system.  Essentially you get 20% match on your direct referrals BTC earnings.  

@Viewers/Earners: Get paid to watch video game streams.  Passive income, just launch the app or visit the site.  The club earns revenues and we share all Bitcoin earnings back! streamers: Any LIVE stream/channel that has at least one viewer on TwitchPotato gets automatic site/app cross promotion to all viewers!  If you are live streaming, load TP on your phone and get paid to view your own stream, AND get free promotion!  Refer your viewers to TwitchPotato using your referral url and earn commissions from them too!

@Advertisers: We have links to progams and advertising opportunities on the site.  All BTC earnings go to the club fund and cycle back to the community.

@Donors: Donate 100,000 Satoshi or more direvtly to the club fund at 1GNhNoqfDeraY87xSo3CDAY3sgj8xqSaGe
Raises payouts instantly after donation is confirmed

Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: sdp on July 20, 2016, 06:23:58 PM
I have the idea of using signatures for signing in to sites.


Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: rico666 on July 20, 2016, 07:56:54 PM
Rico: where are you located? The implementation of an exchange is not the real problem. The regulation in most countries is the real challenge.

Are you saying that if I am located in - say - the Czech Republic, the exchange has also to run/be registered/regulated in the Czech Republic?
Not really. It could very well be in Panama, Gibraltar, ...

Where would a decentral P2P exchange have to be registered?
Where the operating company resides?
What if it is not a company? What if it is a trust? With some lawyer as proxy?

ANYTHING is not the real problem - given enough resources (time, energy, cash, brain cells).


Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: arunka71 on July 21, 2016, 01:09:53 AM
Hehe...I like your attitude...  :D

Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: MadCow on July 23, 2016, 06:48:56 AM
À la, I'm currently working on the biggest project of them all, seeking team members for all positions including CEOs (plural) since I'm just its founder knowing damn well that I would not be able to fill said role(s) accordingly like an experienced CEO et al. would.

How big, you wonder but are afraid to ask? Big enough to conceptualize a reality show centered around the project from its nascent stage to fruition - and beyond - mostly located in Nashville, TN, with the former Tennessee State Prison ( being the ambitious prize.

Team members would have a good shot of being on the reality show if produced. Of course, the stronger the team, the better the shot of having such manifested, with the worse case scenario being that there's no show, but a mega crypto-based endeavor will have spouted its legs in carrying it forward thanks, in part, to early members who will be amply rewarded.

Hit me up if anybody's interest via PM or on this thread that's now on my scantly Watch List.

How is your idea progressing?

Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: davidjcambra on July 26, 2016, 02:32:26 AM
Hello All,

I have a awesome project in my mind, I want to launch our project in form a coin, we are a good team of investors.

We are looking for a top developer who can develop our coin from initial stage to The end.

We do have a good team for front end design.

All we need is a good team of developers who can work with us from scrap.

If someone really interested you can contact us at skype: david.cambra2

Note: We are looking for very high end developers with loads of experience

we do not compromise of price, all we need is quality and innovation.

Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: bitcapitalist on July 26, 2016, 06:02:42 AM
Rico: where are you located? The implementation of an exchange is not the real problem. The regulation in most countries is the real challenge.

Are you saying that if I am located in - say - the Czech Republic, the exchange also has to run/be registered/regulated in the Czech Republic?
Not really. It could very well be in Panama, Gibraltar, ...

Where would a decentral P2P exchange have to be registered?
Where the operating company resides?
What if it is not a company? What if it is a trust? With some lawyer as proxy?

ANYTHING is not the real problem - given enough resources (time, energy, cash, brain cells).


Let's say you incorporate in Panama or Gibraltar. How would you deal with the US trade policies? It does not matter where you incorporate if you accept people from the US you must follow their rules. Are you going to accept US clients?

Any thoughts on this?

Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: rico666 on August 05, 2016, 07:59:13 PM

Let's say you incorporate in Panama or Gibraltar. How would you deal with the US trade policies? It does not matter where you incorporate if you accept people from the US you must follow their rules. Are you going to accept US clients?

Any thoughts on this?

Yes. I do not agree with the "Lex Americana" attitude.

If the US government claims global jurisdiction, there's only the way to either not accept US customers or incorporating in a country that doesn't give a fuck about US claims (may bring other problems as these countries are themselves often not pro-crypto).

I was slightly shocked that Bitfinex - run by a company registered on the British Virgin Islands - operating under Hong Kong Law actually gave a shit about the CFTC, which actually led to the mess we are facing now (because the CFTC effectively forbade Bitfinex to use cold wallets, see

I would probably have sought for other solutions.


Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: bitvestor on August 30, 2016, 01:29:03 AM
I can share an idea, someone else design and you host.

Title: Re: Anyone want to start a project? Hosting's on me
Post by: noictib on September 02, 2016, 03:25:08 AM
Anyone have an idea and/or working product, but needs a co-founder or partner for graphics, marketing, front-end development?
I can help out with that. I've got an off shore Dedicated Server with 1TB HDD 16GB RAM and unmetered bandwidth.

I'm also starting to learn meteorJS at, and I've pretty much been using the dedi for a bitcoin node and a development environment for
my practice projects on meteor so.. If anyone would want to partner up with me, please hit me up with what you wanna do and let's talk.

JM Erestain

I was wondering if I could host my website in your server. I had a small website new but I m planning to launch a heavy website during November. So can I host my website in your server. Is it free or paid.