Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: D3m0nKinGx on June 13, 2016, 01:57:18 AM

Title: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: D3m0nKinGx on June 13, 2016, 01:57:18 AM
Hey guys, I'm opening up this thread, so we can keep the community together on this Coin and keep a discussion going for DigiCube, everybody needs to stay together on this and just keep supporting CUBE.

I'm not a dev, so let's make that clear, but I'll do what I can as "support" which i have been doing for anyone that needs to know how to use the coin, and any other things we can work on to keep the coin going.

In the meantime SPOTS needs some time to cool off, he's also banned me from sending him messages on the forum but either way let's just do what we can in the meantime and keep spreading the word about this great coin !

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: D3m0nKinGx on June 13, 2016, 02:01:27 AM
My last message to spots (i needed gregofdoom to send this for me) since he blocked my messages. (thank you doom)

   Re: (No subject)
« Sent to: GREEDYJOHN on: Today at 16:22:33 »
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he just blocked me on here

i need you to send this message to him. just copy paste it for me thank you please!

"I don't think that at all. I believe they had invalid blocks as they say, it's in the logs there is no doubt. What I'm saying is that this can easily be prevented for ALL coins by verifying recent checkpoints. Of the 1700 invalid blocks they confirmed, there were 0 checkpoints, while mainnet continued with valid checkpoints. This is what checkpoints are made for. To not use the tools provided to you by the software is just absurd to me.."

Quoted from:

...verifying recent checkpoints...ok so that's going in the console and typing "getcheckpoint".

''of the 1700 invalid blocks 'they' confirmed " : they=trex, but you mean the wallet (your code).

0 checkpoints =  your checkpoint server stopped

what valid checkpoints did the mainnet continue with cause gregofdoom posted that his wallet was 500 blocks from the last checkpoint, he was on the mainnet too, and when i saw his first post about this, i checked my wallet and it showed the same thing of no checkpoints from block 7..912. everybody was on the wrong chain after you restarted the server, that's why i had to reload my older backup wallet and resync the chain. duh!

trex doesn't run a checkpoint server you do lol. they have some 200+ coins to maintain, they had no idea wat was going on until it was brought to their attention. so where did 'they' cause this?

you are fucking insane dude. you don't expect me to believe the exchange has the man power to monitor checkpoints for possibly some 200 coins do you? how many coins has trex had under maintenance "after" the fact something went wrong. it's no different with CUBE.

so again how is that when you are the only one running a checkpoint server for this coin, that trex caused the rollback? infact right now the coin is in the exact same situation as it was that day, but now it's over 24 hrs without a single checkpoint and no fucking issues.

so it's hardpressed to believe it wasn't until u restarted the checkpoint server that the problems happened!

and i bet if you restarted it right now (ofc you'll do it the right way this time) either the same thing will happen or it will continue on normally. am i right?!


I know there are devs in this community that watch these forums. Seriously if this is wrong in anyway please speak up!

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: GREEDYJOHN on June 13, 2016, 03:57:11 AM
I don't know why I find it hard to reason with many DEVs. They ignore simple solutions, probably because they do not struggle in the real world.

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: D3m0nKinGx on June 13, 2016, 04:00:01 AM
I don't know why I find it hard to reason with many DEVs. They ignore simple solutions, probably because they do not struggle in the real world.

It's like for example why in USA, it's required the president has 14 years of living in the usa to understand what the life is like for the regular people so they can make more sound decisions when they are in office.

But greed and superiority sometimes get the best of people, and it just takes a good nudge to knock'm off their high pedestal

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: Tortoise75 on June 13, 2016, 04:54:34 AM
The trouble about this is it's really hard to figure this out without being a dev or even hobby programmer myself. Bittrex seems to be right that it looks like there was an issue with the checkpoint server restart. The question here I'd like to know is if the checkpoint server was indeed staking? Then checkpoint server are not really compliant with the idea of decentralization, but so are exchanges for that matter.

Now spots has a point too. There are coins using checkpoints and if indeed it's a matter of running a script, and I see no reason why this shouldn't be the case, then someone like an exchange really should run one to put a wallet in maintenance if things look wrong. Checkpoints may be a source for problems but that doesn't change by disregarding them. For an exchange it's either checking them or refusing any coins running them in the first place. Anyway, my question here would be: If checkpoints are a manual thing and the whole mainchain was on the other fork from it, how did it resolve such quickly? Were such few wallets online that the power of 2-3 people actually checking and spots itself pulled everyone else around?

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: D3m0nKinGx on June 13, 2016, 05:12:06 AM
The trouble about this is it's really hard to figure this out without being a dev or even hobby programmer myself. Bittrex seems to be right that it looks like there was an issue with the checkpoint server restart. The question here I'd like to know is if the checkpoint server was indeed staking? Then checkpoint server are not really compliant with the idea of decentralization, but so are exchanges for that matter.

Now spots has a point too. There are coins using checkpoints and if indeed it's a matter of running a script, and I see no reason why this shouldn't be the case, then someone like an exchange really should run one to put a wallet in maintenance if things look wrong. Checkpoints may be a source for problems but that doesn't change by disregarding them. For an exchange it's either checking them or refusing any coins running them in the first place. Anyway, my question here would be: If checkpoints are a manual thing and the whole mainchain was on the other fork from it, how did it resolve such quickly? Were such few wallets online that the power of 2-3 people actually checking and spots itself pulled everyone else around?

sprout coin has had no checkpoints (dev left the coin a year or so ago) and the coin runs without issue.
Here CUBE's checkpoint server stopped (why?, did he turn it off? was it a power failure?, why did it stop?) this question still isn't answered.
and i asked him 3 times what exactly did he do during the reboot phase, and his only reply has been just calling me stupid and saying we all just believe trex and he's done with this coin.  what kind of answer is that except one that is in denial and hiding something...

I don't think it's realistic for an exchange to be able to manage so many checkpoint servers without enough man power to do that, since it's not an automated system. or they would have to develop one that notifies them of any such issues arising like a script that issues a flag saying the coin hasn't had a checkpoint in X amount of time.

And let's point out it is very interesting that CUBE is now without a checkpoint in over 24hrs and are no problems. It was only that moment after gregofdoom was the first to post about there being no checkpoint for 500 blocks that shit started to happen.... WHY?!

And trex was receiving VALID blocks, they were as valid as the blocks being confirmed RIGHT NOW with no checkpoints. It's when the rollback happened because the server said oh wait none of these 1700 blocks were checked at the restart point, so it has to invalidate ALL THOSE blocks and start all over again.....

If there's another explanation to this, god please give one

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: Fallout4 on June 13, 2016, 05:28:10 AM
Regardless of fault, the way Spots has handled this situation is a little too perfectly scripted from the IGotSpots textbook of scammery.

Spots tried to hide the exploited wallets that were raping the blockchain from the community, the minute he realized he couldn't keep it a secret any longer, he locked the thread and abandoned the coin.

Spots denies there is anything wrong with his perfectly written coin and the minute he sees too many questions were being asked about what happened, he locked the thread and abandoned the coin.

oh, and lets not even get started on the admission during his scripted meltdown that he owns 40 million+ that he had been hiding in multiple wallets since day one, or the fact that he hid under a fake account to start the coin. I mean really, what did you guys expect to happen? This was a spots coin, people told you about him hiding behind that digicube account from the start. They are all full of scammery, hidden premines, fake markets, lies and deception.

Have a look at his latest shitcoin, another swap from a 'just a joke coin, dont take it seriously guys'... where he holds nearly all of the supply because he kept the gigantic premine, again hidden in multiple wallets.

Biggest penny chasing one trick pony shitstain in crypto.

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: D3m0nKinGx on June 13, 2016, 05:32:26 AM
Regardless of fault, the way Spots has handled this situation is a little too perfectly scripted from the IGotSpots textbook of scammery.

Spots tried to hide the exploited wallets that were raping the blockchain from the community, the minute he realized he couldn't keep it a secret any longer, he locked the thread and abandoned the coin.

Spots denies there is anything wrong with his perfectly written coin and the minute he sees too many questions were being asked about what happened, he locked the thread and abandoned the coin.

oh, and lets not even get started on the admission during his scripted meltdown that he owns 40 million+ that he had been hiding in multiple wallets since day one, or the fact that he hid under a fake account to start the coin. I mean really, what did you guys expect to happen? This was a spots coin, people told you about him hiding behind that digicube account from the start. They are all full of scammery, hidden premines, fake markets, lies and deception.

Have a look at his latest shitcoin, another swap from a 'just a joke coin, dont take it seriously guys'... where he holds nearly all of the supply because he kept the gigantic premine, again hidden in multiple wallets.

Biggest penny chasing one trick pony shitstain in crypto.


it's open source code, it's public, anybody that wants to dev this coin that is reputable and wants to, can take over and make it right the way it should be. so bad or good whatever spots did, he made a great coin, we just need ppl to not depend on one person to make such a large system work on its own, we all have to do this together. that's what he lost sight of.

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: Fallout4 on June 13, 2016, 05:35:57 AM
Why would anyone want to rework a coin where that chimp owns half of the supply?

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: D3m0nKinGx on June 13, 2016, 05:45:07 AM
Why would anyone want to rework a coin where that chimp owns half of the supply?

Fork it and if i knew code find a way to make it so he just can't access the new chain to carry over his coins. or make some kind of verification system to allow access by verified individuals only.

It's code surely someone knows something that's possible.

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: roadhog on June 13, 2016, 06:05:34 AM
Hi All
So whats happening with Bittrex  is the coin Getting back on or not.

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: D3m0nKinGx on June 13, 2016, 06:10:05 AM
Hi All
So whats happening with Bittrex  is the coin Getting back on or not.

it's still on there till the 15th for sure. but if you really want the answer to that ask them on

or email their support.

I'm waiting to see also what will happen.

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: GREEDYJOHN on June 13, 2016, 06:26:33 AM
Why would anyone want to rework a coin where that chimp owns half of the supply?
We should be happy that he still owns the coin - it shows that he will be back soon

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: bitdragon2016 on June 13, 2016, 07:02:05 AM
Well. We just hope spots well be back ..  he said himself that he will focus from now on spots and prime. I regret not having sold my cube with the total value of it was 1 btc when it was on 330 satoshi.  :o

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: D3m0nKinGx on June 13, 2016, 12:16:27 PM
you folks are either extremely blind or extremely tricky,
the dev of cubes is a talented crypto con artist,
you don't need to dig the code, it's quite clear from his behavior pattern.
imho he's done with cube for now

I didn't say he's coming back. don't care either. coin works without him. maybe after some time, someone will jump on board and take over

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: D3m0nKinGx on June 13, 2016, 12:31:56 PM
I'm syncing a new wallet without having downloaded the bootstrap. this is syncing from 0 right now and look at the checkpoint:

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: roadhog on June 13, 2016, 01:29:25 PM
Hi all

so i asked the Question.
Hi There

Please could you let the community know if Digi-cube is getting reinstated as the checkpoint system as now been removed as stated in the forum. And the community as tried too get this resolved to there best ability .


new link


And the reply was.

Ryan Hentz (Bittrex)
Jun 13, 06:25 PDT


There are no plans for this coin to remain listed at this time.

Thank you,


Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: GREEDYJOHN on June 13, 2016, 03:27:49 PM
Hi all

so i asked the Question.
Hi There

Please could you let the community know if Digi-cube is getting reinstated as the checkpoint system as now been removed as stated in the forum. And the community as tried too get this resolved to there best ability .


new link


And the reply was.

Ryan Hentz (Bittrex)
Jun 13, 06:25 PDT


There are no plans for this coin to remain listed at this time.

Thank you,


This is because the DEV does not know how to resolve simple issues. This argument was not supposed to become so verbal on the thread, especially with BITTREX.

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: D3m0nKinGx on June 13, 2016, 03:43:59 PM
He just doesn't want to

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: iGotSpots on June 13, 2016, 03:49:58 PM
Why would anyone want to rework a coin where that chimp owns half of the supply?

Fork it and if i knew code find a way to make it so he just can't access the new chain to carry over his coins. or make some kind of verification system to allow access by verified individuals only.

It's code surely someone knows something that's possible.

Fuck you in the face with a giant whale dick for suggesting this. I bought my coins same as you cunts. NOT TO MENTION, THERE WAS NO MINING OR ICO, I GAVE ALL THE COINS AWAY AT THE BEGINNING. I don't have to disclose how many coins I have because it's none of your shithead's business. I said I had 40+ mil now because I don't give a fuck anymore. Destroy my stash lol you're a fucking lunatic. Honestly, you and GREEDYJOHN are the reason I don't give a fuck anymore. You two are both stupid shitheads that have annoyed me into apathy towards the situation. Fuck yourselves

Honestly, fuck your stupid face

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: GREEDYJOHN on June 13, 2016, 04:16:16 PM
Why would anyone want to rework a coin where that chimp owns half of the supply?

Fork it and if i knew code find a way to make it so he just can't access the new chain to carry over his coins. or make some kind of verification system to allow access by verified individuals only.

It's code surely someone knows something that's possible.

Fuck you in the face with a giant whale dick for suggesting this. I bought my coins same as you cunts. NOT TO MENTION, THERE WAS NO MINING OR ICO, I GAVE ALL THE COINS AWAY AT THE BEGINNING. I don't have to disclose how many coins I have because it's none of your shithead's business. I said I had 40+ mil now because I don't give a fuck anymore. Destroy my stash lol you're a fucking lunatic. Honestly, you and GREEDYJOHN are the reason I don't give a fuck anymore. You two are both stupid shitheads that have annoyed me into apathy towards the situation. Fuck yourselves

Honestly, fuck your stupid face
We only wanted the BITTREX issue to be resolved, for PR purposes. Preferably, the whole issue should have been done privately, with DIGICUBE waiting in maintenance, while issues are sorted out.

It is a good thing that you own most of the coins. People want to invest in coins that the DEV owns.

IGOTSPOTS, you were angry, so you misunderstood my sincere intentions.

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: iGotSpots on June 13, 2016, 04:35:44 PM
You can go swimming 1000 times and not drown, but that doesn't make you waterproof. Good luck with any coin that isn't using checkpoints lol that's like using your hand to pound in a nail when the hammer is right next to you. Inefficient use of tools available

Demon, you're a moron, I already answered your questions many times

No, checkpoint server did not reset. I shut it down over half a day after they were on the real chain
No, checkpoint server had no coins, so even if it did reset, it wouldn't do what they are suggesting

You are stupid as hell. Bittrex could be selling time machines and you'd be first in line to preorder

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: Tortoise75 on June 13, 2016, 05:13:58 PM
The trouble about this is it's really hard to figure this out without being a dev or even hobby programmer myself. Bittrex seems to be right that it looks like there was an issue with the checkpoint server restart. The question here I'd like to know is if the checkpoint server was indeed staking? Then checkpoint server are not really compliant with the idea of decentralization, but so are exchanges for that matter.

Now spots has a point too. There are coins using checkpoints and if indeed it's a matter of running a script, and I see no reason why this shouldn't be the case, then someone like an exchange really should run one to put a wallet in maintenance if things look wrong. Checkpoints may be a source for problems but that doesn't change by disregarding them. For an exchange it's either checking them or refusing any coins running them in the first place. Anyway, my question here would be: If checkpoints are a manual thing and the whole mainchain was on the other fork from it, how did it resolve such quickly? Were such few wallets online that the power of 2-3 people actually checking and spots itself pulled everyone else around?

sprout coin has had no checkpoints (dev left the coin a year or so ago) and the coin runs without issue.
Here CUBE's checkpoint server stopped (why?, did he turn it off? was it a power failure?, why did it stop?) this question still isn't answered.
and i asked him 3 times what exactly did he do during the reboot phase, and his only reply has been just calling me stupid and saying we all just believe trex and he's done with this coin.  what kind of answer is that except one that is in denial and hiding something...

I don't think it's realistic for an exchange to be able to manage so many checkpoint servers without enough man power to do that, since it's not an automated system. or they would have to develop one that notifies them of any such issues arising like a script that issues a flag saying the coin hasn't had a checkpoint in X amount of time.

And let's point out it is very interesting that CUBE is now without a checkpoint in over 24hrs and are no problems. It was only that moment after gregofdoom was the first to post about there being no checkpoint for 500 blocks that shit started to happen.... WHY?!

And trex was receiving VALID blocks, they were as valid as the blocks being confirmed RIGHT NOW with no checkpoints. It's when the rollback happened because the server said oh wait none of these 1700 blocks were checked at the restart point, so it has to invalidate ALL THOSE blocks and start all over again.....

If there's another explanation to this, god please give one

It doesn't matter if a coin runs well without checkpoints, that's not the point. The point is that checkpoints that are there should get checked and the wallet gets put into maintenance if irregularities occur and an admin notified. Of course it has to be done automatically, it's not possible to do it manually. Then it wouldn't have mattered who's fault it was, the wallet would have been in maintenance once too may checkpoints went missing and the chance of coin loss reduced. This time it seems only Bittrex lost coins, but what would have happened if a buyer sent these coins into the wallet? His TX would have been rollbacked but like the scam deposits and trades that withdrawal would have been in the books of Bittrex. Would they have taken that loss on themselves and book these lost coins back or go bad luck, not our fault? Of course then the question arises how coins should be treated that should have checkpoints but don't because the server is not there anymore? They work for now, but if that server comes back it may cause major troubles.

Well, from the point of view of someone in a fork blocks would look valid as well, but it really looks like that doesn't apply here. Because on the explorer about 12h of blocks are missing. If there was a fork and the fork was killed off then the clients of the minor fork, like Bittrex or the explorer, would resync with the real valid blocks from the 'main fork'. Not just 12h of nothing. Since the explorer gives me no AM/PM on a 12h time scale I couldn't find the exact spot in a hurry, though, just noticed the time runs from 12:00 to 12:00 twice before the date changes on normal days but does so only once on the 18th of May and it contains about the number of disputed blocks less than other days. So one thing really happened: It was a complete rollback of the blockchain and not a normal repair of a fork as usual. Now, why did that happen?

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: D3m0nKinGx on June 13, 2016, 05:31:16 PM
Wuher BOT [12:22 AM] 
Also, the reality is also that the checkpointing server, being that far behind, can't sync with the other fork either

bittrex-richie [12:28] 
but i've checked this with numerous devs and other individuals.. i dont see how a chain rolling back is our fault

d3m0nkings [12:31 AM] 
ya the thing that doesn't line up, is if checkpoint server failed, then sprout coin should've forked after it stopped doing checkpoints

bittrex-richie [12:31 AM] 
thats not what happens

Wuher BOT [12:32 AM] 
@d3m0nkings: the fork occurs when you bring the checkpoint server back up afterwards

bittrex-richie [12:32 AM] 
if its on the wrong chain

liek if it was staking

Wuher BOT [12:32 AM] 
(and/or in between, forks can occur if there's no checkpointing server, but that's not guaranteed to happen)

bittrex-richie [12:32 AM] 
it chooses its own staked block instead of what the network was doing the entire time it was offline.

its all messy when it comes to checkpoint servers

Wuher BOT [12:32 AM] 
and yes, it's only most likely to happen when the checkpointing server is staking
d3m0nkings [12:48 AM] 
but richie technically speaking conclusion here is the coin actually didn't have a problem with it's code, it's just watever reason the checkpoint server stopped, (power failure, or w.e.)

and spot's method of restarting it

so it wasn't code just human error


fuzzyhobbit BOT [12:48 AM] 
I would call it mismanagement of the checkpointing server

d3m0nkings [12:49 AM] 

Wuher BOT [12:49 AM] 
well, it's not a coin issue, it's a blockchain issue

Wuher BOT [12:49 AM] 
which resulted from mismanagement of the checkpoint server

bittrex-richie [12:49 AM] 
agreed with fuzzy/wuher.... what it isn't is the exchanges fault :wink:

d3m0nkings [12:49 AM] 
right but the blockchain issue was the resault of human error

gritt-n-auld [12:50 AM] 
Yes, human error of the one managing the checkpoint server.

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: iGotSpots on June 13, 2016, 05:35:00 PM
Like I said, you're an idiot

Checkpoints weren't staking, but of course you ignore my answer again because you're fucking stupid and didn't read the explanation above which explains why it doesn't matter even if it was anyway. Funny how their answer is that a node submitting no blocks (just accepting) is to blame. Very professional response, shows highly intelligent leadership and shills  ::)  I'm so done with this, I wish they would just delist it already. My trust in their competency is gone and I'm glad you're posting logs from their chat so I know the other stupid fucks that don't understand how coins actually work; this is a clinic in stupidity, so thanks for the longer list of morons. I'm done with this coin, fuck all this noise lol I don't have time for this amateur bullshit. You can thank Bittrex for killing it, and of course the simpletons will blame me, but I don't really give a shit. I know what I know and that's good enough for me so I'm done with this entire thread. You're on your own now, homie. I'm not gonna dump, I'll just stake and ride the ship down. Should be fun

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: iGotSpots on June 13, 2016, 05:41:27 PM
The trouble about this is it's really hard to figure this out without being a dev or even hobby programmer myself. Bittrex seems to be right that it looks like there was an issue with the checkpoint server restart. The question here I'd like to know is if the checkpoint server was indeed staking? Then checkpoint server are not really compliant with the idea of decentralization, but so are exchanges for that matter.

Now spots has a point too. There are coins using checkpoints and if indeed it's a matter of running a script, and I see no reason why this shouldn't be the case, then someone like an exchange really should run one to put a wallet in maintenance if things look wrong. Checkpoints may be a source for problems but that doesn't change by disregarding them. For an exchange it's either checking them or refusing any coins running them in the first place. Anyway, my question here would be: If checkpoints are a manual thing and the whole mainchain was on the other fork from it, how did it resolve such quickly? Were such few wallets online that the power of 2-3 people actually checking and spots itself pulled everyone else around?

sprout coin has had no checkpoints (dev left the coin a year or so ago) and the coin runs without issue.
Here CUBE's checkpoint server stopped (why?, did he turn it off? was it a power failure?, why did it stop?) this question still isn't answered.
and i asked him 3 times what exactly did he do during the reboot phase, and his only reply has been just calling me stupid and saying we all just believe trex and he's done with this coin.  what kind of answer is that except one that is in denial and hiding something...

I don't think it's realistic for an exchange to be able to manage so many checkpoint servers without enough man power to do that, since it's not an automated system. or they would have to develop one that notifies them of any such issues arising like a script that issues a flag saying the coin hasn't had a checkpoint in X amount of time.

And let's point out it is very interesting that CUBE is now without a checkpoint in over 24hrs and are no problems. It was only that moment after gregofdoom was the first to post about there being no checkpoint for 500 blocks that shit started to happen.... WHY?!

And trex was receiving VALID blocks, they were as valid as the blocks being confirmed RIGHT NOW with no checkpoints. It's when the rollback happened because the server said oh wait none of these 1700 blocks were checked at the restart point, so it has to invalidate ALL THOSE blocks and start all over again.....

If there's another explanation to this, god please give one

It doesn't matter if a coin runs well without checkpoints, that's not the point. The point is that checkpoints that are there should get checked and the wallet gets put into maintenance if irregularities occur and an admin notified. Of course it has to be done automatically, it's not possible to do it manually. Then it wouldn't have mattered who's fault it was, the wallet would have been in maintenance once too may checkpoints went missing and the chance of coin loss reduced. This time it seems only Bittrex lost coins, but what would have happened if a buyer sent these coins into the wallet? His TX would have been rollbacked but like the scam deposits and trades that withdrawal would have been in the books of Bittrex. Would they have taken that loss on themselves and book these lost coins back or go bad luck, not our fault? Of course then the question arises how coins should be treated that should have checkpoints but don't because the server is not there anymore? They work for now, but if that server comes back it may cause major troubles.

Well, from the point of view of someone in a fork blocks would look valid as well, but it really looks like that doesn't apply here. Because on the explorer about 12h of blocks are missing. If there was a fork and the fork was killed off then the clients of the minor fork, like Bittrex or the explorer, would resync with the real valid blocks from the 'main fork'. Not just 12h of nothing. Since the explorer gives me no AM/PM on a 12h time scale I couldn't find the exact spot in a hurry, though, just noticed the time runs from 12:00 to 12:00 twice before the date changes on normal days but does so only once on the 18th of May and it contains about the number of disputed blocks less than other days. So one thing really happened: It was a complete rollback of the blockchain and not a normal repair of a fork as usual. Now, why did that happen?

It's that simple. You just compare checkpoint timestamp with current time. Anyone responsible for millions of dollars of other people's money surely would have the most basic, rudimentary failsafes such as this in place. Not having at least something to verify the available tools at hand is pure incompetence. Their responses mean that not one other person moved coins anywhere other than Bittrex in an entire day. Anyone who believes this is a fucking moron who deserves to lose everything

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: roadhog on June 13, 2016, 05:47:24 PM
Ok so we know its not going back on you know where.

So How do we move on and put all this behind us.

just advertising the same old sh-t, is not doing anyone any good or the coin.

we need to get back on track.

Make sure the coin is secure and safe for all.

And it make's a reasonable profit for all concerned including the Dev's.

so we need some positive thinking .



Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: Tortoise75 on June 13, 2016, 05:56:23 PM
The trouble about this is it's really hard to figure this out without being a dev or even hobby programmer myself. Bittrex seems to be right that it looks like there was an issue with the checkpoint server restart. The question here I'd like to know is if the checkpoint server was indeed staking? Then checkpoint server are not really compliant with the idea of decentralization, but so are exchanges for that matter.

Now spots has a point too. There are coins using checkpoints and if indeed it's a matter of running a script, and I see no reason why this shouldn't be the case, then someone like an exchange really should run one to put a wallet in maintenance if things look wrong. Checkpoints may be a source for problems but that doesn't change by disregarding them. For an exchange it's either checking them or refusing any coins running them in the first place. Anyway, my question here would be: If checkpoints are a manual thing and the whole mainchain was on the other fork from it, how did it resolve such quickly? Were such few wallets online that the power of 2-3 people actually checking and spots itself pulled everyone else around?

sprout coin has had no checkpoints (dev left the coin a year or so ago) and the coin runs without issue.
Here CUBE's checkpoint server stopped (why?, did he turn it off? was it a power failure?, why did it stop?) this question still isn't answered.
and i asked him 3 times what exactly did he do during the reboot phase, and his only reply has been just calling me stupid and saying we all just believe trex and he's done with this coin.  what kind of answer is that except one that is in denial and hiding something...

I don't think it's realistic for an exchange to be able to manage so many checkpoint servers without enough man power to do that, since it's not an automated system. or they would have to develop one that notifies them of any such issues arising like a script that issues a flag saying the coin hasn't had a checkpoint in X amount of time.

And let's point out it is very interesting that CUBE is now without a checkpoint in over 24hrs and are no problems. It was only that moment after gregofdoom was the first to post about there being no checkpoint for 500 blocks that shit started to happen.... WHY?!

And trex was receiving VALID blocks, they were as valid as the blocks being confirmed RIGHT NOW with no checkpoints. It's when the rollback happened because the server said oh wait none of these 1700 blocks were checked at the restart point, so it has to invalidate ALL THOSE blocks and start all over again.....

If there's another explanation to this, god please give one

It doesn't matter if a coin runs well without checkpoints, that's not the point. The point is that checkpoints that are there should get checked and the wallet gets put into maintenance if irregularities occur and an admin notified. Of course it has to be done automatically, it's not possible to do it manually. Then it wouldn't have mattered who's fault it was, the wallet would have been in maintenance once too may checkpoints went missing and the chance of coin loss reduced. This time it seems only Bittrex lost coins, but what would have happened if a buyer sent these coins into the wallet? His TX would have been rollbacked but like the scam deposits and trades that withdrawal would have been in the books of Bittrex. Would they have taken that loss on themselves and book these lost coins back or go bad luck, not our fault? Of course then the question arises how coins should be treated that should have checkpoints but don't because the server is not there anymore? They work for now, but if that server comes back it may cause major troubles.

Well, from the point of view of someone in a fork blocks would look valid as well, but it really looks like that doesn't apply here. Because on the explorer about 12h of blocks are missing. If there was a fork and the fork was killed off then the clients of the minor fork, like Bittrex or the explorer, would resync with the real valid blocks from the 'main fork'. Not just 12h of nothing. Since the explorer gives me no AM/PM on a 12h time scale I couldn't find the exact spot in a hurry, though, just noticed the time runs from 12:00 to 12:00 twice before the date changes on normal days but does so only once on the 18th of May and it contains about the number of disputed blocks less than other days. So one thing really happened: It was a complete rollback of the blockchain and not a normal repair of a fork as usual. Now, why did that happen?

It's that simple. You just compare checkpoint timestamp with current time. Anyone responsible for millions of dollars of other people's money surely would have the most basic, rudimentary failsafes such as this in place. Not having at least something to verify the available tools at hand is pure incompetence. Their responses mean that not one other person moved coins anywhere other than Bittrex in an entire day. Anyone who believes this is a fucking moron who deserves to lose everything
I quite agree with using all the tools available to secure their and their customers funds. What I'm not convinced with is the second part, there is half a day worth of blocks gone from the blockchain and while I'm wondering why no other missing TX were mentioned I don't believe that there were no blocks minted at all either. So what happened there? Well, have to go now, why's time always too short to dig into interesting things?

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: roadhog on June 13, 2016, 06:24:52 PM
other people sent coins out on that day too from Bittrex i sent 26290.50958900 to a friend and they just never confirmed but no one got in-touch or offed a replacement i had to replace them my self.

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: iGotSpots on June 13, 2016, 06:36:39 PM
other people sent coins out on that day too from Bittrex i sent 26290.50958900 to a friend and they just never confirmed but no one got in-touch or offed a replacement i had to replace them my self.

Because they were on their own fork and everyone else was on mainnet.. that's what I've been trying to say but nobody is listening

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: roadhog on June 13, 2016, 07:38:50 PM
So if Im getting this wright, what your saying is without a check point anyone can run on a different chain and then send the  coins to the exchange and they will still be accepted?

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: GREEDYJOHN on June 13, 2016, 07:42:31 PM
other people sent coins out on that day too from Bittrex i sent 26290.50958900 to a friend and they just never confirmed but no one got in-touch or offed a replacement i had to replace them my self.

Because they were on their own fork and everyone else was on mainnet.. that's what I've been trying to say but nobody is listening
Do you think that BITTREX should be investigated?

Do you think that BITTREX are in a hurry to delist CUBE, just to cover their tracks? I remember a coin that I had with them in the not so distant past - a theft occurred, but Bittrex just delisted that coin without bothering to stop/catch the culprit, because BITTREX tries to protect their own interests.

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: roadhog on June 13, 2016, 07:52:01 PM
I've no idea

all i know is i sent coins out and they did not  confirm when they got there.
Im not saying its anyone's fault as im not that clued up on how all this stuff works, just trying to get my head around what is being said, but if its what i think it is then id vote for a checkpoint.

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: iGotSpots on June 13, 2016, 08:06:19 PM
other people sent coins out on that day too from Bittrex i sent 26290.50958900 to a friend and they just never confirmed but no one got in-touch or offed a replacement i had to replace them my self.

Because they were on their own fork and everyone else was on mainnet.. that's what I've been trying to say but nobody is listening
Do you think that BITTREX should be investigated?

Do you think that BITTREX are in a hurry to delist CUBE, just to cover their tracks? I remember a coin that I had with them in the not so distant past - a theft occurred, but Bittrex just delisted that coin without bothering to stop/catch the culprit, because BITTREX tries to protect their own interests.

I believe what they are saying is true with rollback blocks. The misunderstanding is they think the entire network rolled back, which it did not

You guys are not understanding what I am saying. The wallet validates checkpoints, yes, but if there are no new ones on the fork Bittrex was on, the wallet has nothing to verify.. They should have checks in order to stop the wallet if no checkpoints are coming in and no invalid transactions would have occured

This is a simple case of wallets being mismanaged. If you don't validate that checkpoints are recent, then what good are they..?

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: roadhog on June 13, 2016, 08:18:21 PM
not sure id know if it had lol. ???

im still quite new to all this.

What we need is more info so we know what to watch for, with this stuff.
 Most off us are just newbies, trying to make a few quid extra.
 or is it just a strange gambling addiction lol.
Still working it out  ???

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: roadhog on June 13, 2016, 08:25:25 PM
Ok so

just for my own piece of mind do i need t check my own wallet to make sure that is still on the right fork and if so how often should i do it.

And most of all how do i do it?


Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: GREEDYJOHN on June 13, 2016, 08:28:49 PM
other people sent coins out on that day too from Bittrex i sent 26290.50958900 to a friend and they just never confirmed but no one got in-touch or offed a replacement i had to replace them my self.

Because they were on their own fork and everyone else was on mainnet.. that's what I've been trying to say but nobody is listening
Do you think that BITTREX should be investigated?

Do you think that BITTREX are in a hurry to delist CUBE, just to cover their tracks? I remember a coin that I had with them in the not so distant past - a theft occurred, but Bittrex just delisted that coin without bothering to stop/catch the culprit, because BITTREX tries to protect their own interests.

I believe what they are saying is true with rollback blocks. The misunderstanding is they think the entire network rolled back, which it did not

You guys are not understanding what I am saying. The wallet validates checkpoints, yes, but if there are no new ones on the fork Bittrex was on, the wallet has nothing to verify.. They should have checks in order to stop the wallet if no checkpoints are coming in and no invalid transactions would have occured

This is a simple case of wallets being mismanaged. If you don't validate that checkpoints are recent, then what good are they..?
Most of us are NEWBIES, with limited technical Knowledge.

People misunderstood you, because your argument is based on technical knowledge.

You misunderstood us, because our argument is based on SURVIVAL.

We will talk more later. I am happy that your temper is cooling down  ;)

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: GREEDYJOHN on June 13, 2016, 08:30:36 PM
Ok so

just for my own piece of mind do i need t check my own wallet to make sure that is still on the right fork and if so how often should i do it.

And most of all how do i do it?

Good question.

IGOTSPOTS should include all explanations in a DIGICUBE "whitepaper"  ;)

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: roadhog on June 13, 2016, 08:36:14 PM
Im just glad he is still talking.

cheers spots

any info in layman's terms is much appreciated.

Man this stuff is complicated ::)

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: GREEDYJOHN on June 13, 2016, 08:49:33 PM
We need to take this coin SERIOUSLY, because the GLOBAL ECONOMY is unstable, with all the Brexit and European debt/Banking problems.

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: iGotSpots on June 13, 2016, 08:56:53 PM
Ok so

just for my own piece of mind do i need t check my own wallet to make sure that is still on the right fork and if so how often should i do it.

And most of all how do i do it?



However, since I'm being blamed for human-error, I have taken down the server, so it won't work because it's not making any new checkpoints anymore. Just gotta make sure you're synced with explorer, I guess

You can check this in the wallet on the 'On the Web' tab, too

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: Nobitcoin on June 13, 2016, 10:01:48 PM
Ok so

just for my own piece of mind do i need t check my own wallet to make sure that is still on the right fork and if so how often should i do it.

And most of all how do i do it?



However, since I'm being blamed for human-error, I have taken down the server, so it won't work because it's not making any new checkpoints anymore. Just gotta make sure you're synced with explorer, I guess

You can check this in the wallet on the 'On the Web' tab, too

Any chance of putting the server back online since the entire situation is Bittrexs own doing and doesn't concern CUBE or your programming ?

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: GREEDYJOHN on June 14, 2016, 02:27:29 AM
Ok so

just for my own piece of mind do i need t check my own wallet to make sure that is still on the right fork and if so how often should i do it.

And most of all how do i do it?



However, since I'm being blamed for human-error, I have taken down the server, so it won't work because it's not making any new checkpoints anymore. Just gotta make sure you're synced with explorer, I guess

You can check this in the wallet on the 'On the Web' tab, too
You are not being blamed, the situation is misleading, because not everybody here is technically based.

You could also include a whitepaper, explaining how checkpoints work. This will save this coin, as well as being useful for future reference.

Please try to calm your temper down.

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: GREEDYJOHN on June 14, 2016, 03:23:11 AM
IGOTSPOTS, I hope that your temper is cooling down?

Please try to put yourself in the shoes of a NOOB investor. What would you do if you were a NOOB, or a hard-pressed college student?

Whitepaper (also explaining checkpoints) will save DIGICUBE, it is what you will use to prove that BITTREX was wrong

Bittrex have offended me in the past - they allowed a culprit to escape with stolen funds, then they delisted the coin and washed their hands of the situation.

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: D3m0nKinGx on June 14, 2016, 07:47:15 AM

What is checkpointing?
Checkpointing was originally built in to Bitcoin in order to prevent dishonest people reversing transactions and taking back the money they had sent. Imagine someone sends you money and you dispatch goods only to find that they have taken the money back out of your account.

The basic checkpointing feature in Bitcoin makes sure that the software only connects to the blockchain defined by the developers. This is a safety feature to stop malicious users from trying to force clients on to a different blockchain. The blockchain has all the Bitcoin transactions of Bitcoin written into it. Every block in the blockchain has a unique string of characters called a hash. In the client the checkpoints are defined by providing the block number and its hash, this is then compiled and distributed. Clients will only accept the blockchain that has the corresponding block number and hash defined in the code. Checkpointing offers some protection against attackers but only up to the last checkpoint. So malicious users could try to orphan blocks after the last checkpoint and reverse transactions with 51% attacks.

What is Advanced Checkpointing?
Advanced Checkpointing allows us to send out checkpoints without having to redistribute the Feathercoin software. This works by having a ‘master node’ which checkpoints each block it sees on the network protecting it from the attacker. This checkpoint is then picked up by all the other clients on the network which will then ignore any blocks generated by a 51% attack. This protects merchants from transaction reversal and miners from losing their newly minted coins. With Advanced Checkpointing, Feathercoin becomes the most secure of all the Scrypt cryptographic currencies.

Is this a centralised solution?
ACP is a form of centralisation that we have put in place because we believe security comes first. Attacks on this new breed of crypto currencies are on the rise with the attackers becoming more and more resourceful. We are the first Scrypt based coin to respond to this threat by recruiting the best minds in this domain to ensure everyone is protected even those who engage in speculative mining and to whom we owe a debt of gratitude for their patience and understanding.

one commenter pointed out:

Radacoin 3 years ago
[quote name=“Bushstar” post=“26405” timestamp=“1377621353”]
… the checkpoint master node is deployed and maintained by the lead developer Peter Bushnell. Currently no other person has access to this system …

Ugh … did a decentralized p2p digital currency just became centralized? Not sure how the (Bitcoin/Litecoin) community will react on this.

Bushstar, what happens if some crooks kidnap you and threaten to cut of your fingers if you don’t checkpoint their blocks.

What happens if you lapse into a coma, die, loose your mind?

What happens if your system gets compromised?

Single point of failure -> not good.


So... how is trex at fault?

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: roadhog on June 14, 2016, 08:45:51 AM
What happens if you lapse into a coma, die, loose your mind?

wouldn't you just switch of the checkpoint like he as done?

or is this on a machine with no access to it?

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: D3m0nKinGx on June 14, 2016, 08:54:00 AM
What happens if you lapse into a coma, die, loose your mind?

wouldn't you just switch of the checkpoint like he as done?

or is this on a machine with no access to it?

Lmao, think about what  you just asked. it would not be possible because you don't know when you go into a coma, die, etc etc

it's on a machine with access by a single operator unless that person designated a second user to access it in the even he/she couldn't.

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: roadhog on June 14, 2016, 09:16:55 AM
well i would think if it was in his own home, someone would probably just turn it off.
 or if it was on a server when they did not get paid they would do the same.

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: D3m0nKinGx on June 14, 2016, 09:22:12 AM
well i would think if it was in his own home, someone would probably just turn it off.
 or if it was on a server when they did not get paid they would do the same.

maybe so...but we don't know, which is why i'm still waiting on the unanswered question, of why it stopped doing checkpoints in the first place, and wat exactly the steps were taken during rebooting phase

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: Nobitcoin on June 14, 2016, 01:21:43 PM
Well looks like we got less than hacking a Bitcoin address chance to get back on Bittrex so let's forget it was even there unless someone has 3 BTC spare. Considering it will cost 3 BTC to relist it on Bittrex why not put 0.5 BTC in CUBE and the price will be at a reasonable 100 SATs. I would but I'm broke we have to get this coin moving again.

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: D3m0nKinGx on June 14, 2016, 01:23:31 PM
Well looks like we got less than hacking a Bitcoin address chance to get back on Bittrex so let's forget it was even there unless someone has 3 BTC spare. Considering it will cost 3 BTC to relist it on Bittrex why not put 0.5 BTC in CUBE and the price will be at a reasonable 100 SATs. I would but I'm broke we have to get this coin moving again.

Unless someone..hmm...I can think of one  ::)

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: roadhog on June 14, 2016, 01:39:48 PM
you don't need to spend to push the price up that's the hole point.
 all you need to do is get people to pull the sales orders and not sell below a decent price.
and hold onto it for a while.


Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: roadhog on June 14, 2016, 03:43:53 PM
Anyone know how bleutrade is getting on with the wallet.

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: D3m0nKinGx on June 14, 2016, 03:57:58 PM
Anyone know how bleutrade is getting on with the wallet.

I just emailed them to check.

Also make a request here to add CUBE on bter:

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: twicezeroiszero on June 14, 2016, 04:03:36 PM
you don't need to spend to push the price up that's the hole point.
 all you need to do is get people to pull the sales orders and not sell below a decent price.
and hold onto it for a while.


Yes exactly if people werent so short sighted they would see that trying to sell as quick as possible isnt the right way with CUBE. Everyday you stake 5.47% and next day you get another 5.47% so no lose situation unless you dump for pennies. Me Im personally staking I want a good few million just like to see large stakes hitting my wallet  ;D

Title: Re: Open Discussion: DigiCube
Post by: GREEDYJOHN on June 15, 2016, 02:10:41 AM
IGOTSPOTS knows what he is doing. Anybody that fails to stake will fall behind. Dumpers will also fall behind. IGOTSPOTS always wins in the end.