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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Spoetnik on June 13, 2016, 07:08:27 PM

Title: [POLL] Would you rather have AIDS or Cancer ?
Post by: Spoetnik on June 13, 2016, 07:08:27 PM
Probing minds want to know so vote NOW !

There may or may not be a prize involved (i can't say)

Title: Re: [POLL] Would you rather have AIDS or Cancer ?
Post by: High Plains Drifter on June 13, 2016, 09:41:08 PM
That's a tough one because if I got AIDS the question would then be:  Where/Who did I get it from?  Spoet, I'm officially punting on this one

Title: Re: [POLL] Would you rather have AIDS or Cancer ?
Post by: Spoetnik on June 13, 2016, 11:48:01 PM
I would rather get AIDS i think.
I am guessing you would have a chance of living longer.

Title: Re: [POLL] Would you rather have AIDS or Cancer ?
Post by: AscendancyEight on June 13, 2016, 11:58:13 PM
Cancer. As of now, cancer is somewhat more curable/mitigated than AIDS. AIDS essentially powers down your immune system and leaves you vulnerable to almost all diseases, meaning that you can be killed quite easily from a cold. Plus, cancer invokes sympathy from most people, while AIDS is still associated with gay sex.

Title: Re: [POLL] Would you rather have AIDS or Cancer ?
Post by: Winoc on June 14, 2016, 04:53:10 AM
Cancer is better if I have to choose it over AIDS..In rare cases, there are chances to get rid of cancer if we get proper medical treatment..AIDS makes you worst and there is no proper treatment made for AIDS uptil now to my knowledge..

Title: Re: [POLL] Would you rather have AIDS or Cancer ?
Post by: Spoetnik on June 14, 2016, 09:12:36 AM
Interesting but there are cases of Cancer where we hear about it and BAM dead !
The crack smoking mayor of Toronto Rob Ford went down like that not long ago..
They said in the news he was in bed with Cancer and a couple weeks later he was dead.
So i think some types of Cancer come on hard & fast with little warning.

But ya i bet you would get more sympathy from people if you had Cancer instead.

I have smoked all my life since 11 years old a pack a day in my parents house
so i have been expecting to get cancer all my life.. just a matter of when.
These days my lungs are shit :(
I cough daily and have had x-ray scans a few months back that showed major lung inflammation.
My Doctor told me i have lung disease etc..
I was not surprised.. i smoked for i think 30 years (this year)

It is what it is.. we all got to go some time.

But don't worry when i think i am close to dying i will come back here and apologize for all the FUD ;) the meantime.. FUD FUD FUD !!!

Title: Re: [POLL] Would you rather have AIDS or Cancer ?
Post by: tamara86 on June 14, 2016, 09:58:39 AM
If I have to choose,cancer :-\

Title: Re: [POLL] Would you rather have AIDS or Cancer ?
Post by: Spoetnik on June 14, 2016, 10:22:34 AM
If I have to choose,cancer :-\

Ya but you didn't.. the Poll results are the same after you commented LOL

Title: Re: [POLL] Would you rather have AIDS or Cancer ?
Post by: tamara86 on June 14, 2016, 10:35:10 AM
I don`t now why but I cant vote? :-\

Title: Re: [POLL] Would you rather have AIDS or Cancer ?
Post by: Spoetnik on June 14, 2016, 10:59:00 AM
I don`t now why but I cant vote? :-\

Hmm must be Nooby account status (like not being able to post pictures)

Sorry then ;)

And Noob status does not last long so no worries there.

Title: Re: [POLL] Would you rather have AIDS or Cancer ?
Post by: yesiam6 on June 14, 2016, 04:59:47 PM
Id rather cure Cancer because HIV is rather treatable today

Title: Re: [POLL] Would you rather have AIDS or Cancer ?
Post by: MisO69 on June 14, 2016, 05:26:19 PM
Ingesting cannabis oil in high doses for a prolonged period, say 6 months. Will cure both cancer and aids. Well, the oil doesn't actually cure the cancer or aids, it boosts your immune system. So much so that your very own immune system takes care of them without any problem whatsoever.

So go out and do your chemo, listen to your doctor.. when he tells you there is nothing more that can be done, go home and die. You will start looking for alternate cures. Search Rick Simpson run from the cure.

Title: Re: [POLL] Would you rather have AIDS or Cancer ?
Post by: Spoetnik on June 14, 2016, 05:44:16 PM
I posted this to see who would line up to say they would want Cancer or AID's
Why ?

Because when i posted a topic with proof the sun was disintegrating you all ignored it.

This shows how denial rules the beating hearts of users here.
The party on the titanic will NOT be stopped  :D

Now i have a list of you i can quote later at my leisure admitting you support Cancer & AIDS  ;D

Title: Re: [POLL] Would you rather have AIDS or Cancer ?
Post by: BADecker on June 14, 2016, 05:45:36 PM
Either one is okay for me, since MMS (Jim Humble) and good nutrition will cure them both.


Title: Re: [POLL] Would you rather have AIDS or Cancer ?
Post by: yesiam6 on June 14, 2016, 06:42:17 PM
Id rather cure Cancer because HIV is rather treatable today
oh its about having cancer or aids lol
i guess id choose aids because there are some meds that keep the illness from progressing

Title: Re: [POLL] Would you rather have AIDS or Cancer ?
Post by: nygaar on June 14, 2016, 07:34:03 PM
is not about to cure disease but to have it. my answer depends on the type of cancer, it is something simple like going to cure the choice is simple enough.

Title: Re: [POLL] Would you rather have AIDS or Cancer ?
Post by: eaLiTy on June 15, 2016, 12:50:54 AM
what kind of question is this,in other words do you want to die painfully.i do pray nobody gets these, i would rather die for something useful rather than these disease  :P :P

Title: Re: [POLL] Would you rather have AIDS or Cancer ?
Post by: Spoetnik on June 15, 2016, 02:43:28 AM
Because when i posted a topic with proof the sun was disintegrating you all ignored it.

It's because you're fucking retarded for believing the sun was disintegrating.

Actually the NASA picture i posted via satellite proved it.
I had provided the info i found and let you all come to the conclusion you did.
And yeah i jokingly said it was because there was a real chance it is / was.

Did you miss the part where NASA said they have never seen or heard of that happening before ?
Having that happen was unprecedented.

IT real.

What "IT" is may be a topic for discussion.

Apparently the sun acting in a never seen before extreme way is not of interest to anybody.
The story source came from NASA and i originally found it posted at
A day or two later they removed any trace of the story even existing !

SO i suppose it never happened ?

Title: Re: [POLL] Would you rather have AIDS or Cancer ?
Post by: Catlonid on June 15, 2016, 03:44:15 AM
I hope that both never happen to me
but Imo I will choose cancer rather than aids

Title: Re: [POLL] Would you rather have AIDS or Cancer ?
Post by: umair01 on June 15, 2016, 03:45:44 AM
Id rather a .45 to the head.  :'(

Title: Re: [POLL] Would you rather have AIDS or Cancer ?
Post by: CASlO on June 15, 2016, 03:56:55 AM
why choose? if i get one, might as well get the other, and just get it over with. both can kill you anyway, yes! there are treatments to slow down their effects or even give the impression that you are cured, but in the end they come back at you at full swing :(

Title: Re: [POLL] Would you rather have AIDS or Cancer ?
Post by: umair01 on June 15, 2016, 09:37:54 AM
Anyone who votes is not right in the head.
How can you prefer either one.

Title: Re: [POLL] Would you rather have AIDS or Cancer ?
Post by: glorywhole on June 15, 2016, 12:11:06 PM
Why no vote for both?

Title: Re: [POLL] Would you rather have AIDS or Cancer ?
Post by: Spoetnik on June 15, 2016, 02:11:57 PM
SO i suppose it never happened ?

We are still here.

Ergo, part of the Sun did not disintegrate.


You know who will be the first to go right ?

..anyway my point earlier was,
it's amusing what topics get a reaction & what ones don't here in this section.
For example..
I posted last night a topic with a link to a video i uploaded on Youtube and not one comment
and barely any views :(

I got up for a drink at 5am and seen a guy who broke into my house sleeping on my couch.
So i recorded a video of him getting his Beauty Sleep  :D
..a crime caught on camera LOL

No one gove two shits.

Time to vote for your favorite disease ?
Hey everyone line up and chant your favorite..
One guy is like hey "i like Herpes" and another guy is like "I am partial to Cancer myself"
then another guy comes along and proudly proclaims "he's an AID's man" ROFL

This will come in handy later when i quote you saying your a fan of aids or cancer guys AHHAHAHAH
..taking things out of context is a bitch ;)

The sun thing is a conspiracy !
Why do you think they removed any trace of the NEWS story being posted ?
They are hiding the truth from the public !

Title: Re: [POLL] Would you rather have AIDS or Cancer ?
Post by: Blackmet on June 18, 2016, 01:23:29 PM
I have no both of them and i hope that i will not get it.
AIDS is so bad...

Title: Re: [POLL] Would you rather have AIDS or Cancer ?
Post by: CAMOPEJB on June 18, 2016, 01:24:30 PM
I would rather have Cancer then aids. But this topic is a bit morbid. Maybe the op can lock it so it can never be seen again.

Title: Re: [POLL] Would you rather have AIDS or Cancer ?
Post by: StingrayX on June 18, 2016, 08:50:56 PM
AIDS is btween cancer at an early stage and cancer at an advanced stage... because the first one is curable and people can back to normal life... however, the second one cause both pain and death faster than AIDS.

Title: Re: [POLL] Would you rather have AIDS or Cancer ?
Post by: dippididodaday on June 19, 2016, 09:13:43 PM
With AIDS you die slowly cause your immune is broken down over an extended period of time and you contract viral and bacterial diseases that keeps on pestering you for some time. Awful

With cancer some area of cell growth gets really whacky and those cells keep on growing like they are being paid trillions of dollars to do so. Pain becomes a reality as the affected area expands to a greater part of the body. I think the type of cancer will determine whether I choose AIDS or cancer.

Final answer: I'll go for a rapidly spreading cancer like pancreatic cancer so death can come quicker and the suffering is limited to the shortest possible time slot, and at least you're not pestered by billions and billions of microbal little pests that slowly get the overhand over you, as is the case with AIDS.