Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Wilikon on June 15, 2016, 04:33:00 PM

Title: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: Wilikon on June 15, 2016, 04:33:00 PM


Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: BADecker on June 15, 2016, 05:41:38 PM
Just curious. What country is he in/from/being imprisoned by?    8)

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: Slow death on June 15, 2016, 05:47:04 PM
This is to remove the freedom of expression, youtube is a private account it and he can say whatever he wants, it is up to youtube to see if he broke the youtube service TOS and he broke the youtube TOS you would banish him, but involve authorities and be arrested? Where is our freedom of expression?

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: BADecker on June 15, 2016, 06:31:49 PM
This is to remove the freedom of expression, youtube is a private account it and he can say whatever he wants, it is up to youtube to see if he broke the youtube service TOS and he broke the youtube TOS you would banish him, but involve authorities and be arrested? Where is our freedom of expression?

However, dictator and civil law countries don't need the Youtube excuse. They can get away with arresting anyone that they want. All they have to do is make it a law aimed at one person. The reason why they don't do it regular like, is to keep the populace from rebelling. That's why I ask what country he is from.

In America, the government does the same thing to people. But the difference is that, in America, government has to get the individual to agree in court first. Individuals agree, because they are too ignorant to realize that they don't have to agree. So, they go to prison for nothing, simply because government talked them into agreeing to it.

See, and Google and Youtube search on "Karl Lentz common law."


Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 15, 2016, 06:32:14 PM
Just curious. What country is he in/from/being imprisoned by?    8)

Amos Yee is a famous artist / activist from Singapore. Last year, after the death of Lee Kuan Yew, he uploaded a video to Youtube, which made comparisons between Lee and Jesus. Supporters of Lee argued that the video mocked Christians and Jesus, and he was detained. His YouTube video channel can be found below:

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: Wilikon on June 15, 2016, 06:36:17 PM
Just curious. What country is he in/from/being imprisoned by?    8)


Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: BADecker on June 15, 2016, 06:52:00 PM
Singapore is small, and is of civil law which is similar to dictatorship by government.

Malaysia, just north of Singapore, is considered to be customary law, which is a form of civil law based on the customs of the people.

American common law is the law by the people as administered (when necessary) by a jury. The United States government in and of itself is mainly civil law that is under the common law in authority.


EDIT: Don't mistake the common law of the courts as American common law. It is not the same. The courts have called their brand of justice by the term common law. It is not the same as the common law of the American people. Make this distinction when you go to court in common law.

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: xavier77 on June 15, 2016, 06:54:44 PM
Why did he face jail. Although he should not insult others but it is his choice, his voice of opinion is private, man these days, we need more anonymity and privacy. We are deprived of Internet neutrality.

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: Superbitzz on June 15, 2016, 07:33:48 PM
it is a good news no one has the right to insult any religion. all religion should be protected and they should be respected.

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: BADecker on June 15, 2016, 07:40:35 PM
Why did he face jail. Although he should not insult others but it is his choice, his voice of opinion is private, man these days, we need more anonymity and privacy. We are deprived of Internet neutrality.

It's kinda like hate speech in America. If you say things bad about someone or some group in America, as long as you don't get right in their face and blow their eardrums out, how have you harmed them? You were probably right as to the content of your so-called hate speech. You haven't harmed them at all.

Then some man or woman in government gets in your face and says (rather gently, of course), "Naughty, naughty. You shouldn't have said the things that you did. You said some 'hate speech'. Your fine is $2000."

So tell me. Who got hurt? The person you used your so-called hate speech against? Or you?

Wake up. Government law is way more hate speech... written down by some politicians. These politicians used their hate speech to harm you when you used language they call hate speech that didn't hurt anybody.

Government politicians are hypocrites and liars. Their hate speech that they turn into laws, damages people way more than any simple person could damage another person by talking.

Time to use their hate speech against them. Study Karl Lentz (


Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: Wilikon on June 15, 2016, 07:56:32 PM
it is a good news no one has the right to insult any religion. all religion should be protected and they should be respected.

Tell them:

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: on June 15, 2016, 08:02:30 PM
Islam, Christianity and Judaism insult the Atheists. We must arrest them. Especially the Jews.

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: helloeverybody on June 15, 2016, 08:10:35 PM
it is a good news no one has the right to insult any religion. all religion should be protected and they should be respected.

If he feels he wants to speak up about something he thinks is ridiculous be should be allowed to.  Religions should not be protected or else we would never make progress.

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: Racey on June 15, 2016, 08:15:42 PM
Responding To The Common Bullshit of christians

His videos are very good, he speaks his mind and that should be allowed.

I am not offended by any of his videos.

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: BADecker on June 15, 2016, 08:18:04 PM
it is a good news no one has the right to insult any religion. all religion should be protected and they should be respected.

If he feels he wants to speak up about something he thinks is ridiculous be should be allowed to.  Religions should not be protected or else we would never make progress.

Come on. Everyone has his own beliefs that are different from everyone else. If we could do it, we would all have a formal religion of our own. Should we have religious protection? Sure. That way the protectors can make money off us by doing the job of protecting.

Wait. We have that already. It is call government, and our taxes is their pay for protecting us. So, who are they protecting when they punish one of us (one religion) in favor of another of us (another religion)? Forget the protection. Government is essentially a religion that is trying to impose itself on us all.


Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: BADecker on June 15, 2016, 08:19:21 PM
Responding To The Common Bullshit of christians

His videos are very good, he speaks his mind and that should be allowed.

I am not offended by any of his videos.

Only Christian farmers have Christian bullshit.    8)

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: Racey on June 15, 2016, 08:22:46 PM
Responding To The Common Bullshit of christians

His videos are very good, he speaks his mind and that should be allowed.

I am not offended by any of his videos.

Only Christian farmers have Christian bullshit.    8)

Did you watch the video or any of them?

He is only speaking the truth, he is not making it up, he is using factual quotes and common sense.
Go watch and learn  :D

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: helloeverybody on June 15, 2016, 08:31:55 PM
it is a good news no one has the right to insult any religion. all religion should be protected and they should be respected.

If he feels he wants to speak up about something he thinks is ridiculous be should be allowed to.  Religions should not be protected or else we would never make progress.

Come on. Everyone has his own beliefs that are different from everyone else. If we could do it, we would all have a formal religion of our own. Should we have religious protection? Sure. That way the protectors can make money off us by doing the job of protecting.

Wait. We have that already. It is call government, and our taxes is their pay for protecting us. So, who are they protecting when they punish one of us (one religion) in favor of another of us (another religion)? Forget the protection. Government is essentially a religion that is trying to impose itself on us all.


I was speaking about freedom of speech, no religion should be protected from what someone has to say about it. Im not saying people shouldnt be protected from violence but protecting a religion by stopping people speaking their mind on them means you can quite easily spread false facts because no one can say otherwise. Isis would agree with you though.

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: BADecker on June 15, 2016, 08:32:13 PM
Responding To The Common Bullshit of christians

His videos are very good, he speaks his mind and that should be allowed.

I am not offended by any of his videos.

Only Christian farmers have Christian bullshit.    8)

Did you watch the video or any of them?

He is only speaking the truth, he is not making it up, he is using factual quotes and common sense.
Go watch and learn  :D

Okay. I watched less than a minute. You realize, of course, that there is bullshit in some of the activities of all people, right? Some Christians are completely nuts in some things. But if they are believers in Jesus, they will rise to salvation and eternal life in the last day, no matter how nuts they were here in this life.

Serious Christians don't respond with bullshit like this video, to the bullshit of the atheism religion. Rather, serious Christians respond with truth.


Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: BADecker on June 15, 2016, 08:36:01 PM
it is a good news no one has the right to insult any religion. all religion should be protected and they should be respected.

If he feels he wants to speak up about something he thinks is ridiculous be should be allowed to.  Religions should not be protected or else we would never make progress.

Come on. Everyone has his own beliefs that are different from everyone else. If we could do it, we would all have a formal religion of our own. Should we have religious protection? Sure. That way the protectors can make money off us by doing the job of protecting.

Wait. We have that already. It is call government, and our taxes is their pay for protecting us. So, who are they protecting when they punish one of us (one religion) in favor of another of us (another religion)? Forget the protection. Government is essentially a religion that is trying to impose itself on us all.


I was speaking about freedom of speech, no religion should be protected from what someone has to say about it. Im not saying people shouldnt be protected from violence but protecting a religion by stopping people speaking their mind on them means you can quite easily spread false facts because no one can say otherwise. Isis would agree with you though.

All that I am saying is that, any time someones takes any freedom from anyone else, he is essentially promoting his religion over theirs. Why? Because nobody is smart enough to predict the stock market without actually manipulating it... or anything else. So, everything people do is by religion.


Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: Racey on June 15, 2016, 08:48:01 PM
He is not a Christian nor is he promoting anything, his videos are very good.
He speaks a lot of truth and no bull from him at all, you will never learn  :P

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: countryfree on June 15, 2016, 10:23:55 PM
Thought he was British. It happened already, some Brit has been jailed for offensive tweets. This is the UK, 140 characters can send you in jail. I think it's the same in France.

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: BADecker on June 15, 2016, 11:37:58 PM
Thought he was British. It happened already, some Brit has been jailed for offensive tweets. This is the UK, 140 characters can send you in jail. I think it's the same in France.

In Britain you can get out using English Common Law at Queens Bench in courts. In France there is no way out except to become a fugitive.


Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: Semidetached on June 16, 2016, 01:53:50 AM
This is to remove the freedom of expression, youtube is a private account it and he can say whatever he wants, it is up to youtube to see if he broke the youtube service TOS and he broke the youtube TOS you would banish him, but involve authorities and be arrested? Where is our freedom of expression?
Freedom of expression and hate speech are 2 different things and in a time like this I'm not surprised hate speech is being prosecuted.

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: Nevis on June 16, 2016, 02:01:23 AM
it is a good news no one has the right to insult any religion. all religion should be protected and they should be respected.

You are right. When someones insult a religion, he is not insulting the religion itself but the thousand of member of that religion. Religuos sector have played a big part in promoting moral cultures in the society, with this in mind any religion should be respected.

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 16, 2016, 02:50:02 AM
Why did he face jail. Although he should not insult others but it is his choice, his voice of opinion is private, man these days, we need more anonymity and privacy. We are deprived of Internet neutrality.

Some of the Asian countries are under Christian dictatorships. The Philippines is the best example. There, even family planning is banned as the Catholic church does not allow it. South Korea is another country, which is run by the Christian clergy. Actually, the majority of the population is either non-religious or Buddhists. But it is the Christians, who run the country.

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: Nevis on June 16, 2016, 03:40:17 AM
About the topic?

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: Buffer Overflow on June 16, 2016, 04:11:57 AM
it is a good news no one has the right to insult any religion. all religion should be protected and they should be respected.

You are right. When someones insult a religion, he is not insulting the religion itself but the thousand of member of that religion. Religuos sector have played a big part in promoting moral cultures in the society, with this in mind any religion should be respected.

He is most certainly not right. Ask yourself, you say religions must be respected... do you respect the one ISIS is following??

Respect must be earned, not given away free to anyone that stamps their feet demanding it.

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: popcorn1 on June 16, 2016, 04:23:15 AM
it is a good news no one has the right to insult any religion. all religion should be protected and they should be respected.


Now you respect me FUCK FACE..Now if you think no..Then why should i respect your made up fairy tales YOU GANG OF THICK OLDEN DAY BACKWARD RELIGIOUS FREAK NUT CASES  :D :D

I live in the UK report me please..And see what they do..FUCK ALL.. :D :D :D

Because imagine me in court i would make the judge look so stupid it would be funny..


I should respect religion go fuck yourself tit brains  8) 8)

OR am I the DEVIL :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D 666 AND ALL THAT :D :D :D



Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 16, 2016, 04:30:00 AM
it is a good news no one has the right to insult any religion. all religion should be protected and they should be respected.

You are right. When someones insult a religion, he is not insulting the religion itself but the thousand of member of that religion. Religuos sector have played a big part in promoting moral cultures in the society, with this in mind any religion should be respected.

No religion or individual is above criticism. Just because a religion is being followed by billions of people, it does not mean that everyone should consider that religion as something supreme. You are probably from some third world country such as Turkey, where freedom of speech is not allowed. You will never understand the real value of free speech.

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: helloeverybody on June 16, 2016, 05:53:47 AM
Most of these religions if they had it their way would separate your head from your shoulders for criticism against the Beleives they hold.  Imagine where science would be right now if you weren't allowed to speak your mind.  The earth would still be flat and the sun would be rotating around us and anyone who Beleives otherwise would be either Be headed or in jail.

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: BADecker on June 16, 2016, 06:26:28 AM
Most of these religions if they had it their way would separate your head from your shoulders for criticism against the Beleives they hold.  Imagine where science would be right now if you weren't allowed to speak your mind.  The earth would still be flat and the sun would be rotating around us and anyone who Beleives otherwise would be either Be headed or in jail.

Just a minute. I explain many things of science that are different than the "scientists" in this forum want to believe. But they can't stand up to my points of proof. Many of them would love to take me out and persecute me for showing them that their science is only a religion for them.


Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: helloeverybody on June 16, 2016, 06:44:18 AM
Most of these religions if they had it their way would separate your head from your shoulders for criticism against the Beleives they hold.  Imagine where science would be right now if you weren't allowed to speak your mind.  The earth would still be flat and the sun would be rotating around us and anyone who Beleives otherwise would be either Be headed or in jail.

Just a minute. I explain many things of science that are different than the "scientists" in this forum want to believe. But they can't stand up to my points of proof. Many of them would love to take me out and persecute me for showing them that their science is only a religion for them.


No offense but your "proof" that you deliver is usually nothing of the sort, You just mock people by telling them that they dont understand because of this or that. Nobody wants to persecute you over it though, i actually like to hear what you say its just most of the time its not exactly proof. Saying something like "its obvious god exists because hes all around you" is not proof.

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: BADecker on June 16, 2016, 06:58:28 AM
Most of these religions if they had it their way would separate your head from your shoulders for criticism against the Beleives they hold.  Imagine where science would be right now if you weren't allowed to speak your mind.  The earth would still be flat and the sun would be rotating around us and anyone who Beleives otherwise would be either Be headed or in jail.

Just a minute. I explain many things of science that are different than the "scientists" in this forum want to believe. But they can't stand up to my points of proof. Many of them would love to take me out and persecute me for showing them that their science is only a religion for them.


No offense but your "proof" that you deliver is usually nothing of the sort, You just mock people by telling them that they dont understand because of this or that. Nobody wants to persecute you over it though, i actually like to hear what you say its just most of the time its not exactly proof. Saying something like "its obvious god exists because hes all around you" is not proof.

Good thing I never said anything like that as proof... "its obvious god exists because hes all around you." Rather, I have always showed good old science proofs.


Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 16, 2016, 08:23:30 AM
Most of these religions if they had it their way would separate your head from your shoulders for criticism against the Beleives they hold. 

You need to differentiate between the organized business minded religions such as Baptistm, Judaism, Salafism, and Mormonism, with unorganized ancient religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism. The former would chop your head if you criticize them. The latter are more tolerant, and usually they will not attack you unless you attack them first.

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: helloeverybody on June 16, 2016, 09:08:47 AM
Most of these religions if they had it their way would separate your head from your shoulders for criticism against the Beleives they hold.  

You need to differentiate between the organized business minded religions such as Baptistm, Judaism, Salafism, and Mormonism, with unorganized ancient religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism. The former would chop your head if you criticize them. The latter are more tolerant, and usually they will not attack you unless you attack them first.

Indeed,  Buddhism and Hinduism have a live and let live policy where as most of the other uncivilised religions have an obey what we say policy or else you die.

Buddhism for instance doesn't try to force you into believing with threats of eternal damnation,   it simply tries to guide you into being a better person.

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: Slow death on June 16, 2016, 09:11:18 AM
it's unbelievable.

I see every time a Christian and Muslims on TV and youtube channels to talk nonsense.

For example:

On YouTube has videos of pastors of certain religions that encourage people who should not work on weekends. that people should not receive blood (blood transfusion)

The world is going to end soon.

Why these people who say this are not arrested?

I've seen things that Muslims say, their words encourage violence, but they are not arrested.

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 16, 2016, 10:02:07 AM
Indeed,  Buddhism and Hinduism have a live and let live policy where as most of the other uncivilised religions have an obey what we say policy or else you die.

Buddhism for instance doesn't try to force you into believing with threats of eternal damnation,   it simply tries to guide you into being a better person.

I am not saying that all the Christian and Muslim sects are bad. There are tolerant Christian sects, such as the Amish, Mennonites and the Hutterites. And there are also moderate Muslim groups such as the Alawites and the Sufis. But the vast majority of the Christians and Muslims are part of conservative sects, and hates those who believe in other religions.

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: escrowboy on June 16, 2016, 12:11:46 PM
This is to remove the freedom of expression, youtube is a private account it and he can say whatever he wants, it is up to youtube to see if he broke the youtube service TOS and he broke the youtube TOS you would banish him, but involve authorities and be arrested? Where is our freedom of expression?

However, dictator and civil law countries don't need the Youtube excuse. They can get away with arresting anyone that they want. All they have to do is make it a law aimed at one person. The reason why they don't do it regular like, is to keep the populace from rebelling. That's why I ask what country he is from.

In America, the government does the same thing to people. But the difference is that, in America, government has to get the individual to agree in court first. Individuals agree, because they are too ignorant to realize that they don't have to agree. So, they go to prison for nothing, simply because government talked them into agreeing to it.

See, and Google and Youtube search on "Karl Lentz common law."

This go same situation that happened on Aaron Swartz

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: BADecker on June 16, 2016, 12:49:36 PM
This is to remove the freedom of expression, youtube is a private account it and he can say whatever he wants, it is up to youtube to see if he broke the youtube service TOS and he broke the youtube TOS you would banish him, but involve authorities and be arrested? Where is our freedom of expression?

However, dictator and civil law countries don't need the Youtube excuse. They can get away with arresting anyone that they want. All they have to do is make it a law aimed at one person. The reason why they don't do it regular like, is to keep the populace from rebelling. That's why I ask what country he is from.

In America, the government does the same thing to people. But the difference is that, in America, government has to get the individual to agree in court first. Individuals agree, because they are too ignorant to realize that they don't have to agree. So, they go to prison for nothing, simply because government talked them into agreeing to it.

See, and Google and Youtube search on "Karl Lentz common law."

This go same situation that happened on Aaron Swartz

Swartz - bless his soul - is gone. But the same thing happened to Ross Ulbricht, the guy who might have been Dread Pirate Roberts of Silk Road fame. Ulbricht is in prison. If he used the info at the Void, Judgments, and if he talked Karl Lentz into helping him, he might get out in less than a month, with all his bitcoins returned to him, or an equal amount in cash.


Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: escrowboy on June 16, 2016, 01:24:22 PM
This is to remove the freedom of expression, youtube is a private account it and he can say whatever he wants, it is up to youtube to see if he broke the youtube service TOS and he broke the youtube TOS you would banish him, but involve authorities and be arrested? Where is our freedom of expression?

However, dictator and civil law countries don't need the Youtube excuse. They can get away with arresting anyone that they want. All they have to do is make it a law aimed at one person. The reason why they don't do it regular like, is to keep the populace from rebelling. That's why I ask what country he is from.

In America, the government does the same thing to people. But the difference is that, in America, government has to get the individual to agree in court first. Individuals agree, because they are too ignorant to realize that they don't have to agree. So, they go to prison for nothing, simply because government talked them into agreeing to it.

See, and Google and Youtube search on "Karl Lentz common law."

This go same situation that happened on Aaron Swartz

Swartz - bless his soul - is gone. But the same thing happened to Ross Ulbricht, the guy who might have been Dread Pirate Roberts of Silk Road fame. Ulbricht is in prison. If he used the info at the Void, Judgments, and if he talked Karl Lentz into helping him, he might get out in less than a month, with all his bitcoins returned to him, or an equal amount in cash.


Thats the reason he committed suicide, government bullied him for entire year and making him said  that he was guilty of doing something but the truth he did nothing wrong he just want information to be taken our freely and doesnt need to be paid off.

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: BADecker on June 16, 2016, 01:30:42 PM
This is to remove the freedom of expression, youtube is a private account it and he can say whatever he wants, it is up to youtube to see if he broke the youtube service TOS and he broke the youtube TOS you would banish him, but involve authorities and be arrested? Where is our freedom of expression?

However, dictator and civil law countries don't need the Youtube excuse. They can get away with arresting anyone that they want. All they have to do is make it a law aimed at one person. The reason why they don't do it regular like, is to keep the populace from rebelling. That's why I ask what country he is from.

In America, the government does the same thing to people. But the difference is that, in America, government has to get the individual to agree in court first. Individuals agree, because they are too ignorant to realize that they don't have to agree. So, they go to prison for nothing, simply because government talked them into agreeing to it.

See, and Google and Youtube search on "Karl Lentz common law."

This go same situation that happened on Aaron Swartz

Swartz - bless his soul - is gone. But the same thing happened to Ross Ulbricht, the guy who might have been Dread Pirate Roberts of Silk Road fame. Ulbricht is in prison. If he used the info at the Void, Judgments, and if he talked Karl Lentz into helping him, he might get out in less than a month, with all his bitcoins returned to him, or an equal amount in cash.


Thats the reason he committed suicide, government bullied him for entire year and making him said  that he was guilty of doing something but the truth he did nothing wrong he just want information to be taken our freely and doesnt need to be paid off.

No, that's not why. The real reason is that he didn't know Karl Lentz, who would have taught him the best way to use the law found at Void Judgments. If he had known Karl, he would have freed himself from government.


Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 16, 2016, 04:03:23 PM
Thats the reason he committed suicide, government bullied him for entire year and making him said  that he was guilty of doing something but the truth he did nothing wrong he just want information to be taken our freely and doesnt need to be paid off.

Those who forced him to take his life are still enjoying the limelight, ruining the lives of numerous other people.

Aaron Swartz was a martyr, who gave up his life for freedom. We are doing a great disservice to him by refusing to act against those who were behind his suicide. I just checked the Wikipedia page of the evil witch who killed him. It is full of propaganda churned out by her loyalists.

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: criptix on June 16, 2016, 04:07:04 PM
Singapore is a city state which has similarities to a dictatorship - it shouldnt wonder, they dont even have free press.

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: Lethn on June 16, 2016, 10:15:32 PM
it is a good news no one has the right to insult any religion. all religion should be protected and they should be respected.

Obligatory fuck Islam.

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: RankoYS on June 16, 2016, 11:22:19 PM
Just curious. What country is he in/from/being imprisoned by?    8)

Amos Yee is a famous artist / activist from Singapore. Last year, after the death of Lee Kuan Yew, he uploaded a video to Youtube, which made comparisons between Lee and Jesus. Supporters of Lee argued that the video mocked Christians and Jesus, and he was detained. His YouTube video channel can be found below:

Ah, so that explains it.

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: designerusa on June 17, 2016, 12:39:35 PM


freedom of speech is really inseparable part of human rights but if someone insults a gender, a religion , a skin color , he or she will exactly be on a trial. this is so natural so everyone should be respectful to each other. freedom of speech has its limits too like every other human rights.

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: Wilikon on June 17, 2016, 01:26:09 PM


freedom of speech is really inseparable part of human rights but if someone insults a gender, a religion , a skin color , he or she will exactly be on a trial. this is so natural so everyone should be respectful to each other. freedom of speech has its limits too like every other human rights.

You've listed the things human rights shouldn't protect.
Can you list 3 examples of speech protected by human rights?

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 17, 2016, 06:42:22 PM
freedom of speech is really inseparable part of human rights but if someone insults a gender, a religion , a skin color , he or she will exactly be on a trial. this is so natural so everyone should be respectful to each other. freedom of speech has its limits too like every other human rights.

Freedom of speech with limits and sublimits is not exactly "freedom of speech". Either you allow full freedom, or you don't allow anything. There is nothing in between. Religion, race, skin color.etc are not immune from criticism. If people are allowed to praise these things, then they should be allowed to criticize it as well. Open your eyes.. we are living in the 21st century.

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: BADecker on June 17, 2016, 10:15:23 PM
freedom of speech is really inseparable part of human rights but if someone insults a gender, a religion , a skin color , he or she will exactly be on a trial. this is so natural so everyone should be respectful to each other. freedom of speech has its limits too like every other human rights.

Freedom of speech with limits and sublimits is not exactly "freedom of speech". Either you allow full freedom, or you don't allow anything. There is nothing in between. Religion, race, skin color.etc are not immune from criticism. If people are allowed to praise these things, then they should be allowed to criticize it as well. Open your eyes.. we are living in the 21st century.

Freedom of speech is all around us. So is freedom to fight off your antagonists who you spoke against, when they decide your speech harmed them.

If the use of your freedom truly harms someone, then you should pay. But the harmed person better get up and show how he was harmed and how you were the one who did it. If he (or his surviving relatives) can't or won't do this, you are free.


Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: countryfree on June 17, 2016, 10:50:43 PM
Freedom of speech is all around us. So is freedom to fight off your antagonists who you spoke against, when they decide your speech harmed them.

I've never been in a country where there was freedom of speech. It doesn't exist in Europe, nor in the US, nor in Russia, just nowhere, because hate speech is part of that freedom, and very few people actually accept it. Is there a single place anywhere, where you can say that the guy who killed 50 gays in Florida was right, and that you're happy about it?

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: BADecker on June 18, 2016, 02:07:40 AM
Freedom of speech is all around us. So is freedom to fight off your antagonists who you spoke against, when they decide your speech harmed them.

I've never been in a country where there was freedom of speech. It doesn't exist in Europe, nor in the US, nor in Russia, just nowhere, because hate speech is part of that freedom, and very few people actually accept it. Is there a single place anywhere, where you can say that the guy who killed 50 gays in Florida was right, and that you're happy about it?

The idea of freedom is relative.

Nobody in the world is free. What is one easy way that we can tell this? Nobody can jump to the moon. Gravity has made slaves of us all. And there are lots of other things we are slaves to, just to live.

Freedom of speech has its meaning. One of the things that it does not mean is, that someone would have freedom to speak in a way that he is impossible to form the words for, because the shape of his mouth just can't do it.

Go into your closet and say anything you want, freely.


Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: groll on June 18, 2016, 02:24:37 AM
Here in our country, he will not be jailed because he is only 17 years old. ;) 
With regards to the video, I did not see it yet, but mocking other persons religion or belief is no no good.  Just you think that you know everything and anything does not mean your above anyone else.  Just because they worship or believe God which you cannot see nor anyone testifies to His existence is not a license to be proud on what you believe in and think that you are intelligent and an absolute person.  I still believe that in every creation, there is someone who creates it, and that is our Almighty Creator! :)

Title: Re: 17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 18, 2016, 03:49:28 AM
Freedom of speech is all around us. So is freedom to fight off your antagonists who you spoke against, when they decide your speech harmed them.

I've never been in a country where there was freedom of speech. It doesn't exist in Europe, nor in the US, nor in Russia, just nowhere, because hate speech is part of that freedom, and very few people actually accept it. Is there a single place anywhere, where you can say that the guy who killed 50 gays in Florida was right, and that you're happy about it?

I could name a few countries, such as Switzerland and New Zealand, although I am not sure for how long they will remain like that. Leftist loonies (supported by their allies such as the LGBTs and radical feminists) are waging their war against press freedom and free speech all around the world. Not even Switzerland is free from their influence.