Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: OROBTC on June 16, 2016, 01:51:25 AM

Title: Do the Democrats Have a "Party Line" Position on Bitcoin?
Post by: OROBTC on June 16, 2016, 01:51:25 AM

"Guccifer2" has struck.  This is the guy(s) who hacked the DNC computers the other day.  He/they has gone on to send the info to Wikileaks.

Including an impressive email list of donors.  LOTS of famous names.  As of now his site was still up, and all the Excel spreadsheets (as well as a "Secret" State Dept. document) were available there...:

*   *   *

Zero Hedge broke the story just a few hours ago.  Scroll down a bit into the comments and you will see a LONG LIST of emails that were hacked.  You will all know some of the names...

Since they are likely D-Team donors, why not ask each of them what their position is on Bitcoin?

Or ask 'em for a loan......

EDIT: Guccifer2 also throws in the DNC strategy book (vs. Trump).  They use such harsh words for The Trumpster...  Bwa ha. 

Title: Re: Do the Democrats Have a "Party Line" Position on Bitcoin?
Post by: iCEBREAKER on June 16, 2016, 01:57:12 AM
Democratic Party line on BTC:

"Everything that is not permitted is forbidden."

That is also the Republican party line on BTC.  Strange bedfellows, eh?   :P

Title: Re: Do the Democrats Have a "Party Line" Position on Bitcoin?
Post by: c789 on June 16, 2016, 03:07:51 AM
I'd rather they not since they'll want to either highly tax it or ban it because they'd see it as a threat to the National Reserve Bank. They need to keep printing that cash so there can be more money, ya know (smh).

The RNC wouldn't be much better since many of them are also beholden to the National Reserve Bank. At least they have Ron and Rand Paul and a few other prominent members who have openly supported BTC.

Overall neither party would be great. The limited govt politicians would be the best chance, and they're usually R (although they're not very well liked by the establishment R's).

EDIT: Yes, the official position is "Satoshi didn't invent Bitcoin. The Government did."

Title: Re: Do the Democrats Have a "Party Line" Position on Bitcoin?
Post by: Btcvilla on June 16, 2016, 03:38:13 AM
Democratic Party line on BTC:

"Everything that is not permitted is forbidden."

That is also the Republican party line on BTC.  Strange bedfellows, eh?   :P

A government does not like decentralized currency!?!?!

I would of never guessed.