Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining => Topic started by: Frequency on March 10, 2013, 01:06:17 PM

Title: @40TH now what % gpu, fpga, asic are we at?
Post by: Frequency on March 10, 2013, 01:06:17 PM
So we are at 40TH at the moment i wonder what U think the % of mininggear we have  mining right now is;

Something like this;

(CPU)      1%
GPU.      54%
FPGA.    20%
ASIC.     25%
(Botnet) ?


Title: Re: @40TH now what % gpu, fpga, asic are we at?
Post by: organofcorti on March 10, 2013, 01:09:03 PM
So we are at 40TH at the moment .....

Where do you get this figure from? I estimate we're at about 35Thps, maybe 37Thps at a strectch. But not even close to 40Thps.

Title: Re: @40TH now what % gpu, fpga, asic are we at?
Post by: Frequency on March 10, 2013, 01:26:50 PM
So we are at 40TH at the moment .....

Where do you get this figure from? I estimate we're at about 35Thps, maybe 37Thps at a strectch. But not even close to 40Thps.

I just looked at


I am aware of the variance but its at all time high,!! Right?

Title: Re: @40TH now what % gpu, fpga, asic are we at?
Post by: organofcorti on March 10, 2013, 01:30:48 PM
So we are at 40TH at the moment .....

Where do you get this figure from? I estimate we're at about 35Thps, maybe 37Thps at a strectch. But not even close to 40Thps.

I just looked at


I am aware of the variance but its at all time high,!! Right?

The hashrate is at an all time high, sure enough, but I'm also sure it's not 40Thps yet. I think those estimates are based on a day's average or less. Far too much variance there to be useful.

I'd use the 7 day estimates on  instead.

Title: Re: @40TH now what % gpu, fpga, asic are we at?
Post by: organofcorti on March 10, 2013, 01:51:03 PM
I can help a little bit. On the following pie chart, "Unknown" are small pools, dark pools, solominers and bot-nets. They've dropped from around 20% of the network hashrate a few weeks ago to about 10% now. So, assuming there are no botnets mining at pools, they are currently less than 10% of the network. As Difficulty increases, this percentage will decrease further. (

I'd also assume that the only CPU mining on the network would be due to botnets, but I don't know how large a proportion of botnets would be CPU and how much GPU.

The first ASICs were added at the start of february. The Hashrate has increased by ~ 10 or maybe even 12 Thps since then. Some of those will be GPU miners that found they could still profitably mine after the constant increase in the exchange rate, but lets say 10Thps are ASIC. So I'd estimate ~ 28% of the network hashes are contributed by ASICs.

I'd guess GPU and FPGAs are probably about even, but I could be wrong.

It's an interesting question - maybe you could start a poll?

Title: Re: @40TH now what % gpu, fpga, asic are we at?
Post by: Frequency on March 10, 2013, 02:24:10 PM
I can help a little bit. On the following pie chart, "Unknown" are small pools, dark pools, solominers and bot-nets. They've dropped from around 20% of the network hashrate a few weeks ago to about 10% now. So, assuming there are no botnets mining at pools, they are currently less than 10% of the network. As Difficulty increases, this percentage will decrease further. (

I'd also assume that the only CPU mining on the network would be due to botnets, but I don't know how large a proportion of botnets would be CPU and how much GPU.

The first ASICs were added at the start of february. The Hashrate has increased by ~ 10 or maybe even 12 Thps since then. Some of those will be GPU miners that found they could still profitably mine after the constant increase in the exchange rate, but lets say 10Thps are ASIC. So I'd estimate ~ 28% of the network hashes are contributed by ASICs.

I'd guess GPU and FPGAs are probably about even, but I could be wrong.

It's an interesting question - maybe you could start a poll?

Thanks for your time and info it sounds fair to me..i will look in to create a poll about the mininggear use...
Maybe that will give some insight in %
