Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: calme on June 18, 2016, 09:32:54 PM

Title: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: calme on June 18, 2016, 09:32:54 PM
What do you think/say when people tell you that?

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: b0art on June 18, 2016, 09:35:09 PM
the people who said that back in the early days of bitcoin are now the people that are crying they didn't get in early.

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: Monnt on June 18, 2016, 09:50:05 PM
Because you just happen to be talking to a small community. There are 9 billion people in this world. How many have you talked to about this problem? Max a hundred. There are 8.9999999999 billion people who might be seeing a change.

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: ebookscreator on June 18, 2016, 09:57:46 PM
the people who said that back in the early days of bitcoin are now the people that are crying they didn't get in early.
Yeah thats true we already know this that bitcoin will increase more in the future.. if you are always keep watching the speculation board many people are reminding that this coming june we will see that the price will increase fast due to block halving is nearly done.. but people are not listening.. now regret..

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: calme on June 18, 2016, 10:03:13 PM
Because you just happen to be talking to a small community. There are 9 billion people in this world. How many have you talked to about this problem? Max a hundred. There are 8.9999999999 billion people who might be seeing a change.
Dude I was part of the BTC scene in San Francisco. I've met a believer or two. I am one  ;)

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: MicroGuy on June 18, 2016, 10:29:17 PM
What do you think/say when people tell you that?

Email almost put the US postal service out of business. Eventually, cryptocurrency will lead to the closure of many banks. But it generally takes 2 to 3 generations for a superior technology to gain traction with the consumer.

People that don't think it will 'catch on' probably don't understand the genius of the protocol. It's okay. I would just wish them well - or explain it to them - if they are open minded and genuinely interested.


Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: raphma on June 18, 2016, 11:44:10 PM
i feel sorry for them, because bitcoin will make me rich some day  ;D ;D
even if bitcoin die at some point, i'm making profit now, i'll sell bitcoins and jump on the next big coin.

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: icanscript on June 18, 2016, 11:50:37 PM
I have mixed reactions on this, its caught on well so far... but I cant see it lasting for a _very_ long time.

The general public are not interested due to there being no safety behind it.

Bitcoin Situation:

Someone scams you - You lose your money

Visa Situation:

Someone scams you - You get your money back


I think the only way a cryptocurrency will ever take major hold is if its governed by a major bank or corporation that people trust. People are not going to trust some people they see as geeky programmers controlling their money.

Don't get me wrong though, I love bitcoin, I think its an amazing innovation and would do anything to have it take over conventional banking. I just cant see it happening.

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: Junko on June 18, 2016, 11:57:17 PM
What do you think/say when people tell you that?

My brother was one of these people up until about 3 years ago when I gave him some bitcoin. Since then he's made the effort to actually try to understand what bitcoin is all about and how it works. Needless to say, he's changed his tune.

With other people though who say they can't ever see bitcoin catching on or whatever, I just nod my head and don't really bother trying to convince them otherwise. If they have some knowledge of bitcoin and still don't want to jump on the train, well, that's their problem not mine.

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: calme on June 19, 2016, 12:13:31 AM
Come on, let it all out guys. The politically correct are not welcome in this thread. Do you regard them as luddites with no grasp of the future?

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: jackg on June 19, 2016, 12:15:17 AM
What do you think/say when people tell you that?

It's been going for five years.
It has also barely decreased in prie below the base of £150 after it reached that height!
It had also been at a farily stable price for six months before the halving!

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: calme on June 19, 2016, 12:52:09 AM
You already know they think we're batshit crazy. So might as well just be honest with what we think about them.

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: DodoB on June 19, 2016, 12:58:30 AM
They're kind of true-bitcoin is still a niche currency and with paypal and online bank accounts there are less and less arguments to convince "normal" people to use bitcoins over $

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: Hirose UK on June 19, 2016, 12:59:26 AM
the people who said that back in the early days of bitcoin are now the people that are crying they didn't get in early.
Yeah thats true we already know this that bitcoin will increase more in the future.. if you are always keep watching the speculation board many people are reminding that this coming june we will see that the price will increase fast due to block halving is nearly done.. but people are not listening.. now regret..
I think they should regret, why didn't they collect bitcoin earlier. I have nothing to say to those who say that.

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: Quantus on June 19, 2016, 01:13:05 AM

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: c789 on June 19, 2016, 01:17:58 AM
In 1993 I clearly remember people saying the Internet was a fad and wouldn't catch on.

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: thend1949 on June 19, 2016, 01:20:23 AM
the people who said that back in the early days of bitcoin are now the people that are crying they didn't get in early.

Agree, they are the people crying now because they didnt try the best oppurtunity.
If i can back the days that im playing online games, ididnt know what is bitcoin in that time and the price of it is so cheap.. I want to comeback in that year and all of my money i deposit there

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: yenxz on June 19, 2016, 02:25:39 AM
the people who said that back in the early days of bitcoin are now the people that are crying they didn't get in early.

Agree, they are the people crying now because they didnt try the best oppurtunity.
If i can back the days that im playing online games, ididnt know what is bitcoin in that time and the price of it is so cheap.. I want to comeback in that year and all of my money i deposit there
i think not just people who dont know and dont want to know about bitcoin who miss some chance to know about bitcoin since some years ago,but we also miss something,we miss bitcoin from first time it born,we not too familiar with this,and its why look like not ready.

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: Sniper44 on June 19, 2016, 02:41:40 AM
bitcoin is like any other technology which is new and it is going to take a long time to catch on.

a couple of months ago steam didn't even want to accept bitcoin , now you can charge your steam wallet, or buy games with bitcoin.

soon all those businesses will also accept bitcoin and remove things like shitty paypal from their site.

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: outatime1 on June 19, 2016, 02:54:11 AM
I would say that they may be right, but it could be a new technology that catches on like internet, email, or twitter. We just don't know but is could be a great investment for those that get in earlier rather than later.

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: JarBinks on June 19, 2016, 03:05:15 AM
While it is a little sad that more people do not share our passion, I don't really care!!

When I mention BTC to my father, a retired C-Level from a not small investment firm, he rolls his eyes and starts to ignore me.
I am so happy to see that.  BTC, and Crypto Currency in general, is still like the wild west.
Most people died in their 30's but a decent amount of the underpinnings of our current society where born back then.
   (Not to mention that a bulk of the old money was generated back in those days)

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: d5000 on June 19, 2016, 03:06:09 AM
To really catch on, Bitcoin must work on two fronts:

- Usability. A bitcoin transaction must be as easy as sending an e-mail. There are some solutions out there already, like the bitcoin: shortcut. But they are still too complicated. And there is a major issue: Bitcoin addresses are too complicated. There should be a possibility like an "attached unique name", like the aliases in NXT. That would harm privacy a bit, but for most payments it should be ok.
- Volatility. I cannot remark it too often: An asset that does not work as an "unit of account" does not work as a currency. So the "get rich quick" function - that leads to pro-cyclic trading and exaggeration of volatility - is diametrally opposed to the "currency function". But without the story of Bitcoin becoming a worldwide currency the get-rich-quick function would not work.

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: Leonard2016 on June 19, 2016, 03:08:30 AM
i don't know why you can't see it because i do see it really catching on in the future. becasue it also has already started catching on you just have to look to see how bitcoin is growing.

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: Cryptonitex on June 19, 2016, 04:21:54 AM
People usually tell me that they don't see it catching on because the price isn't stable.
I could see their point.

I mean like 30-45% increase in value. Went from $450 - 750 in like 3 days.
That's not a stable currency, but I'm sure many people were happy with the rise.

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: salmanahmedone on June 19, 2016, 04:29:25 AM
People usually tell me that they don't see it catching on because the price isn't stable.
I could see their point.

I mean like 30-45% increase in value. Went from $450 - 750 in like 3 days.
That's not a stable currency, but I'm sure many people were happy with the rise.

"I can't see it ever really catching on"  is not true since past two weeks as bitcoin is rising more than expected. Then obviously when there is as sudden increase in the price, there can be a sudden decrease in price too. Its the traders to take benefit of the changing situations.

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: Herbert2020 on June 19, 2016, 05:29:57 AM
What do you think/say when people tell you that?

then you are ignoring what bitcoin is really offering. if you look at bitcoin as an investment just like many others who are doing it, you can see that bitcoin has been one of the best investments in the world that can give you a very good profit.

also if you look at bitcoin as a currency you realize how better it is compared to fiat. i am not saying bitcoin will replace fiat but i am fairly certain that bitcoin will replace any other form of online money and things like paypal will die soon because of bitcoin.

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: Wendigo on June 19, 2016, 05:45:24 AM
the people who said that back in the early days of bitcoin are now the people that are crying they didn't get in early.

Yeah this is pretty much the famous last words of even the most ardent Bitcoin naysayers  ;D Unfortunately I found out about Bitcoin too late but there were a lot of people who heard about Bitcoin in the very beginning but passed on the opportunity to buy even the smallest amount of coin and now they must have been kicking themselves for missing out on like the easiest money they will have ever made.

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: ObscureBean on June 19, 2016, 05:46:51 AM
Objectively speaking, there isn't much that can be said really because you can't possibly know if it'll ever catch on or not. Any argument you come up with will only either be pure speculation or just wishful thinking. However, in an actual life situation, where someone says that, what I say would depend on the context and tone of his/her statement.

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: justspare on June 19, 2016, 06:31:38 AM
the people who said that back in the early days of bitcoin are now the people that are crying they didn't get in early.
Well to be honest I never believed in Bitcoin when it first came out. When the price went around $100 then I started to believe and invest. Then it hit $1000 and I sold most of my Bitcoin. Now I am earning it back.

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: franky1 on June 19, 2016, 09:07:20 AM
What do you think/say when people tell you that?

just order them a pizza with bitcoin. and when its delivered to their house tell them they cant have a slice, because ofcourse they think bitcoin is useless..
then order their girlfriend some roses paid with bitcoin and ask them. 'should i put this in my name, or do you admit bitcoin is useful and want the greetings card in your name and make your girlfriend happy thanks to bitcoin.'

if they are single and more into gaming. offer them a game on steam and then say "oops nearly forgot you dont want it because bitcoin is not really "a thing"

in short. explaining bitcoin to people is just too much for those not interested. but showing them how it works and how useful it actually is, peeks their interest

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: pandalion98 on June 19, 2016, 10:07:33 AM
What do you think/say when people tell you that?
It's somehow catching on. That's the thing people from years ago were saying, but look at bitcoin now.

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: densuj on June 19, 2016, 10:14:09 AM
Yes, but there are many chance to get profit from bitcoin and another coins. We just need keep an update for bitcoin and watching news about cryptocurrencies.

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: partysaurus on June 19, 2016, 11:36:42 AM
í think bitcoin will catch on in the future, when more people understand what the fiat currency realy is , most people cant even grasp that. how in hell can they grasp what a bitcoin is then :)

Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: yayayo on June 19, 2016, 12:53:53 PM
I can't see it ever really catching on

What do you think/say when people tell you that?

No problem. I can respect others holding a different opinion than me. However the statement lacks any justification for the negative expectation that Bitcoin won't catch on. That makes it appear quite arbitrary and I would be thinking that people making this statement are neither well informed nor did they really invest much time in thinking about Bitcoin.

I think I would try to talk to these people first and try to find out if my first impression is correct or not. If they have specific arguments then it's definitely worth a discussion. Otherwise it is a waste of time and I would suggest that they inform themselves a bit more before coming to premature conclusions.


Title: Re: I can't see it ever really catching on
Post by: justdimin on June 19, 2016, 08:00:22 PM
Unlucky them, I guess.
Them not seeing the potential of bitcoin isn't our problem. It's theirs. If they seem to really not believe, then I guess we'd leave them alone and be on our merry way getting bitcoins ourselves.

It would be fun to be able to say to their face "Told you so!" one day.