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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: countryfree on June 25, 2016, 06:42:00 PM

Title: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: countryfree on June 25, 2016, 06:42:00 PM
Scotland has clearly announced it wants to remain in the EU. Ireland and Gibraltar have been less vocal, but they're not far behind. There's a huge opportunity for Ireland to reunite, it will be seized. Ditto for Gibraltar in Spain.

The UK has always been a BS country anyway. It was built on treason, the prince of Wales doesn't deserve his title, and blood. Nazi Germany has killed millions of Jews, Britain has killed millions of Scottish and Irish men and women. I drink to Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage, they'll enter history books as the men who have destroyed the UK. They are heroes just like Gorbatchev who allowed the USSR, another BS country, to self-destruct.

We don't need countries. The smaller they are, the less power they have, the better for the people!

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: Jet Cash on June 25, 2016, 06:50:45 PM
I see from the slogan under your post count that you don't believe in your country. I think that's really sad. Everybody should believe in their country, and give thanks for theiir upbringing. I believe in my country, and the people here. It's the government that is crap, and we're getting rid of them.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: Lethn on June 25, 2016, 07:13:10 PM
Much of the remain vote was from people who were either scared or in it for the money the EU was supposedly giving them which is why many University Students and Scientists voted for them.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: alyssa85 on June 25, 2016, 07:18:35 PM
I don't think anyone English will give a toss if it Scots leave. They have a budget deficit of 10% of GDP and the English taxpayer has to plug the gap.

However for that very reason the Scots are unlikely to leave - it is not as though the EU will give them money to plug their budget gaps.

Same goes for Northern ireland. 26% of NI's GDP is made up of public spending by the English. Again England would cheer if they left, but that is the very reason they won't leave.

And so the UK soldiers on for another 300 years.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: Jet Cash on June 25, 2016, 09:04:48 PM
I hope Scotland does stay in the UK. The Scots contribute a lot to our economy.

Now how about this one - I think Sothern Ireland should leave the EU, and join the UK. We wouldn't rip them off the way the EU has/is. :)

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: zenitzz on June 25, 2016, 09:44:06 PM
Scotland the brave why do you wish to be dictated to by the EU if they still remain part of the UK but independently join the EU?

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: a7mos on June 25, 2016, 09:48:39 PM
many people are calling for a second referendum on leaving the EU. If the government does so, maybe this will calm the regions that want to leave UK like Scotland

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: European Central Bank on June 25, 2016, 10:01:17 PM
No way Ireland'll reunite. the republic of ireland doesn't need the ball ache of taking on the north. the north is clever enough to know they'd be absolutely screwed without england even though they mainly voted remain.

i think this is gonna be the biggest head ache that comes out of the referendum by a long way. i don't know how the border thing'll work.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: mOgliE on June 26, 2016, 12:01:16 AM
Much of the remain vote was from people who were either scared or in it for the money the EU was supposedly giving them which is why many University Students and Scientists voted for them.

Yeah it can't be because they have some faith in international exchange and cooperation, definitely for the money ::)

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: mOgliE on June 26, 2016, 12:03:00 AM
I don't think anyone English will give a toss if it Scots leave. They have a budget deficit of 10% of GDP and the English taxpayer has to plug the gap.

However for that very reason the Scots are unlikely to leave - it is not as though the EU will give them money to plug their budget gaps.

Same goes for Northern ireland. 26% of NI's GDP is made up of public spending by the English. Again England would cheer if they left, but that is the very reason they won't leave.

And so the UK soldiers on for another 300 years.

Another heavy mistake of capitalists, they only consider as valuable what directly profits to their wealth, they don't give a damn about indirect actions they're too lazy and greedy for that...

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: Gronthaing on June 26, 2016, 12:35:31 AM
Scotland has clearly announced it wants to remain in the EU. Ireland and Gibraltar have been less vocal, but they're not far behind. There's a huge opportunity for Ireland to reunite, it will be seized. Ditto for Gibraltar in Spain.

The UK has always been a BS country anyway. It was built on treason, the prince of Wales doesn't deserve his title, and blood. Nazi Germany has killed millions of Jews, Britain has killed millions of Scottish and Irish men and women. I drink to Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage, they'll enter history books as the men who have destroyed the UK. They are heroes just like Gorbatchev who allowed the USSR, another BS country, to self-destruct.

And the eu may try to make life in the uk as difficult as possible too. Use it to serve as an example for other countries if they try to leave.

We don't need countries. The smaller they are, the less power they have, the better for the people!

Don't know about that. Not that I like things as they are. But don't know that smaller and weaker countries will mean people will be better of. Chances are the power will concentrate even more where it already exists. In big businesses, big multinational corporations, etc.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: mOgliE on June 26, 2016, 12:40:47 AM

We don't need countries. The smaller they are, the less power they have, the better for the people!
I see your point but I must disagree here. We need countries,  and big ones.
What we don't need on the other hand, are governments. And country doesn't mean full power government in theory ;)

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 26, 2016, 04:27:04 AM
Let me tell you folks something.... all these scaremongering tactics are not going to work. All those who could be influenced by such tactics voted for Bremain during the referendum. The remainder is composed of experienced and intelligent people who can't be won by such tactics. So my advice is to stop whining, and to apply for the Irish passport, if you want to remain in the EU.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: Jet Cash on June 26, 2016, 06:22:15 AM
I think the Irish would be better off leaving the EU, and joining the UK. They are hard working, and would be an asset to us, and a lot of them are here already. :)

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: Maesters1- on June 26, 2016, 06:55:15 AM
i dont think so that the destrution of the UK has started. although it is a hard time for them but i think they will cover these hurdles easily because they have so still so many supporters. we have already some example. if we talk about Hong Kong will they destroyed after separation? they they are even stronger than the previous position.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: Jet Cash on June 26, 2016, 07:33:09 AM
Hong Kong is an interesting situation, and it illustrates the fact that Britain honours its obligations and agreements. It shows that the world can trust us when negotiating treaties. The same isn't true of the EU. Countries are better off dealing directly with the UK, and avoiding being deceived by the disintegrating EU.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: Daniel91 on June 26, 2016, 08:03:56 AM
Scotland has clearly announced it wants to remain in the EU. Ireland and Gibraltar have been less vocal, but they're not far behind. There's a huge opportunity for Ireland to reunite, it will be seized. Ditto for Gibraltar in Spain.

The UK has always been a BS country anyway. It was built on treason, the prince of Wales doesn't deserve his title, and blood. Nazi Germany has killed millions of Jews, Britain has killed millions of Scottish and Irish men and women. I drink to Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage, they'll enter history books as the men who have destroyed the UK. They are heroes just like Gorbatchev who allowed the USSR, another BS country, to self-destruct.

We don't need countries. The smaller they are, the less power they have, the better for the people!

I agree with you that is very good possibility that Scotland and N. Ireland will leave UK and join EU again.
I can't agree that we don't need countries any more.
If no countries, it means no governments, no laws, no order etc.
What will be results of it?
Anarchy and self destruction.
By the way, I think that Gorbatchev did great thing when he allowed peaceful dissolution of USSR and end of communism regime.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: countryfree on June 26, 2016, 11:28:14 AM
Scotland the brave why do you wish to be dictated to by the EU if they still remain part of the UK but independently join the EU?

Because the Scots believe EU will be nicer than the UK! The EU has never killed any Scot so far.

I agree with you that is very good possibility that Scotland and N. Ireland will leave UK and join EU again.
I can't agree that we don't need countries any more.
If no countries, it means no governments, no laws, no order etc.
What will be results of it?
Anarchy and self destruction.

I didn't say we shouldn't have any police forces. There will always be the need for a sheriff to prevent people from killing each other. When I say no country, I mean no flag and no allegiance to something fictitious and most often built from war.

I think the UK should be renamed because it's no longer United. Northern Ireland and Scotland have clearly voted in favor of staying in the EU. I propose that the country, for a while, to be renamed as the Formerly United Kingdom. That sounds nice too.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: romero121 on June 26, 2016, 11:54:08 AM
Big impact in economy and other developments can be felt upon UK, but only at the initially days they will suffer and gradually situations will change. Even now on the day of election too world economy itself had a great fall because of the unexpected poll results.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: criptix on June 26, 2016, 12:46:06 PM
Let me tell you folks something.... all these scaremongering tactics are not going to work. All those who could be influenced by such tactics voted for Bremain during the referendum. The remainder is composed of experienced and intelligent people who can't be won by such tactics. So my advice is to stop whining, and to apply for the Irish passport, if you want to remain in the EU.

Just to put the story right:

This guy was giving conspiracy therories like the elites killed the labour mp to get bremain a win.
1 day before the voting he was sure bremain would win because of that.

Please.... ::)

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: countryfree on June 26, 2016, 11:03:32 PM

Nicola Sturgeon: Scottish parliament could block Brexit
Scotland’s first minister says she will consider asking MSPs to vote down legislation needed for UK to leave the EU

LOL! What will happen first? The UK leaving the EU or Scotland leaving the FUK?

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: Jet Cash on June 26, 2016, 11:15:57 PM
It's quite simple really the Free United Kingdom leaves the EU, and enters a new period of prosperity. Those who want to jump off the gravy train should be allowed to do so. Under the changed circumstances, it is right that Scotland has a referendum to drop into poverty. Personally, I will continue to buy their scotch, but not their haggis.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: saddampbuh on June 27, 2016, 06:15:59 AM
no to mention that the result wont be valid without approval from london the snp don't have a majority in the scottish parliament so how the hell does she think she is going to get the referendum legislation through

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: Karartma1 on June 27, 2016, 06:37:05 AM
Some years ago I remember the whole mess regarding the Lisbon Treaty, like we were all doomed by that treaty which was the beginning of EU dictatorship.
Now the UK leaving the EU and all the mess related.

Maybe that was the point: destroy the EU from the inside.
Who better than the UK could do that?

No crisis was sufficient to destroy the EU but this was the plan all along. And now I recognize it.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: apollofire on June 27, 2016, 06:51:12 AM
I disagree with your views. Every country has a dark chapter. Why single out UK?

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: Gaugh on June 27, 2016, 09:31:36 AM
I wish things could have remained the way it was.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: helloeverybody on June 27, 2016, 01:08:26 PM
I don't think the uk is any worse off then they wher,   it's too early days yet.  Sturgeon will definitely push for another Scottish referendum and i think it may well go in favour of independence but it would probably be a  bad idea  for Scotland to get  into Europe even if spain  or whoever it was didn't try to block it.   

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: Jet Cash on June 27, 2016, 02:14:47 PM
The UK has never really been united. I'm English, and British is now such a devalued description, that only the immigrants seem to use it with conviction. I think the Scots, Irish, Welsh and even the Cornish seem to feel the same way. If it turns out that only England comes out of the  EU, then I am happy with that. I'd be sad to lose the contributions made by the other members of the UK, but getting out of the EU and TTIP must be our number one priority. Actually this tribalism is common in many countries - look at Spain and France for example. It's even in America. When I was over there, some people would think of themselves as Texans ( for example ) first, and Americans second.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: alyssa85 on June 27, 2016, 02:32:57 PM

Nicola Sturgeon: Scottish parliament could block Brexit
Scotland’s first minister says she will consider asking MSPs to vote down legislation needed for UK to leave the EU

LOL! What will happen first? The UK leaving the EU or Scotland leaving the FUK?

She hasn't got the legal authority, Holyrood is a sort of glorified county council - and all her posturings in the last couple of days have been about delusions of grandeur (nothing new, she pays herself more than the Prime Minister for looking after fixed spending for the 5 million Scots, whereas the PM looks after 65 million people with responsibility for tax, defence and foreign policy).

Brussels has already told her that they won't negotiate with her, and only if and when Scotland is independent will they talk to her. She doesn't want to call a referendum though because the majority of Scots say they don't want one, they want to wait to see how Brexit actually pans out before making a decision.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: romero121 on June 27, 2016, 03:12:25 PM
I disagree with your views. Every country has a dark chapter. Why single out UK?

It doesn't look like a darker side of UK. I believe only after the proper acceptance of the getting out from the union after 2years can exactly know what happens to the growth of UK.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: Jet Cash on June 27, 2016, 03:36:42 PM
Medtronic is to buy Heartware International for $1.1 billion - that's a 92% premium. It seems a lot of companies and countries believe in the future of Britain, and are prepared to invest money to be a part of it.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: Gronthaing on June 27, 2016, 07:55:34 PM
I disagree with your views. Every country has a dark chapter. Why single out UK?

It doesn't look like a darker side of UK. I believe only after the proper acceptance of the getting out from the union after 2years can exactly know what happens to the growth of UK.

Or sooner. The process to leave the eu can take less than 2 years. After invoking article 50 the uk and eu will negotiate the exit. 2 years is the time limit for those negotiations. If there is no agreement then the uk leaves anyway. But no one is calling for article 50 to be invoked yet. And maybe it won't ever be:

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: abugseuf on June 27, 2016, 08:55:49 PM
may be is so but my person view is different. i think it is very useful in favour of UK. although it is a tuff time for UK to stable but i am hopeful that UK will stable itself very soon.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: Ravion on June 27, 2016, 09:12:36 PM
It's really ironic. The people who were all for the UK leaving the EU, with the intention of keeping the UK together, have caused the UK to become polarized to a degree that they could not have imagined. Like the OP said, Scotland will now definitely be pushing for independence. And people in London, don't want anything to do with leaving the EU.

Additionally, the whole world is angry at the UK's decision to leave the EU and is looking for ways to punish them financially.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: NicosKaralis on June 27, 2016, 09:29:12 PM
Wave of hate crime and racial abuse reported following EU referendum...  >:( (

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: countryfree on June 28, 2016, 12:02:56 AM
The UK has never really been united. I'm English, and British is now such a devalued description, that only the immigrants seem to use it with conviction. I think the Scots, Irish, Welsh and even the Cornish seem to feel the same way. If it turns out that only England comes out of the  EU, then I am happy with that. I'd be sad to lose the contributions made by the other members of the UK, but getting out of the EU and TTIP must be our number one priority. Actually this tribalism is common in many countries - look at Spain and France for example. It's even in America. When I was over there, some people would think of themselves as Texans ( for example ) first, and Americans second.

Well, I think of myself as a man. That's it. I have no sense of belonging to whatever...

Back to the subject, the problem is that the referendum made England+Scotland+Wales+Ireland even less united than they were. It wasn't easy to say how a Scot was different from an English, but Nicola Sturgeon can claim how different they are because they support the EU. Scotland is now much stronger, and that will make difficult to manage in Westminster. So something will have to break.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: gentlemand on June 28, 2016, 01:37:25 AM
I feel British and like it as a term. It offers a nice bit of dilution. I don't really relate to Englishness. I grew up in England but I've spent lots of time in Scotland and am largely Scottish but found their chippiness about everything down South pretty fucked up.

Never knew sectarianism existed up there either until I came across it which blew my mind completely. No one seems to mention that and it's a 100% non issue in England.

If Scotland does wangle an EU remain, and I really dunno how, I'll probably go for a passport as long as they don't make any demands of me. I've spent years in Europe and wish to continue doing so in the easiest manner.

This referendum is most definitely the catalyst for it all to fall apart.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: Buffer Overflow on June 28, 2016, 04:24:21 AM
Wave of hate crime and racial abuse reported following EU referendum...  >:( (

Yeah, this needs to be stamped out quick. Some people are gonna be pretty pissed when the penny drops that leaving the EU isn't going to stop immigration.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: Lethn on June 28, 2016, 04:35:34 AM
I disagree with your views. Every country has a dark chapter. Why single out UK?

The reason all these people are doing this is because the British public hasn't voted the way others have wanted so now they're all throwing tantrums and are either acting like it's the end of the world or that anybody who voted leave is 'Xenophobic' and 'Racist'.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: criptix on June 28, 2016, 03:47:10 PM
I disagree with your views. Every country has a dark chapter. Why single out UK?

The reason all these people are doing this is because the British public hasn't voted the way others have wanted so now they're all throwing tantrums and are either acting like it's the end of the world or that anybody who voted leave is 'Xenophobic' and 'Racist'.

Can you stop painting the picture that the whole world is calling your poor brexiters racist and xenophobes?

If i run a software to search for the words racist and xenophobe on bct i will bet 5 btc that lethn is the one who uses the two words the most.

It is like you try to get support by whining about how everyone is a lier by acussing  you as a racist even though 99% of the time it doesnt happen .

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: countryfree on June 28, 2016, 11:43:17 PM
I disagree with your views. Every country has a dark chapter. Why single out UK?

The reason all these people are doing this is because the British public hasn't voted the way others have wanted so now they're all throwing tantrums and are either acting like it's the end of the world or that anybody who voted leave is 'Xenophobic' and 'Racist'.

I've singled out the FUK because it made the news. But the more I think of it, the more I enjoy the british choice. I would love to see a united Ireland and an independent Scotland.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 29, 2016, 02:40:25 AM
I've singled out the FUK because it made the news. But the more I think of it, the more I enjoy the british choice. I would love to see a united Ireland and an independent Scotland.

An independent Scotland will be a reality in the near future (before 2020), but I am afraid that your dream of an United Ireland might never happen. Earlier, the Catholics had a sharp advantage over the Unionists in high birth rates. But now the Catholic birth rate is going down, and the difference has vanished. Right now, there are more Unionists than Catholics in Ulster.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: ObscureBean on June 29, 2016, 05:22:54 AM
Well I applaud the UK for this gutsy move. I think the motto "united we stand" is overrated and long due for a revision anyway. People and countries alike have been brainwashed into thinking that being part of a collective is the only way to find solace, that they have to give up their individual identities for the "greater good". The world sorely needs a divergence from this engraved notion.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: Cresciuanto on June 29, 2016, 06:09:36 AM
Well I applaud the UK for this gutsy move. I think the motto "united we stand" is overrated and long due for a revision anyway. People and countries alike have been brainwashed into thinking that being part of a collective is the only way to find solace, that they have to give up their individual identities for the "greater good". The world sorely needs a divergence from this engraved notion.
and who know that it is their construction or destruction. and what will happened in the future. I think they are in up side now. states are joining it and they are making aliens now. I think they will very soon make their position strong.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: countryfree on June 29, 2016, 10:41:26 PM
Well I applaud the UK for this gutsy move. I think the motto "united we stand" is overrated and long due for a revision anyway. People and countries alike have been brainwashed into thinking that being part of a collective is the only way to find solace, that they have to give up their individual identities for the "greater good". The world sorely needs a divergence from this engraved notion.

You can see something has gone wrong by looking at Bojo. Hey, this guy is the clear winner. As the leading conservative backing brexit, he will probably become the next prime minister. So he should be a happy man, dancing in the street, shooting out loud: We won! We won! But we don't see that. Why?

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: ObscureBean on June 30, 2016, 04:48:39 AM
Well I applaud the UK for this gutsy move. I think the motto "united we stand" is overrated and long due for a revision anyway. People and countries alike have been brainwashed into thinking that being part of a collective is the only way to find solace, that they have to give up their individual identities for the "greater good". The world sorely needs a divergence from this engraved notion.

You can see something has gone wrong by looking at Bojo. Hey, this guy is the clear winner. As the leading conservative backing brexit, he will probably become the next prime minister. So he should be a happy man, dancing in the street, shooting out loud: We won! We won! But we don't see that. Why?

What did you expect? Moving against the current comes with a price but at the least the UK can be whole again and breathe normally again. I'd make that choice any day of the week, 365 days a year just so I can be true to myself instead of selling my identity to a bunch of fakes who couldn't care less about who I am but pretend to just the same.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: Jet Cash on June 30, 2016, 08:05:53 AM

You can see something has gone wrong by looking at Bojo. Hey, this guy is the clear winner. As the leading conservative backing brexit, he will probably become the next prime minister. So he should be a happy man, dancing in the street, shooting out loud: We won! We won! But we don't see that. Why?

Obviously there are a lot of threats and pressures that go on behind the scenes. It happened in Greece, and they are in worse trouble since they ignored their referendum, and continued to accept theft to support the insolvent German banks. Now it looks as if they will have to come out of the EU anyway, they are just a lot poorer for delaying it. I just hope that our politicians ( and people ) can stay strong enough to get out of the decaying EU. The big fear is the creature that will rise from the EU ashes.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: missout on June 30, 2016, 10:32:29 AM
Some years ago I remember the whole mess regarding the Lisbon Treaty, like we were all doomed by that treaty which was the beginning of EU dictatorship.
Now the UK leaving the EU and all the mess related.

Maybe that was the point: destroy the EU from the inside.
Who better than the UK could do that?

No crisis was sufficient to destroy the EU but this was the plan all along. And now I recognize it.

Of course.  It's explained here in a clip from the "Yes Minister", episode "The Devil You Know"

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: abugseuf on June 30, 2016, 05:33:59 PM
Some years ago I remember the whole mess regarding the Lisbon Treaty, like we were all doomed by that treaty which was the beginning of EU dictatorship.
Now the UK leaving the EU and all the mess related.

Maybe that was the point: destroy the EU from the inside.
Who better than the UK could do that?

No crisis was sufficient to destroy the EU but this was the plan all along. And now I recognize it.

Of course.  It's explained here in a clip from the "Yes Minister", episode "The Devil You Know"
but i don't think so. i think time will decide that either it is their destruction or construction. you can see that so many other states are welling to become alie of the EU. and some already become their alie. i therefore can say that no one can say that it is the destruction or construction of EU.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: countryfree on June 30, 2016, 10:41:58 PM
Well I applaud the UK for this gutsy move. I think the motto "united we stand" is overrated and long due for a revision anyway. People and countries alike have been brainwashed into thinking that being part of a collective is the only way to find solace, that they have to give up their individual identities for the "greater good". The world sorely needs a divergence from this engraved notion.

You can see something has gone wrong by looking at Bojo. Hey, this guy is the clear winner. As the leading conservative backing brexit, he will probably become the next prime minister. So he should be a happy man, dancing in the street, shooting out loud: We won! We won! But we don't see that. Why?

What did you expect? Moving against the current comes with a price but at the least the UK can be whole again and breathe normally again. I'd make that choice any day of the week, 365 days a year just so I can be true to myself instead of selling my identity to a bunch of fakes who couldn't care less about who I am but pretend to just the same.

Against the current? BoJo has been backed by 52% of the british people, so he's not exactly a loner, but I must say I really don't understand british politics. There's got to be something really wrong. How can the man who pushed so hard for brexit suddenly leaves the ship when he has the unique opportunity to steer it the way he said he would?

I guess the fracture inside the conservative party is bigger than I thought, and that's bad for the country. I thought there would be trouble with Scotland and Ireland but there's also trouble in Westminster.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: popcorn1 on June 30, 2016, 11:25:44 PM
Well I applaud the UK for this gutsy move. I think the motto "united we stand" is overrated and long due for a revision anyway. People and countries alike have been brainwashed into thinking that being part of a collective is the only way to find solace, that they have to give up their individual identities for the "greater good". The world sorely needs a divergence from this engraved notion.

You can see something has gone wrong by looking at Bojo. Hey, this guy is the clear winner. As the leading conservative backing brexit, he will probably become the next prime minister. So he should be a happy man, dancing in the street, shooting out loud: We won! We won! But we don't see that. Why?

What did you expect? Moving against the current comes with a price but at the least the UK can be whole again and breathe normally again. I'd make that choice any day of the week, 365 days a year just so I can be true to myself instead of selling my identity to a bunch of fakes who couldn't care less about who I am but pretend to just the same.

Against the current? BoJo has been backed by 52% of the british people, so he's not exactly a loner, but I must say I really don't understand british politics. There's got to be something really wrong. How can the man who pushed so hard for brexit suddenly leaves the ship when he has the unique opportunity to steer it the way he said he would?

I guess the fracture inside the conservative party is bigger than I thought, and that's bad for the country. I thought there would be trouble with Scotland and Ireland but there's also trouble in Westminster.


Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: European Central Bank on June 30, 2016, 11:30:53 PM

Against the current? BoJo has been backed by 52% of the british people, so he's not exactly a loner, but I must say I really don't understand british politics. There's got to be something really wrong. How can the man who pushed so hard for brexit suddenly leaves the ship when he has the unique opportunity to steer it the way he said he would?

because he didn't expect to win? looks to me like he jumped on the bandwagon to set himself up for future leadership after the smoke had cleared. when he was looking down the barrel of taking responsibility for all the shit that flew up he ran for it.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: criptix on July 01, 2016, 08:13:56 PM
i found something interesting:

when it looked like a close win for remain (52-48 for remain) farage was suggesting a second referendum, that didnt happened because leave won.

Are his words coming back to haunt him? :S

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: European Central Bank on July 01, 2016, 08:49:15 PM
here's the answer everyone's been looking for and maybe it's the final word on the subject

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: countryfree on July 01, 2016, 11:38:29 PM
here's the answer everyone's been looking for and maybe it's the final word on the subject

Nice one, thanks. This shows how big the mess is. No one has the solution to please everybody, so most people will be just waiting for someone to come with a magic wand. The wait may last years with growing discontentment everywhere.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: qiman on July 02, 2016, 02:11:10 PM
Scotland has clearly announced it wants to remain in the EU. Ireland and Gibraltar have been less vocal, but they're not far behind. There's a huge opportunity for Ireland to reunite, it will be seized. Ditto for Gibraltar in Spain.

The UK has always been a BS country anyway. It was built on treason, the prince of Wales doesn't deserve his title, and blood. Nazi Germany has killed millions of Jews, Britain has killed millions of Scottish and Irish men and women. I drink to Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage, they'll enter history books as the men who have destroyed the UK. They are heroes just like Gorbatchev who allowed the USSR, another BS country, to self-destruct.

We don't need countries. The smaller they are, the less power they have, the better for the people!

Also we must remember that the Queen of England and most of the Royals are a bunch of Germans, they are not even English. This last generation of Royals changed their name from Saxe-Coberg to Windsor to remove themselves from Nazi connotations but many of the Royals had ties with Nazi Germany. Smaller countries are much better and easier for the people to have a bigger voice, to that I agree.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: countryfree on July 04, 2016, 11:15:54 PM
LOL! Bojo left first, and now Nigel Farage, but Corbyn who should stands down doesn't. So the Royal family are Germans according to the previous poster, and brits can't trust their political leaders. Anyone still believing that the FUK will survive?

We see syrian refugees all over Europe, maybe brits will be next.

Anyone remembers that in Cyprus a few years back, people couldn't withdraw the money they had in the bank. Something a bit similar is happening in the FUK:

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: popcorn1 on July 05, 2016, 01:12:41 AM
LOL! Bojo left first, and now Nigel Farage, but Corbyn who should stands down doesn't. So the Royal family are Germans according to the previous poster, and brits can't trust their political leaders. Anyone still believing that the FUK will survive?

We see syrian refugees all over Europe, maybe brits will be next.

Anyone remembers that in Cyprus a few years back, people couldn't withdraw the money they had in the bank. Something a bit similar is happening in the FUK:
:D :D..I was hoping house prices would drop ..Now my children have a chance to buy a home..They say they will rise :D :D can they if no one buying.. ;D ;D

We will do much better than any country in the EU..We got the cash they so badly want ;D ;D
Now if i am wrong why is all the world so worried we are leaving?..

We Crash Europe Crashes well worse than we will..
Please trigger article 50 so Britain can prove who is right..Yes we will loose money by businesses
leaving because they are trying to prove a point..Once they leave they will never get back in..

For to long big business have been telling the masses what to do..IT'S NOW CHANGED..
YOU GO YOU NEVER GET BACK IN OUR LANDS..Plenty of the same companies that do the same business as you ..If there is 1 butcher there is a million more lining up to sell..Same goes right across the board for all companies..For you to think your the only business doing what you do then think again..

NOW FOR WAR..Now call me stupid it was Britain who Won the war 1 and 2
And if you want another one we will win number 3 ;D ;D
And if you think the whole of the EU will battle BRITAIN.. WE WILL NUKE YOU TO FUK ;D ;D

And France your so cheeky how many times have we saved your country from the Germans?
SO DON'T YOU DARE THREATEN US BRITISH..If anything you should be thanking us for saving you
from the EU ..Your so lazy you wont work a 42 hour a week job it would kill you FRENCH..
So France will be gone soon..
So is Germany now going to fund the whole of the EU :D :D :D :D..Oh and Holland your people will be paying more soon..Lets see how long that last for ;D

Some one from an EU country said to me where do you come from i say England..I am English..
If someone outside the EU ask i say British..Never do i call myself EUROPEAN NEVER NEVER NEVER..SO FUK YOU.. ;D
And not 500 million in the EU GOT MONEY to sell to more like 250 million

Britain is the MOTHER LAND to the world ;D ;D..Calling us little Britain..We civilised the world..
The EU to join forces to try to destroy the UK would be DEATH FOR THE WORLD..
You try and kill us the world will be gone ;D ;D..NOT A THREAT A PROMISE..

You can be funny with trade that's ok..TRY WITH WAR AND YOU WILL DIE ;D ;D
EU Don't threaten Britain because you want us british to be slaves to pay your 10 billion..

Sorry not to the WORLD TO HUMANS..World will still go around and around..Just all of human life will be dead..So leave us BRITISH ALONE TO GET ON WITH OUR FUTURE TO MAKE A BETTER BRITAIN..And LONDON GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER..SHAME ON YOU..


Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: Jet Cash on July 05, 2016, 07:12:43 AM
There is no destruction of the UK - there may be destruction of the banking sector though.
One of the reasons for the stock market drop, was the positions in Sterling taken by the financial organisations and speculators. The bookies gave remain an 80% chance of winning. Thery were wrong, and speculators with high gearing who bet against the interests of Britain suffered massive losses. If you had a 100:1 gearing, and you deposited £100,000, then you had to find around £9,900,000 to cover your losses. Funds that did this, had to sell shares to cover this. That's why share prices are rising now, the fundamentals are good.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: countryfree on July 05, 2016, 11:22:10 PM
There is no destruction of the UK - there may be destruction of the banking sector though.

All brits should be afraid. FUK has a very high current account deficit. With all foreign investors freezing their plans because of the uncertainty about everything, it's going to get tough. 3 major finance firms (Standard Life, Aviva, M&G) have already suspended trading. Investors asking to get their money back won't get it.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: hermanhs09 on July 06, 2016, 01:37:02 PM
Scotland has clearly announced it wants to remain in the EU. Ireland and Gibraltar have been less vocal, but they're not far behind. There's a huge opportunity for Ireland to reunite, it will be seized. Ditto for Gibraltar in Spain.

The UK has always been a BS country anyway. It was built on treason, the prince of Wales doesn't deserve his title, and blood. Nazi Germany has killed millions of Jews, Britain has killed millions of Scottish and Irish men and women. I drink to Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage, they'll enter history books as the men who have destroyed the UK. They are heroes just like Gorbatchev who allowed the USSR, another BS country, to self-destruct.

We don't need countries. The smaller they are, the less power they have, the better for the people!
Actually i dont like the idea of no countries,we need them in my opinion.
But im a liberal,i think that country should have very low taxes which are used to pay for:army,police,public transport and health service,nothing more.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: DooMAD on July 06, 2016, 10:26:05 PM
i think that country should have very low taxes which are used to pay for:army,police,public transport and health service,nothing more.

No fire crews?  No coastguard?  No schools, colleges, universities, libraries?  No waste collection?  No courts, prisons or judicial service (unless you put those under the "police" category)?  No parks and recreational areas?  Sounds like a pretty crappy country to me.

Sometimes people forget that public funding can cover many of the services they use and even rely on.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: countryfree on July 06, 2016, 10:56:01 PM
i think that country should have very low taxes which are used to pay for:army,police,public transport and health service,nothing more.

No fire crews?  No coastguard?  No schools, colleges, universities, libraries?  No waste collection?  No courts, prisons or judicial service (unless you put those under the "police" category)?  No parks and recreational areas?  Sounds like a pretty crappy country to me.

Sometimes people forget that public funding can cover many of the services they use and even rely on.

Firefighting, waste collection, universities, aren't under government's control in many countries. They're all local services, paid by local people (or private companies and students for universities), just like policing and jail some 150/200 years ago. But this isn't the subject.

Am I the only one here to notice that the british currency and british shares are down? Substantially down!

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: hermanhs09 on July 06, 2016, 11:10:30 PM
i think that country should have very low taxes which are used to pay for:army,police,public transport and health service,nothing more.

No fire crews?  No coastguard?  No schools, colleges, universities, libraries?  No waste collection?  No courts, prisons or judicial service (unless you put those under the "police" category)?  No parks and recreational areas?  Sounds like a pretty crappy country to me.

Sometimes people forget that public funding can cover many of the services they use and even rely on.

Firefighting, waste collection, universities, aren't under government's control in many countries. They're all local services, paid by local people (or private companies and students for universities), just like policing and jail some 150/200 years ago. But this isn't the subject.

Am I the only one here to notice that the british currency and british shares are down? Substantially down!
This is actually not strange,a lot of people just got totally scared after the UK leaving EU,
they may lose some trust to United Kingdom currency and shares and some stocks,but i believe it will be back to normal in some time,british are trust-worthy economy.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: Cresciuanto on July 07, 2016, 01:20:07 PM
i think that country should have very low taxes which are used to pay for:army,police,public transport and health service,nothing more.

No fire crews?  No coastguard?  No schools, colleges, universities, libraries?  No waste collection?  No courts, prisons or judicial service (unless you put those under the "police" category)?  No parks and recreational areas?  Sounds like a pretty crappy country to me.

Sometimes people forget that public funding can cover many of the services they use and even rely on.

Firefighting, waste collection, universities, aren't under government's control in many countries. They're all local services, paid by local people (or private companies and students for universities), just like policing and jail some 150/200 years ago. But this isn't the subject.

Am I the only one here to notice that the british currency and british shares are down? Substantially down!
This is actually not strange,a lot of people just got totally scared after the UK leaving EU,
they may lose some trust to United Kingdom currency and shares and some stocks,but i believe it will be back to normal in some time,british are trust-worthy economy.
but i think it is too early to say any thing like that. the future will decide that either it is their destruction or construction. no one know about the future. may it in in the favour of UK so i think we should wait and see that happens. 

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: alyssa85 on July 07, 2016, 01:57:32 PM

Am I the only one here to notice that the british currency and british shares are down? Substantially down!

The geniuses in the markets failed to predict Brexit and failed to price it in. Now they're panicking. The falling pound is great for any UK exporters of goods and services.

And pension funds have reported they're doing great too as they diversified outside the UK, and now all the dividends coming in from their foreign stocks are buying more pounds (the funds liabilities are all in sterling).

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: criptix on July 07, 2016, 02:22:04 PM

Am I the only one here to notice that the british currency and british shares are down? Substantially down!

The geniuses in the markets failed to predict Brexit and failed to price it in. Now they're panicking. The falling pound is great for any UK exporters of goods and services.

And pension funds have reported they're doing great too as they diversified outside the UK, and now all the dividends coming in from their foreign stocks are buying more pounds (the funds liabilities are all in sterling).

Seems we are living in different simulations.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: countryfree on July 07, 2016, 10:35:01 PM
i think that country should have very low taxes which are used to pay for:army,police,public transport and health service,nothing more.

No fire crews?  No coastguard?  No schools, colleges, universities, libraries?  No waste collection?  No courts, prisons or judicial service (unless you put those under the "police" category)?  No parks and recreational areas?  Sounds like a pretty crappy country to me.

Sometimes people forget that public funding can cover many of the services they use and even rely on.

Firefighting, waste collection, universities, aren't under government's control in many countries. They're all local services, paid by local people (or private companies and students for universities), just like policing and jail some 150/200 years ago. But this isn't the subject.

Am I the only one here to notice that the british currency and british shares are down? Substantially down!
This is actually not strange,a lot of people just got totally scared after the UK leaving EU,
they may lose some trust to United Kingdom currency and shares and some stocks,but i believe it will be back to normal in some time,british are trust-worthy economy.
but i think it is too early to say any thing like that. the future will decide that either it is their destruction or construction. no one know about the future. may it in in the favour of UK so i think we should wait and see that happens. 

The FUK's facing some terrible pressure. Pressure from Scotland and Ireland, pressure to find a new prime minister with a majority to support him (or her), pressure the markets everywhere... It's a slow process, but the next head of government will have to very, very talented to overcome so many things going wrong. Then, Britain is pretty much isolated. It has lost all its European friends. They won't help if there's trouble.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: hermanhs09 on July 07, 2016, 11:13:03 PM

Am I the only one here to notice that the british currency and british shares are down? Substantially down!

The geniuses in the markets failed to predict Brexit and failed to price it in. Now they're panicking. The falling pound is great for any UK exporters of goods and services.

And pension funds have reported they're doing great too as they diversified outside the UK, and now all the dividends coming in from their foreign stocks are buying more pounds (the funds liabilities are all in sterling).
It is not a surprise that something like this is just happening,it was kind of obvious after the decision that UK made,
all of them shares will go a little bit down,but im pretty worried that people started to panic-sell and just dumping their assets.
That may start a crisis in few countries,and maybe at the whole europe.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: CroSany on July 07, 2016, 11:22:32 PM
I think my country Croatia need to leave that corrupted EU organisation.EU brings to my country nothing good.We didnt want to join to EU but corrupted politicians send us there become west influence.Now Germany dont want support Croatia in stopping Serbia to go to EU because first we want money from Serbia from war damages and more things but German president grandpa poor Merkel dont want that.

God bless CROATIA.
God destroy NATO and EU.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: valta4065 on July 07, 2016, 11:28:59 PM
I think my country Croatia need to leave that corrupted EU organisation.EU brings to my country nothing good.We didnt want to join to EU but corrupted politicians send us there become west influence.Now Germany dont want support Croatia in stopping Serbia to go to EU because first we want money from Serbia from war damages and more things but German president grandpa poor Merkel dont want that.

God bless CROATIA.
God destroy NATO and EU.

That's a bit violent. Especially for a east european country, what exactly do you accuse EU of?

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: CroSany on July 07, 2016, 11:57:18 PM
I accuse EU because they dont care for own alliance countries.For Croatia EU is dirty bank MMF corrupted organisation,Greece was bankrupt because of stupid EU ,Italy will bankrupt,they just increase fees in EU.Merkel isnt good for EU she is destroying own country she is so poor omg keek.EU dont know for justice.My country have smaller and smaller debt when we dont have govrement now.

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: valta4065 on July 08, 2016, 12:34:27 AM
i think that country should have very low taxes which are used to pay for:army,police,public transport and health service,nothing more.

No fire crews?  No coastguard?  No schools, colleges, universities, libraries?  No waste collection?  No courts, prisons or judicial service (unless you put those under the "police" category)?  No parks and recreational areas?  Sounds like a pretty crappy country to me.

Sometimes people forget that public funding can cover many of the services they use and even rely on.

Firefighting, waste collection, universities, aren't under government's control in many countries. They're all local services, paid by local people (or private companies and students for universities), just like policing and jail some 150/200 years ago. But this isn't the subject.

Am I the only one here to notice that the british currency and british shares are down? Substantially down!

Yeah and students are doing so well with private universities... Just look at the average USA student xD

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: CroSany on July 08, 2016, 12:46:55 AM
Yea Europe students have great average but American average so poor   ;D  .Americans dont know even where is Europe or how much USA have countries  ;D

Title: Re: The destruction of the UK has started
Post by: countryfree on July 08, 2016, 11:00:50 PM
Another thing which is quite surprising is the vanishing of british male politicians. Nicola Sturgeon already is the PM of Scotland, and it's getting very, very likely that the FUK's next PM will be a female, too. Don't know if this is good or bad. It's possibly meaningless.