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Economy => Goods => Topic started by: scrib on March 14, 2013, 01:53:55 AM

Title: [WTS] Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds - Better Prices - Free Shipping
Post by: scrib on March 14, 2013, 01:53:55 AM
Description: A native of eastern India and Bangladesh, this vigorous twiner will grow 30 ft (9 m) or more into the treetops, but can be trained over a post or stump and kept trimmed to a moundlike form. A dense white down covers both young stems and leaf undersides. The leaves are ovate-cordate, to 1 foot across, white tomentose beneath with lateral veins conspicuous on the undersides. Tight clusters of trumpet-shaped bright pink flowers about 2 in (5 cm) across on pedicels to 6 inches long appear among the foliage in spring and summer.

Uses: Used medicinally in India.
Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, vata, nervine weakness, emaciation, weakness, wounds, cardiac debility, ageing, sexual weakness, insomnia, hemorrhoids, anemia, arthritis and general debility.3

Useful part: Roots

Culture: In a tropical climate cultivation is simple, the plants making very vigorous growth in a sunny position in moist soil. In cooler climates they can be grown in a sunny conservatory, but due to their rampant growth will need frequent cutting back. Propagate from seed or cuttings.

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