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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Jet Cash on July 02, 2016, 06:33:12 AM

Title: Should England leave the UK
Post by: Jet Cash on July 02, 2016, 06:33:12 AM
Sounds stupid. doesn't it. But many of the issues raised by Scotland also apply to England ( including parts of London), Westminster seems to be obsessed with boosting financial companies, and it's at the expense of industry, pensions and the people of the UK. We need to break away from it.

Of course an easier solution would be to elect non-venal politicians, but there don't seem to be many around. The primary function of a politician is to get re-elected, and this is despite the enormous costs to the country.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: ~BitSy~ on July 02, 2016, 07:13:00 AM
I think you meant England leave the EU and not UK. Their decision might have some benefits because I read somewhere that there will be less expenditure on their half for certain stuff and they get to not follow certain rules imposed by EU and also they get to be more independent as a whole.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: Jet Cash on July 02, 2016, 07:15:46 AM
No I mean England leave the UK. There is no question that we should leave the self-destructing EU - the sooner the better.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: designerusa on July 02, 2016, 08:07:54 AM
Sounds stupid. doesn't it. But many of the issues raised by Scotland also apply to England ( including parts of London), Westminster seems to be obsessed with boosting financial companies, and it's at the expense of industry, pensions and the people of the UK. We need to break away from it.

Of course an easier solution would be to elect non-venal politicians, but there don't seem to be many around. The primary function of a politician is to get re-elected, and this is despite the enormous costs to the country.
Sounds stupid. doesn't it. But many of the issues raised by Scotland also apply to England ( including parts of London), Westminster seems to be obsessed with boosting financial companies, and it's at the expense of industry, pensions and the people of the UK. We need to break away from it.

Of course an easier solution would be to elect non-venal politicians, but there don't seem to be many around. The primary function of a politician is to get re-elected, and this is despite the enormous costs to the country.
according to me, united kingdom should not leave european union , if it happens, it will shoot itself in the foot. This separetion will be begginning of united kingdom's downfall becaue uk is not indepented from eu both economically and culturally for that reasons uk shoul stay in european union's borders for sure.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: helloeverybody on July 02, 2016, 08:10:02 AM
I think it would probably be a bad move for England to leave the uk. England relies more on the other country's in the uk than they do for England also they dont need to, England has the say on what happens in the uk whereas none of the other countries do. What would be the benefit?

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: qiman on July 02, 2016, 02:13:52 PM
London also wants to leave and be independent, so why not the whole world become city states instead of big countries? I think that will solve a lot of the world's problems as they will be small and manageable.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: alyssa85 on July 02, 2016, 03:12:21 PM
Sounds stupid. doesn't it. But many of the issues raised by Scotland also apply to England ( including parts of London), Westminster seems to be obsessed with boosting financial companies, and it's at the expense of industry, pensions and the people of the UK. We need to break away from it.

Of course an easier solution would be to elect non-venal politicians, but there don't seem to be many around. The primary function of a politician is to get re-elected, and this is despite the enormous costs to the country.

Coming out of the EU should automatically reduce the UK's dependence on financial services.

There is a strong geographic component to trade. As long as we were in the EU, London and the south-east would be the most prosperous, as they are the closest to teh mainland.

Exiting the EU forces the govt to start making trade deals with the rest of the world - this should benefit the western side of the country, because all the big ports that provide easy access to the Atlantic and the Med are in the west.

Just by Brexiting we have changed things - now lets wait to see what the change brings before contemplating new change.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: Daniel91 on July 02, 2016, 03:36:31 PM
Sounds stupid. doesn't it. But many of the issues raised by Scotland also apply to England ( including parts of London), Westminster seems to be obsessed with boosting financial companies, and it's at the expense of industry, pensions and the people of the UK. We need to break away from it.

Of course an easier solution would be to elect non-venal politicians, but there don't seem to be many around. The primary function of a politician is to get re-elected, and this is despite the enormous costs to the country.

It's just theoretical question.
In reality, this will not be needed.
Very simple, Scotland and N. Ireland will choose to leave UK and stay in EU (possible Wales as well) so UK will disappear and only England will remain.
So, United will disappear and only kingdom will left, kingdom England (not sure how long). :)

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: alyssa85 on July 02, 2016, 04:47:09 PM

It's just theoretical question.
In reality, this will not be needed.
Very simple, Scotland and N. Ireland will choose to leave UK and stay in EU (possible Wales as well) so UK will disappear and only England will remain.
So, United will disappear and only kingdom will left, kingdom England (not sure how long). :)

They won't. Scotland and Northern Ireland depend on England for money. Scotland has a deficit of 10% of GDP that is being plugged in by England, and Northern ireland has 26% of GDP due to public spending (again financed by England).

As we have seen with Greece - poor countries that need money do not declare independence. It's only strong ones who have a lot of money that do (like the UK).

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: Jet Cash on July 02, 2016, 07:07:51 PM
Nobody seems to have picked up on my point that the real problem is the Government. I don't understand why people keep electing venal conmen, and it seems to happen in most countries.

The Brexit issue is a no brainer. Why would any country want to subject itself to unelected control, and the extraction ofits wealth. Britain is the poorer because its politicins conned the public into believing that Britain was crap. and it neede the EU. Now we need to get out as fast as possible. Most of our trade is outside the EU ( as is the EU trade), and we are net importers from the EU. The EU needs Britain, we don't need the EU.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: BADecker on July 02, 2016, 09:05:05 PM
Nobody seems to have picked up on my point that the real problem is the Government. I don't understand why people keep electing venal conmen, and it seems to happen in most countries.
Easy to understand. People have been trained away from understanding English Common Law. In all parts of Britain - Ireland to a slightly lesser extent - the use of Queens Bench Court overrules all of Government when necessary. Commoners can use this court... actually, it IS their court. But few people know.

It took more than 500 years for the people to perfect English Common Law. And now in a few decades, the people have forgotten it.

In the States, the use of English Common Law has been simplified into American Common Law. It is upheld by the 6th, 7th, 9th and 10th Amendments in the Bill of rights. It can be used to overcome any governmental statute, code, enforcement policy, or administrative court. But few people know about it, and the government keeps it hidden as well as they can.

The Brexit issue is a no brainer. Why would any country want to subject itself to unelected control, and the extraction ofits wealth. Britain is the poorer because its politicins conned the public into believing that Britain was crap. and it neede the EU. Now we need to get out as fast as possible. Most of our trade is outside the EU ( as is the EU trade), and we are net importers from the EU. The EU needs Britain, we don't need the EU.

So, it is time for the Brits to use English Common Law at Queens Bench to individually stop any of the things that government wants to foist on them. But they have to know that they can do this first, right?


Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: criptix on July 02, 2016, 09:24:54 PM

It's just theoretical question.
In reality, this will not be needed.
Very simple, Scotland and N. Ireland will choose to leave UK and stay in EU (possible Wales as well) so UK will disappear and only England will remain.
So, United will disappear and only kingdom will left, kingdom England (not sure how long). :)

They won't. Scotland and Northern Ireland depend on England for money. Scotland has a deficit of 10% of GDP that is being plugged in by England, and Northern ireland has 26% of GDP due to public spending (again financed by England).

As we have seen with Greece - poor countries that need money do not declare independence. It's only strong ones who have a lot of money that do (like the UK).

Financial dependance isnt an argument. Nord irelands and scotlands gdp deficit would just be a joke in relation to the EU budget.

The EU could finance that without problems - it is a political problem.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: Gronthaing on July 03, 2016, 12:36:59 AM
Coming out of the EU should automatically reduce the UK's dependence on financial services.

Will that change much? People who run those services won't go anywhere. Not so much that the uk needs them. But they will continue to have the most influence in government decisions. And what gets done and where the money goes.

London also wants to leave and be independent, so why not the whole world become city states instead of big countries? I think that will solve a lot of the world's problems as they will be small and manageable.

A few problems with that. True that nobody else knows the problems of their city like the people who live there. And what they want and how to do it. But there is always need for cooperation for some things. Things even large countries can't do alone. Maybe for lack of resources so need to trade. Or expertise in some field. Or industry. Or geographic location. Etc. So the red tape to get many city states working together could be hard to manage for large projects. But maybe biggest problem is those in power wouldn't let it happen. Spain for example is desperately holding on to catalonia. And not only governments but influential groups too that wouldn't want it. Businesses wouldn't want to deal with different standards and regulations in many different cities for example. Etc.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: Jet Cash on July 03, 2016, 07:26:45 AM
Deals are made between companies, regulations just make things harder.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: criptix on July 03, 2016, 10:15:47 AM
Deals are made between companies, regulations just make things harder.

Regulations are needed because mostly nations in the world usually try to protect their economy and therefore give their own companies an edge with economical or political support.

Through regulation something like is much harder to happen.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: Gronthaing on July 04, 2016, 01:56:07 AM
Deals are made between companies, regulations just make things harder.

Regulations are needed because mostly nations in the world usually try to protect their economy and therefore give their own companies an edge with economical or political support.

Through regulation something like is much harder to happen.

Not only that. Hard to see a company dealing with externalities by themselves. Costs others pay because of the business. Even if they don't use it. Like polution, climate change, banks gambling with depositor money and crashing the economy, antibiotic resistant bacteria from industrial farming and over prescription, etc.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: mOgliE on July 04, 2016, 02:24:13 AM
Sorry I didn't understand. You want England to leave the UK? So to keep only England, without Scotland, Wales or Norther Ireland?

But... What would be the point? It's like asking if a country should divide itself into 4 different parts, why doing so?

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: onelove2111 on September 21, 2016, 12:07:39 PM
I am sure that this will never happen. This is a pretty stable country, To make such antics. For then there will be a decline of these areas. While together they are strong

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: Gronthaing on September 22, 2016, 02:36:27 AM
I am sure that this will never happen. This is a pretty stable country, To make such antics. For then there will be a decline of these areas. While together they are strong

Not so sure the uk is that stable. And that something like it will never happen. 2 years ago scotland wasn't very far from leaving the union. With the referendum to leave the eu scotland and ireland were considering leaving. If brexit goes ahead why would they stay in the uk?

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: ObscureBean on September 22, 2016, 05:44:27 AM
London also wants to leave and be independent, so why not the whole world become city states instead of big countries? I think that will solve a lot of the world's problems as they will be small and manageable.

That's actually not a bad idea but something like that would only work if every country in the world agreed to break up into city states. Something which is unlikely to happen. Any country that stays whole would hold power and control over the smaller independent states. There is a reason why every country tries to lay claim to as much land as they can. Not everyone wants equality. In such a scenario, independent states would likely have to unite into bigger entities to better counteract pressure from the countries left whole. And we're back to square one.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: tsaroz on September 22, 2016, 06:11:00 AM
Let them vote. They would choose UKxit. They are already out of EU and they have fewer things to blame upon.
It doesn't matter what UK is, if they can exit, they will.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: Daniel91 on September 22, 2016, 03:00:39 PM
Interesting question but you have to understand something.
UK is, in fact, result of dominion which England established in Britain over centuries.
They occupied Britain island and Ireland and finally Scotland, in 1701.
So, they will never leave country they established long time ago, by force and army, no way.
They always wanted to dominate others, they still dominate others and they will always have such tendency.
I hope that people in Scotland will be smarter next time, on referendum, and choose EU, not UK again.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: xht on September 22, 2016, 07:10:35 PM
England would also lose 185 million in taxes if it did and for that alone they are responsible for them in perpetuity. Karma dude...careful what you wish for, you might get it.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: Buffer Overflow on September 22, 2016, 08:24:29 PM
They [England] always wanted to dominate others, they still dominate others and they will always have such tendency.
Dominate or be dominated. Take your pick.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on September 22, 2016, 10:45:08 PM
England would also lose 185 million in taxes if it did and for that alone they are responsible for them in perpetuity. Karma dude...careful what you wish for, you might get it.

The figures, which highlight the effect of falling North Sea oil revenues on Scotland’s finances, show that Scotland’s deficit reached £14.9bn in 2014/15, up from £13.4bn in the previous financial year. The figure amounts to 9.7 per cent of Scottish GDP, compared with the overall UK deficit of 4.9 per cent of GDP.

55 million English support 5 million Scotish people so if you left you be scotish TRAMPS AGAIN..
Back like Glasgow shit hole in the 70s..

Your little janet cranky is a bullshitter who knows fuck all ..
PLEASE SCOTLAND LEAVE THE UK..You are getting on my tits..You don't own fuck all..

william wallace died years ago you thick fuckers ;D..

Your country is in debt every year by billions so what the fuck is a 185 million in taxes :D :D :D.
STUPID TWAT >:( >:( >:(..

You scotish are getting on my nerves fucking go..
Oh and if you think your getting through the EU by going through England or passing English waters
we will tax you if not then you wont get past..

You stupid thick fuckers i have had enough of your crying faces just hurry up and fuck off..

Fucking snp if we stayed would of been crying to leave for a vote..
Please give scotland the vote give them the right to leave the uk if they wish..

No i don't want you to go BUT the way your still crying about it i wouldn't mind you going just to prove you made a bad mistake..

And if you think you can join back think again we will never have you back..

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on September 22, 2016, 11:21:06 PM
Lived in jersey for 4 years and had many many scotish friends and all they said was scotland was a shit place to live..
Always cold wet and windy..
I been there many times and it was shit boring as fuck :D :D..
Edinburgh festival that's all you got oh and some nice golf courses but wont make your country billions to support your nation ;D..

To wet cold windy to be doing anything exciting and forget sunbathing the only tan you will get on a Scotish beach is sand blasted by the wind..
And also the English snobs own most of scotish lands and they wont sell no land to build houses on they need the land to hunt deer and foxes..

So tell little cranky to shut her mouth up because she will put Scotland back in the middle ages..
England are slaves for Scotland you think it's the other way around that's how thick you are..

Scots get £1,600 more per head than English: Figure show huge benefits they enjoy by being part of the uk..

No bedroom tax and no university fees..And you still got the cheek to moan..
It's us English paying you more so fuck off..

Scotland don't even make kilts anymore cheaper from Pakistan..
Yes i watched on the news a little pakistani making kilts in a shit hole to send to Scotland
OH found it..

Pakistan's bagpipe producers favour Scotland no vote - BBC News ...
Video for kilts made in pakistan▶ 2:11

See you don't do fuck all  :D :D :D..
If you vote to leave you will be so sorry..
55 million taxes compared to 5 million taxes HMMMMMMMM sort your fucking heads out ;)..
Do the math..

Oil will be a thing of the past come 20 years ;)..Then what will you do Scotland?
Don't let little cranky destroy Scotland ;D ;D..

Soon as Scotish people grow up they get the fuck out of scotland unless you got a few quid..
Your weather is shit to do anything good ;D

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: stereotype on September 23, 2016, 08:17:45 AM
^^^ I lol'ed  ;D

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: bryant.coleman on September 23, 2016, 05:40:30 PM
I hope that people in Scotland will be smarter next time, on referendum, and choose EU, not UK again.

If you remember, it was the Scottish pensioners, along with the non-white minorities (especially the Pakistanis and the blacks) who swung the vote in favor of remain. On the other hand, among the 16-17 year age group, 71% favored independence. Scotland will be independent, sooner or later. The pensioners will be unable to stop it.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on September 24, 2016, 01:47:08 AM
Theresa May and Ruth Davidson more popular than Nicola Sturgeon ...
15 Sep 2016 - Theresa May and Ruth Davidson are more popular with Scots than Nicola ... Ms Davidson beat Ms Sturgeon in both the satisfaction and net ...

Scotland would be TRAMPS if they left the UK..
They got nothing to offer the EU and are in debt..

I know why you want to stay in the EU because Scotland so shit your young want to leave as soon as they grow up so they can get the fuck out of Scotland and move to Spain :D.

Scotland will never leave the UK because your in debt..15 billion and growing :D..
Oh I forgot you make 185 million in taxes :D..

Do we all agree if you go to a football match and all the seats are full you close the gates and let no more in?..

So around the uk is there enough homes to give to everybody?..

Look what Happened in Hillsborough no different than all the immigrants coming over to the UK..
And thousands waiting at the French boarder..

I vision soon we will need bars on our windows so we don't get robbed..

How can we have free movement of people without knowing who they are and the numbers coming in..
remember we cannot over fill the football stadium or we will end up with a Hillsborough..

And i want the right to vote who i want in power wont get it with the EU..

Lets face it we were all 16 17 years old and although we thought we knew everything we knew jackshit ;)..
So when a 16 17 year old talks about politics i got no time for them because they have not lived to know good from bad yet..
They Know some good from bad but not what's really going on in life..
So leave that to us adults we pay you kids to travel just worry about your education..

You come to the uk to find a job and you don't find one straight away so you got no money and no place to live what do you do?..

90% would look for a person or a home to rob ;)..Now remember i come from a place where we kill you for 20 pounds or a nice pair of shoes..
And i see all you British with watches and gold rings and lovely homes and i haven't seen so much riches..
My intentions was to work i tried to find work but i found it easier to rob you British..
CALIS as thousands waiting to fucking rob you..Stupid people >:(
At least find out who they are and what they do?

 Scotish remoaners

IT'S THE NWO..We will enslave you all :D

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: Rmaqks on October 23, 2016, 07:22:25 PM
London also wants to leave and be independent, so why not the whole world become city states instead of big countries? I think that will solve a lot of the world's problems as they will be small and manageable.

That's actually not a bad idea but something like that would only work if every country in the world agreed to break up into city states. Something which is unlikely to happen. Any country that stays whole would hold power and control over the smaller independent states. There is a reason why every country tries to lay claim to as much land as they can. Not everyone wants equality. In such a scenario, independent states would likely have to unite into bigger entities to better counteract pressure from the countries left whole. And we're back to square one.

I believe this should not be allowed. This will destroy the city. And generally smash the country to the city, and each of them provide independence - it is wrong. There will be endless wars.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: Betwrong on October 24, 2016, 06:11:45 PM
I don't think separation is a good idea. I even was hoping UK wouldn't leave the EU. If you have more or less the same culture you should unite and thus become stronger instead of becoming separate small weak countries which can be conquered easily by united nations with absolutely different culture.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: DooMAD on October 24, 2016, 11:32:11 PM
England pretty much make all of the political decisions anyway, so it's difficult to imagine what would actually be gained by leaving the UK.  Considering how desperately they campaigned for Scotland to remain during the Scottish referendum, it wouldn't make much sense to simply walk out on the whole thing.

So around the uk is there enough homes (...)?

There are an estimated 635,000 empty properties in England alone, not including the rest of the UK.  It's quite shameful, but I'm sure you'll still find some perverse and distorted way to blame it on foreigners, despite it being our own fault.

How can we have free movement of people without knowing who they are and the numbers coming in..

It's called counting.  "Free movement" doesn't mean the movement isn't monitored and tracked.  Also, we know enough about the numbers coming in to understand that migrants are a net contributor to the UK economy. 

55 million taxes compared to 5 million taxes HMMMMMMMM sort your fucking heads out ;)..
Do the math..
55 million English support 5 million Scotish people so if you left you be scotish TRAMPS AGAIN..

I thought you were of the opinion that England was full of hundreds of thousands of jobless, thieving immigrants who shouldn't be here, yet you still include them in the 55 million figure for the tax paying English population?  Which is it?   ::)

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: LieXurui on October 24, 2016, 11:46:26 PM
what do you mean england leave the UK
UK united kingdom, this leader in england and the king charles
iam not understand your write in title england leave the UK

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on October 25, 2016, 12:49:52 AM
England pretty much make all of the political decisions anyway, so it's difficult to imagine what would actually be gained by leaving the UK.  Considering how desperately they campaigned for Scotland to remain during the Scottish referendum, it wouldn't make much sense to simply walk out on the whole thing.

So around the uk is there enough homes (...)?

There are an estimated 635,000 empty properties in England alone, not including the rest of the UK.  It's quite shameful, but I'm sure you'll still find some perverse and distorted way to blame it on foreigners, despite it being our own fault.

How can we have free movement of people without knowing who they are and the numbers coming in..

It's called counting.  "Free movement" doesn't mean the movement isn't monitored and tracked.  Also, we know enough about the numbers coming in to understand that migrants are a net contributor to the UK economy.  

55 million taxes compared to 5 million taxes HMMMMMMMM sort your fucking heads out ;)..
Do the math..
55 million English support 5 million Scotish people so if you left you be scotish TRAMPS AGAIN..

I thought you were of the opinion that England was full of hundreds of thousands of jobless, thieving immigrants who shouldn't be here, yet you still include them in the 55 million figure for the tax paying English population?  Which is it?   ::)
You know nothing about economics  ;)..
Point 1 sir..Why is the poor getting booted out of LONDON?..Rich immigrants?..

Point2 sir..Why is it our poor British people cannot get a place to live?..
To many poor immigrants?..

Now about the money Britain is the 5th richest country :D :D..
You mean 100 people have the most money which makes up Britain being the 5th richest country..

Britain was a country that cared for it's people NHS DOLE NURSERY UNIVERSITY all free..

Now it's become if you got no money then DIE..Just like the USA..
Because it's you sandland people who think if you don't work you should die?..
Now i watched a program yesterday and that's what some Arab said..

If we don't work we die..And this is why they let you here because you will work for monkey nuts
When we British refused to be treated like Victorian times we fought to not be treated like that anymore..

You don't get it..We are getting run be the super rich not democracy..
Look at London the poor have been evicted you need 5 million just to live in London..
And more keep coming yes Britain will have loads of money but only in the FEW hands..

Then because of over run system private health comes private everything..
price rises..YES there will be just look at prescription drugs 10 pound drug now raised to 300 pounds..

Are you that stupid to not know if you over populate a country it fails..
It's you muslims will be at the back of the Que for a job always so the more you let in the more
less chance your muslim kids from bradford leeds and so on getting a job or buying a home..

Because they are so expensive to even get a mortgage..

And then because they are bored and been brain washed on the KORAN the kid runs off to join ISIS or blows up a shop..Or chops a soldier up..

The money goes in the few hands not the many..

Richard Branson loves Britain choker ;) Everyone using is railway planes broadband so the money does to him?..
Manweb electric the money goes to him..He loves a choker country?..

Now me a painter on 15 pound hour if the rents keep going up how do i pay my rent and broadband bill?..
Well richard Branson don't care because 1 billion more immigrants waiting to move in that house to use Manwebs electric and richard bransons broadband so the more people coming in the better for these chaps..
Now have you seen where richard branson lives?..Yes not in the uk..

Now the next person who moves in that house i lived in and had to move out because the rent went up..He offered the landlord well more money to secure that home because the guy is minted and wants it for only 3 years then he going back home..
Yer i was paying 1200 month but he upped it to 1400 i had to go i cannot afford it..
The guy offered him 1500 to secure the lease for 3 years..

Now do you see how immigration can cause major problems..

Lets just say MY LIFE WILL BE GOOD ALWAYS ;)..Highly skilled construction worker..
But the British children including the british muslims will find it very hard to live..

Best way is when people are needed for jobs it raises the price of labour..
Like jersey channel island..Jobs out number the people by 3to1..Well they did when i was there But well have all been taken because of stupid uncontrolled immigration..

I see the future because how things happen and whats happening is not good for the uk we are a
small country all rammed into England..
At least america as a big back yard we ain't ..

I had to reply Because your talking BULL  ;) ;)..

The few will have so much the many will have so little ;),, >:( >:( >:( >:(..
And i am not one of these people who say if i am alright jack who gives a fuck..
I want my country to be fair..The whole system all around the world STINKS to many robbing
politicians.. GREEDY Rats they are..Not happy with making 2to 5 million on the sly they want a billion..That causes problems if every leader gets in power decides to rob us like this every time..

When will it stop till you killed your currency?..DUMB SHITS..

Mind you if you own land and lots of it.. Currency can be started again you still need to use his farm or build on..

Last post you are a DAFT SOD :D :D..You do not understand life and how it works..
Nice to say if you got money oh bring all these immigrants in..But if you have not they compete
for jobs and homes..Less immigration less competition for the poor to get on the council house
and less waiting time if i get sick..

Now remember it also applies to you muslims who have been here for 50 years your children have less chance because of competition..
But no competition for richard branson they are lining up to use his services..
Don't get me wrong i have respect for richard branson because he is a cool person but he wont understand coming from a rich background..

Most rich wont see nothing wrong by bringing immigrants in because they have no competition only the poor..

Last post for a while just had to answer you sir and tell you how wrong you are ;) ;)..

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on October 25, 2016, 03:59:46 AM
^Also i forgot to mention if i cannot afford to pay my rent because rich immigrants keep raising the price of a home.. By buying at auction or by paying rent they raise the price of houses because if one immigrant as a million another might have 2 million and they bid for a house at auction paying well over the asking price..
Now because someone payed over the asking price what will the rent be?..

So when you or your children buy a house it's been raised so much you need a billion to buy a million pound home..And it keeps going on and on..

But the worst is i am postman on 500 pounds a week the landlord wants 1400 a month i used to pay
him 1000 pounds a month leaving me a 1000 pounds to live on..But now he wants an extra 400 a month and i just cannot do it so i have to leave..

My child goes to school here i work around here so i am going to have to move out of town and wont be able to make it to work on time because i started at 5 am..

So now that family as become poor no job kid lost it's friends and gran mother because they all lived by each other to help each other out..

This is the Britain i don't know of..
You knew who everyone was and you all helped each other..Now because of you Arabs no one cares for each other no more..WHY US ARABS YOU ASK..I WILL SHOW YOU WHY..

Our politicians in the west decided they wanted a life like this so they take the Saudi money to be like them..Now the guy who owns that house you know he done something wrong to be able to get that much..NOT PAYING TAXES?..Only his poor workers paying it?..
He might throw some workers to his tigers if they do something wrong :D..

What a lifestyle never been jealous before till i seen this video :D :D..

Dubai's Most Expensive House !!! - YouTube
Video for richest house in dubai▶ 20:44

And also you muslims cover girls in saudi?
why his is sister allowed to show herself lying on a bed all over youtube but poor muslims cannot?..

Because ISLAM is for you poor to keep you busy so you don't moan about people living like this?..

Only one fight in life rich and poor..Religion fights for nothing only to make you believe in fairy tales to keep you busy bees..

I even got jealous of that house..So what does he do to get that house who is he?..Prince ?..

I wonder if i can get together and run around killing and robbing everyone then decide i will be come king..Oh yer i can become a gangster  ;) ;)..

Now we cannot do this by law what job can i do now to become KING..
Because some Elf come down from the clouds and said i was closer to him than anyone..
So i need some horses and a couple hundred of knights anyone interested..

We will make loads of money and you can kill anyone you like because they need to know who's KING..Oh they done that in the past DAM..I will have to try and think of something else..

But not fair though because our kings and queens done this..
Must be like UNIVERSITY they never paid in the past but the kids have too now..

Quite lucky they are..
The last kings and queens that could do this..Robbing and killing everyone..
WHAT they still are robbing us..Yer that land they robbed off the people we pay land rent and taxes to the queen :o :o..Well i never..So that's how they must live like the guy in the video..

I can understand if you bake exceedingly good cakes and pay your right taxes and own a house like that..I hope you enjoy your life because you deserve it..


If a poor women has a baby is it right the child has no chance in life?..
And remember if no abortion rules..The poor women who as a child by accident will not be able to bring that child up properly..So what chance do you give the future kids?..

It's not a child's fault they were born into poverty..
So if you want a DOG EAT DOG WORLD..Make sure you have plenty of money like that guy in the video for security.. ;D ;D..

 Saudi American Arabia..
Bush Obama Clinton..They say i am alright jack AND FUCK ALL YOU Americans it's my show ;) ;).

Ask Obama he served 10 years 250k a year 2.5 million over 10 years..
He suppose to have a billion dollars in bank accounts so they say..

Burt i bet if you checked he got more than 2.5 million in his account ;D ;D..

People who make cakes and make things are the rightful rich as long as they pay right amount of tax..A politician is NOT he get paid by the public to do what the public wants not what they want..

Backhanders need to be taken out of politics and if found doing it you should be in jail..

And the video if the guy as made it legit then nice one well done..
But me thinks he some prince with land that belongs to the people and he gets oil from it which belongs to the people..

if it's ok for you to kill and rob land to become kings and queens then it must be good for me..
No i know i cannot do this BUT don't turn your nose up at me because i am poor
MURDERING THIEF..If i done what you done i be rich just like you..

And don't give me that BUllshit a guy from the sky said you were king because your so close to him..That's insulting..Just say fuck you and give us your money TWAT and kill me with your knight..
Oh we don't do that anymore..Only in Arabian lands to the muslims..

This is my last post because i think i covered everything on the forum..

But now you understand about RICH AND POOR.. ;)..

I suppose i could say always be poor and rich so why bother ;) ;)..
I have worked hard so fuck the poor?..

Some luck in life is needed most jobs come from who you know ;)..

Mum and dad rich i was born lucky?..So fuck the poor?..

If you make a billion pounds a year you should be paying 800 million in taxes..
But does this happen..No only the workers wages get taxed..

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on October 25, 2016, 05:23:36 AM
A man who owns a football stadium can ram as many people in it as he can to make as much money as he can ..
But the people inside who are all jam packed are they happy?..

The same as the uk jam packed and just think most people will want to head here not France or anywhere else but here the UK..
Why because most people all over the world speak English so easy to communicate for a faster job ;) ;)..

Now every family they let in they should build a new home?..Well if not where will they go?..OH yes they boot the natives out and let the immigrants
have it..Or if my child of 17 and i want him out but he cannot get a flat because some immigrant from what everland as took it..

And a new immigrant did his father gran father uncle die for this country well my family have over many many years fought for this country..
And my children's children have a right to a home..Why you ask...BECAUSE THE FUCKING QUEEN GETS IT ;) ;)..
What's good for the queens children is good for mine ;) ;)..

My family died in battle for this country and have every right to own or be looked after just like the queen as her rights..
LONG LIVE THE QUEEN.. I am British ;D..

I am off till after Christmas loads of betting to do bball starts tomorrow yipeeeeeeee..

I will not answer no more Time to bet big time btc cash and me socks if i loose  :D :D.I will put 2 pound bets on instead of 20p ;D..YER STONED  :D

time to strike it rich...Yer be back next week asking for a loan :D :D..NO CHANCE ;)..

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: criptix on October 25, 2016, 12:07:19 PM
This damn  millionaire immigrants lol

Stop smoking pot the whole day  ::)

Pro advice: the rich immigrants will still flood the UK after the brexit except in the case the UK declines economically to a 3rd world nation.
Rich people come especially when their money is worth 50+% more then usual.

Btw. I dont believe you have a child. A guy stoned like you cant possibly find his own dick ::)

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: DooMAD on October 25, 2016, 12:46:43 PM
You know nothing about economics  ;)..
Point 1 sir..Why is the poor getting booted out of LONDON?..Rich immigrants?..

Point2 sir..Why is it our poor British people cannot get a place to live?..
To many poor immigrants?..

Now about the money Britain is the 5th richest country :D :D..
You mean 100 people have the most money which makes up Britain being the 5th richest country..

Britain was a country that cared for it's people NHS DOLE NURSERY UNIVERSITY all free..

Now it's become if you got no money then DIE..Just like the USA..
Because it's you sandland people who think if you don't work you should die?..
Now i watched a program yesterday and that's what some Arab said..

If we don't work we die..And this is why they let you here because you will work for monkey nuts
When we British refused to be treated like Victorian times we fought to not be treated like that anymore..

You don't get it..We are getting run be the super rich not democracy..

The bit in bold is the part I agree with you on, but your constant tirade against immigrants is both unrelated to that fact and completely misguided.  The problem is firstly that the fiat system is designed to transfer wealth to the top of the pyramid and secondly that the kleptocrat tories steal public money and assets for both their own benefit and the benefit of their donors in big business.  They cut public funding, making services struggle to cope, then they use the fact that the services are struggling as an excuse to sell it off to the private sector.  Then the general public, gormless sheep as they are, blame the whole sorry mess on "dem forrinners" because that's easier than taking responsibility for their misguided actions (or lack thereof) at the polling booth.  The words "personal responsibility" mean nothing in this country anymore because you're all far too quick to swallow the latest headlines and blame someone else.

The UK is being harvested.  This would be occurring whether we had one migrant a year or one million.

You think you're "taking back control", but instead, you've handed it over on a silver platter to the cannibals that are eating you alive.  Well done.  You probably won't realise it for some time, but you'll eventually see it gets worse, not better.  You'll still find another scapegoat to blame for it, though.  Or the media will give you one and you'll swallow it like a good little drone.  You can't help yourself.  

Also, we're not "full" (  There are ~50 countries that are more densely populated than the UK.  It's entirely possible to run a stable economy with more people in it.  Your problem clearly isn't with the number at all, but with the different languages, colours and beliefs.  I bet you'd have no complaints at all if most migrants to the UK were from Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc.  As long as they speak English and look like you, right?

It's somewhat ironic that the UK has a population density per square mile of ~694, whereas Gibraltar, where many Brits emigrate to, has a population density per square mile of ~11,054.  Maybe they should deport some immigrants back to where they came from.   :P

Only you don't think of it as "free movement" when it comes to Brits living wherever the hell they want in the world, do you?  Mr "I can always move to New Zealand" hypocrite:

well i say save i could go tomorrow

You really are blind to the double standard there, aren't you?

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: Leprikon on October 25, 2016, 01:21:44 PM
It seems to me that this is just a rumor. The city can not become autonomous. He does not have its economy. It is strongly linked with other cities and their country. It just can not be, that the city has received autonomy

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on October 25, 2016, 10:40:27 PM
You know nothing about economics  ;)..
Point 1 sir..Why is the poor getting booted out of LONDON?..Rich immigrants?..

Point2 sir..Why is it our poor British people cannot get a place to live?..
To many poor immigrants?..

Now about the money Britain is the 5th richest country :D :D..
You mean 100 people have the most money which makes up Britain being the 5th richest country..

Britain was a country that cared for it's people NHS DOLE NURSERY UNIVERSITY all free..

Now it's become if you got no money then DIE..Just like the USA..
Because it's you sandland people who think if you don't work you should die?..
Now i watched a program yesterday and that's what some Arab said..

If we don't work we die..And this is why they let you here because you will work for monkey nuts
When we British refused to be treated like Victorian times we fought to not be treated like that anymore..

You don't get it..We are getting run be the super rich not democracy..

The bit in bold is the part I agree with you on, but your constant tirade against immigrants is both unrelated to that fact and completely misguided.  The problem is firstly that the fiat system is designed to transfer wealth to the top of the pyramid and secondly that the kleptocrat tories steal public money and assets for both their own benefit and the benefit of their donors in big business.  They cut public funding, making services struggle to cope, then they use the fact that the services are struggling as an excuse to sell it off to the private sector.  Then the general public, gormless sheep as they are, blame the whole sorry mess on "dem forrinners" because that's easier than taking responsibility for their misguided actions (or lack thereof) at the polling booth.  The words "personal responsibility" mean nothing in this country anymore because you're all far too quick to swallow the latest headlines and blame someone else.

The UK is being harvested.  This would be occurring whether we had one migrant a year or one million.

You think you're "taking back control", but instead, you've handed it over on a silver platter to the cannibals that are eating you alive.  Well done.  You probably won't realise it for some time, but you'll eventually see it gets worse, not better.  You'll still find another scapegoat to blame for it, though.  Or the media will give you one and you'll swallow it like a good little drone.  You can't help yourself.  

Also, we're not "full" (  There are ~50 countries that are more densely populated than the UK.  It's entirely possible to run a stable economy with more people in it.  Your problem clearly isn't with the number at all, but with the different languages, colours and beliefs.  I bet you'd have no complaints at all if most migrants to the UK were from Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc.  As long as they speak English and look like you, right?

It's somewhat ironic that the UK has a population density per square mile of ~694, whereas Gibraltar, where many Brits emigrate to, has a population density per square mile of ~11,054.  Maybe they should deport some immigrants back to where they came from.   :P

Only you don't think of it as "free movement" when it comes to Brits living wherever the hell they want in the world, do you?  Mr "I can always move to New Zealand" hypocrite:

well i say save i could go tomorrow

You really are blind to the double standard there, aren't you?
Like i said many a time only an immigrant will say it's ok to let more in ;)..

Lets face it if your an immigrant will 20 million it wont really affect the poor because they will never have 20 million to buy those types of homes..But the ones with 300k to buy small homes will take off the British people there chance to buy that home..

No you really are stupid..I am British and when we leave the EU if our government tries to mess with the people they are finished..Age of the internet easy to gather people to go crazy on the politicians..

You seem to think all these immigrants are making Britain money :D :D..

Do you know what you muslims do you buy a shop and when your finished you set it on fire to claim the insurance ..So you ripped the system off..

Immigrants don't do jack shit for the economy..No tax till after 12k earnings..
I watch can't pay take it away and even they say they have seen nothing like in all their born days..Even they said the country is way over run..They evict people from homes and they say it's gone out of control..
The rich go private school the poor go public school..
Public schools are over run..NHS finished.And no homes for the future children..

And as for New Zealand .we are welcome because we don't bring shit with us ;)..
They kept the British on their flag ;) ;)..

You Muslims are not welcome ;)..Anywhere on the planet if the truth be known ;)..

If merkel would of said they were none muslims coming to our land we would of all welcomed the immigrants BUT they never they sent MUSLIM CRAZIES :D..
I tell you why i am pissed because you immigrants don't see nothing wrong..

It's my country and i want it back..YES MY COUNTRY ;)..

No point arguing with an immigrant they will say let everyone in..
Bye bye you will all be gone or i VOTE UKIP and you will be gone then..even you :D :D..

Too much immigration destroys a country..Plus if immigrants are so good why is there land fucked up..And don't blame us blame your own leaders..For robbing its's people ..

We British stand up to our leaders you sandland people shit scared of them so you move here..


Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on October 25, 2016, 11:21:47 PM
And 1 major point i forgot to mention..New Zealand wont just let any tom dick and harry in..
If your not qualified in anything you wont be able to enter..Criminal record wont be able to work there..

So i only ask for the same system here..Who is coming here and what do they do..

I REST MY CASE..So when you go to new zealand is it easy as here to get in?...

ANSWER NO..Controlled immigration..So are NEW ZEALAND raciest?..

So all countries who want controlled immigration are now raciest..
So why do they have controlled immigration?'s not good for your country?..
Now you think they just let anyone in if it's so good for countries?..

Stop talking bull IMMIGRANT ;)..

Also when 27 countries try to agree on trade it will be very hard to do..
What if the country that wants to trade sells the same stuff as 1 of the 27 members?..
So no trade agreement will be accomplished..Going to be hard to trade with all 27 countries having to agree..If 1 says no the rest fall..

Now if i want to sell apples and i am from Canada..What if it's france main money maker they will not agree to trade..Means more apples cutting them out..

And that's just 1 product..This is why it takes years and years to trade..
Glad we are out we can trade without 27 more countries saying we cannot..
Only takes 1 country to disagree and the trade deal is over..

Now we have got rid of that situation and can trade with who we like on our terms and there terms Not 27 countries terms..

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on October 25, 2016, 11:38:51 PM
John Cleese London No Longer English - YouTube
Video for john cleese on immigration▶ 0:41
4 Dec 2011 - Uploaded by stupidsweden
John Cleese London No Longer English ..... that London felt like a different country to the rest of England ...

THAT WAS 5 YEARS AGO..Now it's not BRITISH NO MORE..It's London ISLAM ready to be turned to a shit hole..

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: DooMAD on October 26, 2016, 12:17:10 AM
I watch can't pay take it away and even they say they have seen nothing like in all their born days..Even they said the country is way over run..They evict people from homes and they say it's gone out of control..

Let us all bow to your reality tv show insights.  Channel 5 is renowned for it's informative and reasoned analysis of macroeconomics.  Perhaps next you could enlighten us with the erudition you've gleaned regarding societal behaviour from watching Big Brother.   ::)

So all countries who want controlled immigration are now raciest..

No, just you.  Even if we had the strictest border control in the world, you'd still be complaining.

You seem to think all these immigrants are making Britain money  :D  :D ...
Immigrants don't do jack shit for the economy..

I'm not suggesting that every single last migrant is a net contributor, but overall, the impact seems to be positive (  I suspect you'll be waiting a while for Channel 5 to let you know that, though.

I tell you why i am pissed because you immigrants don't see nothing wrong..

It's my country and i want it back..YES MY COUNTRY ;)..

Anyone with eyes can see that nazis marching down the street is wrong (  I want my country back where shit like that doesn't happen.  Remember, you're reading from the same hymn sheet as these people vermin.  How long before you join in to march with one of these sick little parades?

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: franky1 on October 26, 2016, 12:53:10 AM
lets flip peoples minds about the brexit debates.

firstly muslims.
many people say they dislike muslims because they force their women to wear extra clothes, to be shunned out of the family/country if they dont...
so our country wants to.. um.. TELL and FORCE women to take off their clothes or be shunned out of the country..
sounds familiar.
how about let anyone wear whatever they like.. that includes burkers, guy fawkes masks, hoodies, a kilt, mankini, liverpool shirt and facepaint or even drag.

next the drop of the pound vs dollar
many scream bad.. but its not.
say 6 months ago you had a product that was £100. and you wanted to sell it to america(was $160).

now its £100 ~ $120. meaning they get a discount and would happily buy more produce from us.
EG imagine every 6 months they invested $16,000 (100 products)
this time their $16000 gets them (133 items) and because we sold 33 extra we get £13,333 instead of £10k
thus increasing how much we produce and export out while still getting £100 a product..

we can even if not wanting to treat it as discounted we could sell it for £134 export which would give it the same $160.. america wont notice the difference on the dollar side but on the UK side get over 30% more profit. selling 100 items at £133, instead of 133 items at £100.. win win either way

we have been complaining that UK industry has been failing due to produce being cheaper via imports.. well now imports are more expensive so we have an opportunity to regrow our own industry and export goods. which is a positive.
yes getting an Ikea desk from europe will cost more. but a locally produced table becomes cheaper.

now lets move onto the EU/single market.
remember folds. the EU is just one market. there are other markets too. after all we get products from america, and asia so strangely we are not american or asian but are able to be part of those markets. so relax we will still be part of world trade markets.
the flipflop about EU single markets is just chest thumping. by first saying its impossible to come to an agreement (secretly already agreed) just so politicians can have nice big expense accounts and vacations and in a year take all the glory of being the special egg that hatched the golden goose.. even though being part of the single market has not been a problem from day one

have a nice day

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on October 26, 2016, 01:00:30 AM
I watch can't pay take it away and even they say they have seen nothing like in all their born days..Even they said the country is way over run..They evict people from homes and they say it's gone out of control..

Let us all bow to your reality tv show insights.  Channel 5 is renowned for it's informative and reasoned analysis of macroeconomics.  Perhaps next you could enlighten us with the erudition you've gleaned regarding societal behaviour from watching Big Brother.   ::)

So all countries who want controlled immigration are now raciest..

No, just you.  Even if we had the strictest border control in the world, you'd still be complaining.

You seem to think all these immigrants are making Britain money  :D  :D ...
Immigrants don't do jack shit for the economy..

I'm not suggesting that every single last migrant is a net contributor, but overall, the impact seems to be positive (  I suspect you'll be waiting a while for Channel 5 to let you know that, though.
When i was 6 years old i sat next to an Indian boy..I ended up giong the same high school
we both in the same football team athletics team and he was a great friend..
he become a doctor ..And his family own a very well known chain store..He built it from a market stall..Amazing people..
And also i was darker skinned than most kids from my area and the used to call me a paki
ji tarzans little boy mate :D..
My great gran father filipino on mothers side of the family so that's why i must have darker skin
because some of the kids in the 1970s were snow white sick looking :D :D..

So i know what it's like to get called a paki even though i am not 1..But it's funny my brother if you never knew him you think he was :D :D..

I swear you think i am raciest i hate ISLAM the religion..I wish it was gone..
And yes if all the other religion would go that would be fine with me..

SO don't tell me about racialism  ;) ;)..When you hang around on the street the kids will call you all sorts of names even a gozzy eye you will get it..

I want a New Zealand system i don't care where you come from BUT i want to know who you are and what do you do ;) ;)..

But i will tell you one thing ISLAM is making everyone pissed in the west..
No ISLAM we will all get on fine ;)..
And see Christians like the ones in America who preach hate in the street they are dumb shits..
And if any violence was shown they should be threw in jail..
And if from another country they should be deported..

Yes i am pointing ISLAM out 100%..But religion is not a race ;) ;)..It's a belief..A crazy one ;)..
Now if you disagree and your from the uk this is why we have a problem..

Only an immigrant will say let them all in ;) ;)..
They could have aids ebola zika mass murderers..
One time they found a black kid chopped up to bits in the Thames..They put it down to sacrifice to the voodoo gods..True story..
Now if only we knew who was coming in that poor black boy still be alive..

Bye Immigrant :D :D..Nigel farage his parents are immigrants..
Look at who is trying to be ukip leader..Raheem Kassam.Is he a white British?..

Stop making yourself look foolish.. ;)..But have a nice day if your here your here just no more it's getting out of control..You will come back and say it's not..
And i will say only an immigrant will say this or if your RICH nothing to compete with?

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on October 26, 2016, 01:24:43 AM
the flipflop about EU single markets is just chest thumping. by first saying its impossible to come to an agreement..Your wrong Canada been at it for 7 years

Belgium given EU ultimatum to secure Canada trade deal, but Wallonia defiant
A trade deal between the EU and Canada is on the brink of collapse because a Belgian region with a population of just 3.6 million opposes it. An emotional Canadian Trade Minister Chrystia Freeland left the talks in Brussels, saying the EU was "not capable" of signing a trade deal..

Now just think if Belgium are being forced by the EU it sure does look like they want 1 big super state...

No conspiracies on trade it's not good that 27 countries all have to agree..
So for you to think it's all wink wink think again..Plenty of problems and always will be some countries don't even want to be in the EU just the greedy leaders do..

But other than that i agree on everything you said ;)..
And i agree with everything jacob rees mogg says ;D..

And goodnight to you sir..And may you live long and prosper ;D..

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on October 26, 2016, 01:43:24 AM
I say my country because my family give there lives for this country to be free..
You know nothing about our history because your an immigrant ;)..

And if you only knew what we suffered under these land lord mayors rich people..
We fought in war for our country..
We fought in war against the kings for our freedom..
We fought our government for our rights in work..
Women threw them selves in front of horse for there freedom..

Go try doing it for your own countries instead of running ..Fucking shit bags..

And as for HITLER you Fucking muslims were on his side..Cheeky chappies  ;) ;)..

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on October 26, 2016, 02:53:47 AM
You seem to think all these immigrants are making Britain money ..
Immigrants don't do jack shit for the economy..

I'm not suggesting that every single last migrant is a net contributor, but overall, the impact seems to be positive.  I suspect you'll be waiting a while for Channel 5 to let you know that, though.

How many immigrants have free rent free school free hospital claim benefits like extra money if on low income..
And the amount we know nothing of goes into the millions..

A immigrant in jail cost more a year than i make doing my living 40k a year for jail..
39k i make..

Britain's prisons see huge rise in EU convicts at £150million cost to taxpayer per year
BRITAIN is becoming the EU's prison island as our jails fill  ... “The problem is too many people are coming here who end up in jail..

Well that's the tax off Scotland wasted on jailed immigrants..
And will rise and rise and rise..You not thinking of the overall picture..

the rich is so few the poor are so many..DER if your poor your more likely to steal..
meaning jail..40k it cost a year ..

lets do the MATH on jailed immigrants..

Gross Income £30,000.00 will pay about 6500 pounds tax per year..
6500 toward a 40k jailed immigrant..
So you need 6 immigrants on 30k a year to pay for one immigrant prisoner..

Now how many factory worker immigrants are on 30k a year..
There are currently 5,885 highly dangerous criminals behind bars in the eight Category A prisons in the UK, of which 1,229 follow the Islamic faith.

7200 immigrants on 30k a year needed to pay 1229 muslims for life

That is bigger than 2 car plants of immigrants paying tax for no reason but to jail them..
Did i benefit from it no. wasted money but 7200 more people taking my homes and schools for our people..And for what to jail them..

7200 immigrants on 30k a year are wasted because we see no benefits it goes on jail..

And that is just muslims jailed what about other countries like Poland loads more of them locked up..

The UK immigration detention estate is one of the largest in Europe. From 2009 until the end of 2015, between 2,500 and 3,500 migrants have been in detention at any given time.

Between 15k to 20k workers on 30k a year are needed to pay the jailed immigrants..

20 THOUSAND IMMIGRANTS ON 30K A YEAR to pay for just your immigrants in jail..

So 20 thousand people are taking up hospitals schools doctors dentists homes
For no reason but to pay for there jailed IMMIGRANTS..

I am fucking livid NOW I DONE THE MATH..And it's getting worse..

So just thinks chaps if one is jailed 6 immigrants on 30k a year will be a waste of money because we wont see no benefits off 6 30k a year tax payers ..It's wasted on another jailed immigrant..

But how many immigrants are on 30k a year..

That's just 1 of many problems immigrants will refuse to admit..

20 thousand immigrants on 30k wasted because of the jailed ones..

So 20 thousand are here for no reason they do not contribute..
If we had controlled immigration..Who are they and what do they do..
20 thousand immigrants taxes would help our NHS..
But it's not it's helping your jailed immigrants plus we had to suffer the crime they done on us..

I rest my case..Next case ;)..

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: franky1 on October 26, 2016, 03:09:52 AM
as a brit myself (hundreds of years ancestry) it needs to be noted that things have been misrepresented.
i have an open mind so please dont think of this as taking sides. think of this as taking an overview of both sides and putting it into reality

during and after the first world war the UK invaded the middle east and started a long history of anger by messing with the ottoman empire. this started the middle easts hatred of the west. it was not the other way round. the middle east did not strike us first.
for a century the west has been trying to invade and control natural resources of the middle east. and east have finally got peed off with the wests endless invading under the guise of defense.
even now more deaths happen due to the west killing eastern innocent civilians compared to the western death rate. and their descendants, offspring and family ended up holding a grudge.

imagine it like smashing someone's car in a few streets away, purely because next month you plan to sue the guy for attacking you and take all his possessions. but you know you have to provoke him first. which is why you give it a month of constant provocation.(month=century)

then when he finally attacks, you tell your neighbours he is after you and he is shouting "for gods sake stop" in an accent which you dont understand and loosely translate it to be about something religious.. so you tell your neighbours you want some support to go down to the other street and sort that guy out because he sounds like some religious fanatic.
a day later the guy says 'the bible says you shall not tresspass.. so stop'. but you reply, 'yep he is definitely a religious fanatic, attacking us using his religion as a reason'.
you end up taking his property and causing his death. and now his family are angry.
some of them are very angry, but you keep playing the religious card, blaming their religion for why they are attacking you to distract your own neighbours from knowing you struck first.
you even recruit some of the guys own neighbours to start conflicts within the street (al-quida) to then make it look like you want to go in and defend the street from the religious nutters

they start protecting their property. putting land mines on their street to protect what is theirs, from each other and from invaders but when you go to their street you dont see it as them defending what is theirs. you see it as an act of terrorism. even if you are the invador.
you kill a few more of them. and also hit some of the insider recruits, who no get a grudge and you rebrand these new grudge recruits ISIS

now your bombing the whole street and those innocents suffering want to get out of the street as its not their fight.they go to neighbouring streets. some are taken in and some are shown the door and told to try another street. this goes on until the only street that is left is the very street of their attacker(us brits) thinking "well they wont bomb their own street and they cannot deny asylum by pretending there is no war.. because their the ones throwing the bombs".

now media plays their part showing how these people are now at the top of our street trying to seek asylum in our street. the media has not mentioned how many streets they have tried before they just pretend the people magically teleported straight to our street and they are after our money and our jobs.

now the religious card is played again. we should not let them in because their religion tells them what to wear and how to talk. but hypocritically if they want to come in we will tell them what to wear and how to talk.

kind of funny that when we go to retire or on a club 18-30 holiday to spain, we are not demanded to wear spanish attire and to only speak spanish. we get offended and told we have freedoms to not require to follow such demands. we instead want to form an english resort/community in spain to live our lives in their country but within our "freedoms".

anyway i digressed.
imagine this however.
if we never go to the middle east. meaning we stop invading, stop bombing and just say the war is over now everyone can go home and we wont steal your oil, your country is yours. have a nice day.
imagine that.
we can deport all the asylum seekers and then start making new jobs of repairing their country. and while all the builders go to build houses in the middle east, we also then have lots of vacancies locally.

or we just keep bombing a country because they quote their bible now and again while we steal their oil and blame it all on their bible

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on October 26, 2016, 03:16:35 AM
as a brit myself (hundreds of years ancestry) it needs to be noted that things have been misrepresented.
i have an open mind so please dont think of this as taking sides. think of this as taking an overview of both sides and putting it into reality

during and after the first world war the UK invaded the middle east and started a long history of anger by messing with the ottoman empire. this started the middle easts hatred of the west. it was not the other way round. the middle east did not strike us first.
for a century the west has been trying to invade and control natural resources of the middle east. and east have finally got peed off with the wests endless invading under the guise of defense.
even now more deaths happen due to the west killing eastern innocent civilians compared to the western death rate. and their descendants, offspring and family ended up holding a grudge.

imagine it like smashing someone's car in a few streets away, purely because next month you plan to sue the guy for attacking you and take all his possessions. but you know you have to provoke him first. which is why you give it a month of constant provocation.(month=century)

then when he finally attacks, you tell your neighbours he is after you and he is shouting "for gods sake stop" in an accent which you dont understand and loosely translate it to be about something religious.. so you tell your neighbours you want some support to go down to the other street and sort that guy out because he sounds like some religious fanatic.
a day later the guy says 'the bible says you shall not tresspass.. so stop'. but you reply, 'yep he is definitely a religious fanatic, attacking us using his religion as a reason'.
you end up taking his property and causing his death. and now his family are angry.
some of them are very angry, but you keep playing the religious card, blaming their religion for why they are attacking you to distract your own neighbours from knowing you struck first.
you even recruit some of the guys own neighbours to start conflicts within the street (al-quida) to then make it look like you want to go in and defend the street from the religious nutters

they start protecting their property. putting land mines on their street to protect what is theirs, from each other and from invaders but when you go to their street you dont see it as them defending what is theirs. you see it as an act of terrorism. even if you are the invador.
you kill a few more of them. and also hit some of the insider recruits, who no get a grudge and you rebrand these new grudge recruits ISIS

now your bombing the whole street and those innocents suffering want to get out of the street as its not their fight.they go to neighbouring streets. some are taken in and some are shown the door and told to try another street. this goes on until the only street that is left is the very street of their attacker(us brits) thinking "well they wont bomb their own street and they cannot deny asylum by pretending there is no war.. because their the ones throwing the bombs".

now media plays their part showing how these people are now at the top of our street trying to seek asylum in our street. the media has not mentioned how many streets they have tried before they just pretend the people magically teleported straight to our street and they are after our money and our jobs.

now the religious card is played again. we should not let them in because their religion tells them what to wear and how to talk. but hypocritically if they want to come in we will tell them what to wear and how to talk.

kind of funny that when we go to retire or on a club 18-30 holiday to spain, we are not demanded to wear spanish attire and to only speak spanish. we get offended and told we have freedoms to not require to follow such demands. we instead want to form an english resort/community in spain to live our lives in their country but within our "freedoms".

anyway i digressed.
imagine this however.
if we never go to the middle east. meaning we stop invading, stop bombing and just say the war is over now everyone can go home and we wont steal your oil, your country is yours. have a nice day.
imagine that.
we can deport all the asylum seekers and then start making new jobs of repairing their country. and while all the builders go to build houses in the middle east, we also then have lots of vacancies locally.

or we just keep bombing a country because they quote their bible now and again while we steal their oil and blame it all on their bible
NO BLAME SAUDI ARABIA for paying our politicians so they can sell there oil to us and keep the rest out of the market?..

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: franky1 on October 26, 2016, 03:19:07 AM
lastly here is some data about the NHS

jobseekers is a treasury budget of £5billion a year.
NHS is a budget of £136billion..
nhs used to get ~£180billion NHS..
do the maths and you will see that jobseekers does not affect the NHS..
unemployment = just £2.7bill...

want to know where the £40+bill nhs loss of money went to
Bank debt interest  £44.9billion

want to know why we are not getting the £350mill "cashback" from exiting the EU to go towards the NHS.
corporation tax discount from 20% to 10% which the cashback will cover the drop in tax..

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: franky1 on October 26, 2016, 03:20:25 AM
NO BLAME SAUDI ARABIA for paying our politicians so they can sell there oil to us and keep the rest out of the market?..

the saudi's were involved in the 'street fights' yes. but that doesnt mean we are blameless

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on October 26, 2016, 03:22:21 AM
Also how much compensation is claimed after these immigrants do there crimes?..
More immigrants tax wasted..

It's all about homes a place to live for the poor they got no money..
So a roof over your head is the next best thing and if you have uncontrolled immigration the homes get filled and the poor suffer even more..

It's not about money with the hospital doctor..The most important things needed for the poor..What else have they got..

Now i am always saying you should look after our own before anyone else ;) ;)..

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: franky1 on October 26, 2016, 03:34:38 AM
Also how much compensation is claimed after these immigrants do there crimes?..
More immigrants tax wasted..

It's all about homes a place to live for the poor they got no money..
So a roof over your head is the next best thing and if you have uncontrolled immigration the homes get filled and the poor suffer even more..

It's not about money with the hospital doctor..The most important things needed for the poor..What else have they got..

Now i am always saying you should look after our own before anyone else ;) ;)..

we should look after our own. the issue is that council houses are build in 1950's and we have not been using the rent to build more since.
imagine it for every house built in 1950's the could have built 2 more homes today using 60 years of rent. but councils 'stock' of homes has not doubled or tripped since the 1950's.

instead councillors claimed expenses. wrote their spouse on as a secretary or assistant to get a double income into the household. got a company car. etc..

our problem is that when we "look after our own" we are only looking after our own rich guys in power..

now back to the international stuff.. the war on drugs, we need to invade countries for opium (hense the red poppy we wear to remember our lost soldiers) this drug is used for medications like painkillers
se the fake narrative about how Afghan is drug lord heroine country..
yet we pretend we are stopping street dealers and stopping drug cartels.. as a fake moral reason to invade countries growing poppies
this has been going on for a century. and our soldiers are remembered due to poppies.. its literally slapping you in the face what soldiers were fighting for in the first world war.. before "drug cartels and street dealers" were even a local thing.

we then need oil for plastics and car fuel..
wars are not about defending a distant country.. its about grabbing their resources..

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: tanarif on October 26, 2016, 03:48:04 AM
No. We need more unity in the UK, not less. Scotland leaving would be.

England leaving serves really no point - we'd pretty much be the same outside the UK then we'd be outside it given we form the maority of it. It more so effects Scotland, Wales & NI but any negatives e.g. loss of democracy are balanced by getting powers for loads of things (e.g. scotland still having free uni fees).

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on October 26, 2016, 03:55:48 AM
NO BLAME SAUDI ARABIA for paying our politicians so they can sell there oil to us and keep the rest out of the market?..

the saudi's were involved in the 'street fights' yes. but that doesnt mean we are blameless
So are the gun shops in the usa then?..for gang murders?

And your right we do need to just let them be ;)..
Remember when they bomb somewhere we don't make the money off the weapon the politician son friend does..

Mark Thatcher arrested over alleged African coup plot - World Socialist ...
27 Aug 2004 - This time the Thatcher in question is Margaret Thatcher's son, Mark, who has been ... fortune in excess of £60 million as a result of various shady deals. ... after his mother signed the al-Yamamah arms deal with Saudi Arabia.

remember i don't like politicians they are all robbing scum bags..not all but most are ;)..

Still my country is over run though..
Schools over run hospital over run waiting times never been 2 weeks for an appointment..
I have a friend she is a nurse she said loads and loads are coming in everyday..
over populated..
Also have a friend who is a dentist and he said the amount that as signed to his practice is unreal..
We get lied to all the time..But i know to much immigration is no good..
OK if every immigrant was minted all would be good but as you know in life the rich are the few
the poor are the many..
It's all one big FUCK UP..And the people who planned it KNOW IT but they can always live in a nice place in the world the many poor cannot..

Well 17 million people are unhappy with immigration so something needs to be done..
Because if not it will get well worse for racialism by far..

50 homes up for grabs..
45 English move in 5 muslims move in..The 5 muslims will integrate with the 45 English
Now if it was 25 muslims and 25 english they be fucking murder trust me..
Now it be which ones will move first.. The English because they move to NEW ZEALAND ;D..

Go and look at Leeds Yorkshire Bradford Birmingham  London all over run by immigrants..

Is stacey dooley a liar ..Plus you can see the shock on her face..

Non muslims destined to go to hell, British Police Go To Hell Muslim ...
Video for stacey dooley on muslims in leeds▶ 4:36

Proof is in the pudding  ;D ;D..
Britain is finished if we let this shit spread..

Now i have said all i need to say..Good luck planet we are going to need it  ;)..

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on October 26, 2016, 03:57:22 AM
Also how much compensation is claimed after these immigrants do there crimes?..
More immigrants tax wasted..

It's all about homes a place to live for the poor they got no money..
So a roof over your head is the next best thing and if you have uncontrolled immigration the homes get filled and the poor suffer even more..

It's not about money with the hospital doctor..The most important things needed for the poor..What else have they got..

Now i am always saying you should look after our own before anyone else ;) ;)..

we should look after our own. the issue is that council houses are build in 1950's and we have not been using the rent to build more since.
imagine it for every house built in 1950's the could have built 2 more homes today using 60 years of rent. but councils 'stock' of homes has not doubled or tripped since the 1950's.

instead councillors claimed expenses. wrote their spouse on as a secretary or assistant to get a double income into the household. got a company car. etc..

our problem is that when we "look after our own" we are only looking after our own rich guys in power..

now back to the international stuff.. the war on drugs, we need to invade countries for opium (hense the red poppy we wear to remember our lost soldiers) this drug is used for medications like painkillers
se the fake narrative about how Afghan is drug lord heroine country..
yet we pretend we are stopping street dealers and stopping drug cartels.. as a fake moral reason to invade countries growing poppies
this has been going on for a century. and our soldiers are remembered due to poppies.. its literally slapping you in the face what soldiers were fighting for in the first world war.. before "drug cartels and street dealers" were even a local thing.

we then need oil for plastics and car fuel..
wars are not about defending a distant country.. its about grabbing their resources..
I agree ;D plus they don't get rent off council homes most on the dole getting it for free..

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on October 26, 2016, 04:42:47 AM

now back to the international stuff.. the war on drugs, we need to invade countries for opium (hense the red poppy we wear to remember our lost soldiers) this drug is used for medications like painkillers :D :D..

Remove that tin foil hat :D :D..Joking :D :D.

I remember being told a story why the poppy :D.
Remembrance poppy - Wikipedia
The use of the poppy was inspired by the World War I poem "In Flanders Fields". Its opening lines refer to the many poppies that were the first flowers to grow in the churned-up earth of soldiers' graves in Flanders, a region of Europe that overlies a part of Belgium.

Nothing to do with drugs :D :D.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: franky1 on October 26, 2016, 01:41:58 PM
Still my country is over run though..
Schools over run hospital over run waiting times never been 2 weeks for an appointment..
I have a friend she is a nurse she said loads and loads are coming in everyday..
over populated..
Also have a friend who is a dentist and he said the amount that as signed to his practice is unreal..
We get lied to all the time..But i know to much immigration is no good..
OK if every immigrant was minted all would be good but as you know in life the rich are the few
the poor are the many..
It's all one big FUCK UP..And the people who planned it KNOW IT but they can always live in a nice place in the world the many poor cannot..

Well 17 million people are unhappy with immigration so something needs to be done..
Because if not it will get well worse for racialism by far..

50 homes up for grabs..
45 English move in 5 muslims move in..The 5 muslims will integrate with the 45 English
Now if it was 25 muslims and 25 english they be fucking murder trust me..
Now it be which ones will move first.. The English because they move to NEW ZEALAND ;D..

go check some actual statistics.
do you know why schools and NHS seem busier than ever..
because there are schools CLOSING and hospitals CLOSING.
1950: primary schools 27,700 - secondary schools 5900
2010: primary schools 21,280 - secondary schools 4070
1987: 297,000 beds
2014: 137,000 beds
this has put the true and real strain on the public services..

you have complained about 20k immigrants.. yet the maths works out as only 1 person per small town/village.
do the maths 60million people vs 20k immigrants.

=1 immigrant per 3000 population.

average family (based on stats not media) is 2 parents 2 kids.
its not 1 out of 3 but 1 out of 3000

so out of a population of lets say 3000 houses one house is occupied by an immigrant family.
yes immigrants have not been spread out equally where every village/town has 1 immigrant. and instead the councils have put them near each other for social and community reasons. so in small villages in lets say scotland, wales and cornwall may only have 1 immigrant per 20 villages. and places like london may have those other 19 immigrants. which based on the number of towns /villages across the UK soon adds up to look like that major cities look immigrant heavy..

but thats not due to there being a countrywide epidemic. but a more 'hotzone' of communities based on the councils own policies and rules to clump them together.. again a fault of councils. not the people

do you know why when you walk the streets during the day in a town of 70k you dont see 70k brits and 20 asylum seeker. but instead a dozen asylum seeker and a dozen brits.

because asylum seekers BY LAW cannot work. so they are left walking around aimlessly. but many brits are in work 9am-5pm so they are not walking the street. so it seems like there are less brits. but the fact are brits are busy in work. thus less brits are wondering aimlessly because they have things to do, to not be seen in public. thus not be in town diluting the illusion of population diversity

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on October 26, 2016, 11:03:54 PM
Still my country is over run though..
Schools over run hospital over run waiting times never been 2 weeks for an appointment..
I have a friend she is a nurse she said loads and loads are coming in everyday..
over populated..
Also have a friend who is a dentist and he said the amount that as signed to his practice is unreal..
We get lied to all the time..But i know to much immigration is no good..
OK if every immigrant was minted all would be good but as you know in life the rich are the few
the poor are the many..
It's all one big FUCK UP..And the people who planned it KNOW IT but they can always live in a nice place in the world the many poor cannot..

Well 17 million people are unhappy with immigration so something needs to be done..
Because if not it will get well worse for racialism by far..

50 homes up for grabs..
45 English move in 5 muslims move in..The 5 muslims will integrate with the 45 English
Now if it was 25 muslims and 25 english they be fucking murder trust me..
Now it be which ones will move first.. The English because they move to NEW ZEALAND ;D..

go check some actual statistics.
do you know why schools and NHS seem busier than ever..
because there are schools CLOSING and hospitals CLOSING.
1950: primary schools 27,700 - secondary schools 5900
2010: primary schools 21,280 - secondary schools 4070
1987: 297,000 beds
2014: 137,000 beds
this has put the true and real strain on the public services..

you have complained about 20k immigrants.. yet the maths works out as only 1 person per small town/village.
do the maths 60million people vs 20k immigrants.

=1 immigrant per 3000 population.

average family (based on stats not media) is 2 parents 2 kids.
its not 1 out of 3 but 1 out of 3000

so out of a population of lets say 3000 houses one house is occupied by an immigrant family.
yes immigrants have not been spread out equally where every village/town has 1 immigrant. and instead the councils have put them near each other for social and community reasons. so in small villages in lets say scotland, wales and cornwall may only have 1 immigrant per 20 villages. and places like london may have those other 19 immigrants. which based on the number of towns /villages across the UK soon adds up to look like that major cities look immigrant heavy..

but thats not due to there being a countrywide epidemic. but a more 'hotzone' of communities based on the councils own policies and rules to clump them together.. again a fault of councils. not the people

do you know why when you walk the streets during the day in a town of 70k you dont see 70k brits and 20 asylum seeker. but instead a dozen asylum seeker and a dozen brits.

because asylum seekers BY LAW cannot work. so they are left walking around aimlessly. but many brits are in work 9am-5pm so they are not walking the street. so it seems like there are less brits. but the fact are brits are busy in work. thus less brits are wondering aimlessly because they have things to do, to not be seen in public. thus not be in town diluting the illusion of population diversity

point1..The 20k immigrants is just 1 of many problems..But i am saying 20k immigrants
Are needed just to sort out the jailed immigrants..1 of many problems..
So why the 60 million? even being mentioned..IT'S 1 PROBLEM OF MANY..

Now you are right that they are closing things down..So WHY INVITE MORE IN?..
If We Cannot cope with what we have?..

So WTF to you and all..
And my friends say it's people who can just about speak our lingo that as risen..

If we are closing hospitals schools does it make sense to add ,ore to a population..
Answer no..So wtf are you even talking about ;) ;)..

And the poppy as nothing to do with DRUGS..When in concerns our military..

Is you friend a nurse is your friend a dentist?..

They have said they cannot even speak our lingo most of them are with someone who can..

So stop talking through you BUTT HOLE..

Do you know what you thimk i am arguing for myself but i am not

But i see and know what will happen if we over run our country with people..
Very few have money..Crime will rise many many fold..
People looking for homes will rise many many fold..

Now the government are not building enough to compensate for the immigrants coming in..

So stop bringing money up..POOR DON'T HAVE MONEY..And do you think the rich want to build homes for the poor Answer no..So if you add more to the population it will cause problems..

WTF don't you understand about what i am telling you FACTS no lies?..

I will read your answer but i will not reply..Because nothing to discuss because i am so right in what i say.. ;)

But have a nice day..

At the end of the day you want controlled immigration or you don't?..

I want controlled immigration i want to know who they are and what do they do..
Just like they would do if i entered there country ;)..

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on October 26, 2016, 11:53:43 PM
Last point because you people are stupid who say immigration is good with no checks..
Basically free movement..

imagine a Que and 100 are waiting in the Que because they need to see a doctor..
Now if you keep adding 20 to the Que before long it becomes 300 to the Que..

Now imagine i never really get sick and i always thought 100 was in the Que always so i go down the doctors and now there is 300..But the thing is they could get through 100 in 1 day now it takes 3 i walked down the doctors sick only to be told i will have to wait 2 weeks because another 100 just done what i done..

And then you look and there all in burkas in the Que before me and cannot speak a word of English
 >:(..That's when i am pissed..

And the funny thing is If you look in our parliament you will see politicians of all races
BUT how many do you see in the Middle east countries with white British people in there parliaments

India Pakistan Russia China Japan Iran Iraq Saudi Arabia..The list goes on and on..
Now your countries would never allow a white British or american in your parliaments because you think we are trying to take over..BUT we let any race become a member of our governments..


FUCK OFF ;) ;)..To the government you better sort this problem  >:(..
You work for me and our people no one else..WE ARE YOUR BOSS ;)..

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: franky1 on October 26, 2016, 11:54:25 PM
so you want to get rid of asylum seekers. (unable to work)
but at the same time you also want controlled immigration so that only skilled workers turn up.

guess what.
by taking in skilled people(controlled migration). you are still going to have foreign dentists and doctors.
so drop your racist prejudice about:
"Is you friend a nurse is your friend a dentist?.. They have said they cannot even speak our lingo most of them are with someone who can.."

because controlled migration wont solve foreign WORKERS.
again asylum seekers CANT WORK. so controlled migration has nothing to do with solving employment issues in regards to race.
infact controlled immigration welcomes foreign workers. which is the opposite to what im deeming you prefer

do you know the real way to solve the problems you cry about.
move peoples bank accounts to the bank of england and let the other banks fail.
then use the 44.9billion to increase the number of beds in the NHS and the number of schools.

it seems you prefer to read the sheeple newspapers rather than statistics.

also if you think the councils dont get any funding for 'people on the dole'
actually they do. look back at the ukspending image.. housing = £4billion.

but like i said the councils do not use that funding to make new houses.. they waste it with posh cars and expenses

the solution again is not to throw 0.03% of the population out.. its to actually spend the funds where needed.
EG 4billion housing funding (dole: housing allowance) and another 6 billion from council tenants that DO work = 10billion.

average house build is £80k = 125,000 houses per year could be built.
so instead of moaning about 20,000 asylum seekers over 4 years.. (5k a year)
you should be demanding that the country builds 120,000 homes a year "for our own" and 5000 "for asylum seekers".

but instead you will ignore the actual numbers. and ignore the "expenses" money grabs by councils and mp's and instead follow the sheep media to blame the poor.

imagine you sat at a table in a cake shop. you are sat beside a migrant and a banker.
the waitress brings over a plate of 10 cupcakes..
the banker takes 9 cupcakes. lets you watch the immigrant take 1 and then the banker whispers in your ear "hey buddy the immigrant took your cupcake"
the banker then walks away with 9 cupcakes.

your the kind of person that would let a banker walk away with 9 cupcakes, sat the stewing with evil eyes at the migrant.. rather then
what i would do... dragging the banker back to shout "3 cupcakes each and give the waitress 1 cupcake as a tip"

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on October 27, 2016, 12:45:40 AM
so you want to get rid of asylum seekers. (unable to work)
but at the same time you also want controlled immigration so that only skilled workers turn up.

guess what.
by taking in skilled people(controlled migration). you are still going to have foreign dentists and doctors.
so drop your racist prejudice about:
"Is you friend a nurse is your friend a dentist?.. They have said they cannot even speak our lingo most of them are with someone who can.."

because controlled migration wont solve foreign WORKERS.
again asylum seekers CANT WORK. so controlled migration has nothing to do with solving employment issues in regards to race.
infact controlled immigration welcomes foreign workers. which is the opposite to what im deeming you prefer

do you know the real way to solve the problems you cry about.
move peoples bank accounts to the bank of england and let the other banks fail.
then use the 44.9billion to increase the number of beds in the NHS and the number of schools.

it seems you prefer to read the sheeple newspapers rather than statistics.

also if you think the councils dont get any funding for 'people on the dole'
actually they do. look back at the ukspending image.. housing = £4billion.

but like i said the councils do not use that funding to make new houses.. they waste it with posh cars and expenses

the solution again is not to throw 0.3% of the population out.. its to actually spend the funds where needed.
EG 4billion housing funding (dole: housing allowance) and another 6 billion from council tenants that DO work = 10billion.

average house build is £80k = 125,000 houses per year could be built.
so instead of moaning about 20,000 asylum seekers over 4 years.. (5k a year)
you should be demanding that the country builds 120,000 homes a year "for our own" and 5000 "for asylum seekers".

but instead you will ignore the actual numbers. and ignore the "expenses" money grabs by councils and mp's and instead follow the sheep media to blame the poor.

imagine you sat at a table in a cake shop. you are sat beside a migrant and a banker.
the waitress brings over a plate of 10 cupcakes..
the banker takes 9 cupcakes. lets you watch the immigrant take 1 and then the banker whispers in your ear "hey buddy the immigrant took your cupcake"
the banker then walks away with 9 cupcakes.

your the kind of person that would let a banker walk away with 9 cupcakes, sat the stewing with evil eyes at the migrant.. rather then
what i would do... dragging the banker back to shout "3 cupcakes each and give the waitress 1 cupcake as a tip"

Are you stupid we are not a socialist country anymore you dumb shit..
Look at the USA they don't give to fucks about there poor..

EVEN IF BRITAIN MADE 100 BILLION A YEAR MORE..It's still will end up in the few hands..
It's not getting spread about..WE BOTH AGREE YES?..

So if you add more poor to the British poor people it means more poor?..
Meaning more of a struggle to get council homes doctors schools hospitals?..

Like you have been saying they are closing things down so more of a struggle for people to find
hospitals and so on..
And like you said they are not building more council homes fast enough to compensate for more immigrants..

Now if i got money i can do what i want?..No waiting times private school health doctors..

Diabetic Paul Dibbins chopped his own infected toes off with PLIERS ...
2 days ago - Doctors praise DIY surgery skills of diabetic ex-soldier, 57, who chopped off his own toes with PLIERS after his operation was cancelled.

Now if you think an immigrant should of got seen before this guy..THEN PLEASE FUCK OFF..
Because they well did.
And my wife appointment got cancelled the other day waited 2 months.. She got to wait 2 more months >:(..
Ring the doctors 2 weeks for an appointment..When have we ever been like that?..

Now stop bringing up numbers how much numbers in a poor persons pockets?..

America would you live there if you was poor?..or live in the UK?..
Well the UK is 85% going the way of america.. total capitalism.

who cares about the poor should be on the American flag..

I am not rich enough to pay private school private hospital..don't have a million because you need a million to go private..
Now these poor families who been here for years and when there child grows up and gets sick
they be waiting on the endless QUE if uncontrolled immigration..

Now you could be brown white black blue with pink spots ..It makes no difference what colour you are you be waiting in the never ending QUE..

Poverty has no race ;) ;)..
Why did i mention ISLAM because it's taking over the world and our country will be doomed

No well why is there countries destroyed..The middle east as been at war with each other for thousands of years without the uk and usa being even involved..

They been going at it before AMERICA WAS EVEN INVENTED..

Somali ex-muslim in Sweden talks about why she left islam - YouTube
Video for Somali ex-muslim in Sweden talks about why she left islam▶ 9:31

Learn about whats going on..I wonder if you have ever been POOR?..And i mean poor?..
don't you think the powerful want islam..Like Clinton Easy to control like Saudi Arabia..

Don't you get it it's all tied in..The poverty the ISLAM the immigrants All fucking tied in..


Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: stereotype on October 27, 2016, 07:32:56 AM
I stopped reading after "are you stupid".
I bet popcorn1 left out the bit about inept and flawed politicians and administrators/council officials, who decide what services we get as citizens. While ignoramuses direct their anger at immigrants/asylum seekers, those politicians and administrators get off the hook, and continue to serve with incompetence.

Why the got "you're country back", recently, no?

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: criptix on October 27, 2016, 07:40:14 AM
I stopped reading after "are you stupid".
I bet popcorn1 left out the bit about inept and flawed politicians and administrators/council officials, who decide what services we get as citizens. While ignoramuses direct their anger at immigrants/asylum seekers, those politicians and administrators get off the hook, and continue to serve with incompetence.

Why the got "you're country back", recently, no?

prime example for stereotypes :3

but as i remember correctly his excuse is that he himself is an immigrant from bangladesh/phillipines or something around that line in the 2nd/3rd generation ugh

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: franky1 on October 27, 2016, 07:59:41 AM
lol popcorn1

20k are just 0.03% of the population.

if you think that sending 0.03% of the population back (1 person per town) is going to solve the waiting lists of 500 homes and hundreds of nhs appointments.. per town then you are really missing the point.

one person cannot live in 500 houses.
one person cannot caus hundreds of appointments.

its not the fault of the one person. its the fault of the councils and parliament wasting money.
sending 20k people back wont free up the cash needed. because the cash is not going to the poor. its going to the rich.

stop reading sheeple media and think for yourself

stop blaming the poor.
start blaming the rich.

put it this way. if there were 2 jobs available.
1 treasury minister
1 immigrant deportation manager.

i feel you will not want to sort out economy to put money where it should go and solve the problem instantly
you would instead prefer to be a racist, deporting people... and for the next 50 years continue being racist because nothing has changed and its all the non-whites fault.

im getting the feeling you dont actually care about how to solve the problems of schools, housing and nhs. but instead want to find excuses to ignore solutions so you can have another 50 years to be racist

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: Alackeen8492 on October 27, 2016, 08:23:42 AM
We’ve woken up today to a different kind of UK, and it’s our job to react wisely to it. I voted Remain, and I wanted the UK to stay together with a close relationship with the EU. That dream is over now, and faced with the reality of stalled housebuilding, a wildly fluctuating stock market and long-term financial uncertainty, the choice seems clear to me: London didn’t vote for this, and Londoners should go it alone.  :)

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: stereotype on October 27, 2016, 08:34:51 AM
but as i remember correctly his excuse is that he himself is an immigrant from bangladesh/phillipines or something around that line in the 2nd/3rd generation ugh
Yeah, we see that phenomenon often. Hard to explain, really. Funny seeing 2nd/3rd generation immigrant members of UKIP argue this way.
IDK. At the very least, seems an incredibly selfish position, to me. 

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on October 27, 2016, 10:34:54 PM
I stopped reading after "are you stupid".
I bet popcorn1 left out the bit about inept and flawed politicians and administrators/council officials, who decide what services we get as citizens. While ignoramuses direct their anger at immigrants/asylum seekers, those politicians and administrators get off the hook, and continue to serve with incompetence.

Why the got "you're country back", recently, no?
:D :D..Just you don't read the whole story.. ::) ::)..

Re: Should England leave the UK
Quote from: popcorn1 on October 26, 2016, 03:16:35 AM
NO BLAME SAUDI ARABIA for paying our politicians so they can sell there oil to us and keep the rest out of the market?..

the saudi's were involved in the 'street fights' yes. but that doesnt mean we are blameless

So are the gun shops in the usa then?..for gang murders?

And your right we do need to just let them be Wink..
Remember when they bomb somewhere we don't make the money off the weapon the politician son friend does..

Mark Thatcher arrested over alleged African coup plot - World Socialist ...
27 Aug 2004 - This time the Thatcher in question is Margaret Thatcher's son, Mark, who has been ... fortune in excess of £60 million as a result of various shady deals. ... after his mother signed the al-Yamamah arms deal with Saudi Arabia.

remember i don't like politicians they are all robbing scum bags..not all but most are Wink..


Next time read the whole conversation  ;D ;D..

If you add more poor to a broken system the poor that are already here will suffer even more?..


Go back and see what i think about politicians thick shit..

Quit the EU to SAVE NHS - Top doctor says migrants are bleeding it ... › News › Politics
9 Feb 2016 - ... the EU in order to save an NHS which is being overrun by migrants, ... patient and while we remain in the EU, Britain has to offer treatment for

SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTHS REMOANERS..And argue with a doctor dip shits..

And why the anger well you can see you still don't get it THICK FUCKERS

What does a top doctor say about immigrants?..So shut your cake holes

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on October 27, 2016, 11:00:09 PM
but as i remember correctly his excuse is that he himself is an immigrant from bangladesh/phillipines or something around that line in the 2nd/3rd generation ugh
Yeah, we see that phenomenon often. Hard to explain, really. Funny seeing 2nd/3rd generation immigrant members of UKIP argue this way.
IDK. At the very least, seems an incredibly selfish position, to me.  
I know how you feel..Like my child going to University soon an she will be in debt..
I never had to pay when i was a young man..Not that i went but it would of been free..

My next neighbour payed 3 thousand pounds in the 1990s for her house..If i want the same house
98 grand :o :o..I things are not fair..Because the way GREEDY POLITICIANS have stole our money..

I know all the tricks they do and could do. ;D..

You remoaners are selfish people ;) ;)..I am alright jack fuck the 17 million ;)..
Well you got EGG on YOUR FACES :D :D :D..

Yer i know we are not out YET..But we will see..

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on October 27, 2016, 11:09:22 PM
lol popcorn1

20k are just 0.03% of the population.

if you think that sending 0.03% of the population back (1 person per town) is going to solve the waiting lists of 500 homes and hundreds of nhs appointments.. per town then you are really missing the point.

one person cannot live in 500 houses.
one person cannot caus hundreds of appointments.

its not the fault of the one person. its the fault of the councils and parliament wasting money.
sending 20k people back wont free up the cash needed. because the cash is not going to the poor. its going to the rich.

stop reading sheeple media and think for yourself

stop blaming the poor.
start blaming the rich.

put it this way. if there were 2 jobs available.
1 treasury minister
1 immigrant deportation manager.

i feel you will not want to sort out economy to put money where it should go and solve the problem instantly
you would instead prefer to be a racist, deporting people... and for the next 50 years continue being racist because nothing has changed and its all the non-whites fault.

im getting the feeling you dont actually care about how to solve the problems of schools, housing and nhs. but instead want to find excuses to ignore solutions so you can have another 50 years to be racist
Yes i do..How to solve?..
Stop making weapons that cost us 120k when really they cost 30k..But the politicians friend makes them and gives a cut to the politician out of each rocket sold.

So they create war to sell weapons to line there own pockets ..
when that money could build homes?..

Now tax the rich properly instead of only taxing the workers?..
Like if i make 1 billion in profit a year i should be taxed 800 million?..
But as we all know only the workers get taxed because the government says put your companies
here and we wont tax you on your profits we will only tax the workers on there wages..
All to create jobs..Or they will go and make their product somewhere else..
Like poor countries paying 2.pounds an hour..

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on October 27, 2016, 11:35:51 PM
Companies are holding us to ransom..Banks and big companies..
They threaten they will pull there businesses out if we don't comply..

And i am saying you stay or we will build new companies just like what you do..
Why because they are getting away with murder over tax breaks..
So they threaten us..And if your one of these millennials SHUT THE FUCK UP you know fuck all..
You think you do but you don't..I was once 20  ;)..

Live a little then come back an talk about whats really going on ;)..
I know everything about nothing and everything about something ;D..

I could sit here and not care about other peoples problems because i have none but i think it's rather
selfish ;D..And i care for my own countries poor before another countries poor..

And one more thing if children are out there then it's our duty to take these war children and offer them a place to stay..No child should suffer..

But if your old enough to fight get back and fight shit bags ;D..

KURD women are fighting..And young men are running :D :D..SHAMEFUL..

I would fight my last breath if someone invaded my country..I would never run..
Mind you where to stuck on a island :D :D.. We British stand and fight we never run..
We even run at bullets ;) ;) Not scared of them.. :D..WW1..Battle of the Somme..

WHY WE HAVE POPPY DAY ;) ;)..Nothing to do with drugs like some nutcase keeps saying :D :D..

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on October 28, 2016, 01:34:42 AM
I stopped reading after "are you stupid".
I bet popcorn1 left out the bit about inept and flawed politicians and administrators/council officials, who decide what services we get as citizens. While ignoramuses direct their anger at immigrants/asylum seekers, those politicians and administrators get off the hook, and continue to serve with incompetence.

Why the got "you're country back", recently, no?

prime example for stereotypes :3

but as i remember correctly his excuse is that he himself is an immigrant from bangladesh/phillipines or something around that line in the 2nd/3rd generation ugh
Me mothers gran dad was filipino..My fathers side have been here for hundreds and hundreds of years so if you call me an immigrant then i must be because you said so ;D.

Go Go MerKEL And shake them like you can on the way out of office ;D..
Criptix the SS spy :D :D..

I don't spread hate only truth..JUST YOU HATE THE TRUTH..So it's you that hates ;)..

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: criptix on October 28, 2016, 09:54:23 AM
I stopped reading after "are you stupid".
I bet popcorn1 left out the bit about inept and flawed politicians and administrators/council officials, who decide what services we get as citizens. While ignoramuses direct their anger at immigrants/asylum seekers, those politicians and administrators get off the hook, and continue to serve with incompetence.

Why the got "you're country back", recently, no?

prime example for stereotypes :3

but as i remember correctly his excuse is that he himself is an immigrant from bangladesh/phillipines or something around that line in the 2nd/3rd generation ugh
Me mothers gran dad was filipino..My fathers side have been here for hundreds and hundreds of years so if you call me an immigrant then i must be because you said so ;D.

Go Go MerKEL And shake them like you can on the way out of office ;D..
Criptix the SS spy :D :D..

I don't spread hate only truth..JUST YOU HATE THE TRUTH..So it's you that hates ;)..

You are delusional. Your pot abuse is clearly damaging your though process.

Btw. looking at your english skills you talk barely better then the duterte fans here - so imho saying you are a immigrant is more then correct.

Btw. college is free in germany - maybe want to immigrate to germany for your fantasy daughters sake? With 39 k per year you are probaly barely surviving not even talking about financing a college visit. :3

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: mindrust on October 28, 2016, 10:01:54 AM
They can't leave it because they are the UK mostly. The others like  Ireland or Scotland may want to leave the union but not England. It is like Germany or France wanting to leave EU. Doesn't make sense at all.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: berserkinterbuy on October 28, 2016, 10:26:31 AM
They can't leave it because they are the UK mostly. The others like  Ireland or Scotland may want to leave the union but not England. It is like Germany or France wanting to leave EU. Doesn't make sense at all.

I also think that it is simply impossible. No city can become a self-contained, it would kill him

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on October 28, 2016, 09:37:50 PM
I stopped reading after "are you stupid".
I bet popcorn1 left out the bit about inept and flawed politicians and administrators/council officials, who decide what services we get as citizens. While ignoramuses direct their anger at immigrants/asylum seekers, those politicians and administrators get off the hook, and continue to serve with incompetence.

Why the got "you're country back", recently, no?

prime example for stereotypes :3

but as i remember correctly his excuse is that he himself is an immigrant from bangladesh/phillipines or something around that line in the 2nd/3rd generation ugh
Me mothers gran dad was filipino..My fathers side have been here for hundreds and hundreds of years so if you call me an immigrant then i must be because you said so ;D.

Go Go MerKEL And shake them like you can on the way out of office ;D..
Criptix the SS spy :D :D..

I don't spread hate only truth..JUST YOU HATE THE TRUTH..So it's you that hates ;)..

You are delusional. Your pot abuse is clearly damaging your though process.

Btw. looking at your english skills you talk barely better then the duterte fans here - so imho saying you are a immigrant is more then correct.

Btw. college is free in germany - maybe want to immigrate to germany for your fantasy daughters sake? With 39 k per year you are probaly barely surviving not even talking about financing a college visit. :3
German SS spy mama merkel bum licker :D..
College is FREE in the UK university is not ;)..
Even i went to college to learn my bricklayers trade ;D FREE While i got my free rent and free dole ;D..But these young children are getting ripped off by putting them in debt before they have even got a job..
Years ago in the uk they payed you to go to university :o..
And the uk is BOOMING ;).

Hitler wanted a Eu..So mama merkel pushes for it..Very shady indeed..
MAMA MERKEL BUM LICKER..She is finished..

All in the news we will loose all this money :D :D

Mama merkel threw her own flag like it's a piece shit on the floor..Disgusting..
I would never throw my flag on the floor and if one of my leaders did they be OUT..

You are turning back into the SS..

Germany Spied on Friends and Vatican
Efforts to spy on friends and allies by Germany's foreign intelligence agency, the BND, were more extensive than previously reported. SPIEGEL has learned the agency monitored European and American government ministries and the Vatican.

Then you GERMANS are passing information to OBAMA the MUSLIM..

You germans in WW2 worked with the muslims against us British and it seems your doing the same thing over again..
The way ww2 kicked off to sell the war machines and get us to all kill each other..
lowering the population..

FUCK YOU MAMA MERKEL ..And get out because a lot of your people fucking hate you..

We British will never trust you GERMANS NOT EVER ;) ;)..Sly little fuckers..


We will always keep our eyes on you Germans..

The EU is finished doomed..The Eu are all BUMS go and get a proper job lazy fuckers ;D..
And pay some taxes and then contribute to humanity..
Istead of bumming public money for you to talk complete BULLSHIT ;)

FUCKING EU BUMS..I pay my taxes politicians pay fuck all because we pay them to talk SHIT..

To the politicians that do really care for humanity then i apologise..
But you know who you are who are robbing the system of public money ..
You are BUMS ;)..

 Your pot abuse is clearly damaging your though process. ::)..
Says the person who cannot spell thought.. ;D

Tony blair why do you even speak?..We all hate your guts..So much we would all cheer if you got run over by a bus ;) ;)..

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: DD-Lex on October 28, 2016, 09:57:47 PM
Is such a thing possible? Is there any other city in the modern world, which gained independenceз

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on October 28, 2016, 11:27:37 PM

JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick - YouTube

Now watch the video an apply it to whats going on today..Are the same people still telling us what to do?..

Somethings i seen on the video may not be true BUT make your own minds up..

A fair planet proper taxed and if they leave our countries and make products somewhere else
because they can get away with cheap labour they should never be able to put that product on the market..

If someone said to me pay 800 million in taxes or i have a loop hole and i can do it were you pay
200 million i would take the 200 million option like most humans would ..You have to be stupid not to take it up..

But it's up to our government to stop these loop holes and the backhanders to politicians from big businesses to do favours for cash..

Don't be blaming the rich blame our politicians for giving them the chance to rip the public off..
Any sane human will not want to give his money away if he can get away with it..

So to think humans are trustworthy when it comes to riches is a joke..
So that's why we have governments to get taxes and make sure our roads schools and sciences
are at a high standard..But they want a high standard for them selves..

So politics as become a way how to make money when that was never meant to be the process..
It was to make your country and it's people happy..

Make good cakes make good anything pay your proper taxes and if you become filthy rich you
deserve it..And may you live long and be happy..

It's the system that's letting super rich get away with paying there fair share..
Believe me i hope to be filthy rich and if i can get away with it i will ..
So stop me before i do..Getting away with tax loop holes..

And then again i could end up poor and not be able to get a house wait on the nhs and no school
all because to much immigration..

Any sane human will not want to give there money away..

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on October 29, 2016, 12:35:45 AM
€120 billion lost to corruption in EU each year - EUobserver
6 Mar 2013 - An estimated €120 billion is lost to corruption each year throughout the 27 member states, the EU commissioner for home affairs Cecilia Malmstrom has said. “In public procurement, studies suggest that up to 20 to 25 percent of the public contracts’ value may be lost to .

Half of EU aid wasted, stolen or lost in red tape: £11.5bn ... - Daily Mail
17 Jan 2016 - The study by MEPs responsible for auditing EU spending found that £11.5billion of the £23billion doled out by Brussels each year fails to ..

In Video: Europe's missing billions - The Bureau of Investigative ...
8 Jun 2011 - Europe is in the middle of its worst financial crisis for decades, and many are feeling the pain as people across the continent demonstrate ...

BBC News | The Economy | EU: Billions go missing
17 Nov 1998 - As much as $5bn of European Union money has been misspent, squandered or stolen, ... Angus Roxburgh reports on the missing billions ...

Look at the dates From 1998 to this day we have all been lining these SCUM BAGS pockets..
They get free private health care free private school..

And you want to stay :D :D :D :D :D :D :D..
Some on here wont av even been born and they think the EU is so good.. :D :D
It is good if your an Eu MP..And want to be a president like TONY BLAIR..

Some more lost cash >:( >:(..

EU loses hundreds of billions in missing VAT revenues – POLITICO
23 Oct 2014 - EU loses hundreds of billions in missing VAT revenues. Italy lost some €46bn in unpaid VAT in 2012, equivalent to its entire government ...

Some more lost cash

£1.95bn EU aid lost in Palestine | The Sunday Times › Home › News › World › Middle East
13 Oct 2013 - BILLIONS of euros in European aid to the Palestinians may have been misspent, squandered or lost to corruption, according to a damning

Scandal the European parliament tried to keep secret - Telegraph › News › World News › Europe › EU
20 Oct 2011 - The European Parliament’s £1.5 billion budget is beset by the abuse of staff perks and expenses, nepotism and the wasting of taxpayers’ money, according to secret internal audits obtained by The Daily Telegraph. ... A series of reports by the parliament’s internal auditor found ..

Corruption costs EU 'up to €990 billion a year' – POLITICO
22 Mar 2016 - The EU has a corruption problem that could cost it up to €990 billion a year, according to a study commissioned by the European Parliament ..

Why have politicians no one voted for in fact no one knows who they even are..

Why have people like that run your lives knowing quite well they could rob you so easy..
More chances of getting robbed because your putting more politicians on the market to rob you..

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: criptix on October 29, 2016, 05:31:41 AM
College is free but university not?
What? LOL



Tbh it wouldnt shock me if you didnt even attend basic school.

Btw. Mistyping the last character of one word in a post is not on the same level like wrong grammar, spelling and syntax especially if it is a german vs a "native british immigrant" lul

Go to a drug rehab facility for the sake of your fantasy daughter.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on October 29, 2016, 05:50:26 AM
College is free but university not?
What? LOL



Tbh it wouldnt shock me if you didnt even attend basic school.

Go to a drug rehab facility for the sake of your fantasy daughter.

No my parents payed taxes so there children can be educated in the future..
What are taxes for?..TO GIVE TO MAMA MERKEL?..

16 you go to college study A levels or a trade..18 to 21 you go to university ;D..
See your a bum for driving on roads because you never payed for all the roads in Germany..

So we pay taxes to educate our children ;D..It's not free is it..

Like if you pay taxes you want to get more back in the way of roads schools hospitals homes
Not lining some politicians pockets ..And then have the cheek to say your a bum when they bum of the public more than anyone ;)..

See i always win you in a debate because your so easy ;D..

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: criptix on October 29, 2016, 06:02:50 AM
So college has actually the meaning of highscool in the uk?
So the UK has free schools? Welcome in the 20th century lol

In germany not only kindergarden and school but University is free too and we have like double or triple the amount of road and railway then the UK.

It seems the UK doesnt only suck at the matter of immigrants like you :D

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on October 29, 2016, 06:09:48 AM
So college has actually the meaning of highscool in the uk?
So the UK has free schools? Welcome in the 20th century lol

In germany not only kindergarden and school but University is free too and we have like double or triple the amount of road and railway then the UK.

It seems the UK doesnt only suck at the matter of immigrants like you :D
And you call me a bum ::)..Yes because we built them and your buildings ;)..

auf wiedersehen pet ;)..Now you got your islam :D..Lets see what they build :D..
Mosques all the way down your autobahn :D..

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: criptix on October 29, 2016, 06:19:22 AM
So college has actually the meaning of highscool in the uk?
So the UK has free schools? Welcome in the 20th century lol

In germany not only kindergarden and school but University is free too and we have like double or triple the amount of road and railway then the UK.

It seems the UK doesnt only suck at the matter of immigrants like you :D
And you call me a bum ::)..Yes because we built them and your buildings ;)..

auf wiedersehen pet ;)..Now you got your islam :D..Lets see what they build :D..
Mosques all the way down your autobahn :D..


Did you phillipino mommy build our autobahn, schools and universities by herself or did your bangladesh father helped?

Oh wait most of the gastarbeiter were turks and greeks.
Was your daddy a mudslime by chance?  :-X

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: Spirit2016 on October 29, 2016, 03:50:29 PM
In all countries immigrants do the dirty work. They don't want to do locals. What will you do without them?

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: iamnotback on October 29, 2016, 04:16:34 PM
In all countries immigrants do the dirty work. They don't want to do locals. What will you do without them?

Have jobs for the youth. I did the dirty work in my youth. Spoiled Millennials need to get off their mother's sofa and remove the Gameboy or Xbox from their non-calloused, supple hands.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: virtualx on October 29, 2016, 05:26:21 PM
In all countries immigrants do the dirty work. They don't want to do locals. What will you do without them?
No, this is not true.  Your statement is discrimination. A lot of dirty work is done by natives.

Cleaning lady at a restroom is always immigrant?
Street reparation is always immigrant?
Plumber is always immigrant?

Come on..

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: crockoo on October 29, 2016, 06:45:13 PM
I also agree. Except for the expats no one will do the dirty work. If they send out of the country may collapse.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: halych on October 30, 2016, 09:17:20 AM
In all countries immigrants do the dirty work. They don't want to do locals. What will you do without them?

I personally have nothing against immigrants do not have, but you are wrong. Not necessarily all the dirty work is done by immigrants. This is the choice of each - on a paper work. All their life circumstances

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: antonioa on October 30, 2016, 05:52:00 PM
Immigrants go to other countries from a bad life in their country. They come without money and housing. They will find a good job? Migration service and chased after them.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: Rmaqks on October 30, 2016, 06:05:03 PM
Immigrants go to other countries from a bad life in their country. They come without money and housing. They will find a good job? Migration service and chased after them.

Immigrants, too, not a good life left their country. They are willing to work hard at work and receive a small salary to survive

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: DimidoffVany on October 30, 2016, 07:31:31 PM
Immigrants go to other countries from a bad life in their country. They come without money and housing. They will find a good job? Migration service and chased after them.

Immigrants, too, not a good life left their country. They are willing to work hard at work and receive a small salary to survive
I agree with this author. If people come with the good then you need to help them. Who knows what awaits us in the future.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: lllaqpt on November 05, 2016, 07:36:22 PM
Immigrants go to other countries from a bad life in their country. They come without money and housing. They will find a good job? Migration service and chased after them.

Immigrants, too, not a good life left their country. They are willing to work hard at work and receive a small salary to survive
I agree with this author. If people come with the good then you need to help them. Who knows what awaits us in the future.

that's for sure, no one knows what will happen tomorrow, so we need to try to help those who need help.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: sugarfly on December 11, 2016, 04:02:09 PM
Just england?
I hope all countries leave EU

Globalism needs to end.


Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on December 15, 2016, 10:52:50 PM
To the UK government..You give 10 billion to the EU..And 12 billion to foreign aid..
total 22 billion pound of our tax money >:( >:(..
Then you have the cheek to cut schools hospitals and so on >:(?..
So your giving our taxes to other countries and then cut our own?..
You need to sort your heads out because the next election not so far away..
and i see UKIP winning..

You people in power need your heads banging together..

Plus to the USA you all hate the word socialism?..So what do you want your taxes spent on?..

Total Capitalism is this..

The government takes your taxes and spends them on army stuff and also give it to the banks..

Now you pay your taxes?,,Then the government spends it on weapons army and so on so it can go and kill other countries people for money..Capitalism on capitalism..

Now you pay your taxes?..It goes to the bankers to lend it back to you again with interest and if you don't pay your flat broke starving with no home?..

Now please just 1 american can you tell me what you what from your taxes..were should they go..

police army that's 2 things so what else?..

You getting a pension is socialism..

I kid you not YOU AMERICANS are so fucking stupid..Your country is robbing you all..
Yes your own country is robbing it's own people..

And i feel like the UK is going down the AMERICAN way..The shit way of life..
The worst way of life..
I got my money fuck anyone else this is AMERICA..

But the funniest thing of all is your letting your government rob you all :D :D :D :D :D..


I pay taxes to get them back? you ask..
well free education free health care and a roof over my head..

Now why i want my taxes payed back to me in this way is because

point 1 no ones job is safe?..So if i get sick and i have no job i can get healthcare..
Who knows when you will fall over and hurt your self..

Point 2 if i have no job and children i still need my children educated?..And if they get sick they need healthcare..

Now when i pay my taxes i don't pay them to get spent on lining some rich toffs pockets..
Example buying weapons to line some ugly twats pockets..
Buying medical drugs that cost 1000 times more than 2 years ago because some ugly twat toff
mate owns that company..And that toff get a backhander..



Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: Spendulus on December 15, 2016, 11:00:58 PM
Now please just 1 american can you tell me what you what from your taxes..were should they go........
Free beer, man.

And free barbecue babyback ribs.

Oh, that'd be so nice.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on December 15, 2016, 11:12:06 PM
Now please just 1 american can you tell me what you what from your taxes..were should they go........
Free beer, man.

And free barbecue babyback ribs.

Oh, that'd be so nice.
You can have free beer home brew ;)..
Also you got that much land you can hunt for your barbecue ;)..

So now that's free what about if your dying  ;)..Not you spendy because your rich..
poor people ;D..

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on December 16, 2016, 01:38:28 AM
When we leave the EU can you please charge the UK on goods make them expensive please.. 8)

One thing you dumb toff business owners don't understand is quite a lot of products can be changed for cheaper ;)..
So if you be greedy because you refuse to loose some profits and try and put it on to the consumer
Your co

mpany will die out and you will earn nothing at all your finished ..

And then someone will come along 1 or 2 years later and set up a company and do what you done but for less profits for himself but still is rich.BUT NOT A GREEDY TWAT LIKE YOU RICH TOFFS ;) ;)..

Rather have something than nothing ;)..
Now the one good thing is the INTERNET IS ALIVE ..
And business can be done so easy without you rich toffs..When i say rich toffs..
I mean those TOFFS who parents tell them they are born to rule..OH BOY we have loads of parents like this in LONDON..

Now please EU be nasty PLEASE ;)..I will gladly suffer for 2 years till we get back on our feet..
BUT i know nothing will stop business as usual ..No one likes loosing money ..
BUT if we do 2 years the uk will be booming again..99% sure we will boom even better out of the EU..

27 countries telling one country how we should do a deal..NOT GOOD..
That's why the EU takes forever doing a deal..


And to the UK citizens money doesn't work humans do ;)..
How does bitcoin work? ;)..

THE UK WILL SURVIVE AN ATOM BOMB..But just remember your getting one back ;)..100 fold ;)..

Your products we can AVOID ;)..1 OR 2 maybe we need..BUT MARMITE :D :D Toblerone..Who needs these..Just buy another cheaper bar of chocolate..

We as consumers must stand up to these greedy people..

If i find out a country is being a problem to mine just don't buy that product ;D..
Also our own people can be a problem because they want to sell to the EU..
Greedy people..I am sorry if you got a small business and will struggle but the bigger picture is worth more than 1 or 2 small businesses..

Point 1 the ELITE want to use us like sheep..Bring cheaper sheep to wipe out the sheep who want better pay..GREEDY TOFFS..
And what's funny these people were born in the 1950s and got everything free..
And even got payed by the government to go to university..
OH but no one else can have it..
And the funny thing is i thought we are RICHER IN THIS DAY AND AGE..

You mean the elite are richer because they used us humans like slaves to pay taxes and then fiddled them back in there own pockets..

Well i was born to lead anyone else feel the same?..

Anyone got a horse to lend me while i put my Knights uniform on..I AM FUCKING READY EU..


DO we want to stay in the single market?..WHO cares if they are being funny i want to pay you in kind..

You done a deal with Canada without the things you are asking the UK for..And we have 2 times more people..
And plus you want an EU army to lock down the people all over Europe even more ;)..
To use us like sheep and if we don't obey the EU army will come into play :D :D..

We got our own army thanks..Our sons and daughters not people from another country..

And also TONY BLAIR should be kicked in the bollocks by everyone in the world :D :D..

Millions of deaths because he wanted to be rich >:(..
Yes loads of scum bags in our governments like this..

1 example you government people are setting out to the rest is dog eat dog..

Well just make sure you got enough security  ;)..
And believe me if it gets so bad..Not even your security guards can help you be way outnumbered..

Look what happened in France many year ago..The rich got dragged out of there homes and killed and looted..
Now one day i could be rich and get dragged out of my home..Or i could be poor and be dragging you out your home..

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Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: popcorn1 on December 16, 2016, 01:47:49 AM
To many of these in power..

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: Sithara007 on December 16, 2016, 08:56:04 AM
They are willing to work hard at work and receive a small salary to survive

If the immigrants are willing to work for $2 per day, then the billionaires such as Gina Rinehart will be extremely happy. But the native blue-collar workers will find themselves either unemployed, or their wages halved.

Title: Re: Should England leave the UK
Post by: BADecker on December 16, 2016, 04:10:31 PM
Should England leave the UK? No. But the people should take up their individual power over government, both in England, and the States.

Think about this. You go to the store and buy something. You pay for it with you property, your money (it's your property because it represents your time or labor). You get an itemized receipt for what you purchased. When does government ever give you an itemized receipt for the things your tax money bought?

Oh sure. They say your money goes for roads and schools and military armament and all kinds of other things. But how can you know that they are giving you a reasonable amount of whatever, if you don't get a receipt? Or how do you know that they are giving you only things that you would like them to be giving you?

Pick up your power. Let the governments remain. But rule them by withholding all tax money until they show you exactly what you are buying with it.
