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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Jet Cash on July 06, 2016, 03:38:53 PM

Title: We don't want Trident
Post by: Jet Cash on July 06, 2016, 03:38:53 PM
What is the matter with politicians. We don't want to spend billions on a crappy Trident that probably won't work, and isn't needed. What we need to do is to boost the economy at home, and buy back all the assets that the stupid government has sold to foreign governments. Russia isn't a threat - the EU, NATO and the bankers are the threats,

Title: Re: We don't want Trident
Post by: Fortify on July 06, 2016, 05:03:39 PM
I'm curious, are you Russian or British? Because you act like a Russian pretending to be British..

Title: Re: We don't want Trident
Post by: European Central Bank on July 06, 2016, 07:29:30 PM
dunno whether the uk needs it or not, but i don't understand what's wrong with old nuclear weapons. give them a polish and some exercise every now and then and save those billions. as long as they're maintained i'm sure they can kill a decent number of people too.

Title: Re: We don't want Trident
Post by: Jet Cash on July 06, 2016, 07:40:09 PM
I'm English born of English parents. I believe in the United Kindom, and I'm a royalist. I believe in capitalism, and I am aware that the current policy of sucking capital out of the economy is destroying capitalism. I am also aware that the current US/NATO policy of enforced regime change is causing chaos in the world. I note that the Russian efforts to keep peace by supporting elected governments is productive. The US policy of arming ISIS is good for arms sales, but destructive in economic terms, and has cause the migration crisis. If the new Russia is supporting capitalism, and promoting healthy food, then I am all for it. Current US banking and monetary policy and world enforcement is destroying capitalism, and I am against that. I am also against poisoning the world with useless and expensive drugs. This generation is the first one to have a shorter life expectancy than the previous one - ask yourself why this is true.

Title: Re: We don't want Trident
Post by: criptix on July 06, 2016, 08:43:04 PM
I'm English born of English parents. I believe in the United Kindom, and I'm a royalist. I believe in capitalism, and I am aware that the current policy of sucking capital out of the economy is destroying capitalism. I am also aware that the current US/NATO policy of enforced regime change is causing chaos in the world. I note that the Russian efforts to keep peace by supporting elected governments is productive. The US policy of arming ISIS is good for arms sales, but destructive in economic terms, and has cause the migration crisis. If the new Russia is supporting capitalism, and promoting healthy food, then I am all for it. Current US banking and monetary policy and world enforcement is destroying capitalism, and I am against that. I am also against poisoning the world with useless and expensive drugs. This generation is the first one to have a shorter life expectancy than the previous one - ask yourself why this is true.

you forgot to promote putin as the future leader of the world and reincarnation of jeebus himself


you do understand that in russia the political opposition gets murdered?

Title: Re: We don't want Trident
Post by: markj113 on July 06, 2016, 09:44:18 PM
The UK needs to keep its nuclear deterrent.

The world is becoming a more dangerous place and not more peaceful.

Scrap our EU contributions + foreign aid and the trident upgrade will be bought and paid for.

It will also generate significant UK employment

Title: Re: We don't want Trident
Post by: protokol on July 07, 2016, 01:57:01 AM
The UK needs to keep its nuclear deterrent.

The world is becoming a more dangerous place and not more peaceful.

Scrap our EU contributions + foreign aid and the trident upgrade will be bought and paid for.

It will also generate significant UK employment

What use is a deterrent that cannot and will never be used? Especially one that will cost (If we look at estimates from low to high) between £20b and £164b to renew. Billion.

We are not living in the same world as WW1 or WW2, there is no single country or coalition that can simply be wiped out with a big expensive bomb.

The threats we face in these times are fragmented and dispersed across the globe, nukes are useless against them.

Your arguments about EU contributions is moot, we pay ~£8b net, not in the same ballpark. And wasn't that money meant to be spent on public services, such as the NHS? :D

Significant employment is a poor argument too, we could try and build a tower to heaven and employ everyone in the country, doesn't make it a sensible idea.

If the cost of Trident wasn't so ridiculous, I might be in favour of it. But the Cold War era is over now, if you really think we should spend £30b plus on defence, for fuck's sake let's spend it on useful things like planes, boats and infantry, not useless bombs that are nothing but an immature statement that amounts to "my dick's bigger than yours!"

Title: Re: We don't want Trident
Post by: helloeverybody on July 07, 2016, 06:07:50 AM
The UK needs to keep its nuclear deterrent.

The world is becoming a more dangerous place and not more peaceful.

Scrap our EU contributions + foreign aid and the trident upgrade will be bought and paid for.

It will also generate significant UK employment

I second this. It comes down to the same reasoning as owning guns, Its bette to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Just having these nuclear weapons stops other countrys from ever even contemplating any kind of proper attack on the uk. If another nuclear power decided to hold the uk at ransom after getting rid of their nuclear weapons then what could they possibly do?   

Title: Re: We don't want Trident
Post by: BADecker on July 07, 2016, 09:38:11 AM
I read the title and thought you were talking about chewing gum. Are you talking about chewing gum?


Title: Re: We don't want Trident
Post by: Jet Cash on July 07, 2016, 02:09:52 PM
I read the title and thought you were talking about chewing gum. Are you talking about chewing gum?


Another disgusting American invention. :)

If America stopped its warmongering we might be able to develop a peaceful world. Doesn't the US realise that their actions against Russia are building it into a formidable economic power in the world. Their sanctions policy has strengthened Russia's influence in the world, and is helping to rebuild their economy. The US warmongering is turning the world against America, and resulting in some countries developing superior weapons. It's time to back off and rebuild the US domestic infrastructure, and to try to reduce domestic debt.

Title: Re: We don't want Trident
Post by: criptix on July 07, 2016, 02:27:17 PM
I read the title and thought you were talking about chewing gum. Are you talking about chewing gum?


Another disgusting American invention. :)

If America stopped its warmongering we might be able to develop a peaceful world. Doesn't the US realise that their actions against Russia are building it into a formidable economic power in the world. Their sanctions policy has strengthened Russia's influence in the world, and is helping to rebuild their economy. The US warmongering is turning the world against America, and resulting in some countries developing superior weapons. It's time to back off and rebuild the US domestic infrastructure, and to try to reduce domestic debt.

If oil prices stay like this in the next 5-10 years russia will be at the boarder to bankrupticy :S

Title: Re: We don't want Trident
Post by: Masha Sha on July 07, 2016, 03:57:49 PM
I read the title and thought you were talking about chewing gum. Are you talking about chewing gum?


Another disgusting American invention. :)

If America stopped its warmongering we might be able to develop a peaceful world. Doesn't the US realise that their actions against Russia are building it into a formidable economic power in the world. Their sanctions policy has strengthened Russia's influence in the world, and is helping to rebuild their economy. The US warmongering is turning the world against America, and resulting in some countries developing superior weapons. It's time to back off and rebuild the US domestic infrastructure, and to try to reduce domestic debt.

If oil prices stay like this in the next 5-10 years russia will be at the boarder to bankrupticy :S

Dude Russia is more than a one trick poney... What isn't available in Russia? Talented people? Vastness beyond belief? Skygate? Yandex? Vcontakt? Telegram? Btc exchange? And you forget formidable and exponential China next door... One hyper speed (vacuum maglev (sound Russian btw ;-)) train and you get to the biggest and competitivest economy on Earth... What ever your medias tells you... Where are the iPhone manufactured again?

And did I told you about effective tax rate and cost of living? Hehehe... USA is just an plantation island... Polluting the world oceans and imposing structural risk on dna integrity and resilience of life it self... But no one but war can stop this path of the USA... The ruling class profits are aligned on this... The fall of Monsanto will be the equivalent of the fall of the suprem Soviet... And both Mr T and lady H are deeply cornered.

So to the topic trident is just one kind of wmd... And like btc miners the new trident will need to be trashed again in 20 years... War isn't the answer. America can't change track anymore... Wait for Japan and China to reconcile... Most American imperialism is in the soon as you see beyond the smoke and mirrors it becomes clear.

One nation divided in 2 parties fighting each other's in front of the people to hide their unity in looting and plunging the American Dream in a deadly nightmare...

Title: Re: We don't want Trident
Post by: saddampbuh on July 07, 2016, 04:00:22 PM
foreign aid budget = 12 billion per year

we can afford trident

Title: Re: We don't want Trident
Post by: Masha Sha on July 07, 2016, 04:02:39 PM
foreign aid budget = 12 billion per year

we can afford trident

Feel good + image building money ;) who gets it btw? With exponential population growth are this one will need to get bigger and bigger... Rio beach paradise!

Title: Re: We don't want Trident
Post by: TemplarKnightUK on July 07, 2016, 04:04:37 PM
When one is truly libertarian, one realises that the only rightful ownership of nuclear arms is by private individuals. Indeed, it is a natural extension of the Second Amendment; government ownership of nuclear (or any) arms is illegitimate :D

Title: Re: We don't want Trident
Post by: gentlemand on July 07, 2016, 04:06:18 PM
I love nuclear weapons and submarines. I hope to have some of my own some day. I fucking LOVE Trident and want more more more.

Title: Re: We don't want Trident
Post by: Masha Sha on July 07, 2016, 04:10:52 PM
I love nuclear weapons and submarines. I hope to have some of my own some day. I fucking LOVE Trident and want more more more.

It's too late to buy shares of the manufacturers I guess? According to krugman theory it's great to build subs... It creates jobs. I am sure that lowering educations cost would be money better invest... Or even better not taxing it... Because inflations or tax it will make the uk real economy less competitive. Arms race bankrupted Soviet Union...