Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: From Above on July 10, 2016, 11:41:47 AM

Title: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: From Above on July 10, 2016, 11:41:47 AM
If u would happen to be the Waren Buffet grandfather,

would U try to go and buy all the Bitcoin in existence?

or would that be rather stupid to try?

Would u buy 51% of all Bitcoins?


Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: BitHodler on July 10, 2016, 12:18:23 PM
Buying or at least trying to buy all coins in existence is not worth it at this point as the price is too high.

Best time to do so would be before 2013 as you would have to put waaay less money on the table to buy that many coins.

I personally wouldn't buy that many coins. I just buy a certain amount where I am happy with for the long term, and that's all.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: LFC_Bitcoin on July 10, 2016, 12:34:23 PM
If I was Warren Buffett I'd already be rich so I wouldn't bother with bitcoin ;)

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: redsn0w on July 10, 2016, 12:37:01 PM
If u would happen to be the Waren Buffet grandfather,

would U try to go and buy all the Bitcoin in existence?

or would that be rather stupid to try?

Would u buy 51% of all Bitcoins?


Yeah, if I would happen to be him I would have tried to buy all the bitcoin in existence (at that time).  Since I would have thought that bitcoin is/was revolutionary, so why not invest on it ?

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: Xester on July 10, 2016, 12:45:15 PM
If u would happen to be the Waren Buffet grandfather,

would U try to go and buy all the Bitcoin in existence?

or would that be rather stupid to try?

Would u buy 51% of all Bitcoins?


I don think so since bitcoin is very unstable. What will happen to my large amount of invest if bitcoins price suddenly fall then I am bankrupt. But if the price goes back to the price last 2009 given that I am Warren Buffet grandfather I would gladly do it. But since  price of bitcoin going back to 1$ is impossible then there's no chance for me to buy 51% of bitcoin supply

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: xuan87 on July 10, 2016, 12:53:02 PM
Maybe i will buy it, i feel that bitcoin is a very profitable investment for now after i buy it i will find a way so bitcoin can be more famous, maybe i will make big company that accept bitcoin, so my bitcoin investment will be getting more profit

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: Soros Shorts on July 10, 2016, 01:08:33 PM
The Oracle of Omaha has already stated that he does not understand Bitcoin and does not believe in it. It is unlikely that he would buy add bitcoins to his portfolio. He also invests his money wisely and conservatively so it would be out of character for him, for example, to buy 51% of coins just to destroy the system.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: Chris! on July 10, 2016, 01:17:12 PM
NO?! He would never put 5billion into 1 investment that's so risky unless he was going to pull out after a very specific chain of events was going to happen and he knew 100% for sure it was. (example: the EU switches over to Bitcoins instead of euros)

I wouldn't ever put all of my eggs in one basket. When you do that you feel every little drop as if it's a huge loss. 'I'm down 10% over the course of the week... AKA 500 million! NOOOO!'

+ he's too old school. If it's not a brick and mortar business he doesn't care about it.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: andrew24p on July 10, 2016, 01:29:49 PM
Buying 51% would be stupid, people would fork the code/ go elsewhere and his investment would be nothing. Not to mention he couldnt even get anywhere near that much. The amount of coins on exchanges is tiny and even tinier if you want to keep the price relatively the same.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: n691309 on July 10, 2016, 01:37:56 PM
If u would happen to be the Waren Buffet grandfather,

would U try to go and buy all the Bitcoin in existence?

or would that be rather stupid to try?

Would u buy 51% of all Bitcoins?


That's ~8 Million bitcoins which worth ~5 Trillion dollar, I wouldn't buy 51% of all bitcoins because I want to leave the bitcoins to other to use it and increase the value of it time by time. Or if I would buy them I would really open a large business operating only in bitcoin and no other payment would be available.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: pandalion98 on July 10, 2016, 01:59:06 PM
If u would happen to be the Waren Buffet grandfather,

would U try to go and buy all the Bitcoin in existence?

or would that be rather stupid to try?

Would u buy 51% of all Bitcoins?

If I were Bill Gates/other billionaire, I would buy maybe $1M to $5M of BTC.

But 51%? Naw man. That's just too much. It would effectively break the market since people will panic buy/sell because of the sudden price changes. Oh, and hyper-deflation also isn't a good thing for an economy.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: DashTron on July 10, 2016, 02:21:57 PM
I would buy those 51%!
It might come in handy to have your own currency one day.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: clickerz on July 10, 2016, 02:22:25 PM
If u would happen to be the Waren Buffet grandfather,

would U try to go and buy all the Bitcoin in existence?

or would that be rather stupid to try?

Would u buy 51% of all Bitcoins?

If I were Bill Gates/other billionaire, I would buy maybe $1M to $5M of BTC.

But 51%? Naw man. That's just too much. It would effectively break the market since people will panic buy/sell because of the sudden price changes. Oh, and hyper-deflation also isn't a good thing for an economy.

Why buy? ;) For me, i would rather create my own currency,promote and develop it.Having my full support for that project, i think it would be one of the popular  currency alongside with bitcoin.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: avikz on July 10, 2016, 02:27:40 PM
No and never, I am sure even Mr. Warren Buffet wouldn't have done such mistake.

Everyone needs to learn diversification. Taking 51% stake in bitcoin where there is no regulatory authority will be a lot of risk. You may win or you may loose. Taking 10-12% stake seems ok but not 51%. It is a huge risk.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: elite3000 on July 10, 2016, 02:29:20 PM
Warren Buffet said: stay away from Bitcoin. If I was him I would not buy any, then.

And I doubt that 51% of the Bitcoins are available to be bought on open market. Most of the ones from early days are lost forever

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: Bitcoinbro on July 10, 2016, 02:30:54 PM
Warren Buffet said: stay away from Bitcoin. If I was him I would not buy any, then.

And I doubt that 51% of the Bitcoins are available to be bought on open market. Most of the ones from early days are lost forever

Correct it's well known Warren is not a bitcoin supporter but even for any other wealthy person, buying 51% is not possible since those coins are not on the open market, nor is it wise to hold such a big share of bitcoin.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: HarryKPeters on July 10, 2016, 02:33:35 PM
No and never, I am sure even Mr. Warren Buffet wouldn't have done such mistake.

Everyone needs to learn diversification. Taking 51% stake in bitcoin where there is no regulatory authority will be a lot of risk. You may win or you may loose. Taking 10-12% stake seems ok but not 51%. It is a huge risk.

Controlling over half of the supply is very risky. Just think about the fact that the other whales would use it to their advantaged and dump the hell out of it.
Just becaues they can.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: 20kevin20 on July 10, 2016, 02:36:41 PM
Imagine him buying $1mil worth of BTC back in 2010. That means 12,500,000BTC. That means $8,019,000,000 at the current price.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: ObscureBean on July 10, 2016, 02:40:22 PM
Why would I bother? I already have enough billions to last me many lifetimes over. I can think of a ton of cooler things to do with that 10 billion. Also what would be the point of owning all Bitcoins? if nobody else has any, it would be pretty much worthless, people don't actually need Bitcoin to survive, they would just carry on with their lives and the joke would be on me.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: helloeverybody on July 10, 2016, 02:42:25 PM
If i had that much money i wouldn't take such a high risk gamble by buying 51 percent of bitcoin.  If bitcoin took a plunge even by a few quid then the loss would be catastrophic.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: XCASH on July 10, 2016, 02:58:21 PM
Warren Buffet couldn't buy 51% of Bitcoins. He may have the money to buy them, but there's not enough sellers to sell him 51%. Satoshi's probably got a million, and he's not selling. There are massive wallets belonging to others that haven't moved coins in years. Either the owners lost the keys or they are keeping them for when they are worth more in the future. Also, there are tens of thousand of small wallets owned by people who put them into cold storage for the future, and they would also refuse to sell.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: hermanhs09 on July 10, 2016, 03:00:37 PM
Warren Buffet couldn't buy 51% of Bitcoins. He may have the money to buy them, but there's not enough sellers to sell him 51%. Satoshi's probably got a million, and he's not selling. There are massive wallets belonging to others that haven't moved coins in years. Either the owners lost the keys or they are keeping them for when they are worth more in the future. Also, there are tens of thousand of small wallets owned by people who put them into cold storage for the future, and they would also refuse to sell.
it look's like you are right,nobody probably would sell him 51% of all bitcoins,
because it is really a lot.
Anyway buying like 10% would be a still insane volume,and insane price to do it,right?

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: Hazir on July 10, 2016, 03:04:38 PM
I want to debunk some strange logical assumption Op presented here. Bitcoin is not some shares or stocks so owning 51% of it won't necessarily gave anyone controlling interest power.
It is not a hash power, you will be just huge whale with 51% of bitcoin owned, sure you probably could crash the market, but why would you do that? To bankrupt yourself?

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: ~Bitcoin~ on July 10, 2016, 03:05:52 PM
I will buy bitcoin but i am sure even i beleive in bitcoin i will not buy 51% of total bitcoin exist at the current price. This may pump the price so high but if traders find out later that one single person holding half of the supply then we may see large dumps on the fear of large dump from me.  ;D

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: hermanhs09 on July 10, 2016, 03:06:25 PM
I want to debunk some strange logical assumption Op presented here. Bitcoin is not some shares or stocks so owning 51% of it won't necessarily gave anyone controlling interest power.
It is not a hash power, you will be just huge whale with 51% of bitcoin owned, sure you probably could crash the market, but why would you do that? To bankrupt yourself?
Of course it wouldn't have any affect on controlling bitcoin.
It would be the same,you would just have 51%.And actually the price would sky rocket if somebody would try buy 51% of bitcoins,right?

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: Barnabe on July 10, 2016, 03:08:35 PM
If someone bought 51% of all bitcoins I would not trust bitcoin. The 51% person could decide overnight to drop bitcoin value by half, I wouldn't want to have to trust someone with this much power.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: DashTron on July 10, 2016, 03:29:57 PM
Warren Buffet couldn't buy 51% of Bitcoins. He may have the money to buy them, but there's not enough sellers to sell him 51%. Satoshi's probably got a million, and he's not selling. There are massive wallets belonging to others that haven't moved coins in years. Either the owners lost the keys or they are keeping them for when they are worth more in the future. Also, there are tens of thousand of small wallets owned by people who put them into cold storage for the future, and they would also refuse to sell.
it look's like you are right,nobody probably would sell him 51% of all bitcoins,
because it is really a lot.
Anyway buying like 10% would be a still insane volume,and insane price to do it,right?

If the priceis right, I think most of the owners would sell.
So 51% is possible, I think. Theoretically.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: fravia on July 10, 2016, 03:45:33 PM
i would definitely not buy that much bitcoins because i want bitcoin to exist, if one person would buy that much then all people wouldnt use it as they would be afraid of a big dump i think

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: Kprawn on July 10, 2016, 04:15:03 PM
The volatility in Bitcoin makes a option like this very attractive... you would not be a whale, but the biggest whale in the ocean. Warren Buffet on the other hand would not put all his eggs in one basket,

or a significant part of it.. The 51% is not that significant.. because this is not a business, where you have the controlling interest.. when you own 51% of the shares. It would have been great if a person

like Bill Gates can use his foundation to spread the Bitcoin wealth to a lot of poor people around the world.  ;D

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: Warren Buffet on July 10, 2016, 04:19:39 PM

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: Dudeperfect on July 10, 2016, 05:09:04 PM
Short Answer : Yes

Long Answer : Not all at once. I would go with cost averaging technique which emphasize on investment in a systematic way. Buying all coins at once is as equal as hitting the bullet in dark. As we can see the fact that bitcoin is more fluctuating as compared with other currencies in monetary point of view. With cost averaging method there are heavy chances of securing profits or in worst case scenario avoiding loss even in negative market conditions.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: crairezx20 on July 10, 2016, 05:24:42 PM

If i have money to invest an buy the 51% of bitcoin why not? we know  that the price of bitcoin will increase once bitcoin is in demand so if you buy bitcoin im sure that the price of bitcoin will increase soon.. and some people can buy to gradually while you are buying the 51% of bitcoin.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: Nitroshock on July 10, 2016, 06:33:24 PM
There's really more than one question here.

If I was Warren Buffet, the answer is easy... no.  He doesn't like Bitcoin and is from a "buy and hold" generation when companies paid good dividends on quarterly profits and banks paid a healthy interest rate on savings.  Buy and hold has always been his claim to fame and Bitcoin now offers none of the "investment" features he's looking for.

If I was AS RICH AS Warren Buffet, the answer is still easy... no.  The only reason I see to buy that many Bitcoins is an attempt to take over the network, in which case you may end up with all the Bitcoins but try finding anyone else who wants them.

People with extra money will most likely seek gold, silver, commodities, and other "safe havens" long before considering Bitcoin.  Unfortunately I'll have to agree with them at least until Bitcoin has some semblance of a stable value and is more widely accepted.  Until then, buying Bitcoin is a huge gamble, not an investment or the protection of wealth that we'd like it to be.

Hope it changes but I still wouldn't kill the network/market even if I had the money to do so.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: blackholes on July 10, 2016, 10:45:19 PM
If he ever does that , this would be the end for both btc and Buffet. During the buying stage the price would significantly increase and I don't know if his money would be enough. However even if he can pull that through , what would be the use of such a centralized coin? He would have devalued his own money. In my opinion ,no point in doing that.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: xht on July 10, 2016, 10:52:50 PM
If u would happen to be the Waren Buffet grandfather,

would U try to go and buy all the Bitcoin in existence?

or would that be rather stupid to try?

Would u buy 51% of all Bitcoins?

No i don't do it maybe would prepare to buy many mining hardware than start to mine bitcoin from now at least we still have many time to collect bitcoin as much as we can from now.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: TGD on July 10, 2016, 11:08:59 PM
If u would happen to be the Waren Buffet grandfather,

would U try to go and buy all the Bitcoin in existence?

or would that be rather stupid to try?

Would u buy 51% of all Bitcoins?

Buying all stocks I don't think any one want to do that, it's hard to know what will happen if they buy it .but I think it's not the right time to buy it, maybe if the price back again to 0.01$ so they don't need much money to buy, but it will not happen again.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: CoinBreader on July 10, 2016, 11:29:45 PM
No way, i would create some bubbles tho..everyone would be happy !
but then again i think btc for Buffet is pennys..
for those you know, just remember what wolong did with just 10m $

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: CraigWrightBTC on July 11, 2016, 02:41:27 AM
If u would happen to be the Waren Buffet grandfather,

would U try to go and buy all the Bitcoin in existence?

or would that be rather stupid to try?

Would u buy 51% of all Bitcoins?

If i am Warren Buffett i will not buy 51% all of bitcoins because it is new there are not many people who bitcoin as payment method and today price of bitcoin is very high and it is very high risk too for Investment on bitcoin amount 51% of all bitcoins.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: Kakmakr on July 11, 2016, 07:23:40 AM
If I was Warren Buffet, I would hire a team of developers to create my own <WarrenCoin> and I would tweet, "Buy a WarrenCoin today, to secure your future in Crypto Currencies" He has so many followers and admirers, he might even grow his market cap to be bigger than Bitcoin in no time. ^smile^

This would be his entry and investment into the Crypto currency scene. You have a reputable and well known name for the coin and no reason to be a scam coin. < He already has enough money, and a big reputation in the financial world >

Crypto currencies will be a toy for him to play with. ^smile^

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: Carlsen on July 11, 2016, 07:29:30 AM
Warren buffet is 85 years old.
I'm sure he is one of the best managers and investors there is, but I do not think he is much of a computer tech guy.
I think he is underestimating the potential in bitcoin.
Besides, if I was him, would I buy 51% of the coins?
No, I think that would ruin the worth of those 51% I would posess then.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: kpitti on July 11, 2016, 07:30:28 AM
If u would happen to be the Waren Buffet grandfather,

would U try to go and buy all the Bitcoin in existence?

or would that be rather stupid to try?

Would u buy 51% of all Bitcoins?


No I would not try to buy all the Bitcoins - this is insane and there is no reason for such step.

To buy 51% of all Bitcoins is the same stupid idea. But may be someone will try that. Price will go to the moon then  ;D

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: leonix007 on July 11, 2016, 07:57:26 AM
If I was Warren Buffett I'd already be rich so I wouldn't bother with bitcoin ;)

Agree on this, I think there are a lot more resources he could go focus on to rather than bitcoin, but possibility is that one of his company may get interested on this on implementing/engaging or develop bitcoin business but not directly from Warren buffet.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: mishra1994u on July 11, 2016, 10:59:26 AM
If I was Warren Buffett I'd already be rich so I wouldn't bother with bitcoin ;)
Yes i have same opinion.I didnt care about bitcoin or anything.Because i would have been already rich.People use bitcoin as investment or work to get rich.if i am already rich then there is no need to do anything

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: outatime1 on July 11, 2016, 11:00:46 AM
Warren Buffet came out a while back and said he didn't believe in bitcoin because it isn't backed by anything. I don't think he is interested in it right now and if it does gain traction, it may be too late for him to invest in it (to make big profits).

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: ezview on July 11, 2016, 11:03:45 AM
Hell know I would not buy that many coins at these prices lol I would have if I was around in 2012 but the boat has been truly missed for mega rich.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: gentlemand on July 11, 2016, 11:33:07 AM
Warren Buffet is clever. Clever means not buying something you don't understand. It also means not buying 51% of something because it would cost a bleedin' fortune and most people wouldn't be into the idea of buying something majority owned by one person. 

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: takingthis4 on July 11, 2016, 11:52:51 AM
Hell know I would not buy that many coins at these prices lol I would have if I was around in 2012 but the boat has been truly missed for mega rich.
well if you would have bought it then you would have made a lot of money i guess, i think i would definitely buy the bitcoins then because bitcoin is the best investment option

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: serjent05 on July 11, 2016, 01:09:16 PM
If u would happen to be the Waren Buffet grandfather,

would U try to go and buy all the Bitcoin in existence?

or would that be rather stupid to try?

Would u buy 51% of all Bitcoins?


It would be a stupid act I think :D.  Buying 51% of it will render my holdings unstable since bitcoin is highly volatile.  And another thing is, I will never put all my eggs in one basket, i will buy i think around 10% but not 51% because anytime the other 49% can make my holdings worthlesss.  That is just my thought and caution if I am to buy that 51%

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: MSF-Kandel on July 11, 2016, 01:20:42 PM
If u would happen to be the Waren Buffet grandfather,

would U try to go and buy all the Bitcoin in existence?

or would that be rather stupid to try?

Would u buy 51% of all Bitcoins?


It would be a stupid act I think :D.  Buying 51% of it will render my holdings unstable since bitcoin is highly volatile.  

And If someone try to buy 51%, or much less, will this RISE the buying price massive. (Demand and Supply)

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: HeroCat on July 11, 2016, 01:32:43 PM
If someone like Warren Buffet start to buy BTC in a big volumes, BTC price will go up, and someone will have losses instead of profit in BTC sales.  ;)

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: pearnapple on July 11, 2016, 01:48:18 PM
If someone like Warren Buffet start to buy BTC in a big volumes, BTC price will go up, and someone will have losses instead of profit in BTC sales.  ;)
well i guess you are right, if i were in his shoes i would definitely buy bunch of bitcoins because that would allow me to become an even richer person i guess and make profit in the future

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: yayayo on July 11, 2016, 04:46:31 PM
The question is, if it will be still possible to buy 51% of all Bitcoin even if you own a fortune like Warren Buffet. Buying over half the Bitcoin ever existing will require a huge number of people willing to sell them. Looking at the number of Bitcoin typically available at the order books of major exchanges, the fiat valuation of Bitcoin will have to rise significantly to convince enough people to sell their coins. For that reason Buffet's fortune will most likely not be large enough to acquire 51%.

Another question is, if it would even be advisable to buy "a controlling stake" in Bitcoin. A single person holding such a high number of coins would significantly change the public impression of Bitcoin as a decentralized currency which might have adverse effects on its valuation.

If I were Buffet, I would limit my investment in Bitcoin to not more than 3% of all coins. That's a big enough chunk for a potential world currency.


Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: kryptqnick on July 11, 2016, 05:51:02 PM
If u would happen to be the Waren Buffet grandfather,

would U try to go and buy all the Bitcoin in existence?

or would that be rather stupid to try?

Would u buy 51% of all Bitcoins?

I would defifnitely buy BTC in such a situation but I don't think it would be about buying all the btc, because you never know whether it is fine to believe in cryptocurrency

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: unamis76 on July 11, 2016, 05:53:06 PM
I would... But I'd probably end up trapped in the market trying to get there :D

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: gentlemand on July 11, 2016, 06:15:57 PM
The question is, if it will be still possible to buy 51% of all Bitcoin even if you own a fortune like Warren Buffet. Buying over half the Bitcoin ever existing will require a huge number of people willing to sell them.

I don't think he'd have a hope in hell of getting anywhere near 51% even if he was willing to throw away five or ten times his net worth.

Enough people would never sell. Enough people have a ridiculously high price that they might consider it. Enough people would notice someone buying mountains of it and hold out for even more.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: From Above on July 11, 2016, 09:02:06 PM
I appreciate the many awesome comments of u guys. 

I can't let go of the thought of being the Warren Buffet and buying 51% of all Bitcoin in existence.

Because that's really cool.


Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: Doamader on July 12, 2016, 01:07:29 AM
If Warren Buffet invest some part of his fortune into bitcoin would be just like an item, for a collector, i believe it could attract others big fortunes inside bitcoin, but would maybe kill the coin as we know, controled by 10 peoples besides Nakamoto, would be insane dump of coins or maybe a run to get more as possible.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: neonshium on July 12, 2016, 08:33:01 AM
If u would happen to be the Waren Buffet grandfather,

would U try to go and buy all the Bitcoin in existence?

or would that be rather stupid to try?

Would u buy 51% of all Bitcoins?

To those who do not know Warren predicts stock market very accurately ( as far as I know ). Well, if I was in his place surely I would buy some bitcoins, not sure if 51% but must have bought like 1000 bitcoins and leave them in a wallet fora better future.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: naidray on July 13, 2016, 09:50:54 AM
If u would happen to be the Waren Buffet grandfather,

would U try to go and buy all the Bitcoin in existence?

or would that be rather stupid to try?

Would u buy 51% of all Bitcoins?

Honestly you tell me one thing, if you buy some amount or 100%, will it not make bitcoins dead as then you are the virtual creator and may be people would have started some other crypto, moreover you cannot buy all btc into existence as its very high cost no matter if you are Warren Buffet.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: davis196 on July 13, 2016, 10:12:51 AM
If u would happen to be the Waren Buffet grandfather,

would U try to go and buy all the Bitcoin in existence?

or would that be rather stupid to try?

Would u buy 51% of all Bitcoins?


The speculation attempt will be too obvious.I would buy maybe around 15-20%, not 51%.

I will use other people to buy the btc for me...

By the way....Waren Buffet grandfather??WTF.DO you mean Warren Buffet`s grandson?

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: Wendigo on July 13, 2016, 10:21:55 AM
If I had the money to buy 51% of the Bitcoin pool I wouldn't do that because it might scare off all the people in the Bitcoin community. Having more than half of all the Bitcoins in existence would give me a big leverage over the Bitcoin market and theoretically I could crash the price overnight so all the investors and speculators might as well abandon the crypto coin and all the current Bitcoin investments will become basically worthless. It's better to buy in small play smart and cash out big then simply rinse and repeat  8)

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: richmcrich on July 13, 2016, 01:39:39 PM
Well if I was warren buffet I would consider buying a 100$ worth of bitcoin when it was way back 2009 since I know that bitcoin have some potential. But if you'll ask me know, Guess I wouldn't do it since there is a big chance that I would not profit as expected since there are dumps and pumps.
Yes, actually being Warren means that you have enormous knowledge and business sense and you will easily sense that bitcoins have a huge future ahead and surely would buy lot of bitcoins. May be not $100 though and more than $1000 as you are very rich then.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: From Above on July 13, 2016, 01:43:50 PM
If I had the money to buy 51% of the Bitcoin pool I wouldn't do that because it might scare off all the people in the Bitcoin community. Having more than half of all the Bitcoins in existence would give me a big leverage over the Bitcoin market and theoretically I could crash the price overnight so all the investors and speculators might as well abandon the crypto coin and all the current Bitcoin investments will become basically worthless.

That is very good point but it could also go in the other direction. Some people might feel hyped like about some presidential candidates and then Bitcoin would go to the stars in the price regions.


Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: iqlimasyadiqa on July 13, 2016, 01:52:14 PM
bought 10%'ve made me feel very rich. bitcoin supply now has a high price. total of my wealth is not sufficient to buy a majority stake. with 10% I was able to master and manipulate the bitcoin prices in the market.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: From Above on July 13, 2016, 01:53:46 PM
bought 10%'ve made me feel very rich. bitcoin supply now has a high price.

U, sir, own 10% of Bitcoin. U are one of the cryptomoney-richest men on the planet!


Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: pereira4 on July 13, 2016, 02:42:01 PM
I would try to buy as much as possible, that's for clear. 51%? Im not sure that would be possible... but I would try to own as much as I can. The paradox here is, the people billions of dollars is too old/uninformed so they will not do it. It will be new people that become billionaires thanks to Bitcoin.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: PokerFace3 on July 13, 2016, 04:42:10 PM
No I personally wouldn't buy 51% of the bitcoins. I guess that is too much and wouldn't buy it for investment to keep it as a currency. I don't think that investing in bitcoin is that much of a risk but who knows. Everything is uncertain and investing that much of money NOOO way !!!!

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: streazight on July 13, 2016, 06:59:51 PM
I appreciate the many awesome comments of u guys. 

I can't let go of the thought of being the Warren Buffet and buying 51% of all Bitcoin in existence.

Because that's really cool.

You asked a nice question too mate ;) . I think though that being warren buffet means you have very less time to think about bitcoins or others and you would just focus on your business. Basically the truth is you won't even know about BTC maybe if you are someone like him.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: bitgolden on July 13, 2016, 08:35:52 PM
Warren Buffet came out a while back and said he didn't believe in bitcoin because it isn't backed by anything. I don't think he is interested in it right now and if it does gain traction, it may be too late for him to invest in it (to make big profits).
You know what, he may have given this statement but we all know that he might very well be jealous too because he could not recognize the potential of bitcoins and crypto in back 2009-2010 and hence giving anger statements now ;D

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: topiOleg on July 13, 2016, 11:59:29 PM
It would take very long to buy 51% of Bitcoins and dont increase the price by too much because exchanges dont have much bitcoin available. It could take very long to buy 51% of Bitcoins, and Warren Buffet is not young enought to have enought time for this I guess.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: rphk on July 16, 2016, 09:06:07 AM
warren buffet is a great man , he know each and everything of money , he is successful person, studied on the market made huge money. i i was warren buffet i would had bought 51 percent of bitrcoins :) as we can see there is growth on bitcoin , every sites mentions and made bitcoin as transaction method on internet.

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: Mvaporis1961 on July 16, 2016, 12:33:05 PM
If i'm Warren Buffet and i have a lot of money, i would definitely buy the 51% of the bitcoin because we can see the great opportunity in bitcoin and its price is continue rising and maybe someday the amount that i invested in bitcoin will be doubled or even tripled. So why not to take risk ::).

Title: Re: If u were Warren Buffet would u buy 51% of Bitcoins?
Post by: GreenBits on July 16, 2016, 12:38:34 PM
If i'm Warren Buffet and i have a lot of money, i would definitely buy the 51% of the bitcoin because we can see the great opportunity in bitcoin and its price is continue rising and maybe someday the amount that i invested in bitcoin will be doubled or even tripled. So why not to take risk ::).

I wouldn't, let me explain. When it was known that one actor controlled a majority if the coins, and could basically influence price at will, I think people would be less enthusiastic about investing. While people would certainly still speculate, I think institutional investors would shy away from a known 'cornered' market.