Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: BADecker on July 13, 2016, 10:18:20 PM

Title: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: BADecker on July 13, 2016, 10:18:20 PM
Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin? ( (

I have been involved time as a crypto-currency trader for the since February, 2013. After my buddy |"Big Kahuna" Brad gave a talk to me and about 20 of my friends at a meeting, I was immediately very interested. It only took me a short while to acquire some Bitcoins to be able to start trading with. I went to and found someone who would sell me Bitcoins. Actually it wasn't that easy. I emailed one person through the localbitcoins system, waited a couple days, no answer. I messaged another person, again no answer, then a third person, no answer, forth person, no answer. Finally the 5th person messaged me back! I was getting concerned, as there wasn't anyone else to connect with to buy them from.

I get messaged back by a guy named Salty Dog. I thought this is great, it's like being a secret agent, these people don't even use their legal fiction names. I had been going by Morpheus for a while, kinda tongue in cheek, so I set up my localbitcoins account as Morpheus, so that is what he knew me as. I set up a time with Salty to meet at Denny's in a crappy part of town. He sounded a little nervous about meeting there because of the neighborhood. It was convenient to meet there for both of us, so we agreed to meet there. I met with him and we ended up talking for about 2 hours. Much of the time he was almost wanting to talk me out of doing the deal. We ended up doing the deal and I had some bitcoins. I got started with $600 and the price of the coins was $38 with his markup.

When I was leaving the Denny's and paying the bill for both of us of $6.66 Now that threw me back somewhat, I still believe it's a sign, I just don't know what the "sign" says. I do remember thinking, "I am going to make a fucking million dollars doing this." Now three and half years later I have no idea how much money I have made. However I don't have a Job, I date two beautiful women, Everything I have is paid for, and I do whatever I want to do and I NEVER think about money, in terms of how am I going to pay for this or that. I don't go on trips around the world, but I do everything I want to do. The two attributes that value very much is my free time and my privacy.

These are two values that most people have no idea what they are. This is most peoples lives: Get up, get ready to go to work, drive car in insane traffic, work all day doing some mind bending task. Drive home in more insane traffic, some recreation, some time with family, do tasks around home, hygiene, go to bed and repeat. This is how the overlords want us living our lives. How do I know this? Because this is how most people live. 95% of the people are on the 40/40/40 plan. 40 years, at 40 hours a week, to retire on 40% of what you couldn't live on when you were working.

When people ask me how much money do I make, I describe my lifestyle and say I live like a millionaire without the Ferrari or the headaches. I have lived that lifestyle, yes without the Ferrari and with the headaches, when I had a direct mail company. There was the pressure of running the business; as well as, the responsibility for employees finances and indirectly their families lives is a bit much. As the owner, I used to call my self the head cook and bottle washer, because if it needed to get done, I would do it. From negotiating the lease, the painting the office with my x-wife of 3 coats, because the paint sucked. Getting the phone lines brought into the office and purchasing a phone system. Buying and building cubicles and endless trips for computers, printers and office supplies. Setting up computer networks and throwing Ethernet cables across the false ceiling. Writing employee handbooks, hiring and firing. Signing forms for all the appropriate government agencies. Negotiating contracts for trade shows and other advertisers including logo on the window. Website design. Working with the salespeople. Scheduling their time off, Selling, Bookkeeping, CPA's, Attorneys, Cleaning the floors and bathrooms. It's a lot! Yea, The money is great, it's just a lot of responsibility.

Now with Bitcoin I feel like I have my life back. Its mine! I love that feeling. I am not responsible for all that stuff anymore and I have all the money I need to do the things I want to do, when I want to do them. No customer service after the sale and I use a building someone else pays for to conduct business at and their headaches, I mean employees serve me food or drinks, clean the bathrooms etc. So apart from the gas to get there or any food I order, when I do a bitcoin deal every penny of money I make is MINE! I love that feeling!

What I didn't realize, when I first got started with Bitcoin, is that not everyone I explained Bitcoin to was going to "get it". Somehow, I was able to escape the school system with some semblance of critical thinking. Either that or God must love morons. BTW how do you know God loves morons? He made so many of them! Many people have told me the way I present Bitcoin is one of the best unfortunately, even as good as I am, Bitcoin has still not taken over the world. Enter Steem.

Steem is a platform that rewards the content providers for providing content for the network. Right now Facebook is valued at 337.32 BILLION dollars. Now I know bunches of people that spend a great deal of time on Facebook promoting the content they want their friend to see and none of those people ever get anything from Facebook for providing the content. We have seen how new business like, and have flattened existing industries. These business models have made things more efficient and cheaper for the consumer. Plus the owners of some of these business have made BILLIONS!

By combining crypto-currency with Social networking, Steem is positioning itself as the,,, killer. Now you can post on steem and when your posts get up voted you make money. Just today, I got a call from a friend who wanted to buy bitcoins and he started talking about Steem. He was going to use the Bitcoins to buy Steem on Immediately after receiving his overview and looking at the pricing on I went to and bought .5 bitcoins worth. I had to drive 1 hour to meet my friend in the time it took to get to the Dennys ironically the price had gone from 3.68 to almost $6. It has settled down now to $3.20 however the point is that this crypto-currency could be how we get the masses into this new protocol. This could be the next Bitcoin!

In the industrial age the way to success was to be bigger. Bigger means economy of scale and that means more profit. In the digital age the way to success is to be faster or smarter. When you see something that looks like it might work time to get on board the train before it leaves the station.

People want to be able to share their likes and what is wrong with the world with their friends. Now with Steem they can get paid for doing so. How much trouble is it going to be to get them to come over? Steem gives them the financial incentive to put their toe in the water. Oh, the water is nice and clear! Wow and they pay me too! F-U Facebook!

Here is the link to the Steem Whitepaper love to hear your thoughts on it.

Read more at (


Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: StinkyLover on July 13, 2016, 11:07:34 PM
I'm waiting for the "STEEM IS A SCAM" and "STEEM JUST WON'T WORK" threads to fill page 1. Only then will I believe it's on it's way to greatness.

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: BlueYozakuraBTC on July 13, 2016, 11:47:41 PM
I'm thinking it could very well be although I think Eth will do another climb soon but I'm still amazed at the incredible progress on Bittrex.

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: albert11 on July 13, 2016, 11:49:40 PM

they just increase the supply of steem by 100% every year indefetinitely...very very super likely not a scam

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: Blawpaw on July 14, 2016, 12:27:40 AM
Steem looks to have a lot of potential and if it works it might well be the bitcoin killer. We already know that Ethereum and the Dao are done, so steem might well be taking their place in a few months.

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: SANALIU on July 14, 2016, 01:34:49 AM
steem is good coin, i am not hope equal same or the next bitcoin
i hope only is community coin is same or equal dogecoin litecoin or etherum

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: Sanguintan on July 14, 2016, 08:37:50 AM
Steem looks to have a lot of potential and if it works it might well be the bitcoin killer. We already know that Ethereum and the Dao are done, so steem might well be taking their place in a few months.

It has some potential and can be used in a social website. But I am not sure it can be the next bitcoin.

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: European Central Bank on July 14, 2016, 12:11:41 PM
of course it will. for a few weeks until the next one comes along.

we'll still have the 'next bitcoin' when we have bitcoin mining chips embedded in our kids at birth.

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: BitcoinHodler on July 14, 2016, 12:17:43 PM
guys let the last big claimer die first then claim the throne from bitcoin :)

just like ethereum was the next bitcoin and the same as many many others each couple of months this is just another altcoin with moon in mind but will give it up sooner than you think.

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: majestymage on July 14, 2016, 12:27:06 PM
well..i give it a try..i signed up on their platform. i mined with an i7 for 2 days now and did not hit a single block, and when i criticized their game they downvoted me  ;D

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: Denker on July 14, 2016, 12:31:03 PM
The shilling seems to be strong here for this new super dooper coin! :D
Go go go and pump it!Before you start to dump it of course. 8)
How often have we seen this type of schemes now with sligtly different models? I have stopped counting since a while to be honest.
I will not burn my precious bitcoins for such hype thing and recommend everyone else being very carefully with it.

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: Ruzka on July 14, 2016, 12:34:26 PM
Steem looks to have a lot of potential and if it works it might well be the bitcoin killer. We already know that Ethereum and the Dao are done, so steem might well be taking their place in a few months.

The amount of time you have spent within Bitcoin and you think it might well be a bitcoin killer. Of course it has no chance to be a Bitcoin killer and to answer the original question, my belief is nothing that is currently out will be the next Bitcoin including Steem.

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: greenuser on July 14, 2016, 12:50:41 PM
Steem is a data collection tool for the NSA & GCHQ.  The more you reveal about yourself, the more you get paid, and we all know, people will do anything, yes I say anything.... for money.

Or maybe people think I am just paranoid and it is really a tool developed by advertising agencies to target you all better..... with a kickback for Facebook of course.  And the optional extra of an “optical fibre tap” for the security agencies when things get out of hand.  

Or am I just jealous and wished I had all that data to sell on the open market?

So I have to sign in with Facebook?  I don't have Facebook, I consider it to be a security risk.  Moreover, I have seen the problems my husband has had with them.  They lock his account if he speaks his mind on there.  They just don't understand Post Punk Anarchism.  >:(

I made a pretty penny or two from the ethereum scam and am now looking for the next “big thing”..... however,  I might have to sit this one out unless I can buy a facebook account from someone and pay people to maintain the chatter and the photo splurge for me, and still have profit left over.

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: ProfessionalBitsurgeon on July 14, 2016, 01:23:23 PM
Steem is a data collection tool for the NSA & GCHQ.  The more you reveal about yourself, the more you get paid, and we all know, people will do anything, yes I say anything.... for money.
You mean like ... dick pix?
Or maybe people think I am just paranoid
Not at all. NSA & GCHQ are dying to know what it is we do there in our mom's basements. But they never shall: we're too cunning!

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: unusualfacts30 on July 14, 2016, 01:40:03 PM
I've been monitoring NEW content and surprisingly no one is getting paid. If you go in trending it seems like people are making money but nope. I bet people who're showing on trending are the same ones who're pumping this market.

It looks similar to twitter spam feed except it's not organized.

One can subscribe to RSS feed or Reddit and get the content they need so why would they use steem (which is filled with disorganized garbage content)? THEY WOULDN'T

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: Bitdrunk on July 14, 2016, 01:43:37 PM
It's amazing that people buy into this shit.  Steem the next bitcoin?  Please.  It'll be forgotten soon after the first dump, or 'hack'.  lol

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: ProfessionalBitsurgeon on July 14, 2016, 02:11:36 PM
"The Next Bitcoin?"

oh shit!

The Kiss of Death!

Steem is a data collection tool for the NSA & GCHQ.  The more you reveal about yourself, the more you get paid, and we all know, people will do anything, yes I say anything.... for money.
You mean like ... dick pix?
Or maybe people think I am just paranoid
Not at all. NSA & GCHQ are dying to know what it is we do there in our mom's basements. But they never shall: we're too cunning!

Yo, the NSA is already there:

502 :(

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: NattyLiteCoin on July 14, 2016, 02:18:35 PM
No, nothing will the "next BTC". It could be used as a platform to validate utxs, which should be amongst us. I like greenusers comments, but I think the NSA has been building a rainbow table since BTCs inception.

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: greenuser on July 14, 2016, 02:31:16 PM
"The Next Bitcoin?"

oh shit!

The Kiss of Death!

Steem is a data collection tool for the NSA & GCHQ.  The more you reveal about yourself, the more you get paid, and we all know, people will do anything, yes I say anything.... for money.
You mean like ... dick pix?
Or maybe people think I am just paranoid
Not at all. NSA & GCHQ are dying to know what it is we do there in our mom's basements. But they never shall: we're too cunning!

Yo, the NSA is already there:

502 :(

What are the reasons for 502 Bad Gateway responses?

  • Domain name not resolvable: The domain name is not resolving to the correct IP or it does not resolve to any IP. It is important to note that DNS changes could take same time until they are global fully propagated and active. This is very dependant on the DNS TTL defined per record.
  • Origin server down: The server is not reachable, either because it is down or there is no connectivity to the server given.
    • Firewall blocks request: A firewall blocks the communication between the edge servers and the origin server. This can also be caused by security plugins of your CMS. Some DDOS protection and mitigation systems might are too overreactive and start blocking requests from our content delivery servers.

    Its workig for me from UK

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: ProfessionalBitsurgeon on July 14, 2016, 02:35:03 PM
^Working for me too now :)

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: mining1 on July 14, 2016, 03:49:19 PM
We all want to become rich over night but not, steem has 0 chances to become the next btc. Plus there are several more cryptos / projects out there that are bulding something similar.

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: gabmen on July 14, 2016, 03:51:09 PM
We all want to become rich over night but not, steem has 0 chances to become the next btc. Plus there are several more cryptos / projects out there that are bulding something similar.
well its true as many alt has been develop and from time to time all of those project provide new offers I think in terms of being next to btc it will be a long road to prove for this promising project steemit.

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: kobilica on July 14, 2016, 03:53:03 PM
It's amazing that people buy into this shit.  Steem the next bitcoin?  Please.  It'll be forgotten soon after the first dump, or 'hack'.  lol

Steem has been already hacked.. 'liquidity reward', look it up.

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: Azael on July 14, 2016, 03:54:39 PM
No I don't think so. The price discovery will be brutal once more coins are in circulation.

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: ProfessionalBitsurgeon on July 14, 2016, 04:25:02 PM
It's amazing that people buy into this shit.  Steem the next bitcoin?  Please.  It'll be forgotten soon after the first dump, or 'hack'.  lol

Steem has been already hacked.. 'liquidity reward', look it up.

Up 32.37% in the past 24hrs. How's your bitcoin doin'?

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: clickerz on July 14, 2016, 04:30:53 PM
Just signed u last day and its pretty nice. I like the concept and hope theres a strong community support to rally behind for the success of the project. For steem to be the next bitcoin? I don't think so,  Bitcoin is bitcoin. It has already cemented its position and name.Steem has still rooms for improvement and to carve its name.Lets find out.

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: tiggytomb on July 14, 2016, 04:35:21 PM
Time will tell, a price rise on Bittrex means little to nothing in terms of a coins capability or legitimacy.

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: kobilica on July 14, 2016, 04:52:46 PM
It's amazing that people buy into this shit.  Steem the next bitcoin?  Please.  It'll be forgotten soon after the first dump, or 'hack'.  lol

Steem has been already hacked.. 'liquidity reward', look it up.

Up 32.37% in the past 24hrs. How's your bitcoin doin'?

Bitcoin: stable.


Good for early holders, but getting in right now, it's sketchy as fuck. It's good time to sell.

The hack/exploit:

And previously problems occurred with website (steemit), I had disconnect problems.

Content: "yeah steem yeah yeah!!!" Pure hype. Everyone speaks how better it is than facebook and reddit, but doesn't feels true.

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: GreenBits on July 14, 2016, 04:54:26 PM
It will take many, many years before STEEM can approach the amount of trust and capitalization that bitcoin has garnered. This would apply to any new coin.

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: ProfessionalBitsurgeon on July 14, 2016, 04:58:05 PM
>Good for early holders, but getting in right now, it's sketchy as fuck. It's good time to sell.
>Content: "yeah steem bitcoin yeah yeah!!!" Pure hype. Everyone speaks how better it is than facebook and reddit actual money, but doesn't feels true.

So exactly like BTC? Check.

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: kobilica on July 14, 2016, 04:58:15 PM
It will take many, many years before STEEM can approach the amount of trust and capitalization that bitcoin has garnered. This would apply to any new coin.

True. Idea is very good, must admit. But at same time fucking sketchy.

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: greenuser on July 14, 2016, 05:00:56 PM
We all want to become rich over night but not, steem has 0 chances to become the next btc. Plus there are several more cryptos / projects out there that are bulding something similar.

Yes and that is good new, We do all want to become rich over night.  However, for the few to become rich, many have to lose and suffer.
A coin with no problems and a steady price is no good to profit from. Booms, bubbles, crashes, ponzies and takeovers are where the few profit and masses take all the losses.  The cool thing with crypto is you don't have to be white, male and middle class anymore.  Anyone, (kids, inmates, the insane, the elderly, the disenfranchised, and the underclass.....) yes anyone, can participate.  Let the gravy train continue.  Full speed ahead!

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: ProfessionalBitsurgeon on July 14, 2016, 05:11:35 PM
don't have to be white, male and middle class anymore.
Technically, you don't need to be any of those things IRL either. It just so happens that most of the fiat-rich are.

Just like you don't need to be a white male guberment-hatin' neckbeard to be bitcoin-rich, but that'sjust  how it worked out.

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: Zer0Sum on July 14, 2016, 05:18:02 PM
Steem looks to have a lot of potential and if it works it might well be the bitcoin killer. We already know that Ethereum and the Dao are done, so steem might well be taking their place in a few months.

STEEM runs on the Graphene blockchain with 3 second confirmation times...
Do people have any idea what fun it is to transfer funds with 20 confirmations in 60 seconds.

Yes, STEEM and SBD go from Steemit to Bittrex in 60 seconds = built for the real world.

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next The DAO?
Post by: iCEBREAKER on July 14, 2016, 05:24:50 PM
Steem is more likely to be the next Teh DAO.

The model is demonstrably broken and open to Sybil/social gaming.

I see self-referential circlejerking astroturf content like GetRichRightMeow Steem pumping ( and DashTheGuy's scammer hype earning rich rewards, while actually useful, dispassionate factual commentary ( is considered worth much less.

You won't find anyone more pro-market than I, but this thing smells wrong and is obviously overheated atm.

And the (presently failing) web site is centralized?  OMG, get on FFS.

When it all ends in tears, I'll be in before the Spanish Laughing Man parodies!   :D :D :D

Oh wait, this thing can royally fuck Reddit and drive them out of business?  Great, I'm in!

*creates account, submits "How Spanish Laughing Man Made $10k on Steem" article*


Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: raphma on July 14, 2016, 05:30:28 PM


people keep trying to find a substitute to bitcoin... why? bitcoin have projects to get better too, like thunder network.
and yes, i agree we already have better coins.. but that's not enough to attract the big investors, people that are trying to trust in it and probably will not go another coin.

As an currency, i'll stay with bitcoin. As an investment? steem seems good.

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next The DAO?
Post by: Zer0Sum on July 14, 2016, 05:45:29 PM
Steem is more likely to be the next Teh DAO.

The model is demonstrably broken and open to Sybil/social gaming.

I see self-referential circlejerking astroturf content like GetRichRightMeow Steem pumping ( and DashTheGuy's scammer hype earning rich rewards, while actually useful, dispassionate factual commentary ( is considered worth much less.

You won't find anyone more pro-market than I, but this thing smells wrong and is obviously overheated atm.

And the (presently failing) web site is centralized?  OMG, get on FFS.

When it all ends in tears, I'll be in before the Spanish Laughing Man parodies!   :D :D :D

Oh wait, this thing can royally fuck Reddit and drive them out of business?  Great, I'm in!

*creates account, submits "How Spanish Laughing Man Made $10k on Steem" article*


All your Monero conspirators like Smooth and FluffyPony are out pimping of Steemit... can you be far behind?

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next The DAO?
Post by: amacar2 on July 14, 2016, 06:04:07 PM
Same for me, but i am not going to buy in at the current price already shorted few that i have bought high for small profit.
May be
could dump the market if not solved earlier and just detected steem wallet maintainance note in   ::)

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: crairezx20 on July 14, 2016, 06:08:29 PM
Don't expect that steem can be bitcoin because steem is just like other altcoin that they are thiking that they can replace bitcoin.. so dont expect altcoin is altcoin and they will still stay in altcoin or most of them they will be shitcoins..

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next The DAO?
Post by: iCEBREAKER on July 14, 2016, 07:42:40 PM
All your Monero conspirators like Smooth and FluffyPony are out pimping of Steemit... can you be far behind?

DashHole scammers like TheDashGuy and spammers like tungfa are also using Steem... can you be far behind?

(Now do you see how completely fucking idiotic your lazy guilt-by-association approach is?)

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: NUFCrichard on July 14, 2016, 08:06:57 PM
I have no problem with Steemit, except it is generally very boring articles/blogs that are rewarded if they are click bait.
Medium is much better, people write about different things, not just the price of STEEM and how much STEEM you can make in 1 hour!

Maybe it is just immature at the moment and will get better.

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: CroSany on July 14, 2016, 10:01:26 PM
I think that cryptocurrency coin like bitcoim will never exist because first thing most time is most popular and because fees are too low,many site use it,most sites with faucet want use bitcoim and they hard accept new cryptocurreny coin so because of that it will be 100x harder.

Title: Re: Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?
Post by: Blawpaw on July 15, 2016, 02:13:25 AM
I have no problem with Steemit, except it is generally very boring articles/blogs that are rewarded if they are click bait.
Medium is much better, people write about different things, not just the price of STEEM and how much STEEM you can make in 1 hour!

Maybe it is just immature at the moment and will get better.

I completely agree with you!
It is pretty soon to see where Steemit is actually going. We have learned from the Dao and from Ethereum how things can go wrong. So let's sit back and see where this is heading