Title: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: shibaji on March 20, 2013, 05:36:41 AM Looks like a Ripple/XRP related thread is needed to collaborate on different finding, as it is so new. Please share your findings and experiments. Also we need a list of gateways. Let's start a list:
See the next post. Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: DannyM on March 20, 2013, 09:42:35 AM I am not claiming anything about the trustworthiness of any of these...
Dividend Rippler Issuer Address : rfYv1TXnwgDDK4WQNbFALykYuEBnrR4pDX Units: BTC, LTC, NMC, TRC (bitcoin, litecoin, namecoin, terracoin) URL: https://www.dividendrippler.com/ Fees: https://www.dividendrippler.com/fees Dividend Rippler Listed Assets Issue Name: The Amazing Anonymous Bitcoin Lottery (TAABL.NET) Issuer Address: rNF5qUPCcge7uSStj6oKuoQs38BaM8362s Units: TBL TTBit Issuer Address: rGwUWgN5BEg3QGNY3RX2HfYowjUTZdid3E Units: DYM (pre-1965 silver US dime) URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=149533.0 Ripple Israel Issuer Address: rNPRNzBB92BVpAhhZr4iXDTveCgV5Pofm9 Units: BTC, ILS, LTC, PPC, NMC (bitcoin, israeli new shekel, litecoin, peercoin, namecoin) URL: http://rippleisrael.co.il/ Ripple Union Issuer Address: r3ADD8kXSUKHd6zTCKfnKT3zV9EZHjzp1S Units: CAD URL: http://rippleunion.com/ Bitstamp Issuer Address: rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B Units: BTC/USD/EUR/CHF/JPY/GBP/AUD URL: https://www.bitstamp.net/ (Bitstamp also sells XRP for USD) chriswen Issuer Address: rDihBcUrrfDwUBZWBcuP2z5n47KVLQFNQH Units: LTC (litecoin) URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=155124.0 RippleCN Issuer Address: rnuF96W4SZoCJmbHYBFoJZpR8eCaxNvekK Units: CNY, USD, BTC, LTC URL: http://ripplecn.com/gateway/ RippleChina Issuer Address: razqQKzJRdB4UxFPWf5NEpEG3WMkmwgcXA URL: http://www.ripplechina.net/ Units: CNY, BTC Devcoin/Ripple Gateway Issuer Name: emfox (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=87884) Issuer Address: r3gHXhK1pwZFG9ESiaosxjufEVQjwGuJUd Units: DVC (devcoin) URL: http://ripple.d.evco.in/ Fees: 10 DVC redemption fee (cost of devcoin transaction fee) The Rock Trading Company Issuer Address: rLEsXccBGNR3UPuPu2hUXPjziKC3qKSBun Units: EUR, USD, BTC, LTC, NMC (euros, us dollars, bitcoin, litecoin, namecoin) URL: https://www.therocktrading.com/ Goodwill LETS Issuer Address: rGDWKWni6exeneJdNbEZ3nVX3Rrw5VG1p1 Units: GDW Operator Name: Bob "Red" Way URL: https://ripple.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2895 Justcoin Issuer Address: rJHygWcTLVpSXkowott6kzgZU6viQSVYM1 Units: BTC, LTC URL: https://justcoin.com/ World P2P Time Bank (CHE-ROCS) Issuer: Eka-People (http://che-rocs.wikispaces.com/) URL: http://vk.com/bank.vremeni (Russian) URL: https://www.facebook.com/groups/p2ptimebank/ (English) Units and Addresses: BYC (Belarus) rLZXimQSf7JYfwJACN2682eghspfzdX35E CNC (China) rs4mVFV97Um5T6DcK7q3ZXg11ULm6ZD9Ed KZC (Kazakhstan) rBjnY8o9aNCvPi7Mi4jbXGCjxDj8ZD2cPL PLC (Poland) r4zRhH45HJehJSa75HyY8jZLWbEGRJ3Qzn RUC (Russia) rLsqugnKWVvEfRdthiFCeZCAUZ2mXYfnYb UAC (Ukraine) rpbHacBcjQSNoJ9kE92JtgF1VRCfxBQyjJ UKC (UK) r6Z8Z9e8crQM8GWVPWEeWYZbYVz2zmump USC (USA) rfqj6xcqdoKNLyjHrnKzvBdkviBXoxeSM2 UNC (World) r4hZtWkSW8EbeFG5QXqB7ohohkrZg8zLQ8 Breda Regional Currency Cooperative Issuer Address: rfjiQeJMp1eNfbso3F26a7JWe3JuicZirg Units: BKW URL: http://tbrabantskwartiertje.info/rippleenglish.html (http://tbrabantskwartiertje.info/rippleenglish.html) Hongfei's Protoshares Gateway Issuer Address: rfGS71F4vf3BLaXGgau8JtcxKrRLPXEske Units: PTS URL: https://ripple.com/forum/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=11282 (https://ripple.com/forum/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=11282) URL: http://bitsharestalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=117 (http://bitsharestalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=117) XRP Interchange Issuer Name: deweller/wellerco https://xrptalk.org/user/803-deweller/ (https://xrptalk.org/user/803-deweller/), https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=155537 (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=155537) Issuer Address: rEUNavLM2NPpLW8dKqk3BRhXcZk5Hv7dhj Units: PTS (protoshares) URL: http://xrpio.com/ SnapSwap Issuer Address: rMwjYedjc7qqtKYVLiAccJSmCwih4LnE2q Units: USD, BTC URL: https://www.snapswap.us/ URL: https://btc2ripple.com/ RippleFund Issuer Address: rE7CNMbxwvTQrqSEjbcXCrqeN6EZga1ApU Units: CNY URL: http://ripplefund.me/ (http://ripplefund.me/) WisePass Issuer Address: rPDXxSZcuVL3ZWoyU82bcde3zwvmShkRyF Units: USD, BRL, BTC, CAD, CHF, DKK, EUR, GBP, JPY, LTC, NOK, SEK URL: https://wisepass.com/ GIT Tokens Issuer Address: r4RKwCgmigUKLveuKDjNUR2uSi1WXUMQjg Units: GIT URL: http://entrances.github.io/ Bitcoinreactor Issuer Address: rZQGU7Y5ZdLhNWTCV6BKJFcpLijyYVYWX Units: TRC (terracoin) URL: http://exchange.bitcoinreactor.com:8032/ ICE Issuer Address: r4H3F9dDaYPFwbrUsusvNAHLz2sEZk4wE5 Units: ICE URL: https://ripple.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3958 Peercover Issuer Address: ra9eZxMbJrUcgV8ui7aPc161FgrqWScQxV Units: USD, BTC, LTC, NXT, DOG (us dollars, bitcoin, litecoin, nextcoin, dogecoin) URL: https://www.peercover.com/ SUPPORT DISCONTINUED boardgamegeek GeekGold Issuer Name: Lohoris Issuer Address: rJQFX9CMwDHJ3NR1Lc86VoDNxVgBYFemGD Units: XGG URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=195024.0 Ripple Bandit Issuer Address: rD374m3VRYfQX6fs9AanjazmKF8m4MH1fx Units: FLP URL: http://ripplebandit.com/ WeExchange Weex CAD: r47RkFi1Ew3LvCNKT6ufw3ZCyj5AJiLHi9 Weex AUD: rBcYpuDT1aXNo4jnqczWJTytKGdBGufsre Weex BTC: rpvfJ4mR6QQAeogpXEKnuyGBx8mYCSnYZi Weex USD: r9vbV3EHvXWjSkeQ6CAcYVPGeq7TuiXY2X URL: https://weexchange.co/ Ripple Money Issuer Name: Simon Tomlin Issuer Address: rkH1aQbL2ajA7HUsx8VQRuL3VaEByHELm URL: https://ripplemoney.co.uk/ Units: GBP (Great Britain Pounds) bloctoc BTC Address: rM3CxdfWgPqjFe6fta7bYTNmTcvfYoXQpC XPM (primecoin) Address: rMgFQ3a5UAgaXW25JKGpXoiZXSfhcmgT4p LTC (litecoin) Address: r9PTTArDtfdCibvvChoq4fN7dNYHpH1BuY URL: http://bloctoc.com/ Poker Gateway Issuer Name: Docman Issuer Address: rHcfNiEJ2nFaQPpSKLGKiTwPwHxEbvNZSB Units: USP URL: https://ripple.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3294&p=15743 altGateway/RippleQuotes Issuer Address : rNFidBt7HQHho4PHbcy3n1ULJkKFWkcfKX Issuer: James Lee Units: LTC, NMC, XPM, PPC, DTC, FTC (litecoin, namecoin, primecoin, datacoin, feathercoin) URL: http://altgateway.com/ Ripple Links https://ripple.com/graph/ Navigate ledger trust lines and transactions https://ripple.com/forum/ official forum http://rippledb.com/ Ripple Ledger Explorer https://ripplecharts.com/ Price charts http://xrp.webr3.org/ Live BTC/XRP and USD/XRP order books (a la Clark Moody) Discussion http://www.reddit.com/r/ripplers oldest and most active ripple subreddit https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/rippleusers Ripple Users Google Group https://xrptalk.org/ unofficial forum (despite its name, its about ripple, not just XRP) https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ripple-server Announcements and Discussion about operating a ripple server. Code https://github.com/alexdupre/ripple-blobvault Alternative blob vault in Scala/Play2 to store ripple wallets, backed by MongoDB https://github.com/singpolyma/ripple-rails Rails plugin for Ripple merchants https://github.com/CodeShark/RippleGen Vanity address generator https://github.com/pmarches/jRippleAPI Java API for the ripple network Ripple Union Services (http://rippleunion.com/) http://report.rippleunion.com/ Credit reports for ripple addresses http://classic.rippleunion.com/ RippleUnion Gateway to Ripple Classic http://classic.rippleunion.com/invoice/ Send an invoice to anyone who uses Ripple Classic. http://rippleunion.com/invoice/ Ripple.com invoices http://shop.rippleunion.com/ Proxy buying items for Ripple http://giftcards.rippleunion.com/ fund Ripple.com accounts by exchanging gift cards. http://local.rippleunion.com/ Liquidity check tool to facilitate "local ripple" type exchange https://xrptrader.com/ XRP Exchange http://buyxrp.net/ XRP Exchange https://www.bitcoinary.com/ Trade XRP for BTC and others in-person locally http://ripplefederation.org/ The Ripple Federation Organization http://www.xrpga.org/ International Ripple Business Association (IRBA) http://ripplegiveaway.com/ XRP, BTC, LTC Faucet and Giveaway Info Other Implementations https://classic.ripplepay.com/ Original ripple implementation https://villages.cc/ Ripple Father Ryan Fugger's cooperative economy https://www.multiswap.net/ Circular Multilateral Barter http://sourceforge.net/projects/cmb/ http://www.abundx.com/ Abundant X-Change Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: alexkravets on March 20, 2013, 10:27:01 AM To get a higher signal to noise ratio simply visit http://ripple.com/wiki
Cheers ... Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: DannyM on March 20, 2013, 06:25:59 PM Added Melvin Carvalho's Ripple Ledger Explorer, http://rippledb.com/
Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: chriswen on March 20, 2013, 08:39:01 PM https://ripple.com/graph/
This is also really cool. You can see the all the trust and balances. Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: DannyM on March 28, 2013, 12:36:07 PM Added http://report.rippleunion.com/ Credit reports for ripple addresses
Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: DannyM on April 06, 2013, 03:34:57 PM Added Rails plugin for Ripple merchants from https://github.com/singpolyma/ripple-rails
Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: DannyM on April 08, 2013, 01:13:40 PM Added:
http://classic.rippleunion.com/invoice/ Send an invoice to anyone who uses Ripple Classic. http://shop.rippleunion.com/ Proxy buying items for Ripple Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: DannyM on April 11, 2013, 12:58:22 AM Added:
https://github.com/CodeShark/RippleGen Vanity address generator http://www.reddit.com/r/ripplers ripple subreddit Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: DannyM on April 11, 2013, 08:28:50 PM Added:
therock EUR/SLL: rLEsXccBGNR3UPuPu2hUXPjziKC3qKSBun https://www.therocktrading.com/ Euros and Second Life Linden Dollars Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: WiseOldOwl on April 11, 2013, 08:49:44 PM I just dont understand how we are going to have a usd balance in ripple. Ho do you obtain a usd balance?
Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: DannyM on April 11, 2013, 08:53:31 PM I just dont understand how we are going to have a usd balance in ripple. Ho do you obtain a usd balance? To obtain a positive USD balance, trust an issuer for USD and have them send you some. Or you can buy it on the internal exchange and that does not require granting any trust. Main USD issuers are Ukto's WeExchange r9vbV3EHvXWjSkeQ6CAcYVPGeq7TuiXY2X and Bitstamp rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B. To obtain a negative USD balance, just get someone to trust you for USD and send them USD via the client. Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: WiseOldOwl on April 11, 2013, 09:24:44 PM I just dont understand how we are going to have a usd balance in ripple. Ho do you obtain a usd balance? To obtain a positive USD balance, trust an issuer for USD and have them send you some. Or you can buy it on the internal exchange and that does not require granting any trust. Main USD issuers are Ukto's WeExchange r9vbV3EHvXWjSkeQ6CAcYVPGeq7TuiXY2X and Bitstamp rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B. To obtain a negative USD balance, just get someone to trust you for USD and send them USD via the client. Who gets to create the us dollar balance out of thin air? Or is the company holding the usd to back the digital balance? Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: DannyM on April 11, 2013, 09:35:51 PM Who gets to create the us dollar balance out of thin air? Or is the company holding the usd to back the digital balance? Anyone can create ripple IOUS if another account trusts them. IOUs created "out of thin air" with no backing will likely be valued less by the market or not accepted for payment at all by anyone. Check the policies of the gateways and issuers you choose to trust and accept. Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: WiseOldOwl on April 11, 2013, 09:38:36 PM this sounds pretty sketchy
Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: Terpie on April 11, 2013, 11:59:45 PM I want to see the pitch deck given to Andreesen before I think this is anything but a way to use BTC as leverage to get XRP in a position to overtake. I've been a senior associate at a VC fund, so I know what they wanted to see in the pitch deck, and it contained a lot of zeros.
Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: JoelKatz on April 12, 2013, 05:01:29 AM I want to see the pitch deck given to Andreesen before I think this is anything but a way to use BTC as leverage to get XRP in a position to overtake. I've been a senior associate at a VC fund, so I know what they wanted to see in the pitch deck, and it contained a lot of zeros. This has been the complete opposite of my experience, admittedly to my extreme surprise. The majority of the investors I spoke to were more interested in changing the world than making money. I kid you not.this sounds pretty sketchy Are computers sketchy because if you put nonsense into them you get nonsense out? So long as you putting nonsense in can't make me get nonsense out, there's no problem.If I create a USD pathway only to Bitstamp, then Ripple will tell me I have a USD balance if, and only if, I hold USD that is issued by Bitstamp. The beauty of the Ripple system it that it can make payments work seamlessly even among users who choose different currencies and different gateways and only a default by a gateway you chose to trust can harm you. Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: freequant on April 14, 2013, 10:00:39 AM Added: therock EUR/SLL: rLEsXccBGNR3UPuPu2hUXPjziKC3qKSBun https://www.therocktrading.com/ Euros and Second Life Linden Dollars I see and empty order book for this pair. Is TheRockTrading the issuer for both EUR and SLL? Edit: I also tried with EUR (Bitstamp) / SSL (TheRockTrading), not any better Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: alexkravets on April 14, 2013, 10:04:54 AM Feel free to put some orders in there :-)
Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: freequant on April 14, 2013, 10:16:25 AM Feel free to put some orders in there :-) Sure, trust me for SLLs and I can sell you as many as you want in exchange for EUR (Bitstamp) :).Strangely, there are no mentions of XRP anywhere on TheRockTrading's website though, so it doesn't seem that this exchange is officially acting as a gateway for SLL. Quote from: google Your search - site:http://www.therocktrading.com XRP - did not match any documents. Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: alexkravets on April 14, 2013, 10:30:08 AM Some "trusted" gateway should issue SLL denominated IOUs redeemable on demand into "real" SLLs in second life, this would require integration with rippled.
Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: JoelKatz on April 14, 2013, 10:34:33 AM Some "trusted" gateway should issue SLL denominated IOUs redeemable on demand into "real" SLLs in second life, this would require integration with rippled. Strictly speaking, it wouldn't require it. You could connect to our server just as a client does and subscribe to your account to be notified of your transactions as they occur. You can query historical transactions too. To perform your own Ripple transactions, you can construct them in JSON and use the client code to sign them. All the client software works in node.js and is public.Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: alexkravets on April 14, 2013, 10:39:51 AM Some "trusted" gateway should issue SLL denominated IOUs redeemable on demand into "real" SLLs in second life, this would require integration with rippled. Strictly speaking, it wouldn't require it. You could connect to our server just as a client does and subscribe to your account to be notified of your transactions as they occur. You can query historical transactions too. To perform your own Ripple transactions, you can construct them in JSON and use the client code to sign them. All the client software works in node.js and is public.This would constitute a kind of integration, perhaps an easier one, wouldn't it ? Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: freequant on April 14, 2013, 10:55:29 AM Seems that the TheRockTrading is actually planning to support Ripple, but it is not yet available:
https://www.therocktrading.com/en/topics/193#news_779 Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: alexkravets on April 14, 2013, 11:03:26 AM Seems like TheRockTrading is a mickey mouse job :-)
Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: JoelKatz on April 14, 2013, 11:40:35 AM Some "trusted" gateway should issue SLL denominated IOUs redeemable on demand into "real" SLLs in second life, this would require integration with rippled. Strictly speaking, it wouldn't require it. You could connect to our server just as a client does and subscribe to your account to be notified of your transactions as they occur. You can query historical transactions too. To perform your own Ripple transactions, you can construct them in JSON and use the client code to sign them. All the client software works in node.js and is public.Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: ahbritto on April 14, 2013, 05:03:43 PM The critical portion for programming to the Ripple API without your own rippled is the need to be able to sign transactions without providing your secret to public Ripple server. There is a command line tool, bundled with ripple-lib, available to do this: rsign.js
* https://npmjs.org/package/ripple-lib * https://ripple.com/wiki/Ripple_JavaScript_library#rsign.js Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: alexkravets on April 15, 2013, 01:09:32 AM This is really good to know, as for me, I intend to reimplement rippled in Scala once it's been released and hopefully some kind of baseline spec becomes authoritative with respect to wire protocol and its message semantics rather than default C++ implementation.
I hope and pray that ripple doesn't degenerate into Bitcoin-like "implementation IS the spec" quagmire ... :-) Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: jago25_98 on April 15, 2013, 10:15:02 PM How come we can't see anything in the order book for EUR/SLL? It would be great to finally buy SLL to buy stock without the riskAPI getting in the way.
Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: dchapes on April 15, 2013, 11:55:40 PM How come we can't see anything in the order book for EUR/SLL? It would be great to finally buy SLL to buy stock without the riskAPI getting in the way. Because no one has made any trade offers yet (or all such offers have been filled or cancelled).Currently only one person (HostFat) has any SLL-therock in Ripple and they're also the only person with EUR-therock. If they don't enter/accept any offers they'll be no one to trade with at the moment. The only mention of Ripple on therock's website I found was in Google cache so perhaps they no longer support it; at any rate I have no idea how you can get any from therock. You can add any trade offers you want for EUR/SLL, SLL/XRP, SLL/USD, etc. Make sure to set the issuer of SLL to therock's ripple address: rLEsXccBGNR3UPuPu2hUXPjziKC3qKSBun (https://ripple.com//contact?to=rLEsXccBGNR3UPuPu2hUXPjziKC3qKSBun&name=therock). To enter a BUY offer you need to hold some of the counter currency; to enter a SELL order you need to hold some of the base currency. For trading EUR/SLL (or SLL/EUR if you prefer) you can set the EUR issuer to either therock or Bitstamp (https://bitstamp.net) (rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B (https://ripple.com//contact?to=rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B&name=Bitstamp)). For trading with XRP there is no XRP issuer. For trading with other currencies (BTC, USD, GBP, etc) you'll likely want to use Bitstamp as the issuer. Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: zulzedd on April 21, 2013, 08:06:15 PM Add this: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=182226.0
This is freaking step forward for Ripple. Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: zulzedd on April 21, 2013, 08:45:51 PM I meant this https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=180717.0
Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: DannyM on May 09, 2013, 02:11:05 PM I meant this https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=180717.0 OK added. You're right, its pretty cool: Dividend Rippler BTC/LTC/TRC: rfYv1TXnwgDDK4WQNbFALykYuEBnrR4pDX https://www.dividendrippler.com/ Dividend Rippler TBL: rNF5qUPCcge7uSStj6oKuoQs38BaM8362s Also added ripplecn.com, keep in mind they are testing too: RippleCN.com CNY/USD/BTC/LTC: rnuF96W4SZoCJmbHYBFoJZpR8eCaxNvekK http://ripplecn.com/gateway/ Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: DannyM on May 17, 2013, 03:56:19 AM Added Ripple Israel (http://rippleisrael.co.il/) BTC/ILS rNPRNzBB92BVpAhhZr4iXDTveCgV5Pofm9
Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: DannyM on May 22, 2013, 03:37:41 PM Added
Devcoin/Ripple Gateway Issuer Name: emfox (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=87884) Issuer Key: r3gHXhK1pwZFG9ESiaosxjufEVQjwGuJUd URL: http://ripple.d.evco.in/ Fees: 10 DVC redemption fee (cost of devcoin transaction fee) and http://webr3.org/apps/xrp/charts/btc-xrp.html Live BTC/XRP and USD/XRP order books (a la Clark Moody) Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: DannyM on July 04, 2013, 10:57:48 PM A few additions:
Ripple Bandit Issuer Address: rM3CxdfWgPqjFe6fta7bYTNmTcvfYoXQpC Units: BTC URL: http://ripplebandit.com:8000/ Issuer Address: rD374m3VRYfQX6fs9AanjazmKF8m4MH1fx Units: FLP URL: http://ripplebandit.com/ boardgamegeek GeekGold Issuer Name: Lohoris Issuer Address: rJQFX9CMwDHJ3NR1Lc86VoDNxVgBYFemGD Units: XGG URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=195024.0 WisePass Issuer Address: rPDXxSZcuVL3ZWoyU82bcde3zwvmShkRyF Units: USD, BRL, BTC, CAD, CHF, DKK, EUR, GBP, JPY, LTC, NOK, SEK URL: https://wisepass.com/ Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: maco on July 05, 2013, 12:11:11 AM +1 for the useful sources. Thanks for the sharing.
I am not claiming anything about the trustworthiness of any of these... Dividend Rippler Issuer Address : rfYv1TXnwgDDK4WQNbFALykYuEBnrR4pDX Units: BTC, LTC, TRC (bitcoin, litecoin, terracoin) URL: https://www.dividendrippler.com/ Fees: https://www.dividendrippler.com/fees Dividend Rippler Listed Assets Issue Name: The Amazing Anonymous Bitcoin Lottery (TAABL.NET) Issuer Address: rNF5qUPCcge7uSStj6oKuoQs38BaM8362s Units: TBL TTBit Issuer Address: rGwUWgN5BEg3QGNY3RX2HfYowjUTZdid3E Units: DYM (pre-1965 silver US dime) URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=149533.0 Bitcoin Israel Issuer Address: rNPRNzBB92BVpAhhZr4iXDTveCgV5Pofm9 Units: BTC, ILS (bitcoin, israeli new shekel) URL: http://bitcoinisrael.co.il/ Ripple Union Issuer Address: r3ADD8kXSUKHd6zTCKfnKT3zV9EZHjzp1S Units: CAD URL: http://rippleunion.com/ Bitstamp Issuer Address: rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B Units: BTC/USD/EUR/CHF/JPY/GBP/AUD URL: https://www.bitstamp.net/ (Bitstamp also sells XRP for USD) Ripple Bandit Issuer Address: rM3CxdfWgPqjFe6fta7bYTNmTcvfYoXQpC Units: BTC URL: http://ripplebandit.com:8000/ Issuer Address: rD374m3VRYfQX6fs9AanjazmKF8m4MH1fx Units: FLP URL: http://ripplebandit.com/ chriswen Issuer Address: rDihBcUrrfDwUBZWBcuP2z5n47KVLQFNQH Units: LTC (litecoin) URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=155124.0 WeExchange Weex CAD: r47RkFi1Ew3LvCNKT6ufw3ZCyj5AJiLHi9 Weex AUD: rBcYpuDT1aXNo4jnqczWJTytKGdBGufsre Weex BTC: rpvfJ4mR6QQAeogpXEKnuyGBx8mYCSnYZi Weex USD: r9vbV3EHvXWjSkeQ6CAcYVPGeq7TuiXY2X URL: https://weexchange.co/ Bitcoinreactor Issuer Address: rZQGU7Y5ZdLhNWTCV6BKJFcpLijyYVYWX Units: TRC (terracoin) URL: http://exchange.bitcoinreactor.com:8032/ RippleCN Issuer Address: rnuF96W4SZoCJmbHYBFoJZpR8eCaxNvekK Units: CNY, USD, BTC, LTC URL: http://ripplecn.com/gateway/ Devcoin/Ripple Gateway Issuer Name: emfox (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=87884) Issuer Address: r3gHXhK1pwZFG9ESiaosxjufEVQjwGuJUd Units: DVC (devcoin) URL: http://ripple.d.evco.in/ Fees: 10 DVC redemption fee (cost of devcoin transaction fee) The Rock Trading Company Issuer Address: rLEsXccBGNR3UPuPu2hUXPjziKC3qKSBun Units: EUR, USD, BTC, LTC, SLL (euros, us dollars, bitcoin, litecoin, second life linden dollars) URL: https://www.therocktrading.com/ boardgamegeek GeekGold Issuer Name: Lohoris Issuer Address: rJQFX9CMwDHJ3NR1Lc86VoDNxVgBYFemGD Units: XGG URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=195024.0 WisePass Issuer Address: rPDXxSZcuVL3ZWoyU82bcde3zwvmShkRyF Units: USD, BRL, BTC, CAD, CHF, DKK, EUR, GBP, JPY, LTC, NOK, SEK URL: https://wisepass.com/ GIT Tokens Issuer Address: r4RKwCgmigUKLveuKDjNUR2uSi1WXUMQjg Units: GIT URL: http://entrances.github.io/ Ripple Links https://ripple.com/graph/ Navigate ledger trust lines and transactions http://rippledb.com/ Ripple Ledger Explorer https://github.com/arvicco/rippler Command-line RPC client (ruby) https://ripplecharts.com/ Charts http://webr3.org/apps/xrp/charts/btc-xrp.html Live BTC/XRP and USD/XRP order books (a la Clark Moody) https://github.com/singpolyma/ripple-rails Rails plugin for Ripple merchants https://github.com/CodeShark/RippleGen Vanity address generator http://www.reddit.com/r/ripplers ripple subreddit https://ripple.com/forum/ official forum Ripple Union http://report.rippleunion.com/ Credit reports for ripple addresses http://classic.rippleunion.com/ RippleUnion Gateway to Ripple Classic http://classic.rippleunion.com/invoice/ Send an invoice to anyone who uses Ripple Classic. http://rippleunion.com/invoice/ Ripple.com invoices http://shop.rippleunion.com/ Proxy buying items for Ripple https://xrptrader.com/ XRP Exchange http://buyxrp.net/ XRP Exchange https://www.bitcoinary.com/ Trade XRP for BTC and others https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/rippleusers Google Group http://ripplebandit.com/ Coin Flip Gambling for XRP Other Implementations https://villages.cc/ Ripple Father Ryan Fugger's cooperative economy https://www.multiswap.net/ Circular Multilateral Barter http://sourceforge.net/projects/cmb/ http://www.abundx.com/ Abundant X-Change Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: DannyM on July 12, 2013, 02:37:06 PM I've added a notice that Bitcoinreactor's site is no longer responding.
I have attempted to contact the operator and will update if there are any changes. Note that he has previously mentioned he would likely close the gateway. See https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=149256.msg1653475#msg1653475 EDITED: Site back up Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: DannyM on July 13, 2013, 06:14:02 PM Added World P2P Time Bank. Familiarize yourself with the CHE-ROCS concept before trying to use these units.
World P2P Time Bank (CHE-ROCS) Issuer: Eka-People (http://che-rocs.wikispaces.com/) URL: http://vk.com/bank.vremeni (http://vk.com/bank.vremeni) (Russian) URL: https://www.facebook.com/groups/p2ptimebank/ (https://www.facebook.com/groups/p2ptimebank/) (English) Units and Addresses: BYC (Belarus) rLZXimQSf7JYfwJACN2682eghspfzdX35E CNC (China) rs4mVFV97Um5T6DcK7q3ZXg11ULm6ZD9Ed KZC (Kazakhstan) rBjnY8o9aNCvPi7Mi4jbXGCjxDj8ZD2cPL PLC (Poland) r4zRhH45HJehJSa75HyY8jZLWbEGRJ3Qzn RUC (Russia) rLsqugnKWVvEfRdthiFCeZCAUZ2mXYfnYb UAC (Ukraine) rpbHacBcjQSNoJ9kE92JtgF1VRCfxBQyjJ UKC (UK) r6Z8Z9e8crQM8GWVPWEeWYZbYVz2zmump USC (USA) rfqj6xcqdoKNLyjHrnKzvBdkviBXoxeSM2 UNC (World) r4hZtWkSW8EbeFG5QXqB7ohohkrZg8zLQ8 Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: DannyM on July 16, 2013, 01:40:57 AM Added Goodwill LETS
Issuer Address: rGDWKWni6exeneJdNbEZ3nVX3Rrw5VG1p1 Units: GDW Operator Name: Bob "Red" Way URL: https://ripple.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2895 New Links: https://github.com/alexdupre/ripple-blobvault - Alternative blob vault in Scala/Play2 to store ripple wallets, backed by MongoDB http://giftcards.rippleunion.com/ - fund Ripple.com accounts by exchanging gift cards. (amazon.ca codes for now to start) Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: DannyM on July 19, 2013, 09:26:08 PM Added:
Justcoin Issuer Address: rJHygWcTLVpSXkowott6kzgZU6viQSVYM1 Units: BTC, LTC URL: https://justcoin.com/ Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: DannyM on August 05, 2013, 10:38:44 PM Added Gateway:
SnapSwap Issuer Address: rMwjYedjc7qqtKYVLiAccJSmCwih4LnE2q Units: USD URL: https://www.snapswap.us/ Added Link: http://ripplefederation.org/ The Ripple Federation Organization Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: DannyM on August 23, 2013, 12:16:46 PM New Gateways:
Poker Gateway Issuer Name: Docman Issuer Address: rHcfNiEJ2nFaQPpSKLGKiTwPwHxEbvNZSB Units: USP URL: https://ripple.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3294&p=15743 New Links: http://local.rippleunion.com/ Liquidity check tool to facilitate "local ripple" type exchange Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: DannyM on September 12, 2013, 11:08:14 PM boardgamegeek GeekGold is DISCONTINUED Issuer Name: Lohoris Issuer Address: rJQFX9CMwDHJ3NR1Lc86VoDNxVgBYFemGD Units: XGG URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=195024.0 Dividend Rippler has added Namecoin Issuer Address : rfYv1TXnwgDDK4WQNbFALykYuEBnrR4pDX Units: BTC, LTC, NMC, TRC (bitcoin, litecoin, namecoin, terracoin) URL: https://www.dividendrippler.com/ Fees: https://www.dividendrippler.com/fees Ripple Israel has added Litecoins Issuer Address: rNPRNzBB92BVpAhhZr4iXDTveCgV5Pofm9 Units: BTC, ILS, LTC (bitcoin, israeli new shekel, litecoin) URL: http://rippleisrael.co.il/ Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: DannyM on October 16, 2013, 10:12:40 PM I think I'm going to stop trying to maintain this list here soon, and move it to devtome.com
New additions: RippleChina Issuer Address: razqQKzJRdB4UxFPWf5NEpEG3WMkmwgcXA URL: http://www.ripplechina.net/ Units: CNY, BTC Ripple Money Issuer Name: Simon Tomlin Issuer Address: rkH1aQbL2ajA7HUsx8VQRuL3VaEByHELm URL: https://ripplemoney.co.uk/ Units: GBP (Great Britain Pounds) DISCONTINUED Ripple Bandit Issuer Address: rM3CxdfWgPqjFe6fta7bYTNmTcvfYoXQpC Units: BTC URL: http://ripplebandit.com:8000/ Issuer Address: rD374m3VRYfQX6fs9AanjazmKF8m4MH1fx Units: FLP URL: http://ripplebandit.com/ Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: DannyM on October 20, 2013, 01:45:39 AM RippleBandit has been re-opened and re-branded as "bloctoc", and also added "Primecoin" (XPM).
bloctoc BTC Address: rM3CxdfWgPqjFe6fta7bYTNmTcvfYoXQpC XPM (primecoin) Address: rMgFQ3a5UAgaXW25JKGpXoiZXSfhcmgT4p URL: http://bloctoc.com/ Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: 2Kool4Skewl on October 20, 2013, 05:01:47 AM Ripple Faucet and Giveaway Info
RippleGiveaway.com (http://RippleGiveaway.com) - XRP, BTC, LTC Faucet! Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: DannyM on October 27, 2013, 12:14:38 AM Peercover
Issuer Address: rHEQnRvqWccQALFfpG3YuoxxVyhDZnF4TS Units: USD URL: https://www.peercover.com/ ICE Issuer Address: r4H3F9dDaYPFwbrUsusvNAHLz2sEZk4wE5 Units: ICE URL: https://ripple.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3958 Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: DannyM on October 30, 2013, 07:54:47 PM bloctoc has added litecoin (LTC)
bloctoc BTC Address: rM3CxdfWgPqjFe6fta7bYTNmTcvfYoXQpC XPM (primecoin) Address: rMgFQ3a5UAgaXW25JKGpXoiZXSfhcmgT4p LTC (litecoin) Address: r9PTTArDtfdCibvvChoq4fN7dNYHpH1BuY URL: http://bloctoc.com/ Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: DannyM on October 31, 2013, 09:39:36 PM Breda Regional Currency Cooperative
Issuer Address: rfjiQeJMp1eNfbso3F26a7JWe3JuicZirg Units: BKW URL: http://tbrabantskwartiertje.info/rippleenglish.html (http://tbrabantskwartiertje.info/rippleenglish.html) Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: DannyM on November 14, 2013, 08:38:49 PM Hongfei's Protoshares Gateway
Issuer Address: rfGS71F4vf3BLaXGgau8JtcxKrRLPXEske Units: PTS URL: http://bitsharestalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=117 (http://bitsharestalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=117) Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: DannyM on November 16, 2013, 12:30:10 AM Again, always make sure you research things and talk to your advisers and the issuer before extending any trust to something you find on an internet forum.
RippleFund Issuer Address: rE7CNMbxwvTQrqSEjbcXCrqeN6EZga1ApU Units: CNY URL: http://ripplefund.me/ (http://ripplefund.me/) Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: wellerco on December 03, 2013, 03:22:57 AM I've created a new Protoshares gateway with a web interface:
XRP Interchange Issuer Address: rEUNavLM2NPpLW8dKqk3BRhXcZk5Hv7dhj Units: PTS URL: http://xrpio.com/ Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: DannyM on December 14, 2013, 06:08:13 PM Ripple Israel has added namecoins/NMC and peercoins/PPC
Ripple Israel Issuer Address: rNPRNzBB92BVpAhhZr4iXDTveCgV5Pofm9 Units: BTC, ILS, LTC, PPC, NMC (bitcoin, israeli new shekel, litecoin, peercoin, namecoin) URL: http://rippleisrael.co.il/ Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: tokeweed on December 25, 2013, 02:29:23 PM Docman stopped the Poker Gateway. No volume.
Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: Andrew Vorobyov on January 02, 2014, 05:43:17 PM Add my service please - https://ripple.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4926
Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: DannyM on January 05, 2014, 01:02:27 AM altGateway/RippleQuotes
Issuer Address : rNFidBt7HQHho4PHbcy3n1ULJkKFWkcfKX Issuer: James Lee Units: LTC, NMC, XPM, PPC, DTC, FTC (litecoin, namecoin, primecoin, datacoin, fethercoin) URL: http://altgateway.com/ Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: johnevanns on October 02, 2014, 09:22:54 PM hi,
it seems those were ages before ... !!!!!!!!! when this forum was active. as of now 2014 /10 /1 does anyone have an idea of any exchange or ripple gateway facilitating Linden (SLL) to any other crypto / fiat ?????? the damn sll officials blocked therocktrading company from transacting any trade in lindens. let me know Title: Re: All things Ripple/XRP Post by: hypostatization on October 02, 2014, 10:38:02 PM hi, it seems those were ages before ... !!!!!!!!! when this forum was active. as of now 2014 /10 /1 does anyone have an idea of any exchange or ripple gateway facilitating Linden (SLL) to any other crypto / fiat ?????? the damn sll officials blocked therocktrading company from transacting any trade in lindens. let me know Coinist provides Gateway reviews and asset listings, among other info.
It appears support for SLL had been planned at The Rock exchange, but was dropped due to Linden Labs related concerns (https://www.therocktrading.com/en/topics/ripple-faq#news_1183). |