Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Services => Topic started by: Dabs on March 21, 2013, 01:17:51 AM

Title: 0.1 BTC for simple web hosting (1 gig space, 10 gig bandwidth) per month
Post by: Dabs on March 21, 2013, 01:17:51 AM
*edit* accepting exclusively bitcoins.


I happen to have a shared hosting reseller plan, and I'm not using about 8 gigs of the space (and about 90 to 100 gig of bandwidth), which I can resell (without overselling), maybe in 100 mb chunks or 200 mb portions. For simple website hosting.

Ideally, I'm looking for one person to buy all that space and just pay me, maybe 10 BTC per year? or 1.0 per month? Or you let me know how much space you think you need and let's work with that, I haven't made any "packages" unlike most other web hosting providers.

Features include:

    Unlimited Email Accounts, Lists, Forwarders
    Unlimited FTP Accounts
    Unlimited mySQL Databases
    Unlimited Sub/Parked/Pointed Domains
    Shared SSL Access
    Scripts Auto-Installer
    Various CPanel Skins
    Over 100 more features and tools!


    Dual Quad Core Servers (16 cores)
    24000mb Servers RAM(Minimum)
    Advanced Control Panel(Cpanel)
    CentOS/Cloudlinux Linux
    Redundant Conection Lines
    Redundant Power Backup
    Litespeed Web Server


    PHP 5 W/ Zend Optimizer & IonCube
    GD 2.0.23
    ImageMagick 6.4.x
    Ruby on Rails
    Mod_Rewrite enable
    Integrated Bulletin Board
    Mysql 5.x
    PostgreSQL 8.x
    Mplayer + Mencoder
    Libogg + Libvorbis
    LAME MP3 Encoder
    Perl 5.8.7
    CGI-Bin Support
    Sendmail Support
    Free Perl Module Installations
    Server Side Includes
    Real Streaming Media Support
    Webalizer Web Statistics
    Awstats Web Statistics

Just to make it clear, I prefer someone who is already knows this stuff, as I am just an administrator. While I have an idea about PHP, MySQL, and HTML, my personal knowledge of this stuff is very basic. So, my Terms of Service would be quite simple: don't ask me too much for tech support, and don't put questionable stuff (illegal stuff) on your website, using common sense (no adult content also.)

What's a good price for some decent web hosting?

How much would you pay for 100 mb space? 200 mb? 500 mb? 1 gig? Remember, your photos and large files can easily go to other servers on the internet, you just use this for web pages and stuff.

Title: Re: How much bitcoin for simple web hosting?
Post by: Vod on March 21, 2013, 01:36:55 AM
There are several people here who offer hosting for btc.  Do a little research and you'll find your answer.

Title: Re: How much bitcoin for simple web hosting?
Post by: Dabs on March 21, 2013, 04:27:39 AM
One guy is doing 1 gig space / 200 mb bandwidth for 0.1 per month.

I'll sell all my space for 0.8 BTC per month. All I need is one giant customer, or 8 small ones. or 16 who just need 500 meg.

Domain not include, just hosting. Besides, it's a good idea to get your domain separately (Namecheap accepts bitcoin I think.).

Those interested, PM me, I'll set up your account and you can pay me later (like 1 day later.) Anonymous, since I don't care who you are, as long as you don't get your website into trouble.

My hosting is on and I personally made the index page. So there. hehe. The hosting has been available for 6 years except I've never sold any space to anyone else (I just have 2 customers), but since I accept bitcoin as payment, I might as well start now.

Title: Re: How much bitcoin for simple web hosting?
Post by: velacreations on March 22, 2013, 01:58:03 AM
Hey if you are looking to pay for hosting and domain names with bitcoin, we can take care of your needs at Bitronic Technologies (

We offer web hosting, domain names, reseller hosting, VPS and dedicated servers.

Just to give you an idea a reseller plan for 200GB of hard drive would be around 1.2BTC/month, however we are running a 25% off sile right now so it would be around .9BTC/month.

Our domain names run .16BTC a year. Check here to buy domain names with bitcoin (

If you wanted some bulk amount of hosting I could give you a better deal.
that's kinda rude, man.  posting on other people's threads to peddle your shitty hosting?

Title: Re: How much bitcoin for simple web hosting?
Post by: Dabs on March 22, 2013, 04:24:03 AM
Well, I'm only looking for 1 customer who wants 8 gigs of webspace. Or a small group of people who want 100 megs only. I mean, this is good for simple static pages or even simple php stuff.

Title: Re: How much bitcoin for simple web hosting?
Post by: bytedisorder on March 22, 2013, 08:54:16 AM
Sorry I misunderstood I thought this guy was soliciting hosting. My bad.

Title: Re: How much bitcoin for simple web hosting?
Post by: Dabs on March 22, 2013, 03:07:15 PM
I forgive you. Now, donate me some coins. hehe.


Title: Re: How much bitcoin for simple web hosting?
Post by: PowerChaos on March 22, 2013, 03:13:01 PM
would it not be better to keep a amount in mind ( euro/dollar value) and base the price on that part ?

if you want to compare cheap price/pacakges then it is hard those days to sell 500mb of space
specialy when you got ffmpeg and other stuff installed on it that get used for video streaming

so those days selling webspace for pure html seems to be a bit complicated

also you are a reseller so you do not have root acces , makes things complicated in case some problems happends

i would be intrested to have a second location for my control pane and for testing out stuff , but it also depends on the quality/speed your host is

as a webhost myself i do not need any support as long i can fix it myself (going be hard with out root acces )

let me know a price you like to have for a year and we can make a deal :D

also it would be nice if i can test out a few things

Greetings From PowerChaos

Title: Re: How much bitcoin for simple web hosting?
Post by: Dabs on March 24, 2013, 04:50:31 AM
Yes, there are people out there who like to do more with their hosts, like install bots, daemons, cron jobs, seed boxes, etc. I don't really want to cater to that market. But there are those, who just like to have a place to stuff some pages, maybe put a simple database or wiki or small forum or small anything.

I'm not out to make big money, just to get some little bitcoins in exchange for some space and bandwidth which I'm not using anyway.

As for prices, I just leave it in bitcoin. I'll change prices when it gets too high (or too low). I've already paid for it, so getting anything is welcome. And it's good for the bitcoin economy that I accept exclusively bitcoin (because I can't accept any other form of payment conveniently.)