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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: c4n10 on March 22, 2013, 02:27:58 PM

Title: Need Pushpool Help - mysql pwdb query failed at fetch
Post by: c4n10 on March 22, 2013, 02:27:58 PM
Hello all...

I'm trying to set-up pushpool and for some reason I keep receiving "mysql pwdb query failed at fetch".

Here's the run-down:

OS is Ubuntu
Running MySql
Front-end: SimpleCoin
Miners connect fine but pushpool returns "mysql pwdb query failed at fetch" when connecting because mysql is trying to read username as "?"

mysql.log shows pushpool trying to pass the following statement:

SELECT password FROM pool_worker WHERE username = ?

Which is being called by pushpool's server.json file in this section (user/pass info has been edited):

# database settings
        "database" : {
                "engine" : "mysql",

                # 'host' defaults to localhost, if not specified
                # "host" : "localhost",

                # 'port' uses proper default port for the DB engine,
                # if not specified
                "port" : "3306",

                "name" : "simplecoin",
                "username" : "SuperCoolUsername",
                "password" : "SuperSecretPassword",
                "sharelog" : true,
                "stmt.pwdb":"SELECT password FROM pool_worker WHERE username = ?",

                "stmt.sharelog":"INSERT INTO shares (rem_host, username, our_result, upstream_result, reason, solution) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"

Workers have been added to table "pool_worker".

It would seem to me that the json client doesn't like the way the variable is being handled in:

"stmt.pwdb":"SELECT password FROM pool_worker WHERE username = ?",

Since the "?" isn't being properly replaced by the connecting miner's username and the statement otherwise works fine when tested from mysql command line...

Any ideas on how I can fix the variable so json passes the correct statement to mysql...?

Title: Re: Need Pushpool Help - mysql pwdb query failed at fetch
Post by: gateway on May 06, 2013, 01:00:52 AM
did you ever find a resolution to this?

Title: Re: Need Pushpool Help - mysql pwdb query failed at fetch
Post by: BitcoinOxygen on May 06, 2013, 04:12:52 PM
did you ever find a resolution to this?

Yeah, He found a solution to this. He now runs a litecoin pool.

Title: Re: Need Pushpool Help - mysql pwdb query failed at fetch
Post by: gateway on May 06, 2013, 09:20:47 PM
did you ever find a resolution to this?

Yeah, He found a solution to this. He now runs a litecoin pool.

Mind sharing what you did to get the shares db populating, I see a lot of people having similar issues.