Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: Zinoviev on March 26, 2013, 12:26:40 AM

Post by: Zinoviev on March 26, 2013, 12:26:40 AM
I trust a moderator will move this thread if it belongs in another subtopic.

I wanted to thank the bitcoin community for supporting DEFCAD ( and Defense Distributed. The Wiki Weapon thread here from August of 2012 is what helped put the project on track, I know it.

I was hoping I could talk about the vision for DEFCAD and how we think bitcoin will be an integral part of its developmental side. We see not just a database for uploading/downloading, but also a project and portfolio component where physible developers could find an audience and receive support for their efforts.

Let's talk?

Title: Re:
Post by: Zinoviev on March 26, 2013, 12:35:54 AM
Also, VICE was kind enough to run this doc on DD today:

Title: Re:
Post by: Zinoviev on March 26, 2013, 01:09:28 AM
I fully support what you are doing. Thank you.

You bet. I'm not sure how much we can do when it comes to slaying the copyright dragon, but didn't Fredrik of TPB ask for competition?

Title: Re:
Post by: Wilikon on March 26, 2013, 03:09:13 AM
The Beck interview was great and this video was "fair" as far as I can see. Cody is the face of the upcoming tsunami. Like bitcoin going after him would be like stopping the advancing wall of water with a plastic cup.

I have to say it is always fascinating to hear a journalist saying his article about a subject was one of his biggest hit while saying his subject was craving for attention. As if the journalist's biggest dream was a failed article no one would want to read. This is bizarre to say the least, but he needs to create the illusion he is detached from his paycheck but so in touch with his immaculate craft.

Great work!

Title: Re:
Post by: WiW on March 26, 2013, 09:12:58 AM
I have yet to watch the documentary, but I already have an opinion on 3D printed guns, and I think Defense Distributed has a major role here. 3D printed guns takes the power of violence out of the hands of the state the same way bitcoin takes the power of money out of the hands of the state.

Of course, when you start talking about "violence" you get many people ticking and itchy. I, for one, would rather there'd be no violence ever. But those against all violence tend to be blind to the violence happening on their behalf far away from them. And even at home, states have a monopoly on violence and they abuse it like they do with money. Since states are so powerful, it's also very hard to catch them in the act, or get people to understand the magnitude of such abuse. This is not right with me. If there is to be violence in the world, let it be distributed, not monopolized.

Thank you for bringing this new, scary, possibly liberating world one step closer.

Edit: "What bitcoin will do to the banks, 3D printing will do to militaries."

Title: Re:
Post by: Mike Christ on March 26, 2013, 10:08:44 PM
Separated the church and the state
Separating our money and the state
Will separate our security and the state

When can we call the state ostracized?

Title: Re:
Post by: coinfunder on March 26, 2013, 10:32:18 PM
I tried to contact Cody last Friday prior to the launch of our website regarding this topic.  I am also locating in Austin, TX.  I would imagine with all of the press you guys have been getting, it could have been easily missed.

I would love to talk to you guys about your vision, and see if I can assist in any way.  I am a big fan.  PM me if you would like to chat offline.