Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Technical Support => Topic started by: tictok on June 12, 2011, 04:48:36 PM

Title: share / mirror an existing terminal window's output via ssh?
Post by: tictok on June 12, 2011, 04:48:36 PM
Not sure the best way to describe what I'm trying to achieve... hope the title of my post make sense!

I have a mac pro 'dual booting' into linux (ubuntu) and running Phoenix in a terminal window.

i want to remote monitor this machine remotely, eventually turning it into a headless miner.

I already know how SSH into the machine from a remote computer, but that obviously creates a new terminal session.

What I want to do is remotely log into the mining machine and spy on the output from the Phoenix miner (essentially being able to see the output from the terminal window running on that machine).

VNC is a possibility, but sees over kill for this. I don't want to share the screen, just see the out put form an laready running terminal window.

Does that make sense?

Any help greatly appreciated!


Title: Re: share / mirror an existing terminal window's output via ssh?
Post by: tictok on June 12, 2011, 11:51:31 PM
okay - thought i'd post that i've figured out a solution to the above   ;D

I found this webpage that explains exactly how to do what i want.

In a nutshell, in terminal session on the host computer using the 'screen' command allows can set up a user that can then ssh into that host computer and join the shared session.

The terminal session works / is interactive on both computers (host and viewer) but can be made view or read only.

Is the user later disconnects, any processes running on the host computer keep going, and the user can reconnect at any time.

Perfect for monitoring my miner and temperature etc from another device such as my iphone, and I don't have to worry about killin gprocesses by quitting terminal on the phone.


Hope this helps someone!

Title: Re: share / mirror an existing terminal window's output via ssh?
Post by: mewantsbitcoins on June 13, 2011, 12:03:12 AM
Thanks for posting the solution

Title: Re: share / mirror an existing terminal window's output via ssh?
Post by: tictok on June 13, 2011, 12:08:09 AM
you're welcome,

there's some really interesting and useful stuff in here too...

It details using ssc instead of ssh when logging into remote machine to set up a 'screened' session that you can later log back into later to start any processed or screened sessions on the host form the remote machine.

Since discovering bitcoin and mining I've learnt so much new stuff.
It's probably all really simple everyday stuff to a lot of people, but my knowledge of unix, terminal commands, overclocking, flashing bios etc etc have gone from zero to 'enough for now' in just a few days...  see, bitcoin has more advantages than people give it credit for  ;)

Title: Re: share / mirror an existing terminal window's output via ssh?
Post by: justusranvier on June 13, 2011, 01:07:39 AM
Once you learn GNU Screen you'll never be able to live without it.