Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Hardware => Topic started by: jermwerty on March 26, 2013, 02:37:00 AM

Title: Batch 3 still goes in and out of stock - I have 45 BTC, anyone want to split?
Post by: jermwerty on March 26, 2013, 02:37:00 AM
See title.  I have a B#2 order and a place to host @ $0.06KWH but B3 is too expensive.  Need about 30 more BTC to make this happen.  I will liquidate my remaining BTC and split 60/40 profits on a B3 rig hosted at my place ($0.06KWH thanks Eastern WA).

Looking for one investor.  Terms negotiable, but looking for same as "other" hosting deals mentioned here... 

PM me NOW!

Title: Re: Batch 3 still goes in and out of stock - I have a 45 BTC, anyone want to split?
Post by: grue on March 26, 2013, 02:39:12 AM
0.06/ KWH is actually pretty cheap, especially for EU and NA. (unless you're talking about russian hydro @ 0.02)

Title: Re: Batch 3 still goes in and out of stock - I have a 45 BTC, anyone want to split?
Post by: jermwerty on March 26, 2013, 02:42:10 AM
0.06/ KWH is actually pretty cheap, especially for EU and NA. (unless you're talking about russian hydro @ 0.02)

Yep mined 600 BTC with dozen or so GPUs over the year+ but sold most BTC much too cheap!  Hindsight it always 20/20. 

Title: Re: Batch 3 still goes in and out of stock - I have 45 BTC, anyone want to split?
Post by: jermwerty on March 26, 2013, 06:34:25 AM
No takers?  Sad.  111 units left.

I am serious about this, have 46BTC and change, would love to get a 3 or 4 unit and do 50/50...  As for post history, I was a longtime lurker (started mining in Aug 2011) and eventually decided to join the forums.  I've done a few BTC transactions with others on the board (sold/bought GPUs).

This is a great deal for someone who wants a unit but not the responsibility.  I already have one Avalon to babysit, might as well be two.

As for trust, I made no attempt to hide my identity and welcome you to google my handle - heck I'll PM you my info!

Title: Re: Batch 3 still goes in and out of stock - I have 45 BTC, anyone want to split?
Post by: jermwerty on March 26, 2013, 07:19:29 AM
Some proof - my desktop from the other day:

Title: Re: Batch 3 still goes in and out of stock - I have 45 BTC, anyone want to split?
Post by: Herodes on March 26, 2013, 10:11:46 AM
A pleasure to do business with you - FYI: To the rest reading this thread, I think the offer is now expired unfortunately.

Title: Re: Batch 3 still goes in and out of stock - I have 45 BTC, anyone want to split?
Post by: jermwerty on March 26, 2013, 07:44:06 PM
Yes Herodes and I have come to an agreement, best luck everyone on your own mining endeavors!