Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Services => Topic started by: Pap0u on August 17, 2016, 04:44:14 PM

Title: Free Psychic Services
Post by: Pap0u on August 17, 2016, 04:44:14 PM
So I have this friend who I swear is psychic but doesn't use it. They claim everyone and everything is connected by this ethereal string and by using it you can connect to people and truely communicate. All you need is the willingness of the person. So I had an idea to try out and I wanted to see if what they say are true. They are allowing me to pick 10 people, this can be done through PM or by this thread if you want it to be public. All I would need from you is your willingness to connect and date of birth. Apparently date of birth means something as well....anyways no gimmicks, no names or other personal info needed. You can either submit it on the thread or PM as well as 1 question too. Please be honest if you find truth in anything you get, I really want to see if this works and also I want people see as well.

Title: Re: Free Psychic Services
Post by: SwingFirst on August 17, 2016, 05:05:48 PM
Somehow I get the feeling that this service is a plot to gather personal information about bitcointalk users. Can we register an e-mail address and send you info on there instead?

Title: Re: Free Psychic Services
Post by: Cereberus on August 17, 2016, 05:29:19 PM
This sounds more like a call to desperate person who are not happy with their life and will find refugee in the prediction of these deceivers as that what you are. I have seen another thread of the same service and apparently is becoming a trend in this forum. A simple question to all the desperate people who will try this service. If these people truly know the future do you think they need to tell us how they can predict the future when they can just go to a casino , offline casino and since they know the future they bet on roulette and be extra rich ? Of course they don't know anything and the only thing they do they prey on desperate persons.

Title: Re: Free Psychic Services
Post by: posternat on August 17, 2016, 05:37:53 PM
Somehow I get the feeling that this service is a plot to gather personal information about bitcointalk users. Can we register an e-mail address and send you info on there instead?

I do not think so as the OP is only asking for the Date of birth and not any other sensitive information like Credit card details etc.  Secondly i dont believe if anyone can tell the future just by seeing the D.O.B.

Title: Re: Free Psychic Services
Post by: ajareselde on August 17, 2016, 05:48:39 PM
Are you sure this has nothing to do with the fact that many users have their date of birth as part of their passwords ?
I'm interested to see how this will roll out, but won't participate myself. Advising everyone to change their passwords if they have your D.O.B. in them.

Title: Re: Free Psychic Services
Post by: Pap0u on August 17, 2016, 05:57:49 PM
You guys are so a date of birth is some secretive info that no one knows...yea I'm building a database of birthdays to hack passwords, you are crazy lol. It's not the future per se, it is just information, what you do with it is up to you. Still waiting for someone to see if it works, only reason that I'm posting here is its a little weird to post on Facebook or to people I know, would make me look crazy. The Internet accepts these types of things as normal though lol. Like I said, can be public or private, doesn't matter, just wanted some feedback for public view if this works

Title: Re: Free Psychic Services
Post by: Pap0u on August 17, 2016, 06:02:30 PM
I have wondered the same thing, why don't psychics just win the lotto or something. Apparently it doesn't work that way. Life is a test, that is always changing with each choice. The entities that you are able to connect with don't just hand you money, or good fortune. They offer guidance and advice, how you use it is up to you. There is no question like "when will I die" or something or "what's tomorrow's lottery". Things like that aren't relevant to life or your purpose. That's the answer they gave me me at least.

Title: Re: Free Psychic Services
Post by: interbtc on August 17, 2016, 06:08:54 PM
I have wondered the same thing, why don't psychics just win the lotto or something. Apparently it doesn't work that way. Life is a test, that is always changing with each choice. The entities that you are able to connect with don't just hand you money, or good fortune. They offer guidance and advice, how you use it is up to you. There is no question like "when will I die" or something or "what's tomorrow's lottery". Things like that aren't relevant to life or your purpose. That's the answer they gave me me at least.

i'm interested in trying this out, will send you birthday on pm.
can you tell me like..what am i supposed to do to see if this works.. and some examples of questions (like you said i cant ask anything major, so what can i ..)

Title: Re: Free Psychic Services
Post by: Pap0u on August 17, 2016, 06:20:49 PM
Anything in your life that you wanted the truth about. Anything that can not affect the free will of someone else. Anything really, I have never went into details of exactly how to use this stuff lol, I'm skeptical as well, that's why I want to see if it has any truth or value behind it. I'll see if they can do general insights just with dob and no specific question. One thing though, is you have to really seek truth. When I first got into the topic and started asking questions, I was just trolling and didn't really care or have meaning behind my questions. I was told that you have to seek guidance with pure intentions or nothing will guide you.

Title: Re: Free Psychic Services
Post by: RodeoX on August 17, 2016, 06:21:52 PM
The idea of having "psychic" powers is common, but... never once in history has anyone been able to do it in a scientific experiment. What does that say? It means the evidence for such things is the same as for trolls, mermaids, Santa Clause, and ghosts. In other words there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever.

It's still fun to think about though.  :)

Title: Re: Free Psychic Services
Post by: Pap0u on August 17, 2016, 06:39:00 PM
Thanks interbtc for being the first person. Waiting on his response.

Title: Re: Free Psychic Services
Post by: interbtc on August 17, 2016, 07:22:49 PM
Ok, i got my answer(s). Hard to tell how i feel about it. Some of the points he sent me were right on the point, but a lot was pretty general and i can see a lot of people
that could see their own answer in it like me. He was only wrong in one thing for what it's worth (atleast i think he was)

Anyways, all-in-all , it would be nice to see how some others will see this. For me it was interesting, but not mindblowing, to be honest.

@op you are free to publish pm's between me and you, anything except d.o.b is fine.

Title: Re: Free Psychic Services
Post by: Pap0u on August 17, 2016, 07:30:36 PM
Thanks inter, like I said it's insight, things to consider, each and everyone will get touched in a certain way. It's not prophecies, it's guidance. Everyone is the maker of their own fate, and the biggest thing to realize is that we are all connected, you aren't in this world alone by random coindidences and chance and everything happens for a reason, whether you realize it this moment or some other point in time.

Title: Re: Free Psychic Services
Post by: whanethewhip on August 17, 2016, 08:20:53 PM
I have wondered the same thing, why don't psychics just win the lotto or something.

Everyone wonders this, and the answer is because there are no Psychics. No one has ever demonstrated otherwise. When the conditions favor the person claiming to be a Psychic, then it works, but that's because it's a trick, magicians need time to prep. But when put to the test using the scientific method, it fails 100% of the time. The James Randi foundation has been offering one million dollars to anyone that can prove that they have psychic powers, no one has ever managed to prove it, and collect the reward money. Most people won't even accept the challenge, and the few that do, either fail or worse yet, are exposed as frauds. Some of these folks honestly thought they had powers because the ignored all of the other factors that could explain the situation, or in some cases they were just willing to be fooled by their own notions. Requiring a birthdate is the first sign of trickery, which in itself can be very revealing of a person in terms of their generation and what they have been exposed to. The "Psychic" can immediately eliminate many things about someone simply by knowing their birthdate, or their age.

I'd like to imagine that super natural powers exist, it's a fun idea and something for great discussions and entertainment, but I care more for what is true, than I do for what I can imagine.

Ref: James Randi and his $1,000,000.00 challenge:

That being said, and disregarding my thoughts on the matter. Good on you for offering a free service. However, there are different types of Psychic claims and you might want to pinpoint the one you intend to demonstrate, is it: clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, or claircognizance? For example shows about Clairvoyance often have the Psychic helping cops to find the body of a murder victim. Which one is your friend demonstrating?

Title: Re: Free Psychic Services
Post by: Snorek on August 17, 2016, 08:59:10 PM
I would like to heard more about this psychic friend. Because I know that there are something beyond our current level of understanding.
I can ever tip someone who can prove that telepathy is real enough to convince me. And of course please keep all discussion open.

Title: Re: Free Psychic Services
Post by: Pap0u on August 17, 2016, 09:03:56 PM
People perceive Psychic powers as some like superhuman strength and immediately connect it to how they can benefit from it materialistically. That is where things collide. So she said she doesn't classify herself as any labels of clairvoyance etc, she just has the ability to communicate with people and their souls. I'm not here to discuss the paraphysical world vs the physical, 9 more people still that she wants to connect with.

Title: Re: Free Psychic Services
Post by: whanethewhip on August 17, 2016, 10:38:15 PM
I'm not here to discuss the paraphysical world vs the physical

Of course not, people making extraordinary claims about things that lack evidence for their existence, rarely want to defend them. Good luck with your friends demonstration.

Title: Re: Free Psychic Services
Post by: novita1234 on August 18, 2016, 04:39:37 AM
I want to try. will i received message from your psychic friend telepathically.

Title: Re: Free Psychic Services
Post by: bitvestor on August 25, 2016, 01:45:06 AM
I will  follow this, well Psychic they exist but i think this somehow depends on the individual they read, i have my mind blown by this lady who told me things i alone know and things that would affect me which i ignored and they actually affected me 6 years later most recently, well i have no idea where she is right now else i did call her up for a chat, this lady who read me back then did not even believe in psychic abilities she just says its a feeling she got so she had to tell me but they could be very wrong, but we friends so she had to tell me anyway, she has no idea that she was very right about all she said, wish i can tell her right now.

Title: Re: Free Psychic Services
Post by: Pap0u on August 25, 2016, 03:18:41 AM
Exactly. People think they need to be proven via controlled experiments or win the lottery when it comes to the paraphysical. It's like saying no greater power exists because no entity ever shows itself or proves it existence, therefore no God or gods exist.

Title: Re: Free Psychic Services
Post by: streazight on August 25, 2016, 05:34:52 AM
So I have this friend who I swear is psychic but doesn't use it. They claim everyone and everything is connected by this ethereal string and by using it you can connect to people and truely communicate. All you need is the willingness of the person. So I had an idea to try out and I wanted to see if what they say are true. They are allowing me to pick 10 people, this can be done through PM or by this thread if you want it to be public. All I would need from you is your willingness to connect and date of birth. Apparently date of birth means something as well....anyways no gimmicks, no names or other personal info needed. You can either submit it on the thread or PM as well as 1 question too. Please be honest if you find truth in anything you get, I really want to see if this works and also I want people see as well.
Please contact me too through PM. I love to consult for a better understanding of my own inner thoughts. Your ideas is making more curiosity to test this services. I believe I will be ready to share some of my personal information too if I find your initial steps are good and believable.
I guess many people will be ready to pay for such a service, but you are offering for free. Must deserves good appreciations.

Title: Re: Free Psychic Services
Post by: danherbias07 on August 25, 2016, 05:51:19 AM
Who else would put their date of birth as a password? There have been scattered news that it is the easy way to hack your atm's or other stuffs that needed password like accounts. So why still do it?  ???

I want to try this one. Here is my date of birth 11/29/1986. Yes I want it public. Don't really care much with the bashers here. They are all idiots.

Title: Re: Free Psychic Services
Post by: prtty2gal2 on August 25, 2016, 05:56:54 AM
Who else would put their date of birth as a password? There have been scattered news that it is the easy way to hack your atm's or other stuffs that needed password like accounts. So why still do it?  ???

I want to try this one. Here is my date of birth 11/29/1986. Yes I want it public. Don't really care much with the bashers here. They are all idiots.
This must be a good catch if this is the real reason for this free service. I fear, now this community not ready to accept any free services. But I am not ready to ignore your point of view for this service as there are lot of dangers in unveiling our personal information. But, what about a service which has nothing to tract with user name but only with DOB. That may be a handy solution if OP starts this service through a free blog.

Title: Re: Free Psychic Services
Post by: on August 25, 2016, 06:27:39 AM
ok I want to try it out, my birth date is 14th july '85.

Title: Re: Free Psychic Services
Post by: novita1234 on August 26, 2016, 11:03:58 AM
i'm ready here's my DOB 11/11/85 bro.
anyway if you doing this just be careful anything can be happen or give him trouble this is for real

Title: Re: Free Psychic Services
Post by: veleten on August 30, 2016, 06:45:36 AM
all I want to get from from Santa is the list of the girls who behaved bad
or the price of bitcoin at a certain point in time
is yout friend a psychic trader?
if so i might wanna participate

Title: Re: Free Psychic Services
Post by: awesome31312 on August 31, 2016, 07:43:56 AM
I don't see what the big deal is. There are psychic readers that operate on the streets, or in magic shows, or even in their own stores, they're essentially everywhere. Why make a big deal about it on Bitcointalk?

If anything, we need to embrace it as diversity in the Bitcoin market.

Title: Re: Free Psychic Services
Post by: shamzblueworld on August 31, 2016, 12:43:59 PM
I would like to try this as well. 27-11-89

Title: Re: Free Psychic Services
Post by: Daffadile on September 01, 2016, 07:11:42 AM
So there is only 365 different kinds per year ? So everyone born on the same day is the same ? Seems legit.
Who else would put their date of birth as a password? There have been scattered news that it is the easy way to hack your atm's or other stuffs that needed password like accounts. So why still do it?  ???

I want to try this one. Here is my date of birth 11/29/1986. Yes I want it public. Don't really care much with the bashers here. They are all idiots.
This must be a good catch if this is the real reason for this free service. I fear, now this community not ready to accept any free services. But I am not ready to ignore your point of view for this service as there are lot of dangers in unveiling our personal information. But, what about a service which has nothing to tract with user name but only with DOB. That may be a handy solution if OP starts this service through a free blog.

People are paranoid it is only your date of birth. So many people share the same date of birth. This reminds me of those things you find on the internet that "predict" something when you enter info but those are just for fun but this sounds just like that.