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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Masha Sha on August 25, 2016, 09:56:59 AM

Title: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Masha Sha on August 25, 2016, 09:56:59 AM
Like in all conformists society or you renounce everything you believe in and adopt the state as the only ideology or you get harassed.

It's simple in France you eat pork, while drinking French made wine and cheese. If you think cannabis as some therapeutical and recreational virtues you are an enemy of the state ideology. If you don't want to burn on the sun, and wear a full swimwear suit you are an ennemy of the state ideology.

Enjoy (if you aren't attack by the mobs of the North Africans)! The country of human rights... LoL.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: xhomerx10 on August 25, 2016, 12:19:30 PM
 Given the two ideologies at stake here, I'll take France any day.
If you dont want to burn in the sun, stay the hell off the beach. 

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Masha Sha on August 25, 2016, 12:46:46 PM
First they came for the plants, I said nothing I don't like plants...
Then they came for the burkinis, I said nothing I don't like burkinis...
Then they came to ban encryption, I said nothing I don't like encryption...
Then they came for me, there was no one else to stop them...

Edit: next the keepas (forget it, you have to be suicidal to wear one in France nowadays;))?

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: xhomerx10 on August 25, 2016, 01:02:53 PM
First they came for the plants, I said nothing I don't like plants...
Then they came for the burkinis, I said nothing I don't like burkinis...
Then they came to ban encryption, I said nothing I don't like encryption...
Then they came for me, there was no one else to stop them...

  You're using the exercising of a law banning the ultimate tool of oppression as an argument against opression?
Anyway, you're too late tothe party if you live in France; they already have your guns.  How are you going to protect yourself from the state now that they also have your burka?

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Masha Sha on August 25, 2016, 01:22:01 PM
If some one chose to wear what ever, why does the state has to tell them not? For you it's a tool of oppression... In haredims community in isreal it's of good taste for women not to reveal too much of their bodies... Who cares as long as it's free will and not forced upon. The same goes as to remove clothes...

Before coming to the shores of America if your grand ma went to the beach she wore something like that...

By the 1900 more like it:

State supported conformism in the drive to create the perfect citizen is always preached by a certain group of people.

And if you see what's going on near Calais... You will hallucinate... Those people there have lost all equity in their homes, and are mostly defenseless against the hordes wanting to cross to the uk...

Desarm them first. Always...

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: criptix on August 25, 2016, 03:28:32 PM
If some one chose to wear what ever, why does the state has to tell them not? For you it's a tool of oppression... In haredims community in isreal it's of good taste for women not to reveal too much of their bodies... Who cares as long as it's free will and not forced upon. The same goes as to remove clothes...

Before coming to the shores of America if your grand ma went to the beach she wore something like that...

By the 1900 more like it:

State supported conformism in the drive to create the perfect citizen is always preached by a certain group of people.

And if you see what's going on near Calais... You will hallucinate... Those people there have lost all equity in their homes, and are mostly defenseless against the hordes wanting to cross to the uk...

Desarm them first. Always...

Societies and humans change. One of the reasons we don't have state supported slavery anymore.
Or colonies where we mutilate the population for not working enough.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Spendulus on August 25, 2016, 08:45:04 PM
If some one chose to wear what ever, why does the state has to tell them not? ....

For me, if there was a lot of creepy burkified weirdos at a beach, I'm not going there.

It's about that simple.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Buffer Overflow on August 25, 2016, 09:29:52 PM
Bit puzzling this one.

On one hand you've got woman making a statement that they hate freedom by wearing a very well known symbol of oppression.
And yet they moan when they lose their freedom to wear what they want. Isn't that what they wanted?

So what is it? Do they like freedom or hate freedom?

I think they are just doing it for attention really. Best thing we could do is just ignore them and their silly games.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: countryfree on August 25, 2016, 10:18:24 PM
Hey, the French don't want to end up a muslim country like the UK:

I remember going to the French riviera in the 80's and there were more women topless than they were my last time there. Women were proud to have the right to show their breasts, and everything was fine. Now, some women seem proud to hide themselves. Sorry ma'am, but there's no pride in hiding. There never was.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Masha Sha on August 25, 2016, 10:30:25 PM
Interesting remarks: if a woman is sick (cancer what ever) and can't expose herself to the sun will she be fined too?

Another point made is that it's more important for the state to be there if a woman want to remove her Burkinis and is forced by others no to do so.

Then if they want to go to the beach I don't see how denying them access is fair or just... Most pictures are mothers (crazy breeders) going to play in the water with their young children... At least they don't learn to make bombs ;)

And finally and to look a little broader it's the same with the so called facial masks... If they want to hide their faces they were oversized sun glasses... 8)

So all in all bad law (and it hurts tourism, and what the fuck she wanna wear what ever she chose, knows that the state will be there to enforce her choice do to so safely... Why should I care? And police resources wasted on it? There are real bad guys out there...

And at last the most important point is that this practice is reversible. Not like fgm...

Next make Santa illegal?

Hehehe... The pursue 8)

Hey, the French don't want to end up a muslim country like the UK:

I remember going to the French riviera in the 80's and there were more women topless than they were my last time there. Women were proud to have the right to show their breasts, and everything was fine. Now, some women seem proud to hide themselves. Sorry ma'am, but there's no pride in hiding. There never was.

IP masking? Having a sun burn on the nipples... Ouch. U.K. Look= Hijab + skinny jeans :D.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: xhomerx10 on August 26, 2016, 07:24:23 AM
Why do you make us rehash the same arguments? 
Person with cancer who shouldn't be exposed to the sun?  Stay the hell off the beach.  Take a nice stroll in the forest - this is more therapeutic.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: designerusa on August 26, 2016, 09:31:43 AM
i think France is the most racist country of all europe.  France is always boasting of its perfect imposition of human right in the country but the reality isnt like that. if you are white christian french ,you can be treated as a human . if you are not a good (!) french, french officials can easily insult you without thinking you are a human. that is the perfect definition of frech democracy.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: DooMAD on August 26, 2016, 04:54:56 PM
Seems the ban has been overturned for now by French courts.  While I'm certainly no fan of organised religion, I don't agree with trying to ban one arbitrary type of clothing in one arbitrary environment.  Even taking basic consistency from the equation, it's blatantly discriminatory.  If Catholic Nuns can wear habits with no repercussions, why can't Muslim women wear hijabs or burkinis?  And don't just say "coz terrisms" because that's stupid.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Racey on August 26, 2016, 05:31:35 PM
You cannot walk into a bank wearing this, the cops will be called

Or this

Its all about fear, and who is behind the mask.

Read this, points out a few good arguments  Burqa On Trial (

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: StingrayX on August 26, 2016, 05:47:25 PM
I am wondering how will the next generations will discuss ?
If nowadays all this hate, manipulation, discrimination, oppression. .. are dealed between citizens and neighbors, so how their children (the most fragil and sensible emotionally) who listen and assist to this society cutting... how will they speak without arms ?
Yes, I really see a coming civil wars between next generation

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Gimpeline on August 26, 2016, 06:57:51 PM
If some one chose to wear what ever, why does the state has to tell them not? ....

For me, if there was a lot of creepy burkified weirdos at a beach, I'm not going there.

It's about that simple.

Your loss. Its just an outfit.
I don't like youth that have their pants so half of their ass show, but that doesn't mean I will outlaw it.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Spendulus on August 26, 2016, 09:40:26 PM
You cannot walk into a bank wearing this, the cops will be called

Or this

Its all about fear, and who is behind the mask.

Read this, points out a few good arguments  Burqa On Trial (

Those are good articles.  One thing, though.  It's not "fear."   There are a lot of good reasons we want to know, and deserve to know, who is behind the mask.

Would you take a check or a credit card transaction of substantial value from someone wearing a burka who gave you an ID card of someone wearing a burka?

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Racey on August 26, 2016, 09:43:23 PM
No not at all, ID Means nothing, if I cannot see the face, the same face that should be on the ID card, why are they hiding away.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: xht on August 26, 2016, 10:06:00 PM
The people are more concerned with whether or not these women can wear a burkini then they are with the fact that these women are culturally and religiously oppressed but i think it's good ban burkini so women can naked when they are swim. just kidding :D :D

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: mOgliE on August 26, 2016, 10:49:13 PM
As a French I have only one thing to say:

Stop putting laws for that shit, let them wear whatever the fuck they want. Stop oppressing people without any reason! I don't give a shit about your reasons, burkinis don't harm anyone...

And for god sake we have much more important problems than that ><

It's like, your house is burning and someone is coming and saying "erg, the red isn't a good color for your roof"...

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: mOgliE on August 26, 2016, 10:51:23 PM
You cannot walk into a bank wearing this, the cops will be called

Or this

Its all about fear, and who is behind the mask.

Read this, points out a few good arguments  Burqa On Trial (

Those are good articles.  One thing, though.  It's not "fear."   There are a lot of good reasons we want to know, and deserve to know, who is behind the mask.

Would you take a check or a credit card transaction of substantial value from someone wearing a burka who gave you an ID card of someone wearing a burka?

Stupid argument. You have the right to ask the person to reveal their face when you're making a control of their ID. It doesn't mean you should ban it the rest of the time...

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: BADecker on August 26, 2016, 11:10:04 PM
Most of this thread is about bikinis, isn't it?

Bikinis? Burqinis? In Cannes They Test Your Swimsuit for ‘Secularism’ ( (

Not long after the horror in Nice a month ago—as soon as the police barricades were cleared, and while flowers and stuffed toys were piling up in memory of the 85 people who died—topless sunbathers were back on the beach beside the azure waters just below the scene of carnage on the Promenade des Anglais.

The banality of bare breasts seemed a statement of defiant normality, given where we were and what had happened: a two-bit sexual hustler with a Muslim background looking to turn his shitty little life into a global spectacle, apparently after he'd embraced the publicity campaign of the so-called Islamic State, drove a truck through the crowd that had been watching Bastille Day fireworks.

Read more at (


Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: otrkid70 on August 26, 2016, 11:19:03 PM
If you don't like the laws there perhaps you should Move?    Nope Anything to force that Bullshit Religion on others.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: countryfree on August 26, 2016, 11:37:24 PM

Well, let's welcome the future.

Somehow, it's easier in Saudi Arabia. Women have no right to go the beach. Problem solved! There used to be plenty of saudis and emiratis during summertime on the french riviera (I don't know if that's still the case, I haven't been there during summer for 3 years), and the women were really enjoying it because of all the freedom they can't have at home.

Many people had the dream that the freedom from Europe would move to the muslim world, but things are going the other way around. It's muslim restrictions which are brought to Europe. Sorry to point it out, but there are neighborhoods in France where a woman cannot wear a skirt anymore. Maybe in 20 years, women will be arrested for wearing a bikini. This is what muslims want.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: mOgliE on August 26, 2016, 11:39:52 PM
If you don't like the laws there perhaps you should Move?    Nope Anything to force that Bullshit Religion on others.


Or maybe you should have the right to say anything when the law was voted by a small elite without your opinion having ever count?

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: BADecker on August 26, 2016, 11:42:56 PM
If you don't like the laws there perhaps you should Move?    Nope Anything to force that Bullshit Religion on others.


Or maybe you should have the right to say anything when the law was voted by a small elite without your opinion having ever count?

He just means that France hasn't gotten to the point of using force like the countries of the Middle East have.


Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Masha Sha on August 27, 2016, 06:11:03 AM

Well, let's welcome the future.

Somehow, it's easier in Saudi Arabia. Women have no right to go the beach. Problem solved! There used to be plenty of saudis and emiratis during summertime on the french riviera (I don't know if that's still the case, I haven't been there during summer for 3 years), and the women were really enjoying it because of all the freedom they can't have at home.

Many people had the dream that the freedom from Europe would move to the muslim world, but things are going the other way around. It's muslim restrictions which are brought to Europe. Sorry to point it out, but there are neighborhoods in France where a woman cannot wear a skirt anymore. Maybe in 20 years, women will be arrested for wearing a bikini. This is what muslims want.

I don't support that at all... Too much bad experienced with those so called religious women... Will they ban beers? Will they be supremacists and engage native English and western foreigners while discriminating positively to protect their brothers and sisters or faith? Do they believe that the English law is superior to the Quran. I don't believe so...

Tiiiiimmmmmeeee tooooo ffffllllleeee the Uk.

You cannot walk into a bank wearing this, the cops will be called

Or this

Its all about fear, and who is behind the mask.

Read this, points out a few good arguments  Burqa On Trial (

A bank is a PRIVATE BUILDING like Facebook, their propriety, their laws.

Now I have a problem with burkinis in swimming pools. I don't think it's hygienic... Who knows if those clothes are cleaned...

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: DooMAD on August 27, 2016, 06:50:23 AM
You cannot walk into a bank wearing this, the cops will be called

Or this

Its all about fear, and who is behind the mask.

Except for the part where the face isn't actually covered, which is kind of a completely different argument.

Here are some diving/scuba wetsuits, the kind of thing people might wear at a place where you can go diving, like, I dunno... the beach maybe?

And by comparison, some burkinis:

The same amount of face is visible.  Or if anything, the wetsuits show a tiny bit less.  If one should be banned, so should the other, or you're a complete hypocrite. 

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: xhomerx10 on August 27, 2016, 07:06:42 AM

Well, let's welcome the future.

Somehow, it's easier in Saudi Arabia. Women have no right to go the beach. Problem solved! There used to be plenty of saudis and emiratis during summertime on the french riviera (I don't know if that's still the case, I haven't been there during summer for 3 years), and the women were really enjoying it because of all the freedom they can't have at home.

Many people had the dream that the freedom from Europe would move to the muslim world, but things are going the other way around. It's muslim restrictions which are brought to Europe. Sorry to point it out, but there are neighborhoods in France where a woman cannot wear a skirt anymore. Maybe in 20 years, women will be arrested for wearing a bikini. This is what muslims want.

I don't support that at all... Too much bad experienced with those so called religious women... Will they ban beers? Will they be supremacists and engage native English and western foreigners while discriminating positively to protect their brothers and sisters or faith? Do they believe that the English law is superior to the Quran. I don't believe so...

Tiiiiimmmmmeeee tooooo ffffllllleeee the Uk.

You cannot walk into a bank wearing this, the cops will be called

Or this

Its all about fear, and who is behind the mask.

Read this, points out a few good arguments  Burqa On Trial (

A bank is a PRIVATE BUILDING like Facebook, their propriety, their laws.

Now I have a problem with burkinis in swimming pools. I don't think it's hygienic... Who knows if those clothes are cleaned...

 I believe a bank would be considered a semi-public space.  Regardless of the definition, the space inside a private building doesn't lend one immunity to the laws of the state with the exception of foreign embassies and even then, only to a certain degree.  The burkini ban wasn't state law; it was regional and was overturned by the state.  The same fate would come to any rule, imposed by any business, that violated state law.
 At any rate, the bank has no authority to make laws.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Masha Sha on August 27, 2016, 07:17:19 AM
You serve cake to whom ever you want. You ban access to whom ever you want. The state can't discriminate, however a private business is the rule maker of his empire, how small or wide it can be.

Then you can't go in a swimsuit in swimming pools. Hygienic reasons.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: xhomerx10 on August 27, 2016, 07:34:33 AM
You serve cake to whom ever you want. You ban access to whom ever you want. The state can't discriminate, however a private business is the rule maker of his empire, how small or wide it can be.

Then you can't go in a swimsuit in swimming pools. Hygienic reasons.

 You can't ban access to whomever you want in my country.  Businesses in the US have tried to ban peopel carrying guns in open-carry states to no avail.  If people have the right to carry a gun, business owners cannot bar them from entry because they carry a gun.  What you are saying is simply untrue.

 Swimming pools are heavily chlorinated.  I'm not sure what you're on about.  I would be more worried about tuberculosis than anything transmissible via pool water.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Masha Sha on August 27, 2016, 07:38:21 AM
You serve cake to whom ever you want. You ban access to whom ever you want. The state can't discriminate, however a private business is the rule maker of his empire, how small or wide it can be.

Then you can't go in a swimsuit in swimming pools. Hygienic reasons.

 You can't ban access to whomever you want in my country.  Businesses in the US have tried to ban peopel carrying guns in open-carry states to no avail.  If people have the right to carry a gun, business owners cannot bar them from entry because they carry a gun.  What you are saying is simply untrue.

 Swimming pools are heavily chlorinated.  I'm not sure what you're on about.  I would be more worried about tuberculosis than anything transmissible via pool water.

Chlorinated is not the answer... But shower before... How to clean with a burkinis on? Good luck entering a bank with your ar on your back...

You don't accept that in my world a business is suprem with his laws, specially when it s not a threat to you (gmo, nukes excluded for example). If you don't agree boycott!

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: xhomerx10 on August 27, 2016, 08:12:15 AM
You serve cake to whom ever you want. You ban access to whom ever you want. The state can't discriminate, however a private business is the rule maker of his empire, how small or wide it can be.

Then you can't go in a swimsuit in swimming pools. Hygienic reasons.

 You can't ban access to whomever you want in my country.  Businesses in the US have tried to ban peopel carrying guns in open-carry states to no avail.  If people have the right to carry a gun, business owners cannot bar them from entry because they carry a gun.  What you are saying is simply untrue.

 Swimming pools are heavily chlorinated.  I'm not sure what you're on about.  I would be more worried about tuberculosis than anything transmissible via pool water.

Chlorinated is not the answer... But shower before... How to clean with a burkinis on? Good luck entering a bank with your ar on your back...

You don't accept that in my world a business is suprem with his laws, specially when it s not a threat to you (gmo, nukes excluded for example). If you don't agree boycott!

 As I said, businesses can't make laws.  Your world has yet to come into existence but we may not be far from a world where businesses make the laws.  At this point in time, the best they can do is lobby government officials (possibly bribe depending on the country).

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: BADecker on August 27, 2016, 08:19:52 AM
You serve cake to whom ever you want. You ban access to whom ever you want. The state can't discriminate, however a private business is the rule maker of his empire, how small or wide it can be.

Then you can't go in a swimsuit in swimming pools. Hygienic reasons.

 You can't ban access to whomever you want in my country.  Businesses in the US have tried to ban peopel carrying guns in open-carry states to no avail.  If people have the right to carry a gun, business owners cannot bar them from entry because they carry a gun.  What you are saying is simply untrue.

 Swimming pools are heavily chlorinated.  I'm not sure what you're on about.  I would be more worried about tuberculosis than anything transmissible via pool water.

Chlorinated is not the answer... But shower before... How to clean with a burkinis on? Good luck entering a bank with your ar on your back...

You don't accept that in my world a business is suprem with his laws, specially when it s not a threat to you (gmo, nukes excluded for example). If you don't agree boycott!

 As I said, businesses can't make laws.  Your world has yet to come into existence but we may not be far from a world where businesses make the laws.  At this point in time, the best they can do is lobby government officials (possibly bribe depending on the country).

It has always been the business of governments to make the laws. When governments are tied to money like they are now, government becomes a business. It has been this way for at least hundreds of years.


Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Masha Sha on August 27, 2016, 08:20:19 AM
My ass you can always refuse a sell and force the customer to leave the promise. Private property.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: BADecker on August 27, 2016, 08:27:22 AM
My ass you can always refuse a sell and force the customer to leave the promise. Private property.

That must be why Bitcoin isn't making any headway into use in society.    8)

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: mOgliE on August 27, 2016, 08:33:57 AM
My ass you can always refuse a sell and force the customer to leave the promise. Private property.

Maybe in Murica but in civilised countries you can't ; )

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Masha Sha on August 27, 2016, 11:07:18 AM
My ass you can always refuse a sell and force the customer to leave the promise. Private property.

Maybe in Murica but in civilised countries you can't ; )

Like forcing a store to sell alcohol and what not when the owner want to run an halal shop... Very civilized. Bourbon at McDonald's?

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: SyGambler on August 27, 2016, 01:57:12 PM
I do respect the freedom that the person should wear whatever he wants
but when it comes to such thing then it's kinda tricky , simply the people in France don't like that so it should be banned
look to Saudi Arabia , all the women there should wear the full hijab because the population there don't even like to see a woman's hand !!
there are many foreign workers there that have wives and daughters and they are following the laws there

when you don't like the rules they you should simply look for another country

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: BADecker on August 27, 2016, 02:18:33 PM
There is a great enough variety of people in France that some like this and some like that. Some French people want to wear nothing, and some want to be completely hidden. Laws like this become laws simply because some people squawk loudly, and get government to change the laws.


Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Masha Sha on August 27, 2016, 03:11:36 PM
There is a great enough variety of people in France that some like this and some like that. Some French people want to wear nothing, and some want to be completely hidden. Laws like this become laws simply because some people squawk loudly, and get government to change the laws.


And it's a perfect distraction from recent terror attacks and channel coast mayhem...

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Spendulus on August 27, 2016, 04:40:38 PM
Here are some diving/scuba wetsuits, the kind of thing people might wear at a place where you can go diving, like, I dunno... the beach maybe?

And by comparison, some burkinis:

The same amount of face is visible.  Or if anything, the wetsuits show a tiny bit less.  If one should be banned, so should the other, or you're a complete hypocrite. 

You know that's ridiculous.  You are directly comparing "cold weather (cold water) gear" to what might be worn on the beach in the middle of summer.

If you don't believe me, try swimming in really cold water.  Please do report back.  And by the way, the burkini doesn't prevent the cold like the wetsuit does.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: zenitzz on August 27, 2016, 05:20:40 PM
Muslims do not want to integrate, they want France to change their standards to those of muslims and the fact that women want to wear burkinis is demonstrative that they will never, ever integrate.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: bryant.coleman on August 28, 2016, 04:42:02 AM
Muslims do not want to integrate, they want France to change their standards to those of muslims and the fact that women want to wear burkinis is demonstrative that they will never, ever integrate.

They don't feel the need to integrate. France is currently being ruled by the Socialist Party, and these people will stoop down to the Muslims for their votes. Also, in democracy, demography is very important. The Muslims represent a very strong coherent voting bloc, numbering somewhere between 7 million and 8 million. Soon, it will be very difficult to win the elections in France without the Muslim vote.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Masha Sha on August 28, 2016, 06:16:27 AM
Muslims do not want to integrate, they want France to change their standards to those of muslims and the fact that women want to wear burkinis is demonstrative that they will never, ever integrate.

They don't feel the need to integrate. France is currently being ruled by the Socialist Party, and these people will stoop down to the Muslims for their votes. Also, in democracy, demography is very important. The Muslims represent a very strong coherent voting bloc, numbering somewhere between 7 million and 8 million. Soon, it will be very difficult to win the elections in France without the Muslim vote.

Demographic suicide to win elections is beyond stupid. But when you think about the money you can make by being a corrupt politicians... And then leave the shit behind and go an island in the middle of the ocean... What is sad is that some voters can't grasp it. They are deluded in the discourses and unable to see the deeds.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: mindrust on August 28, 2016, 06:24:30 AM
Burkinis is not belong to this world, let alone the beaches. We live in the 21th century ffs, time to learn dressing up like a human being, not like a suicide terrorist. Wrapping up yourself with thick, black clothes under the bright sun is not good for human health in the first place. Europe failed to educate them. Shame.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Masha Sha on August 28, 2016, 06:35:18 AM
Burkinis is not belong to this world, let alone the beaches. We live in the 21th century ffs, time to learn dressing up like a human being, not like a suicide terrorist. Wrapping up yourself with thick, black clothes under the bright sun is not good for human health in the first place. Europe failed to educate them. Shame.

The most uneducated is always certain...

Unless he deliberately tries to hurt...

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: DooMAD on August 28, 2016, 09:30:22 AM
You know that's ridiculous.  You are directly comparing "cold weather (cold water) gear" to what might be worn on the beach in the middle of summer.

If you don't believe me, try swimming in really cold water.  Please do report back.  And by the way, the burkini doesn't prevent the cold like the wetsuit does.

Still less ridiculous than thinking you have the right to tell anyone what they can or can't wear when it causes zero harm to anyone else.  For a forum that's supposedly full of libertarians, there's quite a few authoritarian traditionalists about who clearly don't believe in any form of personal freedom whatsoever.  Who gives a shit if it doesn't prevent the cold?  It's their choice.  Not yours.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: bryant.coleman on August 28, 2016, 10:16:56 AM
Burkinis is not belong to this world, let alone the beaches. We live in the 21th century ffs, time to learn dressing up like a human being, not like a suicide terrorist. Wrapping up yourself with thick, black clothes under the bright sun is not good for human health in the first place. Europe failed to educate them. Shame.

I don't care about their health, as long as they stay the fu*k out of my sight in the beaches. Having a few women clad in burkinis make a sore sight for the thousands of others, who want to enjoy some spare time on the beaches. If they want to wear burkinis so much, then why can't they book some private coastal resort and stay there?

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: mOgliE on August 28, 2016, 10:23:12 AM
You know that's ridiculous.  You are directly comparing "cold weather (cold water) gear" to what might be worn on the beach in the middle of summer.

If you don't believe me, try swimming in really cold water.  Please do report back.  And by the way, the burkini doesn't prevent the cold like the wetsuit does.

Still less ridiculous than thinking you have the right to tell anyone what they can or can't wear when it causes zero harm to anyone else.  For a forum that's supposedly full of libertarians, there's quite a few authoritarian traditionalists about who clearly don't believe in any form of personal freedom whatsoever.  Who gives a shit if it doesn't prevent the cold?  It's their choice.  Not yours.

The more I read you the more I like you!
Crazy to see those "btc is freedom" people asking for laws that forbid people to wear certain clothes...

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Masha Sha on August 28, 2016, 10:43:51 AM
You know that's ridiculous.  You are directly comparing "cold weather (cold water) gear" to what might be worn on the beach in the middle of summer.

If you don't believe me, try swimming in really cold water.  Please do report back.  And by the way, the burkini doesn't prevent the cold like the wetsuit does.

Still less ridiculous than thinking you have the right to tell anyone what they can or can't wear when it causes zero harm to anyone else.  For a forum that's supposedly full of libertarians, there's quite a few authoritarian traditionalists about who clearly don't believe in any form of personal freedom whatsoever.  Who gives a shit if it doesn't prevent the cold?  It's their choice.  Not yours.

The more I read you the more I like you!
Crazy to see those "btc is freedom" people asking for laws that forbid people to wear certain clothes...

Authoritarian propaganda agents... And total control freaks who can't control their lives the way they want and as such report their weakness and frustration on others ;)

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: countryfree on August 28, 2016, 09:57:14 PM
You know that's ridiculous.  You are directly comparing "cold weather (cold water) gear" to what might be worn on the beach in the middle of summer.

If you don't believe me, try swimming in really cold water.  Please do report back.  And by the way, the burkini doesn't prevent the cold like the wetsuit does.

Still less ridiculous than thinking you have the right to tell anyone what they can or can't wear when it causes zero harm to anyone else.  For a forum that's supposedly full of libertarians, there's quite a few authoritarian traditionalists about who clearly don't believe in any form of personal freedom whatsoever.  Who gives a shit if it doesn't prevent the cold?  It's their choice.  Not yours.

The more I read you the more I like you!
Crazy to see those "btc is freedom" people asking for laws that forbid people to wear certain clothes...

Correct, except that it's the muslims who want to ban women from wearing certain clothes. Muslims don't want women to wear bikinis, and that burkini thing is only the beginning. Soon, they will also ban women from wearing skirts, and that's already happening in several countries, just like in some neighborhoods of France.

If someone wants to know what freedom looks like, a travel to a muslim country provides a quick lesson.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: popcorn1 on August 28, 2016, 10:53:17 PM
You know that's ridiculous.  You are directly comparing "cold weather (cold water) gear" to what might be worn on the beach in the middle of summer.

If you don't believe me, try swimming in really cold water.  Please do report back.  And by the way, the burkini doesn't prevent the cold like the wetsuit does.

Still less ridiculous than thinking you have the right to tell anyone what they can or can't wear when it causes zero harm to anyone else.  For a forum that's supposedly full of libertarians, there's quite a few authoritarian traditionalists about who clearly don't believe in any form of personal freedom whatsoever.  Who gives a shit if it doesn't prevent the cold?  It's their choice.  Not yours.
When i go to the beach i want to relax?..
Now when a Muslim walks on the beach with a burkini on i think as she got a bomb under that outfit
then i think will some more Muslims pop up and blow us up..
And why should i be made to feel like that in my own country who my family and many of them have fought and died for over history..

Now in Muslim countries we are not allowed to do many western things and we follow your laws.
Because if you don't well we all know what punishments Muslims dish out to each other..
You come here and think you fucking own us and it's your land..

Then they wont want to come here ;)..But if your not into ISLAM then your welcome with open arms..
Well done France for banning the burkini..Next step ban mosques  ;)..Seems your the only country brave enough to do it..
Don't worry if we don't see what we brexit people voted for UKIP will win the next election
and then the shit will hit the fan then..
It will get that bad if you got a gozzy eye you wont get in Britain ;D A joke by the way ;D..

Up to now very happy with Mrs may if she keeps up the good work no one will beat her in the next election  ;D..Lets us down NIGEL WILL BE BACK ;D..
He as no choice if we call for him it's is duty to the people..

Obey western law and if you don't like it take your desert law back to your desert where it belongs.
WE WESTERNERS HATE ISLAM..Lets not beat about the bush here..
We hate ISLAM so unless you obey our laws we will always be at conflict unless you bring many many more muslims to over run us then we have no choice..
Then who ever done this to there own country should be strung up by there necks for treason..

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Spendulus on August 29, 2016, 12:28:57 AM
You know that's ridiculous.  You are directly comparing "cold weather (cold water) gear" to what might be worn on the beach in the middle of summer.

If you don't believe me, try swimming in really cold water.  Please do report back.  And by the way, the burkini doesn't prevent the cold like the wetsuit does.

Still less ridiculous than thinking you have the right to tell anyone what they can or can't wear when it causes zero harm to anyone else.  For a forum that's supposedly full of libertarians, there's quite a few authoritarian traditionalists about who clearly don't believe in any form of personal freedom whatsoever.  Who gives a shit if it doesn't prevent the cold?  It's their choice.  Not yours.
And so I refuted one argument, and an entirely unrelated one is presented.

It's so argues for requiring bikinis, and he's now an "authoritarian traditionalist."

Let them find their own secluded fucking burkini beach.

You know that's ridiculous.  You are directly comparing "cold weather (cold water) gear" to what might be worn on the beach in the middle of summer.

If you don't believe me, try swimming in really cold water.  Please do report back.  And by the way, the burkini doesn't prevent the cold like the wetsuit does.

Still less ridiculous than thinking you have the right to tell anyone what they can or can't wear when it causes zero harm to anyone else.  For a forum that's supposedly full of libertarians, there's quite a few authoritarian traditionalists about who clearly don't believe in any form of personal freedom whatsoever.  Who gives a shit if it doesn't prevent the cold?  It's their choice.  Not yours.
When i go to the beach i want to relax?..
Now when a Muslim walks on the beach with a burkini on i think as she got a bomb under that outfit
then i think will some more Muslims pop up and blow us up..

I think that's a totally reasonable point of view.

Given the simple fact that they DO HIDE THINGS under their clothes.  Things that go boom.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Gronthaing on August 29, 2016, 01:27:15 AM
Stupid and sexist law. Though not very surprising coming from one of the most racist countries in europe. Looks like some people in france want to have their own moral police. Worst still they were trying to go after those sharing photos of police harassing people in the beach. Didn't like the bad rep they were getting. No law against it to back it up though.

Burkinis is not belong to this world, let alone the beaches. We live in the 21th century ffs, time to learn dressing up like a human being, not like a suicide terrorist. Wrapping up yourself with thick, black clothes under the bright sun is not good for human health in the first place. Europe failed to educate them. Shame.

I don't care about their health, as long as they stay the fu*k out of my sight in the beaches. Having a few women clad in burkinis make a sore sight for the thousands of others, who want to enjoy some spare time on the beaches. If they want to wear burkinis so much, then why can't they book some private coastal resort and stay there?

Do you want to ban fat people from the beach too? And old people? Ugly girls too? Might be on to something there.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: DooMAD on August 29, 2016, 08:34:13 AM
You know that's ridiculous.  You are directly comparing "cold weather (cold water) gear" to what might be worn on the beach in the middle of summer.

If you don't believe me, try swimming in really cold water.  Please do report back.  And by the way, the burkini doesn't prevent the cold like the wetsuit does.

Still less ridiculous than thinking you have the right to tell anyone what they can or can't wear when it causes zero harm to anyone else.  For a forum that's supposedly full of libertarians, there's quite a few authoritarian traditionalists about who clearly don't believe in any form of personal freedom whatsoever.  Who gives a shit if it doesn't prevent the cold?  It's their choice.  Not yours.
And so I refuted one argument, and an entirely unrelated one is presented.

It's so argues for requiring bikinis, and he's now an "authoritarian traditionalist."

Let them find their own secluded fucking burkini beach.

I was replying to an argument about covered faces and you came in with a completely unrelated and irrelevant argument about cold temperatures.  People do wear wetsuits in summer and are perfectly and legally entitled to do so.  Therefore, the same entitlement should apply to burkinis.  If you're not also arguing that wetsuits covering the head should be banned in summer as well, you're still a hypocrite.

When i go to the beach i want to relax?..
Now when a Muslim walks on the beach with a burkini on i think as she got a bomb under that outfit
then i think will some more Muslims pop up and blow us up..

If your sensibilities are really that delicate, I can't help but wonder how you even function on a day to day basis.  What you're basically saying is that terrorism has won and you spend all day jumping at shadows as a result.  Grow a pair.

When i go to the beach i want to relax?..
Now when a Muslim walks on the beach with a burkini on i think as she got a bomb under that outfit
then i think will some more Muslims pop up and blow us up..

I think that's a totally reasonable point of view.

You too, grow a pair.  And stop tarring everyone with the same brush.

Now in Muslim countries we are not allowed to do many western things and we follow your laws.
Because if you don't well we all know what punishments Muslims dish out to each other..

So we should totally fight fire with fire and become just as totalitarian as those countries.   Yeah, that makes sense.  ::)
That's the mentality you're supporting.  You're just becoming the opposite side of the same extremist coin.  You'll eventually turn into everything you claim to hate.  They are hard right authoritarians and you're a hard right authoritarian.  Peas in a pod.  I'm struggling to see the difference already.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: xhomerx10 on August 29, 2016, 08:58:51 AM
In all fairness, the only method used in recent history against hard-right authoritarians were extremely harsh sanctions (which were responsible for the death of millions of innocent children in Iraq) and all out war.  So has the west become hard-right authoritarians or have they just "grown a pair"?  I liken the burkini ban reaction to a sanction; the first step toward a resolution to this terrorist problem.  This isn't simply going to disappear, what do you mean by growing a pair?  It doesn't seem to be a viable solution.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: DooMAD on August 29, 2016, 09:19:23 AM
I liken the burkini ban reaction to a sanction; the first step toward a resolution to this terrorist problem.  This isn't simply going to disappear, what do you mean by growing a pair?  It doesn't seem to be a viable solution.

You're right that this isn't going to disappear, but it sounds like some people in this thread wish that non-whites would magically vanish because they feel threatened by the mere presence of them.  "Grow a pair" means, if you're living in fear of anyone with a different ethnicity or religion, you're a weak and spineless creature and you need to grow some balls and get used to it.  We're all human beings, but at the same time, we're all individuals and are perfectly entitled to be.  If you can't cope with people who are different to you, then the problem lies with you.  Stop trying to change other people to fit your ideals. 

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Masha Sha on August 29, 2016, 09:58:39 AM
You're right that this isn't going to disappear, but it sounds like some people in this thread wish that non-whites would magically vanish because they feel threatened by the mere presence of them. 

It's more than a wish... The theory goes that most opponents to the one world gov ruled by western olgicarchs have been white. The official narrative is that white are responsible for slavery and nazism.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: mOgliE on August 29, 2016, 12:36:42 PM
You know that's ridiculous.  You are directly comparing "cold weather (cold water) gear" to what might be worn on the beach in the middle of summer.

If you don't believe me, try swimming in really cold water.  Please do report back.  And by the way, the burkini doesn't prevent the cold like the wetsuit does.

Still less ridiculous than thinking you have the right to tell anyone what they can or can't wear when it causes zero harm to anyone else.  For a forum that's supposedly full of libertarians, there's quite a few authoritarian traditionalists about who clearly don't believe in any form of personal freedom whatsoever.  Who gives a shit if it doesn't prevent the cold?  It's their choice.  Not yours.

The more I read you the more I like you!
Crazy to see those "btc is freedom" people asking for laws that forbid people to wear certain clothes...

Correct, except that it's the muslims who want to ban women from wearing certain clothes. Muslims don't want women to wear bikinis, and that burkini thing is only the beginning. Soon, they will also ban women from wearing skirts, and that's already happening in several countries, just like in some neighborhoods of France.

If someone wants to know what freedom looks like, a travel to a muslim country provides a quick lesson.

No there is no place in france where you get hurt for not wearing a burka. That's just shit propaganda it doesn't happen.

And banning burkini isn't better than making them compulsory! In both cases you don't allow people a basic freedom which is to wear what they god damn want!

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: mOgliE on August 29, 2016, 12:42:14 PM
You know that's ridiculous.  You are directly comparing "cold weather (cold water) gear" to what might be worn on the beach in the middle of summer.

If you don't believe me, try swimming in really cold water.  Please do report back.  And by the way, the burkini doesn't prevent the cold like the wetsuit does.

Still less ridiculous than thinking you have the right to tell anyone what they can or can't wear when it causes zero harm to anyone else.  For a forum that's supposedly full of libertarians, there's quite a few authoritarian traditionalists about who clearly don't believe in any form of personal freedom whatsoever.  Who gives a shit if it doesn't prevent the cold?  It's their choice.  Not yours.
And so I refuted one argument, and an entirely unrelated one is presented.

It's so argues for requiring bikinis, and he's now an "authoritarian traditionalist."

Let them find their own secluded fucking burkini beach.

You know that's ridiculous.  You are directly comparing "cold weather (cold water) gear" to what might be worn on the beach in the middle of summer.

If you don't believe me, try swimming in really cold water.  Please do report back.  And by the way, the burkini doesn't prevent the cold like the wetsuit does.

Still less ridiculous than thinking you have the right to tell anyone what they can or can't wear when it causes zero harm to anyone else.  For a forum that's supposedly full of libertarians, there's quite a few authoritarian traditionalists about who clearly don't believe in any form of personal freedom whatsoever.  Who gives a shit if it doesn't prevent the cold?  It's their choice.  Not yours.
When i go to the beach i want to relax?..
Now when a Muslim walks on the beach with a burkini on i think as she got a bomb under that outfit
then i think will some more Muslims pop up and blow us up..

I think that's a totally reasonable point of view.

Given the simple fact that they DO HIDE THINGS under their clothes.  Things that go boom.

Yeah very reasonable point of view! Let's ban everyone and everything that doesn't suit you. So start with burkini,  then maybe young people because they make noise, then any people with dogs, and why not couples?

See, freedom stops where the freedom of others starts. It doesn't harm you in any way to see other people with burkini, so why should it be forbiden ?

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: European Central Bank on August 29, 2016, 01:36:14 PM
I find this whole thing really freaking bizarre. it's an item of clothing that fits the way they want to live their life. they are citizens of a supposedly free country who should be free to do what they want.

it's one thing to ban religious symbols from schools and public buildings, but I don't get that either, it's another level of weirdness to get heavy about this.

they do have track record about this though. I don't of any other country that forces you to wear speedos so it's evidently some glitch in the French psyche.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Masha Sha on August 29, 2016, 02:13:06 PM
You know that's ridiculous.  You are directly comparing "cold weather (cold water) gear" to what might be worn on the beach in the middle of summer.

If you don't believe me, try swimming in really cold water.  Please do report back.  And by the way, the burkini doesn't prevent the cold like the wetsuit does.

Still less ridiculous than thinking you have the right to tell anyone what they can or can't wear when it causes zero harm to anyone else.  For a forum that's supposedly full of libertarians, there's quite a few authoritarian traditionalists about who clearly don't believe in any form of personal freedom whatsoever.  Who gives a shit if it doesn't prevent the cold?  It's their choice.  Not yours.

The more I read you the more I like you!
Crazy to see those "btc is freedom" people asking for laws that forbid people to wear certain clothes...

Correct, except that it's the muslims who want to ban women from wearing certain clothes. Muslims don't want women to wear bikinis, and that burkini thing is only the beginning. Soon, they will also ban women from wearing skirts, and that's already happening in several countries, just like in some neighborhoods of France.

If someone wants to know what freedom looks like, a travel to a muslim country provides a quick lesson.

No there is no place in france where you get hurt for not wearing a burka. That's just shit propaganda it doesn't happen.

LoL a francist refuse to see reality... Pathological denial of reality detected.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Gronthaing on August 29, 2016, 06:27:55 PM
Now sarkozy is trying to score political points saying he will change the constitution to allow the ban if he gets reelected.

it's one thing to ban religious symbols from schools and public buildings, but I don't get that either, it's another level of weirdness to get heavy about this.

Different things. Banning religious symbols from schools and public buildings has to do with separation of church and state. The state not imposing a religion on people. Everyone is still able to choose what they want to believe in. This law is just stupid and unconstitutional.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: European Central Bank on August 29, 2016, 06:30:24 PM
This law is just stupid and unconstitutional.

I've spent a lot of time in france. there's a lot of stuff I couldn't put up with. it's about as close to communism as you're gonna get in Europe these days.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: xhomerx10 on August 29, 2016, 09:00:27 PM
This law is just stupid and unconstitutional.

I've spent a lot of time in france. there's a lot of stuff I couldn't put up with. it's about as close to communism as you're gonna get in Europe these days.

 So aside from the radical islamists randomly attacking and killing people, please tell us what stuff was unbearable for you.  What freedoms did you feel you didn't have while you were freely coming and going to this communist paradise?  List those things that you couldn't put up with.  Were you unable to find the new heavily guarded Charlie Hebdo office?  Did you miss an event at the Bataclan?  Was your sunbathing interrupted during the police investigation in Nice after Bastille Day?

 The law was made by regional governments as a reactionary measure to give the percpetion to the public that something was being done to protect them. This is what leaders do!  They come up with solutions to problems.  Elected representatives are not necessarily the brightest individuals but the beauty of living in a free society is that you have recourse and those laws can be appealed.  There is however, no coming back from having your life premaurely snuffed out by a misguided radical freely expressing himself with a rifle, knife, truck or bomb.

 Do you have answers to this problem?
 ...I doubt it.

 How about you Masha Sah?  You're great a posting the political issues... how about your solution?


Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: countryfree on August 29, 2016, 10:41:52 PM
We should invite a saudi woman to tell what she thinks.
I remember dining in Cannes a few years ago, when a group of 20 saudis arrived around midnight. They were all loud and flashing their money, with some women showing serious cleavage (as most women do in Cannes). It was obvious the women were having a good time, and enjoying the freedom they had in France.
More recently, in Geneva, I saw an arab walking with his woman fully veiled behind him, I can't say if she was having fun, but I don't think so.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Spendulus on August 29, 2016, 10:59:47 PM
You know that's ridiculous.  You are directly comparing "cold weather (cold water) gear" to what might be worn on the beach in the middle of summer.

If you don't believe me, try swimming in really cold water.  Please do report back.  And by the way, the burkini doesn't prevent the cold like the wetsuit does.

Still less ridiculous than thinking you have the right to tell anyone what they can or can't wear when it causes zero harm to anyone else.  For a forum that's supposedly full of libertarians, there's quite a few authoritarian traditionalists about who clearly don't believe in any form of personal freedom whatsoever.  Who gives a shit if it doesn't prevent the cold?  It's their choice.  Not yours.
And so I refuted one argument, and an entirely unrelated one is presented.

It's so argues for requiring bikinis, and he's now an "authoritarian traditionalist."

Let them find their own secluded fucking burkini beach.

You know that's ridiculous.  You are directly comparing "cold weather (cold water) gear" to what might be worn on the beach in the middle of summer.

If you don't believe me, try swimming in really cold water.  Please do report back.  And by the way, the burkini doesn't prevent the cold like the wetsuit does.

Still less ridiculous than thinking you have the right to tell anyone what they can or can't wear when it causes zero harm to anyone else.  For a forum that's supposedly full of libertarians, there's quite a few authoritarian traditionalists about who clearly don't believe in any form of personal freedom whatsoever.  Who gives a shit if it doesn't prevent the cold?  It's their choice.  Not yours.
When i go to the beach i want to relax?..
Now when a Muslim walks on the beach with a burkini on i think as she got a bomb under that outfit
then i think will some more Muslims pop up and blow us up..

I think that's a totally reasonable point of view.

Given the simple fact that they DO HIDE THINGS under their clothes.  Things that go boom.

Yeah very reasonable point of view! Let's ban everyone and everything that doesn't suit you. So start with burkini,  then maybe young people because they make noise, then any people with dogs, and why not couples?

See, freedom stops where the freedom of others starts. It doesn't harm you in any way to see other people with burkini, so why should it be forbiden ?
As usual you have no logic.

Dogs ARE regulated because they can bite and can have rabies.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: popcorn1 on August 30, 2016, 02:40:10 AM
You know that's ridiculous.  You are directly comparing "cold weather (cold water) gear" to what might be worn on the beach in the middle of summer.

If you don't believe me, try swimming in really cold water.  Please do report back.  And by the way, the burkini doesn't prevent the cold like the wetsuit does.

Still less ridiculous than thinking you have the right to tell anyone what they can or can't wear when it causes zero harm to anyone else.  For a forum that's supposedly full of libertarians, there's quite a few authoritarian traditionalists about who clearly don't believe in any form of personal freedom whatsoever.  Who gives a shit if it doesn't prevent the cold?  It's their choice.  Not yours.
And so I refuted one argument, and an entirely unrelated one is presented.

It's so argues for requiring bikinis, and he's now an "authoritarian traditionalist."

Let them find their own secluded fucking burkini beach.

You know that's ridiculous.  You are directly comparing "cold weather (cold water) gear" to what might be worn on the beach in the middle of summer.

If you don't believe me, try swimming in really cold water.  Please do report back.  And by the way, the burkini doesn't prevent the cold like the wetsuit does.

Still less ridiculous than thinking you have the right to tell anyone what they can or can't wear when it causes zero harm to anyone else.  For a forum that's supposedly full of libertarians, there's quite a few authoritarian traditionalists about who clearly don't believe in any form of personal freedom whatsoever.  Who gives a shit if it doesn't prevent the cold?  It's their choice.  Not yours.
When i go to the beach i want to relax?..
Now when a Muslim walks on the beach with a burkini on i think as she got a bomb under that outfit
then i think will some more Muslims pop up and blow us up..

I think that's a totally reasonable point of view.

Given the simple fact that they DO HIDE THINGS under their clothes.  Things that go boom.

Yeah very reasonable point of view! Let's ban everyone and everything that doesn't suit you. So start with burkini,  then maybe young people because they make noise, then any people with dogs, and why not couples?

See, freedom stops where the freedom of others starts. It doesn't harm you in any way to see other people with burkini, so why should it be forbiden ?
It's not forbidden if you go back to Muslim lands ;D..We are at war with Islam state..

Sentencing Of The Birmingham Jihadi Terror Cell - YouTube
Video for terrorists arrested in birmingham youtube▶ 3:41
21 Feb 2013 - Uploaded by Wrath0fKhan
CNN's Dan Rivers recounts the evidence against a British terror ring ... Irfan Naseer, Irfan Khalid and ..


Arrest Of Terror Suspect At U.K. Airport - YouTube
Video for terrorists arrested in birmingham youtube▶ 0:43
15 Apr 2016 - Uploaded by wochit News
... officials said five terror suspects were arrested in the U.K. The U... ... city of Birmingham on Thursday night ..

Bomb squad puts city street in lockdown after five men arrested in anti ...
Video for 4 terrorists arrested in birmingham▶ 0:32 › News › UK News › Terrorism
3 days ago
Heavy police presence in Birmingham after terror alert and arrests made ... and was warned by police that

Burkini symbol of ISLAM  ;D   ISLAM =BOMBS=DEATH=SADNESS..
And like i said i went the beach to relax  STRESS=CANCER

So it could harm me by getting blew up..
Then i could get cancer with the stress knowing we have a Muslim fanatic on the beach..
Now she must be a fanatic because why she gone that far to wear the Burkini in the first place?..

Now if a women come on the beach showing her body then said she was a muslim i would think oh she must be a moderate Muslim..My thinking not to serious about fairy tales hmm happy days..

I say give ISLAM UP and we can have peace ;D ;D..

Watch the priceless reaction of a Muslim when he came to ... - YouTube
Video for watch the priceless reaction of a muslim▶ 3:16

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Masha Sha on August 30, 2016, 05:25:25 AM
This law is just stupid and unconstitutional.

I've spent a lot of time in france. there's a lot of stuff I couldn't put up with. it's about as close to communism as you're gonna get in Europe these days.

 So aside from the radical islamists randomly attacking and killing people, please tell us what stuff was unbearable for you.  What freedoms did you feel you didn't have while you were freely coming and going to this communist paradise?  List those things that you couldn't put up with.  Were you unable to find the new heavily guarded Charlie Hebdo office?  Did you miss an event at the Bataclan?  Was your sunbathing interrupted during the police investigation in Nice after Bastille Day?

 The law was made by regional governments as a reactionary measure to give the percpetion to the public that something was being done to protect them. This is what leaders do!  They come up with solutions to problems.  Elected representatives are not necessarily the brightest individuals but the beauty of living in a free society is that you have recourse and those laws can be appealed.  There is however, no coming back from having your life premaurely snuffed out by a misguided radical freely expressing himself with a rifle, knife, truck or bomb.

 Do you have answers to this problem?
 ...I doubt it.

 How about you Masha Sah?  You're great a posting the political issues... how about your solution?


Ahaha... Be ready to be blown away!

So first France should tackle the young men... Why!?! Hehehe, this one you will have to figure it yourself. Btw where is price money? (You can always pm me for btc address).

So legalize cannabis, and kick start the weed economy, chateau cannabis, organic, highest quality to compete with the west coast. This would bring back sanity, justice, equality and fraternity.

Then as this is not a French issue, it must be seen in a global context. Ready?!? Isreal should take over the mount of the temple military. As soon as the fake French start to manifest violently, the purge begins. But be aware it's gonna be massive, revolt, cities burning and co.

But there is no other path. The goal isn't to jail the violent up risers in France but send them back in the Sahara.

Or with birth rate and demographic shitft (French baby boomers + crazy breeders = A Muslim will soon win the presidential election)... And as its clear supremacists always win as they see martyrdom in imposing the Quran as the only path to martyrdom.

This is the gift that those that wanted cheap labor from North Africa have let you... And it will never stop giving.

So do you like it?

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: xhomerx10 on August 30, 2016, 08:40:55 AM
This law is just stupid and unconstitutional.

I've spent a lot of time in france. there's a lot of stuff I couldn't put up with. it's about as close to communism as you're gonna get in Europe these days.

 So aside from the radical islamists randomly attacking and killing people, please tell us what stuff was unbearable for you.  What freedoms did you feel you didn't have while you were freely coming and going to this communist paradise?  List those things that you couldn't put up with.  Were you unable to find the new heavily guarded Charlie Hebdo office?  Did you miss an event at the Bataclan?  Was your sunbathing interrupted during the police investigation in Nice after Bastille Day?

 The law was made by regional governments as a reactionary measure to give the percpetion to the public that something was being done to protect them. This is what leaders do!  They come up with solutions to problems.  Elected representatives are not necessarily the brightest individuals but the beauty of living in a free society is that you have recourse and those laws can be appealed.  There is however, no coming back from having your life premaurely snuffed out by a misguided radical freely expressing himself with a rifle, knife, truck or bomb.

 Do you have answers to this problem?
 ...I doubt it.

 How about you Masha Sah?  You're great a posting the political issues... how about your solution?


Ahaha... Be ready to be blown away!

So first France should tackle the young men... Why!?! Hehehe, this one you will have to figure it yourself. Btw where is price money? (You can always pm me for btc address).

So legalize cannabis, and kick start the weed economy, chateau cannabis, organic, highest quality to compete with the west coast. This would bring back sanity, justice, equality and fraternity.

Then as this is not a French issue, it must be seen in a global context. Ready?!? Isreal should take over the mount of the temple military. As soon as the fake French start to manifest violently, the purge begins. But be aware it's gonna be massive, revolt, cities burning and co.

But there is no other path. The goal isn't to jail the violent up risers in France but send them back in the Sahara.

Or with birth rate and demographic shitft (French baby boomers + crazy breeders = A Muslim will soon win the presidential election)... And as its clear supremacists always win as they see martyrdom in imposing the Quran as the only path to martyrdom.

This is the gift that those that wanted cheap labor from North Africa have let you... And it will never stop giving.

So do you like it?

 Yes, I appreciate the fact that you have considered some solutions.  I like your deportation option. 
Sure, France showed short-sightedness in employing cheap labour but it allowed their economy to become one of the strongest in europe.  Les Banlieues continues to be a problem for France with nearly 50% unemployment and seriously impoverished conditions.  No doubt these areas will become more problematic with continued immigration from low-skilled asylum seekers.  France needs to deal with this before anything else.   That costs money though, whereas banning the burkini cost virtually nothing.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Masha Sha on August 30, 2016, 09:35:35 AM
The biggest problem I see with those ghettos is:

- weed illegal, making the drug trade prosper... And all the illegal victim full activities too (gun trade, human trafficking etc).

- if you don't wear a hijab your a slut and can be gang raped in a cave.

- as you said a lot of illegal unregistered people there.

- 0 support for the republic like you said, visible soon at the soccer World Cup where all the flags are on display but the French one. Of course if the cops are always harassing for plants... How to like the republic

- these buildings are from Soviet Union... Even worst. Proximity is unbearable.

- very few success stories but pushing a ball...

Then the goal isn't to deport peaceful protest against the return of the mount of the temple... But the violent ones.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Losvienleg on August 30, 2016, 12:00:41 PM
One of the main principles of the French Republic is the laďcité. It is the total disconnection, even the hate between State and religion. In that way, wearing religious clothes is prohibited.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Spoetnik on August 30, 2016, 02:12:06 PM


..what a slut (the guy)

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Masha Sha on August 30, 2016, 02:18:58 PM
What really shocks me is when someone says that there could be a bomb under the burkini... Bagpack anyone? It's hopeless  :-[

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Spendulus on August 30, 2016, 04:37:18 PM

There is no problem here.  Just let them wear wetsuits.   

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Masha Sha on August 30, 2016, 05:10:23 PM

Wet suits are slim, stick to the skin... While burkinis are ampler... Too much and they would sink ;)

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: bryant.coleman on August 30, 2016, 06:08:01 PM
..what a slut (the guy)

There is no problem here.  Just let them wear wetsuits.   

Right on the point there. France is a secular country (although the overwhelming majority are Catholics) and outward display of religiosity is not welcome. If the Muslims simply want to cover up, then why can't they wear the wetsuit, which is perfectly legal? They don't want to wear them, because they want to display their religiosity.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Gimpeline on August 30, 2016, 06:27:34 PM
Its just a few fat old guys that is angry that a few boobs will be cowered up.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: DooMAD on August 30, 2016, 07:10:48 PM
There is no problem here.  Just let them wear wetsuits.   

If the Muslims simply want to cover up, then why can't they wear the wetsuit, which is perfectly legal? They don't want to wear them, because they want to display their religiosity.

And also because they know that the types of people pushing for this ban would simply use this as a stepping stone to more wide-ranging bans including all religious head-wear in all places, not just the beach.  Why would anyone openly play along with that agenda and willingly give up the right to wear whatever they please?  It's clear to anyone this is nothing more than a nationalist ploy to attempt to legitimise discrimination against minorities.  

Speaking of legal, it's now the mayors that are in the wrong by continuing to enforce the ban when the courts have deemed the ban itself illegal.  It's still demonising one particular religion out of many.  I don't see anyone in the thread calling for bans on tznius scarves or habits, because you aren't afraid of Jews and Catholics.  And that's what this entire debate is about.  Your fears.  Your weaknesses.  Your inability to cope with those different to you.

If you actually read the interview by the person who designed the first Burkini, you'd see it was intended to allow more integration, as it wasn't practical to wear hijabs in the water, so Muslim women simply weren't able to go in the water.  You claim you want integration, but you're trying to ban something that encourages it:

While French officials argued the burkini represents Islam’s inability to assimilate to France’s values, the burkini was actually invented to allow Muslim women to participate more in Western culture.

"I created [burkinis] to stop Muslim children from missing out on swimming lessons and sports activities," she said. "I hope the French prime minister and the mayors see that they should find out how to combine communities, how to work around issues, instead of harming the community, taking the beach away from some people and punishing them. That’s just hatred."

And again, authoritarian bans on styles of clothing are identical to the ones in those hardline Islamic countries you claim you don't approve of.  If your plan is to fight fire with fire and become just as totalitarian as those countries, you can't claim to be any more enlightened than they are.  The authoritarian approach is not the right one and will only serve to further raise tensions.  Forced conformity is a disgusting notion and you should all be ashamed of yourselves for allowing your fears to overcome reason.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: popcorn1 on August 30, 2016, 07:11:53 PM

Wet suits are slim, stick to the skin... While burkinis are ampler... Too much and they would sink ;)
So why is china removing crosses off buildings ;D..And the buildings are not owned by the state private property?..
Mind you is there any such thing in china as private property?..

Here in the UK we had catholic and protestant at each other for hundreds of years and in the 21st century it was starting to fade away peace amongst the 2 religions..

Now many different type of Muslims come over here to our lands and will start all that religious shit that we British had for hundreds of years and it was pathetic..

I would rather die before my country becomes a Muslim nation because it's a horrible religion..
And i am not scared more aware of what could happen so i can act ;)..

Now the best way to act if i see a Muslim with a burka or Burkini on is be ready to run :D :D..
And i would never fly on a plane with a woman with a burka on ;D

I hate flying on planes and it would make my journey even worse ;D.

The day i will become relaxed is when a Jew man with the big hat and curly locks marries a Muslim woman in a burka and both let each other believe in there own religions..
Both walk hand in hand down the street both respecting each others religions...

Then we will know it's a religion of peace ;D ;D..

Now in the UK we had the same problem if a catholic married a protestant or a jew or a muslim your parents would of got rid of you in a flash..
And now both religions can marry who they like ;D..Because the 1960 and 70s was about peace and love and flower power ;D ;D..A new way to live no religion or race to separate each other..

Because if anyone knows about religion and the wars it can cause it's us BRITISH and FRENCH..
And all for what FAIRY TALES... AND while someone makes money selling weapons so they can line there own pockets ;)..

Mrs MAY will sort this situation out because if Britain is going to believe in a religion we will only settle for Christianity and Jewish as the main religions..

And in my eyes the only religion you should teach your children is about JESUS and Santa clause
Because by the time the kids grow up they will know that both are bullshit stories but both teach about love and kindness..So good for children..

I like the sound of MERRY CHRISTMAS come November and so does MR TRUMP ;D

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: coinzat on August 30, 2016, 07:54:18 PM
when people say that there is a connection between burkini and terrorism they make me laugh. because extremists do not consider burkini allowed for women because it is narrow and shows their busy shape.

so France banning is for their benefit

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: popcorn1 on August 30, 2016, 08:13:13 PM
And another thing i forgot to mention..
You Muslims and other nations say well it's your turn you westerners went around and done what we Muslims are doing now like you did with Christianity?

Well let me tell you something when we British went around the world killing in the name of Christianity we British also had to believe the religion so even we made our own people suffer just like ISIS is doing now all in the name of religion..

Take a look around the world who does the suffering? the kings and queens? the politicians?
The Bishops? the pope?..

So before you judge about why we don't want burkas or burkini you need to do some history and what we people had under our own religious laws in the past..
And what we had to do to get our freedom from religious laws and king and queen laws..

Now if they where living in there own muslim land they wouldn't want to wear the Burka or burkini
because they be made to wear it..And why have you left your own muslim country?..
Because of your muslim laws that's why you flee..
And then they have the cheek to come to our lands to spread there olden day backward thinking on us westerners and shout outside our government buildings about how sharia law will take over our nation..
If Christians shouted out side there Muslim rulers they be killed..So it's a good job we don't live in 1700s if you done it in the UK at that time in history you would have a spike rammed up your but hole..
Have the respect to respect our laws and not bring your own shitty laws like SHARIA ;)..

The USA are asking for a politician to be jailed  :o :o :o..Never thought i see this action happen to an american politician..Maybe times are changing..

TREY GOWDY..You are a special guy and it is the peoples law and no one is above the law ;D..
USA you have a great man keep him safe ;)..

Trey gowdy you know the law is written by the people for the people and no one is above the law..
Not even your god and he is very religious..TOP MAN ;D

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: countryfree on August 30, 2016, 10:24:56 PM
I remember that a few weeks ago, the mayor of London outlawed some advertisements on the subway because they were too suggestive. I believe muslims, all muslims, have a real problem with the female body.

I, for one, do not have any problem with the female body. I could handle women in mini-skirts everywhere. The beach was a great place where all humans were at the same level, the old and the young, the slim and the fat, all at the same level because of the very little clothing everybody's wearing. Please, keep it that way.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Spendulus on August 31, 2016, 12:46:34 AM
when people say that there is a connection between burkini and terrorism they make me laugh. because extremists do not consider burkini allowed for women because it is narrow and shows their busy shape.

so France banning is for their benefit

That's pretty logical, except that you do not take into account the basic Islamic concept of Takiyya, which basically translates into lying for the sake of Islam; more precisely, adopting Western standards in public so as to infiltrate and destroy the enemy.

So you are actually 100% wrong, because it is exactly the extremists who would use such a tactic as authorized by their holy books.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Masha Sha on August 31, 2016, 06:10:43 AM
In my opinion popcorn1 raise a good question: why did they left the paradise of shakiralaw and went to the west?

Personally I think there are different angles to see this.

1st and foremost: exponential breeding is unsustainable for any population. The rate of production of what ever has difficulty to match the unleashed biological growth rate of human population... Or rephrased there is no problem with exponential population growth until there is... Which means a big drop. Furthermore when you compound that most of Islamic countries are pretty dry to say the least, the demographic pressure only intensify. Then on a more basic level it's too a lot of stress on infrastructures and public services to have an exponentially growing population.

Another aspect is polygamy. As those with access to asset take more women for themselves, there is a shortage...

Then there is a way to classify foreigners depending on different parameters:

1) like spendulus said: the hijrah people practicing takyha. They are the demographic weapon of supremacist Islam. There goal is to conquer the west and the world through demography. Breed faster than the natives and become the majority. Create no go zone with shakira rule. Expropriate the natives and make shakira law the law of the land.

2) the other wing of supremacist Islam, the jeehadees. Open warfare. Compared to the Hijra people its more action than slow grinding... However it's quite more brutal. There the goal is to exterminate all non compliant population. The fun day is when they discover what an ac-130 gunship is...

And his little brothers in the uav class...

They are live practice targets in live Munition shuffling. Nothing more.

3) those that want to live in the west and oppose the shakiralaw and prefer western democracy. Why wouldn't they. Some wanna be free from shakiralaw. Some wanna wear burkinis other strings. Who cares. Their brothers wanna drink beer, water or smoke hash. Who (@R3$.

At the end there is one simple question: if you don't recognize the total absolute undisputed supremacy of the us constitution and bill of rights in the territories of the United States or America, are you ready to die? Your mother or belief could be who or what ever it doesn't make a difference if your name is David Rockefeller or Mahmoud Ben Xx. You are an enemy of the United States of America. Advice: make preparation for your funeral...

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Febo on August 31, 2016, 09:38:21 AM
Watch out when China tourists start to invade France beaches.!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/gallery_1200/women-wear-facekini-china.jpg

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: xhomerx10 on August 31, 2016, 09:56:29 AM
^^They have to dress like that at their beaches.  Those are special chemical-resistant suits that prevent the skin from dissolving while they swim in the pollution.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: bryant.coleman on August 31, 2016, 12:06:11 PM
^^They have to dress like that at their beaches.  Those are special chemical-resistant suits that prevent the skin from dissolving while they swim in the pollution.

LOL... still they can't be officially banned in the European Union. These suits give no indication about the religious affiliation of the user. The burkinis were banned not because they were covering the body, but due to their outward religiosity. And that is why I am saying that all this nonsense must stop. Muslim ladies can wear full body swimwear and no one would be complaining.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Spendulus on August 31, 2016, 01:46:13 PM
In my opinion popcorn1 raise a good question: why did they left the paradise of shakiralaw and went to the west?

Personally I think there are different angles to see this.

1st and foremost: exponential breeding is unsustainable for any population. The rate of production of what ever has difficulty to match the unleashed biological growth rate of human population... Or rephrased there is no problem with exponential population growth until there is... Which means a big drop. Furthermore when you compound that most of Islamic countries are pretty dry to say the least, the demographic pressure only intensify. Then on a more basic level it's too a lot of stress on infrastructures and public services to have an exponentially growing population.

Another aspect is polygamy. As those with access to asset take more women for themselves, there is a shortage...

Then there is a way to classify foreigners depending on different parameters:

1) like spendulus said: the hijrah people practicing takyha. They are the demographic weapon of supremacist Islam. There goal is to conquer the west and the world through demography. Breed faster than the natives and become the majority. Create no go zone with shakira rule. Expropriate the natives and make shakira law the law of the land.

2) the other wing of supremacist Islam, the jeehadees. Open warfare. Compared to the Hijra people its more action than slow grinding... However it's quite more brutal. There the goal is to exterminate all non compliant population. The fun day is when they discover what an ac-130 gunship is...

And his little brothers in the uav class...

They are live practice targets in live Munition shuffling. Nothing more.

3) those that want to live in the west and oppose the shakiralaw and prefer western democracy. Why wouldn't they. Some wanna be free from shakiralaw. Some wanna wear burkinis other strings. Who cares. Their brothers wanna drink beer, water or smoke hash. Who (@R3$.

At the end there is one simple question: if you don't recognize the total absolute undisputed supremacy of the us constitution and bill of rights in the territories of the United States or America, are you ready to die? Your mother or belief could be who or what ever it doesn't make a difference if your name is David Rockefeller or Mahmoud Ben Xx. You are an enemy of the United States of America. Advice: make preparation for your funeral...

I truly suspect this burkini thing is yet another Islam tactic to get their crap to the front pages and in front of everyone's faces.   

Hijack the news, make it all about fucking religion.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: mOgliE on August 31, 2016, 09:41:37 PM
One of the main principles of the French Republic is the laďcité. It is the total disconnection, even the hate between State and religion. In that way, wearing religious clothes is prohibited.

No, wearing religious clothes are prohibited inside state building! But you can wear whatever you want in public place!

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: DooMAD on August 31, 2016, 10:44:38 PM
I truly suspect this burkini thing is yet another Islam tactic to get their crap to the front pages and in front of everyone's faces.  

Hijack the news, make it all about fucking religion.

You seem to suspect quite a few strange and wonderful things.  

a) If there were no ban, there would be no controversy and thus, no headlines.  These are just ordinary people who want to go to the beach in peace.  People like you are the ones making it all about religion.
b) Right wing nationalists are the ones with the devious tactics at work here.  The ban a blatant attempt to legitimise discrimination.  It wouldn't be in everyone's faces if xenophobes stopped being so easily offended.
c) The billionaires who own the newspapers decide what the headlines are.  If the story isn't going away, it means someone with money has an agenda.  Islam isn't hijacking the news, they're being attacked by it.

If you're going to come up with crazed conspiracy theories, at least make them somewhat plausible.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Spendulus on September 01, 2016, 12:44:03 AM
I truly suspect this burkini thing is yet another Islam tactic to get their crap to the front pages and in front of everyone's faces.  

Hijack the news, make it all about fucking religion.

You seem to suspect quite a few strange and wonderful things.  

a) If there were no ban, there would be no controversy and thus, no headlines.  These are just ordinary people who want to go to the beach in peace.  People like you are the ones making it all about religion.
b) Right wing nationalists are the ones with the devious tactics at work here.  The ban a blatant attempt to legitimise discrimination.  It wouldn't be in everyone's faces if xenophobes stopped being so easily offended.
c) The billionaires who own the newspapers decide what the headlines are.  If the story isn't going away, it means someone with money has an agenda.  Islam isn't hijacking the news, they're being attacked by it.

If you're going to come up with crazed conspiracy theories, at least make them somewhat plausible.

The France burkini row has deepened after claims that photos of a Muslim woman forced to remove her swimwear by armed police on a beach were staged.

French politicians and media questioned the controversial incident in Nice on Tuesday and asked why the woman was lying down on a beach with no towel, book or parasol in the full glare of the midday sun near a police post - with a photographer nearby.

They are fears France's controversial burkini ban, which began in Cannes, may be leapt upon as a propaganda tool by Islamic extremists. 

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: popcorn1 on September 01, 2016, 02:34:56 AM
I truly suspect this burkini thing is yet another Islam tactic to get their crap to the front pages and in front of everyone's faces.  

Hijack the news, make it all about fucking religion.

You seem to suspect quite a few strange and wonderful things.  

a) If there were no ban, there would be no controversy and thus, no headlines.  These are just ordinary people who want to go to the beach in peace.  People like you are the ones making it all about religion.
b) Right wing nationalists are the ones with the devious tactics at work here.  The ban a blatant attempt to legitimise discrimination.  It wouldn't be in everyone's faces if xenophobes stopped being so easily offended.
c) The billionaires who own the newspapers decide what the headlines are.  If the story isn't going away, it means someone with money has an agenda.  Islam isn't hijacking the news, they're being attacked by it.

If you're going to come up with crazed conspiracy theories, at least make them somewhat plausible.
UK Christian clergy told not to wear clerical collars in public for fear of ...
12 hours ago - “Vicars are told not to wear dog collars in public as experts fear ISIS will target British church in next attack,” by Alexander Ward, Daily Mail, ..

Sounds like Islam is hijacking our vicars and want to kill them for wearing a collar I.E An item of clothing?..
And us westerners only wanted them to remove it or face a fine..

Muslims don't you think it's a bit harsh it's only a collar an item of clothing..
Oh so it's that old story..You know what we feel when you want the burka or burkini banned?..

But the thing is your in our country and we are at war with ISLAM STATEoftheshitholeyoucomefrom..

This is how thick our leaders are we are at war with ISLAM STATEoftheshitholeyoucomefrom
and we let our enemy walk around our towns and cities eyeing up potential bomb plots ::)..

But the worst is when you go on a day out there everywhere rubbing there religion in my face while i try not to be sick because of some dick politician changing the face of our nation for MUSLIM MONEY..

Also if your saying it's the medias fault all this Islam stuff..
Why would the media lie?..For what reason?

When i look at the news i see it's Muslims doing the killing for ISLAM..
Now when you look at the news what do you see?

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: popcorn1 on September 01, 2016, 03:03:35 AM
A French couple was viciously attacked by two 27-year-old Muslims for ordering ham on their pizza.

According to Breitbart, the victims left Le Mix Bar, a nightclub in Cambrésis, France and went to grab a slice at a food vendor nearby. Youness Boussaid and Fatah Bouzid approached the couple and offered them cocaine.

When they noticed the pizza the couple ordered had ham on it, the two Muslims freaked out and and told the man and woman they would “go to hell” for eating it.

They then caressed the woman's blonde hair and forced fingers into her nose, causing her to fall and lose consciousness. When her partner tried to intervene the two Muslims began beating him. Luckily, security from the club were able to stop the assault.

Boussaid and Bouzid fled in a car they rented in Belgium. The plate led to the men being identified.

WATCH: Muslims chant “Allahu Akbar” while torching buses in France

They were later identified by the pizza chef, the victims, and another witness, and photos certified their presence at the scene. They continued to deny the evidence in court.

Eventually, they were sentenced to a year and six months in prison. In addition, they had to each pay €1,500 in damages.

So we moan about a burka and a burkini..
muslims moan about collars and ham pizza..
See i have been saying that Muslims and westerners are from 2 different planets so it's time muslims packed there bags and went home back to Muslim lands..

WHAT you don't need to pack your bags your going to turn our lands into Muslim lands >:(..
Yes i know you think this and this is why I know we will go to war..SAD BUT TRUE..

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: popcorn1 on September 01, 2016, 04:13:27 AM
I truly suspect this burkini thing is yet another Islam tactic to get their crap to the front pages and in front of everyone's faces.  

Hijack the news, make it all about fucking religion.

You seem to suspect quite a few strange and wonderful things.  

a) If there were no ban, there would be no controversy and thus, no headlines.  These are just ordinary people who want to go to the beach in peace.  People like you are the ones making it all about religion.
b) Right wing nationalists are the ones with the devious tactics at work here.  The ban a blatant attempt to legitimise discrimination.  It wouldn't be in everyone's faces if xenophobes stopped being so easily offended.
c) The billionaires who own the newspapers decide what the headlines are.  If the story isn't going away, it means someone with money has an agenda.  Islam isn't hijacking the news, they're being attacked by it.

If you're going to come up with crazed conspiracy theories, at least make them somewhat plausible.

The France burkini row has deepened after claims that photos of a Muslim woman forced to remove her swimwear by armed police on a beach were staged.

French politicians and media questioned the controversial incident in Nice on Tuesday and asked why the woman was lying down on a beach with no towel, book or parasol in the full glare of the midday sun near a police post - with a photographer nearby.

They are fears France's controversial burkini ban, which began in Cannes, may be leapt upon as a propaganda tool by Islamic extremists. 

After reading the story i was puzzled why isis would also like the ban ???..

But campaigners say the burkini ban is 'exactly what ISIS wants'..
Very good of isis at least we agree on something ;D..

Oh i see the Muslims suppose to go crazy over the ban and cause loads of trouble..

Also to you freedom people you don't understand what will happen if islam spreads to our western lands and becomes the leading force..
Women you have fought for your freedom for thousands of years and in the 21st century your just starting to become equal in the west only just now your getting your rights the same as a man..

If islam takes over you can kiss good bye to all your rights as a woman..
Because when something become more of the other we humans do what the most want done

So why on earth would you want to be a mans slave?..
Look even a ham pizza upset muslims in france not even there own place of origin and they want to beat you over a pizza..
Now imagine if they become the most type of people what will it be like walking down the street then..
So if your going to let Islam spread and become the major people in your land then be prepared for the consequences..
Lets see if the want the burka and burkini then..

OH and if your thinking that will never happen...THINK AGAIN..

RA had same problem with the Jews..trying to take over and they won
Jews had same problem with Christians..trying to take over and they won

And in the 21st century the Christians have the same problem with the muslims..
NOW HAVE THEY TOOK OVER AND WON YET?..but they sure are taking the piss tho

Do you see the pattern once they become the most then the madness comes then..
It's the women i feel sorry for :'( :'(..

But some woman are so stupid and have no clue as to what there doing ;D..
Example..Oh i will wear one of those burkini to hide my fat body..
Not knowing they are promoting ISLAM..
Then one day it will be you better leave it on or i will whip you..

But don't worry if you get fat we men can always marry another one ;)
and no i don't want to but i am sure many will..


Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Masha Sha on September 01, 2016, 07:43:47 AM
Very good post, specially the part about ham in the pizza!!! Terrorists. Air lift, Sahara desert, land open plan gate, move out, take water you can carry, good bye and good luck! Take off, next rotation. They become violent there: engage drones. Wipe, rinse and repeat.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: DooMAD on September 01, 2016, 07:29:46 PM
I truly suspect this burkini thing is yet another Islam tactic to get their crap to the front pages and in front of everyone's faces.  

Hijack the news, make it all about fucking religion.

You seem to suspect quite a few strange and wonderful things.  

a) If there were no ban, there would be no controversy and thus, no headlines.  These are just ordinary people who want to go to the beach in peace.  People like you are the ones making it all about religion.
b) Right wing nationalists are the ones with the devious tactics at work here.  The ban a blatant attempt to legitimise discrimination.  It wouldn't be in everyone's faces if xenophobes stopped being so easily offended.
c) The billionaires who own the newspapers decide what the headlines are.  If the story isn't going away, it means someone with money has an agenda.  Islam isn't hijacking the news, they're being attacked by it.

If you're going to come up with crazed conspiracy theories, at least make them somewhat plausible.

The France burkini row has deepened after claims that photos of a Muslim woman forced to remove her swimwear by armed police on a beach were staged.

French politicians and media questioned the controversial incident in Nice on Tuesday and asked why the woman was lying down on a beach with no towel, book or parasol in the full glare of the midday sun near a police post - with a photographer nearby.

They are fears France's controversial burkini ban, which began in Cannes, may be leapt upon as a propaganda tool by Islamic extremists.  

I can assure you I'm not likely to be swayed by any swill from the Daily Fail.  Of all the odious gutter rags out there, I find theirs by far the most contemptible.  I could find more journalistic integrity from a single person in a mental asylum scrawling gibberish on the walls using their own excrement than from the entire staff of the Daily Fail combined.  

Also, their only "evidence" of it being staged is "no towel, book or parasol"?  I have NEVER in my ENTIRE LIFE brought a parasol or a book to a beach and maybe remembered to bring a towel half a dozen times or so.  And I live on the coast, so it's not like I don't go to the beach all that often.  The only thing that proves is the Daily Fail are just as desperate to clutch at straws as you are.   ::)  

And even if pigs flew, hell froze over and that incident did somehow turn out to be staged (hint: it wasn't), the best way to prevent anyone from using the ban as a propaganda tool is to lift the ban.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Spendulus on September 01, 2016, 08:40:43 PM
I truly suspect this burkini thing is yet another Islam tactic to get their crap to the front pages and in front of everyone's faces.  

Hijack the news, make it all about fucking religion.

You seem to suspect quite a few strange and wonderful things.  

a) If there were no ban, there would be no controversy and thus, no headlines.  These are just ordinary people who want to go to the beach in peace.  People like you are the ones making it all about religion.
b) Right wing nationalists are the ones with the devious tactics at work here.  The ban a blatant attempt to legitimise discrimination.  It wouldn't be in everyone's faces if xenophobes stopped being so easily offended.
c) The billionaires who own the newspapers decide what the headlines are.  If the story isn't going away, it means someone with money has an agenda.  Islam isn't hijacking the news, they're being attacked by it.

If you're going to come up with crazed conspiracy theories, at least make them somewhat plausible.

The France burkini row has deepened after claims that photos of a Muslim woman forced to remove her swimwear by armed police on a beach were staged.

French politicians and media questioned the controversial incident in Nice on Tuesday and asked why the woman was lying down on a beach with no towel, book or parasol in the full glare of the midday sun near a police post - with a photographer nearby.

They are fears France's controversial burkini ban, which began in Cannes, may be leapt upon as a propaganda tool by Islamic extremists.  

I can assure you I'm not likely to be swayed by any swill from the Daily Fail....

I thought I would cut your worthless post off right there.  Now regarding the actuality of the matter we are discussing.

Why don't you look up Rosa Parks?  She was the famous black woman who refused to sit at the back of the bus, and is in the history books as an important part of civil rights.

It's well understood that Rosa Parks's bus incident was completely, 100% staged.

Many examples of this exist.  But please, don't just either believe me or shrug it off.  Just look up the Rosa Parks story and think about it.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: DooMAD on September 01, 2016, 09:33:53 PM
Why don't you look up Rosa Parks?  She was the famous black woman who refused to sit at the back of the bus, and is in the history books as an important part of civil rights.

It's well understood that Rosa Parks's bus incident was completely, 100% staged.

And you're still totally butthurt that you can't treat black people like lesser beings because they stood up for their rights, so you're going to cling onto any excuse to treat Muslims like lesser beings and refuse to let them stand up for their rights?  Got it.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: popcorn1 on September 01, 2016, 11:14:49 PM
Why don't you look up Rosa Parks?  She was the famous black woman who refused to sit at the back of the bus, and is in the history books as an important part of civil rights.

It's well understood that Rosa Parks's bus incident was completely, 100% staged.

And you're still totally butthurt that you can't treat black people like lesser beings because they stood up for their rights, so you're going to cling onto any excuse to treat Muslims like lesser beings and refuse to let them stand up for their rights?  Got it.
More blacks kill blacks than any white person who kills blacks by far.. Many many times more..
More muslims kill muslims than any white person who kills muslims by far..Many many times more..

Now about rights..Why come to our land and complain about your rights?..Why not complain in your own muslim law country?..
I will tell you why..Because you have no rights in your own lands and you come over here and complain because you can get away with it..
Done it in your own Muslim countries you be jailed whipped hands cut off..

Go and complain to your own Muslim country..

And the labour party will never win in a hundred years  ;D..Bringing low skilled workers for the vote in the election more poor voters to support your party..Scum bags

I was a die hard labour party man..NOT NO MORE..The things i know what tony rat Blair and Gordon Quasimodo brown have done to our country for money to line there own pockets..
You 2 people never show your faces in politics again..RATS >:(

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: countryfree on September 06, 2016, 03:20:51 PM
I'm in Nice for a few days. I haven't any woman in burkini so far, and that's good. I hope I won't see any. I've seen women wearing some kind of sports bras in the street, that's what I'm expecting to see on the Riviera.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Spendulus on September 06, 2016, 04:38:05 PM
Why don't you look up Rosa Parks?  She was the famous black woman who refused to sit at the back of the bus, and is in the history books as an important part of civil rights.

It's well understood that Rosa Parks's bus incident was completely, 100% staged.

And you're still totally butthurt that you can't treat black people like lesser beings because they stood up for their rights, so you're going to cling onto any excuse to treat Muslims like lesser beings and refuse to let them stand up for their rights?  Got it.

Not sure what the ad hoc ad hominem has to do with a question over the staging of events...

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: DooMAD on September 06, 2016, 04:43:46 PM
I'm in Nice for a few days. I haven't any woman in burkini so far, and that's good. I hope I won't see any. I've seen women wearing some kind of sports bras in the street, that's what I'm expecting to see on the Riviera.

Remind me again why people should dress to meet your expectations as opposed to wearing what they want?  If everyone thought that way, no one would be allowed any choice whatsoever.  Can't you understand what a dangerous mindset that is?

Not sure what the ad hoc ad hominem has to do with a question over the staging of events...

Because you decided to "cut my worthless post off right there".  If you don't want to take my arguments seriously, I'm happy to reply in kind.  I'll repeat the point again to give it a chance to sink in: 

If you think lacking a towel/book/parasol is somehow proof that it was staged, then you are absolutely 100% clutching at straws.  I've been to a beach more times than I can remember without any of those things.  It proves literally nothing.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Spendulus on September 06, 2016, 04:47:07 PM
I'm in Nice for a few days. I haven't any woman in burkini so far, and that's good. I hope I won't see any. I've seen women wearing some kind of sports bras in the street, that's what I'm expecting to see on the Riviera.

Remind me again why people should dress to meet your expectations as opposed to wearing what they want?  If everyone thought that way, no one would be allowed any choice whatsoever.  Can't you understand what a dangerous mindset that is?

Not sure what the ad hoc ad hominem has to do with a question over the staging of events...

Because you decided to "cut my worthless post off right there".  If you don't want to take my arguments seriously, I'm happy to reply in kind.  I'll repeat the point again to give it a chance to sink in: 

If you think lacking a towel/book/parasol is somehow proof that it was staged, then you are absolutely 100% clutching at straws.  I've been to a beach more times than I can remember without any of those things.  It proves literally nothing.
Not just that.  But the fact she did it 10 feet from the police/guard station, with a handy photographer just happening to be right there. 

It looks pretty much staged, dude.

What's your point?  That we shouldn't talk about it being staged?  Even Wikipedia has an accurate history of the Rosa Parks staging of her protest.

Yes, I cut your post off. 

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: DooMAD on September 06, 2016, 05:04:07 PM
Not sure what the ad hoc ad hominem has to do with a question over the staging of events...

Because you decided to "cut my worthless post off right there".  If you don't want to take my arguments seriously, I'm happy to reply in kind.  I'll repeat the point again to give it a chance to sink in:  

If you think lacking a towel/book/parasol is somehow proof that it was staged, then you are absolutely 100% clutching at straws.  I've been to a beach more times than I can remember without any of those things.  It proves literally nothing.
Not just that.  But the fact she did it 10 feet from the police/guard station, with a handy photographer just happening to be right there.  

It looks pretty much staged, dude.

What's your point?  That we shouldn't talk about it being staged?  Even Wikipedia has an accurate history of the Rosa Parks staging of her protest. 

If by "a handy photographer" you mean "an ordinary member of the public with a phone" just happening to be right there, then it's not really that hard to imagine.  Feel free to talk about the possibility of it being staged as much as you like.  I'll feel free to keep pointing out that the best way to stop someone staging such an event would be to lift the ban, like the courts said to.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: countryfree on September 07, 2016, 05:42:01 PM
I'm in Nice for a few days. I haven't any woman in burkini so far, and that's good. I hope I won't see any. I've seen women wearing some kind of sports bras in the street, that's what I'm expecting to see on the Riviera.

Remind me again why people should dress to meet your expectations as opposed to wearing what they want?  If everyone thought that way, no one would be allowed any choice whatsoever.  Can't you understand what a dangerous mindset that is?

Not sure what the ad hoc ad hominem has to do with a question over the staging of events...

Because you decided to "cut my worthless post off right there".  If you don't want to take my arguments seriously, I'm happy to reply in kind.  I'll repeat the point again to give it a chance to sink in: 

If you think lacking a towel/book/parasol is somehow proof that it was staged, then you are absolutely 100% clutching at straws.  I've been to a beach more times than I can remember without any of those things.  It proves literally nothing.
Not just that.  But the fact she did it 10 feet from the police/guard station, with a handy photographer just happening to be right there. 

It looks pretty much staged, dude.

What's your point?  That we shouldn't talk about it being staged?  Even Wikipedia has an accurate history of the Rosa Parks staging of her protest.

Yes, I cut your post off. 

I've seen one fully veiled woman today. In France, in Grasse. I thought it was forbidden, maybe she didn't know the law. You could only see her eyes, and that wasn't nice. There are more than 50 countries (yes, five-O) in the world where a woman cannot wear a skirt in the world, and I hope France will not add to that list. French women have been fighting for decades the right to show and enjoy their body and sexuality, and it's very sad to see things going backwards.

Fortunately, it was better at the beach, with one woman topless, but she was more than 50. The young women do not go topless the way their parents did. I don't see this as progress.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: DooMAD on September 07, 2016, 06:56:40 PM
I've seen one fully veiled woman today. In France, in Grasse. I thought it was forbidden, maybe she didn't know the law. You could only see her eyes, and that wasn't nice. There are more than 50 countries (yes, five-O) in the world where a woman cannot wear a skirt in the world, and I hope France will not add to that list. French women have been fighting for decades the right to show and enjoy their body and sexuality, and it's very sad to see things going backwards.

Fortunately, it was better at the beach, with one woman topless, but she was more than 50. The young women do not go topless the way their parents did. I don't see this as progress.

Personally, I see a ban on certain styles of clothing as "things going backwards".  It's downright archaic.  Sure, people should have the right to bare some flesh if they want, but they should also have the right to cover up or dress modestly if that's their preference.  Trampling over peoples' rights to wear what they want is not "progress".  Forced conformity is not "progress".  Demanding that others change their ways to meet your worldview is not "progress".  Those are antiquated ideals from much darker periods in human history.  You should be exceedingly careful what you wish for in that regard, because it might be *your* preferences that come under attack next.  If human beings were to truly progress, we would stop caring about physical differences altogether and respect the personal choices of others.  How about we stop repeating the mistakes of the past and try moving forward? 

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: tsaroz on September 07, 2016, 07:13:28 PM
I've seen one fully veiled woman today. In France, in Grasse. I thought it was forbidden, maybe she didn't know the law. You could only see her eyes, and that wasn't nice. There are more than 50 countries (yes, five-O) in the world where a woman cannot wear a skirt in the world, and I hope France will not add to that list. French women have been fighting for decades the right to show and enjoy their body and sexuality, and it's very sad to see things going backwards.

Fortunately, it was better at the beach, with one woman topless, but she was more than 50. The young women do not go topless the way their parents did. I don't see this as progress.

Personally, I see a ban on certain styles of clothing as "things going backwards".  It's downright archaic.  Sure, people should have the right to bare some flesh if they want, but they should also have the right to cover up or dress modestly if that's their preference.  Trampling over peoples' rights to wear what they want is not "progress".  Forced conformity is not "progress".  Demanding that others change their ways to meet your worldview is not "progress".  Those are antiquated ideals from much darker periods in human history.  You should be exceedingly careful what you wish for in that regard, because it might be *your* preferences that come under attack next.  If human beings were to truly progress, we would stop caring about physical differences altogether and respect the personal choices of others.  How about we stop repeating the mistakes of the past and try moving forward? 

Burkini is a step forward for Muslim women. A stupid version of Islam prevents people from enjoying and having fun like listening to music or having fun in water. Generally confined, the burkini would allow muslim women to socialize with the European way. And eventually they would choose what they would find better.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: criptix on September 07, 2016, 08:17:30 PM
I'm in Nice for a few days. I haven't any woman in burkini so far, and that's good. I hope I won't see any. I've seen women wearing some kind of sports bras in the street, that's what I'm expecting to see on the Riviera.

Remind me again why people should dress to meet your expectations as opposed to wearing what they want?  If everyone thought that way, no one would be allowed any choice whatsoever.  Can't you understand what a dangerous mindset that is?

Not sure what the ad hoc ad hominem has to do with a question over the staging of events...

Because you decided to "cut my worthless post off right there".  If you don't want to take my arguments seriously, I'm happy to reply in kind.  I'll repeat the point again to give it a chance to sink in: 

If you think lacking a towel/book/parasol is somehow proof that it was staged, then you are absolutely 100% clutching at straws.  I've been to a beach more times than I can remember without any of those things.  It proves literally nothing.
Not just that.  But the fact she did it 10 feet from the police/guard station, with a handy photographer just happening to be right there. 

It looks pretty much staged, dude.

What's your point?  That we shouldn't talk about it being staged?  Even Wikipedia has an accurate history of the Rosa Parks staging of her protest.

Yes, I cut your post off. 

I've seen one fully veiled woman today. In France, in Grasse. I thought it was forbidden, maybe she didn't know the law. You could only see her eyes, and that wasn't nice. There are more than 50 countries (yes, five-O) in the world where a woman cannot wear a skirt in the world, and I hope France will not add to that list. French women have been fighting for decades the right to show and enjoy their body and sexuality, and it's very sad to see things going backwards.

Fortunately, it was better at the beach, with one woman topless, but she was more than 50. The young women do not go topless the way their parents did. I don't see this as progress.

Are you demanding from girls to go topless or naked outside in the public?
Very questionable.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: popcorn1 on September 07, 2016, 10:57:31 PM
I'm in Nice for a few days. I haven't any woman in burkini so far, and that's good. I hope I won't see any. I've seen women wearing some kind of sports bras in the street, that's what I'm expecting to see on the Riviera.

Remind me again why people should dress to meet your expectations as opposed to wearing what they want?  If everyone thought that way, no one would be allowed any choice whatsoever.  Can't you understand what a dangerous mindset that is?

Not sure what the ad hoc ad hominem has to do with a question over the staging of events...

Because you decided to "cut my worthless post off right there".  If you don't want to take my arguments seriously, I'm happy to reply in kind.  I'll repeat the point again to give it a chance to sink in: 

If you think lacking a towel/book/parasol is somehow proof that it was staged, then you are absolutely 100% clutching at straws.  I've been to a beach more times than I can remember without any of those things.  It proves literally nothing.
Not just that.  But the fact she did it 10 feet from the police/guard station, with a handy photographer just happening to be right there. 

It looks pretty much staged, dude.

What's your point?  That we shouldn't talk about it being staged?  Even Wikipedia has an accurate history of the Rosa Parks staging of her protest.

Yes, I cut your post off. 

I've seen one fully veiled woman today. In France, in Grasse. I thought it was forbidden, maybe she didn't know the law. You could only see her eyes, and that wasn't nice. There are more than 50 countries (yes, five-O) in the world where a woman cannot wear a skirt in the world, and I hope France will not add to that list. French women have been fighting for decades the right to show and enjoy their body and sexuality, and it's very sad to see things going backwards.

Fortunately, it was better at the beach, with one woman topless, but she was more than 50. The young women do not go topless the way their parents did. I don't see this as progress.

Are you demanding from girls to go topless or naked outside in the public?
Very questionable.
If you had any clue to why we want the burka or burkini banned then you would agree that it should be banned..BUT to STUPID to know why.

Now i suppose my earth sisters want women to walk around naked?..

Saudi Born Atheist Ex Muslim - Family Would Have Killed Her If She ...
Video for saudi arabia glad she left youtube▶ 5:40

Rana: Ex-Muslim Atheist From Saudi Arabia المملكة العربية السعودية ...
Video for saudi muslim atheist▶ 3:47

Burkini is a symbol of religion and that religion is ISLAM the worst kind of religion..
Yes please ban NUN's from beach if the muslims feel they are hard done by WIN WIN situation..
I don't care if they ban all religion in public places best thing to do solves all problems no one can complain to say who as been favoured..

And the reason your blind to the situation is because you love MAMA MERKEL..
Crazy dude :D :D..

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: pandher on September 08, 2016, 05:36:21 AM
i Support burkini ban

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Spoetnik on September 08, 2016, 07:02:52 AM

They should all be..

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Daniel91 on September 08, 2016, 03:12:25 PM
I think real issues here are not burkinis but can we accept different culture, tradition and way of life in our countries?
Woman in burkinis are not criminals or terrorist, so why to ban their swimming clothes?
If we accept even naked woman on the beaches, why we can't accept woman in burkinis?
What is wrong with burkinis?
I don't understand really.
It seems if this ban of burkinis passed successfully, next step will be rule which music is acceptable to listen, which books to read, which language to talk etc.
Orwell's ''Big brother'' in reality.
Maybe, last step will be to ban any clothes for man or woman on the beaches :)

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: criptix on September 08, 2016, 04:10:36 PM
I'm in Nice for a few days. I haven't any woman in burkini so far, and that's good. I hope I won't see any. I've seen women wearing some kind of sports bras in the street, that's what I'm expecting to see on the Riviera.

Remind me again why people should dress to meet your expectations as opposed to wearing what they want?  If everyone thought that way, no one would be allowed any choice whatsoever.  Can't you understand what a dangerous mindset that is?

Not sure what the ad hoc ad hominem has to do with a question over the staging of events...

Because you decided to "cut my worthless post off right there".  If you don't want to take my arguments seriously, I'm happy to reply in kind.  I'll repeat the point again to give it a chance to sink in: 

If you think lacking a towel/book/parasol is somehow proof that it was staged, then you are absolutely 100% clutching at straws.  I've been to a beach more times than I can remember without any of those things.  It proves literally nothing.
Not just that.  But the fact she did it 10 feet from the police/guard station, with a handy photographer just happening to be right there. 

It looks pretty much staged, dude.

What's your point?  That we shouldn't talk about it being staged?  Even Wikipedia has an accurate history of the Rosa Parks staging of her protest.

Yes, I cut your post off. 

I've seen one fully veiled woman today. In France, in Grasse. I thought it was forbidden, maybe she didn't know the law. You could only see her eyes, and that wasn't nice. There are more than 50 countries (yes, five-O) in the world where a woman cannot wear a skirt in the world, and I hope France will not add to that list. French women have been fighting for decades the right to show and enjoy their body and sexuality, and it's very sad to see things going backwards.

Fortunately, it was better at the beach, with one woman topless, but she was more than 50. The young women do not go topless the way their parents did. I don't see this as progress.

Are you demanding from girls to go topless or naked outside in the public?
Very questionable.

If you had any clue to why we want the burka or burkini banned then you would agree that it should be banned..BUT to STUPID to know why.

Now i suppose my earth sisters want women to walk around naked?..

Saudi Born Atheist Ex Muslim - Family Would Have Killed Her If She ...
Video for saudi arabia glad she left youtube▶ 5:40

Rana: Ex-Muslim Atheist From Saudi Arabia المملكة العربية السعودية ...
Video for saudi muslim atheist▶ 3:47

Burkini is a symbol of religion and that religion is ISLAM the worst kind of religion..
Yes please ban NUN's from beach if the muslims feel they are hard done by WIN WIN situation..
I don't care if they ban all religion in public places best thing to do solves all problems no one can complain to say who as been favoured..

And the reason your blind to the situation is because you love MAMA MERKEL..
Crazy dude :D :D..

Again please work on your reading comprehension.
Where did i say something about burkas and burkinis (or whatever they are called - until this thread i didnt even knew they existed)?
I bolded my post and will ask you the same:

Are you demanding from girls to go topless or naked outside in the public?
Very questionable.

Whoever does that is imho not normal in the head.

Burkas gonna get banned in germany and im supporting it for obvious reasons.
And the reason is not because it is a symbol of islam.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Spendulus on September 08, 2016, 10:07:23 PM
I'm in Nice for a few days. I haven't any woman in burkini so far, and that's good. I hope I won't see any. I've seen women wearing some kind of sports bras in the street, that's what I'm expecting to see on the Riviera.

Remind me again why people should dress to meet your expectations as opposed to wearing what they want?  If everyone thought that way, no one would be allowed any choice whatsoever.  Can't you understand what a dangerous mindset that is?

Not sure what the ad hoc ad hominem has to do with a question over the staging of events...

Because you decided to "cut my worthless post off right there".  If you don't want to take my arguments seriously, I'm happy to reply in kind.  I'll repeat the point again to give it a chance to sink in: 

If you think lacking a towel/book/parasol is somehow proof that it was staged, then you are absolutely 100% clutching at straws.  I've been to a beach more times than I can remember without any of those things.  It proves literally nothing.
Not just that.  But the fact she did it 10 feet from the police/guard station, with a handy photographer just happening to be right there. 

It looks pretty much staged, dude.

What's your point?  That we shouldn't talk about it being staged?  Even Wikipedia has an accurate history of the Rosa Parks staging of her protest.

Yes, I cut your post off. 

I've seen one fully veiled woman today. In France, in Grasse. I thought it was forbidden, maybe she didn't know the law. You could only see her eyes, and that wasn't nice. There are more than 50 countries (yes, five-O) in the world where a woman cannot wear a skirt in the world, and I hope France will not add to that list. French women have been fighting for decades the right to show and enjoy their body and sexuality, and it's very sad to see things going backwards.

Fortunately, it was better at the beach, with one woman topless, but she was more than 50. The young women do not go topless the way their parents did. I don't see this as progress.

Are you demanding from girls to go topless or naked outside in the public?
Very questionable.

If you had any clue to why we want the burka or burkini banned then you would agree that it should be banned..BUT to STUPID to know why.

Now i suppose my earth sisters want women to walk around naked?..

Saudi Born Atheist Ex Muslim - Family Would Have Killed Her If She ...
Video for saudi arabia glad she left youtube▶ 5:40

Rana: Ex-Muslim Atheist From Saudi Arabia المملكة العربية السعودية ...
Video for saudi muslim atheist▶ 3:47

Burkini is a symbol of religion and that religion is ISLAM the worst kind of religion..
Yes please ban NUN's from beach if the muslims feel they are hard done by WIN WIN situation..
I don't care if they ban all religion in public places best thing to do solves all problems no one can complain to say who as been favoured..

And the reason your blind to the situation is because you love MAMA MERKEL..
Crazy dude :D :D..

Again please work on your reading comprehension.
Where did i say something about burkas and burkinis (or whatever they are called - until this thread i didnt even knew they existed)?
I bolded my post and will ask you the same:

Are you demanding from girls to go topless or naked outside in the public?
Very questionable.

Whoever does that is imho not normal in the head.

Burkas gonna get banned in germany and im supporting it for obvious reasons.
And the reason is not because it is a symbol of islam.

I realize I have been unfair and prejudiced against the BURKINI.  So here I am fixing my errors.

Anywhere this type of getup is accepted, burkinis should also be accepted.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: criptix on September 08, 2016, 10:18:24 PM

Im not a weapons advocate but that is hot as fuck :3

I wish you could see that in europe.... nvm.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: popcorn1 on September 08, 2016, 11:08:27 PM
I'm in Nice for a few days. I haven't any woman in burkini so far, and that's good. I hope I won't see any. I've seen women wearing some kind of sports bras in the street, that's what I'm expecting to see on the Riviera.

Remind me again why people should dress to meet your expectations as opposed to wearing what they want?  If everyone thought that way, no one would be allowed any choice whatsoever.  Can't you understand what a dangerous mindset that is?

Not sure what the ad hoc ad hominem has to do with a question over the staging of events...

Because you decided to "cut my worthless post off right there".  If you don't want to take my arguments seriously, I'm happy to reply in kind.  I'll repeat the point again to give it a chance to sink in:  

If you think lacking a towel/book/parasol is somehow proof that it was staged, then you are absolutely 100% clutching at straws.  I've been to a beach more times than I can remember without any of those things.  It proves literally nothing.
Not just that.  But the fact she did it 10 feet from the police/guard station, with a handy photographer just happening to be right there.  

It looks pretty much staged, dude.

What's your point?  That we shouldn't talk about it being staged?  Even Wikipedia has an accurate history of the Rosa Parks staging of her protest.

Yes, I cut your post off.  

I've seen one fully veiled woman today. In France, in Grasse. I thought it was forbidden, maybe she didn't know the law. You could only see her eyes, and that wasn't nice. There are more than 50 countries (yes, five-O) in the world where a woman cannot wear a skirt in the world, and I hope France will not add to that list. French women have been fighting for decades the right to show and enjoy their body and sexuality, and it's very sad to see things going backwards.

Fortunately, it was better at the beach, with one woman topless, but she was more than 50. The young women do not go topless the way their parents did. I don't see this as progress.

Are you demanding from girls to go topless or naked outside in the public?
Very questionable.

If you had any clue to why we want the burka or burkini banned then you would agree that it should be banned..BUT to STUPID to know why.

Now i suppose my earth sisters want women to walk around naked?..

Saudi Born Atheist Ex Muslim - Family Would Have Killed Her If She ...
Video for saudi arabia glad she left youtube▶ 5:40

Rana: Ex-Muslim Atheist From Saudi Arabia المملكة العربية السعودية ...
Video for saudi muslim atheist▶ 3:47

Burkini is a symbol of religion and that religion is ISLAM the worst kind of religion..
Yes please ban NUN's from beach if the muslims feel they are hard done by WIN WIN situation..
I don't care if they ban all religion in public places best thing to do solves all problems no one can complain to say who as been favoured..

And the reason your blind to the situation is because you love MAMA MERKEL..
Crazy dude :D :D..

Again please work on your reading comprehension.
Where did i say something about burkas and burkinis (or whatever they are called - until this thread i didnt even knew they existed)?
I bolded my post and will ask you the same:

Are you demanding from girls to go topless or naked outside in the public?
Very questionable.

Whoever does that is imho not normal in the head.

Burkas gonna get banned in germany and im supporting it for obvious reasons.
And the reason is not because it is a symbol of islam.
No you need to understand what people mean?..
The guy is saying that he doesn't like the burkini..You twisted his story?..
To walk around free not to hide ones self on to sunbath swim relax..

you have made out the guy wants women to go the shops with baps out and mud flaps flapping every where?..
Or i suppose he thinks in your brain he wants women waiting for a bus to wait in the bus stop with her baps out..
The guy making out the BURKINI is wrong?..
Now we got that point sorted..

Next point..
I was right in saying you have no clue because your saying it should be banned and not because of Islam ?..So your thinking is stupid..

So it's not my fault you cannot understand what you mean..
You need to start thinking before you speak ;)..

The danger is ISLAM and that's the point your missing?..Why not ban HALLOWEEN don't we all cover our selves then or ban father Christmas the bomb he could carry in his sack..Your logic is crazy..

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: criptix on September 08, 2016, 11:19:37 PM
I'm in Nice for a few days. I haven't any woman in burkini so far, and that's good. I hope I won't see any. I've seen women wearing some kind of sports bras in the street, that's what I'm expecting to see on the Riviera.

Remind me again why people should dress to meet your expectations as opposed to wearing what they want?  If everyone thought that way, no one would be allowed any choice whatsoever.  Can't you understand what a dangerous mindset that is?

Not sure what the ad hoc ad hominem has to do with a question over the staging of events...

Because you decided to "cut my worthless post off right there".  If you don't want to take my arguments seriously, I'm happy to reply in kind.  I'll repeat the point again to give it a chance to sink in: 

If you think lacking a towel/book/parasol is somehow proof that it was staged, then you are absolutely 100% clutching at straws.  I've been to a beach more times than I can remember without any of those things.  It proves literally nothing.
Not just that.  But the fact she did it 10 feet from the police/guard station, with a handy photographer just happening to be right there. 

It looks pretty much staged, dude.

What's your point?  That we shouldn't talk about it being staged?  Even Wikipedia has an accurate history of the Rosa Parks staging of her protest.

Yes, I cut your post off. 

I've seen one fully veiled woman today. In France, in Grasse. I thought it was forbidden, maybe she didn't know the law. You could only see her eyes, and that wasn't nice. There are more than 50 countries (yes, five-O) in the world where a woman cannot wear a skirt in the world, and I hope France will not add to that list. French women have been fighting for decades the right to show and enjoy their body and sexuality, and it's very sad to see things going backwards.

Fortunately, it was better at the beach, with one woman topless, but she was more than 50. The young women do not go topless the way their parents did. I don't see this as progress.

Are you demanding from girls to go topless or naked outside in the public?
Very questionable.

If you had any clue to why we want the burka or burkini banned then you would agree that it should be banned..BUT to STUPID to know why.

Now i suppose my earth sisters want women to walk around naked?..

Saudi Born Atheist Ex Muslim - Family Would Have Killed Her If She ...
Video for saudi arabia glad she left youtube▶ 5:40

Rana: Ex-Muslim Atheist From Saudi Arabia المملكة العربية السعودية ...
Video for saudi muslim atheist▶ 3:47

Burkini is a symbol of religion and that religion is ISLAM the worst kind of religion..
Yes please ban NUN's from beach if the muslims feel they are hard done by WIN WIN situation..
I don't care if they ban all religion in public places best thing to do solves all problems no one can complain to say who as been favoured..

And the reason your blind to the situation is because you love MAMA MERKEL..
Crazy dude :D :D..

Again please work on your reading comprehension.
Where did i say something about burkas and burkinis (or whatever they are called - until this thread i didnt even knew they existed)?
I bolded my post and will ask you the same:

Are you demanding from girls to go topless or naked outside in the public?
Very questionable.

Whoever does that is imho not normal in the head.

Burkas gonna get banned in germany and im supporting it for obvious reasons.
And the reason is not because it is a symbol of islam.
No you need to understand what people mean?..
The guy is saying that he doesn't like the burkini..You twisted his story?..
To walk around free not to hide ones self on to sunbath swim relax..

you have made out the guy wants women to go the shops with baps out and mud flaps flapping every where?..
Or i suppose he thinks in your brain he wants women waiting for a bus to wait in the bus stop with her baps out..
The guy making out the BURKINI is wrong?..
Now we got that point sorted..

Next point..
I was right in saying you have no clue because your saying it should be banned and not because of Islam ?..So your thinking is stupid..

So it's not my fault you cannot understand what you mean..
You need to start thinking before you speak ;)..

The danger is ISLAM and that's the point your missing?..Why not ban HALLOWEEN don't we all cover our selves then?..Your logic is crazy..

Does smoking cannabis make your eyes bad too?
Do i really need to increase the fontsize even more?
There is no twisting of words or stories. He wrote what he wrote and seems you agree that woman have to go naked/topless while on the beach. That is what he called progress.
You are a weirdo pervert just like him it seems.

And yes me supporting banning burkas has nothing to do with islam for a very simple reason which you clearly lacked the intelligence to understand.

It is because a burka covers your fucking face.

Sorry but you cant twist my words and label me as a mama merkel loving sjw because you just arent able to win a single argument against me.

Just stop smoking cannabis the whole day dude, get a work, get a family and a good education for your offspring.
Also cannabis is illegal in the UK - so much about criminal immigrants.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: popcorn1 on September 08, 2016, 11:41:26 PM
^ ^
Just stop smoking cannabis the whole day dude, get a work, get a family and a good education for your offspring.
Also cannabis is illegal in the UK - so much about criminal immigrants.

Daughter top sets in everything she studies.. Junior Black belt 8 gold tabs.sports captain in all sports
in school ;D..

I am a bricklayer who as made money saved money and i am my own boss ;D ;D..
I started working at 16 ;D..i am 43 going on 18 :D
You wouldn't last 5 mins on a construction site as a hod carrier  :D :D..
I don't drink just smoke a few spliffs to chill out..

More die over alcohol..No one died smoking weed ;)..
Not saying it's healthy but better than drinking ;D..

My daughter will be mega rich.. Clever Wise Hard and an absolute stunner..
So she has got everything and money in the BANK ;D ;D..

So i win again  :D :D :D..Oh your so easy to win in a debate :D

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: popcorn1 on September 09, 2016, 12:04:26 AM
I'm in Nice for a few days. I haven't any woman in burkini so far, and that's good. I hope I won't see any. I've seen women wearing some kind of sports bras in the street, that's what I'm expecting to see on the Riviera.

Remind me again why people should dress to meet your expectations as opposed to wearing what they want?  If everyone thought that way, no one would be allowed any choice whatsoever.  Can't you understand what a dangerous mindset that is?

Not sure what the ad hoc ad hominem has to do with a question over the staging of events...

Because you decided to "cut my worthless post off right there".  If you don't want to take my arguments seriously, I'm happy to reply in kind.  I'll repeat the point again to give it a chance to sink in: 

If you think lacking a towel/book/parasol is somehow proof that it was staged, then you are absolutely 100% clutching at straws.  I've been to a beach more times than I can remember without any of those things.  It proves literally nothing.
Not just that.  But the fact she did it 10 feet from the police/guard station, with a handy photographer just happening to be right there. 

It looks pretty much staged, dude.

What's your point?  That we shouldn't talk about it being staged?  Even Wikipedia has an accurate history of the Rosa Parks staging of her protest.

Yes, I cut your post off. 

I've seen one fully veiled woman today. In France, in Grasse. I thought it was forbidden, maybe she didn't know the law. You could only see her eyes, and that wasn't nice. There are more than 50 countries (yes, five-O) in the world where a woman cannot wear a skirt in the world, and I hope France will not add to that list. French women have been fighting for decades the right to show and enjoy their body and sexuality, and it's very sad to see things going backwards.

Fortunately, it was better at the beach, with one woman topless, but she was more than 50. The young women do not go topless the way their parents did. I don't see this as progress.

Are you demanding from girls to go topless or naked outside in the public?
Very questionable.

If you had any clue to why we want the burka or burkini banned then you would agree that it should be banned..BUT to STUPID to know why.

Now i suppose my earth sisters want women to walk around naked?..

Saudi Born Atheist Ex Muslim - Family Would Have Killed Her If She ...
Video for saudi arabia glad she left youtube▶ 5:40

Rana: Ex-Muslim Atheist From Saudi Arabia المملكة العربية السعودية ...
Video for saudi muslim atheist▶ 3:47

Burkini is a symbol of religion and that religion is ISLAM the worst kind of religion..
Yes please ban NUN's from beach if the muslims feel they are hard done by WIN WIN situation..
I don't care if they ban all religion in public places best thing to do solves all problems no one can complain to say who as been favoured..

And the reason your blind to the situation is because you love MAMA MERKEL..
Crazy dude :D :D..

Again please work on your reading comprehension.
Where did i say something about burkas and burkinis (or whatever they are called - until this thread i didnt even knew they existed)?
I bolded my post and will ask you the same:

Are you demanding from girls to go topless or naked outside in the public?
Very questionable.

Whoever does that is imho not normal in the head.

Burkas gonna get banned in germany and im supporting it for obvious reasons.
And the reason is not because it is a symbol of islam.
No you need to understand what people mean?..
The guy is saying that he doesn't like the burkini..You twisted his story?..
To walk around free not to hide ones self on to sunbath swim relax..

you have made out the guy wants women to go the shops with baps out and mud flaps flapping every where?..
Or i suppose he thinks in your brain he wants women waiting for a bus to wait in the bus stop with her baps out..
The guy making out the BURKINI is wrong?..
Now we got that point sorted..

Next point..
I was right in saying you have no clue because your saying it should be banned and not because of Islam ?..So your thinking is stupid..

So it's not my fault you cannot understand what you mean..
You need to start thinking before you speak ;)..

The danger is ISLAM and that's the point your missing?..Why not ban HALLOWEEN don't we all cover our selves then?..Your logic is crazy..

Does smoking cannabis make your eyes bad too?
Do i really need to increase the fontsize even more?
There is no twisting of words or stories. He wrote what he wrote and seems you agree that woman have to go naked/topless while on the beach. That is what he called progress.
You are a weirdo pervert just like him it seems.

And yes me supporting banning burkas has nothing to do with islam for a very simple reason which you clearly lacked the intelligence to understand.

It is because a burka covers your fucking face.

Sorry but you cant twist my words and label me as a mama merkel loving sjw because you just arent able to win a single argument against me.

Just stop smoking cannabis the whole day dude, get a work, get a family and a good education for your offspring.
Also cannabis is illegal in the UK - so much about criminal immigrants.

It is because a burka covers your fucking face.YOU SAY?..
So does BUCKING father Christmas beard cover your face..
And on Bucking halloween you wear a mask..

See i win again..Oh your so easy to win in a debate ;D

The guy is making out the burkini is wrong..So i am sorry you don't understand what people mean..South france beach known for topless beaches..He saying what's gone on ;D ;D
Maybe a spliff might sort your brains out ;D

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: criptix on September 09, 2016, 12:23:54 AM
Halloween is a (official) holiday and beards (even a santa claus beard) dont cover your your whole face except your eyes. I hope you realize how retarded your arguments are.

And that south french beaches are known for naked woman is one of the most stupid statements ever came out from you because it is not about nudist beaches.

Congratz for getting your daughter a good education you should ask her to write here with me instead of yourself.

You dont really paint a good picture about integrated immigrants.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: popcorn1 on September 09, 2016, 12:37:54 AM
Halloween is a (official) holiday and beards (even a santa claus beard) dont cover your your whole face except your eyes. I hope you realize how retarded your arguments are.
Congratz for getting your daughter a good education you should ask her to write here with me instead of yourself.

So is summer on the beach ;)..And if someone walked up with Santa outfit on you would not know who they are..And he or she could be carrying a bomb in his or her sack?

See i win again..Oh your so easy to win..You look the stupid 1 here ;)

I am saying Islam is the danger you say it's not..well ask these chaps if they agree with you?..

Saudi Man Sentenced To 2,000 Lashes & 10 Years For 'Atheism On ...
Video for saudi atheist 10 years in jail▶ 5:45

10 Years in Jail & 1,000 Lashes: In Conversation with Ensaf Haidar ...
Video for saudi atheist 10 years in jail▶ 10:54

Saudi ambassador - Atheists Are Terrorists - YouTube
Video for saudi say atheist terrorist▶ 1:52

The burkini is a symbol of ISLAM and ISLAM is a danger to humanity ;D..
How much money and mosques been built to promote SHARIA..

The more that follow the rest will have no choice but to follow..
Now do you want the same fate as those chaps in the video?

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: popcorn1 on September 09, 2016, 12:53:03 AM
Halloween is a (official) holiday and beards (even a santa claus beard) dont cover your your whole face except your eyes. I hope you realize how retarded your arguments are.

And that south french beaches are known for naked woman is one of the most stupid statements ever came out from you because it is not about nudist beaches.

Congratz for getting your daughter a good education you should ask her to write here with me instead of yourself.

You dont really paint a good picture about integrated immigrants.
How can they be integrated immigrants if there wearing the burka or burkini? ;D..
See just made yourself look even more stupid..
You can be kind but be very very stupid in your kindness ;) ;)..MAMA MERKEL it's a lesson for you.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: criptix on September 09, 2016, 10:47:18 AM
Halloween is a (official) holiday and beards (even a santa claus beard) dont cover your your whole face except your eyes. I hope you realize how retarded your arguments are.

And that south french beaches are known for naked woman is one of the most stupid statements ever came out from you because it is not about nudist beaches.

Congratz for getting your daughter a good education you should ask her to write here with me instead of yourself.

You dont really paint a good picture about integrated immigrants.
How can they be integrated immigrants if there wearing the burka or burkini? ;D..
See just made yourself look even more stupid..
You can be kind but be very very stupid in your kindness ;) ;)..MAMA MERKEL it's a lesson for you.

I was talking about you not about muslims. Please stop arguing with me when you are high duh. I remember you saying you were from bangladesh/pakistan or something in that direction lol
(Paint a bad picture because you are doing illegal activities (buying and smoking pot) and more or less illiterate e.g. weird english and non sense arguments)

Summer on the beach are holidays... what?
You can see the face of every person who wears a santa claus costume - this is a undeniable fact, why do you still try to argue?

So we can say because the christian nation of uganda kills gays and muslims just for fun christianity is a danger to humanity?
Or because the christian nation of the USA whos president got a direct command from god to invade iraq and as a direct consequence: killed 1 million kids, another million of civilians and thousands of torture and rape victims and additionaly created Daesh?

You won... in your delusional and high pot head.

You are not much different then the terrorist muslims: telling other people how they have to live and what to think.
If you weren't a pot head you would probaly wear a bomb suit right?

Something also very interesting:

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: popcorn1 on September 09, 2016, 09:40:03 PM
Halloween is a (official) holiday and beards (even a santa claus beard) dont cover your your whole face except your eyes. I hope you realize how retarded your arguments are.

And that south french beaches are known for naked woman is one of the most stupid statements ever came out from you because it is not about nudist beaches.

Congratz for getting your daughter a good education you should ask her to write here with me instead of yourself.

You dont really paint a good picture about integrated immigrants.
How can they be integrated immigrants if there wearing the burka or burkini? ;D..
See just made yourself look even more stupid..
You can be kind but be very very stupid in your kindness ;) ;)..MAMA MERKEL it's a lesson for you.

I was talking about you not about muslims. Please stop arguing with me when you are high duh. I remember you saying you were from bangladesh/pakistan or something in that direction lol
(Paint a bad picture because you are doing illegal activities (buying and smoking pot) and more or less illiterate e.g. weird english and non sense arguments)

Summer on the beach are holidays... what?
You can see the face of every person who wears a santa claus costume - this is a undeniable fact, why do you still try to argue?

So we can say because the christian nation of uganda kills gays and muslims just for fun christianity is a danger to humanity?
Or because the christian nation of the USA whos president got a direct command from god to invade iraq and as a direct consequence: killed 1 million kids, another million of civilians and thousands of torture and rape victims and additionaly created Daesh?

You won... in your delusional and high pot head.

You are not much different then the terrorist muslims: telling other people how they have to live and what to think.
If you weren't a pot head you would probaly wear a bomb suit right?

Something also very interesting:
So we can say because the christian nation of uganda kills gays and muslims just for fun christianity is a danger to humanity?
Yes if it spreads to the west then you bet your bottom dollar it's a danger to humanity..So it's a good job that Uganda is Skint ;D..
And i hope they stay that way or we bomb them  ;D..If they want to think like the dark ages then we will keep them there..

Summer on the beach are holidays... what?..Do you not get summer holidays 2 weeks off in the summer children 6 weeks off?..

You are not much different then the terrorist muslims: telling other people how they have to live and what to think.
If you weren't a pot head you would probaly wear a bomb suit right?
                                  Nope the Muslims are doing a good job in what you describe above

(Paint a bad picture because you are doing illegal activities (buying and smoking pot) and more or less illiterate e.g. weird english and non sense arguments)                   
                                          So kill me for smoking a spliff.. And you say i am the terrorist  :D

If any religion thinks bad things then it's not a religion?...Religion is about love and peace well it suppose to be but in this day and age we are finding out that it's not about love and peace it's about CONTROL ;D..

My freedoms will never be ruled by religion OK ;D

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: jackg on September 09, 2016, 09:47:06 PM
Like in all conformists society or you renounce everything you believe in and adopt the state as the only ideology or you get harassed.

It's simple in France you eat pork, while drinking French made wine and cheese. If you think cannabis as some therapeutical and recreational virtues you are an enemy of the state ideology. If you don't want to burn on the sun, and wear a full swimwear suit you are an ennemy of the state ideology.

Enjoy (if you aren't attack by the mobs of the North Africans)! The country of human rights... LoL.

This is a very odd legal system they have there and could open themselves more to terrorism or radicalisation of people who aren't already extremists.
It also shows that they are closed to so many ideas and only wish for their own patriotism/ideology to be used.
A person who doesn't want to be exposed to the sun can use sun ceam? If it is the result of a medical codition, then a simple doctor's signature should be enough to show to the police that what they are doing to protect themselves is neccessary.

Also, a consideration of human rights that all countries should follow (and that france says it follows) is against this.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Losvienleg on September 25, 2016, 05:39:01 PM
Like in all conformists society or you renounce everything you believe in and adopt the state as the only ideology or you get harassed.

It's simple in France you eat pork, while drinking French made wine and cheese. If you think cannabis as some therapeutical and recreational virtues you are an enemy of the state ideology. If you don't want to burn on the sun, and wear a full swimwear suit you are an ennemy of the state ideology.

Enjoy (if you aren't attack by the mobs of the North Africans)! The country of human rights... LoL.

This is a very odd legal system they have there and could open themselves more to terrorism or radicalisation of people who aren't already extremists.
It also shows that they are closed to so many ideas and only wish for their own patriotism/ideology to be used.
A person who doesn't want to be exposed to the sun can use sun ceam? If it is the result of a medical codition, then a simple doctor's signature should be enough to show to the police that what they are doing to protect themselves is neccessary.

Also, a consideration of human rights that all countries should follow (and that france says it follows) is against this.

Here, burkini was banned because it shows you to be part of a group. You can perfectly go on plage with a jean and a t-shirt, but when you have something that it labelled as a Muslim wear, having it is questionable.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: virtualx on September 25, 2016, 06:29:37 PM
It's simple in France you eat pork, while drinking French made wine and cheese. If you think cannabis as some therapeutical and recreational virtues you are an enemy of the state ideology. If you don't want to burn on the sun, and wear a full swimwear suit you are an ennemy of the state ideology.
It's simple in the Middle-East, you eat sheep, drink coffee and eat halal. If you drink alcohol and recreational virtues you are an enemy of the state ideology.  If you want to swim, and wear a bikini you are an enemy of the state ideology.

Enjoy (if you aren't attack by the mobs of the North Africans)! The country of human rights... LoL.
Enjoy (if you aren't beheaded by the mob of angry beard-men)! The continent of peace... LoL.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: DooMAD on September 26, 2016, 08:35:14 AM
It's simple in France you eat pork, while drinking French made wine and cheese. If you think cannabis as some therapeutical and recreational virtues you are an enemy of the state ideology. If you don't want to burn on the sun, and wear a full swimwear suit you are an ennemy of the state ideology.
It's simple in the Middle-East, you eat sheep, drink coffee and eat halal. If you drink alcohol and recreational virtues you are an enemy of the state ideology.  If you want to swim, and wear a bikini you are an enemy of the state ideology.

Enjoy (if you aren't attack by the mobs of the North Africans)! The country of human rights... LoL.
Enjoy (if you aren't beheaded by the mob of angry beard-men)! The continent of peace... LoL.

Are you arguing that they're just as bad as we are, or that we should continue being as bad as they are?  It's been mentioned already in the thread that fighting fire with fire just results in more authoritarianism all round and a decreasing quality of life for everyone.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: virtualx on September 26, 2016, 11:57:39 AM
It's simple in France you eat pork, while drinking French made wine and cheese. If you think cannabis as some therapeutical and recreational virtues you are an enemy of the state ideology. If you don't want to burn on the sun, and wear a full swimwear suit you are an ennemy of the state ideology.
It's simple in the Middle-East, you eat sheep, drink coffee and eat halal. If you drink alcohol and recreational virtues you are an enemy of the state ideology.  If you want to swim, and wear a bikini you are an enemy of the state ideology.

Enjoy (if you aren't attack by the mobs of the North Africans)! The country of human rights... LoL.
Enjoy (if you aren't beheaded by the mob of angry beard-men)! The continent of peace... LoL.

Are you arguing that they're just as bad as we are, or that we should continue being as bad as they are?  

I'm arguing his hatred towards the western world cannot be justified with the arguments he is giving.

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: DooMAD on September 27, 2016, 11:11:37 AM
It's simple in France you eat pork, while drinking French made wine and cheese. If you think cannabis as some therapeutical and recreational virtues you are an enemy of the state ideology. If you don't want to burn on the sun, and wear a full swimwear suit you are an ennemy of the state ideology.
It's simple in the Middle-East, you eat sheep, drink coffee and eat halal. If you drink alcohol and recreational virtues you are an enemy of the state ideology.  If you want to swim, and wear a bikini you are an enemy of the state ideology.

Enjoy (if you aren't attack by the mobs of the North Africans)! The country of human rights... LoL.
Enjoy (if you aren't beheaded by the mob of angry beard-men)! The continent of peace... LoL.

Are you arguing that they're just as bad as we are, or that we should continue being as bad as they are?  

I'm arguing his hatred towards the western world cannot be justified with the arguments he is giving.

Perhaps it's best to draw a distinction between "hatred towards the western world" and "hatred towards the direction it's moving in politically".  The latter can absolutely be justified giving those arguments.  Just because people complain about totalitarianism happening closer to home, it doesn't mean they approve of it happening in the Middle-East.  Totalitarianism is bullshit wherever it occurs.  If he were making the argument that state ideology here sucks, but it's fine over there, you might have a point.  But I'm pretty sure that's not what he's saying.  So it sounds like you're arguing that because the Middle-East pulls that kind of shit, we should be okay with it happening in Europe.  That's not a path I want to see us travel down. 

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: virtualx on September 27, 2016, 12:28:56 PM
Perhaps it's best to draw a distinction between "hatred towards the western world" and "hatred towards the direction it's moving in politically".   But I'm pretty sure that's not what he's saying.
Sorry Sir, I must have misunderstood his noble intentions.  /s

Quote from: Masha Sha
.... mujaheddins. God bless those rebel fighters ....

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Sanekavg13 on September 27, 2016, 02:29:06 PM
If some one chose to wear what ever, why does the state has to tell them not? For you it's a tool of oppression... In haredims community in isreal it's of good taste for women not to reveal too much of their bodies... Who cares as long as it's free will and not forced upon. The same goes as to remove clothes...

Before coming to the shores of America if your grand ma went to the beach she wore something like that...

By the 1900 more like it:

State supported conformism in the drive to create the perfect citizen is always preached by a certain group of people.

And if you see what's going on near Calais... You will hallucinate... Those people there have lost all equity in their homes, and are mostly defenseless against the hordes wanting to cross to the uk...

Desarm them first. Always...
Actually, nobody cares what go women. It's just covered with the struggle with the Muslims. In France pretty soon the French will not remain here and fight as you can !

Title: Re: France(ism): ban the burkinis
Post by: Perle on September 27, 2016, 07:07:02 PM
What the French wanted? I cannot understand who in France, more than Catholics or Muslims. Are to blame, that launched the country's many immigrants-Muslims. Now one bans will not solve the problem.