Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: niceman4you on August 27, 2016, 04:28:25 PM

Title: can you mention 50 advantages and disadvantages of using Bitcoin ?
Post by: niceman4you on August 27, 2016, 04:28:25 PM
I challenge anyone to mention 50 advantages and disadvantages of using Bitcoin respectively. Prove to the forum you know much about Bitcoin.

       Thank you

Title: Re: can you mention 50 advantages and disadvantages of using Bitcoin ?
Post by: Qwitty on August 27, 2016, 06:58:53 PM
We could went to bitcoin wiki or just search it at google and copy content of those articles such as Weaknesses (, Myths ( and many more.
Even one of us can mention 50 advantages and disadvantages of using Bitcoin, it would be pain in ass to type all of them ;D

Jaja you're right. Although we could start so this post, will not be so poor
We could be making a quote to the previous user, or copy it and add something else.

Title: Re: can you mention 50 advantages and disadvantages of using Bitcoin ?
Post by: zend7 on August 27, 2016, 07:33:57 PM
I can name a few advantages as for disadvantages I don't know anyone yet. First it lets you pays the porn bills in full anonymity without your wife finds out like she would find if you use your credit card details. Second lets you gamble in full anonymity from the comfort of your couch at your room. Third you can convert it to cash whenever you need real physical cash. Fourth you can buy a lot of digital goods with it and in some cases , very few cases physical goods. These are my top 4 reasons why I use bitcoin. The list can go on and on but for me these are enough.

Title: Re: can you mention 50 advantages and disadvantages of using Bitcoin ?
Post by: BitMaxz on August 27, 2016, 08:08:14 PM
Honestly i dont know some 50 advantages and disadvantage but bitcoin for me is one of the great alternative as payment process that less fee than the other payment processor also the advantage is you can transfer your money easy and fast anywhere in the world but the disadvantage of bitcoin for me there is no buyer protection unlike other payment processor also bitcoin is not stable and its unpredictable but the advantage is many traders are making money in price increase and decrease..  thats it..

Title: Re: can you mention 50 advantages and disadvantages of using Bitcoin ?
Post by: Junko on August 27, 2016, 08:18:53 PM
Any given individual doesn't personally need fifty different advantages of using bitcoin or even know what all the advantages are. Just like not everyone needs fifty different advantages for using the internet or a mobile phone or using air travel for examples. Each person has their own number of personal reasons why they find a particular technology useful for them and couldn't care less about all the other the other stuff.

There will be many advantages and useful apps for bitcoin in the future that haven't even been thought of yet.

Title: Re: can you mention 50 advantages and disadvantages of using Bitcoin ?
Post by: Maesters1- on August 27, 2016, 09:57:07 PM
i think i can even write a book on advantages and disadvantage about using bitcoin, but i will only do it on demand. i think you can get good information about bitclin.

Title: Re: can you mention 50 advantages and disadvantages of using Bitcoin ?
Post by: stiffbud on August 27, 2016, 10:04:55 PM
We could went to bitcoin wiki or just search it at google and copy content of those articles such as Weaknesses (, Myths ( and many more.
Even one of us can mention 50 advantages and disadvantages of using Bitcoin, it would be pain in ass to type all of them ;D

Jaja you're right. Although we could start so this post, will not be so poor
We could be making a quote to the previous user, or copy it and add something else.
Nah, this thread is already poor the momen it was created. This question shoul not evwn be entertained because thisbwill only attract more spams. Google is there to provide all the answers that you need so why even crete a thread where you know you will only get poorly post about their repititive opinions.

Title: Re: can you mention 50 advantages and disadvantages of using Bitcoin ?
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on August 27, 2016, 10:28:00 PM
I swear to the community here,  just 10 minutes ago I was trying to explain what bitcoin is to a coworker and I had the hardest time.  I said you can transfer money around the world in seconds, and he says "Oh so it's like paypal?".  I said yeah sorta.  I have a very hard time explaining bitcoin much less its advantages.   It's a horrible currency but a good way to store value.  Low storage costs?  Lol

Title: Re: can you mention 50 advantages and disadvantages of using Bitcoin ?
Post by: franky1 on August 27, 2016, 10:50:42 PM
my points are in regards to bitcoin.. not third party businesses..... just bitcoin

1. store funds without having to reinforce your floorboards to cope with gold bars under your bed
2. store funds in you brain without having to hold a credit card, bank notes
3. remembering just 12 words can last you a lifetime of unlimited 'accounts'
4. walk through an airport checkpoint naked.. holding nothing. while also holding your life savings
5. carry more then $10k value across a border, but checkpoint cops will never find it to confiscate
6. your right to remain silent means authorities cannot get to your brain wallet
7. you dont need to wait for banking open hours
8. holding bitcoin doesnt require home address and social security details being handed over
9. giving someone funds requires no permission
10. no paypal/credit card chargebacks
11. someone thousands of miles away can show a QR code on skype and you pay them without hassle
12. multisigs can be used for a childs trust. to make sure your children dont spend funds unwisely
13. multisigs can be used as part of your Will. where the important key is sealed in your will and family cannot spend it using just their keys without it. nor can your solicitor spend it using the Will key without your families keys
14. long term deflationary
16. any business can accept bitcoin with just a piece of paper to show customers. no direct need of credit card processing services
17. even homeless people can display a QR code on the street and start collecting funds without need of payment processors
18. no one can be in a minus bitcoin holding. they either have it or they dont.
19. you dont need to be a trillion dollar holding company to become a wallet(bank) service
20. there is not, well there should not be one dominant wallet service. there is always choice and options

i would type more but ran out of time. will edit later if i remember

Title: Re: can you mention 50 advantages and disadvantages of using Bitcoin ?
Post by: raymond541 on August 27, 2016, 11:21:24 PM
I challenge anyone to mention 50 advantages and disadvantages of using Bitcoin respectively. Prove to the forum you know much about Bitcoin.

       Thank you
Dont be lazy just type on google about bitcoin you will get your all answers.bitcoin have many advantages with some disadvantages.I dont think people will be interested to put 50 advantages and disadvantages for you.better find yourself. ;D