Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: AnonyMint on March 28, 2013, 04:46:31 AM

Title: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: AnonyMint on March 28, 2013, 04:46:31 AM
Who is he? And who was the creator of Bitcon?

I am very confused, can someone clearly explain where the creator of Bitcon was born, his education, background, etc.?

I don't want inane stories about gifting a ponzi scam to mankind.

Give me facts please?

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: freedomno1 on March 28, 2013, 04:52:32 AM
Creator Unknown
Was around for a bit
Mysterious Disapearence from the bitcoin scene
Satoshidice has a nice bio on his soul xd

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: bb113 on March 28, 2013, 04:55:16 AM
Satoshi could not have created a ponzi scam since he never existed. Bitcoins can't be a ponzi scam since they don't actually exist either. Hackers from this forum edited the internet a few months ago to place a fake history going back to 2009 and everyone just assumes all this stuff was already there. The goal is to trick people into brute forcing the entire sha256 hashspace so they can get the phone numbers of all the girls who like nerds.

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: AnonyMint on March 28, 2013, 04:56:09 AM
girls?  :-*

Cool  8)

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: freedomno1 on March 28, 2013, 04:57:15 AM
Satoshi could not have created a ponzi scam since he never existed. Bitcoins can't be a ponzi scam since they don't actually exist either. Hackers from this forum edited the internet a few months ago to place a fake history going back to 2009 and everyone just assumes all this stuff was already there. The goal is to trick people into brute forcing the entire sha256 hashspace so they can get the phone numbers of all the girls who like nerds.

Yes Indeed and all is going according to the plan of this entity of fused beings that is Satoshii

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: zeocrash on March 28, 2013, 04:57:21 AM
Who is he? And who was the creator of Bitcon?

No one knows.

Some say he was a developer.
Some say he was a group of developers
Some say he was the CIA
Max Keiser says he's the second coming of jesus.

Maybe i'm Satoshi. ;)

Satoshi dissapeared from the internet without trace, never to be heard from again.

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: Chet on March 28, 2013, 05:09:37 AM
The beauty and the pain of the Internet, Satoshi and you are the same. An  avatar.
What was behind that avatar? What is behind yours? Or mine?

Don't call it a ponzi without some proof please!

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: mokahless on March 28, 2013, 05:32:51 AM
Who is he? And who was the creator of Bitcon?no one knows

I am very confused, can someone clearly explain where the creator of Bitcon was born, he education, background, etc.?no

I don't want inane stories about gifting a ponzi scam to mankind.

Give me facts please?

Common info:
-->No one knows.
-->Gavin was the last person to have contact with him.
-->It is really obvious he is not japanese
-->Other people can tell you more about his communication during the inception of Bitcoin.
-->Crypto mailing list link:
-->Go read his whitepaper:
-->So can the bitcoin wiki...

Are you trolling?

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: AnonyMint on March 28, 2013, 05:37:47 AM
Don't call it a ponzi without some proof please!

Ponzi Proof Satoshi

Prove you are not me please.

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: AnonyMint on March 28, 2013, 05:40:40 AM
-->Gavin was the last person to have contact with him

Why is he confirmed dead?

Are you trolling?

You want 'em boiled or fried?

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: GoldenAngel on March 28, 2013, 05:57:22 AM
This is why a lot of people think BTC is a ponzi scheme. Looking up this information on the internet really isn't that hard...

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: AnonyMint on March 28, 2013, 06:12:25 AM
This is why a lot of people think BTC is a ponzi scheme. Looking up this information on the internet really isn't that hard...

The developers said when they started to probe him on his identity, that is when he disappeared. Very interesting new fact I learned.

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: simonk83 on March 28, 2013, 06:13:12 AM

I am very confused,

You certainly are, now give it a rest with the FUD threads.

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: AnonyMint on March 28, 2013, 06:21:55 AM
I am very confused,

You certainly are

We are in perfect agreement sir.

now give it a rest with the FUD threads.

Fantastic Urinary Diaphram? I may find it difficult to rest with that sir, I prefer the condom.

Do you offer your "pyramining bonus" with those?

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: DataPlumber on March 28, 2013, 06:47:09 AM
Really?  This again?  Less that 24hrs after your last thread on this topic was locked?


AnonyMint represents proof that "smart guy" and "raving lunatic" are not mutually exclusive.

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: AnonyMint on March 28, 2013, 07:07:07 AM

The quality of being amusing or comic, esp. as expressed in literature or speech.

Bitcom-elevator-pitch (

Yellow arrow is when FinCen released this report: (

Silver bugs tell me they sold silver to buy BTC after FinCEN legalized BTC.

So the government can create deflation or inflation in BTC at will. Where is that claimed NO INFLATION?

The claim that government can't manipulate BTC?

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: Vycid on March 28, 2013, 10:03:42 AM

The quality of being amusing or comic, esp. as expressed in literature or speech.

Bitcom-elevator-pitch (

Yellow arrow is when FinCen released this report: (

Silver bugs tell me they sold silver to buy BTC after FinCEN legalized BTC.

So the government can create deflation or inflation in BTC at will. Where is that claimed NO INFLATION?

The claim that government can't manipulate BTC?

Hold on, they "legalized" BTC? I thought that was just a regulatory advisory.

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: RaTTuS on March 28, 2013, 10:20:49 AM

Silver bugs tell me they sold silver to buy BTC after FinCEN legalized BTC.

So the government can create deflation or inflation in BTC at will. Where is that claimed NO INFLATION?

The claim that government can't manipulate BTC?
which government ..
the russians, chineese , germany?
austraila, india , UN?
RIPA, UK, france
apple ?

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: AnonyMint on March 28, 2013, 05:20:22 PM
@RaTTuS & Vycid:

Gold is a private hedge against government. BitCON is a public IPO for the supra-national corporation's global digital currency (

Can we get back to humor please? (this is getting depressing)

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: Korbman on March 28, 2013, 06:03:44 PM
Guys, AnonyMint is just creating troll threads. He's got a few already, but that's because his primary one was locked by a mod.

Previous thread:

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: AnonyMint on March 28, 2013, 06:12:06 PM
1. A mythical, cave-dwelling being depicted in folklore as either a giant or a dwarf, typically having a very ugly appearance.
2. The action of trolling for fish.

One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument

Yeah it is beneficial to encourage argument and critical thinking (and most especially humor) about Bitcoin. Would you prefer a pumpers-only, fanboys-only-allowed forum?

What are you afraid of? (maybe you are afraid the truth might be discerned and your investment-scam will burst)

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: coinage577 on March 28, 2013, 06:14:28 PM
Must be a troll.  Or an ID10T... :)

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: AnonyMint on March 28, 2013, 06:17:01 PM
Must be a troll.  Or an ID10T... :)

We are in perfect agreement, sir.

OP said "I'm confused". Still am.

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: AnonyMint on March 28, 2013, 07:39:40 PM
The developers of bitCON are so afraid that I have revealed the truth about bitCON's design, they stole 100+ points from my SE bitcoin reputation so that they stop me from stating the facts about the design:

This will all be part of the public record, when the criminal prosecutions begin.

I am the living ghost of the Cherokee tribe. You've never seen how fiercely we fight.

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: Korbman on March 28, 2013, 07:55:56 PM
[...] so that they stop me from stating the facts about the design [...]

Have you ever thought that maybe..jjuussttt're not stating "facts" at all? Which is why you're encountering so much resistance everywhere you turn?

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: AnonyMint on March 28, 2013, 08:02:43 PM
You can listen to guy who is pumping his "notes" ( to finance investing in non-existent ASICs scams (that Korb troll).

Or you can listen to a programmer with 27 years of experience, who has helped write some of the most popular commercial programs in the market today.


Gold is a private hedge against government. BitCON is a public IPO for the supra-national corporation's global digital currency (

(if you engage me in a debate on the technical design of BitCON, you will lose. Be forewarned. I welcome a debate with any BitCON developer. Bring it on!)

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: AnonyMint on March 28, 2013, 08:19:19 PM
They have begun deleting my questions and answers to attempt to hide the facts, such as this one that I saved a copy of:

The developers of bitCON are so afraid that I have revealed the truth about bitCON's design, they stole 100+ points from my SE bitcoin reputation so that they stop me from stating the facts about the design:

This will all be part of the public record, when the criminal prosecutions begin.

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: Mike Christ on March 28, 2013, 08:25:22 PM
One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument

Yeah it is beneficial to encourage argument and critical thinking (and most especially humor) about Bitcoin. Would you prefer a pumpers-only, fanboys-only-allowed forum?

What are you afraid of? (maybe you are afraid the truth might be discerned and your investment-scam will burst)

I didn't hear a no.  There is a lot of intelligent debate on this forum.  This is mostly you believing you've revealed something no other man on this planet has revealed, and then believing all other men have not realized this because they are either too stupid or are in on it (I've mostly just seen you belittling anything which speaks, however.)  Why do you troll this forum, if your findings are so revolutionary?  Isn't there someone else you can bother who will care?

I've discovered the wolf is in sheep's clothing; I'd better go alert the wolves.
-- AnonyMint logic.

Go talk to someone who will get your findings out there.  Write an essay about it.  I read your website; it was 95% anti-Bitcoin, and the rest was fluff for intention.  If you cared so much about a new form of currency, why are you spending all day attacking Bitcoin?  You're not going to get forward by obsessing over it.  Learn it, understand it, improve it.  If you have a better way, you'd be talking about it right now.  In fact, I'd love to hear about it.  Talk about it.  Stop talking about Bitcoin.  Give me your paper on this revolutionary, "non-Ponzi" form of currency that will revolutionize the world and make you famous.

Until this happens, we can assume you're here to either stir emotions, or, as I've said before, you have a serious mental disorder that has heightened your attention to detail and completely destroyed your ability to see the bigger picture (as I've pointed out, this is probably autism in some form.)  The problem is, you don't seem to realize your own mistakes; you don't understand how people function, you lack empathy, you're far too literal, and you're misinterpreting more than you realize.  Take it from me, you're nuts, and nobody here agrees with you.  This isn't going to change in the next five minutes.  It's not going to change tomorrow.  Even the most skeptical have trouble siding with you.  I highly recommend (and I know this is falling on deaf ears, since you're still here,) finding someone who will believe you, who will attempt to understand where you're coming from; siding with them will improve your chances of finding a crowd who will nod their head at you.  ZeroHedge is notoriously against Bitcoin, why not try there?  They'd love to hear about why Bitcoin is a con and why nobody should ever use it.  Touting your argument here is a lapse in tactical judgment, and I can only assume your intention is not to actually form a coherent argument, but to spread FUD--or trolling, whichever we'll go with.

On an unrelated note, you remind me of TruthNeverTold...

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: AnonyMint on March 28, 2013, 08:30:56 PM
I am contacting friends in high places now. Time to put a stop to this. You all should know that my father was a general counsel for Exxon.

Search Attorney Shelby Moore Jr. Pensacola, FL

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: Redi on March 28, 2013, 09:06:04 PM
I am contacting friends in high places now. Time to put a stop to this. You all should know that my father was a general counsel for Exxon.

Search Attorney Shelby Moore Jr. Pensacola, FL

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: AnonyMint on March 28, 2013, 09:22:45 PM
Nice one  ;)

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: Redi on March 28, 2013, 09:24:40 PM
Nice one  ;)
Thanks :) This thread is only about good lols after all ;)

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: AnonyMint on March 28, 2013, 09:34:11 PM
I just got permission to send an email to former first Asst to Sec of Treasury at HUD dept.. The person has to power to spread this out.

I have numerous contacts like this.

I can't promise the contacts will act on the information.

Can someone please make a LOL of this  ;D

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: Redi on March 28, 2013, 09:44:37 PM
I just got permission to send an email to former first Asst to Sec of Treasury at HUD dept.. The person has to power to spread this out.

I have numerous contacts like this.

I can't promise the contacts will act on the information.

Can someone please make a LOL of this  ;D
Who is that? O_o Sorry, I'm from the good old Europe and I don't give a frak about office rats from US ;)

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: AnonyMint on March 28, 2013, 09:52:37 PM
Your examples clearly show the superiority of Hollywood over Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus.

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: SilentSpring on March 28, 2013, 10:19:35 PM
you forget....bitcoin real purpose is to just solve the codes to UU EM DEE'S  ::)

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: AnonyMint on March 28, 2013, 10:24:39 PM
Don't start the next trans-atlantic war without me. (

Title: Re: Ponzi Satoshi?
Post by: AnonyMint on March 28, 2013, 11:24:09 PM
I gotta go. Bye.

Thanks for the humor guys. Have a great weekend.