Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Zooey on March 28, 2013, 11:25:29 PM

Title: The name and shame thread of FUD spammers for market manipulation.
Post by: Zooey on March 28, 2013, 11:25:29 PM

I saw so much intentional FUD (Fear uncertainty and doubt) spammed in both these forums and elsewhere during the latest flashcrash which amounted to blatant manipulation to promote panic selling and push the price as low as possible.  I've seen this shit happen during the last 3 flashcrashes now and just despise it and the wanton disregard such behaviour demonstrates for Bitcoin and the community.  It's the very least experienced who this hurts; those who perhaps have just bought in to this beautiful thing (as we all want ever more to do) only to witness a crash unfolding before them;  and I just can't abide what I sense is happening to a lot of good people when they turn to these forums for advice during such a time only to see a wall of the kind of deliberate shit that people posted just now.

I think a place to, at least, make a record of these FUDdumpers for what they are just maybe could do some good towards cutting it out before it gets really out of hand.

Title: Re: The name and shame thread of FUD spammers for market manipulation.
Post by: Zooey on March 28, 2013, 11:26:28 PM

Title: Re: The name and shame thread of FUD spammers for market manipulation.
Post by: Zooey on March 28, 2013, 11:32:45 PM

This dickgobbler screamed IN CAPS like a little girl at everyone to 'sell while you still can', but only once the price had bottomed out, of course.  Shameful.

Title: Re: The name and shame thread of FUD spammers for market manipulation.
Post by: BitcoinTip on March 28, 2013, 11:45:04 PM
You think we care?

Bitcoin will be at $50 within 2 weeks, mark my words.

No seriously, mark them.

You are out of your depth.

Title: Re: The name and shame thread of FUD spammers for market manipulation.
Post by: Zooey on March 28, 2013, 11:45:19 PM

Started the thread 'FEAR!', again:  when we were right at the bottom as shown by his own graph.

Title: Re: The name and shame thread of FUD spammers for market manipulation.
Post by: Brushan on March 28, 2013, 11:47:50 PM
Great thread! A lot of people embarrased themselves today and deserve no respect.

Title: Re: The name and shame thread of FUD spammers for market manipulation.
Post by: BitcoinTip on March 28, 2013, 11:49:48 PM
Here's a question.

Why is your username Zooey, yet your profile has your gender set as male?

Bi-gender-curious-much? rofl.

Title: Re: The name and shame thread of FUD spammers for market manipulation.
Post by: Zooey on March 28, 2013, 11:55:53 PM
No, actually. (

Please don't embarrass yourself further, it's becoming embarrassing.

Title: Re: The name and shame thread of FUD spammers for market manipulation.
Post by: Mike Christ on March 28, 2013, 11:58:01 PM
Why did weasel post that exact same thread recently?

Same wanker?

Title: Re: The name and shame thread of FUD spammers for market manipulation.
Post by: Zooey on March 29, 2013, 12:04:58 AM
Why did weasel post that exact same thread recently?

Same wanker?

Good spot dude;  they use the same images but were posted 5 mins apart; probably all ya can say:


Title: Re: The name and shame thread of FUD spammers for market manipulation.
Post by: Gabi on March 29, 2013, 12:12:45 AM
Well, the fud didn't exactly worked well, because the crash lasted like a hour or less  :D

Title: Re: The name and shame thread of FUD spammers for market manipulation.
Post by: the founder on March 29, 2013, 12:13:56 AM
Well, the fud didn't exactly worked well, because the crash lasted like a hour or less  :D

I have to admit that was one hell of an hour though...  never want to see that again.

Title: Re: The name and shame thread of FUD spammers for market manipulation.
Post by: rebuilder on March 29, 2013, 12:15:54 AM
Re: bitcointip, I'm surprised they still bother. The example you posted pales in comparison to this one:

Not to mention the filth they posted about Amir Taaki...

Title: Re: The name and shame thread of FUD spammers for market manipulation.
Post by: justusranvier on March 29, 2013, 12:16:37 AM
I have to admit that was one hell of an hour though...  never want to see that again.
You'll get used to it. Undoubtedly it will happen again.

Title: Re: The name and shame thread of FUD spammers for market manipulation.
Post by: repentance on March 29, 2013, 12:21:36 AM
Who fucking cares?  If you're making your decisions about buying or selling based on what's posted here, on reddit or on twitter, then maybe you're way out of your league speculating in the first place.

The market will always have people trying to drive the price up and it will always have people trying to drive the price down - it's the nature of the beast.  Get over it.

Title: Re: The name and shame thread of FUD spammers for market manipulation.
Post by: Zooey on March 29, 2013, 12:28:26 AM
Re: bitcointip, I'm surprised they still bother. The example you posted pales in comparison to this one:

Not to mention the filth they posted about Amir Taaki...

Oh beJesus, I didn't realise it was that retard.

Title: Re: The name and shame thread of FUD spammers for market manipulation.
Post by: Zooey on March 29, 2013, 12:33:34 AM
Who fucking cares?  If you're making your decisions about buying or selling based on what's posted here, on reddit or on twitter, then maybe you're way out of your league speculating in the first place.

The market will always have people trying to drive the price up and it will always have people trying to drive the price down - it's the nature of the beast.  Get over it.

I fucking care.  If you don't care that's fine, but I kinda care that you don't care that I care, even when you don't care.

Title: Re: The name and shame thread of FUD spammers for market manipulation.
Post by: repentance on March 29, 2013, 12:39:16 AM
Who fucking cares?  If you're making your decisions about buying or selling based on what's posted here, on reddit or on twitter, then maybe you're way out of your league speculating in the first place.

The market will always have people trying to drive the price up and it will always have people trying to drive the price down - it's the nature of the beast.  Get over it.

I fucking care.  If you don't care that's fine, but I kinda care that you don't care that I care, even when you don't care.

Do you care when people are trying to talk up the price because they want to pump and dump or only when they're trying to talk it down?

Do you care that the lag on MtGox means the market can't respond in real time?

Title: Re: The name and shame thread of FUD spammers for market manipulation.
Post by: Elwar on March 29, 2013, 01:29:04 AM
Umm ya, people will try to influence you to buy or sell.

Why not make your own decisions?

There are bigger forces than your few BTC you are trying to buy low and sell high. Just buy or sell based on whether you want BTC or not.

Title: Re: The name and shame thread of FUD spammers for market manipulation.
Post by: Piper67 on March 29, 2013, 01:55:55 AM
Umm ya, people will try to influence you to buy or sell.

Why not make your own decisions?

There are bigger forces than your few BTC you are trying to buy low and sell high. Just buy or sell based on whether you want BTC or not.

What's this sell you speak of, Elwar?  :D

Title: Re: The name and shame thread of FUD spammers for market manipulation.
Post by: Zooey on March 29, 2013, 01:58:49 AM

Do you care when people are trying to talk up the price because they want to pump and dump or only when they're trying to talk it down?

Do you care that the lag on MtGox means the market can't respond in real time?

The pump and dump scenario is a debate all to itself and identifying any associated 'talk' difficult as it's a different beast that isn't unlike many innocent bitcoin enthusiasts with a vested interest but no intention to dump.  What I decided to highlight here was the very identifiable, definable sort of crash-specific incitements to and declarations of total collapse which are an intentional deception aimed at fucking the least experienced Bitcoiners right in the ass, and I just don't like us all being ok with having a regular turnover of new adopters sold down the river to make ourselves rich.  Treating such people with a 'fuck them cause they're too stupid to be using bitcoin' attitude is just everything I don't want hear in this community.  I just look at our ideals, and then I look at this thing and I can't help how I feel about that.  

I care more about the Mtgox lag, to be honest ;D and even more still about what looks like an organised, combined market run + DDos attack.  I think it's critical that Mtgox bosses enter into an invloved and productive dialogue asap;  trading any longer under the gox lag is now, simply, untennable.  I hope to hear that communicated unequivocally here, and I'll be off to look for it the second I hit this enter key actually.  I'd like to see some numbers on this DDos attack to have confidence that protection against loss of service from the next is adequate....

Title: Re: The name and shame thread of FUD spammers for market manipulation.
Post by: Zooey on March 29, 2013, 02:33:44 AM
onesalt (;u=21589)

This nobnibbler spammed both 'Economics' and the child board 'Speculation' with the same post (a minute apart) consisting of a graph that has the highest potential to confuse someone of a total collapse with some lovely CAPS about this being the end of civilization as we know it, or something to that effect.

Also of note:  because this cockfiddler has a decent amount of forum posts under his belt I took five minutes to check him out rather than blindly flog a manlover for, say, having a bad day.  In fact I found that these were the first posts from this account in about 5-6 months, which is highly suspect (returning to post market manipulating FUD right on cue in a flashcrash) of this user being directly involved in the wider, organised run than took place on the market.  Furthermore, prior to vanishing, he spent his entire career on these forums spreading FUD about bitcoin like it was the devil itself.

No doubt someone remembers him?

Title: Re: The name and shame thread of FUD spammers for market manipulation.
Post by: Ichthyo on March 29, 2013, 07:43:37 AM
Who fucking cares?  If you're making your decisions about buying or selling based on what's posted here, on reddit or on twitter, then maybe you're way out of your league speculating in the first place.

The market will always have people trying to drive the price up and it will always have people trying to drive the price down - it's the nature of the beast.  Get over it.

I fucking care.  If you don't care that's fine, but I kinda care that you don't care that I care, even when you don't care.

Its a honourable move that you try to care and feel yourself responsible.

That being said, I think you have a way to shallow understanding what a free market is. It is comprised of competing forces, real forces. This means there can be dips (that is, what we saw the last weeks) and there can be corrections and there can be real crashes (mind me, this thingy today was not a crash). These forces carry over to the people, which will be whining, screaming, and trying all kinds of stupid things. To some extend, we should just accept this. If we try to prevent and prohibit such, we'll end up with a world of red tape and language regime.

Also, I think your judgement of other people just from some forum posts is way to shallow. If someone writes OMG IT IS CRASHING THIS IS THE END OF THE WORLD -- than this can mean a lot of things. It could be irony or humor, it could be someone compensating a loss he's just suffered, it could be someone really panicking or it could be indeed an (rather uneducated and childish) attempt to influence other people.

Finally there is another issue. I am doubtful that the means you're taking here are appropriate. You are putting people to the pillory, in public. If you really care for other people, it would have been in place first to talk directly to those people. Respond to their posts. Ask them why they are reacting this way. Point out to them directly why you find their behaviour out of place.

Title: Re: The name and shame thread of FUD spammers for market manipulation.
Post by: rebuilder on March 29, 2013, 02:26:55 PM
I care, not because douchebaggery might affect the market price (I doubt it), but because it weakens the signal to noise ratio of this forum. Take a look at the discussion that went on here a couple of years ago and tell me this place hasn't suffered.

If you can't behave like an adult, you're useless.

Title: Re: The name and shame thread of FUD spammers for market manipulation.
Post by: yolo2222 on March 29, 2013, 02:32:36 PM
Here's a question.

Why is your username Zooey, yet your profile has your gender set as male?

Bi-gender-curious-much? rofl.

 ??? This shows how much of a IQ you have " BitcoinTip" get a life my friend :)

Someone with such a username is instantly added to 'ignore list'

Muppets. Muppets everywhere.

Title: Re: The name and shame thread of FUD spammers for market manipulation.
Post by: greyhawk on March 29, 2013, 02:36:53 PM
 I just look at our ideals,

Such as?

Title: Re: The name and shame thread of FUD spammers for market manipulation.
Post by: Herodes on March 29, 2013, 02:46:53 PM
somebody please move this topic to 'garbage sub-forum'.