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Local => 한국어 (Korean) => Topic started by: Droga Po Sukces on September 06, 2016, 12:06:39 PM

Title: Bitclub Network Mining Pool
Post by: Droga Po Sukces on September 06, 2016, 12:06:39 PM
Bitclub Network
Owner Russ Medlin
Location Reykjavik Iceland --> (http://)
BitClub Mining Pool Statistic (http://)
Short Wideo What Is Bitcoin & What Is Bitclub Network (http://)
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BitClub Network is running a mining pool and everyone can get a piece of all the Bitcoin being mined.

Most mining pools don't pay referral commissions, or if they do maybe it's a one time with no residuals on the people you introduce.

This is where BitClub Network is different, we have a cutting edge referral based pay plan that uses Bitcoin mining to offer a unique income opportunity for members.

Bitcoin mining is hard for most people to grasp because it's basically a machine that prints money. These specialized mining machines plug into wall outlet and start producing Bitcoin. This Bitcoin can be exchanged for cash and spent in near real time

We Offer 3 Mining Pools...

Pool 1
Pool 2
Pool 3

When you purchase a share of these mining pools you are actually purchasing bitcoin mining machines that are being leased to you over a 600 day period. These machines have been assembled for the sole purpose of mining Bitcoin blocks and we will continue to purchase the latest technology as it becomes available.

For each share that you purchase you will receive a revenue share of all the Bitcoin being produced from that pool. These commissions are paid to you on a daily basis and each pool has their own requirement to use a certain percentage of your earnings to pay for expansion, maintenance, electricity, cooling, and other expenses.

Each person who buys a mining pool share will receive daily profits from the Bitcoin mined. These daily profits vary based on whatever mining is receive and the total shares in each pool. For each share you purchase you will receive daily profits for 600 days.

The reason our pay plan is so exciting is because you are paid commissions on EVERY person that you share this opportunity with. Anytime they earn Bitcoin from a share of the mining pool you will also earn a percentage based on where they fall in your Level Up structure.

IMPORTANT: We DO NOT guarantee any profits, there is no daily ROI percentage set, and we DO NOT speculate on Bitcoin by trading it. When purchasing a share you are taking all the risk and reward for whatever happens over the 600 days of your mining contract. We will continue to allow new shares until it's no longer profitable to do so, at this point we will close the mining pools to any new shares and payout the remaining shares for the life of their contract.