Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: marty123 on September 19, 2016, 01:42:55 PM

Title: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: marty123 on September 19, 2016, 01:42:55 PM
If you haven't noticed already, the two coins below Bitcoin, Ethereum(ETH) , Ripple (XRP) have forged theier way into crypto with massive fundings from bank, backed by bankers, both Ethereum and Ripple have second and third market capitalization respectively after Bitcoin, Do you think the bankers who manipulated the global market and caused the global crash of 2008 which led to suicide of thousands of innocent people for making bankers profit, will bring down bitcoin, block chain tech and  decentralization?

1. How are you going to stop the bankers trying to dictator crypto?

2. Are you fully aware of things that are going on?

3. What measures are you taking now?

Best Regards

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Carlton Banks on September 19, 2016, 02:06:58 PM
The Gavin Andresen/Mike Hearn hard fork proposals were very likely bankster moves against Bitcoin (as both have connections with either the banking or corporate establishment). They proposed to put huge unnecessary loads on the network, and dialed back the size of the extra load they proposed by several factors, several times, and still their plans were rejected.

The hard fork mechanism is important if there is a genuine disagreement on direction, or if the ethics of the repo maintainers become significantly questionable. We don't have that problem though. The problem was hard fork proposals that intend to install rogue development teams, not the current dev team.

What did we do? We argued against it, successfully, against an army of shills. They're re-mobilising right now, and it's hilarious.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: pereira4 on September 19, 2016, 02:18:38 PM
XT and Classic are indeed bankster moves against Bitcoin, anyone with some insight on the tech and on the community knows that.

This is how they will try to to take control of Bitcoin. They will try to centralize the nodes which is what would cause massive damage in the network. Once you can't run a node the decentralization of the network is simply not possible.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: marty123 on September 19, 2016, 02:32:42 PM
The Gavin Andresen/Mike Hearn hard fork proposals were very likely bankster moves against Bitcoin (as both have connections with either the banking or corporate establishment). They proposed to put huge unnecessary loads on the network, and dialed back the size of the extra load they proposed by several factors, several times, and still their plans were rejected.

The hard fork mechanism is important if there is a genuine disagreement on direction, or if the ethics of the repo maintainers become significantly questionable. We don't have that problem though. The problem was hard fork proposals that intend to install rogue development teams, not the current dev team.

What did we do? We argued against it, successfully, against an army of shills. They're re-mobilising right now, and it's hilarious.

Exactly, this is what we need to do, we will need to keep on fighting and this will be a never ending war.

Ethereum able to bail out, XRP able to freeze user funds, both funded and backed by bankers are trying to destroy everything Satoshi wants to build upon.

In the current crypto scenario, i would go with Monero after Bitcoin as they uphold Bitcoin values.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: PlotTwisted on September 19, 2016, 04:02:25 PM
Yes, i think bankers will do all that they can to destroy block chain tech, they are wolves disguised as sheeps, we need to keep on fighting them to keep Satoshi's vision alive.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: marty123 on September 19, 2016, 05:18:21 PM
Yes, i think bankers will do all that they can to destroy block chain tech, they are wolves disguised as sheeps, we need to keep on fighting them to keep Satoshi's vision alive.

As an agorist, i hate the government controlled bankers trying to destroy Satoshi's vision, we need to stop them before they grow big, everyone should voice their protest against them.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: RodeoX on September 19, 2016, 05:23:17 PM
Absolutely not.

There is a lot of talk about the banks destroying bitcoin, yet no one has even shown me a method for doing this. Until someone can show how this could be done, I don't think it will be done.

1. How are you going to stop the bankers trying to dictator crypto? - I don't have to. There is no way to do it.

2. Are you fully aware of things that are going on? - Um.  you mean in the bitcoin world? Sure, more than most I suppose.

3. What measures are you taking now? - I only use BTC online and dumped my credit cards. The banks are only powerful because you keep giving them your money. I do not do that.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: marty123 on September 19, 2016, 05:29:48 PM
Absolutely not.

There is a lot of talk about the banks destroying bitcoin, yet no one has even shown me a method for doing this. Until someone can show how this could be done, I don't think it will be done.

Banks are trying their best, they are crooks trained in deceiving for 100's of years, seeing how Ripple is backed by banks and freezing user funds and how ripple is valued as third biggest crypto and recent Ethereum bailout and their connections with bank is showing that they are improving with their crony/wicked strategies, i believe the free market will dictate its course and they will not win, we have to stay vigilant and protest nonetheless.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: thejaytiesto on September 19, 2016, 05:34:18 PM
Absolutely not.

There is a lot of talk about the banks destroying bitcoin, yet no one has even shown me a method for doing this. Until someone can show how this could be done, I don't think it will be done.

1. How are you going to stop the bankers trying to dictator crypto? - I don't have to. There is no way to do it.

2. Are you fully aware of things that are going on? - Um.  you mean in the bitcoin world? Sure, more than most I suppose.

3. What measures are you taking now? - I only use BTC online and dumped my credit cards. The banks are only powerful because you keep giving them your money. I do not do that.

The methods have been mentioned in this thread already. They will keep using actors to corrupt the community and create problems and then propose their own solutions, all revolving the same principles:

1) Dissolve the Core developer team, which is influenced by crypto punk culture. This means to stop all traces of anonymity and node decentralization.
2) Propose a software that sounds good in the ears of morons: Cheap and fast transactions, at the expense of node centralization since they are too big to run on normal computers. Of course this is never mentioned or sugarcoated so they can trap as many idiots as possible on their anti Core crusade.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Kprawn on September 19, 2016, 05:41:09 PM
Well, imo they are already working hard on the permission private Blockchain type technologies, and they will have no need to zoom in on Alt

coins to achieve their goals. They already took the technology that was supposed to disrupt them { or so they thought} and turned it in to a

technology that will bring in even more profits. { lower cost of global tx's going to the shareholders pockets } ...Time will tell. How do you stop

them... well vote against the people backing them and do not use their services.  ;)

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: RodeoX on September 19, 2016, 05:47:35 PM
Absolutely not.

There is a lot of talk about the banks destroying bitcoin, yet no one has even shown me a method for doing this. Until someone can show how this could be done, I don't think it will be done.

Banks are trying their best, they are crooks trained in deceiving for 100's of years, seeing how Ripple is backed by banks and freezing user funds and how ripple is valued as third biggest crypto and recent Ethereum bailout and their connections with bank is showing that they are improving with their crony strategies, i believe the free market will dictate its course and they will not win, we have to stay vigilant and protest nonetheless.

Of course the banks are welcome to create their own alt-coins. But they can not compete and here is why.

Bitcoin fees trend to the lowest profitable amount using a global competition model. Banks would have to buy/rent hash power as no one will volunteer to run their coins.
Bitcoin incentivises mining by turning over all new coins to the miners and allowing anyone on the planet to mine. Banks aren't going to give their coins away to people they don't even know.
Bitcoin's distribution, and supply can not be changed without consensus from all users. Bank coin value and supply will be decided by the bank, and in the banks best interest.
Bank coins will come with whatever rules the bank sees as profitable. With bitcoin no one can stop anyone from doing with their money whatever they wish.
Bank coins are not going to work around the world like bitcoin. They will have limited and controlled use.

Basically banks can create a money they control and that you can use under their system. Does that sound like something bitcoin users are going to switch to? lol, no of course not.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: gentlemand on September 19, 2016, 05:48:28 PM
I think banks will lift the ideas they like and use it to polish up their own product. Most average people would swallow what the banks serve up to them regardless of how appalling it is for their future.

Do I think there are paid shills from the banks prowling this board right now? I think Bitcoin attracts enough psychotic freaks who are willing to upend it for free for their own sweaty little reasons.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: jak3 on September 19, 2016, 06:07:44 PM
bankers takes taxes for their own development and they will keep a seperate record file of all the transacrions too because they can not fully trust on anything else when matters are about money and banks are made to balance the money in a country and they can destroy the anonymity in the network

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Carlton Banks on September 19, 2016, 06:25:50 PM
Of course the banks are welcome to create their own alt-coins. But they can not compete and here is why.

Bitcoin fees trend to the lowest profitable amount using a global competition model. Banks would have to buy/rent hash power as no one will volunteer to run their coins.
Bitcoin incentivises mining by turning over all new coins to the miners and allowing anyone on the planet to mine. Banks aren't going to give their coins away to people they don't even know.
Bitcoin's distribution, and supply can not be changed without consensus from all users. Bank coin value and supply will be decided by the bank, and in the banks best interest.
Bank coins will come with whatever rules the bank sees as profitable. With bitcoin no one can stop anyone from doing with their money whatever they wish.
Bank coins are not going to work around the world like bitcoin. They will have limited and controlled use.

Basically banks can create a money they control and that you can use under their system. Does that sound like something bitcoin users are going to switch to? lol, no of course not.

Why are you ignoring the forking threat that you've been told about already, and that has been menacing Bitcoin for 18 months? If people using Bitcoin can be swayed into choosing a destructive fork, it hands the steering of Bitcoin over to those controlling the new fork.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Jet Cash on September 19, 2016, 06:28:13 PM
Firstly blockchain concepts have been around since the 1970s. I used it for creating a transaction verification file on an IBM 360. T

Will the miners take over Bitcoin? That's the big question, andhe Bitcoin revolution was the decentalisation and replication of this type of verification file. This makes it difficult/impossible to corrupt the historical data.
Can bankers take control? - not if we can support a free and honest  core team.

can bankers create an alternative? Of course they can, but it won't  be the same - maybe they will start including electronic data in the new plastic notes to support their new virtual currencies. one that I'm not qualified to answer.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: bitbunnny on September 19, 2016, 06:32:58 PM
They goal is maybe to destroy Bitcoin as competition they don't like but they don't have the interest to destroy blockchain technogy. At the.moment they would like to.embrace it and implement into their business.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: European Central Bank on September 19, 2016, 07:22:40 PM
they won't destroy blockchain technology. you can't destroy an idea and it's useful for them anyway. they wouldn't dream of participating in something decentralized. that ain't how they operate and never will.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: franky1 on September 19, 2016, 07:23:10 PM
look at carlton with all the propaganda.

but where is carlton when it comes to the bankers investment of $55m that went to adam back and greg maxwell..
oops i struck a nerve.. i mentioned a banker relationship with the ones trying to slow down bitcoin capacity growth..

now i expect more trolling from him not talking about cores funding.. instead of admitting even his beloved chums have been bought out
now i expect more 3 shell game of "everyone look to the left while the bankers attack on the right" to pretend core are innocent and no one should investigate or judge the funding of holy religious order of core control.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Carlton Banks on September 19, 2016, 07:36:21 PM
look at carlton with all the propaganda.

but where is carlton when it comes to the bankers investment of $55m that went to adam back and greg maxwell..
oops i struck a nerve.. i mentioned a banker relationship with the ones trying to slow down bitcoin capacity growth..

I've always addressed this directly.

PriceWaterhouseCoopers are not a bank. And that's the investment organisation Franky is referring to. That isn't a bank.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Senor.Bla on September 19, 2016, 07:43:07 PM
they won't destroy blockchain technology. you can't destroy an idea and it's useful for them anyway. they wouldn't dream of participating in something decentralized. that ain't how they operate and never will.
to be honest i am a bit afraid, that they might just do something worse then destroying it. they could pervert the block chain and make it something it was not meant to be. and since they did not destroy it enough people are dumb enough to go with it. sure there would be still some small groups left with a proper block chain, but so small that nobody would care.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: RocketSingh on September 19, 2016, 07:55:28 PM
1. How are you going to stop the bankers trying to dictator crypto?
By welcoming them.

2. Are you fully aware of things that are going on?
In bitcoin? Yes. In bank and scamcoins? No.

3. What measures are you taking now?
Buying more bitcoin while the price is low. :)

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: bestluck on September 19, 2016, 08:00:57 PM
The bankers are not much stronger then crypto technology, they will only follow the technology and the more development for their banking system will be to provide their own wallet and nothing more

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Carlton Banks on September 19, 2016, 08:05:07 PM
to be honest i am a bit afraid, that they might just do something worse then destroying it. they could pervert the block chain and make it something it was not meant to be. and since they did not destroy it enough people are dumb enough to go with it. sure there would be still some small groups left with a proper block chain, but so small that nobody would care.

As long as there is an open market for the competing currencies, that can't happen. I feel more concerned about the infrastructure of the internet itself being neutered than Bitcoin being hijacked (although the latter is not impossible).

Too many of the original Bitcoin investors were computer literate, and there seems to be a positive correlation between computer and math literacy and the amount of BTC people invested in (I bought a fair amount). It's difficult to fool those kind of people with nonsense arguments, so it's a little difficult to get any kind of hijacking leverage out of that dynamic. Hasn't stopped them trying, though ::)

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: franky1 on September 19, 2016, 08:20:27 PM
look at carlton with all the propaganda.

but where is carlton when it comes to the bankers investment of $55m that went to adam back and greg maxwell..
oops i struck a nerve.. i mentioned a banker relationship with the ones trying to slow down bitcoin capacity growth..

I've always addressed this directly.

PriceWaterhouseCoopers are not a bank. And that's the investment organisation Franky is referring to. That isn't a bank.

thats like saying R3 organisation is not a bank..(because its just an organization)
PwC is just an organisation of partners.. look at the partners of Pwc, just like the partners of R3

R3 and PwC are the same thing.. banker money used to sway programmers to do certain things to get what bankers want. and programmers doing it to release a second tranche of investment by achieving what bankers want.

i look forward to seeing greg and adam get too excited about their next tranche of investment release, as their egos are too big to hide such a milestone. and then they have to start admitting what was required and needed to be achieved to get that tranche of funds

the hypocrisy is amazing when it comes to carlton trying to defend core while attacking anything not core.
carlton, hows the prep work going to REKT luke JR before he releases real capacity buffer increase version of core?

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Cryptogott on September 19, 2016, 08:37:53 PM
They don't care about bitcoin. Banks have bigger problems than bitcoin.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Carlton Banks on September 19, 2016, 08:47:46 PM
The difference is that R3 promoted engineers who came up with a plan to turn Bitcoin into a centralised network, whereas the team that PWC funded have been working mericlessly on improving the decentralised properties of the network. To wit:

  • 0.8 introduced the UTXO set
  • 0.10 introduced headers first block propagation
  • 0.12 introduced secp256k tx verification
  • 0.13 introduced compact block propagation
  • 0.13.1 will bring in SegWit

And who was responsible for all that development? The Classic/XT turncoats, or the Blockstream based devs?

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: franky1 on September 19, 2016, 08:53:17 PM
The difference is that R3 promoted engineers who came up with a plan to turn Bitcoin into a centralised network, whereas the team that PWC funded have been working mericlessly on improving the decentralised properties of the network. To wit:

  • 0.8 introduced the UTXO set
  • 0.10 introduced headers first block propagation
  • 0.12 introduced secp256k tx verification
  • 0.13 introduced compact block propagation
  • 0.13.1 will bring in SegWit

And who was responsible for all that development? The Classic/XT turncoats, or the Blockstream based devs?

segwit, to blind old nodes
no witness mode to not even verify data because they dont ask for signatures
pruned to not have copies of historic data to help newbies start up.

in short segwit code results in LESS fully validating nodes.

have a nice day

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Vikingr on September 19, 2016, 08:55:48 PM
Once the bankers know about the profit of bitcoin they will start to love bitcoin and especially when they learn to run the technology of bitcoin. They hate bitcoin because they do not know anything about the technology of bitcoin and just know that with that people will put their money only in bitcoin and not in the banks.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Carlton Banks on September 19, 2016, 08:56:20 PM
The day's not over yet.

What's stopping people from running a witness node, Franky? It's "nothing", isn't it?

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: PacePay on September 19, 2016, 08:57:54 PM
I think the bankers should have to create their own wallet where they will serve those customers who will like to put their money in bitcoin so that the bankers will not lose their profit with the success of bitcoin and bitcoin will also get a stronger support and people will put more and more money in bicoin as banks will give guarantee for their money.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: yayayo on September 19, 2016, 10:36:09 PM
The Gavin Andresen/Mike Hearn hard fork proposals were very likely bankster moves against Bitcoin (as both have connections with either the banking or corporate establishment). They proposed to put huge unnecessary loads on the network, and dialed back the size of the extra load they proposed by several factors, several times, and still their plans were rejected.

The hard fork mechanism is important if there is a genuine disagreement on direction, or if the ethics of the repo maintainers become significantly questionable. We don't have that problem though. The problem was hard fork proposals that intend to install rogue development teams, not the current dev team.

What did we do? We argued against it, successfully, against an army of shills. They're re-mobilising right now, and it's hilarious.

I fully agree, however I think in the case of Hearn and Andresen it's also quite possible, that governments were behind it. Especially considering the fact that Andresen without hesitation visited a well-known three letter agency and met with other representatives of the status quo. Later he tried a power grab by founding the infamous Bitcoin Foundation to open the door to political influence on Bitcoin development. Either he truly was naively under the impression that "negotiating" with governments is advantageous for Bitcoin or it was just plain collaboration with the establishment because of full affiliation.

At least Hearn and Andresen showed significant signs of a narcissistic personality, a feature often encountered inside the gov officialdom and among bankers.

In my view, the guy coming closest at being a prototypical banker type Bitcoin destroyer is Roger Ver, who was also in full support of the unbearably dumb and dangerous big block scheme and is now spreading his propaganda via

The brave and intelligent have won a battle for now, but the war is far from over...


Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Carlton Banks on September 19, 2016, 10:52:03 PM
I fully agree, however I think in the case of Hearn and Andresen it's also quite possible, that governments were behind it. Especially considering the fact that Andresen without hesitation visited a well-known three letter agency and met with other representatives of the status quo. Later he tried a power grab by founding the infamous Bitcoin Foundation to open the door to political influence on Bitcoin development. Either he truly was naively under the impression that "negotiating" with governments is advantageous for Bitcoin or it was just plain collaboration with the establishment because of full affiliation.

It's difficult to be sure about the exact details, we have circumstantial evidence only. But it's a reasonable assumption that Hearn and Andresen were not too stupid to understand that their 20 MB block proposals were reckless beyond belief, it's just not possible that they didn't know.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Yakamoto on September 19, 2016, 11:02:29 PM
I think the bankers should have to create their own wallet where they will serve those customers who will like to put their money in bitcoin so that the bankers will not lose their profit with the success of bitcoin and bitcoin will also get a stronger support and people will put more and more money in bicoin as banks will give guarantee for their money.
Maybe it would be worth it for them to go and make their own wallets, but I personally don't think that it is important at all for them to design their own wallets and customize them according to what the want to give to their customers.

Banks are not required to develop anything, and if they can use what already exists then good fo them. Additional developments and so just aren't things that are necessary all the time.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Ai7xpressTV on September 19, 2016, 11:12:14 PM
bankers don't like decentralization is because centralization = power of the few, (at the expense of the many.) Decentralization is a threat to that power. It's kind of difficult to have power over something you don't have direct control over. That's why so many wars are being faut in countries that don't yet have central banks and why Brexit was so reviled in the media.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: trickshot22 on September 19, 2016, 11:52:55 PM
i dont think that it is possible, bitcoin seems to be going really strong and i think that it should not go down because a few banks want that

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Teraboy on September 20, 2016, 12:50:00 AM
Absolutely not.

There is a lot of talk about the banks destroying bitcoin, yet no one has even shown me a method for doing this. Until someone can show how this could be done, I don't think it will be done.

1. How are you going to stop the bankers trying to dictator crypto? - I don't have to. There is no way to do it.

2. Are you fully aware of things that are going on? - Um.  you mean in the bitcoin world? Sure, more than most I suppose.

3. What measures are you taking now? - I only use BTC online and dumped my credit cards. The banks are only powerful because you keep giving them your money. I do not do that.
Aagree with you, there is no way to fo it, we are just a civilians and there is no way for taking any act till just avoiding their service just preventing the bank with a little effort.

Bank just focussing their viewpoint in bitcoin and just harness the blockchain for threatening bitcoin

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: cromex on September 20, 2016, 01:16:48 AM
The blockchain is growing the more popular it get the quicker it grows, so all they have to do is just wait and gradually build there super nodes with states and a few giant companies. To what I am hearing that is not very far off.
The development of bitcoin need to find a way to scale and fast. the governments wants control, they are exploring, splitting the teams up to reduced there effectiveness.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Viyamore on September 20, 2016, 02:10:44 AM
No ,in fact many news about blockchain technology innovation of usage they keep improving blockchain to use in many sectors online.
Recently IBM and Japans biggest bank shakes on about this matter .they will ise bitcoins blockchain for their special project and they will spend more billions of dollars to research and to improve it.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Shiroslullaby on September 20, 2016, 02:17:22 AM
Yeah its interesting that all these banks are investing big money in blockchain.
Most of them are pretty quiet about what they are doing with this technology, so its hard to say if they are trying to build a technology for their own use,
or studying the technology to find the holes in it.
Either way its scary, because it would be nothing for a bank or invest a couple billion dollars and totally shift the direction of any coin, even Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: passwordnow on September 20, 2016, 04:45:20 AM
I think bankers are not going to be able to destroy the network for blockchain because it is really strong and no one is going to destroy it. But with the decentralization of bitcoin, banks are able to make it centralized if they are going to adopt it and the government is going to allow it and it is going to happen when banks sees a threat to their industry.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: yhlsqj on September 20, 2016, 05:13:51 AM
Why bankers want to destroy blockchain??   ???  Banks use blockchain service and are now hyping blockchain technology. Ripple, nem, factom and so on. Blockchain will help bank, bank will promote bitcoin and blockchain technology.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Kakmakr on September 20, 2016, 05:34:22 AM
Why bankers want to destroy blockchain??   ???  Banks use blockchain service and are now hyping blockchain technology. Ripple, nem, factom and so on. Blockchain will help bank, bank will promote bitcoin and blockchain technology.

The answer is simple, Bitcoin pose a threat to them, because it is a technology that can be used to bypass them. Possibly not entirely, but to a certain extent. Bitcoin has cheaper transactions and we have a faster network for global money transfers. The banks only target people with money, where Bitcoin can be used by everyone, so this also threatens their profits.

Do not for one moment think the Blockchain technology the banks are investing in, is anything like Bitcoin. It will be a private ledger in a decentralized < in house > form, which they will manipulate at will. ^hmmmmm^

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: davis196 on September 20, 2016, 05:35:52 AM
If you haven't noticed already, the two coins below Bitcoin, Ethereum(ETH) , Ripple (XRP) have forged theier way into crypto with massive fundings from bank, backed by bankers, both Ethereum and Ripple have second and third market capitalization respectively after Bitcoin, Do you think the bankers who manipulated the global market and caused the global crash of 2008 which led to suicide of thousands of innocent people for making bankers profit, will bring down bitcoin, block chain tech and  decentralization?

1. How are you going to stop the bankers trying to dictator crypto?

2. Are you fully aware of things that are going on?

3. What measures are you taking now?

Best Regards

If bankers try to destroy bitcoin,we can`t stop them,unfortunately.

Yes,i`m aware of things that are going on.

I can`t take any measures about that. :(

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: ObscureBean on September 20, 2016, 05:37:37 AM
I don't think they would be able to bring Bitcoin down completely but then they wouldn't really want to do that anyway. After all Bitcoin is really just money and anything and everything within the world of money can be manipulated. Big money influences small money and Bitcoin's $10 billion market cap is nothing compared to the amount these guys can draw on.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: marty123 on September 20, 2016, 10:37:02 AM
The blockchain is growing the more popular it get the quicker it grows, so all they have to do is just wait and gradually build there super nodes with states and a few giant companies. To what I am hearing that is not very far off.
The development of bitcoin need to find a way to scale and fast. the governments wants control, they are exploring, splitting the teams up to reduced there effectiveness.

Yes, not very far off they are almost there. Ethereum (ETH) is one such coin which is backed by giant companies and banks, the Ethereum foundation who govern the coin had bailed out a group of third party investor who failed on a bad choice of investment. ETH is also backed by government controlled banks and large companies who are only in it for profit.

It is getting bad for such government controlled coins to become big fast, Bitcoin took 4 years and 4 months (52 months) to reach 1 billion usd market cap, bankers backed Ethereum took just 6 months to reach 1 billion usd market capitalization, which is likely a big bubble and overvalued, and we have to keep an eye on it, as for profit government entities are trying to take over block chain tech.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: shield132 on September 20, 2016, 10:48:33 AM
Bankers won't destroy blockchain tech and crypto currency and I'll write my opinion here.

1. With bitcoin, we can make anonymous transactions, no one can to easily investigate real information of sender and receiver. This is also good for goverment because they laundering money.

2. Banker's are trying to dictator crypto because some banks offer us bitcoin online wallet, bitcoin exchange tu usd or other currency and etc.

This thread's author is true, bankers want to control bitcoin and other crypto currency but there are also many "big players".

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: PlotTwisted on September 20, 2016, 12:31:35 PM
The blockchain is growing the more popular it get the quicker it grows, so all they have to do is just wait and gradually build there super nodes with states and a few giant companies. To what I am hearing that is not very far off.
The development of bitcoin need to find a way to scale and fast. the governments wants control, they are exploring, splitting the teams up to reduced there effectiveness.

Yes, not very far off they are almost there. Ethereum (ETH) is one such coin which is backed by giant companies and banks, the Ethereum foundation who govern the coin had bailed out a group of third party investor who failed on a bad choice of investment. ETH is also backed by government controlled banks and large companies who are only in it for profit.

It is getting bad for such government controlled coins to become big fast, Bitcoin took 4 years and 4 months (52 months) to reach 1 billion usd market cap, bankers backed Ethereum took just 6 months to reach 1 billion usd market capitalization, which is likely a big bubble and overvalued, and we have to keep an eye on it, as for profit government entities are trying to take over block chain tech.

Yes not looking good for decentralized and for people crypto, corporate and government goonies are trying to take over, we need to fight them tooth and nails.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: beamforming2 on September 20, 2016, 01:20:46 PM
of couse bankers don't like decentralization . Decentralization is a threat to that power. It's kind of difficult to have power over something you don't have direct control over. That's why so many wars are being faut in countries that don't yet have central banks and why Brexit was so reviled in the media.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Noctis Connor on September 20, 2016, 01:30:05 PM
If you haven't noticed already, the two coins below Bitcoin, Ethereum(ETH) , Ripple (XRP) have forged theier way into crypto with massive fundings from bank, backed by bankers, both Ethereum and Ripple have second and third market capitalization respectively after Bitcoin, Do you think the bankers who manipulated the global market and caused the global crash of 2008 which led to suicide of thousands of innocent people for making bankers profit, will bring down bitcoin, block chain tech and  decentralization?

1. How are you going to stop the bankers trying to dictator crypto?

2. Are you fully aware of things that are going on?

3. What measures are you taking now?

Best Regards
Bitcoins are the main father of that two alt coin where ethereum are the second one high price in cryptop currency which is i dont know if Ripple are forge their way to crypto to have massive funding from investors and banks also
1.Are the bankers have connection on cryptocurrency?
2.No im not fully aware why ? because im not a trader

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: PlotTwisted on September 20, 2016, 02:11:16 PM
Mr. Robot talking about  Ethereum (E-Coin) (

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: marty123 on September 20, 2016, 10:33:35 PM
Mr. Robot talking about  Ethereum (E-Coin) (

We should not let these take away our freedom, Satoshi bought a revolution to stop bailing out of businesses by hard earned tax payers money, we should not let the reverse happen and let Satoshi's work go in vain, let us show our disobedience to them, fight on until these government backed coins are no more!!!

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: JeffBrad12 on September 21, 2016, 12:01:40 AM
If you haven't noticed already, the two coins below Bitcoin, Ethereum(ETH) , Ripple (XRP) have forged theier way into crypto with massive fundings from bank, backed by bankers, both Ethereum and Ripple have second and third market capitalization respectively after Bitcoin, Do you think the bankers who manipulated the global market and caused the global crash of 2008 which led to suicide of thousands of innocent people for making bankers profit, will bring down bitcoin, block chain tech and  decentralization?

1. How are you going to stop the bankers trying to dictator crypto?

2. Are you fully aware of things that are going on?

3. What measures are you taking now?

Best Regards
Bitcoins are the main father of that two alt coin where ethereum are the second one high price in cryptop currency which is i dont know if Ripple are forge their way to crypto to have massive funding from investors and banks also
1.Are the bankers have connection on cryptocurrency?
2.No im not fully aware why ? because im not a trader

That is just a speculation but the possibilities are always there, but I do not believe it. the banker is no need connection into the cryptocurrency and why the bank needs the connection?it's not having a relationship with trader but the op is doubt if the ripple and eth are the crypto invasion from the bank.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Wind_FURY on September 21, 2016, 02:52:38 AM
The Gavin Andresen/Mike Hearn hard fork proposals were very likely bankster moves against Bitcoin (as both have connections with either the banking or corporate establishment). They proposed to put huge unnecessary loads on the network, and dialed back the size of the extra load they proposed by several factors, several times, and still their plans were rejected.

The hard fork mechanism is important if there is a genuine disagreement on direction, or if the ethics of the repo maintainers become significantly questionable. We don't have that problem though. The problem was hard fork proposals that intend to install rogue development teams, not the current dev team.

What did we do? We argued against it, successfully, against an army of shills. They're re-mobilising right now, and it's hilarious.

I did some research about the Gavin Andresen hard for proposals and I did not realize that what you are saying is true. It was a proposal disguised to help the Bitcoin network scale but the true purpose of it as driven by their self interest. If the miners and the community unanimously decided to side with XT then they would become the new developers to follow in Bitcoin. That was very conniving of them if it was indeed what their purpose was.

Are the re-mobilising again? Where? I do not see any of the sort in the forum right now.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: agamasrori on September 21, 2016, 03:43:39 AM
I don know about that. I only know that even goverment can not rule bitcoin, can they? there so many people still using bitcoin and they are fine also didn't get any trouble. If bankers wanna destroy block chain tech it is mean that banker is worried about block chain tech. May be block chain tech can destroy banker business. That is my oppinion.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Zentuple on September 21, 2016, 03:49:45 AM
The idea of bitcoin is to avoid banks, but everybody is too concerned about it's fiat value.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: RealBitcoin on September 21, 2016, 03:55:23 AM

The hard fork mechanism is important if there is a genuine disagreement on direction, or if the ethics of the repo maintainers become significantly questionable. We don't have that problem though. The problem was hard fork proposals that intend to install rogue development teams, not the current dev team.

What did we do? We argued against it, successfully, against an army of shills. They're re-mobilising right now, and it's hilarious.

But we do have tons of shills trying to push this agenda, in some cases by people who dont even hold bitcoin.

Dont tell me that if you hire 1000 shils and pay them 1$ for each to shill for hardforks, they will somehow have the authority like an established person who actually holds like 1000 BTC

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Kprawn on September 21, 2016, 05:11:58 PM

The hard fork mechanism is important if there is a genuine disagreement on direction, or if the ethics of the repo maintainers become significantly questionable. We don't have that problem though. The problem was hard fork proposals that intend to install rogue development teams, not the current dev team.

What did we do? We argued against it, successfully, against an army of shills. They're re-mobilising right now, and it's hilarious.

But we do have tons of shills trying to push this agenda, in some cases by people who dont even hold bitcoin.

Dont tell me that if you hire 1000 shils and pay them 1$ for each to shill for hardforks, they will somehow have the authority like an established person who actually holds like 1000 BTC

The shills accepting $1 for shilling will not have the capacity to run a node and make a real difference, when it comes down to the

consensus decision on what fork to follow. Most people can spot the difference between Bullshit and chocolate, so these shills are pissing

against the wind. Let's just hope sanity will prevail in the long run, and the miners invested in the technology will continue supporting the

correct fork decisions.  ::)

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: RealBitcoin on September 22, 2016, 01:34:45 AM

The shills accepting $1 for shilling will not have the capacity to run a node and make a real difference, when it comes down to the

consensus decision on what fork to follow. Most people can spot the difference between Bullshit and chocolate, so these shills are pissing

against the wind. Let's just hope sanity will prevail in the long run, and the miners invested in the technology will continue supporting the

correct fork decisions.  ::)

Well it's demoncracy, you bribe the voters and they will vote against you.

If the shills outnumber the sane guys, then we will have a problem. The nodes will support the majority opinion, and they will get persuaded by the shills.

If there are 1000 shills, customers, for a bitcoin business, that only spend 1$ every day on that shop, that will get a priority, over a bitcoin whale that never shops and mostly stores his money. Merchants will be populists and support the majority.

So it's not hard to understand the game theory behind politics, 1 million poor people with 1 satoshi will easily overthrow Nakamoto with his 1 million BTC.

That is just the harsh reality I fear with Demoncracy.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: ekoice on September 22, 2016, 10:35:16 AM
Bankers have tried a lot to destroy blockchain tech, but they couldnot.

US government also was not able to ban bitcoin.

Bitcoin will be the future economy of the world

Even banks are nowadays trying to adopt blockchain technique.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: agamasrori on September 22, 2016, 11:48:12 AM
Bankers have tried a lot to destroy blockchain tech, but they couldnot.

US government also was not able to ban bitcoin.

Bitcoin will be the future economy of the world

Even banks are nowadays trying to adopt blockchain technique.
Wow I am glad to hear that. us goverment is one of the strongest in the world. that mean bitcoin technology was very amazing.  and I just agree with you about banks are nowadays trying to adopt blockchain technique. may be banks was thinked that if thay can not destroy bitcoin they just will do like bitcoin worlds run.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: avikz on September 22, 2016, 12:00:03 PM
Bankers can certainly manipulate the prices of crypto because they have huge funds to invest in to. But I think, this way, small investors like me will also be benefited.

If we can see the funding is coming in to crypto market, then the price appreciation will benefit all of us. What I feel that bankers investment will help crypto to become more streamlined.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Milkduds on October 05, 2016, 05:33:30 PM
Absolutely not.

There is a lot of talk about the banks destroying bitcoin, yet no one has even shown me a method for doing this. Until someone can show how this could be done, I don't think it will be done.

1. How are you going to stop the bankers trying to dictator crypto? - I don't have to. There is no way to do it.

2. Are you fully aware of things that are going on? - Um.  you mean in the bitcoin world? Sure, more than most I suppose.

3. What measures are you taking now? - I only use BTC online and dumped my credit cards. The banks are only powerful because you keep giving them your money. I do not do that.

The argument actually should be the other way around,its very obvious how they can slow bitcoin to a trickle.
Bigger issue for me would be how we protect ourselves from having this done.

Any one that has studied government knows they like to corrupt from within well running a image campaign that paints people as parasites to the system. People will be yelling Kill the bitcoiners quicker than you can say "it was the goat"!

Banks can refuse to do business with people,police forces could crack down on buyer/sellers and that would leave bitcoin atms with a KYC that would force users into ratting out other users. Leaving you with people that covered their path and most likely easy to paint as anti government,if not self proclaimed. One step away from being labeled terrorists and you have a successful shutdown.
Reason people say its impossible,is it is not even on the radar. If banks or government wanted to engage,the system would be done sooner than not.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: xdrpx on October 05, 2016, 05:51:42 PM
I don't think Bankers can bring down decentralization or Blockchain. Infact they've been closely researching and monitoring how the blockchain technology works and are developing with own form of cryptocurrency or private blockchain. Decentralization cannot be brought down cause we the people have more control over it rather than them. Although they are getting closer in terms of market capitalization with altcoins, they can't really control how Bitcoin is decentralized.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Milkduds on October 05, 2016, 06:01:01 PM
I don't think Bankers can bring down decentralization or Blockchain. Infact they've been closely researching and monitoring how the blockchain technology works and are developing with own form of cryptocurrency or private blockchain. Decentralization cannot be brought down cause we the people have more control over it rather than them. Although they are getting closer in terms of market capitalization with altcoins, they can't really control how Bitcoin is decentralized.

People never have as much power as they think. You honestly see a revolution over governments or banks taking bitcoin down?
The majority still think it is something creepy dudes use to buy kiddie porn on the darknet,if push comes to shove,they will have no problem getting the public against bitcoin.
Its a faulty thinking to believe bitcoin is in some kind of bubble,their is a reason governments are currently talking about who owns the internet. Guess who has the most valid claim? You honestly think America is going to not stifle and control once it gets the all mighty say over who is in command!
Bitcoin can be taken down many ways and the most obvious are the easiest routes,but why go after bitcoin when you can control the whole internet in one big swoop. Easy to dictate once that is done. Just look at how google,twitter and facebook re-write history. Go search reverse racism on google and it will tell you it does not exist!

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: pedrog on October 05, 2016, 06:08:53 PM
Bitcoin is already owned, well at least the major developers are, by something worst than bankers, they are owned by venture capitalists.

Bankers don't care if a company makes money they always get their bonus and if the bank goes down, there's always a bail out, but venture capitalists really like to make money.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: RodeoX on October 06, 2016, 03:26:26 PM
Until I see a method of "destroying" bitcoin I have absolutely no concern about this.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Milkduds on October 06, 2016, 04:47:00 PM
Until I see a method of "destroying" bitcoin I have absolutely no concern about this.

Physically destroy or manipulate so that it is worth nothing?
These seem to be the same thing,least how I come to issue.

No one is really addressing the technology when they talk about bitcoin being destroyed,its the restrictions or making it obsolete.
Not attacking you,but I am curious what you are meaning when you state this opinion about destroying bitcoin. Wanted a response last time to explain the thinking,maybe you can address this. :)

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Namiks on October 10, 2016, 12:52:19 PM
In its current state, I doubt they care about it in the slightest.

Bitcoin isn't a solid competitor yet.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: tabas on October 10, 2016, 03:53:12 PM
In its current state, I doubt they care about it in the slightest.

Bitcoin isn't a solid competitor yet.

Well as of now they see it as nothing because it has not impacting yet the economy of banking industry. But once majority of the citizens of the country  are able to use and adopt it for sure they are going to see it as a hard threat to their industry. But I don't think they have the power to destroy block chain tech and that is very impossible.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: calkob on October 10, 2016, 04:10:57 PM
If you haven't noticed already, the two coins below Bitcoin, Ethereum(ETH) , Ripple (XRP) have forged theier way into crypto with massive fundings from bank, backed by bankers, both Ethereum and Ripple have second and third market capitalization respectively after Bitcoin, Do you think the bankers who manipulated the global market and caused the global crash of 2008 which led to suicide of thousands of innocent people for making bankers profit, will bring down bitcoin, block chain tech and  decentralization?

1. How are you going to stop the bankers trying to dictator crypto?

2. Are you fully aware of things that are going on?

3. What measures are you taking now?

Best Regards

I think the only way they can destroy bitcoin is to infiltrate it from within.  so we need to be on guard from malicious actors within trying to divert the community

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Bavaria on October 10, 2016, 04:15:13 PM
The banking industry will destroy itself. Just look at all the job losses they have had with it being automated and almost all the things done there can be done online now.
Eventually it will happen if it has not happened already.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Carlsen on October 10, 2016, 05:05:37 PM
I don't see banks as a threat for bitcoin.
I think that bitcoin is simply too unimportant for them to even care.
As far as I know they are happy for every person that pulls their funds off the bank account.
With the technology of the blockchain it can be different. But I don't see that as concerning as well.
I don't mind if every bank has their own blockchain, that's why I am not taking any measures.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: RodeoX on October 10, 2016, 05:18:22 PM
Until I see a method of "destroying" bitcoin I have absolutely no concern about this.

Physically destroy or manipulate so that it is worth nothing?
These seem to be the same thing,least how I come to issue.

No one is really addressing the technology when they talk about bitcoin being destroyed,its the restrictions or making it obsolete.
Not attacking you,but I am curious what you are meaning when you state this opinion about destroying bitcoin. Wanted a response last time to explain the thinking,maybe you can address this. :)

 :) Sure. What I have seen over the years is a concern that a large bank will try crushing the bitcoin network to avoid competing with it. That makes sense and there are a lot of examples of banks leveraging their power against competition. Generally the argument is based on the banks...

1. Buying a huge amount of BTC then selling them cheap to crash the price.
2. Buying and sending large numbers of coins to a dead address (actual destruction).
3. Taking over the network by starting mega-mines used for a 51% attack.
4. Pressuring lawmakers to make bitcoin illegal.

However only the last option is logical. Buying the coins would cost huge amounts of money and raise the price. If they were then sold at a loss it would be the banks loss and likely would only have a very temporary effect. What would be gained? Buying and "destroying" coins would also cost a fortune and only reduce supply thus raising the value of bitcoin. Dominating mining would be the most expensive technique of all and users could simply ignore the "bank fork". That would leave the bank with hundreds of millions of dollars in worthless hardware and nothing to show except perhaps temporary chaos in the market. 
Pressure to legislate against bitcoin could be a concern. But it would cost a lot and would likely be unsuccessful.  What if people keep using it anyway? What about the overwhelming percentage of people on Earth who are not subject to any one nations laws?  I only see a path to a minor effect if you are willing to incur major losses. Banks act logically and profitably, not vindictively. In fact trying such a stunt could easily lead to a costly lawsuit by bank investors as it could be considered a breach of the banks fiduciary obligation.
Until I see a logical, rational, way by which the banks could take over or destroy the bitcoin network I remain unconcerned.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Kprawn on October 10, 2016, 05:26:49 PM
Until I see a method of "destroying" bitcoin I have absolutely no concern about this.

1. Buying a huge amount of BTC then selling them cheap to crash the price.
2. Buying and sending large numbers of coins to a dead address (actual destruction).
3. Taking over the network by starting mega-mines used for a 51% attack.
4. Pressuring lawmakers to make bitcoin illegal.

All of these will cost a shitload of money, and it would be much easier for them to just buy developers like Mike Hearn to develop their

own Blockchain type technology to compete with Bitcoin. I doubt that they will fund anything bigger than that. Buying politicians and

hiring developers would be a cheaper strategy. They can even buy Bitcoin Core developers, if they want to.  ::)

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: AGD on October 10, 2016, 06:10:09 PM
Banks might be trying hard to either control or destroy Bitcoin, but most of them banksters didn't even understand the main concept of Bitcoin.
Regular people were able to mine a big amount of these Bitcoins with their PC's long before Banks have found out about it.
Now they think, that one can simply take the "Blockchain technology" and create their own blockchain, which in the end is nothing more than just another Altcoin, with a VERY SMALL network compared to the "real one" we love. This Altcoin probably will get hacked in a minute or so and will be forgotten a minute later.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: boyptc on October 11, 2016, 03:26:54 AM
The banking industry will destroy itself. Just look at all the job losses they have had with it being automated and almost all the things done there can be done online now.
Eventually it will happen if it has not happened already.

I don't think the banking industry will destroy itself for they are being regulated by the governing body of a country. And they are going to see bitcoin as a threat because it is going to kill the fiat system of a country. But I don't think bank will able to destroy the block chain tech as it is a very strong technology even jammers and hackers won't do.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: ashiqdey on October 11, 2016, 04:04:12 AM
no bankers can't destroy blockchain technology as it is not owned by any person or by a group. it is flooded world wide and to stop all the nodes, blocked as a whole the bitcoin network it is not possible for them. even if they ban people would secretly use bitcoin that no body would know.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: franky1 on October 11, 2016, 08:03:56 AM
Until I see a method of "destroying" bitcoin I have absolutely no concern about this.

bankers wont waste cash trying to dump the bitcoin price because even spending $10bill would just be some temporary price drama.

but contracting devs to do certain things to get a tranche of funding has already shown to have manipulated many devs of core into doing things against bitcoins old ethos. by this im talking about core/blockstream

bankers funding the main implementations.
R3 which core hates, actually funds core devs too.

all you need to do is look at who is on the board of hyperledger (Digital Asset Holdings and R3)*, who have invested in both classic and core.

Dah is the link of the national banks for a few countries
R3 is the link of many commercial banks

but shhh the first rule of blockstream is we must not talk about their funding.

i know many will say that only 12-20 devs are funded by banks and core has another 90 'voluntary contributors' but those other 90 are mostly reviewers and spellcheckers. and have little to no impact on the direction bitcoin goes as they are just the woolly sheep to hide the wolves in the field.

we should not rely on 1-2 implementations as thats the route to centralization and dictatorship.

the dev-groups need to follow the same game theory of mining. (avoid 51% dominance of nodes running the same codebase)
we need more diversity of nodes. because even 16000 nodes running core is just as manipulative as having 1 core node.
there should be atleast 3-20 codebases of full nodes by different teams not all paid by banks.

the only thing more nodes of one codebase (16,000 core nodes for instance) can prevent is ddos, viruses and power cuts of strategic locations. but it cant stop the manipulation of funded devs who want to move bitcoin users to a sidechain via increased tx fee's..
yep even core are adding tx fee rules into every node to prevent it transmitting transactions unless they pay a fee. (reinforcing a fee war) before it even gets to mining pools to allow pools to decide what is acceptable.

but hey, the sheep love core and love the centralized nature of having a dominant king dictating the path of bitcoin

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Bavaria on October 11, 2016, 11:52:55 AM
The banking industry will destroy itself. Just look at all the job losses they have had with it being automated and almost all the things done there can be done online now.
Eventually it will happen if it has not happened already.

I don't think the banking industry will destroy itself for they are being regulated by the governing body of a country. And they are going to see bitcoin as a threat because it is going to kill the fiat system of a country. But I don't think bank will able to destroy the block chain tech as it is a very strong technology even jammers and hackers won't do.
Hackers will not destroy it because they can benefit from it.
You are right about the government of each country controlling the banks. They regulate them with their own set of rules that put the banking system in their pockets and that is just the way they like it

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: aso118 on October 11, 2016, 12:00:40 PM
The banking industry will destroy itself. Just look at all the job losses they have had with it being automated and almost all the things done there can be done online now.
Eventually it will happen if it has not happened already.

I don't think the banking industry will destroy itself for they are being regulated by the governing body of a country. And they are going to see bitcoin as a threat because it is going to kill the fiat system of a country. But I don't think bank will able to destroy the block chain tech as it is a very strong technology even jammers and hackers won't do.

If they are being regulated, they have the eyes and ears of the government with them. So they can actually lobby to have legislation which hinders bitcoin's growth. That is the only impediment they can impose in the path of Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: yayayo on October 11, 2016, 12:54:53 PM
Banks might be trying hard to either control or destroy Bitcoin, but most of them banksters didn't even understand the main concept of Bitcoin.
Regular people were able to mine a big amount of these Bitcoins with their PC's long before Banks have found out about it.
Now they think, that one can simply take the "Blockchain technology" and create their own blockchain, which in the end is nothing more than just another Altcoin, with a VERY SMALL network compared to the "real one" we love. This Altcoin probably will get hacked in a minute or so and will be forgotten a minute later.

I fully agree. Bankers are currently at the stage the Bitcoin sphere was years ago, when the first altcoin (premine) scams were launched. However in contrast to the real altcoin freaks, their technical and conceptual understanding is basically zero.

Not only are bankers incompetent due to their lack of technological and theoretical knowledge, they also suffer from severe cognitive dissonance: Admitting that Bitcoin, not private "blockchain technology" is the real solution means admitting that they have become obsolete. They simply can't cope with this and are therefore denying reality by pretending to be still in charge...

That's sad for them, but it's well deserved.


Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: dihari on October 12, 2016, 01:33:36 AM
And the price of those coin is rising up until now.
So if I not wrong, we're going to centralized the coin.
I just want to know, if banker can get profit with eth, xrp, or anythings, who can get profit with bitcoin? who's work for bitcoin?

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: virasisog on October 12, 2016, 02:27:21 AM
I don't think bankers would do that ,much more good if they adopt bitcoins on their forms especially sending of money saving which is more convienient to the users and surely they will add a tax on it but if its small enough its good for the society.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: pooya87 on October 12, 2016, 05:29:28 AM
And the price of those coin is rising up until now.
So if I not wrong, we're going to centralized the coin.
I just want to know, if banker can get profit with eth, xrp, or anythings, who can get profit with bitcoin? who's work for bitcoin?

i don't really know what you are talking about.
but your last statement has nothing to do with bitcoin. those coins you named have started this way so banks had deeply invested in these coins and were/are controlling most of the supply and the price and this is something nobody can do with bitcoin.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Sir Alpha_goy on December 05, 2016, 09:25:04 PM
They already have because Bitcoin is already centralized.

Using the banker time tested exchange model.

You just all don't see it because you are waiting for the Bitcoin moon.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: shield132 on December 05, 2016, 09:33:07 PM
Some times ago I thought that bankers will was to destroy blockchain tech and whole bitcoin system but it seems I was wrong. Let's observe the fact that bankers are offering us bitcoin exchange and withdrawal, bitcoin cards and etc, many banks offer bitcoin services. It seems that they aren't going to destroy blockchain and bitcoin system but to take in control most part of transactions.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: kiklo on December 06, 2016, 12:52:03 AM
Some times ago I thought that bankers will was to destroy blockchain tech and whole bitcoin system but it seems I was wrong. Let's observe the fact that bankers are offering us bitcoin exchange and withdrawal, bitcoin cards and etc, many banks offer bitcoin services. It seems that they aren't going to destroy blockchain and bitcoin system but to take in control most part of transactions.

Your first thought was right, except they need segwit to activate and then Lightening Network, and then they take over the blockchain.
Good News however is the Chinese Miners are going to block segwit and the bankers from taking over.  ;)


Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: MingLee on December 06, 2016, 01:00:09 AM
Banks and bankers will definitely be an obstacle and they will definitely try to maintain all the power that they can while they have the time, and as such they are likely going to start an offensive against Bitcoin once it begins to start being a bigger target and threatens their power more.

I'm surprised that they don't care more about it right now to be honest.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: shinratensei_ on December 06, 2016, 01:17:57 AM
Some times ago I thought that bankers will was to destroy blockchain tech and whole bitcoin system but it seems I was wrong. Let's observe the fact that bankers are offering us bitcoin exchange and withdrawal, bitcoin cards and etc, many banks offer bitcoin services. It seems that they aren't going to destroy blockchain and bitcoin system but to take in control most part of transactions.
The blockchain was offering some advantages for them and that's why the banker was trying for doing any research about the block chain. They won't destroying the blockchain system and how they can do that?

Good News however is the Chinese Miners are going to block segwit and the bankers from taking over.  ;)

Any valid proof?  ;)

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: The_Dark_Knight on December 06, 2016, 01:28:06 AM
Banks are moving against bitcoin there is no doubt about it and the fact that other altcoins are also backed by bankers is bad for us  there does not seems to be much that the average user of bitcoin can do against this on the other hand banks of researching blockchain technology and they seem to like it but they don't like bitcoin to be connected to it.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: sportis on December 06, 2016, 06:34:27 AM
Why to destroy a coin even though a crypto-coin? Maybe is easier to manipulate it. Isn't; It is easier to blame it for all illegal activities globally, but you can also use it anytime there is a crisis as a safe place instead of gold. Bankers are not chasing the bitcoin use. For them is still a currency like as fiat national currencies

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Juggy777 on December 06, 2016, 06:59:35 AM
If you haven't noticed already, the two coins below Bitcoin, Ethereum(ETH) , Ripple (XRP) have forged theier way into crypto with massive fundings from bank, backed by bankers, both Ethereum and Ripple have second and third market capitalization respectively after Bitcoin, Do you think the bankers who manipulated the global market and caused the global crash of 2008 which led to suicide of thousands of innocent people for making bankers profit, will bring down bitcoin, block chain tech and  decentralization?

1. How are you going to stop the bankers trying to dictator crypto?

2. Are you fully aware of things that are going on?

3. What measures are you taking now?

Best Regards

These wolves will not stop till they destroy Bitcoins and blockchain but they have underestimated the power of Bitcoin and it's users. They won't have a free walk like they did in 2008,the community is well informed and strong together. We shall drive these wolves back, we shall not let anything happen to Bitcoin or blockchain as simple as that.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: romero121 on December 06, 2016, 07:07:12 AM
Bankers around the world were prioritising Blockchain technology. This shows that bankers were in a plan to adopt this technology for their banking needs. Also several countries around the world have involved in testing Blockchain technology for their own digital currency creation.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Positid on December 06, 2016, 08:06:59 AM
Bankers around the world were prioritising Blockchain technology. This shows that bankers were in a plan to adopt this technology for their banking needs. Also several countries around the world have involved in testing Blockchain technology for their own digital currency creation.
The system of bitcoin was good so they immitate it by trying to have their own blockchain technology. Banks wants to compete or at least get more clients to use blockchain but they forget that they are centralize and bitcoin is decentralized.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Red Fish on December 06, 2016, 08:15:41 AM
How is possible to find that bank is behind ETH or Ripple. Banks of course works in Forex, but they are not interested in small crypto deals. May be some bank can do something in Bitcoin market, but even then banks are big Forex players with millions of USD. Banks and bankers are not very interested in Bitcoin now, may be in future they will work with Bitcoin - I do not know any bank, which already work with Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: on December 06, 2016, 08:27:50 AM
I don't think bankers would do that ,much more good if they adopt bitcoins on their forms especially sending of money saving which is more convienient to the users and surely they will add a tax on it but if its small enough its good for the society.
there will be a time when all the bankers will adapt to the block chain technology in future and if the news are to be believed most of the major banks are already experimenting with the block chain technology and sure it will improve and have more transparency than the current system.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: shield132 on December 10, 2016, 09:27:20 AM
Some times ago I thought that bankers will was to destroy blockchain tech and whole bitcoin system but it seems I was wrong. Let's observe the fact that bankers are offering us bitcoin exchange and withdrawal, bitcoin cards and etc, many banks offer bitcoin services. It seems that they aren't going to destroy blockchain and bitcoin system but to take in control most part of transactions.

Your first thought was right, except they need segwit to activate and then Lightening Network, and then they take over the blockchain.
Good News however is the Chinese Miners are going to block segwit and the bankers from taking over.  ;)


Yes, my first thought is right but in different way brcause they aren't trying to destroy blockchain tech but their another way is much worst, they are going to take control on it. So there isn't any difference, it's better to take something in your control than to destroy it and they are doing things like that.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: marketone on December 10, 2016, 10:33:14 AM
As per now no banks is involving in destroying block chain because before doing that they need to permissions from specific countries government permission. Once they have permissions means definitely banks will keep buying all the bitcoins and keep it with them for safe reason. But banks are not completely involved in bitcoins technology because it is peoples money.

I hope it will take lot of time to make prediction on this new technology, technology itself indicates it is completely decentralized because it is not operating by single person. Many people are keep mining and trading daily lot transaction keep exchanging between the people.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: kryptqnick on December 10, 2016, 06:39:51 PM
This all sounds like Illuminati nonsense in which I don't believe. 2008 crisis started from subprime mortgage crisis in the USA and people may have not noticed that this is really going to happen, you know. Some currencies may be supported by banks but bitcoin can still stay independent as long as it is not becoming too popular.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: nara1892 on December 10, 2016, 10:22:09 PM
1. How are you going to stop the bankers trying to dictator crypto?
probably the way to do is using bitcoin than saving money to banks

2. Are you fully aware of things that are going on?
not really. I am trying to take it easy about things in this world because I have so many things to be aware of

3. What measures are you taking now?
using bitcoin, earn bitcoin to fulfill some needs

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Immakillya on December 11, 2016, 01:05:17 AM
Now that many people are supporting bitcoin. They cant destroy it. If government cant regulate bitcoin. Bankers cant do that also. Banks gonna have a really bad time destroying it. Banks and bitcoin are different with each other. Its against each other. Banks are having problems because of bitcoin. And they are gonna do something to neutralize it.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Dmitry.Vastov on December 11, 2016, 01:53:46 AM
I think its not gonna happen. Many people are using it. And im one of them. We are sick and tired using banks which can take all your funds. As long as many people supporting blockchain technology. It will be harder for them to destroy it. They are not the one who can dictate us. So far this is the problem banks are facing right now. And its getting worst.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: romero121 on December 11, 2016, 02:11:41 AM
Banks around the world were continuously into testing of the technology. Among this already few banks have started to use the Blockchain technology into their functioning. Also several banks were in collaboration with MNC's for successful generation of their own Blockchain.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: error08 on December 11, 2016, 02:33:43 AM
Absolutely not.

There is a lot of talk about the banks destroying bitcoin, yet no one has even shown me a method for doing this. Until someone can show how this could be done, I don't think it will be done.

1. How are you going to stop the bankers trying to dictator crypto? - I don't have to. There is no way to do it.

2. Are you fully aware of things that are going on? - Um.  you mean in the bitcoin world? Sure, more than most I suppose.

3. What measures are you taking now? - I only use BTC online and dumped my credit cards. The banks are only powerful because you keep giving them your money. I do not do that.

The methods have been mentioned in this thread already. They will keep using actors to corrupt the community and create problems and then propose their own solutions, all revolving the same principles:

1) Dissolve the Core developer team, which is influenced by crypto punk culture. This means to stop all traces of anonymity and node decentralization.
2) Propose a software that sounds good in the ears of morons: Cheap and fast transactions, at the expense of node centralization since they are too big to run on normal computers. Of course this is never mentioned or sugarcoated so they can trap as many idiots as possible on their anti Core crusade.
It make sense of the methods but if you thinking about it, more likely impossible to happen, why?
The founders, developers, miners and users of bitcoin are not idiots or morons as you said, they would now if there is betrayers among them trying to propose bad software to destroy bitcoin/blockchain. Well, all over that I don't think if bankers want to harm blockchain though they already have a plan to do it, I will believe that if already happening.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Xester on December 11, 2016, 03:04:01 AM
I think its not gonna happen. Many people are using it. And im one of them. We are sick and tired using banks which can take all your funds. As long as many people supporting blockchain technology. It will be harder for them to destroy it. They are not the one who can dictate us. So far this is the problem banks are facing right now. And its getting worst.

Banks arent going to destroy bitcoin. Bankers have huge investment in bitcoin, ripple and ethereum, they are already gaining millions from it. They no longer think of destruction rather they are thinking of ways on how to earn more using these coins. They have the capital and they think of profit, bitcoin is an innovation for them, another outlet for large income.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: BrewMaster on December 11, 2016, 04:10:51 AM
you can not destroy the technology, you can only abuse it or in other words use that technology the wrong way to your own evil advantage. but in the end bitcoin is going to be always a different and separate thing running decentralized.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Shenzou on December 11, 2016, 10:57:13 AM
Now after the long journey  that bitcoin has made and the changes that impacted both the economy and the internet  no one can ever destroy it , because of how bitcoin is dicentrelized in the world and how it is hard to control its flow even if some governments banned it people will still use it that is way they are playing by the rule if you can't beat them join them,

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: Cactushrt on December 11, 2016, 11:40:52 AM
I dont think so the bank will destroy blockchain. How can they do that? Its difficult for them. They will have a hard time for me its very impossible

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: BitcoinHodler on December 11, 2016, 12:59:36 PM
decentralization as far as i am concerned means that nobody can tell me if or how to use bitcoin, i can make a wallet on my own, keep the coins on my own and spend them also on my own.

even if banks get into bitcoin they can not change anything about it and if they do i simply stop using bitcoin.
however all banks are interested in is the blockchain and making their own altcoin.

Title: Re: Do you think bankers will destroy block chain tech, decentralization, bitcoin?
Post by: densuj on December 11, 2016, 02:08:05 PM
If you haven't noticed already, the two coins below Bitcoin, Ethereum(ETH) , Ripple (XRP) have forged theier way into crypto with massive fundings from bank, backed by bankers, both Ethereum and Ripple have second and third market capitalization respectively after Bitcoin, Do you think the bankers who manipulated the global market and caused the global crash of 2008 which led to suicide of thousands of innocent people for making bankers profit, will bring down bitcoin, block chain tech and  decentralization?

1. How are you going to stop the bankers trying to dictator crypto?

2. Are you fully aware of things that are going on?

3. What measures are you taking now?

Best Regards
I don't think so because ETH and ripple are altcoins and about the blockchains of bitcoins, it can be controled by government or bankers and  for stop the bankers trying to dictator crypto (bitcoin) the segwit must be stoped and i am sure the miners won't support it.

Of course yes i am fully aware about the bankers trying control the blockchains of bitcoins, and i just take measure dissagree with segwit although i can not do anything for blockchains of bitcoins.
But i tried share what i knew about bitcoins and related it.