Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Spoetnik on September 25, 2016, 06:40:28 AM

Title: Sensible Investment Advice
Post by: Spoetnik on September 25, 2016, 06:40:28 AM
I have a documentry on my hard drive from 2013 still.
It's about the Housing Market crash and Recession etc.
And what caused it.. BAD INVESTMENTS

It outlined a series of links in the chain that all took part in a bad cycle
..that was doomed to collapse eventually.

It did too and it rocked the entire world and some countries economies collapsed hard.
They said we would feel inflation as an effect later and it's here people look around.
They also said it was a band-aid fix leaving a larger collapse looming over us.

I have said since 2013 i see all of you in the Altcoin scene acting the same way.
Actually worse !

Your only option at all is to make sensible healthy investments.

What is that ?

Well you don't need to be a genius ..listen to your gut for one thing.
What is worth investing in ?
Something that is needed or is productive.
Such as a company that makes products with a reasonable expectation of increased demand.
Take electricity for example we know more of it will be needed so..

Does a company / project fulfill a NEED or fill a WANTED desire ?
And asking you should be looking LONG term.
Not short term such as i just invested in XYZ coin because i heard some mysterious whale will pump a coin.

You should consider what Alternative Currency has a reasonable chance at ever going anywhere.
It's not about money.. it's about potential and vision.

Put your mind in the right place and money will follow..

And don't think you HAVE to invest in some coin.. like you HAVE to pick one of them to buy.
You may be better off leaving your money in a savings account and waiting for a better coin to come along.
I just see noobs show up here and chant.. i NEED to make money they ask which one do i buy ?
I also have had plenty of them PM me asking me too.. which i don't answer.

I am not helping any one by saying which coin to buy..
Teach a man to fish.. ;)

I think most of you are capable of more.
It requires being patient and calm and sensible and mature.. and honest (especially with yourself)

A good rule of thumb is the more you try and do the right thing the more money it will make you.
The path to corruption & greed is short lived and a dead end !

There is large money to be made trying to be a long term supporter of a project / business you truly believe in.
Don't sell yourselves short for short term small profit gains.
Do the right thing and listen to your gut and be a patient supporter.

I say all that because of what i started out talking about.. trends !
Greed took down FIAT to it's knee's not long ago people so don't think Crypto is stable.
Especially if you are all going to be greedy profiteers all collectively looking for a quick buck.
You reap what you sow.

Title: Re: Sensible Investment Advice
Post by: bigfryguy on September 25, 2016, 03:30:38 PM
love it when spoetnik talks sense.

Title: Re: Sensible Investment Advice
Post by: Spoetnik on September 25, 2016, 06:07:11 PM
love it when spoetnik talks sense.

Thanks  ;D
..mark it on the calendar.

Take Monero for example.
I don't like the ANON concept and have complained about their behavior before.
i can tell obviously they are mostly sincere with their "vision"
One i don't agree with but i can respect it.. and i take it as sincerity.

I don't think they just wanted to launch the project for greedy reasons alone.
And a currency with anon features is far more a realistic concept than an APP's platform or Blogging system etc.

The underlying importance is your vision and the future people.
If you are focused on greedy antics for short term gain it WILL guaranteed sooner or later back fire on you.

I don't say "be good" because of some holy moral high ground.
I say it because the path to being productive / constructive is what is going to put cash in your pockets.

And yeah i got FUD to spare but i have no problem with people making profits from legit projects / methods.

Problem is.. 6,000 ANN topics and lots of noise.
New guys show up and want to make money but the thing they need to ask is what project do i give my valuable support to ?
And it is valuable.. so don't sell it cheaply ;)

People say i just hate all coins etc but i have said the same message over & over for years.
When i counted up 6,000 ANN topics some months back that told me all i need to know.
What you all DO and what you SAY are two different things.

Who is it supporting a system that has 6,000 ANN topics ?
If they were not "supported" they would not have been made.

There is a rotten confusing mess with Shills screaming galore.
I hope people see the bigger picture and consider what things will be like down the road.
Whether we agree or not..

Title: Re: Sensible Investment Advice
Post by: botija on September 26, 2016, 01:34:27 AM
Good advice. I have lost so much money chasing a quick profit. And made a lot holding on one that I really liked. It eats me up thinking about the loss. It's always due to being greedy.