Bitcoin Forum

Other => Archival => Topic started by: ianbakewell on September 30, 2012, 01:56:04 AM

Title: Re: Usagi: falsifying NAVs, manipulating share prices and misleading investors.
Post by: ianbakewell on September 30, 2012, 01:56:04 AM
And it's annoying as fuck because all of this was, in fact, explained, in letters to shareholders, or forum posts. A lot of it is old, months old in some cases, and I will have to go digging and I feel it's a total waste of time.

We feel the same way, this would be so much easier if you had a centralized means of communication and made all that easy to find.
Unfortunately you like to fragment information over multiple threads and in no particular method. Makes it somewhat impossible to get a clear view of your side.
Lately you seem to link information that is usually a small sideline in a post you make arguing about some other random garbage while telling people, "you be dumb, stfu"