Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: chesthing on October 06, 2016, 12:42:52 AM

Title: Presidential election
Post by: chesthing on October 06, 2016, 12:42:52 AM
Do you think the bitcoin price will be effected by Clinton's election? Trump's election? if so, how?

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: GabryRox on October 06, 2016, 12:49:14 AM
I doubt it will be affected dramatically one way or the other, but logically, you could expect a slight upswing if Trump is elected (mainly due to his "anti-governmental-control" platform), whereas Hillary's election could result in a downswing since she is all about big government controlling every aspect of people's lives. Can't imagine she's a big can of anything that the government can't take a huge chunk out of, and some may speculate that she could eventually crack down on the crypto seen, or at least try to control or tax it somehow. FWIW, i hate both candidates and find it pathetic that we have to choose between a multiple-time serious criminal socialist and a disrespectful, insulting, bigot/racist pompous as$.

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: chesthing on October 06, 2016, 12:52:19 AM
"a disrespectful, insulting, bigot/racist pompous as$" Don't forget multi billionaire who hasn't paid a cent in income tax in 20 years. Yeah, I hate them both also.
Fwit, I think Billary is a lock, so what if anything does that mean for the bitcorn?

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: panju1 on October 06, 2016, 01:07:54 AM
A trump re-election might increase risk averseness in the global market.
That may actually benefit the US dollar, contrary to popular opinion. So you can't say that Bitcoin will be positively impacted by Trump election.

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: Angell on October 06, 2016, 01:46:24 AM
Do you think the bitcoin price will be effected by Clinton's election? Trump's election? if so, how?

No way, bitcoin will not be affected, maybe only some stocks and the TrumpCoin.

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: xIIImaL on October 06, 2016, 03:16:19 AM
Do you think the bitcoin price will be effected by Clinton's election? Trump's election? if so, how?

Wrong thread. This topic should be in political and society. Please move to there buddy.

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: RoommateAgreement on October 06, 2016, 03:39:52 AM
Do you think the bitcoin price will be effected by Clinton's election? Trump's election? if so, how?

yes i think it will be effected.

but not by a lot. maybe some hype or eve maybe some FUD that can change the flow of things around hence affecting the price of bitcoin temporarily.

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: ~Bitcoin~ on October 06, 2016, 04:03:20 AM
It may get effected a little bit but not much as we have also seen no any significant effect due to governmental decisions, election etc before like brexit  few months ago. Trump may support bitcoin if he get elected which may bring little pump on price.

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: electronicash on October 06, 2016, 04:17:22 AM
I don't think bitcoin will ever be affected. but fiat will soon see some market movements when a new president is elected, this usually happen.
Bitcoin is decentralized, it may look like its not but it is  ;D

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: pooya87 on October 06, 2016, 04:49:31 AM
Do you think the bitcoin price will be effected by Clinton's election? Trump's election? if so, how?

why would i care who is elected for US president i am not in US and while we are on the subject why would Chinese care about this and they are one of biggest players in bitcoin.

bitcoin is not US currency it is a global digital currency that has users all over the world!

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: azguard on October 06, 2016, 04:56:19 AM
Do you think the bitcoin price will be effected by Clinton's election? Trump's election? if so, how?

why would i care who is elected for US president i am not in US and while we are on the subject why would Chinese care about this and they are one of biggest players in bitcoin.

bitcoin is not US currency it is a global digital currency that has users all over the world!

that is true but just a reminder that when Obama was in race for president bitcoin price increase for 5% in that time not much but all think and speculate that is was because of that
i dont think that if this happen again will have any impact much cuz 5% from current price is jump for another 20-30$ dollars not that spectacular but still can be good if comes to that

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: Doms on October 06, 2016, 05:16:37 AM
One way or another, bitcoin's price is going to be affected by something that involves change, especially that we are talking about the U.S. presidential elections. Investors might find that something might be done by the next administration that will be to the advantage of bitcoin. This is the U.S. and not some small third world country so a lot of other nations are also involved here.

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: Karartma1 on October 06, 2016, 06:44:20 AM
I was thinking about with a friend yesterday: we both agreed that the gold price will be a good marker meaning that the bitcoin price will probably follow the gold one.
Bitcoin always moved big during some big news: Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Market crash, Brexit etc.

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: azguard on October 06, 2016, 11:35:19 AM
I was thinking about with a friend yesterday: we both agreed that the gold price will be a good marker meaning that the bitcoin price will probably follow the gold one.
Bitcoin always moved big during some big news: Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Market crash, Brexit etc.

i guess will will find out in about one month from now when it starts
from past we can expect that price will follow this event in one way or another so we will have to wait and see

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: exscudo on October 06, 2016, 01:32:07 PM
the bitcoin price will probably follow the gold one.

As I can see, both of them play more or less the same role - they are alternative to currencies, so people can 'flee' from USD, concerning the US elections uncertainty. So I predict both, gold and BTC, to apreciate against USD, at least temporary.

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: Ayers on October 06, 2016, 02:21:19 PM
i don't remember was not trump pro bitcoin, i remember somethign like this, but i may be wrong, if not i can not see how the election can make bitcoin stronger, they are not related at all to the bitcoin market

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: Herbert2020 on October 06, 2016, 03:14:03 PM
Do you think the bitcoin price will be effected by Clinton's election? Trump's election? if so, how?

it is a cliche thing to say but it is hard to say :)

sometimes there are some events that you think they are going to have a huge effect on bitcoin and they let you down and some other times there are events that you don't even think about but they have the biggest effect!

in this case i think market is ready for a upward movement and in any case there is only one way to go and that is up. unless the new president decides that as his first thing after taking the position to ban bitcoin :)

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: Ibian on October 06, 2016, 03:19:14 PM
Do you think the bitcoin price will be effected by Clinton's election? Trump's election? if so, how?

why would i care who is elected for US president i am not in US and while we are on the subject why would Chinese care about this and they are one of biggest players in bitcoin.

bitcoin is not US currency it is a global digital currency that has users all over the world!
If Trump does what he said he will (or possibly more - there is a real chance of that) he could change the entire global political landscape like we have never seen before.

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: Torque on October 06, 2016, 03:36:59 PM
The credit cycle is ending quickly in the U.S., and my feeling is that with worldwide deflationary pressures settling in, the global markets will react downward in the next year or two.

But of course instead of blaming it on the right things (i.e., the unwinding of worldwide margin debt, Bank failures, Brexit, Greece/Italy/Venezuela, etc.) the media will try to blame it on something completely superficial.

Like who the new U.S. president is, and why they are bad for the world.  ::)

How Bitcoin will benefit from all of this, I really have no idea. Is it seen as a safehaven? We shall see. My personal bet is 'yes'.

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: electronicash on October 06, 2016, 03:41:26 PM
Do you think the bitcoin price will be effected by Clinton's election? Trump's election? if so, how?

why would i care who is elected for US president i am not in US and while we are on the subject why would Chinese care about this and they are one of biggest players in bitcoin.

bitcoin is not US currency it is a global digital currency that has users all over the world!
If Trump does what he said he will (or possibly more - there is a real chance of that) he could change the entire global political landscape like we have never seen before.

what did that jerk said that he would do that could change the entire global political landscape? and is this going to affect bitcoin?
if not i don't think he can make impact as to what could happen, his vice president is a lot better than him actually.

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: Ibian on October 06, 2016, 03:49:02 PM
Do you think the bitcoin price will be effected by Clinton's election? Trump's election? if so, how?

why would i care who is elected for US president i am not in US and while we are on the subject why would Chinese care about this and they are one of biggest players in bitcoin.

bitcoin is not US currency it is a global digital currency that has users all over the world!
If Trump does what he said he will (or possibly more - there is a real chance of that) he could change the entire global political landscape like we have never seen before.

what did that jerk said that he would do that could change the entire global political landscape? and is this going to affect bitcoin?
if not i don't think he can make impact as to what could happen, his vice president is a lot better than him actually.
Build a wall, actually enforce existing immigration laws (and laws in general), stop giving non-citizens free shit.

If he does that, it will become acceptable for european countries to stop our immigration and the ones we have will self-deport. He could literally stop the entire white demographic replacement across the west singlehandedly.

And of course he is a businessman who makes a living doing good deals. He will be better for the economy than anyone in decades. If it is possible to fix the debt he will do that, but I doubt even he can go that far.

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: talkbitcoin on October 06, 2016, 04:05:25 PM
in my experience if we hype it enough then it will certainly have big effect on bitcoin price no matter who wins. most of the times this has been working out well for bitcoin, everytime there is a major event like Greece economy going down the tube, Brexit,... there is a hype and for no reason price goes up! (
i was just watching Graham Norton show :D

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: Denker on October 06, 2016, 05:00:09 PM
It could have an effect on the price.It depends on how the candidates see cryptos and if they are willing to do something for or against it. But I don't believe in an increase or decrease of the price just because one of them will get elected.
However I would like to see Trump as President.That would be something new and interesting. The whole establishment is backing Clinton ,a person who in my opinion is having serious health issues. Have you seen how that woman had to be dragged into the vehicle?! (

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: Ibian on October 06, 2016, 05:36:06 PM
It could have an effect on the price.It depends on how the candidates see cryptos and if they are willing to do something for or against it. But I don't believe in an increase or decrease of the price just because one of them will get elected.
However I would like to see Trump as President.That would be something new and interesting. The whole establishment is backing Clinton ,a person who in my opinion is having serious health issues. Have you seen how that woman had to be dragged into the vehicle?! (
Trump is something old, actually. He is the same basic type as Putin, Hitler, Churchill, Eisenhower and many others like them: A warrior. He is a nationalist who prefers his own people over foreigners, unlike literally every other potential candidate who are globalists that prefer immigrants over their own kind; that is, traitors.

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: Kakmakr on October 07, 2016, 06:33:21 AM
People get flustered by the smallest things, and by the looks of things, the traders on the world markets are the worst of them all. The US Presidential election is sparking a lot of attention, because Trump <a non-politician> are going up against a <strong politician>

Trump is very outspoken and a Reality TV celebrity with very controversial views and opinions. If some of his statements becomes a reality, when he wins the elections <which I doubt> then this will create market turmoil all over the world. People will try to find safe heavens to protect their wealth and they might see Bitcoin as a option to do that.

I saw a joke the other day, it goes like this. < The one guy said to his friend, I would like to see Trump as president. Friend : Why, He is a idiot! The guy : Well, I was not around when Kennedy got assassinated, so I would love to get another chance at seeing something like that being done. >  

I hope this does not happen, but the USA is a strange place and politics is dark business. ^hmmmmm^

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: pooya87 on October 07, 2016, 07:26:45 AM
Do you think the bitcoin price will be effected by Clinton's election? Trump's election? if so, how?

why would i care who is elected for US president i am not in US and while we are on the subject why would Chinese care about this and they are one of biggest players in bitcoin.

bitcoin is not US currency it is a global digital currency that has users all over the world!

that is true but just a reminder that when Obama was in race for president bitcoin price increase for 5% in that time not much but all think and speculate that is was because of that
i dont think that if this happen again will have any impact much cuz 5% from current price is jump for another 20-30$ dollars not that spectacular but still can be good if comes to that

$20ish price is the small changes that we can see in daily trades these days going from 610 to 590 and back up again and again :D

but i somehow agree, that we can never ignore the effect of news on bitcoin price!

Do you think the bitcoin price will be effected by Clinton's election? Trump's election? if so, how?

why would i care who is elected for US president i am not in US and while we are on the subject why would Chinese care about this and they are one of biggest players in bitcoin.

bitcoin is not US currency it is a global digital currency that has users all over the world!
If Trump does what he said he will (or possibly more - there is a real chance of that) he could change the entire global political landscape like we have never seen before.

what did that jerk said that he would do that could change the entire global political landscape? and is this going to affect bitcoin?
if not i don't think he can make impact as to what could happen, his vice president is a lot better than him actually.
Build a wall, actually enforce existing immigration laws (and laws in general), stop giving non-citizens free shit.

If he does that, it will become acceptable for european countries to stop our immigration and the ones we have will self-deport. He could literally stop the entire white demographic replacement across the west singlehandedly.

And of course he is a businessman who makes a living doing good deals. He will be better for the economy than anyone in decades. If it is possible to fix the debt he will do that, but I doubt even he can go that far.

i have been following things more or less from afar and that is why i made my initial comment, because i don't see how any of these can affect bitcoin price significantly.

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: Ibian on October 07, 2016, 08:27:34 AM
Do you think the bitcoin price will be effected by Clinton's election? Trump's election? if so, how?

why would i care who is elected for US president i am not in US and while we are on the subject why would Chinese care about this and they are one of biggest players in bitcoin.

bitcoin is not US currency it is a global digital currency that has users all over the world!
If Trump does what he said he will (or possibly more - there is a real chance of that) he could change the entire global political landscape like we have never seen before.

what did that jerk said that he would do that could change the entire global political landscape? and is this going to affect bitcoin?
if not i don't think he can make impact as to what could happen, his vice president is a lot better than him actually.
Build a wall, actually enforce existing immigration laws (and laws in general), stop giving non-citizens free shit.

If he does that, it will become acceptable for european countries to stop our immigration and the ones we have will self-deport. He could literally stop the entire white demographic replacement across the west singlehandedly.

And of course he is a businessman who makes a living doing good deals. He will be better for the economy than anyone in decades. If it is possible to fix the debt he will do that, but I doubt even he can go that far.

i have been following things more or less from afar and that is why i made my initial comment, because i don't see how any of these can affect bitcoin price significantly.
If Trump gets the economy back in shape enough that people regain faith in fiat bitcoin could end up losing value.

This is unlikely. Far more likely that the economy collapses being that it is, you know, mathematically impossible to avoid.

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: DeathAngel on October 07, 2016, 10:40:05 AM
I think the USD will be affected in one way or another. The GBP lost value for a short time when Britain voted to leave the EU. I don't think bitcoin will be significantly affected whoever gets into office though.

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: outatime1 on October 08, 2016, 12:40:27 AM
I'm hearing from a lot of people that the stock market may drop if Trump wins. I'm not sure what that means for bitcoin although it's possible that if people are taking money out of the stock market, they may look for other things to put money into like bitcoin.

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: SANALIU on October 08, 2016, 02:35:58 AM
i think is big effect only curensy USD with another fiat money
this impact price bitcoin is low impact

except this president canditate in election, program and talk in campaign about bitcoin

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: pocarime32 on October 08, 2016, 03:20:31 AM
Do you think the bitcoin price will be effected by Clinton's election? Trump's election? if so, how?

I don't think so, because both Clinton and Trump not using bitcoin as the campaign, CMIIW. Maybe it will affect in small way, not affect much into bitcoins.

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: amacar2 on October 08, 2016, 05:04:57 AM
Chance of price getting effected is very little however if any announcement regarding bitcoin and crypto came up after election than it can significantly effect the price.

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: azguard on October 08, 2016, 07:13:56 AM
Do you think the bitcoin price will be effected by Clinton's election? Trump's election? if so, how?

I don't think so, because both Clinton and Trump not using bitcoin as the campaign, CMIIW. Maybe it will affect in small way, not affect much into bitcoins.

that is true in Obama campaign they have here tread for supporters that can donate BTC for campaign and some other coins to can remember that much
also cant remember that they got any

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: social crypto comunity on October 08, 2016, 11:43:08 PM
follow campaign candidate
is dev program regulate and support about bitcoin and altcoin
if USA is use bitcoin and regualted about bitcoin
i think next bitcoin can incraese the big user, and incraese price

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: Tanic on October 09, 2016, 07:25:28 PM
I doubt it will be some effect on bitcoin as from Clinton as from Trump. Bitcoin doesn't depends from politic. Yes The United States are big and powerful country, but I really doubt that something will change. Bitcoin will keep going it's own way.

Title: Re: Presidential election
Post by: social crypto comunity on October 09, 2016, 10:16:59 PM
I doubt it will be some effect on bitcoin as from Clinton as from Trump. Bitcoin doesn't depends from politic. Yes The United States are big and powerful country, but I really doubt that something will change. Bitcoin will keep going it's own way.

this true not effect with bitcoin
but effect and impact with fiat money
but trump or hillary in campaign talk about bitcoin i think can big impact to bitcoin