Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: fuckoffbanks on October 07, 2016, 03:29:46 PM

Title: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: fuckoffbanks on October 07, 2016, 03:29:46 PM
Has anybody tried bitcoin arbitrage between exchanges?
I see many opportunities EUR, USD, CNY to BTC. I already tried it with small money and it worked.

Is it possible to make 5% profit monthly?

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: calkob on October 07, 2016, 03:37:00 PM
I have to be honest i haven't thought about it before but it is def something to look into.  What exchanges you using and is that even after fees?

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: gilangIDR on October 07, 2016, 03:37:08 PM
is currently very difficult to do arbitrage. exchange price difference is not too far away. so that the benefits will only be discharged at a cost of inter-exchange shipping fee. it would not be profitable.

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: xdrpx on October 07, 2016, 03:40:04 PM
I have tried it twice and succeeded twice using upholdco's platform to convert my BTC to USD when I feel the price is falling, after it has fallen a lot and I see signs of it rising a bit, I convert my USD back to BTC. this worked good twice, but I wasn't willing to take the risk again cause it's again a gamble based on the price of the BTC, considering these days BTC price is pretty stable and would require a large amount to even benefit from small arbitrages.

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: fuckoffbanks on October 07, 2016, 03:47:00 PM
Yes, prices are quite stable this times

Now, you can see Bitstamp 614, Bfx 619. If you do it with large volume you should make a profit although there are fees

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: klaaas on October 07, 2016, 03:51:14 PM
With some more risk you could pick a chineese exchange to get more profits because they swing more

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: eternalgloom on October 07, 2016, 03:56:10 PM
Wouldn't it be profitable if you're using an arbitrage bot for this?
Here's an example:

Never used it myself, but I know that this one has been discussed and tested thoroughly

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: fuckoffbanks on October 07, 2016, 06:22:22 PM
anybody else has experience with arbitrage?

hassbot I bought license but did not run it

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: hasiramasenju on October 08, 2016, 05:43:02 AM
i had been did this once time and didn't got profit from that because i start it with small amount of btc and my main problem is withdrawal fee and confirmations of transactions is too long to other exchange since that i would never do that again because there no benefit for doing arbitrange for me

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: SimpeleSimpele on October 08, 2016, 05:54:33 AM
trading profit target only 5%/month is easy
if you trade bitcoin only use strategy averaging every buy not all in

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: MONKEYJUNK on October 08, 2016, 06:00:26 AM
It's hard to make money with arbitrage...
Put 50/50 in two exchanges

And keep buying/selling in boths based in the prices, one side will grow.
and be careful with fees.

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: pooya87 on October 08, 2016, 06:08:28 AM
one thing is for sure, if it was profitable then definitely a lot of traders would have been doing it already. something that you find randomly is what experienced traders already know how to use.

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: amacar2 on October 08, 2016, 06:18:52 AM
You may make few profits however you need to have very large amount of bitcoin as well as fiat in different exchangers. The main problem will be to withdraw profit as due to fees you may have to pay what you have earned in fees. For example, selling bitcoin in yobit can be profitable as price is always few % higher than other exchangers however when you try to withdraw fiat they charge atleast 3% to perfectmoney after that you will get just market price for your bitcoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: Wind_FURY on October 08, 2016, 06:21:43 AM
In doing arbitrage you have to be very fast. I believe there maybe some traders already doing this using their bots. Everything should be synchronized and precise of you want to make money doing this and you should have a large amount to do it with or else it will not be worth it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: Golftech on October 08, 2016, 06:43:30 AM
In doing arbitrage you have to be very fast. I believe there maybe some traders already doing this using their bots. Everything should be synchronized and precise of you want to make money doing this and you should have a large amount to do it with or else it will not be worth it.
thats right being actively online a frequent as you can or use a bot to deal with but in order to profits good amount you needed to have big capital if you are just targeting 5% i guess it can be achieved i personally not doing it since i dont have that capital yet but for me if you can get it in the right timing you will able to achieve.

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: ipanks on October 08, 2016, 07:30:24 AM
i have this experience but the problem is we are waiting for the confirming of the transaction and when its done, the price its already get down and we can't sell for a good price.

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: 1Referee on October 08, 2016, 07:32:57 AM
I have been using BTC-E as a great arbitrage exchange since it was like $10 $15 lower than other exchanges quite often. Right now they seem to catch up quickly, and thus this advantage is gone for me.

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: Herbert2020 on October 08, 2016, 07:34:33 AM
it is all about the "fees" you have to pay. so sometimes even a seemingly big difference between the prices on exchanges is really the same thing and it will be balanced out fast enough if you give it time.

and don't look at some dead exchange service that is showing the bigger difference. they are dead for a reason and that order was created a long time ago and they usually are so small in volume.

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: bitbunnny on October 08, 2016, 07:37:46 AM
Arbitrage trading could be very profitable. But right now that isn't the case because there are not big differences in BTC prices on various exchangers, and that is the precondition for arbitrage. More or less they are prety equal so I think your chances for profit, even 5% a month are very small.

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: davis196 on October 08, 2016, 09:55:12 AM
Has anybody tried bitcoin arbitrage between exchanges?
I see many opportunities EUR, USD, CNY to BTC. I already tried it with small money and it worked.

Is it possible to make 5% profit monthly?

I think the profit will be too small and you need big amount of funds

in order to make it work.I haven`t tried this,but it might work with a big investment.

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: franky1 on October 08, 2016, 10:46:42 AM
the trick is not
to sell all coin and cry because the time it takes to wire transfer fiat or get confirms when withdrawing the opposing coin to move to the exchange.

the trick is
to split funds up before you start and have funds already in both exchanges.

EG -before you begin-

say you had $12,000 and wanted to concentrate on 2 exchanges and concentrate on the fiat-bitcoin market
using the lowest price exchange get half of it as bitcoin.
($6000 and 10btc)
now put $3000 and 5btc in exchange A and $300 and 0.5btc in exchange B

and now you can begin arbitraging.
if A rises sell some bitcoin in A and (hopefully your already logged into B) buy some bitcoin in B (because the funds are already there)
lets say the bitcoin price was A: $600 and B: rose $615 (2% after fees)
EG before
A: $3000 5btc
B: $3000 5btc

EG after
A: $3612 4btc
B: $2385 6.02btc

now you may notice that my example did not sell all the bitcoins in A nor did it buy all the bitcoins in B. there is a reason.

trick two:
say you did sell all coins in A you then have to wire transfer the fiat to B. this can take a week and you could miss out on opportunities better than 2% after fees during that week. or if you wait for B to rise higher than A to 'buy back' you could be waiting a long time and miss better opportunities where A keeps rising higher.

so by not emptying a reserve your ready to take any opportunity that arises. either A going up again or B going up instead

here is some maths.
by having the funds split up as the 4 reserves. if you wanted 5% combined profit requires a 20% difference in prices to utilise emptying 1 reserve.
dont bet on it/risk waiting for a one time hit.
if you want to wire transfer which can take a week, you could hope that you get 4 opportunities a month and only need to find 4 opportunities of
5% to empty a reserve, transfer, empty a reserve, transfer, empty a reserve, transfer, empty a reserve, transfer, to get the combined 5% profit.
dont bet on it/risk waiting for 4 hits.

instead stick to lower % differences which will occur more often (2% differences happen way more often than ten times a 20% would happen)
meaning by playing with 2% you have better chance of flipping the coins over and over and over without needing wire transfer or wait for a one time large hit.

this is what smart people dont do.
they dont put all their eggs into one basket and sell it all for 5% single hit - due to delays of wire transfer and low chance of a 5% difference
they dont spread their eggs into 4 baskets and sell a whole basket for 20% single hit - due to delays of wire transfer and near zero chance of a 20% difference
this is what smart people do.
they do spread their eggs into 4 baskets and use part of basket for 1-2% multiple hits - knowing 1 hit an hour = 600 opportunities a month.

also using part baskets means smaller amounts. which fill faster as they are small enough to get eaten quickly without appearing as resistance or a whale order.

you will find that having 20btc and waiting for one 5% difference to sell all coins and move the fiat to hope to buy at 5% less. will leave you crying
not just waiting for the 5%, but also that 20btc appears as a resistance delaying the whole 20btc from being gobbled up, and then waiting to wire transfer to buy back the bitcoins elsewhere wont get you the 5% profit.

you will find that having 5btc (4 splits) and waiting for one 20% difference to sell all 5 coins will leave you crying waiting forever for that one chance
you will find having 5btc (4 splits) and waiting for multiple 1-2% difference to sell 1btc at a time will happen often. you are happy and having fun

say you went with 1% using btc at a time. thats 100 hits = just 3 trades a day to get your 5% combined total, easy to do

making 3 trades a day for 1% differences is more achievable then waiting weeks for the odd chance of 5% and waiting longer for the rare chance of 20%

the good thing is because you have reserves that 1% is a minimum. if a lucky day comes along and you see more then a 1% difference.. ofcourse take it.. but just dont waste the whole basket unless its a very high % to keep you on tract of 5% combined once you factor in the delays of replenishing baskets (stupidly) by wasting it all on one hit.

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: rinhunter on October 08, 2016, 11:01:36 AM
Arbitrage is generally do in big amount, and calculated. Because fee in each exchanger that's different. If you don't consider this maybe you can't get profit from this arbitrage. But if in small amounts you still want to try you can use your own way, it never hurt to do.

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: mindrust on October 08, 2016, 11:07:21 AM
You need to be able to cash out without a fee (or near free) to be able to make successful arbitrages. If you can't cash out and re-enter, there is no point.

1) you buy cheap at exchange A >>>>>> 2) you sell high at exchange B >>>>>> 3) you cash out your money on Exc B >>>>>>> 4) you re-enter exch. A

Usually it is the third step that you get fucked.

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: coynedterm on October 08, 2016, 11:19:15 AM
Has anybody tried bitcoin arbitrage between exchanges?
I see many opportunities EUR, USD, CNY to BTC. I already tried it with small money and it worked.

Is it possible to make 5% profit monthly?
honesty i had not tried ever this . but i will say that give me site link i will try to make some profit .
then aftrr trying i will take every information about this site exchange by creating new topic in this forum .

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: Mzie on October 08, 2016, 02:21:51 PM
you have to be carefull with trading fees ,otherwise your profits will be very low

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: michellee on October 19, 2016, 08:30:15 AM
the only problem that maybe we have face it about time transferred from one wallet into another wallet in each market exchange because sometime one transaction can do fast complete confirming but the other time, the transaction getting slow and we can not do anything except waiting the complete confirm of the transaction.

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: yayayo on October 19, 2016, 11:47:41 AM
I have tried it twice and succeeded twice using upholdco's platform to convert my BTC to USD when I feel the price is falling, after it has fallen a lot and I see signs of it rising a bit, I convert my USD back to BTC. this worked good twice, but I wasn't willing to take the risk again cause it's again a gamble based on the price of the BTC, considering these days BTC price is pretty stable and would require a large amount to even benefit from small arbitrages.

What you are doing is not arbitrage, it's speculation-based trading. Arbitrage means exploiting differences in pricing at different marketplaces which occur at the same time. In contrast to speculation-based trading this technique is theoretically without risk. Practically however it is still risky if you can't execute both orders at the same time and the price on one exchange is changing to your disadvantage after you already have executed your first order.

I would not recommend trying Bitcoin arbitrage, because direct arbitrage is impossible due to transaction delays (both Bitcoin and fiat transfer). Even if you permanently keep fiat and Bitcoin at various exchanges to take advantage of arbitrage via distributed balancing of fiat/BTC holdings it's still difficult, because there tend to be systematic differences with some exchanges (BTC-e) being almost always cheaper than others (Bitstamp) in terms of BTC purchase price. In addition, Bitcoin generally tends to appreciate in fiat valuation, so it might be more lucrative to constantly buy Bitcoin than to try arbitrage if you use Bitcoin as your reference of value.


Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: Fredomago on October 19, 2016, 11:58:42 AM
the only problem that maybe we have face it about time transferred from one wallet into another wallet in each market exchange because sometime one transaction can do fast complete confirming but the other time, the transaction getting slow and we can not do anything except waiting the complete confirm of the transaction.
correct doing arbitrage is such a great way to earn especially if you have huge amount of starting capital there's some price diff between exchanges the only matters is the transaction process it takes some time before everything will be settle it can only be a good point if when we bought it when price still low then transfer it when the price start to go up more.

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: stadus on October 19, 2016, 12:09:44 PM
Has anybody tried bitcoin arbitrage between exchanges?
I see many opportunities EUR, USD, CNY to BTC. I already tried it with small money and it worked.

Is it possible to make 5% profit monthly?
I honestly have not tried this one, but I know that arbitrage is something that you do not risk any single penny but it does require you to be active in the price changes, actually I am more interested in sports arbitrage than what you have mentioned.

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: 888sound on October 19, 2016, 12:31:57 PM
It is possible make arbitrage and earn 5% per month. Based on my experience from sports betting I switched to Bitcoin arbitrages 2 years ago.

Here is important to understand that true "arbitrage" does not exist. There is always some risk involved. Even if you try to take advantage of arbitrage via distributed balancing of fiat/BTC there is some risk involved.

But when you have good system you will make a profit!!!

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: ~Bitcoin~ on October 19, 2016, 12:35:53 PM
the only problem that maybe we have face it about time transferred from one wallet into another wallet in each market exchange because sometime one transaction can do fast complete confirming but the other time, the transaction getting slow and we can not do anything except waiting the complete confirm of the transaction.
Actually the one who do arbitrage trading have to store both fiats and bitcoins in each of the trading platform they use to trade in so that there will be no delay between deposit and withdraw however i find arbitrage trading less effective due to different fee structures each exchangers have.

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: gandame on October 19, 2016, 12:46:30 PM
Bitcoin arbitrage i do not try it but in altcoins i experienced it many times and it works to have get big profit in an hour but you need move fast because its not easy to use arbitrage. So i will try bitcoin if the price rise. So that i experience to atbitrage using bitcoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: Velkro on October 19, 2016, 12:52:21 PM
is currently very difficult to do arbitrage. exchange price difference is not too far away. so that the benefits will only be discharged at a cost of inter-exchange shipping fee. it would not be profitable.
It is just risky. Whole arbitrage is risky business, you can earn smth but im not sure risk is worth reward. Anyway, with price spread bigger and bigger more and more people playing this game.
Self adjusting system :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: bitbunnny on October 19, 2016, 01:24:20 PM
Arbitrage trading could be profitable but the key for success is significant difference in prices among different exchangers, low fees and you have to act realy quick. But arbitrage is difficult these days and the profits are not that high.

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: rapazev on October 19, 2016, 03:34:27 PM
Has anybody tried bitcoin arbitrage between exchanges?
I see many opportunities EUR, USD, CNY to BTC. I already tried it with small money and it worked.

Is it possible to make 5% profit monthly?

arbitrage happens 24/7, there are bots running to profit simple by that.
still not that good right now... it's better during pumps and dump and right now the price is pretty stable, no rally's for a long time.

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: clickerz on October 19, 2016, 03:39:57 PM

arbitrage happens 24/7, there are bots running to profit simple by that.
still not that good right now... it's better during pumps and dump and right now the price is pretty stable, no rally's for a long time.

Problem during pump and dumps is  the time it takes during the transfer from exchanges to another. Delay in confirmations causes losses sometimes. I like the first idea that you have a standby funds and coin on its exchanges.

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: crazyivan on October 19, 2016, 03:40:48 PM
I d say not possible. 2% maybe, 5%, I do not think so. There s much more analytical tools now as compared to early crypto days and traders and exchanges adjust much faster now then before. Arbitrage works best when they re wild swings in BTC price. For the last 2 years price adjusts quite modestly, no more $200 daily price changes.

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: HI-TEC99 on October 19, 2016, 06:53:36 PM
is currently very difficult to do arbitrage. exchange price difference is not too far away. so that the benefits will only be discharged at a cost of inter-exchange shipping fee. it would not be profitable.
It is just risky. Whole arbitrage is risky business, you can earn smth but im not sure risk is worth reward. Anyway, with price spread bigger and bigger more and more people playing this game.
Self adjusting system :)

There are traders using bots to arbitrage, but they risk losing money if an exchange (like Bitfinex) gets hacked. They have to use multiple exchanges to arbitrage, and the more exchanges they use the more risk there is that an exchange they are using gets hacked. To make money from arbitrage a trader needs to hold a lot of money on each exchange, and if it gets hacked he could lose it all.

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: Xester on October 20, 2016, 01:18:22 AM
Bitcoin arbitrage i do not try it but in altcoins i experienced it many times and it works to have get big profit in an hour but you need move fast because its not easy to use arbitrage. So i will try bitcoin if the price rise. So that i experience to atbitrage using bitcoin.

Bitcoin should not be done using arbitrage you will just lost many profit as fees are also skyrocket. Bitcoin should be used in long term trading and not in day trading or arbitrage. Bitcoin is very profitable but in my experience bitcoin arbitrage exchanging bitcoin to dollars and dollars to bitcoin daily is not that profitable and very risky. It must be done on a longterm basis and the range between the buying and selling has a wide gap in order for you to earn.

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: mace15 on November 09, 2016, 02:56:01 AM
In my opinion I do not recommend bitcoin arbitrage because
it takes time to transfer and it has a delayed in other exchange
to receive your bitcoin. Bitcoin is volatile and you may have a
big loses if you do so. Also it has a fee and really risky thing.

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: Caladonian on November 09, 2016, 03:01:09 AM
In my opinion I do not recommend bitcoin arbitrage because
it takes time to transfer and it has a delayed in other exchange
to receive your bitcoin. Bitcoin is volatile and you may have a
big loses if you do so. Also it has a fee and really risky thing.
that's the big problem mate the delayed and the possibility of losing your money because of the transaction fee, much better to do alt
arbs rather than btc because its much better in terms of risk the amount of possible downfall is not that much compared to btc price.

Title: Re: Bitcoin arbitrage
Post by: perla on November 09, 2016, 03:11:16 AM
Has anybody tried bitcoin arbitrage between exchanges?
I see many opportunities EUR, USD, CNY to BTC. I already tried it with small money and it worked.

Is it possible to make 5% profit monthly?
i think it is possible to do but arbitrage moment can't find everyday , because actually before you want to arbitrage you must look on different price, fee and blockchain condition , of course you not want to get slow transaction when try to move your coins from 1 exchanger to another