Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: BTCisthefuture on April 02, 2013, 03:35:44 AM

Title: armory a good approach to setting up an offline paper wallet ?
Post by: BTCisthefuture on April 02, 2013, 03:35:44 AM
I just recently took the plunge into btc a few days back after years of watching but never jumping on board.

Anyway,  my question is if Armory is a good app to help set up a secure offline wallet.   Or do you guys use a different approach for paper wallets.

Can someone point me to some good tutorials for SECURE offline paper wallets.

After the instawallet breach today it's time i take what little btc i do have and put them in cold storage :)

Title: Re: armory a good approach to setting up an offline paper wallet ?
Post by: fraenk on April 14, 2013, 09:49:12 AM
Hi BTCisthefuture,

you might want to look at my tutorial post on (

It explains step by step how to install multibit. Multibit is a free as in speech (MIT open source license) wallet that you can install on your local PC. It will allow you to export your private key to a file that can be backed up easily. You could even print it and stash it in a safe if you don't trust the ones and zeroes ;)