Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Securities => Topic started by: tobeyrowe on October 14, 2016, 04:09:13 AM

Title: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 14, 2016, 04:09:13 AM
Hi, I am talking with a developer about building an Online Bitcoin Casino and I will need help in paying the developer, the domain name, hosting for the domain name, hosting for the website, Bitcoin to pay out to anyone who wins if I don't make enough money by that time to pay for their winnings, and to have some backup money just in case something comes up or goes wrong or just any thing that may happen. So I am asking for investors to invest a total amount of 100 Bitcoin which I know is a lot but I suspect I will need every Satoshi of that to get this casino built and off the ground. Now even once the casino is built and its up and running I of course cannot guarantee that it will succeed so please do not invest unless you are willing to take the lose if it does not go well. Also the investment will be for 50% of the casinos profits but I want to let you know now two things. So the investors will receive 50% of the profits from the casino and then when I am able to I will buy back the investors shares I will ask if they would be willing to sell. So I will setup a Google Form for new investors to put in how much they are investing and their transaction ID so I can confirm that they actually invested and I will also setup a Google Spreadsheet of the list of investors and how much they invested so not only I can keep up with the investors but also so the investors can look at it and confirm that their investment has been documented. If any problems come up on my end I will post a comment about it on here as soon as I can and if any problems were to come up on the investors end like for example your investment was not documented then please email me at so we can resolve the issue but if there is a problem please do not comment about it instead of emailing me because even though I will try my best to read every single comment but I cannot guarantee that I will be able to do so if there are a lot of comments and even if I am I cannot guarantee that  it will be in a reasonable amount of time so please just email me about it. Thank you and I will be updating this post very soon with the form to fill out when you invest and the list of investors. Also my Bitcoin address is 1CKTiVKpk2ZRyaytUsvvAwX5VjgwDZUuKT and that address goes to a wallet that is specifically for the investments and will not be used for anything else. Also if I do not get at least 15 Bitcoin then I will probably not be able to get the casino and I will of course refund all of the investors as soon as possible. Thank you all for reading and hopefully investing.


I just made the investors form and now I will make the list of investors. Here is the link to the investors form. Also if you want to invest but the form asks for your first and last name just put in like half of your username in the first name section and the other half in the last name section.


I just made the list of investors but of course there are no investors just yet so it will be empty but once investors start investing I will add their information in as soon as possible so if you invest please allow between 24-48 hours for me to update the list of investors to put you down on the list. Thank you.

If you invest please do not invest a bunch of small amounts but if you do I will more than likely just add them all up and put it down as one single investment on the list of investors so that way it is easier to do the payouts of the 25% of the profits made.  Also I do not know exactly when payouts will be made when the casino starts making money whether it will be once a week, month, or quarter but it will more than likely be once a month. Thank you.


I had to change the Bitcoin address due to the wallet that I downloaded specifically for this got stuck in the syncing process so I couldn't use it.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: AcoinL.L.C on October 14, 2016, 01:25:30 PM
Several issues here:

1. No one is going to give you their first and last name so that you can put it in a publicly viewable google doc.

Hi, Thank you for your comments and I have decided to try to start an online cryptocurrency casino so if that plays out right then I may not even be able to have enough time to dedicate to this website. The casino idea was kind of just a last minute thing that I have decided to look into because I thought it would be a good idea to make some money.

3. 15BTC is not nearly enough to start a casino. Depending on the amount of features/games you want, you will spend a large portion of that 15 BTC (if not all of it) on software. Going cheap on development will almost certainly result in a shitty product thats not secure.

4. You are not offering nearly enough equity, you are asking for investors to foot 100% of the risk for a 25% profit cut (not even equity). It doesn't sound like you are contributing any of your own capital, you are not a developer, and you don't have any experience in the sector.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 14, 2016, 06:55:53 PM
Several issues here:

1. No one is going to give you their first and last name so that you can put it in a publicly viewable google doc.

Hi, Thank you for your comments and I have decided to try to start an online cryptocurrency casino so if that plays out right then I may not even be able to have enough time to dedicate to this website. The casino idea was kind of just a last minute thing that I have decided to look into because I thought it would be a good idea to make some money.

3. 15BTC is not nearly enough to start a casino. Depending on the amount of features/games you want, you will spend a large portion of that 15 BTC (if not all of it) on software. Going cheap on development will almost certainly result in a shitty product thats not secure.

4. You are not offering nearly enough equity, you are asking for investors to foot 100% of the risk for a 25% profit cut (not even equity). It doesn't sound like you are contributing any of your own capital, you are not a developer, and you don't have any experience in the sector.

1. Thank you for telling me about the first and last name thing because I wasn't even thinking about it like that and I will change it now.

2. yes I know 15 Bitcoin is not enough so that's why I would have to put in some of my own money if I could not raise the amount I need which is 50 Bitcoin but the 15 Bitcoin is just enough to get the software nothing more and that's only because the person that's doing it needs the money and is willing to do it for cheaper.

3. You are right I should probably offer more percentage of the profit and I was thinking about that soon after I posted it. So I came up with an idea of 1 Bitcoin for one percent of the business to make up a total of 50% for the 50 Bitcoin I need and the reason I put it in that way is so that if I do not raise the total 50 Bitcoin then I will just say for each Bitcoin that was invested that would be one percent.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: MartinL on October 14, 2016, 07:20:40 PM
3. You are right I should probably offer more percentage of the profit and I was thinking about that soon after I posted it. So I came up with an idea of 1 Bitcoin for one percent of the business to make up a total of 50% for the 50 Bitcoin I need and the reason I put it in that way is so that if I do not raise the total 50 Bitcoin then I will just say for each Bitcoin that was invested that would be one percent.

Unfortunately your proposal remains very unrealistic. Even completely disregarding the considerable counterparty risk it is a bad deal for investors.

Think of it this way: If investors contribute 50 BTC and get a claim to 50 % of the profits–not even equity–then the whole venture must be worth at least 100 BTC, which in turn means you would be receiving at least 50 BTC in equity without taking on any financial risk.

What are you bringing to the table that is worth 50 BTC?

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 14, 2016, 07:40:33 PM
Well the whole purpose was for this to not be an actual investment of the business for investors but more of a loan because like I said I would be buying back the investment once I get the money to do so. And the investors would receive their money back plus like 5-10 percent plus the 50% of the business until I can buy it back. So its not a question of what am I bringing to the table that's worth 50 Bitcoin because it's more of just a loan.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 14, 2016, 07:41:39 PM
I just put down the 50% of the profits to make it more intriguing to the investors to want to invest but it's more of just a loan.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: MartinL on October 14, 2016, 08:01:28 PM
Well the whole purpose was for this to not be an actual investment of the business for investors but more of a loan because like I said I would be buying back the investment once I get the money to do so. And the investors would receive their money back plus like 5-10 percent plus the 50% of the business until I can buy it back. So its not a question of what am I bringing to the table that's worth 50 Bitcoin because it's more of just a loan.

There is a big difference between an equity investment and a loan. Perhaps you should post in the lending section ( instead.

In any case you are almost certainly wasting your time. A reasonable investor does not loan anonymous persons $10,000–let alone $30,000–in unseizable currency.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 14, 2016, 08:13:17 PM
Well I have seen people give money to Altcoin ICOs without knowing who they were or having anyway to take back their money in case of anything happening. In fact I invested in one called Bitsynq which I didn't invest but around $60-$70 but still they made like 38 Bitcoin i believe it was and now it seems to be a scam and no one can get their money back. But my point is that people are apparently willing to invest in things that they cant have any control over but even though mine is legit I'm just saying that people are willing to invest in scams so why wouldnt they invest in something legit.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 14, 2016, 08:17:21 PM
Also the reason I put this as sort of a loan is because I initially wanted to put it on a Bitcoin stock market and I tried doing it on BTCPOP but their IPOs are not working right now and they said it could be months before it's fixed and I don't know of any other stock exchanges that use Bitcoin that I can post this on so I just figured I would do it as a loan. But if anyone knows of a Bitcoin stock exchange that I can post this on then please let me know so I can do that instead of the loan.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: ranlo on October 16, 2016, 05:09:56 AM
Well the whole purpose was for this to not be an actual investment of the business for investors but more of a loan because like I said I would be buying back the investment once I get the money to do so. And the investors would receive their money back plus like 5-10 percent plus the 50% of the business until I can buy it back. So its not a question of what am I bringing to the table that's worth 50 Bitcoin because it's more of just a loan.

There is a big difference between an equity investment and a loan. Perhaps you should post in the lending section ( instead.

In any case you are almost certainly wasting your time. A reasonable investor does not loan anonymous persons $10,000–let alone $30,000–in unseizable currency.

The bigger issue here is that even structured as a "loan," this is a horrible deal. Again, investors front 100% of the risk for a small portion of the profit. And if someone came to him to buy the site, he'd owe you absolutely nothing, getting 100% for himself.

It's just a really bad idea: his knowledge of the sector isn't nearly enough to warrant such a high risk with low rewards. If he had many highly successful sites in his portfolio that he built up, it would be different. But he doesn't. As such, most of us who WOULD possibly be interested would absolutely have to get equity, and with that would come some control over its direction.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: darety1 on October 16, 2016, 09:08:01 AM
It's seems risky to invest this way. Nothing guarantees the income...

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 16, 2016, 08:55:11 PM
Well the whole purpose was for this to not be an actual investment of the business for investors but more of a loan because like I said I would be buying back the investment once I get the money to do so. And the investors would receive their money back plus like 5-10 percent plus the 50% of the business until I can buy it back. So its not a question of what am I bringing to the table that's worth 50 Bitcoin because it's more of just a loan.

There is a big difference between an equity investment and a loan. Perhaps you should post in the lending section ( instead.

In any case you are almost certainly wasting your time. A reasonable investor does not loan anonymous persons $10,000–let alone $30,000–in unseizable currency.

The bigger issue here is that even structured as a "loan," this is a horrible deal. Again, investors front 100% of the risk for a small portion of the profit. And if someone came to him to buy the site, he'd owe you absolutely nothing, getting 100% for himself.

It's just a really bad idea: his knowledge of the sector isn't nearly enough to warrant such a high risk with low rewards. If he had many highly successful sites in his portfolio that he built up, it would be different. But he doesn't. As such, most of us who WOULD possibly be interested would absolutely have to get equity, and with that would come some control over its direction.

Okay i understand your concerns so I will offer 50% of the profits and 50% equity to the investors which will be divided out between the investors equally according to their size of investment. But i do want the option to buy back the profits sharing/equity from the investors eventually without the hassle of the investors not wanting to sell, thats the only problem i have is i dont want to not be able to buy back the rest of the business. So if the investors can agree that no matter how big and successful the casino may get i will be able to buy it back according to the value of the share of the business at the time i am able to buy the shares back then i will be fine with giving up half of the equity for now. If you have any other concerns please feel free to comment them below so i can address them as soon as possible. Thank you.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 16, 2016, 09:03:49 PM
It's seems risky to invest this way. Nothing guarantees the income...

Sorry i almost forgot about your comment. I know its risky because there is no guarantee that the casino will do as well as i hope it will but i know i will do my best to make it successful and be able to make a good profit off of it. And also just like with any investment their is no guarantee including with government bonds because for all you know they could run out of money and wont be able to pay you back so even though government bonds are suppose to be a guarantee but my point is that nothing is a guarantee investment including so called guaranteed investments such as government bonds its just a risk you have to take if you invest in something. And i dont know how to put it in any other way to help make you guys want to invest because im not going to lie and say ots a guarantee because its not its just a risk that the investors and I would have to take. But I may not be taking as much of a financial risk as the investors since they are putting up most of the money but i am still taking a risk including my time and effort that will be put into running and promoting the casino and some of my savings if it comes down to it that i need to put some of my savings into it because i dont want to make the investors have to put in all of the money if there is more to be done that requires more money than what they put in initially.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: AcoinL.L.C on October 16, 2016, 09:13:16 PM
Well the whole purpose was for this to not be an actual investment of the business for investors but more of a loan because like I said I would be buying back the investment once I get the money to do so. And the investors would receive their money back plus like 5-10 percent plus the 50% of the business until I can buy it back. So its not a question of what am I bringing to the table that's worth 50 Bitcoin because it's more of just a loan.

There is a big difference between an equity investment and a loan. Perhaps you should post in the lending section ( instead.

In any case you are almost certainly wasting your time. A reasonable investor does not loan anonymous persons $10,000–let alone $30,000–in unseizable currency.

The bigger issue here is that even structured as a "loan," this is a horrible deal. Again, investors front 100% of the risk for a small portion of the profit. And if someone came to him to buy the site, he'd owe you absolutely nothing, getting 100% for himself.

It's just a really bad idea: his knowledge of the sector isn't nearly enough to warrant such a high risk with low rewards. If he had many highly successful sites in his portfolio that he built up, it would be different. But he doesn't. As such, most of us who WOULD possibly be interested would absolutely have to get equity, and with that would come some control over its direction.

Okay i understand your concerns so I will offer 50% of the profits and 50% equity to the investors which will be divided out between the investors equally according to their size of investment. But i do want the option to buy back the profits sharing/equity from the investors eventually without the hassle of the investors not wanting to sell, thats the only problem i have is i dont want to not be able to buy back the rest of the business. So if the investors can agree that no matter how big and successful the casino may get i will be able to buy it back according to the value of the share of the business at the time i am able to buy the shares back then i will be fine with giving up half of the equity for now. If you have any other concerns please feel free to comment them below so i can address them as soon as possible. Thank you.

You seem to want the best of both worlds.. Investor takes all the risk and you take all the potential (forced buybacks). 50 BTC also would not be enough to get this going (by the way), you really should have at minimum 100 BTC set aside for a bankroll or its not even worth attempting.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: ranlo on October 16, 2016, 09:24:44 PM
Well the whole purpose was for this to not be an actual investment of the business for investors but more of a loan because like I said I would be buying back the investment once I get the money to do so. And the investors would receive their money back plus like 5-10 percent plus the 50% of the business until I can buy it back. So its not a question of what am I bringing to the table that's worth 50 Bitcoin because it's more of just a loan.

There is a big difference between an equity investment and a loan. Perhaps you should post in the lending section ( instead.

In any case you are almost certainly wasting your time. A reasonable investor does not loan anonymous persons $10,000–let alone $30,000–in unseizable currency.

The bigger issue here is that even structured as a "loan," this is a horrible deal. Again, investors front 100% of the risk for a small portion of the profit. And if someone came to him to buy the site, he'd owe you absolutely nothing, getting 100% for himself.

It's just a really bad idea: his knowledge of the sector isn't nearly enough to warrant such a high risk with low rewards. If he had many highly successful sites in his portfolio that he built up, it would be different. But he doesn't. As such, most of us who WOULD possibly be interested would absolutely have to get equity, and with that would come some control over its direction.

Okay i understand your concerns so I will offer 50% of the profits and 50% equity to the investors which will be divided out between the investors equally according to their size of investment. But i do want the option to buy back the profits sharing/equity from the investors eventually without the hassle of the investors not wanting to sell, thats the only problem i have is i dont want to not be able to buy back the rest of the business. So if the investors can agree that no matter how big and successful the casino may get i will be able to buy it back according to the value of the share of the business at the time i am able to buy the shares back then i will be fine with giving up half of the equity for now. If you have any other concerns please feel free to comment them below so i can address them as soon as possible. Thank you.

You seem to want the best of both worlds.. Investor takes all the risk and you take all the potential (forced buybacks). 50 BTC also would not be enough to get this going (by the way), you really should have at minimum 100 BTC set aside for a bankroll or its not even worth attempting.

This. You're in a new business that you're not already deeply connected with and involved with. You're asking us to invest and limit our profit -- investing is a risk vs. reward situation. This is a high-risk situation no matter WHAT you offer -- even if you offered up 100% of the equity AND profit to investors. As a result, you have to offer up the high-reward side of it as well or nobody is going to bite. When you ask us to limit our reward when we take the ENTIRE risk, that's just asinine. The entire point of even considering an investment would be to watch the site grow and reap the rewards.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 16, 2016, 10:32:38 PM
Well the whole purpose was for this to not be an actual investment of the business for investors but more of a loan because like I said I would be buying back the investment once I get the money to do so. And the investors would receive their money back plus like 5-10 percent plus the 50% of the business until I can buy it back. So its not a question of what am I bringing to the table that's worth 50 Bitcoin because it's more of just a loan.

There is a big difference between an equity investment and a loan. Perhaps you should post in the lending section ( instead.

In any case you are almost certainly wasting your time. A reasonable investor does not loan anonymous persons $10,000–let alone $30,000–in unseizable currency.

The bigger issue here is that even structured as a "loan," this is a horrible deal. Again, investors front 100% of the risk for a small portion of the profit. And if someone came to him to buy the site, he'd owe you absolutely nothing, getting 100% for himself.

It's just a really bad idea: his knowledge of the sector isn't nearly enough to warrant such a high risk with low rewards. If he had many highly successful sites in his portfolio that he built up, it would be different. But he doesn't. As such, most of us who WOULD possibly be interested would absolutely have to get equity, and with that would come some control over its direction.

Okay i understand your concerns so I will offer 50% of the profits and 50% equity to the investors which will be divided out between the investors equally according to their size of investment. But i do want the option to buy back the profits sharing/equity from the investors eventually without the hassle of the investors not wanting to sell, thats the only problem i have is i dont want to not be able to buy back the rest of the business. So if the investors can agree that no matter how big and successful the casino may get i will be able to buy it back according to the value of the share of the business at the time i am able to buy the shares back then i will be fine with giving up half of the equity for now. If you have any other concerns please feel free to comment them below so i can address them as soon as possible. Thank you.

You seem to want the best of both worlds.. Investor takes all the risk and you take all the potential (forced buybacks). 50 BTC also would not be enough to get this going (by the way), you really should have at minimum 100 BTC set aside for a bankroll or its not even worth attempting.

This. You're in a new business that you're not already deeply connected with and involved with. You're asking us to invest and limit our profit -- investing is a risk vs. reward situation. This is a high-risk situation no matter WHAT you offer -- even if you offered up 100% of the equity AND profit to investors. As a result, you have to offer up the high-reward side of it as well or nobody is going to bite. When you ask us to limit our reward when we take the ENTIRE risk, that's just asinine. The entire point of even considering an investment would be to watch the site grow and reap the rewards.

You know what your right, I dont know what i was thinking. i guess i was thinking of it more on the loan side of things but since the investors wouldnt be loaning but instead has equity in the business then i should not be asking to have the people who allowed me to get a successful business not be able to reap the rewards of it all the way through. So investors will have equity of 50% and i will even give 75% of the profits for the first few months to a year just to get the investors interested in this project. Because i know i can make this work and be very successful because i have personally have experience in business in a different sector but still business and i have lots of family who will give their support in knowledge of business which they have lots of but they just are to greedy to invest in anything else because they are already set for life almost from their businesses. And i will also i hope have the support in knowledge from the investors as well to help get ideas for the business. So if this new proposal of 50% equity and 75% of the profits for the first few months to a year and then back down to 50% for as long as they decide to hold on to their equity then please invest. And also i will NOT force the investors to sell their equity back to me but i will ask if they are willing to sell when i am able to buy it back but it will not be a requirement for them to sell. So if you have any more questions or concerns please comment below and thank you for your time and consideration in investing.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 16, 2016, 11:22:50 PM
Also it has been brought to my attention from one of the comments that I should be asking for at least 100 Bitcoin to get this started because it will be needed for bankroll and stuff. I honestly didn't think I would need that much but if that's the case I will need to ask for 100 Bitcoin to get the casino started because I must have underestimated the amount needed for bankroll and everything. And I am glad that it was brought to my attention before I started getting investments because then I would have had to ask for more later on and I don't want to put my investors in that situation where they have to invest more than what they were told they had to invest. So I will edit my initial post about the amount of Bitcoin needed to 100 Bitcoin.

Edit: I also fixed the initial post where it stated only 25% of the profits would be given to the investors and they would have to sell their share back when I can buy it to it being 50% of the business equity and the investors not having to sell if they do not want to.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: ranlo on October 16, 2016, 11:26:20 PM
Also it has been brought to my attention from one of the comments that I should be asking for at least 100 Bitcoin to get this started because it will be needed for bankroll and stuff. I honestly didn't think I would need that much but if that's the case I will need to ask for 100 Bitcoin to get the casino started because I must have underestimated the amount needed for bankroll and everything. And I am glad that it was brought to my attention before I started getting investments because then I would have had to ask for more later on and I don't want to put my investors in that situation where they have to invest more than what they were told they had to invest. So I will edit my initial post about the amount of Bitcoin needed to 100 Bitcoin.

Technically, 100 is on the low side of things. Assuming you go with the average Kelly risk ratio, you'd be looking at a 1 BTC max. win. This is fairly small, though it's not necessarily going to make or break the site as long as it grows. That said, you have to account for marketing expenses and everything else as well.

Your previous post was a step in the right direction. The next is... do you have a business plan mapped out already? If so, that's something you should be sharing with interested parties. Technically, a couple of us in the thread are already deeply involved in this sector so we already know most of what you'll be putting in there, but this helps us see that you understand what you're getting into as well (and for those who AREN'T knowledgeable about the sector, it ensures they understand it).

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 16, 2016, 11:54:43 PM
My business plan is not necessarily written out professionally but it still states all of my plans and such for the business.

I will need at least 100 Bitcoin to get the casino started and have bankroll. I got an estimate of roughly 20 Bitcoin for the building of the custom Bitcoin Casino website which includes all of the things needed to run an online Bitcoin Casino, five games or more depending on how complex the games will be, and technical support from the developer if needed. I estimate the cost of server hosting to be two Bitcoin a year based off of what the developer stated about server hosting packages. I also estimate the cost of promotions and advertising to be 10 to 15 Bitcoin or so. Which all of that comes out to be roughly 32 to 37 Bitcoin, plus the cost of bankroll, Miscellaneous costs, and to have some Bitcoin set aside in case something comes up and it is needed. I plan to advertise on Bitcoin forums, websites, Facebook, possibly Google Adsense if I can figure out how to do so which I haven't looked into that yet, and other miscellaneous places to advertise on. as far as revenue goes I have done some calculations on the number of online Bitcoin Casino and how big the online Bitcoin gambling industry is and I came to the conclusion that averaged out each Bitcoin Casino has done roughly 10,416.67 Bitcoin per year worth of gambling and with a 1% edge that would be roughly 104.67 Bitcoin per year in profit minus the operating costs. Which I except the casino to do around that much within a year or two. I can't think of what else to post about for expenses and revenue but if you guys have any specific questions to ask please do so.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: ranlo on October 17, 2016, 12:03:16 AM
My business plan is not necessarily written out professionally but it still states all of my plans and such for the business.

I will need at least 100 Bitcoin to get the casino started and have bankroll. I got an estimate of roughly 20 Bitcoin for the building of the custom Bitcoin Casino website which includes all of the things needed to run an online Bitcoin Casino, five games or more depending on how complex the games will be, and technical support from the developer if needed. I estimate the cost of server hosting to be two Bitcoin a year based off of what the developer stated about server hosting packages. I also estimate the cost of promotions and advertising to be 10 to 15 Bitcoin or so. Which all of that comes out to be roughly 32 to 37 Bitcoin, plus the cost of bankroll, Miscellaneous costs, and to have some Bitcoin set aside in case something comes up and it is needed. I plan to advertise on Bitcoin forums, websites, Facebook, possibly Google Adsense if I can figure out how to do so which I haven't looked into that yet, and other miscellaneous places to advertise on. as far as revenue goes I have done some calculations on the number of online Bitcoin Casino and how big the online Bitcoin gambling industry is and I came to the conclusion that averaged out each Bitcoin Casino has done roughly 10,416.67 Bitcoin per year worth of gambling and with a 1% edge that would be roughly 104.67 Bitcoin per year in profit minus the operating costs. Which I except the casino to do around that much within a year or two. I can't think of what else to post about for expenses and revenue but if you guys have any specific questions to ask please do so.
My business plan is not necessarily written out professionally but it still states all of my plans and such for the business.

I will need at least 100 Bitcoin to get the casino started and have bankroll. I got an estimate of roughly 20 Bitcoin for the building of the custom Bitcoin Casino website which includes all of the things needed to run an online Bitcoin Casino, five games or more depending on how complex the games will be, and technical support from the developer if needed. I estimate the cost of server hosting to be two Bitcoin a year based off of what the developer stated about server hosting packages. I also estimate the cost of promotions and advertising to be 10 to 15 Bitcoin or so. Which all of that comes out to be roughly 32 to 37 Bitcoin, plus the cost of bankroll, Miscellaneous costs, and to have some Bitcoin set aside in case something comes up and it is needed. I plan to advertise on Bitcoin forums, websites, Facebook, possibly Google Adsense if I can figure out how to do so which I haven't looked into that yet, and other miscellaneous places to advertise on. as far as revenue goes I have done some calculations on the number of online Bitcoin Casino and how big the online Bitcoin gambling industry is and I came to the conclusion that averaged out each Bitcoin Casino has done roughly 10,416.67 Bitcoin per year worth of gambling and with a 1% edge that would be roughly 104.67 Bitcoin per year in profit minus the operating costs. Which I except the casino to do around that much within a year or two. I can't think of what else to post about for expenses and revenue but if you guys have any specific questions to ask please do so.

May be worth considering a launch on the MoneyPot platform. You'd have instant access/backing by around 900 BTC, and you'd be earning half the house edge of each bet whether players win or lose. Would also be easier to get a site up, I think, being that the API is already set up and ready for integration.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 17, 2016, 12:30:24 AM
My business plan is not necessarily written out professionally but it still states all of my plans and such for the business.

I will need at least 100 Bitcoin to get the casino started and have bankroll. I got an estimate of roughly 20 Bitcoin for the building of the custom Bitcoin Casino website which includes all of the things needed to run an online Bitcoin Casino, five games or more depending on how complex the games will be, and technical support from the developer if needed. I estimate the cost of server hosting to be two Bitcoin a year based off of what the developer stated about server hosting packages. I also estimate the cost of promotions and advertising to be 10 to 15 Bitcoin or so. Which all of that comes out to be roughly 32 to 37 Bitcoin, plus the cost of bankroll, Miscellaneous costs, and to have some Bitcoin set aside in case something comes up and it is needed. I plan to advertise on Bitcoin forums, websites, Facebook, possibly Google Adsense if I can figure out how to do so which I haven't looked into that yet, and other miscellaneous places to advertise on. as far as revenue goes I have done some calculations on the number of online Bitcoin Casino and how big the online Bitcoin gambling industry is and I came to the conclusion that averaged out each Bitcoin Casino has done roughly 10,416.67 Bitcoin per year worth of gambling and with a 1% edge that would be roughly 104.67 Bitcoin per year in profit minus the operating costs. Which I except the casino to do around that much within a year or two. I can't think of what else to post about for expenses and revenue but if you guys have any specific questions to ask please do so.
My business plan is not necessarily written out professionally but it still states all of my plans and such for the business.

I will need at least 100 Bitcoin to get the casino started and have bankroll. I got an estimate of roughly 20 Bitcoin for the building of the custom Bitcoin Casino website which includes all of the things needed to run an online Bitcoin Casino, five games or more depending on how complex the games will be, and technical support from the developer if needed. I estimate the cost of server hosting to be two Bitcoin a year based off of what the developer stated about server hosting packages. I also estimate the cost of promotions and advertising to be 10 to 15 Bitcoin or so. Which all of that comes out to be roughly 32 to 37 Bitcoin, plus the cost of bankroll, Miscellaneous costs, and to have some Bitcoin set aside in case something comes up and it is needed. I plan to advertise on Bitcoin forums, websites, Facebook, possibly Google Adsense if I can figure out how to do so which I haven't looked into that yet, and other miscellaneous places to advertise on. as far as revenue goes I have done some calculations on the number of online Bitcoin Casino and how big the online Bitcoin gambling industry is and I came to the conclusion that averaged out each Bitcoin Casino has done roughly 10,416.67 Bitcoin per year worth of gambling and with a 1% edge that would be roughly 104.67 Bitcoin per year in profit minus the operating costs. Which I except the casino to do around that much within a year or two. I can't think of what else to post about for expenses and revenue but if you guys have any specific questions to ask please do so.

May be worth considering a launch on the MoneyPot platform. You'd have instant access/backing by around 900 BTC, and you'd be earning half the house edge of each bet whether players win or lose. Would also be easier to get a site up, I think, being that the API is already set up and ready for integration.

I just looked at it but I am guessing that I would still need to hire the dev to make the games and stuff or would moneypot be able to do this for me?

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: ranlo on October 17, 2016, 01:35:07 AM
My business plan is not necessarily written out professionally but it still states all of my plans and such for the business.

I will need at least 100 Bitcoin to get the casino started and have bankroll. I got an estimate of roughly 20 Bitcoin for the building of the custom Bitcoin Casino website which includes all of the things needed to run an online Bitcoin Casino, five games or more depending on how complex the games will be, and technical support from the developer if needed. I estimate the cost of server hosting to be two Bitcoin a year based off of what the developer stated about server hosting packages. I also estimate the cost of promotions and advertising to be 10 to 15 Bitcoin or so. Which all of that comes out to be roughly 32 to 37 Bitcoin, plus the cost of bankroll, Miscellaneous costs, and to have some Bitcoin set aside in case something comes up and it is needed. I plan to advertise on Bitcoin forums, websites, Facebook, possibly Google Adsense if I can figure out how to do so which I haven't looked into that yet, and other miscellaneous places to advertise on. as far as revenue goes I have done some calculations on the number of online Bitcoin Casino and how big the online Bitcoin gambling industry is and I came to the conclusion that averaged out each Bitcoin Casino has done roughly 10,416.67 Bitcoin per year worth of gambling and with a 1% edge that would be roughly 104.67 Bitcoin per year in profit minus the operating costs. Which I except the casino to do around that much within a year or two. I can't think of what else to post about for expenses and revenue but if you guys have any specific questions to ask please do so.
My business plan is not necessarily written out professionally but it still states all of my plans and such for the business.

I will need at least 100 Bitcoin to get the casino started and have bankroll. I got an estimate of roughly 20 Bitcoin for the building of the custom Bitcoin Casino website which includes all of the things needed to run an online Bitcoin Casino, five games or more depending on how complex the games will be, and technical support from the developer if needed. I estimate the cost of server hosting to be two Bitcoin a year based off of what the developer stated about server hosting packages. I also estimate the cost of promotions and advertising to be 10 to 15 Bitcoin or so. Which all of that comes out to be roughly 32 to 37 Bitcoin, plus the cost of bankroll, Miscellaneous costs, and to have some Bitcoin set aside in case something comes up and it is needed. I plan to advertise on Bitcoin forums, websites, Facebook, possibly Google Adsense if I can figure out how to do so which I haven't looked into that yet, and other miscellaneous places to advertise on. as far as revenue goes I have done some calculations on the number of online Bitcoin Casino and how big the online Bitcoin gambling industry is and I came to the conclusion that averaged out each Bitcoin Casino has done roughly 10,416.67 Bitcoin per year worth of gambling and with a 1% edge that would be roughly 104.67 Bitcoin per year in profit minus the operating costs. Which I except the casino to do around that much within a year or two. I can't think of what else to post about for expenses and revenue but if you guys have any specific questions to ask please do so.

May be worth considering a launch on the MoneyPot platform. You'd have instant access/backing by around 900 BTC, and you'd be earning half the house edge of each bet whether players win or lose. Would also be easier to get a site up, I think, being that the API is already set up and ready for integration.

I just looked at it but I am guessing that I would still need to hire the dev to make the games and stuff or would moneypot be able to do this for me?

You'd still need a developer. Getting hooked into the API would be a lot easier than doing it yourself, though, and you wouldn't need to worry about the security of your funds (since MP handles it). Along with this, you'd instantly have 900 BTC players can win from, rather than a much smaller pool. And guaranteed profit on every bet has its merit.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 17, 2016, 02:00:31 AM
Okay, thank you very much for this information and I will definitely look into this more and I have already contacted the developer that may be working for me if I decide to hire him and I told him about moneypot and if he could do it using moneypot and if so would the price of the development work on the casino go down but I have not heard back from him yet but he is like six hours ahead of me which it was 8PM when I contacted him so he is more than likely sleeping right now and will probably respond back to me tomorrow. But if I can get this done for cheaper by using moneypot and I wouldnt need any startup funds for bankroll or server hosting then I may be able to do this without needing investors because i do have a little savings just not enough to do what I thought would be needed. But because of moneypot that might have changed and hopefully I won't have to advertise as much either since moneypot posts the casino on their website for users to see.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 17, 2016, 02:04:52 AM
Also is there anyone on here that knows how to make the casino games and integrate them onto the moneypot platform? Because if so I may be interested in hiring you if you can do the job better and/or cheaper than the developer I have in mind right now. So just comment on here if you can do the job and also how much you would charge per game and integrating the games onto the moneypot network. And the games I have in mind are a couple of slots, roulette, blackjack, poker, and possibly sport betting. But I do not know if all of those games will be needed I just would like a quote for each one so I can decide which ones would be best to go with.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 18, 2016, 08:12:50 AM
Hi, I just wanted to let everyone know that I will still need investors since I have talked to the developer that I am looking into hiring and he stated that it would take him roughly 100 hours to make each game at $40 an hour so that would end up being $4,000 per game (and that is with using and I am wanting to have several games, and I will still need to pay for advertisements and promotions, and also a graphic designer so I will still need investors if you guys are interested at all please let me know. And my offer still stands for 50% equity in the business with a total of 100 Bitcoin Investment but of course that wouldn't have to be all from one person it can be from multiple people which then the 50% equity would be divided out between each investor according to how much they invested into the business. So please like I said let me know if you guys are wanting to invest or not. Thank you.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: MartinL on October 18, 2016, 08:32:36 AM
Again, this time more frank: Nobody is going to give this kind of money to an unknown and inexperienced person like yourself, let alone on those terms.

That does not mean you cannot realize your idea. If you are serious about it, your best course of action is probably to learn how to write the game yourself using MoneyPot. Even if you currently have no coding experience you could easily learn how to write a basic game within a year.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 18, 2016, 06:55:05 PM
Again, this time more frank: Nobody is going to give this kind of money to an unknown and inexperienced person like yourself, let alone on those terms.

That does not mean you cannot realize your idea. If you are serious about it, your best course of action is probably to learn how to write the game yourself using MoneyPot. Even if you currently have no coding experience you could easily learn how to write a basic game within a year.

What terms are not good? I already said that I decided to give 50% equity instead of 25% and they don't have to sell it back in time. I mean how much equity do you want? And please don't say that you should get 100% of something because your putting up most of the money because there are a lot of companies that startup based off of investors money but the investors only get roughly 50% so its not like just because your putting up the money you should get it all because I have a lot of work I must do as well just like the other companies founders have a lot of work to do in order to build up the business and make it successful.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 18, 2016, 07:00:55 PM
Also about the experience thing, What exactly are you saying I don't have experience in? If you mean Bitcoin Gambling then no I do not have experience in it besides just playing them but how do you believe people get experience? they have to do it in order to get the experience. in fact I would be personally more worried about investing in someone starting a new bitcoin casino that already does have experience owning a bitcoin casino because that means they already had one and they failed so why would you invest in someone that's already failed than invest in someone that hasn't? I'm just saying that the only way people can get true experience is by actually doing it and they cant do it unless people (like the investors) give them the chance to do it.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: MartinL on October 18, 2016, 08:22:21 PM
I feel like I should preface my comment by stating that I do not wish to dissuade or discourage you from your implementing your idea. Taking initiative is more than most people ever do and your enthusiasm is admirable as well. But your expectations are unrealistic. Consider it tough love.

What terms are not good? I already said that I decided to give 50% equity instead of 25% and they don't have to sell it back in time. I mean how much equity do you want? And please don't say that you should get 100% of something because your putting up most of the money because there are a lot of companies that startup based off of investors money but the investors only get roughly 50% so its not like just because your putting up the money you should get it all because I have a lot of work I must do as well just like the other companies founders have a lot of work to do in order to build up the business and make it successful.

If I had to invest in your venture I would indeed want close to 100 % of the equity. Startups that receive external funding bring more to the table than merely a poorly thought out idea. Frankly I do not see you offering anything of particular value:
  • You cannot program the game.
  • Ostensibly you do not know how to market the game.
  • You have no experience in the gambling sector aside from being a gambler yourself.
  • You have no experience running a business in general.

Yet you want half of the equity, which is worth roughly $30,000. What exactly do you offer that warrants so much money? Why should an investor give you money when he could hire a developer himself and keep all of the equity? Since you do not seem to have any relevant qualifications, virtually any other person would be equally qualified or better.

Also about the experience thing, What exactly are you saying I don't have experience in? If you mean Bitcoin Gambling then no I do not have experience in it besides just playing them but how do you believe people get experience? they have to do it in order to get the experience. in fact I would be personally more worried about investing in someone starting a new bitcoin casino that already does have experience owning a bitcoin casino because that means they already had one and they failed so why would you invest in someone that's already failed than invest in someone that hasn't? I'm just saying that the only way people can get true experience is by actually doing it and they cant do it unless people (like the investors) give them the chance to do it.

I believe you do not have much relevant experience at all (see above).

You have some misconceptions about failure: In my experience, the majority of successful entrepreneurs have at least some history of failure behind them. Perhaps it is required to gain the necessary experience, perhaps it is just a matter of luck. In any case there is no shame in failing provided one learns from it.

That being said, you are not competing only with inexperienced or failed entrepreneurs. Successful entrepreneurs often do not stop after one venture. They move on to other projects that may also require external funding. All other things equal, a reasonable investor will prefer someone experienced.

Investors are not altruists–at least not in the context of investing. They are not responsible for giving you the chance to gain experience and they do not care about you unless you offer them something of value.

You were given lots of valuable advice in this thread. Whether you act on it or continue to dream of an investor just handing you $60,000 to play with is up to you.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 18, 2016, 08:51:41 PM
I feel like I should preface my comment by stating that I do not wish to dissuade or discourage you from your implementing your idea. Taking initiative is more than most people ever do and your enthusiasm is admirable as well. But your expectations are unrealistic. Consider it tough love.

What terms are not good? I already said that I decided to give 50% equity instead of 25% and they don't have to sell it back in time. I mean how much equity do you want? And please don't say that you should get 100% of something because your putting up most of the money because there are a lot of companies that startup based off of investors money but the investors only get roughly 50% so its not like just because your putting up the money you should get it all because I have a lot of work I must do as well just like the other companies founders have a lot of work to do in order to build up the business and make it successful.

If I had to invest in your venture I would indeed want close to 100 % of the equity. Startups that receive external funding bring more to the table than merely a poorly thought out idea. Frankly I do not see you offering anything of particular value:
  • You cannot program the game.
  • Ostensibly you do not know how to market the game.
  • You have no experience in the gambling sector aside from being a gambler yourself.
  • You have no experience running a business in general.

Yet you want half of the equity, which is worth roughly $30,000. What exactly do you offer that warrants so much money? Why should an investor give you money when he could hire a developer himself and keep all of the equity? Since you do not seem to have any relevant qualifications, virtually any other person would be equally qualified or better.

Also about the experience thing, What exactly are you saying I don't have experience in? If you mean Bitcoin Gambling then no I do not have experience in it besides just playing them but how do you believe people get experience? they have to do it in order to get the experience. in fact I would be personally more worried about investing in someone starting a new bitcoin casino that already does have experience owning a bitcoin casino because that means they already had one and they failed so why would you invest in someone that's already failed than invest in someone that hasn't? I'm just saying that the only way people can get true experience is by actually doing it and they cant do it unless people (like the investors) give them the chance to do it.

I believe you do not have much relevant experience at all (see above).

You have some misconceptions about failure: In my experience, the majority of successful entrepreneurs have at least some history of failure behind them. Perhaps it is required to gain the necessary experience, perhaps it is just a matter of luck. In any case there is no shame in failing provided one learns from it.

That being said, you are not competing only with inexperienced or failed entrepreneurs. Successful entrepreneurs often do not stop after one venture. They move on to other projects that may also require external funding. All other things equal, a reasonable investor will prefer someone experienced.

Investors are not altruists–at least not in the context of investing. They are not responsible for giving you the chance to gain experience and they do not care about you unless you offer them something of value.

You were given lots of valuable advice in this thread. Whether you act on it or continue to dream of an investor just handing you $60,000 to play with is up to you.

Okay first off I do want to state that I do have business experience since I do run a coin business in my local area where I buy and sell coins. But of course that's not a popular thing that makes lots of money so I cant really use my money from that business to go into a casino so that's why I am asking for investors but for the record I do have experience running a business and so do a lot of my family members. But with that said I would like to ask what exactly would the potential investors in this situation like to see? What exactly would you guys want or need from me in order to invest like how much equity and such would you guys want to make it worth your investment?

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 18, 2016, 08:55:46 PM
The problem I'm having is that you are wanting 100% equity in this which I understand because you would be putting up most of the money but if I were to give 100% equity to the investors then what would be in it for me at that point? Because then I would be working to promote and manage a business that I have no part in.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: ranlo on October 18, 2016, 09:01:15 PM
I feel like I should preface my comment by stating that I do not wish to dissuade or discourage you from your implementing your idea. Taking initiative is more than most people ever do and your enthusiasm is admirable as well. But your expectations are unrealistic. Consider it tough love.

What terms are not good? I already said that I decided to give 50% equity instead of 25% and they don't have to sell it back in time. I mean how much equity do you want? And please don't say that you should get 100% of something because your putting up most of the money because there are a lot of companies that startup based off of investors money but the investors only get roughly 50% so its not like just because your putting up the money you should get it all because I have a lot of work I must do as well just like the other companies founders have a lot of work to do in order to build up the business and make it successful.

If I had to invest in your venture I would indeed want close to 100 % of the equity. Startups that receive external funding bring more to the table than merely a poorly thought out idea. Frankly I do not see you offering anything of particular value:
  • You cannot program the game.
  • Ostensibly you do not know how to market the game.
  • You have no experience in the gambling sector aside from being a gambler yourself.
  • You have no experience running a business in general.

Yet you want half of the equity, which is worth roughly $30,000. What exactly do you offer that warrants so much money? Why should an investor give you money when he could hire a developer himself and keep all of the equity? Since you do not seem to have any relevant qualifications, virtually any other person would be equally qualified or better.

Also about the experience thing, What exactly are you saying I don't have experience in? If you mean Bitcoin Gambling then no I do not have experience in it besides just playing them but how do you believe people get experience? they have to do it in order to get the experience. in fact I would be personally more worried about investing in someone starting a new bitcoin casino that already does have experience owning a bitcoin casino because that means they already had one and they failed so why would you invest in someone that's already failed than invest in someone that hasn't? I'm just saying that the only way people can get true experience is by actually doing it and they cant do it unless people (like the investors) give them the chance to do it.

I believe you do not have much relevant experience at all (see above).

You have some misconceptions about failure: In my experience, the majority of successful entrepreneurs have at least some history of failure behind them. Perhaps it is required to gain the necessary experience, perhaps it is just a matter of luck. In any case there is no shame in failing provided one learns from it.

That being said, you are not competing only with inexperienced or failed entrepreneurs. Successful entrepreneurs often do not stop after one venture. They move on to other projects that may also require external funding. All other things equal, a reasonable investor will prefer someone experienced.

Investors are not altruists–at least not in the context of investing. They are not responsible for giving you the chance to gain experience and they do not care about you unless you offer them something of value.

You were given lots of valuable advice in this thread. Whether you act on it or continue to dream of an investor just handing you $60,000 to play with is up to you.

Okay first off I do want to state that I do have business experience since I do run a coin business in my local area where I buy and sell coins. But of course that's not a popular thing that makes lots of money so I cant really use my money from that business to go into a casino so that's why I am asking for investors but for the record I do have experience running a business and so do a lot of my family members. But with that said I would like to ask what exactly would the potential investors in this situation like to see? What exactly would you guys want or need from me in order to invest like how much equity and such would you guys want to make it worth your investment?

For most of us, it would be an actual, legitimate, fleshed out business plan. Not one-liners, and not a paragraph. A real one will be a somewhat significant length (I think the shortest one I've seen so far that actually covered all the bases was around 25-30 pages). Not only does that help the potential investor get a better understanding of your business, but it helps YOU show that you know your business.

MartinL refers to your lack of experience in this sector, and that is exactly what the business plan is designed to help prevent: in writing it, you do research, you show your prowess in determining your pros and cons, your potential issues, risks, growth potential, etc. "X site on average earn $y" is irrelevant -- there are well over 100 casinos that failed for every 1 that was successful. Making a claim like that is like saying "Holiday Inn is a multi-billion dollar company, as is Hilton, so I should be able to make at least a billion," while ignoring the literally millions of failed hotels.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 18, 2016, 09:06:58 PM
I feel like I should preface my comment by stating that I do not wish to dissuade or discourage you from your implementing your idea. Taking initiative is more than most people ever do and your enthusiasm is admirable as well. But your expectations are unrealistic. Consider it tough love.

What terms are not good? I already said that I decided to give 50% equity instead of 25% and they don't have to sell it back in time. I mean how much equity do you want? And please don't say that you should get 100% of something because your putting up most of the money because there are a lot of companies that startup based off of investors money but the investors only get roughly 50% so its not like just because your putting up the money you should get it all because I have a lot of work I must do as well just like the other companies founders have a lot of work to do in order to build up the business and make it successful.

If I had to invest in your venture I would indeed want close to 100 % of the equity. Startups that receive external funding bring more to the table than merely a poorly thought out idea. Frankly I do not see you offering anything of particular value:
  • You cannot program the game.
  • Ostensibly you do not know how to market the game.
  • You have no experience in the gambling sector aside from being a gambler yourself.
  • You have no experience running a business in general.

Yet you want half of the equity, which is worth roughly $30,000. What exactly do you offer that warrants so much money? Why should an investor give you money when he could hire a developer himself and keep all of the equity? Since you do not seem to have any relevant qualifications, virtually any other person would be equally qualified or better.

Also about the experience thing, What exactly are you saying I don't have experience in? If you mean Bitcoin Gambling then no I do not have experience in it besides just playing them but how do you believe people get experience? they have to do it in order to get the experience. in fact I would be personally more worried about investing in someone starting a new bitcoin casino that already does have experience owning a bitcoin casino because that means they already had one and they failed so why would you invest in someone that's already failed than invest in someone that hasn't? I'm just saying that the only way people can get true experience is by actually doing it and they cant do it unless people (like the investors) give them the chance to do it.

I believe you do not have much relevant experience at all (see above).

You have some misconceptions about failure: In my experience, the majority of successful entrepreneurs have at least some history of failure behind them. Perhaps it is required to gain the necessary experience, perhaps it is just a matter of luck. In any case there is no shame in failing provided one learns from it.

That being said, you are not competing only with inexperienced or failed entrepreneurs. Successful entrepreneurs often do not stop after one venture. They move on to other projects that may also require external funding. All other things equal, a reasonable investor will prefer someone experienced.

Investors are not altruists–at least not in the context of investing. They are not responsible for giving you the chance to gain experience and they do not care about you unless you offer them something of value.

You were given lots of valuable advice in this thread. Whether you act on it or continue to dream of an investor just handing you $60,000 to play with is up to you.

Okay first off I do want to state that I do have business experience since I do run a coin business in my local area where I buy and sell coins. But of course that's not a popular thing that makes lots of money so I cant really use my money from that business to go into a casino so that's why I am asking for investors but for the record I do have experience running a business and so do a lot of my family members. But with that said I would like to ask what exactly would the potential investors in this situation like to see? What exactly would you guys want or need from me in order to invest like how much equity and such would you guys want to make it worth your investment?

For most of us, it would be an actual, legitimate, fleshed out business plan. Not one-liners, and not a paragraph. A real one will be a somewhat significant length (I think the shortest one I've seen so far that actually covered all the bases was around 25-30 pages). Not only does that help the potential investor get a better understanding of your business, but it helps YOU show that you know your business.

MartinL refers to your lack of experience in this sector, and that is exactly what the business plan is designed to help prevent: in writing it, you do research, you show your prowess in determining your pros and cons, your potential issues, risks, growth potential, etc. "X site on average earn $y" is irrelevant -- there are well over 100 casinos that failed for every 1 that was successful. Making a claim like that is like saying "Holiday Inn is a multi-billion dollar company, as is Hilton, so I should be able to make at least a billion," while ignoring the literally millions of failed hotels.

Okay I understand and I will take some time and write up a business plan and once I finish writing it I will post it on here. But please give me some time to write this up because it may take me a while. Thank you.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: MartinL on October 18, 2016, 09:13:21 PM
But with that said I would like to ask what exactly would the potential investors in this situation like to see? What exactly would you guys want or need from me in order to invest like how much equity and such would you guys want to make it worth your investment?

Personally I am not willing to invest at all for the reasons outlined in my previous comments. Another problem that has been mentioned but not really addressed is the counterparty risk you pose. Plainly speaking, counterparty risk is the risk that you run away with the money or otherwise don't honor the contract. It is unlikely that anything you say or present–even a fleshed out business plan–will convince me otherwise.

The problem I'm having is that you are wanting 100% equity in this which I understand because you would be putting up most of the money but if I were to give 100% equity to the investors then what would be in it for me at that point? Because then I would be working to promote and manage a business that I have no part in.

That is my point: It's a bad deal. You have little to offer investors and consequently investors have no reason to give you any equity.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 18, 2016, 10:17:56 PM
But with that said I would like to ask what exactly would the potential investors in this situation like to see? What exactly would you guys want or need from me in order to invest like how much equity and such would you guys want to make it worth your investment?

Personally I am not willing to invest at all for the reasons outlined in my previous comments. Another problem that has been mentioned but not really addressed is the counterparty risk you pose. Plainly speaking, counterparty risk is the risk that you run away with the money or otherwise don't honor the contract. It is unlikely that anything you say or present–even a fleshed out business plan–will convince me otherwise.

The problem I'm having is that you are wanting 100% equity in this which I understand because you would be putting up most of the money but if I were to give 100% equity to the investors then what would be in it for me at that point? Because then I would be working to promote and manage a business that I have no part in.

That is my point: It's a bad deal. You have little to offer investors and consequently investors have no reason to give you any equity.

Okay first off I cant really change your mind about the risk of me running of with the money because like you said there isn't anything I can do to change your mind about it. But as for the equity its not a bad deal I mean I would be the one running the business, helping customers, dealing with the developer, coming up with the ideas for the business, and many other things so why would I not deserve equity including the fact that it would be my business that I'm the one starting up in the first place. So I don't understand where you get off thinking that I don't deserve any equity in a business that I am creating and running. Yes I understand the investors will be putting up the money but that's with all companies that have investors but the founder still has equity because he/she would be the one building the business and running it every day and the investors I understand would be taking a risk but once the business gets going then they just sit back and watch their investment make returns every month for as long as they hold on to the shares of the company and the founder would be working every day to make sure those investors can watch their investment grow and make returns. Without the founder there wouldn't even be a business for them to invest in and make money and they don't even have to do anything labor wise all they have to do is like I said put up the initial amount of money and they get to see their money grow from there. So please tell me one instance where a founder of a company gave up all of his equity in the business to the investors because the investors were the ones who put up the money to let the business get started. If you can show me that then I will rethink how I am doing this but it just doesn't make any sense to me why I or any business owner would go through the trouble of starting a business and running it without being compensated.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: ranlo on October 18, 2016, 10:27:19 PM
But with that said I would like to ask what exactly would the potential investors in this situation like to see? What exactly would you guys want or need from me in order to invest like how much equity and such would you guys want to make it worth your investment?

Personally I am not willing to invest at all for the reasons outlined in my previous comments. Another problem that has been mentioned but not really addressed is the counterparty risk you pose. Plainly speaking, counterparty risk is the risk that you run away with the money or otherwise don't honor the contract. It is unlikely that anything you say or present–even a fleshed out business plan–will convince me otherwise.

The problem I'm having is that you are wanting 100% equity in this which I understand because you would be putting up most of the money but if I were to give 100% equity to the investors then what would be in it for me at that point? Because then I would be working to promote and manage a business that I have no part in.

That is my point: It's a bad deal. You have little to offer investors and consequently investors have no reason to give you any equity.

Okay first off I cant really change your mind about the risk of me running of with the money because like you said there isn't anything I can do to change your mind about it. But as for the equity its not a bad deal I mean I would be the one running the business, helping customers, dealing with the developer, coming up with the ideas for the business, and many other things so why would I not deserve equity including the fact that it would be my business that I'm the one starting up in the first place. So I don't understand where you get off thinking that I don't deserve any equity in a business that I am creating and running. Yes I understand the investors will be putting up the money but that's with all companies that have investors but the founder still has equity because he/she would be the one building the business and running it every day and the investors I understand would be taking a risk but once the business gets going then they just sit back and watch their investment make returns every month for as long as they hold on to the shares of the company and the founder would be working every day to make sure those investors can watch their investment grow and make returns. Without the founder there wouldn't even be a business for them to invest in and make money and they don't even have to do anything labor wise all they have to do is like I said put up the initial amount of money and they get to see their money grow from there. So please tell me one instance where a founder of a company gave up all of his equity in the business to the investors because the investors were the ones who put up the money to let the business get started. If you can show me that then I will rethink how I am doing this but it just doesn't make any sense to me why I or any business owner would go through the trouble of starting a business and running it without being compensated.

To chime in on this myself, I disagree with MartinL's view of the situation. If you can prove that you can handle the business (business plan is the largest part of this) and can work with investors to negate the fear of "running off," I absolutely agree that you should be getting equity. There's a lot of value in being a silent investor and allowing someone else (knowledgeable) to handle the business side of things. If you work in the business, you definitely need compensated for doing so, and equity is the most beneficial for you because it directly correlates your earnings with your ability and success.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: MartinL on October 18, 2016, 10:43:10 PM
To chime in on this myself, I disagree with MartinL's view of the situation. If you can prove that you can handle the business (business plan is the largest part of this) and can work with investors to negate the fear of "running off," I absolutely agree that you should be getting equity. There's a lot of value in being a silent investor and allowing someone else (knowledgeable) to handle the business side of things. If you work in the business, you definitely need compensated for doing so, and equity is the most beneficial for you because it directly correlates your earnings with your ability and success.

To clarify: I am not suggesting that tobeyrowe should work for no equity. My point is that an investor currently has no reason to give him equity and therefore to invest at all.

That being said I'm very pessimistic about him finding a willing investor under the proposed terms–business plan or not. As it stands right now I just don't see it happening.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: Dabs on October 18, 2016, 10:56:40 PM
You know, I was about to do just the exact same thing as the OP. But I'm taking my time thinking things through. What I'm doing right now is gauging interest over time, and this time is several months.

For the OP, I have the advantage over a couple of the points mentioned by others, the ones said by MartinL specifically, but I'm still not pushing through with the idea until I have more bases covered. (I dare say I've got all of those bullet points already.)

So even if you have everything going for you, you still may not want to do the idea. At the very least, be willing to refund the investors, and put in some of your own money into it.

If you want to be "General Manager" of a bitcoin casino, you are probably better of applying to be "employed" by one.

Good luck in your venture.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 19, 2016, 02:05:34 AM
You know, I was about to do just the exact same thing as the OP. But I'm taking my time thinking things through. What I'm doing right now is gauging interest over time, and this time is several months.

For the OP, I have the advantage over a couple of the points mentioned by others, the ones said by MartinL specifically, but I'm still not pushing through with the idea until I have more bases covered. (I dare say I've got all of those bullet points already.)

So even if you have everything going for you, you still may not want to do the idea. At the very least, be willing to refund the investors, and put in some of your own money into it.

If you want to be "General Manager" of a bitcoin casino, you are probably better of applying to be "employed" by one.

Good luck in your venture.

Hi, I don't exactly understand what your saying about "even if I have everything going for me I still shouldn't do the idea" because if everything is working out for me on this idea then why wouldn't I want to do it?

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 19, 2016, 02:19:51 AM
Also I just wanted to let everyone know that I have been speaking with different developers to get price quotes and I even spoke with a representative from softswiss about their software and I have come to the conclusion that the best one to go with would more than likely be softswiss due to it having 350 games, a custom website, marketing tools, and all of the Bitcoin processing already made up. And it would be a lot cheaper per game to go with softswiss than have the games custom made which I dont see how much custom or better they can be made than the softswiss. The only problem is that the games are not custom and are basically the same for all of the casinos that use this company but the websites are custom. The developers were quoting roughly $4,000 per game when I can get the whole softswiss platform starting at £12,000. But if you guys are willing to invest and would rather have the completely custom games then I would go for that but I just want to put all the options out there for this.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 19, 2016, 02:29:40 AM
I also just came up with an idea to help ease the investors worry of me just taking the money and running. Instead of me asking for all of the money I need upfront I could just ask for it when needed like for example when the software is ready to be paid for I can get it then and then when I need some money for advertising or promotions I can get some of it then and then if I need some money for bankroll I can get it then. So that way its done in steps and doesn't require the investors to put it all upfront and you will also get to see that I am wanting to do this and I wont take the money and run and you will be able to see the results of the software and stuff before having to put in anymore money. But the only problem with this that I may face is if one of the investors decides not to invest after I already purchased the software and then I would be stuck trying to figure out how I would get the money to pay for the software. But if we can all come to an agreement where the investors already have the money set aside and they are willing to keep it set aside until needed and not spend it on something else then we might be able to do the investment in this way.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: Dabs on October 19, 2016, 03:01:36 AM
There's this X factor that you can't really confirm, or maybe even more than one variable that you have no control over, plus any number of things that can go wrong, or you simply won't have the traffic or volume that you need. What I am saying is that there is something out there that can make or break your venture.

Business is a gamble. Good business people have a decent business plan, yet they can still fail. Gambling websites are more of a gamble especially in this bitcoin world. You need players to trust your site and you. And since you are accepting bitcoin you'd need to either have very good explanations of how the game operates or some formula that is easily verifiable, such as a provably fair method.

If you go with the softswiss games, although I am NOT familiar with any of their games, I am willing to bet NONE of them are "provably fair", and with that, you are not going to get ANY players from this forum. You'll get them where all the other casinos are getting them, somewhere out there, poker forums, or marketing and advertising on other websites.

As for risk versus reward, you already know that (or you should). Low risk, low reward. High risk, high reward.

If you're asking advice about how to operate a "normal" non-bitcoin casino running on softswiss software or platform, you're in the wrong forum. Merely accepting bitcoin does not make your casino a "bitcoin" casino that isn't considered "traditional".

Any game that involves dice, decks of cards, or coin flips MUST be provably fair. Or as close to it as possible.

As for your "set aside some money", that's where you can contract with one of many bitcoin escrow "agents" here. There's a handy list in the "Service Discussion" subforum.

Bitcoin Forum > Economy > Marketplace > Service Discussion  > Bitcointalk Escrows - Trade Safely!

What will happen is your investors send money to the escrow and he holds this money and dispenses it as the investors wish or according to some form of consensus between them and you, and payment goes directly to whoever needs to be paid. GPG comes in handy here, as well as some basic knowledge of how bitcoin works.

You'll want one who is trusted, has handled more money than you are asking him to hold, either collectively or at any given time, and has some experience with gambling, both as a player and as an operator. Escrows do not guarantee that businesses or equipment will be profitable, they only guarantee that the funds go to where they should go, and buyers and sellers (in the case of trading) are satisfied with their transactions.

See, if the money is not in escrow, then what is to stop an investor from pulling out? Unless it is allowed in the terms of investment, you don't really want 100 BTC being funded, and then a few of them decide they don't like it anymore and your funds drop to 10 BTC. (Or below what you need to even start it out.) It's also a risk they have to be willing to take.

P.S. The last guy on that list will charge you a 5% fee, that list is not updated often.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 19, 2016, 03:13:34 AM
There's this X factor that you can't really confirm, or maybe even more than one variable that you have no control over, plus any number of things that can go wrong, or you simply won't have the traffic or volume that you need. What I am saying is that there is something out there that can make or break your venture.

Business is a gamble. Good business people have a decent business plan, yet they can still fail. Gambling websites are more of a gamble especially in this bitcoin world. You need players to trust your site and you. And since you are accepting bitcoin you'd need to either have very good explanations of how the game operates or some formula that is easily verifiable, such as a provably fair method.

If you go with the softswiss games, although I am NOT familiar with any of their games, I am willing to bet NONE of them are "provably fair", and with that, you are not going to get ANY players from this forum. You'll get them where all the other casinos are getting them, somewhere out there, poker forums, or marketing and advertising on other websites.

As for risk versus reward, you already know that (or you should). Low risk, low reward. High risk, high reward.

If you're asking advice about how to operate a "normal" non-bitcoin casino running on softswiss software or platform, you're in the wrong forum. Merely accepting bitcoin does not make your casino a "bitcoin" casino that isn't considered "traditional".

Any game that involves dice, decks of cards, or coin flips MUST be provably fair. Or as close to it as possible.

As for your "set aside some money", that's where you can contract with one of many bitcoin escrow "agents" here. There's a handy list in the "Service Discussion" subforum.

Bitcoin Forum > Economy > Marketplace > Service Discussion  > Bitcointalk Escrows - Trade Safely!

What will happen is your investors send money to the escrow and he holds this money and dispenses it as the investors wish or according to some form of consensus between them and you, and payment goes directly to whoever needs to be paid. GPG comes in handy here, as well as some basic knowledge of how bitcoin works.

You'll want one who is trusted, has handled more money than you are asking him to hold, either collectively or at any given time, and has some experience with gambling, both as a player and as an operator. Escrows do not guarantee that businesses or equipment will be profitable, they only guarantee that the funds go to where they should go, and buyers and sellers (in the case of trading) are satisfied with their transactions.

See, if the money is not in escrow, then what is to stop an investor from pulling out? Unless it is allowed in the terms of investment, you don't really want 100 BTC being funded, and then a few of them decide they don't like it anymore and your funds drop to 10 BTC. (Or below what you need to even start it out.) It's also a risk they have to be willing to take.

P.S. The last guy on that list will charge you a 5% fee, that list is not updated often.

Thank you for the idea on the escrow services which I already had that in mind before but I was afraid that the escrow might try to steal the money due to it being a pretty decent amount or not being reliable enough to send the money to the people who need to be paid when he/she should. Also according to Softwiss their games are provable fair and that's another reason why I wanted to go with them because I don't know if the custom game developer can do provably fair for the same price so it would be all around better to use Softswiss in my opinion.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: ranlo on October 19, 2016, 03:19:48 AM
There's this X factor that you can't really confirm, or maybe even more than one variable that you have no control over, plus any number of things that can go wrong, or you simply won't have the traffic or volume that you need. What I am saying is that there is something out there that can make or break your venture.

Business is a gamble. Good business people have a decent business plan, yet they can still fail. Gambling websites are more of a gamble especially in this bitcoin world. You need players to trust your site and you. And since you are accepting bitcoin you'd need to either have very good explanations of how the game operates or some formula that is easily verifiable, such as a provably fair method.

If you go with the softswiss games, although I am NOT familiar with any of their games, I am willing to bet NONE of them are "provably fair", and with that, you are not going to get ANY players from this forum. You'll get them where all the other casinos are getting them, somewhere out there, poker forums, or marketing and advertising on other websites.

As for risk versus reward, you already know that (or you should). Low risk, low reward. High risk, high reward.

If you're asking advice about how to operate a "normal" non-bitcoin casino running on softswiss software or platform, you're in the wrong forum. Merely accepting bitcoin does not make your casino a "bitcoin" casino that isn't considered "traditional".

Any game that involves dice, decks of cards, or coin flips MUST be provably fair. Or as close to it as possible.

As for your "set aside some money", that's where you can contract with one of many bitcoin escrow "agents" here. There's a handy list in the "Service Discussion" subforum.

Bitcoin Forum > Economy > Marketplace > Service Discussion  > Bitcointalk Escrows - Trade Safely!

What will happen is your investors send money to the escrow and he holds this money and dispenses it as the investors wish or according to some form of consensus between them and you, and payment goes directly to whoever needs to be paid. GPG comes in handy here, as well as some basic knowledge of how bitcoin works.

You'll want one who is trusted, has handled more money than you are asking him to hold, either collectively or at any given time, and has some experience with gambling, both as a player and as an operator. Escrows do not guarantee that businesses or equipment will be profitable, they only guarantee that the funds go to where they should go, and buyers and sellers (in the case of trading) are satisfied with their transactions.

See, if the money is not in escrow, then what is to stop an investor from pulling out? Unless it is allowed in the terms of investment, you don't really want 100 BTC being funded, and then a few of them decide they don't like it anymore and your funds drop to 10 BTC. (Or below what you need to even start it out.) It's also a risk they have to be willing to take.

P.S. The last guy on that list will charge you a 5% fee, that list is not updated often.

Thank you for the idea on the escrow services which I already had that in mind before but I was afraid that the escrow might try to steal the money due to it being a pretty decent amount or not being reliable enough to send the money to the people who need to be paid when he/she should. Also according to Softwiss their games are provable fair and that's another reason why I wanted to go with them because I don't know if the custom game developer can do provably fair for the same price so it would be all around better to use Softswiss in my opinion.

Softswiss isn't provably fair, it's verified by a third party. Players can't verify rolls.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 19, 2016, 03:21:46 AM
I'm sorry I just looked at their website again and it says it CAN be made provably fair it doesn't say it already is provably fair. But either way if I can do this casino its going to be provably fair because I want this to be 100% legit.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 19, 2016, 03:29:55 AM
Also I just contacted one of the escrows on the list of escrows to see if he/she would be willing to escrow for me so I will let you guys know his/her response once I get one.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: Dabs on October 19, 2016, 12:28:01 PM
This thread is a "not so often" updated list:

There is an even older thread not updated:

And, I think you said you needed about a hundred BTC:

So, good luck, have fun, don't gamble what you can't afford to lose.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 19, 2016, 08:30:59 PM
Hi, I am just letting everyone know that i have created a token on the counterparty wallet to represent the stock in the casino and once I get a trusted escrow I will issue out the stock to the investors once they send the money to the escrow. I have issued 100,000 tokens which will represent 100,000 shares in the company to be issued to the investors at 0.001 Bitcoin per share. Also I do want to point out that even though the shares are divisible it would be best that if you invest to invest in whole shares so it can figured out how many shares you should receive exactly because you might get more or less depending on how close the calculator can get to the actual amount so I don't want anyone to get cheated out of any. So please if you invest please invest in whole shares and that will also make it easier to give out the share of the profits to the share holders. Thank you.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 20, 2016, 05:56:16 AM
Hi, I just wanted to let you all know that I will be posting in the lending section of the forums to ask for a loan that will basically be like I had stated earlier where I will give up 100% of the profits I receive from the casino to go towards paying back the investors and they will also receive some equity in the casino. So they would be getting their money back plus interest and equity in the casino. And if I cannot pay back the loan for some reason I will be giving up the casino as the collateral. The reason I have decided to do this is because from what I can tell no one that has commented or seen this post will invest so I have to try another way to get the money to do this. But if you guys are actually considering investing please let me know because from what I can tell none of you are interested in investing but instead just trying to give me advice and stuff which i am fine with that because I need advice but at the same time the advice will be worthless if I cant get the money to start the casino.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 21, 2016, 05:42:17 AM
By the way I had already created a token on the counterparty wallet to offer to the investors as a share in the business with each token equaling 0.001% equity in the business with a total of 100,000 shares. The tokens name is A17405905917904734000 which I tried to give it a custom name but for some reason it wouldn't let me so I had to go with a random number name in order to make it. So if you use the counterparty wallet and you are interested in investing in equity in the business then please copy and past that long number with the letter A at the beginning into the section of the market exchange that says "Select another pair" and then select XCP as the currency to find it. I have already sent a sell order of 1,000 tokens or shares at a price of 0.5 XCP per share and if I can get any investments I will turn the XCP into Bitcoin and USD in order to do what needs to be done to buy the casino software and do the advertising and everything. But at the moment it is processing which takes time so if you go look at the token or share soon after I post this then it might not be there right away so please give it some time to process.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: Dabs on October 21, 2016, 01:19:37 PM
Just my opinion: You're making things more complicated than they should be. But I've never used counterparty (and have no intention of trying it) so I really don't know. Get your escrow and do something like an ICO (look at the altcoins section to get an idea.)

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on October 21, 2016, 07:46:23 PM
Just my opinion: You're making things more complicated than they should be. But I've never used counterparty (and have no intention of trying it) so I really don't know. Get your escrow and do something like an ICO (look at the altcoins section to get an idea.)

Okay I suppose I can just do it like that I just figured the investors would like it better on counterparty because it seems like a lot of people are using it now to do like what I'm doing.

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: TOPBTCCASINOS on January 30, 2017, 01:09:07 PM
Excel sheet looks empty?

Title: Re: New Bitcoin Gambling Website Investors Needed
Post by: tobeyrowe on February 08, 2017, 03:13:25 AM
Excel sheet looks empty?

What Excel sheet? Do you mean the investor list sheet? If so that's because no one has invested.