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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: BADecker on October 16, 2016, 01:50:07 PM

Title: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: BADecker on October 16, 2016, 01:50:07 PM
"A Pretext Is Needed": A False Flag May Be Imminent To Drag U.S. Into War ( (

The narrative under Hillary Clinton will be terrifying, as she destroys every last safeguard against tyranny this country has left standing. The smell of war is in the air, and every patriot should be on guard for the propaganda and salesmanship of another big lie. What do you think will happen?

All America's Wars Begin with False Flags (and WWIII Will Too) (

Read more at (


Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: BADecker on October 16, 2016, 02:00:12 PM
7 Ways Russia Is Telling People to Prepare for War ( (

Almost no one believes the Kremlin is actually preparing for a military conflict with the United States. Most analysts instead see it as a show, intended to boost support at home and to deter Western countries from intervening militarily in Syria.

There are some unsettling things Russia has done, however, to give the impression that war is looming:

Beware the 'Nuclear Dimensions'

As the confrontation between the United and Russia has worsened over Syria, and amid speculation Washington might launch airstrikes against Syrian government forces, Russian state-controlled media has gone into high gear, asking Russians whether they are prepared for nuclear war.

"If that should one day happen, each of you must know where the nearest bomb shelter is," a report on the state-controlled network, NTV, noted, before taking viewers on a tour of a nuclear bunker in Moscow.

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Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: BADecker on October 16, 2016, 02:05:12 PM
Obama Preparing for Hillary to Wage War on Russia? (
Stephen Lendman (

Obama Preparing for Hillary to Wage War on Russia?

by Stephen Lendman

Provocative US actions against Russia seem heading inevitably toward open conflict, madness if initiated.

Anything willful or accidental could spark devastating war, unlike anything experienced earlier - today's super-weapons able to turn cities to smoldering rubble, millions perishing in the onslaught.

Longstanding US plans call for regime change in Russia, partitioning the country for easier control, looting its resources, exploiting its people, eliminating Washington's main challenger for global dominance along with China. Similar designs against its government are planned.

Syria is the world's leading hot spot - Washington and Moscow with polar opposite objectives. John Kerry lied, saying "(w)e are not giving up on the Syrian people, and we are not abandoning the pursuit of peace."

War rages. Washington wants regime change, Syrian sovereignty destroyed, puppet governance it controls replacing it, intending endless conflict in pursuit of its objectives.

On Friday...

Read more at (


Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: BADecker on October 16, 2016, 02:09:11 PM
US Escalates War While Talking Peace ( (

US Escalates War While Talking Peace

by Stephen Lendman

US duplicity is longstanding. None of its rhetorical promises are credible. Consistently it says one thing, then does another.

Peace and stability are anathema to its agenda. Endless wars of aggression serve it - waged to advance its imperium. Yet Russia persists in wasting time and energy, knowing talks with America are futile, especially on conflicts like Syria.

On Wednesday, Vladimir Putin said "(o)ur agreements (with America on Syria) were undermined by the opposite side, not by us." The same thing happens time and again.

US-led Western and regional rogue states bear full responsibility for Syria's conflict, continuing endlessly with no prospect for resolution no matter how interminably talks continue.

Irreconcilable East/West differences make resolving things unattainable - especially with militantly anti-Russia Hillary's almost certain ascension to power in January.

Read more at (


Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: BADecker on October 16, 2016, 02:11:54 PM
Clinton: US Threatened to Ring China With Missile Defense ( (

Much like the Bush Administration's strategy of launching missile defense projects all along Russia's frontier in Eastern Europe, while publicly insisting they were meant to counter Iranian missiles that didn't have the range to get there in the first place, the Obama Administration's fledgling plans to put missile defense systems in eastern Asia is similarly using North Korea as an excuse to surround China.

That was the revelation of a WikiLeaks-released email, which included the contents of a June 2013 speech by Hillary Clinton to the bankers at Goldman Sachs. The speech was "private," like so many of her speeches to well-connected financial outlets, and during it she said the US had threatened to "ring China with missile defense" if China didn't help them crack down on North Korea.

Read more at (


Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: BADecker on October 16, 2016, 02:16:24 PM
NYT Finds "Hidden Hand" In War On Yemen ( (

This, allegedly, in response to four missiles fired on two days against a U.S. destroyer at the Yemeni coast. The U.S. Navy said the missiles fell short. They were unable to reach the ship. No one but the navy, especially no one in Yemen, has seen or reported any such missile launches - short or long.

The U.S. is in alliance with Saudi Arabia, the UAE and other countries in bombing Yemen for 18 month now. They totally blockade the coast of the country that depends on imports of food and medicines. The actively fighting countries are heavily supported by the U.S. military. This has been widely admitted by U.S. officials and in military reports. The U.S. government even feared of being help legally responsible for the carnage it causes.

But since the launch of the cruise missile U.S. media have totally forgotten all of this. Now the U.S. "has been attacked", without any recognizable reason, and is only "defending" itself. No legal consequences are to fear now. Anyone who believes that the U.S. is somehow responsible for the at least 10,000 dead and the many starving people in Yemen must somehow believe in a mysterious conspiracy.

Read more at (


Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: BADecker on October 16, 2016, 02:20:01 PM
Clinton Escalates Attacks Against Russia's "Direct Assault On Our Democracy" ( (

If we could see Hillary's most recent emails we're sure Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri even distributed a memo to summarize the "hits" due from each participant...we would imagine it probably looks something like this:

~  Mainstream Media Deliverables
-  Russia - Relentlessly hammer Russian involvement in the Hillary email hacks every second of every day (despite the fact there is no actual evidence).  Link the Russian "cyber attacks" to a blatant attempt to disrupt the election process and highlight it as a threat to U.S. national security and the foundations of our democracy.
-  WikiLeaks -  Continue to hammer WikiLeaks as an international terrorist organization and an extension of the Russian government.
-  Trump - Continue to hype Trump business dealings in Russia and roll out at least 1 new sexual assault accuser per day, more is better but at least 1 per day.
~  Obama Administration Deliverables

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Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: BADecker on October 16, 2016, 02:46:10 PM
Neocon Washington Post Endorses War Goddess/She Devil Hillary for President (
Stephen Lendman (

Neocon Washington Post Endorses War Goddess/She Devil Hillary for President

by Stephen Lendman

WaPo editors and commentators endorsed her all along. Now it's official ( - while continuing relentless war on Trump, matching NYT viciousness, at times exceeding it.

Calling him "bigoted, ignorant, deceitful, narcissistic, vengeful, petty, misogynistic, fiscally reckless, intellectually lazy, contemptuous of democracy, enamored of America's enemies…uniquely unqualified to serve as president in experience and temperament," WaPo said elect(ing) (him would threaten America's) democratic system (sic)."

Sounds like they're talking about neocons infesting Congress and Obama's administration, supporting wealth, power and privilege exclusively, along with endless wars of aggression to eliminate all sovereign independent states.

In supporting Hillary, WaPo called her a "well-prepared candidate (with) the potential to be an excellent president of the United States…"

"(W)e endorse her without hesitation" - despite admitting "her genuine flaws, missteps and weaknesses," reflected in scandalous revelations about her affairs throughout her public life.

"We are not blind to" this, said WaPo, including her penchant for secrecy, destroying emails after judicially ordered to release them, her pay-to-play shenanigans, her speechmaking along with husband Bill "on an unprecedented and unseemly scale."

Read more at (


Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: BekantanSejagatTeamPenipu on October 17, 2016, 12:46:43 AM
hilary clinton still better than good is compare donald trump

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: mambamanagement on October 17, 2016, 01:55:41 AM
no need for any fear mongering here

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: awesome31312 on October 17, 2016, 02:20:14 AM

Ironically, it's Christians who do the most fear mongering, including BADecker

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: Shady on October 17, 2016, 02:43:30 AM
Among the presidents she motivates people compelling the difference she can make.

Overall it takes pride to stand where she is so I think what she starts with will be held onto as she moves into presidency. Bizarre some people call her a liar, I think she means well.

The fight was a conflict stretched on for 1,000 years of racial segregation between the middle east and their neighboring beliefs.

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: xht on October 17, 2016, 11:58:48 AM
Clinton will be the new President, unfortunately. The media have conspired to make Donald Trump the Republican nominee, knowing that he was the only one that Clinton could defeat.

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: BADecker on October 17, 2016, 12:46:49 PM
Clinton will be the new President, unfortunately. The media have conspired to make Donald Trump the Republican nominee, knowing that he was the only one that Clinton could defeat.

Trump has essentially defeated everyone else except Hillary. If Hillary can defeat Trump, she essentially defeated everyone else as well.


Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: BADecker on October 23, 2016, 03:08:37 AM
'Smoking Gun' Email Confirms DNC Involvement In Inciting Violence At Trump Rallies ( (

Just a few days ago, Project Veritas released a bombshell video exposing coordinated efforts between the Hillary Clinton campaign, the Democratic National Committee, Democracy Partners (run by Robert Creamer) and The Foval Group (run by Scott Foval) to incite violence at Trump rallies across the country.  The Clinton campaign and the DNC have vehemently denied the validity of the Project Veritas video but new emails discovered from WikiLeaks' previous "DNC Leaks" seem to confirm the DNC's involvement.

Recall in the first Project Veritas video, that the following people made the following claims (video below):

 "Aaron Black" (real name:  Aaron Minter)  (appears at 9 mins 10 secs):  "So, I'm basically deputy rapid response directorfor the DNC for all thing Trump on the ground.  Nobody is really supposed to know about me.  So the Chicago protest when they shut all that, that was us.  It was more him (Bob Creamer) than me, but non of this is supposed to come back to us, because we want it coming from people, we don't want it to come from the party."

Bob Creamer (appears at 10 mins 50 secs):  "We have a call with the campaign every day to go over the focuses that need to be undertaken."

Zulema Rodrigues (appears at 10 mins 58 secs):  "I just had a call with the campaign and the DNC. Everyday at one o'clock."

Well, if the video is faked, then it is certainly odd that several of the comments above line up perfectly with the email below in which Bob Creamer reaches out to Luis Miranda, the Communications Director for the Democratic National Committee, to setup a conference call.  Here are a couple of the "coincidences":

Read more at (


Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: BitcoinReference on October 23, 2016, 04:58:06 AM
iam follow only president candidate about good program bitcoin

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: Xester on October 23, 2016, 05:08:29 AM
Would that mean that it is better if Trump would win this election?  It would not be a surprise if it is still Obama who controls the US because Hillary would just be a puppet.  She still do not have control she will just being used by the oligarchs and influential people.  

She is a politician.  And knows how to make a good fortune rather than being a public servant.

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: tvbcof on October 23, 2016, 07:24:13 AM
Clinton will be the new President, unfortunately. The media have conspired to make Donald Trump the Republican nominee, knowing that he was the only one that Clinton could defeat.

Trump has essentially defeated everyone else except Hillary. If Hillary can defeat Trump, she essentially defeated everyone else as well.


Remember this thing was always supposed to be Jeb v. Hillary.  Just like GW vs. Kerry (and pretty much every other election in recent memory), the establishment couldn't lose.  If some outsider or undesirable (Carson, Paul, etc) would have gotten the Rep nod the mainstream media would have just turned up the heat until he/she was toasty brown and it would not have taken 1/10th of what they've hit Trump with.  They have been pedal to the metal for months now and have already scored cylinders and thrown rods in the process and are effectively a 'junk core' as mechanics call it.  They had no choice and were not a picture of health even before.  Now their only hope is for Hillary to save their asses by criminalizing the alt media...same as the scientists who won't capitulate on the settled pseudo-science of global climate change.

What would have been really interesting would be if Sanders could have pulled it off.  In that case the establishment could not win.  The would have had to do some sort of false flag.  That may well be their course of action for the Trump crisis yet.

The only comparable election within my memory was the Clinton/GHWBush/Perot.  (Anyone here remember what the 'giant sucking sound' line was about?)  Ross was made an offer he could not refuse.  I'd bet money that Trump has been made the same offer several times by now but saw it coming and had something up his sleeve.


Edit:  Since it is not readily findable and some/most people don't know, when one buys a remanufactured replacement engine one ususally submits a core which is the old worn out engine.  The remanufacturer then performs various machine work on the core, installs new or similarly re-manufactured components and sells it to the next guy.  Sometimes an engine block is so fucked up that it is not possible to used.  An example would be having a hole in the side where a thrown connecting rod exited.  This would be a 'junk core' and valuable only for scrap.  Not even worth the shipping costs.

The mainstream media is into the 'junk core' stage of damage at this point as I read things.  Not even possible to re-build.  Yes, they still have some value in being able to influence some decent fractions of lower-end lemmings and have various intellectual property holdings and what-not, but probably don't have the potential to ever again have any meaningful credibility.  Next we see them will be under a new name a-la: al qaeda ('the [[CIA's]data]base') --> ISIS/IS/ISIL/daesh/etc.

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: Prohodimec on October 23, 2016, 10:02:12 AM
Still, I hope that the elections will be fair. I'd like to become a candidate for president, who will save the country's economy. I'm not correct, it can do Hillary. But more is not sure that it will make Trump. Well, we'll just have to wait

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: Hakari on October 23, 2016, 10:24:57 AM
Trump is a putin puppet and shouldn't even be there, Jeb was much better than him

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: groll on October 23, 2016, 01:08:01 PM
Would that mean that it is better if Trump would win this election?  It would not be a surprise if it is still Obama who controls the US because Hillary would just be a puppet.  She still do not have control she will just being used by the oligarchs and influential people.  

She is a politician.  And knows how to make a good fortune rather than being a public servant.

You watch too many conspiracy theory movies I guess.  Whoever wins I think US still wants war and it is their way of having money.  It is a business. 

Besides, don't you think Trump is after something?  He is a businessman and have many business.  He knows how to continue his business and protect it through his power if he became a president of the United States.

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: BADecker on October 23, 2016, 01:19:14 PM
Would that mean that it is better if Trump would win this election?  It would not be a surprise if it is still Obama who controls the US because Hillary would just be a puppet.  She still do not have control she will just being used by the oligarchs and influential people.  

She is a politician.  And knows how to make a good fortune rather than being a public servant.

You watch too many conspiracy theory movies I guess.  Whoever wins I think US still wants war and it is their way of having money.  It is a business. 

Besides, don't you think Trump is after something?  He is a businessman and have many business.  He knows how to continue his business and protect it through his power if he became a president of the United States.

Government limits business through over-taxation and over-regulation. That is why many of the auto-makers have moved out of America, along with many other companies. Trump would reduce over-taxation and over-regulation so that business could thrive in America.


Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: planfox on October 23, 2016, 02:53:58 PM
Would that mean that it is better if Trump would win this election?  It would not be a surprise if it is still Obama who controls the US because Hillary would just be a puppet.  She still do not have control she will just being used by the oligarchs and influential people.  

She is a politician.  And knows how to make a good fortune rather than being a public servant.

You watch too many conspiracy theory movies I guess.  Whoever wins I think US still wants war and it is their way of having money.  It is a business. 

Besides, don't you think Trump is after something?  He is a businessman and have many business.  He knows how to continue his business and protect it through his power if he became a president of the United States.

Government limits business through over-taxation and over-regulation. That is why many of the auto-makers have moved out of America, along with many other companies. Trump would reduce over-taxation and over-regulation so that business could thrive in America.


Trump is and promises to do so, but do not necessarily meet its obligations. The country's budget need to be filled with money. And they can be taken mainly from taxes

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: markj113 on October 23, 2016, 04:44:00 PM
Hillary V Hillary

Just goes to show everything that comes out of her mouth is a lie

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: botija on October 23, 2016, 06:31:33 PM
I don't think Obama like Hillary. And Obama hasn't been the war type. The only people who like Clinton are people who are only superficially aware of her image. Obama is not one of those people.

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: BADecker on October 23, 2016, 07:40:50 PM
I don't think Obama like Hillary. And Obama hasn't been the war type. The only people who like Clinton are people who are only superficially aware of her image. Obama is not one of those people.

US Warship 'Challenges' Chinese Island Claims in South China Sea ( (

The USS Decatur, a guided-missile destroyer, has sailed around the vicinity of a number of Chinese claimed islands in the Paracel Islands chain in the South China Sea, in a move US officials say was done primarily to prove to China that they could do so over Chinese objections.

This is just the latest in a series of Pentagon "patrols" through the area, which officially are presented as freedom of navigation operations, but which in the past the Pentagon has repeatedly hyped as being overt challenges to Chinese maritime claims.

This one didn't require the Pentagon hype, as the Decatur spent so much time loitering around the Paracels that China's Defense Ministry issued their own statement condemning it as an "illegal" and "provocative" act. China said two of its warships had "warned" the Decatur to leave. The ships were the frigate Luoyang and the Guangzhou, a missile destroyer.

Read more at (


Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: BADecker on October 23, 2016, 08:04:32 PM
Clinton lawyer may have exposed entire server to China ( (

Hillary Clinton's lawyer may have allowed hackers to obtain all of the former secretary of state's emails by reviewing the contents of her private server on a laptop tied to Chinese cyberspies, a House Republican charged on Friday.

Heather Samuelson was one of the Clinton aides who sifted through the private email server used during Clinton's tenure at the State Department, and helped decide which would be designated as personal messages and which were work-related. That's when the potential Chinese hacks may have taken place, because she used two laptops made by Lenovo, a company with ties to the Chinese government that has sold laptops for years with malware pre-installed on the computer.

"It seems clear that Secretary Clinton and her associates played fast and loose with our national security, and yet no one — not a single person involved in this harmful fiasco — has been held accountable," House Judiciary Committee chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., wrote to FBI Director James Comey after learning the make and model of Samuelson's computer.

Read more at (


Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: BADecker on October 26, 2016, 05:28:16 PM
Rigging the Election - Video III: Creamer Confirms Hillary Clinton Was PERSONALLY Involved ( (

Part III of the undercover Project Veritas Action investigation dives further into the back room dealings of Democratic politics. It exposes prohibited communications between Hillary Clinton's campaign, the DNC and the non-profit organization Americans United for Change. And, it's all disguised as a duck. In this video, several Project Veritas Action undercover journalists catch Democracy Partners founder directly implicating Hillary Clinton in FEC violations. "In the end, it was the candidate, Hillary Clinton, the future president of the United States, who wanted ducks on the ground," says Creamer in one of several exchanges. "So, by God, we would get ducks on the ground." It is made clear that high-level DNC operative Creamer realized that this direct coordination between Democracy Partners and the campaign would be damning when he said: "Don't repeat that to anybody." The first video explained the dark secrets and the hidden connections and organizations the Clinton campaign uses to incite violence at Trump rallies. The second video exposed a diabolical step-by-step voter fraud strategy discussed by top Democratic operatives and showed one key operative admitting that the Democrats have been rigging elections for fifty years. This latest video takes this investigation even further.

First video:

Second video:

Rigging the Election – Video III: Creamer Confirms Hillary Clinton Was PERSONALLY Involved (


Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: BADecker on October 30, 2016, 10:03:46 PM
2006 Audio Emerges of Hillary Clinton Proposing Rigging Palestine Election ( (

On September 5, 2006, Eli Chomsky was an editor and staff writer for the Jewish Press, and Hillary Clinton was running for a shoo-in re-election as a U.S. senator. Her trip making the rounds of editorial boards brought her to Brooklyn to meet the editorial board of the Jewish Press.

The tape was never released and has only been heard by the small handful of Jewish Press staffers in the room. According to Chomsky, his old-school audiocassette is the only existent copy and no one has heard it since 2006, until today when he played it for the Observer.

The tape is 45 minutes and contains much that is no longer relevant, such as analysis of the re-election battle that Sen. Joe Lieberman was then facing in Connecticut. But a seemingly throwaway remark about elections in areas controlled by the Palestinian Authority has taken on new relevance amid persistent accusations in the presidential campaign by Clinton's Republican opponent Donald Trump that the current election is "rigged."



Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: mrkevio on October 30, 2016, 10:27:39 PM
I thought we all knew wars are manufactured. Nobody ever wanted war except for the Elites who only want different countries' resources to earn money off them later. The US is known for these types of wars. They never assumed responsibility for any attack but blamed it on another country (to be seen: Syria bombings, latest US-Russia tensions). Even in our history, we all have been taught that everybody but America has done something wrong in this world. I don't hate Americans but the Elites that are leading this world which looks like it turns just worse day after day. Now the WW3 is close. Why? Because they want the leadership and Russia, China etc. want to have the power too.

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: Bitcoingiver on October 31, 2016, 09:29:57 AM
Who do you think will win????

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: Daniel91 on November 01, 2016, 09:30:26 AM
Who do you think will win????

Both Clinton and Trump have a lot scandals and problems in their campaign.
All this really became so ugly that many people can't watch it any more.
Who will win?
It depends of people really.
They will have to make hard choice on election day really.
What is worse?
To lie about emails and security or to talk bad about women and have a lot sexual scandals.
It's hard choice, really.

Title: Before You Liberals Freak Out About Trumpmaggedon: Hillary Clinton Called...
Post by: BADecker on April 09, 2017, 09:04:01 PM
Before You Liberals Freak Out About Trumpmaggedon: Hillary Clinton Called... ( (

With Russian warships now moving towards U.S. Navy Destroyers off the Syrian coast, liberal supporters of Hillary Clinton are freaking out about the possibility of a Trumpmaggedon nuclear war.

Before pointing fingers at President Trump, however, it is important to note that just hours before Trump launched missile strikes against Syrian airfield targets it was none other than Hillary Clinton herself who said she would have done the same thing:

Speaking to the New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, Mrs Clinton said she believed the US had been wrong not to have previously launched such an offensive.

She said: "Assad had an air force, and that air force is the cause of most of the civilian deaths, as we have seen over the years and as we saw again in the last few days."

"And I really believe that we should have and still should take out his airfields and prevent him from being able to use them to bomb innocent people and drop Sarin gas on them."

Read more and click the links at


Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: popcorn1 on April 09, 2017, 10:16:54 PM
Would that mean that it is better if Trump would win this election?  It would not be a surprise if it is still Obama who controls the US because Hillary would just be a puppet.  She still do not have control she will just being used by the oligarchs and influential people.  

She is a politician.  And knows how to make a good fortune rather than being a public servant.

You watch too many conspiracy theory movies I guess.  Whoever wins I think US still wants war and it is their way of having money.  It is a business. 

Besides, don't you think Trump is after something?  He is a businessman and have many business.  He knows how to continue his business and protect it through his power if he became a president of the United States.

Government limits business through over-taxation and over-regulation. That is why many of the auto-makers have moved out of America, along with many other companies. Trump would reduce over-taxation and over-regulation so that business could thrive in America.

Business does thrive but the masses don't..SLAVES .

Big businesses need to be told they will not sell on our markets to our public if they don't pay their taxes.

Because the rich get richer ...They suck up the money the government puts out for the people.
So the less tax collected the more you need to borrow for public services
I.E new roads schools hospitals pensions police firemen

Now because less tax less police so more crime..
Roads look like terrible area looks terrible
Schools look terrible   no equipment for the children..
Hospitals look terrible   people die for waiting and waiting for what ever illness..

People know one set of rules for one type of people and one set of rules for another..

So now we know what people do like our leaders to get there money..
People now don't give a shit as long as they get it..

Trump owes 600 million OH ITS OK

Mary down the street owes 2 grand you strip her bare ..

And you wonder why people don't care anymore..

Syria not many people care what you show on the news poor children ..
I know you could kill all the kids and no one would give a shit..Only a few would go arrrr ..

Why you ask?..Because people are getting killed for the government cuts that's happening to our own people to be so worried about other people..NO ONE GIVE A SHIT NEWS..

SO SHOW IT AS MUCH AS YOU WANT..It's a waste of time..

To busy trying to live..

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: Tyrantt on April 09, 2017, 10:20:25 PM
Holy... Whole  this Syria thing is getting really out of hand and it doesn't look like it's gonna end that well... if by any chance US provokes Russia it's gonn a be really bad, I just hope that either side doesn't erupt. But t o be honest, I was expecting more from Trump, he did return jobs and deported illegal aliens but he started doing things like this, talked about North Korea,etc... and as I've said, if it continues to be like this and some side doesn't back off and chill, it's gonna get ugly.

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: popcorn1 on April 09, 2017, 11:30:06 PM
Holy... Whole  this Syria thing is getting really out of hand and it doesn't look like it's gonna end that well... if by any chance US provokes Russia it's gonn a be really bad, I just hope that either side doesn't erupt. But t o be honest, I was expecting more from Trump, he did return jobs and deported illegal aliens but he started doing things like this, talked about North Korea,etc... and as I've said, if it continues to be like this and some side doesn't back off and chill, it's gonna get ugly.
I thinks it's all a con  To rob our taxes..

That's it what ever happens it's to rob our taxes..
A flood to rob our taxes    everything is to rob our taxes .

PUTIN IS THE NO1 TAX ROBBER..And his people love him :D :D..

Why because he is always saying we are going to war because so and so want to kill us..
While all along ripping the shit out of his own people..

He as robbed Russia with at least a trillion dollars EASY,,Him and all his cronies easy..
Russian YACHT crew..

Oh don't worry he got his ideas from the AMERICANS ..And now the UK is following..


We will throw you on the front line..

All our armies know what type of people you are in all lands..

If it gets bad we will turn on our leaders.. ;)..It's got to happen..

Clinton likes war for money..We know she sold nuke stuff to Putin I.E uranium..
So what was that idea?..


If we ever go on the battle field you leaders will join us..
You will die like the rest of us..


Letting a leader rob you so much...
WE all should be ashamed of ourselves for letting this SHIT HAPPEN..


And you throw Putin in TIMES SQUARE NY..

Well they wanted us little people to fight so you can fight them too..

All about the money..

ww1 ww2  all about the money..Greedy snobby horrible HUMANS..lowest of the low..

President Putin Claims Queen Elizabeth Is Not Human - YouTube
Video for reptiles queen▶ 2:53

No i don't believe it..   But the things these elite do it makes you wonder are they HUMAN..

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: BADecker on April 10, 2017, 01:43:21 PM
Holy... Whole  this Syria thing is getting really out of hand and it doesn't look like it's gonna end that well... if by any chance US provokes Russia it's gonn a be really bad, I just hope that either side doesn't erupt. But t o be honest, I was expecting more from Trump, he did return jobs and deported illegal aliens but he started doing things like this, talked about North Korea,etc... and as I've said, if it continues to be like this and some side doesn't back off and chill, it's gonna get ugly.
I thinks it's all a con  To rob our taxes..

That's it what ever happens it's to rob our taxes..
A flood to rob our taxes    everything is to rob our taxes .

PUTIN IS THE NO1 TAX ROBBER..And his people love him :D :D..

Why because he is always saying we are going to war because so and so want to kill us..
While all along ripping the shit out of his own people..

He as robbed Russia with at least a trillion dollars EASY,,Him and all his cronies easy..
Russian YACHT crew..

Oh don't worry he got his ideas from the AMERICANS ..And now the UK is following..


We will throw you on the front line..

All our armies know what type of people you are in all lands..

If it gets bad we will turn on our leaders.. ;)..It's got to happen..

Clinton likes war for money..We know she sold nuke stuff to Putin I.E uranium..
So what was that idea?..


If we ever go on the battle field you leaders will join us..
You will die like the rest of us..


Letting a leader rob you so much...
WE all should be ashamed of ourselves for letting this SHIT HAPPEN..


And you throw Putin in TIMES SQUARE NY..

Well they wanted us little people to fight so you can fight them too..

All about the money..

ww1 ww2  all about the money..Greedy snobby horrible HUMANS..lowest of the low..

President Putin Claims Queen Elizabeth Is Not Human - YouTube
Video for reptiles queen▶ 2:53

No i don't believe it..   But the things these elite do it makes you wonder are they HUMAN..

In America it is the ignorance of the people that is harming the people the most. The people don’t know that they can take Government officials to court as people rather than Government officials - man to man. If a Government official is causing you fearful trepidation by what he is doing, if he is causing you stress, he is harming you. Sue him and his bond for harming you. At least get him to show you how the things he is doing are in your best interest so that your fear is assuaged. If the judge won’t let you, sue the judge - man to man - for going against the foundations of law found in the 6th, 7th, 9th, and 10th Amendments.


Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: Oppolee on April 12, 2017, 04:08:19 AM
Holy... Whole  this Syria thing is getting really out of hand and it doesn't look like it's gonna end that well... if by any chance US provokes Russia it's gonn a be really bad, I just hope that either side doesn't erupt. But t o be honest, I was expecting more from Trump, he did return jobs and deported illegal aliens but he started doing things like this, talked about North Korea,etc... and as I've said, if it continues to be like this and some side doesn't back off and chill, it's gonna get ugly.
I thinks it's all a con  To rob our taxes..

That's it what ever happens it's to rob our taxes..
A flood to rob our taxes    everything is to rob our taxes .

PUTIN IS THE NO1 TAX ROBBER..And his people love him :D :D..

Why because he is always saying we are going to war because so and so want to kill us..
While all along ripping the shit out of his own people..

He as robbed Russia with at least a trillion dollars EASY,,Him and all his cronies easy..
Russian YACHT crew..

Oh don't worry he got his ideas from the AMERICANS ..And now the UK is following..


We will throw you on the front line..

All our armies know what type of people you are in all lands..

If it gets bad we will turn on our leaders.. ;)..It's got to happen..

Clinton likes war for money..We know she sold nuke stuff to Putin I.E uranium..
So what was that idea?..


If we ever go on the battle field you leaders will join us..
You will die like the rest of us..


Letting a leader rob you so much...
WE all should be ashamed of ourselves for letting this SHIT HAPPEN..


And you throw Putin in TIMES SQUARE NY..

Well they wanted us little people to fight so you can fight them too..

All about the money..

ww1 ww2  all about the money..Greedy snobby horrible HUMANS..lowest of the low..

President Putin Claims Queen Elizabeth Is Not Human - YouTube
Video for reptiles queen▶ 2:53

No i don't believe it..   But the things these elite do it makes you wonder are they HUMAN..

I did not understand your words a little, about the fact that Hilary sold nuclear uranium to Putin? How could this be? Perhaps this was related to the Bush administration, when the USSR disintegrated?

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: Mitcsell on April 12, 2017, 10:23:59 AM
All presidents are puppets. Even if Clinton becomes president, she will not be able to fundamentally change the country's economy or anything else. There are more powerful people who rule the world.

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: Sithara007 on April 12, 2017, 11:02:28 AM
I did not understand your words a little, about the fact that Hilary sold nuclear uranium to Putin? How could this be? Perhaps this was related to the Bush administration, when the USSR disintegrated?

Perhaps he was referring to this one:

The liberal media claims that it is a false rumor, but bloggers have published evidence to support the claims. Knowing how corrupt Hillary is, I won't be too surprised if she took bribes from the Russians in exchange for Uranium sales.

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: Forester618 on April 12, 2017, 01:27:14 PM
I did not understand your words a little, about the fact that Hilary sold nuclear uranium to Putin? How could this be? Perhaps this was related to the Bush administration, when the USSR disintegrated?

Perhaps he was referring to this one:

The liberal media claims that it is a false rumor, but bloggers have published evidence to support the claims. Knowing how corrupt Hillary is, I won't be too surprised if she took bribes from the Russians in exchange for Uranium sales.
As far as I know, on the contrary, Russia sold a supply of uranium to the Americans. This was at a time when the Prime Minister was Chernomyrdin, and Yeltsin was President. intergovernmental agreement between the Russian Federation and the United States of America, signed in Washington on February 18, 1993 providing an irreversible processing of at least 500 tons of Russian weapons-grade (highly enriched) uranium (equivalent to about 20 thousand nuclear warheads) into low enriched uranium fuel for US nuclear power plants. To ensure intergovernmental agreements were later signed the HEU-LEU agreement between the Russian and American companies for uranium enrichment.
Is one of the most significant projects in the field of disarmament and strengthening strategic stability, known as the Megatons to Megawatts Program. The agreement was for 20 years and finished its operation in 2013. Just part of the program from Russia, the US has taken 14 446 tonnes of low-enriched uranium .

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: awesome31312 on June 05, 2017, 11:09:44 PM
Why is Hillary Clinton still relevant? She lost by an electoral landslide a year ago. Get over it!

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: Sithara007 on June 06, 2017, 01:20:29 AM
Why is Hillary Clinton still relevant? She lost by an electoral landslide a year ago. Get over it!

The Clinton crime family has been the backbone of the Democrat Party for the past 3-4 decades. Both Hillary and Bill have participated in presidential elections. Sometimes they won, sometimes they lost. Now perhaps it is the turn of Chelsea to continue the criminal activities.

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: tvbcof on June 06, 2017, 06:59:07 AM
Why is Hillary Clinton still relevant? She lost by an electoral landslide a year ago. Get over it!

The Clinton crime family has been the backbone of the Democrat Party for the past 3-4 decades. Both Hillary and Bill have participated in presidential elections. Sometimes they won, sometimes they lost. Now perhaps it is the turn of Chelsea to continue the criminal activities.

Great.  Now the Hubbell bloodline is in the mix :(,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800.jpg

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: Lancusters on June 06, 2017, 10:18:44 PM
Why is Hillary Clinton still relevant? She lost by an electoral landslide a year ago. Get over it!

The Clinton crime family has been the backbone of the Democrat Party for the past 3-4 decades. Both Hillary and Bill have participated in presidential elections. Sometimes they won, sometimes they lost. Now perhaps it is the turn of Chelsea to continue the criminal activities.
Behavior Trump takes away votes from the Republicans and I am sure that in the upcoming elections in the U.S. Congress the Democrats will get a majority. Then Trump will surely be destroyed. If it turns out that the Russian had given guarantees for loans Trump Deutsche Bank, it will be serious grounds for impeachment. To require a court to provide such information have the majority in Congress and once the Republicans lose the election days Trump as President will be numbered.

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: yoseph on June 06, 2017, 10:31:04 PM
Why is Hillary Clinton still relevant? She lost by an electoral landslide a year ago. Get over it!

The Clinton crime family has been the backbone of the Democrat Party for the past 3-4 decades. Both Hillary and Bill have participated in presidential elections. Sometimes they won, sometimes they lost. Now perhaps it is the turn of Chelsea to continue the criminal activities.
Behavior Trump takes away votes from the Republicans and I am sure that in the upcoming elections in the U.S. Congress the Democrats will get a majority. Then Trump will surely be destroyed. If it turns out that the Russian had given guarantees for loans Trump Deutsche Bank, it will be serious grounds for impeachment. To require a court to provide such information have the majority in Congress and once the Republicans lose the election days Trump as President will be numbered.

There is no way in hell that Trump will get impeached and am not sure that the Democrats are going to have a majority in the Congress, they don't vote for congressmen because of how the President is ruling, Congressmen are voted for due to what do they for their constituents.

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: BADecker on June 06, 2017, 11:04:51 PM
Breaking: A Hillary Conviction Is Being Offered up in Deal Between Deep State and Trump ( (

They say that little things come in small packages. This will be one of the most concise and condensed articles that I have ever written. However, it may prove to be one of the most important I have written, since I broke the Benghazi mutiny story almost 5 years ago.

Please note the caption in the picture above [See the article; click the link.]. Obviously, Hillary did not become President. However, she is going to jail for her actions in pursuit of the office.

Hillary Clinton Is Being Offered Up As a Sacrifice by the Deep State.



Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: joebrook on June 06, 2017, 11:48:34 PM
Um in this current world of fake news, how sure are you that this news is legit, don't get me wrong I'd be happy to see her being put on trial but am sure she will never get sentenced, she will be granted amnesty by Trump himself.

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: Sithara007 on June 07, 2017, 02:06:17 AM
There is no way in hell that Trump will get impeached and am not sure that the Democrats are going to have a majority in the Congress, they don't vote for congressmen because of how the President is ruling, Congressmen are voted for due to what do they for their constituents.

There is no chance of a Democrat majority after the 2018 elections, either in the Senate or in the House. The GOP is having a solid majority in the House right now, and most of the senators up for re-election in 2018 are Democrats in vulnerable states.

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: BADecker on June 07, 2017, 08:44:54 PM
BUSTED: FBI Director Received MILLIONS From Clinton Foundation – ( (

BUSTED: FBI Director Received MILLIONS From Clinton Foundation –
His Brother's Law Firm Does Clinton's Taxes


FBI Director James Comey testified under oath at a hearing before
Congress, that the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a
private email server, where she sent and received 'top secret' emails,
did not warrant pressing criminal charges against her.

In essence, he said, not only was Hillary not smart enough, or
qualified, to know that using an unsecured email server put our
nations security at risk, but she was incapable of determining what
was top secret material was.

The truth is, that James Comey did not recommend federal charges
against Hillary Clinton, in part, because he is connected to the
Clinton Foundation through the Swiss bank HSBC.



Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: Michhotdog on June 07, 2017, 08:48:47 PM
There is no way in hell that Trump will get impeached and am not sure that the Democrats are going to have a majority in the Congress, they don't vote for congressmen because of how the President is ruling, Congressmen are voted for due to what do they for their constituents.

There is no chance of a Democrat majority after the 2018 elections, either in the Senate or in the House. The GOP is having a solid majority in the House right now, and most of the senators up for re-election in 2018 are Democrats in vulnerable states.
For me the US policy was something like an example of a unique and standard. But in the light of recent events, after the election of Donald Tramp, I already strongly doubt it. Although this politician has not done anything so bad, But his personal qualities are very bad suited to this post.

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: GreenBits on June 08, 2017, 12:55:41 AM
BUSTED: FBI Director Received MILLIONS From Clinton Foundation – ( (

BUSTED: FBI Director Received MILLIONS From Clinton Foundation –
His Brother's Law Firm Does Clinton's Taxes

FBI director James Comey benefited financially from the Clinton Foundation and was therefore biased when he investigated Hillary Clinton's e-mail scandal.

FBI Director James Comey has worked for some organizations that have donated to or partnered with the Clinton Foundation.

There's no proof that Comey directly benefited from any of his employers' relationships with the Clinton Foundation.

On 10 September 2016, the Breitbart web site posted a story delineating a set of alleged financial ties between FBI Director James Comey and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, whom the Bureau had investigated for using a private server to handle sensitive e-mails in her capacity as secretary of state. Federal prosecutors ultimately declined to file charges, which has inspired accusations of bias on the part of Comey.

Although the article from Breitbart (masters at using incomplete and misleading information to suggest improper financial ties and relationships where none exist) didn’t provide any “smoking gun” showing that Comey was personally involved with any of his previous employers’ doings with the Clintons’ charitable foundation, the story has been picked up and spread through the conservative blogosphere with headlines asserting Comey was essentially bribed to clear Clinton of criminal actions.

The Breitbart article linked Comey to the Clinton Foundation through a series of circumstances without ever coming close to proving that Comey received money directly from Bill and Hillary Clinton’s charitable foundation. It also hinted at malfeasance on the part of Comey’s brother, Peter, who is employed in some capacity by the global law firm DLA Piper. DLA Piper reportedly performed an independent audit of the Clinton Foundation, yet Breitbart doesn’t document that Peter Comey had anything to do with the audit.

In a nutshell, Comey should be fine, at least fine enough to testify tomorrow ;)  Three networks are going to be airing the testimony, make sure to tune in everyone! :) 8)

It's not TV. It's not HBO™. This is real life ;)

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: Sithara007 on June 08, 2017, 01:14:38 AM
There is no way in hell that Trump will get impeached and am not sure that the Democrats are going to have a majority in the Congress, they don't vote for congressmen because of how the President is ruling, Congressmen are voted for due to what do they for their constituents.

There is no chance of a Democrat majority after the 2018 elections, either in the Senate or in the House. The GOP is having a solid majority in the House right now, and most of the senators up for re-election in 2018 are Democrats in vulnerable states.
For me the US policy was something like an example of a unique and standard. But in the light of recent events, after the election of Donald Tramp, I already strongly doubt it. Although this politician has not done anything so bad, But his personal qualities are very bad suited to this post.

What he do in his private life doesn't matter. If that matters, then the biggest losers would be Billary. They have been even accused of links with pedophile gangs and ISIS sympathizers. As long as Trump is doing his job, his private life remains irrelevant.

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: BADecker on June 11, 2017, 12:52:27 PM

With Donald Trump busy spreading havoc around the world—most recently tweeting about James Comey's testimony, or feeding into the crisis over Qatar—it's reasonable to ask who can be bothered to gripe about Hillary Clinton. But I can. One makes the time. Or maybe one doesn't, but in a two-party system there's only one alternative to the party of Trump, and the role of Clinton in that party is therefore important.

Lately, it has been increasing. Hillary has been making high-profile public appearances and started talking frankly about her distaste for Trump and her dismay over the people and things that cost her the election. She has even founded a PAC called Onward Together, a 501(c)(4) that will "advance progressive values." Whether we like it or not, the Clintons are back in the game. It's up to the rest of us to figure out if we approve.

Just about everything we do lends itself to a generous or hostile interpretation. Our friends think we feed the poor because we have genuine compassion, and our enemies think we do so because we want to look good. The benign take on motives isn't always closest to the truth, but it's the better bet. (On the occasions that I've had an inside view of something in the glare of the press, those with the darkest take on it have usually been wrong.) I've been tough on Chelsea Clinton—hard not to be—but Hillary Clinton has a much higher accomplishment-to-self-regard ratio. So why not start generously?

Read more and click the links at


Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: Idrisu on June 11, 2017, 06:03:35 PM
I don't pray for war but the way thing are we can see it signed all over social media, television and radio propaganda and YouTube and others video propagation. If Hillary is just begin to fight because she loses an election is that mean she doesn't have the love of her country at heart as claim.

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: BADecker on June 11, 2017, 08:57:55 PM
I don't pray for war but the way thing are we can see it signed all over social media, television and radio propaganda and YouTube and others video propagation. If Hillary is just begin to fight because she loses an election is that mean she doesn't have the love of her country at heart as claim.

Here is what is lacking in what you said. We don't really know which country is Hillary's country.


Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: Coinmyjob on June 11, 2017, 09:04:08 PM
I don't pray for war but the way thing are we can see it signed all over social media, television and radio propaganda and YouTube and others video propagation. If Hillary is just begin to fight because she loses an election is that mean she doesn't have the love of her country at heart as claim.

Here is what is lacking in what you said. We don't really know which country is Hillary's country.

Excuse me, please, for the question, but could you explain to me how a simple inhabitant, whom more Americans hate, Hillary Clinton or donald tramp? The fact is that in the media as well as in other online resources, on forums, these questions are discussed a lot and I can not understand why Hillary is acting like an Evil woman?

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: BADecker on June 11, 2017, 09:07:10 PM
I don't pray for war but the way thing are we can see it signed all over social media, television and radio propaganda and YouTube and others video propagation. If Hillary is just begin to fight because she loses an election is that mean she doesn't have the love of her country at heart as claim.

Here is what is lacking in what you said. We don't really know which country is Hillary's country.

Excuse me, please, for the question, but could you explain to me how a simple inhabitant, whom more Americans hate, Hillary Clinton or donald tramp? The fact is that in the media as well as in other online resources, on forums, these questions are discussed a lot and I can not understand why Hillary is acting like an Evil woman?

Nobody really knows why Hillary or anyone else acts evil. We don't know if Americans hate anyone.


Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: Sithara007 on June 12, 2017, 04:17:44 AM
I don't pray for war but the way thing are we can see it signed all over social media, television and radio propaganda and YouTube and others video propagation. If Hillary is just begin to fight because she loses an election is that mean she doesn't have the love of her country at heart as claim.

Hillary is fighting for her own survival. The email server scandal was just the tip of the iceberg. Dozens of people who were associated with her have died in mysterious circumstances. If an inquiry is launched on it, then I am sure that the skeletons will start rolling out of the closet.

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: BADecker on June 12, 2017, 07:45:17 PM
Are we advertising for Hillary by telling you this?

12 Clinton-linked Dems arrested in voter fraud scheme ( (

Twelve employees of a group funded by Democrats to mobilize minority voters in Indiana are accused of submitting fake or fraudulent voter registration applications ahead of last year's general election, according to charging documents filed Friday.

Sponsored: BIG Tobacco Settlement Cash Available to ALL AMERICANS (

In other words, the arrests have started for the people trying to rig the election.

Prosecutors allege that 11 temporary workers employed by the Indiana Voter Registration Project created and submitted an unknown number of falsified applications. According to a probable cause affidavit, a supervisor for those canvassers, Holiday Burke, was also charged, as was the group.

Marion County Prosecutor Terry Curry said State Police said the charges against the workers arose from "a very bad, ill-advised business practice" of setting canvassers what appears to be a daily quota.

The Indiana Voter Registration Project's effort to register primarily minority voters was overseen by Patriot Majority USA, which has ties to the Democratic Party, including Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and former President Bill Clinton.



Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: Lancusters on June 12, 2017, 09:32:36 PM
I don't pray for war but the way thing are we can see it signed all over social media, television and radio propaganda and YouTube and others video propagation. If Hillary is just begin to fight because she loses an election is that mean she doesn't have the love of her country at heart as claim.

Hillary is fighting for her own survival. The email server scandal was just the tip of the iceberg. Dozens of people who were associated with her have died in mysterious circumstances. If an inquiry is launched on it, then I am sure that the skeletons will start rolling out of the closet.
Hilary has probably left policy. It can only be for the positions of an Eminence Grise in politics. I doubt that the Democrats once again will make her bet. She is a political corpse. Though of course she would long to have great political influence.

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: tvbcof on June 13, 2017, 01:08:15 AM

I don't pray for war but the way thing are we can see it signed all over social media, television and radio propaganda and YouTube and others video propagation. If Hillary is just begin to fight because she loses an election is that mean she doesn't have the love of her country at heart as claim.

Hillary is fighting for her own survival. The email server scandal was just the tip of the iceberg. Dozens of people who were associated with her have died in mysterious circumstances. If an inquiry is launched on it, then I am sure that the skeletons will start rolling out of the closet.

Hilary has probably left policy. It can only be for the positions of an Eminence Grise in politics. I doubt that the Democrats once again will make her bet. She is a political corpse. Though of course she would long to have great political influence.

It's a fair bet that Hillary has much information as the Clinton crime syndicate could get their hands on over the course of Bills presidency and her stint as a congress-person and secretary of state.  Add to this the information flowing in through their various 'charitable foundation' wings which appear to have been truly remarkable privately held nests of global corruption.  Right up there with the Vatican, KBR (Halliburton), Carlyle, Yunus's global micro-loan network, etc.

Ya, I would say that the woman and her heirs (blood and otherwise) will have a good bit of political clout as far out as the eye can see whether or not any of them run for elected office again.

Title: Re: Hillary is just beginning to fight.
Post by: Sithara007 on June 13, 2017, 01:35:12 AM
I don't pray for war but the way thing are we can see it signed all over social media, television and radio propaganda and YouTube and others video propagation. If Hillary is just begin to fight because she loses an election is that mean she doesn't have the love of her country at heart as claim.

Hillary is fighting for her own survival. The email server scandal was just the tip of the iceberg. Dozens of people who were associated with her have died in mysterious circumstances. If an inquiry is launched on it, then I am sure that the skeletons will start rolling out of the closet.
Hilary has probably left policy. It can only be for the positions of an Eminence Grise in politics. I doubt that the Democrats once again will make her bet. She is a political corpse. Though of course she would long to have great political influence.

The Clinton crime family has remained as the backbone of the Democrat party for the past many decades. Even when Barack Obama was the president (from 2008 to 2016), many say that it was Hillary Clinton who was running the show from behind. She is not going to retire anytime soon. The last time I heard, she was planning to run for the Mayor post in New York.