Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Web Wallets => Topic started by: mrcash02 on October 23, 2016, 03:44:55 AM

Title: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: mrcash02 on October 23, 2016, 03:44:55 AM
Many people say that online wallets aren't trustful and that it's easy to steal your BTCs from there. No safe and guarantees.

I would like to know if you already had any problems with this kind of wallet, specially, Were you hacked or anything like that?

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: pooya87 on October 23, 2016, 04:56:26 AM
i have never personally experience any problems with online wallets, thankfully. but there are a lot of problems going around the most common one is phishing attacks, keyloggers, hacks because of weak password.

and also the worst thing that i can remember about was their mobile wallet where it used to create a random number and lead to a big loss for many users. i think they paid those users though!

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: OmegaStarScream on October 23, 2016, 05:11:51 AM
I never lost anything on both blocktrail and but that doesn't mean they are safe. Here is the thing , with online wallets and exchanges , everyone targets them because It contains a lot of users while when you use Desktop wallet , only a few people (If not one only) targets you as a specific target because he knows that you own a lot of money so that's pretty much what makes desktop or other wallets safer then the online ones.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: dollarneed on October 23, 2016, 12:35:16 PM
Many people say that online wallets aren't trustful and that it's easy to steal your BTCs from there. No safe and guarantees.

I would like to know if you already had any problems with this kind of wallet, specially, Were you hacked or anything like that?
I don't have any problem with but there was DNS attack 2 Weeks ago if iam not wrong and the site was offline about few hours, i'am just worried about my balance out there, i can't access my money thanks god it's working now but it makes me scared what if the site is offline or dissapeared or maybe the site is hacked.

While other wallet i have problem with xapo, my account was locked but that's not a big deal since there was only little amount out there so that i don't need to recover it.

I used blockhain info only for storing spendable amount and hard wallet for storing huge amount.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: mrcash02 on October 23, 2016, 04:04:23 PM
But if we store our BTCs on desktop wallet, the risk continues, no? A hacker can invade our computer and steal the BTCs.

I think would be good if we could have more guarantees of safe. Who has big amounts of stored Bitcoins fear all the time be hacked.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: OmegaStarScream on October 23, 2016, 04:37:14 PM
But if we store our BTCs on desktop wallet, the risk continues, no? A hacker can invade our computer and steal the BTCs.

I think would be good if we could have more guarantees of safe. Who has big amounts of stored Bitcoins fear all the time be hacked.

The hacker should target you specifically to hack you In that case. So It's pretty much easy to protect yourself as long as you have an anti malware , anti virus and you don't download random executable files and definitely not brag about how much Bitcoins/Altcoins do you have in your wallet.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: Cereberus on October 23, 2016, 04:55:54 PM
But if we store our BTCs on desktop wallet, the risk continues, no? A hacker can invade our computer and steal the BTCs.

I think would be good if we could have more guarantees of safe. Who has big amounts of stored Bitcoins fear all the time be hacked.

I was hacked in late 2013 beginning 2014 in blockchain. Maybe it was my fault maybe not but the end result was I was hacked. I moved to desktop wallets from there and was fine with them until I reached a certain amount of bitcoins more specifically I reached 1.75 btc. It was right in this moment that I started to become paranoiac because of what happened me with blockchain and I kept thinking I will lose my coins just like it happened with blockchain.

So I took the final step and bought a really cheap hardware wallet but which works great, the Ledger HW.1 hardware wallet. Now I have stored there more than 3.55 btc and I sleep well at night. In my opinion this is the safest way to store your coins. I was burned once with blockchain so I am not making the same mistake again.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: agustina2 on October 23, 2016, 04:59:37 PM
Many people say that online wallets aren't trustful and that it's easy to steal your BTCs from there. No safe and guarantees.

I would like to know if you already had any problems with this kind of wallet, specially, Were you hacked or anything like that?

As far as my all bitcoin experience is concern, I never such have an experience of losing coins at any web wallets I used. But on exchanges I don't know if I will it consider it as a lose about the token conversion of my bitcoin in recent bitfinex hack. already experienced lots of problems in the past but most of them are not associated with the stolen coins issue.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: harizen on October 23, 2016, 05:05:25 PM
Many people say that online wallets aren't trustful and that it's easy to steal your BTCs from there. No safe and guarantees.

I would like to know if you already had any problems with this kind of wallet, specially, Were you hacked or anything like that?

There are chances of fraud in every web wallets since we don't have authority and full control of our own coins. But no doubt that their services gives us convenient when dealing in bitcoin transactions in most of the cases. Other than that, they offering some good deals when we use their service like paying our transaction fees, referral rewards, cashback deposit (like here in our local exchange) and many more.

So for a wise thing to do, use their services only when needed and not for storage reason purposes.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: BitcoinReference on October 23, 2016, 05:53:57 PM
online wallet is safe
only user carelessness this use can lose balance bitcoin in wallet, is phising site or hack

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: mrcash02 on October 23, 2016, 08:21:50 PM
Many people say that online wallets aren't trustful and that it's easy to steal your BTCs from there. No safe and guarantees.

I would like to know if you already had any problems with this kind of wallet, specially, Were you hacked or anything like that?

As far as my all bitcoin experience is concern, I never such have an experience of losing coins at any web wallets I used. But on exchanges I don't know if I will it consider it as a lose about the token conversion of my bitcoin in recent bitfinex hack. already experienced lots of problems in the past but most of them are not associated with the stolen coins issue.

Hmm, I looked some desktop wallets, some of them are very heavy (65GB), my laptop doesn't have enough capacity to download it.

Maybe I will use electrum, but I use some faucet services, things like that, and I need to open pop-ups often. I think the pop-up can allow a malware to enter on my laptop, no?
So, I don't know if the desktop wallet would really help me.

agustina, which kind of problems had? I thought they were a trusted company.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: LTU_btc on October 23, 2016, 10:36:58 PM
I haven't lost btc on online wallet. I'm using only Coinbase and Xapo online wallets. I'm using strong passwords on it, never used it through public Wi-fi network, also using 2FA to login.
Desktop wallets for me isn't looks more trustful, because I can easily catch virus, which can steal coins from wallet.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: stiffbud on October 23, 2016, 11:44:40 PM
Many people say that online wallets aren't trustful and that it's easy to steal your BTCs from there. No safe and guarantees.

I would like to know if you already had any problems with this kind of wallet, specially, Were you hacked or anything like that?
One time I failed to save a backup of my online wallet specifically a blockchain wallet and I accidentally reset my phone and so I also forgot the password. I still have atleast 0.02 btc on that wallet that I fail to recover. Blockchain not issuing a support for password loss is the one I really dislilke so I am using a different wallet provider now.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: Herbert2020 on October 24, 2016, 06:37:03 AM
i have never lost any bitcoin ever apart from some in gambling, and i have wallets on, Xapo, on exchanges, on Electrum on my desktop, and cold storage. it is mainly how safe your activities online are, if you have a good anti virus or better yet if you are on linux OS.

but this doesn't mean the risk is not there, any of the wallets apart from the cold storage is at risk as long as they are connected to internet or are controlled by a third party.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: bitbunnny on October 24, 2016, 04:59:23 PM
So far so good I should say. I have never lost my Bitcoins but I don't keep large amounts in online wallet and I try to be as much careful as I can. Making back up is one of security measures, using 2F and regulary changing password. This can make you safer.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: Fredomago on October 24, 2016, 05:05:24 PM
i only use local exchange online wallet and so far i don't lose any btc its been almost a year now and nothing really serious problem has been occur and the transaction is really smooth and easy, what is best coming from it the exchange also deliver more option for my btc to be use including paying bills and buying cellphone loads.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: Blitzboy on October 24, 2016, 05:16:21 PM
Many people say that online wallets aren't trustful and that it's easy to steal your BTCs from there. No safe and guarantees.

I would like to know if you already had any problems with this kind of wallet, specially, Were you hacked or anything like that?
I have heard many cases which bitcoin have been stolen by hackers and most of the people say that bitcoin online wallet is not secure enough and it is not reliable enough to use it. Currently, I am using three different online bitcoin wallets and I still do not have any problem of being stolen bitcoin. However, I think I will change my wallet into a PC wallet as soon as I can to avoid any hackers stealing my money

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: The_prodigy on October 25, 2016, 02:36:42 AM
Many people say that online wallets aren't trustful and that it's easy to steal your BTCs from there. No safe and guarantees.

I would like to know if you already had any problems with this kind of wallet, specially, Were you hacked or anything like that?
I never tried loosing bitcoin when im stucking my bitcoins into my wallet address i have trust on them and if this happens to me ofcourse im going to report it direcly into there office because there office are really near in to my house lmao and im using bitcoin wallet that based on my country. That's it and trust your bitcoin wallet that based on your country.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: hajimasan on October 25, 2016, 02:54:06 AM
Many people say that online wallets aren't trustful and that it's easy to steal your BTCs from there. No safe and guarantees.

I would like to know if you already had any problems with this kind of wallet, specially, Were you hacked or anything like that?
those people who didn't yet used the e-wallet are not giving the positive feedback .
if we expose our identity like user name and mobile no. then anyone can make easy net to scam us .
but steal there is no risk in wallet until we don't share our password .
and i didn't found any friends or any person whose wallet is hacked or scammed by someone .
so these are safe and trusted 

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: Rmanik on October 25, 2016, 09:58:52 AM
i have no experienced about this.never face such kind of fact.i am using coinbase about 8-10 months.its safe and secure to me .there are 2 kinds of varyficastion , one is mail and other is mobile number

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: tabas on October 25, 2016, 02:57:08 PM
Many people say that online wallets aren't trustful and that it's easy to steal your BTCs from there. No safe and guarantees.

I would like to know if you already had any problems with this kind of wallet, specially, Were you hacked or anything like that?

Well so far I am not experiencing that someone stole my bitcoins to my bitcoin wallet. I think they are really safe their security is tight and you are just possibly to lost your bitcoins if you are going to give your key and password to someone. But with blockchain for me, this is the strongest bitcoin wallet ever, I'm using it for a long time already.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: neochiny on October 26, 2016, 10:07:24 PM
Haven't had any issues with online wallets so far. Nothing stolen, nothing unusual either. And no problems of any kind experienced from blockhain, coinbase, or xapo.
Probably because I only store small amounts there, or because it's usually just passing through or something.
Anyway, doesn't mean there won't be any problem in future, so it's still best to take precautions. Always.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: coinzat on October 27, 2016, 05:50:38 PM
I have never lost any wallet with btc so far. Web wallets are totally OK for small amounts and when you have a backup or a you export your private keys. The only btc I lost was in Bitfinex hack and  i do regret keeping funds in an exchange for long time

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: justdimin on October 27, 2016, 08:11:34 PM
Many people say that online wallets aren't trustful and that it's easy to steal your BTCs from there. No safe and guarantees.

I would like to know if you already had any problems with this kind of wallet, specially, Were you hacked or anything like that?
I have had countless numbers of transactions using online wallet but never had any issues so far. I am using blockchain and xapo. I have back up of private keys for blockchain wallet and with Xapo I keep only very little bitcoins at a time. So, I believe I will be safe in an unexpected events too.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: saiha on October 28, 2016, 06:54:06 AM
I have never lost any wallet with btc so far. Web wallets are totally OK for small amounts and when you have a backup or a you export your private keys. The only btc I lost was in Bitfinex hack and  i do regret keeping funds in an exchange for long time

Good thing that my exchange site is still not failing me. And I am not even losing any amount with my bitcoin wallet.

Since I am letting my bitcoins grow to their site still I am believing that they will have good security if there is a breached happened.

I will just ask them for a refund, if possible.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: jack1111 on October 28, 2016, 08:45:03 AM
You might lose your Bitcoin if you did not set the necessary security features, hackers will use the social engineering to determine your password if they got you e-mail, those hackers are anywhere, therefore I use unique and dedicated e-mail and password, and I do not use this e-mail in any other site, as well as setting 2FA.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: Zadicar on November 01, 2016, 10:33:16 AM
Many people say that online wallets aren't trustful and that it's easy to steal your BTCs from there. No safe and guarantees.

I would like to know if you already had any problems with this kind of wallet, specially, Were you hacked or anything like that?

I do have  experience loss  of  my bitcoin on  some  local  bitcoin wallet  but  on small amounts  only  and   they gradually get  bitcoin by small amounts  on  different timeframes  especially when you  have  lots  of balance on  your wallet  . they are assuming that  you didnt notice it  but  they are wrong , i did notice that anytime   regarding  on my balance but  in  ,  i didnt  encounter such thing.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: Rienair on November 03, 2016, 02:35:32 AM
No I never lost any bitcoins but this is also because I do not have a lot of bitcoins and I keep them only in a couple wallets that I manage very well.
I keep them in my eye sight and they are also good protected, I cannot simply lose them also.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: Hazir on November 03, 2016, 03:00:43 AM
Many people say that online wallets aren't trustful and that it's easy to steal your BTCs from there. No safe and guarantees.

I would like to know if you already had any problems with this kind of wallet, specially, Were you hacked or anything like that?
You need to distinguish some things first:

1. Are you worried about security of the wallet itself? Do you think that it is easy for hackers to break and transfer peopole's BTC from online wallet?
2. Or are you worried that actual wallet owners can rob you and get away with bitcoins?
3. Lastly, your account can be hacked individually.

About - I never heard anything bad about this wallet. There wasn't any known hack documented, ever.
Also they won't close or suspend your account because you send money to  gambling service or something ridiculous like their competition.
With blockchain the weakest link is owner - only if hacker will know your password and wallet id they can steal your coins.
I feel that with 2FA enabled it is almost impossible though.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: jossiel on November 03, 2016, 10:31:28 AM
I have never lose some of my btc's in my online walet provider, it seems that they are trusted to I don't have problem with them.

I think those incidents that wallet providers turned to be scams are just hoax and it is pertaining to those exchange sites that tells they were hacked.

About - I never heard anything bad about this wallet. There wasn't any known hack documented, ever.

Exactly, this is what I am using and I guess this is the most trusted online wallet.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: carlfebz2 on November 03, 2016, 01:26:02 PM
I have never lose some of my btc's in my online walet provider, it seems that they are trusted to I don't have problem with them.

I think those incidents that wallet providers turned to be scams are just hoax and it is pertaining to those exchange sites that tells they were hacked.

About - I never heard anything bad about this wallet. There wasn't any known hack documented, ever.

Exactly, this is what I am using and I guess this is the most trusted online wallet.
Your bitcoins  would surely safe   on webwallets  if  you do keep  your password  and   make sure to put up 2fa in your account. It would surely protect  from  hackers and scammers out there  who will stole  your bitcoins but the  risk  on  losing it when exchange  have  problems  still remains.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: U2 on November 03, 2016, 08:52:00 PM
Wow. I read all of the comments. Wow. People are really this naive? A Legendary member saying he's never heard of a hack from

I may be fairly new to this forum but holy crap are you kidding me people?! had tons of funds stolen when someone found out their method of creating private keys. In layman's terms basically what they did is take something like 74937473983 and create a private key from it. The next was 74937473984, then 74937473985 etc. (Obviously not that simple, but you get the gist of it).

No they weren't hacked you're right. They made it so blatantly obvious how to get everyone's private keys that they didn't need to be hacked in the traditional sense.

You didn't hear about this? Really? No one? Then maybe trying googling it. Wow! I'm seriously blown away by the terrible advice people give to newcomers. Shame on you.

Don't use a web wallet. Why? It is the most vulnerable type of wallet there is. It's just a fact.

Edit: adding links ( (

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: mrcash02 on November 03, 2016, 09:12:23 PM
Wow. I read all of the comments. Wow. People are really this naive? A Legendary member saying he's never heard of a hack from

I may be fairly new to this forum but holy crap are you kidding me people?! had tons of funds stolen when someone found out their method of creating private keys. In layman's terms basically what they did is take something like 74937473983 and create a private key from it. The next was 74937473984, then 74937473985 etc. (Obviously not that simple, but you get the gist of it).

No they weren't hacked you're right. They made it so blatantly obvious how to get everyone's private keys that they didn't need to be hacked in the traditional sense.

You didn't hear about this? Really? No one? Then maybe trying googling it. Wow! I'm seriously blown away by the terrible advice people give to newcomers. Shame on you.

Don't use a web wallet. Why? It is the most vulnerable type of wallet there is. It's just a fact.

Edit: adding links ( (

That was a isolated fact... Don't judge all online wallets services by this situation happened on 2014. Everybody knows that it's 100% safe, but it's not so bad as you are saying. Any other kind of wallet for Bitcoins has risks also.

If it was so bad as you are saying, the number of users would be smaller and you won't be seeing a lot of positive feedbacks here.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: onlinedragon on November 03, 2016, 09:23:31 PM
I tried XAPO, Coinbase, Circle and Snapcard but didn't had any serious problems with all of them. Also have for XAPO a debit card to exchange some bitcoins in cash. I heard stories from people that there account get frozen but didn't face such problems till now.

I know that Coinbase blocked people in the past because they sended or received funds from a gambling website. Since I like to gamble I decided to not use there wallet anymore.

For bigger amounts I prefer to use a wallet where I own the private keys like electrum

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: U2 on November 03, 2016, 11:31:33 PM

That was a isolated fact... Don't judge all online wallets services by this situation happened on 2014. Everybody knows that it's 100% safe, but it's not so bad as you are saying. Any other kind of wallet for Bitcoins has risks also.

If it was so bad as you are saying, the number of users would be smaller and you won't be seeing a lot of positive feedbacks here.

You're kidding me right? Everyone knows it's 100% safe? So can you explain these?


[url] ([url) (

Some good honest answers here ( ( (

It's 100% safe

Then you're as naive as the rest of these sheep on this thread. Time to do some reading little sheep.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: traderethereum on November 04, 2016, 02:40:46 AM
i have this experience on poloniex and i think its because of my vault. i am forgot to activate 2FA and email verification to check the IP that i use when i login on that website. i already ask with their support system, they tell me that they can help to trace the wallet and the IP that login into my account but they can not do anything with my btc. fatal mistake that i am do in the past and i hope it wouldn't happen again in future.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: Dassi on November 04, 2016, 10:54:19 AM
Online wallets have a lower chance of being hacked than exchanges, though the possibility is still there.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: mrcash02 on November 04, 2016, 09:00:43 PM

That was a isolated fact... Don't judge all online wallets services by this situation happened on 2014. Everybody knows that it's 100% safe, but it's not so bad as you are saying. Any other kind of wallet for Bitcoins has risks also.

If it was so bad as you are saying, the number of users would be smaller and you won't be seeing a lot of positive feedbacks here.

You're kidding me right? Everyone knows it's 100% safe? So can you explain these?][url]



[url] ([url=http://[url) (

Some good honest answers here ( ( (

It's 100% safe

Then you're as naive as the rest of these sheep on this thread. Time to do some reading little sheep.

I would like to say that it's not 100% safe, but I made a mistake and the "not" didn't appear.

I know these things happen, because it's not a fully safe world. But this is a useful service, people aren't stolen everytime, many people don't have powerful computers to download those wallets that you are saying to be the ideal. I'm not a sheep as you are saying, I know about the risks, but that is what I can use at this moment. If I download any wallet the risk will continue.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: n691309 on November 04, 2016, 09:54:00 PM
Many people say that online wallets aren't trustful and that it's easy to steal your BTCs from there. No safe and guarantees.

I would like to know if you already had any problems with this kind of wallet, specially, Were you hacked or anything like that?

Hopefully I haven't lost any bitcoin from online wallets even though I have tried and experimented with some of them, I haven't used because their site someone gets down and if I need to make any transaction.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: virtualkeybuyer on November 04, 2016, 11:36:18 PM
I have some of my bitcoins on different online wallets and I did not lose any of them at there so for me they are secure till date and I think the reason is that they are secured till now and I pray that they remain secured. In short until these wallets are secured everyone is secured but if any tragedy occurred to them everyone will lose.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: jacktheking on November 05, 2016, 03:52:22 AM
Nope. So far my online wallets at various places like still contains what should be inside. If you know how to secure yourself then you will be fine. However ... much still relays on the web wallets provider security.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: saiha on November 05, 2016, 02:58:04 PM
Nope. So far my online wallets at various places like still contains what should be inside. If you know how to secure yourself then you will be fine. However ... much still relays on the web wallets provider security.

This is the online wallet I've been using from the beginning and I find it very secured and easy to use that's why I'm very confident that its security is tight enough.

For sure blockchain is the most secured online wallet because of its blockchain technology that bitcoin is using.

But I think all of online wallets are secured they just tend to say that they were hacked or breached just to cover up their hidden agendas.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: Bitcoin0916 on November 18, 2016, 03:25:06 PM
I never loss my bitcoin in online wallet, until I use 3 online wallet, blockchain, coinbase and xapo. For xapo and coinbase also have vault option to more secure. Sometimes I also use exchanger wallet. My tips is always use 2fa for login and send our bitcoin and save to vault for big amount.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: Yuuto on November 19, 2016, 04:36:54 AM
I've lost only 0.01 BTC once when I carelessly forgot to write down my wallet identifier and didn't set up email confirmation on that account. That was the only time though and the rest of the times nothing bad has happened.

Just remember to always back up your wallet identifier on

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: Zadicar on November 19, 2016, 07:12:42 AM
I've lost only 0.01 BTC once when I carelessly forgot to write down my wallet identifier and didn't set up email confirmation on that account. That was the only time though and the rest of the times nothing bad has happened.

Just remember to always back up your wallet identifier on

You didnt get   the  point  of  OP actually. He means  about  lossing some  bitcoins  inside  already on your wallet, still  you  have the access into it.  You are  reffering  to a situation  on which  on  how   you lost   your bitcoins.  Regarding  to  the   problem  of OP,  so far  i dont have  any problems  with wallet.. I didnt experience  lost   on  my bitcoin and  i didnt  even  hear even  one  situation  that this  kind of thing  happen from other  users which  means  blockchain is safe somehow.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: jaberwock on November 19, 2016, 07:01:22 PM
biggest problem with online wallets was downtime when I needed to transfer coins and errors in the transactions that have been corrected later.

still no losses due to online wallet hacking

but mostly due luck and because I don't put much money and not for long in online wallets

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: hajimasan on November 19, 2016, 07:24:11 PM
biggest problem with online wallets was downtime when I needed to transfer coins and errors in the transactions that have been corrected later.

still no losses due to online wallet hacking

but mostly due luck and because I don't put much money and not for long in online wallets
yeah , we are satisfied with your problem . because many times i also faced the same problem .
Still i got no loss yet but due to longer zero confirmation ( block maintenance problem ) i am storing less amount of bitcoin ( money )

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: Hazir on November 19, 2016, 07:35:53 PM
biggest problem with online wallets was downtime when I needed to transfer coins and errors in the transactions that have been corrected later.

still no losses due to online wallet hacking

but mostly due luck and because I don't put much money and not for long in online wallets
Which wallet are you talking about here?

I use only one online wallet - and so far I encountered zero issues with it.
People are notorious spreading misconceptions about this wallet and it got removed from list of 'good' wallets.
Because their recent DNS problems are sufficient reason for that. But I still think that among other online wallets with far worse ToS (Xapo, Coinbase) blockchain is still the best.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: PokerFace3 on November 20, 2016, 09:02:07 AM
I use only one online wallet - and so far I encountered zero issues with it.
I am also having a wallet with some balances always and I have the same address in my electrum wallet too. (I have blockchain web wallet to use in my office if I need to). So far, I am very comfortable with what I am doing and yes with zero issues.
Mobile phone wallets are serving same purposes of web wallets but I feel mobile phones are highly vulnerable to hacking.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: BitMaxz on November 20, 2016, 09:19:01 AM
In my experience i lost few bitcoins before in one online wallet name xapo.. but its long time ago and i can't login until now because of their delay verification. But it is just a small amount and i use xapo last year.
I contact the support but they said there is no problem about my account. until now i trying to recover it because maybe i have many bitcoins there because i many referral in xapo faucet before..

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: ardentvolcanoes on November 28, 2016, 04:36:21 PM
i haven't experienced to lose my BTC's from an online wallet but i think i am almost there before as I am using so many online wallets which is around 4 or 5 and then decided to abandon the other and stick with only one that has a lot of services in my country but right i am also using just to store my signature campaign earning.

But if we store our BTCs on desktop wallet, the risk continues, no? A hacker can invade our computer and steal the BTCs.

I think would be good if we could have more guarantees of safe. Who has big amounts of stored Bitcoins fear all the time be hacked.

The hacker should target you specifically to hack you In that case. So It's pretty much easy to protect yourself as long as you have an anti malware , anti virus and you don't download random executable files and definitely not brag about how much Bitcoins/Altcoins do you have in your wallet.

so i guess installing a hard wallet on a Linux OS can be a good idea as it has less risk of being attacked by a malware and you don't have to install an anti-virus. just an opinion.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: hakanbalta577 on November 28, 2016, 06:33:36 PM
Luckily i have not lost a single satoshi using any web wallet for any reasons.The wallets i have used so far are xapo,blockchain and wallet but i never experienced issue like hacking,stealing or my account being locked.I hope it never happens with me in future also.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: Odien on November 28, 2016, 07:31:53 PM
I never lost my BTC using web wallet but if a hacker comes he can steal you every Satoshi you have so to but more confident you can download Électrum. It's really trustful and personally I used and I'm using Électrum, it's the best wallet you can have  ;)

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: mrcash02 on November 28, 2016, 10:55:54 PM
biggest problem with online wallets was downtime when I needed to transfer coins and errors in the transactions that have been corrected later.

still no losses due to online wallet hacking

but mostly due luck and because I don't put much money and not for long in online wallets
Which wallet are you talking about here?

I use only one online wallet - and so far I encountered zero issues with it.
People are notorious spreading misconceptions about this wallet and it got removed from list of 'good' wallets.
Because their recent DNS problems are sufficient reason for that. But I still think that among other online wallets with far worse ToS (Xapo, Coinbase) blockchain is still the best.

First time I see a veteran forum member giving a good feedback about I think this wallet is very demonized for many people in forum. Looks they had some problems on the past, but the only thing I can say is about my own experience with their service, and it's a good experience, I'm using this wallet for more than 1 year, no issues.

I already saw persons saying steals your money when you reach to X amount stored in wallet. But I think it's not true.  :)

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: acroman08 on November 29, 2016, 05:01:36 AM
Never. Thankfully, I have yet to lose any coins from any of my online wallet. I use both coinbase and and so far, there haven't even been any issues encountered.

Although this could be because my coins are just passing through. I receive some small amounts to both(about .1 or so /week) and I immediately send it to my mobile wallet. Sometimes I keep a bit online when I need to make payments, but I always keep it under .1 .

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: mobnepal on November 29, 2016, 07:54:09 AM
No i haven't lost any bitcoin because of hack but i think i have lost few mBtc because i have lost paper wallet file of bitcoin address.
I am using web wallet for daily transaction and never got any hack attempt or somthing, but there have been several hack attempt on my and account however luckily i don't have any bitcoin in those account during hack.

Lost few mbtc in bitfinex account when they got hack, i have withdrawn majority of bitcoin from them just few weeks before they got hacked.  ;)

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: Yuuto on November 29, 2016, 08:32:35 AM
I lost a fraction of my coins when Cryptsy closed down with a runner. I never really thought that would happen and I actually missed most of the important news about Cryptsy because I was busy with my studies at that time, so never really had a chance to cash out via a coin that was not blocked by cryptsy.

All in all it wasn't a big loss, however it is a very important lesson to be learned. Do not trust any online wallets that hold your account private keys for you. They may seem trustworthy but there will always be one or two of them closing down or getting hacked each year.

Title: Re: Did you already lose your BTCs on an online Wallet?
Post by: Teemotje on November 30, 2016, 04:13:15 AM
Luckily I never had this and I think its also in how you manage your online wallets and which one you of course choose to store them on, blockchain is as a example very trusted.