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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: bryant.coleman on October 27, 2016, 03:42:49 PM

Title: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: bryant.coleman on October 27, 2016, 03:42:49 PM

Tens of thousands of Germans have signed a petition demanding a group of teenagers are jailed for a brutal rape. The teenagers were given suspended jail terms last week after the judge decided they had shown "remorse". The boys, aged 14, 16 and 17, sexually assaulted a girl, 14, in Hamburg in February while another girl filmed the attack. They then left the victim for dead in the freezing cold.

This is the news from the Islamic Caliphate of Germany. Muslim men raped a 14-year old girl, and then left her for dead in the cold. The judge refused to give the perpetrators jail sentence.

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: voghera on October 27, 2016, 03:50:36 PM
people are going crazy... If fifty years ago they caught you doing anything similar, you'd be flayed...and so it should still be..

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: Lutpin on October 27, 2016, 03:52:14 PM
Muslim men
Alexander, Lisa, Dennis.
Those are all very muslim names, you're right.

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: saddampbuh on October 27, 2016, 06:04:17 PM
i used to think the collapse would come in 50 or 100 years time, the upside of the recent migration is everything should come to a head while i'm still young enough to take part

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: Masha Sha on October 27, 2016, 06:09:19 PM
Yes I read it... I don't think this kind of behaviors will be tolerate that more spark and then it will light up and there will consequences. Waiting for the waking up... then with digital help the solving will be much faster than in all previous recorded history. The coldness of execution... in a systemic and fast way that only digitalizatied efficiency enables.

In the mean time, avoiding this country is safer.

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: mrkevio on October 27, 2016, 06:15:30 PM
This world is only getting worse. It doesn't even matter whether the men were muslim or not, there have been lots of cases now in which muslim rapists got free from jail and heard about some of them even laughing afterwards at their victims. Immigrants are already getting advantages over anybody else: immigrants in Germany are getting paid more than some of my friends are that have been working for +15 years at the respective company and they're offended by it. They don't even need to work - they're just getting free money and the problem is the control of the immigration flux now. We won't be able to control it anymore soon.

EDIT: just to clear things up, I'm not racist in any way. I'm talking about those men who prefer not to work but provoke disaster in Germany after they immigrate. We can see these recordings on many news (like Russia Today). I don't hate Muslims, but it's not fair even for them: some Muslims got to work hard for example in India for nothing and these immigrants are getting free money without even having to work. I understand they're fleeing a country that is in war, but... Does that really affect their capability of working?

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: mindrust on October 27, 2016, 06:23:50 PM
I don't have an affection to muslims but those dudes weren't muslims. Please stop spreading bullshit and accept it: Those were white christian kids. Being white don't make you a saint automatically. It is all about education and wealth distribution. Less of those, more of that.

To all those people who wrote muslims right away: Were the muslims following hitler in ww2?

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: birareru1988 on October 27, 2016, 06:26:02 PM
This news can be taken out of context. To give it need to know the whole situation. Someone really want to all over the world blamed Muslims.

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: virtualx on October 27, 2016, 06:30:29 PM
Muslim men
Alexander, Lisa, Dennis.
Those are all very muslim names, you're right.
And do you believe the media is independent and reports true story? :D

i used to think the collapse would come in 50 or 100 years time, the upside of the recent migration is everything should come to a head while i'm still young enough to take part
World has been turning for 5000+ years, there will not be problem with it turning. Maybe society collapse is what you mean.

This news can be taken out of context. To give it need to know the whole situation. Someone really want to all over the world blamed Muslims.
Sometimes the people that commit crime are Muslim, nothing strange about that.  There are criminals of all faith

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: bryant.coleman on October 28, 2016, 04:38:00 AM
To all those people who wrote muslims right away: Were the muslims following hitler in ww2?

The answer is YES.

Check this:

It was not just the Palestinians. A large number of Muslim groups, including Crimean Tatars, Circassians, Chechens, Turks, Azeris, and Bosnian Muslims actively supported Hitler during the WW2.

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: Spoetnik on October 28, 2016, 06:33:08 AM
I don't have an affection to muslims but those dudes weren't muslims. Please stop spreading bullshit and accept it: Those were white christian kids. Being white don't make you a saint automatically. It is all about education and wealth distribution. Less of those, more of that.

To all those people who wrote muslims right away: Were the muslims following hitler in ww2?

Yes they were.. Hitler had a strong hand aiding the birth of the terrorist movement that carried on until now.

Nazi Secret Files S01E05 Nazi Jihad

Shits fucked up..
Yet little rapists get to walk free ?

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: saddampbuh on October 28, 2016, 09:30:50 AM
World has been turning for 5000+ years, there will not be problem with it turning. Maybe society collapse is what you mean.
no that isn't what i mean, i mean the coming of the final messiah (adolf hitler was the second before last) who will exterminate the unworthy and usher in the new golden age.

lol at 5000 years

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: techgeek on October 28, 2016, 10:55:45 AM
people are going crazy... If fifty years ago they caught you doing anything similar, you'd be flayed...and so it should still be..

I was expecting old men but wow these guys are very young.

Yeah more and more people are indeed going crazy, and these crazy people are getting younger and younger.

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: Juggy777 on October 28, 2016, 11:01:44 AM
This is horrible, why do people rape it's really sad. Why outrage a modesty of a women an destroy her life forever. The guy life doesn't change but a girls life is destroyed for life.

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: bryant.coleman on October 28, 2016, 11:22:53 AM
This is horrible, why do people rape it's really sad. Why outrage a modesty of a women an destroy her life forever. The guy life doesn't change but a girls life is destroyed for life.

Know what? The most tragic thing was the sight of the parents of these criminals cheering their childrens' acquittal. Now you know whom to blame for this incident. These parents are directly responsible for the crimes committed by their children. Normally I don't support the removal of minors from their families. But in rare incidents such as this one, that may be the only viable solution.

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: markj113 on October 28, 2016, 11:26:00 AM
If I was the father of the victim I would be grateful they were released as this would give me the opportunity to hunt them down and kill each as slowly and as painfully as possible.

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: Juggy777 on October 28, 2016, 11:34:12 AM
If I was the father of the victim I would be grateful they were released as this would give me the opportunity to hunt them down and kill each as slowly and as painfully as possible.

Definitely the parents fault. I remember a case where the parent lured the rapist on behalf of a settlement outside the court and chopped him off, his reason was the rapist would walk free, while his daughter was dying each day. The laws really need to be strict, minor or adult a rapist is a rapist. They should be punished. In another instance a girl was forced to marry her rapist, the rapist parents tortured her and she committed suicide. Why do girls always have to suffer, why do the Parents of rapist not take a firm stand, even they could be having a daughter but no son is more important

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: Spoetnik on October 28, 2016, 05:37:13 PM
This is horrible, why do people rape it's really sad. Why outrage a modesty of a women an destroy her life forever. The guy life doesn't change but a girls life is destroyed for life.

Life destroyed forever ? that is a stretch..

How about MEN who get beaten close to death for no reason or thrown into jail for being gay in parts of Africa ?

Rape is bad & all but there ARE worse things going on in the world.

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: ajareselde on October 28, 2016, 07:18:49 PM
This news can be taken out of context. To give it need to know the whole situation. Someone really want to all over the world blamed Muslims.

Was this also taken out of context ?

What these idiots are doing deserves death death sentence and it's embarrassing that modern world allows such thing to pass lightly.

If I was the father of the victim I would be grateful they were released as this would give me the opportunity to hunt them down and kill each as slowly and as painfully as possible.

As a father of a young girl i can say exactly the same, but it would be better if the system executed them itself.

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: transabox on October 28, 2016, 09:42:34 PM
The government should protect its citizens and prevent this. It is necessary to properly educate their children, to avoid such terrible cases

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: bryant.coleman on October 29, 2016, 02:41:56 AM
The government should protect its citizens and prevent this. It is necessary to properly educate their children, to avoid such terrible cases

How is it protecting the citizens when such lenient sentences are being given out? In my opinion, rapists must be given long jail terms, regardless of their age. Just setting them free, because they repented for their crimes is a strange and pathetic excuse. Perhaps it is time for the German people to rise up against such lunatic judgements.

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: salinizm on October 29, 2016, 12:34:34 PM

Tens of thousands of Germans have signed a petition demanding a group of teenagers are jailed for a brutal rape. The teenagers were given suspended jail terms last week after the judge decided they had shown "remorse". The boys, aged 14, 16 and 17, sexually assaulted a girl, 14, in Hamburg in February while another girl filmed the attack. They then left the victim for dead in the freezing cold.

This is the news from the Islamic Caliphate of Germany. Muslim men raped a 14-year old girl, and then left her for dead in the cold. The judge refused to give the perpetrators jail sentence.

This world is going nuts day by day. I really find hard to understand that kind of loads of shit. In what world, a judge wouldnt give punishment for those humanoids. What are the reasons of not giving fair punisments to that bastards ? i am very sorry for that little innocent girl and her family. I am sure about so-called western high civilization totally collapsed.

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: 00hash01 on October 29, 2016, 02:27:59 PM
Why create such legal precedents. Now, every offender is alleged to repent to be let out. I think this is wrong. Those who deserve punishment should get it in full

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: antonioa on October 29, 2016, 02:35:50 PM
I think that judge got paid. Where are the residents? I think should be the reaction to such incidents. If not you can provoke a lynching.

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: Spirit2016 on October 29, 2016, 04:04:56 PM
How can that be in a civilized country? I don't know ! Do the locals leave? I think that this will provoke popular unrest, and the decision will be reconsidered.

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: chachaa on October 29, 2016, 09:23:36 PM
What kind of court do we need? Why Europe needs these bunch of uneducated refugees? I think soon will be the uprising of the indigenous population.

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: bryant.coleman on October 30, 2016, 03:50:52 AM
Why create such legal precedents. Now, every offender is alleged to repent to be let out. I think this is wrong. Those who deserve punishment should get it in full

That is what extreme left liberal brainwashing can do to a civilized nation. In Germany, free speech is a bigger crime than murder and rape. People who had posted in facebook against Muslim migrants were jailed, while convicted murderers and rapists were exempted from imprisonment. Reminds me of the third reich under Adolph Shitler.

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: groll on October 30, 2016, 01:28:05 PM
That is the problem right now if the criminals wete still minor.  Maybe the justice system would change the age of the suspect who can be jailed.  As time goes by, th3 age of the suspects become younger and younger due to advancement of technologies I guess.  Kids can watch porn everytime everywhere, it just need computer and internet connection.

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: Dizaster2015 on October 30, 2016, 05:05:33 PM
Such court decisions can provoke lynchings. If Europe will start riots, immigrants will be bad. They do not understand?

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: Juggy777 on October 30, 2016, 06:11:15 PM
The government should protect its citizens and prevent this. It is necessary to properly educate their children, to avoid such terrible cases

Its the system that fails us. Government can do it bit, but lawyers get their clients freedom for money. The system has failed everyone

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: iamTom123 on October 30, 2016, 06:20:50 PM
This is quite a saddening development and not just because of the injustice done to the victim but because this is getting to be happening in many places of the country. The issue of opening up to the refugees is now burning in the minds of the Germans and can decide soon the change of political leadership.

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: planfox on October 30, 2016, 07:09:21 PM
Why create such legal precedents. Now, every offender is alleged to repent to be let out. I think this is wrong. Those who deserve punishment should get it in full

That is what extreme left liberal brainwashing can do to a civilized nation. In Germany, free speech is a bigger crime than murder and rape. People who had posted in facebook against Muslim migrants were jailed, while convicted murderers and rapists were exempted from imprisonment. Reminds me of the third reich under Adolph Shitler.

I did not know, and could not even imagine that in Germany so bad situation with freedom of speech. I thought it was a civilized developed country. But after such incidents, I begin to doubt

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: Tyrantt on October 30, 2016, 08:23:13 PM
I've found this on /pol/ a few days back. Those were some gypsies from Serbia... Also they can also bee from Kosovo since Serbian government is issuing serbian passports to albanians from Kosovo..

Title: Re: German criminals who raped 14-year old girl set free by the court
Post by: Xester on October 31, 2016, 11:43:05 AM
That is the problem if the suspects were still minors or those who were not yet 18 years old.  They said that those teenager still do not know what they are doing thus that makes them innocent and cannot be contempt.  I think it is the right time now to atleast reevaluate or revise the rules of law.  I think teenagers should be subject for contempt if they cause some serious crimes since they are all aware on what they have done.