Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: EuroTrash on April 04, 2013, 12:14:06 PM

Title: the FUD campaign started
Post by: EuroTrash on April 04, 2013, 12:14:06 PM

This reminds me of 18+ years ago, when the public disregarded internet geeks by labelling them "hackers" or perverts of some sort anyway.

Why so much hatred? What do you think?

UPDATE: more negative press coming today

the last one being the most informed article.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: empoweoqwj on April 04, 2013, 12:25:35 PM
1) Ignorance
2) Selling newspapers
3) Jealousy
4) Inability to accept new things
5) Lazy, rushed "journalism"

Let's face it. Internet killed journalism anyway. Perhaps its just a revenge  job.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: n8rwJeTt8TrrLKPa55eU on April 04, 2013, 12:28:03 PM
Perhaps all the baby boomer talking heads and analysts who have been making fools of themselves on TV this past week, should try to remember their youth, and specifically this piece of advice:

Quote from: Bob Dylan
Come writers and critics
Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won't come again
And don't speak too soon
For the wheel's still in spin
And there's no tellin' who
That it's namin'.
For the loser now
Will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don't criticize
What you can't understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is
Rapidly agin'.
Please get out of the new one
If you can't lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin'.

The line it is drawn
The curse it is cast
The slow one now
Will later be fast
As the present now
Will later be past
The order is
Rapidly fadin'.
And the first one now
Will later be last
For the times they are a-changin'.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: Britainacoin on April 04, 2013, 12:29:53 PM
The people who own the press don't like a currency that is out of their control. They can't just print more bitcoin, and tax/steal (Yes Cyrpus was pure theft, not a tax) bitcoins from private citizens when it suits them.

I always laugh when I see people implying that government "regulation" is a good thing. Because of "regulation" on paypal, someone can reverse a transaction even when I have sent them the item. Because of "regulation", everyone from MI6 to the local council can spy on my financial records without a warrant. Because of "regulation", governments are able to steal money from private citizens and call it a "tax".

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: cbeast on April 04, 2013, 12:30:17 PM
Every time Bitcoin goes up in price there is a new wave of FUD.

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandh

BTW, nice quote n8rwJeTt8TrrLKPa55eU

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: oakpacific on April 04, 2013, 12:31:55 PM
Not sure if it's FUD or just improper research/ignorance.

Bitcoin is difficult to understand.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: the founder on April 04, 2013, 12:32:25 PM
From the Guardian Article : " A network of tech-savvy programmers – okay, call them hackers – work on secret algorithms to create and release Bitcoins at their own discretion. "

Really ?  I can release bitcoins at my own discretion ?   HAHAHAHAHA

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: bovinium on April 04, 2013, 12:32:37 PM
They just jelly of our mad swag.

Seriously though, that Guardian article is incredibly biased, even if it is a 'Comment is Free' piece.
it is too complicated to buy and maintain for people who aren't online 18 hours a day
They're also not easy to obtain[:]
"If you want to buy Bitcoins you simply go to an online exchange service such as Bitinstant and convert your local currency into the virtual money..."

It's what we call 'laptop journalism' - lazy and uninformed writing. Some people just enjoy slandering others from a perceived position of authority, and I would guess that this is behind the amateur opinion piece that you linked. It's part of the stigma against spending all your time on the Internet at large (why??).

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: Anon136 on April 04, 2013, 12:33:19 PM
Think it through. The people who own the press are the people who benefit from fractional reserve fiat. They don't want currencies that they can't commit fraud with (I regard fractional reserve lending as fraud, because I don't see why anyone should be allowed to lend money they don't have).

I always laugh when I see people implying that government "regulation" is a good thing. Because of "regulation" on paypal, someone can reverse a transaction even when I have sent them the item. Because of "regulation", everyone from MI6 to the local council can spy on my financial records without a warrant. Because of "regulation", governments are able to steal money from private citizens and call it a "tax".

Its only fraud if you lie about it. As long as the customer realizes that he is buying into a fractional reserve system and does so voluntarily than there is no fraud involved there. notice i am certainly not talking about any monetary system that exists today but rather an imaginary free market based fractional reserve system.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: VeeMiner on April 04, 2013, 12:33:27 PM
Heidi Moore is seriously stupid. And I'm not judging it just from her looks...

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: OnlyGoodVibes on April 04, 2013, 12:45:53 PM
The ignorance and lies in these articles are bordering on dangerous considering these 'journalists' are supposed to be teaching the general population about other important matters like war and economy. The BBC article says the value dropped "sharply" after the MtGox issue, yet purposely doesn't tell you how much it dropped by because they know full well it wasn't that significant. Bitch please we have dropped tend of dollars in seconds before, we can handle it.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: mobodick on April 04, 2013, 12:53:43 PM
Heidi Moore is seriously stupid. And I'm not judging it just from her looks...

I am and she's still stupid.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: ManBearPig on April 04, 2013, 12:53:59 PM

That's on the BBC Technology pages - no-one reads that crap. The BBC is renowned for knowing fuck-all about technology. They've been on a massive dumbing-down campaign every since they foisted Mr Blobby on us. Everything is pitched at the level you'd need to explain to your senile, drunken aunt. They flirted with the idea of games reviews about 10 years ago and gave up when they couldn't find a writer capable of knowing his arse from his Nintendo.

Nevertheless, some sheep will read it and learn a Pavlovian response: media says "Bitcoin", you say "Crash".


I hardly call $147 to $108 a crash. In a crash I expect to lose money and for the price not to bounce back with 24 hours :p

It will get worse! It will get better! It will be one hell of a wild ride :)

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: mobodick on April 04, 2013, 12:55:42 PM
I think the BBC article is pretty straight.
The guardian one otoh made me cry and i'm pretty sure some puppies died of it at some point.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: Merralea on April 04, 2013, 01:01:22 PM
Ha, how deliberate was the use of the Wall St image on the BBC article? Trying to force an association that doesn't even exist. Sad that it will probably work.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: piramida on April 04, 2013, 01:03:45 PM
I welcome some FUD, might be able to cool this off a little. I am all for going to gazillions, lets just pick a sane pace though. Exchanges can't keep up with demand :) So bring on more uninformed FUD :)

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: ErisDiscordia on April 04, 2013, 01:20:02 PM
FUD is good. Success is easily judged with bitcoin (look at price. look how widespread adoption is.) The more FUD you spread about it, the more stupid you look if/when it is successful. People need to learn to stop getting their info on what's going on from sources like this anyway.


Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: lebing on April 04, 2013, 01:25:14 PM
Its unbelievable what some people see fit to print in major news organizations. When we hit 1000 I'll bump this and send these people a quiet note about the silly currency they reported on.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: ehoffman on April 04, 2013, 01:32:47 PM
It's all due to the high price.  Triple digits will turn away many people.
Switch to mBTC and people will jump in.  Or at least, there will be a lot less bad press, and price will be clear to go to 0.2$, 0.3$, ...  and easily to the dollar per mBTC.

All it need to take is MtGox to show mBTC and others will follow.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: nwbitcoin on April 04, 2013, 01:36:52 PM
It really doesn't matter!

The gameplan should be to ignore everyone and just get on with it.

Its only the ones who are frightened who name drop their competitors, the real winners don't need to know who came second!

The launch of the internet on to the public was very similar, with every press monkey looking for stories of dodgy dealings on the new fangled interweb thingy!

Pedophiles were the creation of the media and other dark forces wanting to have an excuse to monitor the internet - before 1994, pedophiles were just dirty old men who hung around parks inviting kids to play with puppies and sharing their sweets!  Everyone know they existed, but the threat was contained!

Bitcoin will get the same treatment, and many people will fall for it. The best thing to do is to explain that nobody in power likes bitcoin because it proves that government are stealing from their own people by devaluing and inflating their own currencies.  Want to bypass that?  Use a currency their can't mess with!

However, don't get hung up about other people calling the currency crap - it doesn't matter - just let them carry on and concentrate on living a crypto coin life!

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: bootlace on April 04, 2013, 01:37:11 PM
"An obscure digital currency – used mostly for running drugs and laundering money for dictators –" LOL, yea I'm sure all the dictators in the world are sitting in front of their computer, checking out Bitcoin charts, and wondering how they can launder their money in an ecosystem that's smaller than the amount of money they spend in a week.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: d5000 on April 04, 2013, 02:09:50 PM
The Guardian article is really a shame for this newspaper. Used to be a good-quality one...

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: piramida on April 04, 2013, 02:17:49 PM
Why suddenly 20% daily move (third one in a month of March alone) is a historic crash? These "journalists" don't even bother looking at the chart for a second. Pathetic attempt.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: pera on April 04, 2013, 02:48:51 PM
The Guardian should apology for publishing the Heidi Moore's article.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: jinni on April 04, 2013, 03:34:31 PM
FUD in the media is good.

Like others have said before me, when mainstream media starts praising Bitcoin is when we should start to get worried about bubbles.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: ehoffman on April 04, 2013, 03:38:21 PM
FUD is made by people pissed off by not buying when it was low, or who sold thinking the bubble would burst (which has obviously not occurred) and want to jump back in ;D

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: ElectricMucus on April 04, 2013, 03:40:44 PM
This thread is the best reason to sell since BTC broke 20.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: Kazu on April 04, 2013, 03:46:23 PM
"An obscure digital currency – used mostly for running drugs and laundering money for dictators –" LOL, yea I'm sure all the dictators in the world are sitting in front of their computer, checking out Bitcoin charts, and wondering how they can launder their money in an ecosystem that's smaller than the amount of money they spend in a week.
WTF? Why would a dictator want to 'launder money?' They are the ones that define 'money laundering' in the first place.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: EuroTrash on April 04, 2013, 03:50:56 PM
This thread is the best reason to sell since BTC broke 20.

OK, I hold so.
Thanks ElectricMucus.  ;D

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: jinni on April 04, 2013, 04:00:20 PM
This thread is the best reason to sell since BTC broke 20.

There has never been, and there will never be a good reason to sell BTC...even if it says so in the small print.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: RodeoX on April 04, 2013, 04:01:21 PM
At this stage I no longer care about stupid reporting. Bitcoin has succeed in finding a path to the main stream. Players with strong hands, deep pockets, and keen minds are moving into bitcoin and some sophomoric reported is not going to dissuade them.

Let the fools talk and suppress the price a little longer. More cheep coins for us, right?

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: humanitee on April 04, 2013, 04:04:26 PM
At this stage I no longer care about stupid reporting. Bitcoin has succeed in finding a path to the main stream. Players with strong hands, deep pockets, and keen minds are moving into bitcoin and some sophomoric reported is not going to dissuade them.

Let the fools talk and suppress the price a little longer. More cheep coins for us, right?

Pretty much.
The level of lol from the bears and press is reaching epic proportions.

Won't sell even if it drops to $50. Freedom is a beautiful thing.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: zenith92 on April 04, 2013, 04:59:20 PM
I knew I should've stopped reading that Guardian article the moment I read the title. *facepalm*

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: Transisto on April 05, 2013, 07:35:32 AM
The first time I'd prefer to see Bruce Wagner's face.

+1 If this is not FUD I don't know what is.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: ruski on April 05, 2013, 07:55:56 AM
An obscure newspaper – used mostly for spreading lies and scaring an ignorant populace – suffered a sudden embarassment on Wednesday, causing a minor sensation mostly among their financial backers and their uneducated readership.

The Guardian is a rag created years ago by an obscure hack in the spirit of subversion, to manipulate public opinion while dodging the responsibility of good journalism. While theoretically it can publish respectable news and articles, it is too complicated to think up and write for people who don't have a clue about journalism, so it is used primarily to spread FUD and ignorance. It has dropped drastically in value. You can barely read a page without finding some pundit opining on how "Bitcoin is the worst thing in existence" or how the Guardian writers will someday splooge out a good article. Maybe someday, but no time soon.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: Mike Christ on April 05, 2013, 08:05:43 AM
At least the majority of commenters are pointing out Heidi's a hack.  If everyone was screaming in agreement, I'd be a saaaad panda.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: b!z on April 05, 2013, 09:11:59 AM
FUD is working. the masses are going to get their information from news, they don't have time to research this and that.
the illuminati is working with the press to destroy bitcoin, we can't do anything now.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: EuroTrash on April 05, 2013, 01:07:24 PM
FUD is working. the masses are going to get their information from news, they don't have time to research this and that.
the illuminati is working with the press to destroy bitcoin, we can't do anything now.

I don't think the Russian mafia cares of the FUD, nor do the corrupted Chinese diplomats. Because so far, Bitcoin as a money laundering method works wonders.

While money laundering is a questionable/despicable use, I speculate that in short term the price will be sustained by it, thus counterbalancing the bad press effect - and geez we got loads more bad press today  :-\

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: ruski on April 05, 2013, 01:42:36 PM
FUD is working. the masses are going to get their information from news, they don't have time to research this and that.
the illuminati is working with the press to destroy bitcoin, we can't do anything now.

I don't think the Russian mafia cares of the FUD, nor do the corrupted Chinese diplomats. Because so far, Bitcoin as a money laundering method works wonders.

While money laundering is a questionable/despicable use, I speculate that in short term the price will be sustained by it, thus counterbalancing the bad press effect - and geez we got loads more bad press today  :-\

Bitcoin is nowhere near large enough to be useful for money laundering in the amounts these people have. It wouldn't be difficult to track 10% of the entire money supply moving around no matter how you divided it, unless you were willing to wait a year or two to get your money back.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: Jobe7 on April 05, 2013, 02:04:00 PM
First they ignore you.
Then they try to fight you.
Then you win.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: prof7bit on April 05, 2013, 03:08:20 PM
Pedophiles were the creation of the media and other dark forces wanting to have an excuse to monitor the internet - before 1994, pedophiles were just dirty old men who hung around parks inviting kids to play with puppies and sharing their sweets!  Everyone know they existed, but the threat was contained!

Bitcoin will get the same treatment, and many people will fall for it.

This will not work so easily. With pedophiles and child porn it is easy to reach consensus amongst the masses, there is a strong emotional component to this topic, everybody loves children and hates when bad things are done to them.

But with bitcoin you can't do that so easily, nobody loves bankers, it would need massive reprogramming of public opinion over many decades to reach the point where people would actually truly *believe* that bitcoins were inherently bad and trying to f*ck up a central banker and his ponzi scheme would be considered immoral.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: afbitcoins on April 06, 2013, 12:12:48 AM
This is the best thread I've read in a while

Have a confession to make though, I don't know what FUD actually means. lol

I described that Guardian article in my blog as 'probably the worst piece of journalism I've ever read'

Haven't read all the ones in the update though.#

I LOVE that Ghandi quote, so true!

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: Fiery Winds on April 06, 2013, 12:14:53 AM
This is the best thread I've read in a while

Have a confession to make though, I don't know what FUD actually means. lol

I described that Guardian article in my blog as 'probably the worst piece of journalism I've ever read'

Haven't read all the ones in the update though.#

I LOVE that Ghandi quote, so true!

FUD = Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: ruski on April 06, 2013, 12:19:07 AM
Pedophiles were the creation of the media and other dark forces wanting to have an excuse to monitor the internet - before 1994, pedophiles were just dirty old men who hung around parks inviting kids to play with puppies and sharing their sweets!  Everyone know they existed, but the threat was contained!

Bitcoin will get the same treatment, and many people will fall for it.

This will not work so easily. With pedophiles and child porn it is easy to reach consensus amongst the masses, there is a strong emotional component to this topic, everybody loves children and hates when bad things are done to them.

But with bitcoin you can't do that so easily, nobody loves bankers, it would need massive reprogramming of public opinion over many decades to reach the point where people would actually truly *believe* that bitcoins were inherently bad and trying to f*ck up a central banker and his ponzi scheme would be considered immoral.

Or you just call everyone using it baby-killing armed holdup drug addicts and associate them.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: noedaRDH on April 07, 2013, 05:43:31 AM
When BTCs get really really big, they're going to associate it with terrorism, mark my words.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: Kazu on April 07, 2013, 05:59:10 AM
When BTCs get really really big, they're going to associate it with terrorism, mark my words.

They already are, at least the press is. The government itself is too, to a certain extent. Read the fincen documents. A rough paraphrase: People or organisations who sell or buy decentralized currencies for fiat must get documents that can uniquely identify each and every user and provide said documemts to the gpvernment whenever the government wants so the government can protect society from terrorists, illegal weapon transfers, and other illegal activities.

Title: Re: the FUD campaign started
Post by: zeroday on April 07, 2013, 06:40:45 AM
When BTCs get really really big, they're going to associate it with terrorism, mark my words.

"Terrorism" is nowadays the same as witchery was in Medieval ages. Just an excuse for expropriation.