Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: desired_username on April 04, 2013, 02:22:40 PM

Title: Getting more people involved through music
Post by: desired_username on April 04, 2013, 02:22:40 PM
As per the subject, I think it would be beneficial to present bitcoins to the more enlightened artists.

I would love to support some of my favourite bands via BTC through donations and purchasing content

I think adopting it would be beneficial both to the artist and their fanbase.

What's your take on this?

Title: Re: Getting more people involved through music
Post by: W-M on April 04, 2013, 02:31:52 PM
As a musician myself, I have to say that I find it very interesting. If I ever have an album or other purchaseable material, I'll definitely try to sell it for bitcoin as well.

I am thinking... how well would a bitcoin-driven on-demand CD-selling website do?

Title: Re: Getting more people involved through music
Post by: RodeoX on April 04, 2013, 02:34:28 PM
There have been a few bitcoin rap songs with some flow. I would spend some coin to DL a decent song with a bitcoin slant.

Title: Re: Getting more people involved through music
Post by: desired_username on April 04, 2013, 02:38:55 PM
As a musician myself, I have to say that I find it very interesting. If I ever have an album or other purchaseable material, I'll definitely try to sell it for bitcoin as well.

I am thinking... how well would a bitcoin-driven on-demand CD-selling website do?

I would lean towards digital distribution instead, but you could offer physical mediums as well.  . Getting some bigger names accepting donations/payment would be brilliant.

It could be implemented for street musicians/artists too. And I don't think it would be too complicated with QR codes for example.

Title: Re: Getting more people involved through music
Post by: Evolvex on April 05, 2013, 02:43:45 PM
A band I reckon would accept bitcoin.... Radiohead! someone should mail them :)