Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: Juggy777 on November 08, 2016, 07:40:46 AM

Title: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: Juggy777 on November 08, 2016, 07:40:46 AM
With American Elections coming to a end, whoever wins, will Bitcoin world be affected or not? I mean can the price suddenly shoot up or down. Or they put any kind of restraints or start accepting it for local use? Could Bitcoin benefit or will it be at a disadvantage

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: helloeverybody on November 08, 2016, 07:46:53 AM
I doubt it would cause any effect on bitcoin, some may argue otherwise but imo the only thing it might do is cause a pump in price purely because the people who do the pumps dont really need much of a reason other than other people thinking the price should go up.  Although if either of these two are elected and its suspected the dollar may drop as consequence then perhaps people will move more money into btc.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: carlfebz2 on November 08, 2016, 07:59:24 AM
With American Elections coming to a end, whoever wins, will Bitcoin world be affected or not? I mean can the price suddenly shoot up or down. Or they put any kind of restraints or start accepting it for local use? Could Bitcoin benefit or will it be at a disadvantage
I could assume  that it would  affect  bitcoins price if   dollar    would  change its way  but I don't  think people  would   switch to  bitcoin when that  thing  happends. Actually we cant really predict the  future  on  what would  really happen though,  as  the  election  is  on  process    we could really see the  next event  when its done and  into  upcoming  months to come.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: NeuroticFish on November 08, 2016, 08:04:07 AM
Some say that if Trump wins, the dollar may go lower for a while. And that would mean the Bitcoin's price vs Dollar will be better.
But actually the elections should be the end of a time frame for speculations, the Dollar should stabilize and Bitcoin would fall or start having ups and downs around a value (maybe 700$, maybe a bit lower).

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: Juggy777 on November 08, 2016, 08:45:12 AM
Some say that if Trump wins, the dollar may go lower for a while. And that would mean the Bitcoin's price vs Dollar will be better.
But actually the elections should be the end of a time frame for speculations, the Dollar should stabilize and Bitcoin would fall or start having ups and downs around a value (maybe 700$, maybe a bit lower).

There are some crazy speculations going around. So far hillary is leading so, yet time. For some speculation. I hope it doesn't crash, I hope btc keeps on rising lol. Let's hope for the best.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: tee-rex on November 08, 2016, 09:13:49 AM
With American Elections coming to a end, whoever wins, will Bitcoin world be affected or not? I mean can the price suddenly shoot up or down. Or they put any kind of restraints or start accepting it for local use? Could Bitcoin benefit or will it be at a disadvantage

Naturally, it all depends on what actions the next POTUS is going to take. In my view, which markets confirm, the economic policy of Hillary Clinton will be based on easy money, also known as quantitative easing or helicopter money. Such a policy led to gold surging a few times in 2009-2011, therefore we could expect the Bitcoin price to increase with dollar value depreciating. Donald Trump seems to be more prone to restrictive economic policies that would lead to dollar appreciation and, consequently, to Bitcoin price potentially going down.

But this is purely hypothetical because there are a lot of other factors affecting Bitcoin more seriously. For example, the real or purported actions of Chinese authorities directed toward Bitcoin regulation will have more influence on Bitcoin price than the American elections and their outcome.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: pedrog on November 08, 2016, 09:15:56 AM
I doubt there will be any direct effects on bitcoin because of US elections, bitcoin is way too small for those people to care about it or even notice it.

But when President The Donald starts nuking Europe that will suck donkey balls, and we will be too busy dying of radiation poisoning to care about our bitcoins.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: NUFCrichard on November 08, 2016, 09:17:51 AM
Bitcoin seems more along Trump's alley that Hillary's.
It is a bit like PMs, he likes those.  It could be used to move money around, not always in a legal setting, he likes that too!

Hillary is the status quo, she will back the USD to the hilt. I hope she wins, but Trump could well be better for Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: CraigWrightBTC on November 08, 2016, 09:19:46 AM
With American Elections coming to a end, whoever wins, will Bitcoin world be affected or not? I mean can the price suddenly shoot up or down. Or they put any kind of restraints or start accepting it for local use? Could Bitcoin benefit or will it be at a disadvantage
I think there are no impact on bitcoin's price because bitcoins is not like stocks or forex that be controled by government, so the election of president in USA will not make impact on bitcoin and i am doubt the winner will be care about bitcoin.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: shinratensei_ on November 08, 2016, 09:37:22 AM
With American Elections coming to a end, whoever wins, will Bitcoin world be affected or not? I mean can the price suddenly shoot up or down. Or they put any kind of restraints or start accepting it for local use? Could Bitcoin benefit or will it be at a disadvantage
None, both are not giving anything for bitcoin, in Hillary's campaign he seems giving a kind feedback on the blockchain system, and that's just a trick, whenever Hillary are can roll their mind for doing the opposite things. Both are not giving any impact for bitcoin.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: reddibrek on November 08, 2016, 12:36:38 PM
US election – buy or sell Bitcoin?

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: BTCLovingDude on November 08, 2016, 12:41:33 PM
With American Elections coming to a end, whoever wins, will Bitcoin world be affected or not? I mean can the price suddenly shoot up or down. Or they put any kind of restraints or start accepting it for local use? Could Bitcoin benefit or will it be at a disadvantage

anything is possible and price can go in either way and then come back to its normal speed and normal state because US is only one country among others who are using bitcoin!

but how i see this is that they usually don't change their stance by that much even if one of them said something for bitcoin and the other said something against it, it really doesn't mean things will be that much different with either of them winning.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: Taki on November 08, 2016, 02:33:15 PM
I didn't hear anything aginst or any support from both candidates. I even doubt that the final decidion and the person that will win will affect on bitcoin somehow. Bitcoin is independed from politic segment of the market. Everything they can do for bitcoin is to forbid it in America or opposite make it more official and accepted. Nobody knows who will win and what position to bitcoin will be taken. Anyway, soon we all will know.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: jtipt on November 08, 2016, 02:58:25 PM
I don't think it would have much effect on bitcoin, both the candidates have shown only slight support for bitcoin only on some select occasions. If they had discussed about it more and promised some kind of policies on bitcoin then it would had affected the price maybe.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: Denker on November 08, 2016, 03:17:49 PM
I don't think so.
I mean what can they do? Sure banning Bitcoin.But would that stop Bitcoin being used? For sure not!
However Hillary will support the banks and Wall Street wherever she can. I'm not sure about Trump and his view about that. But as I said it doesn't really matter.
The industry will continue growing, worldwide.Bitcoin is not just USA or China!

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: UnDerDoG81 on November 08, 2016, 03:25:01 PM
Some say that if Trump wins, the dollar may go lower for a while. And that would mean the Bitcoin's price vs Dollar will be better.
But actually the elections should be the end of a time frame for speculations, the Dollar should stabilize and Bitcoin would fall or start having ups and downs around a value (maybe 700$, maybe a bit lower).

Some say that if Cliton wins, we will be in WWIII very soon. I guess BTC will be worthless then. Best thing to invest is real gold barrells. Buy them and hide them. If you survive the nuclear attacks, you can use the gold to buy some nuclear wasted food.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: tee-rex on November 08, 2016, 03:44:18 PM
Some say that if Trump wins, the dollar may go lower for a while. And that would mean the Bitcoin's price vs Dollar will be better.
But actually the elections should be the end of a time frame for speculations, the Dollar should stabilize and Bitcoin would fall or start having ups and downs around a value (maybe 700$, maybe a bit lower).

Some say that if Cliton wins, we will be in WWIII very soon. I guess BTC will be worthless then. Best thing to invest is real gold barrells. Buy them and hide them. If you survive the nuclear attacks, you can use the gold to buy some nuclear wasted food.

This has already been discussed lately. Buying firearms and ammo in bulk quantities will help you much better in the case of this or similar disaster (for example, a social upheaval). Anyways, if you can't defend your gold, it will be useless. With guns and gold you will fare much better than with gold alone. That's why the possession of gold pretty well correlates with the possession of guns.

Come and take it.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: UnDerDoG81 on November 08, 2016, 04:59:19 PM
Some say that if Trump wins, the dollar may go lower for a while. And that would mean the Bitcoin's price vs Dollar will be better.
But actually the elections should be the end of a time frame for speculations, the Dollar should stabilize and Bitcoin would fall or start having ups and downs around a value (maybe 700$, maybe a bit lower).

Some say that if Cliton wins, we will be in WWIII very soon. I guess BTC will be worthless then. Best thing to invest is real gold barrells. Buy them and hide them. If you survive the nuclear attacks, you can use the gold to buy some nuclear wasted food.

This has already been discussed lately. Buying firearms and ammo in bulk quantities will help you much better in the case of this or similar disaster (for example, a social upheaval). Anyways, if you can't defend your gold, it will be useless. With guns and gold you will fare much better than with gold alone. That's why the possession of gold pretty well correlates with the possession of guns.

Come and take it.

Thank god (or whoever) I live in Germany, it´s almost impossible to get guns and I am very thankfull for that :)

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: BillyBobZorton on November 08, 2016, 05:12:42 PM
With American Elections coming to a end, whoever wins, will Bitcoin world be affected or not? I mean can the price suddenly shoot up or down. Or they put any kind of restraints or start accepting it for local use? Could Bitcoin benefit or will it be at a disadvantage

According to Julian Assagne, the elections are rigged and Hillary Clinton is already the new POTUS:

I forgot where he exactly says it but I recommend watching the whole thing. He says that Trump will not be allowed to win.

This made me consider a bet for Hillary, but then again, what if he actually wins? everyone was saying the brexit was rigged but it actually happened...

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: jimbobway on November 08, 2016, 05:13:37 PM
If Trump wins and he build the wall or blocks visas then the price of bitcoin could go up.  People can no longer send U.S. dollars to Mexico so they will be forced to use something like bitcoin.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: tiggytomb on November 08, 2016, 05:17:16 PM
I don't think this will have any direct effect on bitcoin, not immediately anyway, I would think Trump would be positive towards bitcoin but who knows.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: Blitzboy on November 08, 2016, 05:26:41 PM
Maybe yes. Trading is the important issue, 10% of the world population are the USA, which means they have to trade with other 90% because USA is the most powerful country at present. And as you can see, If Trump becomes a president, he will avoid immigrants to join America. This will affect both on the America society and economy which will influences Dollar a lot. That's why i believe there will be a big impact on bitcoin if Trump becomes the new President

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: RodeoX on November 08, 2016, 05:30:41 PM
I doubt either will make a difference.

Anyone else feel like me after voting today?

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: Kprawn on November 08, 2016, 05:34:22 PM
Hilary wrote a email about this, but it was [Deleted]  ;D .... Joking aside... I doubt that any outcome will have a immediate effect. The changes must

still go through loads of legislation... if there would be any, from either side. They know that they cannot stop Bitcoin completely... and they know

that Bitcoin generates loads of jobs. The price will not shift more than 10% in both direction, no matter what the outcome will be.  ???

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: reddibrek on November 08, 2016, 06:41:37 PM
I doubt either will make a difference.

Anyone else feel like me after voting today?

I feel like that just watching from far away.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: kryptqnick on November 08, 2016, 07:22:08 PM
"We must position American innovators to lead the world in the next generation of technology revolutions – from autonomous vehicles to machine learning to public service blockchain applications – and we must defend universal access to the global, digital marketplace of ideas."
'In April 2015, then-Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul announced he would accept bitcoin as payment for donations'
I think therefore that if Clinton wins, Bitcoin will be legalized more and will become more popular, whereas Trump won't do any good and hopefully won't do bad.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: Pattberry on November 08, 2016, 07:44:22 PM
If Trump wins and he build the wall or blocks visas then the price of bitcoin could go up.  People can no longer send U.S. dollars to Mexico so they will be forced to use something like bitcoin.
Mexicans really do think that a win by Trump would cause harm to them and so is the reason people are turning up in huge numbers to vote against him and if Trump wins the market would be in a state of uncertainty for a while which would boost the value of bitcoin as people starts investing in bitcoin

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: jondeen707 on November 08, 2016, 07:55:34 PM
Hilary wrote a email about this, but it was [Deleted]  ;D .... Joking aside... I doubt that any outcome will have a immediate effect. The changes must

still go through loads of legislation... if there would be any, from either side. They know that they cannot stop Bitcoin completely... and they know

that Bitcoin generates loads of jobs. The price will not shift more than 10% in both direction, no matter what the outcome will be.  ???

I don't think that the outcome will have any major effect on the price either. But it looks like the tech future may be somewhat brighter if Hillary gets elected. Looks like Trump does not have a clear and coherent tech policy at all.  ;)

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: Snorek on November 08, 2016, 09:30:30 PM
Mexicans really do think that a win by Trump would cause harm to them and so is the reason people are turning up in huge numbers to vote against him and if Trump wins the market would be in a state of uncertainty for a while which would boost the value of bitcoin as people starts investing in bitcoin
That is correct. People are afraid that Trump will do something radical. But truth to be told - he won't. Not when he has good political advisers like these people:,_2016 (,_2016)

But at this point I don't think that Trump will win and with Hillary as president we would keep current status. Nothing will change for cryptos.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: criptix on November 09, 2016, 12:55:29 AM
Some say that if Trump wins, the dollar may go lower for a while. And that would mean the Bitcoin's price vs Dollar will be better.
But actually the elections should be the end of a time frame for speculations, the Dollar should stabilize and Bitcoin would fall or start having ups and downs around a value (maybe 700$, maybe a bit lower).

Some say that if Cliton wins, we will be in WWIII very soon. I guess BTC will be worthless then. Best thing to invest is real gold barrells. Buy them and hide them. If you survive the nuclear attacks, you can use the gold to buy some nuclear wasted food.

This has already been discussed lately. Buying firearms and ammo in bulk quantities will help you much better in the case of this or similar disaster (for example, a social upheaval). Anyways, if you can't defend your gold, it will be useless. With guns and gold you will fare much better than with gold alone. That's why the possession of gold pretty well correlates with the possession of guns.

Come and take it.

Thank god (or whoever) I live in Germany, it´s almost impossible to get guns and I am very thankfull for that :)

Dont fred, we have one of the biggest military-industrial complex in the world.

Should ww3 break out we will get free arms delivered in less then a day.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: NeuroticFish on November 09, 2016, 08:11:50 AM
I live in Romania. If WW3 starts we will have guns too.
Just they'll be Russian guns and we will be at the wrong side of them.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: UnDerDoG81 on November 09, 2016, 08:21:36 AM
Trump wins, BTC goes up $30, stock market crashes, Peso crashes. I hope that Trump will really change a lot of things in the world. Especially more peaceful relationship with Russia and more peace in the world. I hope all the zionist wars in the middle east will end and the zionist system will be destroyed. A long way to go. And I guess the zionists wont leave peaceful. There will be a lot of blod but humanity must get rid of these parasites for a peaceful future.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: jondeen707 on November 09, 2016, 07:42:23 PM
I doubt it would cause any effect on bitcoin, some may argue otherwise but imo the only thing it might do is cause a pump in price purely because the people who do the pumps dont really need much of a reason other than other people thinking the price should go up.  Although if either of these two are elected and its suspected the dollar may drop as consequence then perhaps people will move more money into btc.

I don't think it will go up or down significantly just because of the election outcome. But there's a shared sentiment that the price may go up a bit since investors in general may be selling off some assets because of Trump and a small fraction of that freed up liquidity may find its way into Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: BingoDog on November 09, 2016, 08:09:49 PM
The US elections are not influencing the Bitcoin price. Bitcoin is not tied to politics so there is actualy no reason for this. And Bitcoin is not in politicians focus at all.
At the moment the price is on the way up again but Trump nor Hillary are not connected with this.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: MONKEYJUNK on November 09, 2016, 08:52:09 PM
The price goes up last night, I think bitcoin price have relation with the presidential race however now the price will stay the same, I don't think a president can change much in the price.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: n691309 on November 09, 2016, 09:01:04 PM
With American Elections coming to a end, whoever wins, will Bitcoin world be affected or not? I mean can the price suddenly shoot up or down. Or they put any kind of restraints or start accepting it for local use? Could Bitcoin benefit or will it be at a disadvantage

I think that it will not affect the bitcoin industry directly but I think trump will make the u.s economy better at another level so I think in this bitcoin price will rise and be affected for good.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: 20kevin20 on November 09, 2016, 09:03:50 PM
Unless Trump will propose a law limiting the use of Bitcoins, we're all fine. America having +300 millions of people is important to Bitcoin too. This means probably tens of thousands without Bitcoin, bringing its price and popularity down.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: TERA on November 09, 2016, 09:04:04 PM
On the surface,  it may appear that Trump will have a positive effect on Bitcoin, for instance if people use it s a haven or to make remittances to Mexico.

However,  later on Trump may be very bad for Bitcoin. Trump is known to be anti Silicon Valley and anti privacy,  and pro surveillance.  He might do something like ban encryption or make computer manufacturers install surveillance hardware and crypto chips. He might appoint a special team of the world's top mathematicians and security researchers to lead the 'war on crypto and terror' as if it were Enigma.

All of Bitcoin's history of 8 prosperous years have been under Obama and liberal democrats.  Think about it.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: tee-rex on November 10, 2016, 08:57:12 AM
On the surface,  it may appear that Trump will have a positive effect on Bitcoin, for instance if people use it s a haven or to make remittances to Mexico.

However,  later on Trump may be very bad for Bitcoin. Trump is known to be anti Silicon Valley and anti privacy,  and pro surveillance.  He might do something like ban encryption or make computer manufacturers install surveillance hardware and crypto chips. He might appoint a special team of the world's top mathematicians and security researchers to lead the 'war on crypto and terror' as if it were Enigma.

All of Bitcoin's history of 8 prosperous years have been under Obama and liberal democrats.  Think about it.

In fact, there is nothing to think about yet. Bitcoin has been "prosperous" only for the last 3-4 years at most, and with a varying degree of success at that. Besides, you seem to completely forget that Obama and his liberal democrats were the only ones that Bitcoin has been "under" so far. There's simply no data to make any reliable inference in this regard.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: romero121 on November 10, 2016, 09:28:26 AM
On the surface,  it may appear that Trump will have a positive effect on Bitcoin, for instance if people use it s a haven or to make remittances to Mexico.

However,  later on Trump may be very bad for Bitcoin. Trump is known to be anti Silicon Valley and anti privacy,  and pro surveillance.  He might do something like ban encryption or make computer manufacturers install surveillance hardware and crypto chips. He might appoint a special team of the world's top mathematicians and security researchers to lead the 'war on crypto and terror' as if it were Enigma.

All of Bitcoin's history of 8 prosperous years have been under Obama and liberal democrats.  Think about it.

Trump won't make deep interference over the digital currency network. In my view during the days of hard financial crisis over different countries bitcoin continued to grow, so trumps winning won't make big impact over bitcoin. Also US has just 10% of the world population and Asian countries were much involved into bitcoin compared to other continent countries.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: tee-rex on November 10, 2016, 09:35:19 AM
On the surface,  it may appear that Trump will have a positive effect on Bitcoin, for instance if people use it s a haven or to make remittances to Mexico.

However,  later on Trump may be very bad for Bitcoin. Trump is known to be anti Silicon Valley and anti privacy,  and pro surveillance.  He might do something like ban encryption or make computer manufacturers install surveillance hardware and crypto chips. He might appoint a special team of the world's top mathematicians and security researchers to lead the 'war on crypto and terror' as if it were Enigma.

All of Bitcoin's history of 8 prosperous years have been under Obama and liberal democrats.  Think about it.

Trump won't make deep interference over the digital currency network. In my view during the days of hard financial crisis over different countries bitcoin continued to grow, so trumps winning won't make big impact over bitcoin. Also US has just 10% of the world population and Asian countries were much involved into bitcoin compared to other continent countries.

It seems that there are a lot reasons to expect that Trump winning the elections will make a difference for Bitcoin in the long run. I have already mentioned some of them, and you may want to look through my recent posts if you feel interested why it is so. Besides, the US population is well below 5% of the total world population, something like 0.32B vs 7.4B.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: XCASH on November 10, 2016, 04:16:51 PM
With American Elections coming to a end, whoever wins, will Bitcoin world be affected or not? I mean can the price suddenly shoot up or down. Or they put any kind of restraints or start accepting it for local use? Could Bitcoin benefit or will it be at a disadvantage

According to Julian Assagne, the elections are rigged and Hillary Clinton is already the new POTUS:

I forgot where he exactly says it but I recommend watching the whole thing. He says that Trump will not be allowed to win.

This made me consider a bet for Hillary, but then again, what if he actually wins? everyone was saying the brexit was rigged but it actually happened...

So much for Julian Assagne's claim that the elections were rigged to ensure Trump couldn't win.

The stock markets crashed then quickly returned to normal, and Bitcoin pumped then quickly returned to normal. Most traders obviously realized there's no point panicking because Trump isn't going to be sworn in until January, and nothing's going to change until New Year at the earliest.

Any changes Trump tries to make to government policy will need the OK from the rest of the republicans. That will take time, and water down the policies he finally implements. Whatever affect he has on the Bitcoin industry won't be fast, and he will have bigger things than Bitcoin to occupy him like how to build a wall the size of the great wall of China, or explain why he can't.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: Daisy14 on November 10, 2016, 05:11:42 PM
If Trump is able to create more jobs in the US hence devaluing YEN, then that is more good news for bitcoin. More demand from China drives up the price.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: TravisNeko on November 11, 2016, 02:28:55 AM
If Trump is able to create more jobs in the US hence devaluing YEN, then that is more good news for bitcoin. More demand from China drives up the price.

Yes you are right this can maybe help the bitcoin but nothing is right now on hold, everything can change.
There will not change a lot in my eyes.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: jondeen707 on November 11, 2016, 10:09:07 AM
If Trump is able to create more jobs in the US hence devaluing YEN, then that is more good news for bitcoin. More demand from China drives up the price.

That is a seeming simple equation, but the reality is way more complex. Creating more jobs is a great commitment, but it may easily turn out to be another episode in the long list of demagogic tricks.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: 1Referee on November 11, 2016, 10:39:27 AM
If Trump is able to create more jobs in the US hence devaluing YEN, then that is more good news for bitcoin. More demand from China drives up the price.

First of all, Trump is nothing more than a clown. I doubt he will get to create more jobs within the US. It's just a loud mouth. But just to answer your main point; More demand from China is a good thing for the short term, but it will also give the Chinese government far more incentive to tighten the regulations even further. They will do everything to prevent the average citizen from using Bitcoin as an investment/store of value tool, where they potentially can get a big part of their wealth out of the country. That's China's main concern.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: jerowacik on November 11, 2016, 10:51:09 AM
for now has not seen impacts. but I am sure a few more moments to be seen how the impact.
the leader of the United States is an influential person, so anything could happen.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: tee-rex on November 11, 2016, 10:56:30 AM
If Trump is able to create more jobs in the US hence devaluing YEN, then that is more good news for bitcoin. More demand from China drives up the price.

First of all, Trump is nothing more than a clown. I doubt he will get to create more jobs within the US. It's just a loud mouth. But just to answer your main point; More demand from China is a good thing for the short term, but it will also give the Chinese government far more incentive to tighten the regulations even further. They will do everything to prevent the average citizen from using Bitcoin as an investment/store of value tool, where they potentially can get a big part of their wealth out of the country. That's China's main concern.

You forget that the buyers from China will be purchasing bitcoins from the same Chinese miners mainly, so no wealth will be moving out of the country, correct? Regarding controlling the Chinese citizens over what they are going to buy, I don't think they will ever do anything like that, at least directly, through administrative power. The authorities could try to control Bitcoin miners, which they may already be doing to a certain extent, but not the buyers.

China is not North Korea, after all.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: ekoice on November 12, 2016, 06:51:46 AM
I think whatever policies the newly elected president annonces, it will not affect Bitcoin. US has already tried its best to see any ways to ban Bitcoin but couldnot. Same thing would happen this time also.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: TERA on November 12, 2016, 06:55:50 AM
The United States contains the majority of Bitcoin entrepreneurs, Bitcoin developers, and Bitcoin users. The language spoken in Bitcoin development is US English. The United States government is also the most capable of doing something technical to stop Bitcoin (or possibly China). In addition, when the U.S. sets laws, it acts as a precedent for the rest of the world, or gets carried over in treaties. There are three world superpowers and the other two already do not like Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: tee-rex on November 12, 2016, 09:43:59 AM
The United States contains the majority of Bitcoin entrepreneurs, Bitcoin developers, and Bitcoin users. The language spoken in Bitcoin development is US English. The United States government is also the most capable of doing something technical to stop Bitcoin (or possibly China). In addition, when the U.S. sets laws, it acts as a precedent for the rest of the world, or gets carried over in treaties. There are three world superpowers and the other two already do not like Bitcoin.

China, which you seem to be referring to as one of the other two superpowers, may all of a sudden like Bitcoin after all. Trump seems to be overall hostile toward this country, at least, that's what follows from his words, and this hostility is mirrored by the Chinese leaders. Xi Jinping, the current head of China, was likely the only leader of big nations who didn't congratulate Trump with his winning the elections. And then we hear the rumors of the Chinese authorities imposing controls on Bitcoin capital flows.

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: TERA on November 12, 2016, 06:06:54 PM
What makes you think China will like Bitcoin?

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: calme on November 12, 2016, 06:34:01 PM
i'd say so. for one, peter thiel just got appointed as an advisor for trump. news just broke

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: tee-rex on November 12, 2016, 09:45:01 PM
What makes you think China will like Bitcoin?

Because Bitcoin is one of the many goods that China is exporting at the moment. And just like with other things that China exports, the best consumer of their goods is the US. Why would they not love it if people are buying the Chinese bitcoins with the American dollars? Trump has been throwing threats of charging protective tariffs for Chinese exports, but with Bitcoin that may not work out. So why would China not like Bitcoin?

Title: Re: Does trump or hillary winning affect the Bitcoin industry?
Post by: cengsuwuei on November 13, 2016, 02:56:33 AM
If Trump is able to create more jobs in the US hence devaluing YEN, then that is more good news for bitcoin. More demand from China drives up the price.

i think not big affect, because bitcoin majority volume transaction in china
japan bitcoin exchanger volume transaction is not big
so can't affect to bitcoin price