Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: BitcoinTate on April 05, 2013, 01:09:30 AM

Title: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: BitcoinTate on April 05, 2013, 01:09:30 AM
Given the massive influx of people into BTC and the amount of media attention it has received in the last two weeks I predict BTC will hit $200 by April 9th and $300 by April 15th if the current trend continues.

If you look at the massive rise in Google searches for BTC along with the BTC client download increase and the 60,000 new accounts at Mt. Gox last month I believe the upward exponential trend will continue for at least two more weeks. There is a lot of capital right now waiting to flood into BTC.

Right now the wall at $300.00 is 44.88K BTC. So that's 44,880 BTC x $300 = $13,464,000.00

60,000 new accounts last month x $1,000 per new account = $60,000,000.00.

BTC is way under valued!

Small Red Horizontal Lines = Previous flash crash bottoms.

Black Trend Lines = 1 set for upper values, 1 set for flash crash bottom values.

Gray Trend Lines = Attempt at exponential trend line increase.

Green Dot = Price prediction point for $200 and $300.

Historically big price increases tend to occur on Mondays and Tuesdays after deposits clear from the weekend which is why I pick the 9th and 15th.

Please forgive the crudeness of the chart. Bears, what say you? Tell me why it wont happen? :)

EDIT: 4/8/2013:
A a few more hours to go till $200! Right on time! If you feel the urge to donate to my beer fund, here ya go ;) 16b43ukSUTNSfN5Yt4XgnYqdg8kEGoBf2s

EDIT: 4/9/2013
In the wee hours of April the 9th in the year of our Lord Darth Tater two thousand thirteen.... $200.000 baby!!!!

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: XXthetimeisnowXX on April 05, 2013, 01:31:32 AM
maybe explain the chart more, for those of us who want more layman terms understanding. I think i get it though

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: BitcoinTate on April 05, 2013, 01:40:45 AM
maybe explain the chart more, for those of us who want more layman terms understanding. I think i get it though
Is that better? Or do you still have questions?

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: Manticore on April 05, 2013, 01:47:59 AM
I can't tell if this is a joke......but no, $200 and $300 are not happening by their respective dates.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: BitcoinTate on April 05, 2013, 01:49:23 AM
I can't tell if this is a joke......but no, $200 and $300 are not happening by their respective dates.
Three weeks ago people would have said $147 was a joke.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: thomashrev89 on April 05, 2013, 02:00:33 AM
I can't tell if this is a joke......but no, $200 and $300 are not happening by their respective dates.
Three weeks ago people would have said $147 was a joke.

second that. 300usd @ 15 april is realistic

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: Manticore on April 05, 2013, 02:00:43 AM
I said in various posts three or four weeks ago that this could easily go up to three digits (although I was cautious), so I don't think it was that far fetched.

The problem here is that you are assuming those account holders will be indiscriminately buying bitcoins at market price. Doubtful.

I'd like to know more about these accounts. Is 57000 the number of bonafide, funded accounts? Or does it include people that have simply signed up out of curiosity? I know several people that signed up at Mt. Gox but never funded their accounts.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: BitcoinTate on April 05, 2013, 02:02:57 AM
I said in various posts three or four weeks ago that this could easily go up to three digits (although I was cautious), so I don't think it was that far fetched.

The problem here is that you are assuming those account holders will be indiscriminately buying bitcoins at market price. Doubtful.

I'd like to know more about these accounts. Is 57000 the number of bonafide, funded accounts? Or does it include people that have simply signed up out of curiosity? I know several people that signed up at Mt. Gox but never funded their accounts.

Good point. But it only takes 1 person to dump 10 million in :)

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: Aseras on April 05, 2013, 02:04:53 AM
One single moderately wealthy person could take the price to 1000 or drop it to almost nothing. If they moved all in or out of the market.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: deeplink on April 05, 2013, 02:06:33 AM
I said in various posts three or four weeks ago that this could easily go up to three digits (although I was cautious), so I don't think it was that far fetched.

The problem here is that you are assuming those account holders will be indiscriminately buying bitcoins at market price. Doubtful.

I'd like to know more about these accounts. Is 57000 the number of bonafide, funded accounts? Or does it include people that have simply signed up out of curiosity? I know several people that signed up at Mt. Gox but never funded their accounts.

Good point. But it only takes 1 person to dump 10 million in :)

I see 1 account atm is putting up $1M ask walls at MtGox.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: Manticore on April 05, 2013, 02:08:52 AM
I said in various posts three or four weeks ago that this could easily go up to three digits (although I was cautious), so I don't think it was that far fetched.

The problem here is that you are assuming those account holders will be indiscriminately buying bitcoins at market price. Doubtful.

I'd like to know more about these accounts. Is 57000 the number of bonafide, funded accounts? Or does it include people that have simply signed up out of curiosity? I know several people that signed up at Mt. Gox but never funded their accounts.

Good point. But it only takes 1 person to dump 10 million in :)

True, point taken.

I've debated several people on other threads who think that hedge funds will magically drive the price of bitcoin up by multiples.....but one has to assume that anyone injecting a large sum (fund manager or private individual) is probably smart enough to realize the incredible risk involved in single handedly driving the price up to astronomical levels. BTC is not liquid enough for big movers.

The best all of these speculators can hope for is having masses of little people nibble at the market to keep the price up. This sea is too shallow for whales.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: Manticore on April 05, 2013, 02:11:46 AM
Why does everyone think that wealthy investors are idiotic enough to single handedly drive the price up 10x? Why would anyone do that in a relatively illiquid market (at those quantities/levels)?

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: smoothie on April 05, 2013, 02:12:03 AM
I said in various posts three or four weeks ago that this could easily go up to three digits (although I was cautious), so I don't think it was that far fetched.

The problem here is that you are assuming those account holders will be indiscriminately buying bitcoins at market price. Doubtful.

I'd like to know more about these accounts. Is 57000 the number of bonafide, funded accounts? Or does it include people that have simply signed up out of curiosity? I know several people that signed up at Mt. Gox but never funded their accounts.

This little piggy stayed at home,
This little piggy had roast beef,
This little piggy had none.
And this ^ little piggy went...
"Wee wee wee" all the way home...

because he sold his bitcoins < $35, $50, $75, $100, $125

 ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: BitcoinTate on April 05, 2013, 02:14:07 AM
I could see someone with a lot of money dumping 10 million in purely for egotistical reasons. Just to mess with Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: Manticore on April 05, 2013, 02:23:56 AM
I could see someone with a lot of money dumping 10 million in purely for egotistical reasons. Just to mess with Bitcoin.

I'm sorry you're having those delusions. Wealthy people are often much more frugal and/or careful than the average person, especially when it comes to their investments. How long would someone stay wealthy if they threw money around at every little deal that popped on their radar screen simply for the sake of ego??

Sure, it's possible we could go up higher than $300 one day......but not by April 15th.

Increased use of bitcoin for its utility is what will ultimately bring us higher in meaningful way. I wouldn't waste time hoping for some sort of dimwitted, wealthy savior to bring BTC up to $1000.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: pera on April 05, 2013, 02:28:41 AM
I am with BitcoinTate: "bitcoin" is now the most searched term in Google Israel, MtGox+CoinLab, Bitcoin ATMs, news everywhere (including from Mastercard (
I only hopes this is not growing "too fast".

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: deeplink on April 05, 2013, 02:33:55 AM
I am with BitcoinTate: "bitcoin" is now the most searched term in Google Israel, MtGox+CoinLab, Bitcoin ATMs, news everywhere (including from Mastercard (

You hear that, Mastercard? That is the sound of inevitability.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: Manticore on April 05, 2013, 02:54:17 AM
I am with BitcoinTate: "bitcoin" is now the most searched term in Google Israel, MtGox+CoinLab, Bitcoin ATMs, news everywhere (including from Mastercard (

You hear that, Mastercard? That is the sound of inevitability.

I'm not even sure what this blogger at Mastercard has to do with anything other than someone blogging about a topic that's been in the news (unless I missed something, please enlighten me).

I am bullish BTC, but this media driven speculation + hoarding is not helping BTCs long-term prospects IMO. I personally don't believe it can exist as a purely speculative asset. I would much rather see a gradual rise. There is too much risk in buying into a parabola.

If you care about BTC, you really don't want it to go to $300 by April 15th......

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: Qoheleth on April 05, 2013, 02:55:38 AM
Why do people draw straight lines on linear charts? I'd expect any real trends to be more relative (and thus, logarithmic).

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: Manticore on April 05, 2013, 03:01:42 AM
I assumed this chart was part of the joke....

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: deeplink on April 05, 2013, 03:01:52 AM
I am bullish BTC, but this media driven speculation + hoarding is not helping BTCs long-term prospects IMO. I personally don't believe it can exist as a purely speculative asset. I would much rather see a gradual rise. There is too much risk in buying into a parabola.

If you care about BTC, you really don't want it to go to $300 by April 15th......

If you think the price rises too fast at any moment, you should sell your BTC and get back in after it has corrected. That is the idea of a market where price = opinion of thousand/millions of people. The speculators that are best at estimating the correct price will gain the most and the market gains because it resembles a more correct price.

In other words, put your money where your mouth is. If BTC goes to $300 by April 15th, I would sell, wait and buy back later. Or maybe not ;)

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: Manticore on April 05, 2013, 03:07:21 AM
I am bullish BTC, but this media driven speculation + hoarding is not helping BTCs long-term prospects IMO. I personally don't believe it can exist as a purely speculative asset. I would much rather see a gradual rise. There is too much risk in buying into a parabola.

If you care about BTC, you really don't want it to go to $300 by April 15th......

If you think the price rises too fast at any moment, you should sell your BTC and get back in after it has corrected. That is the idea of a market where price = opinion of thousand/millions of people. The speculators that are best at estimating the correct price will gain the most and the market gains because it resembles a better price.

In other words, put your money where your mouth is. If BTC goes to $300 by April 15th, I would sell, wait and buy back later.

I think that would be a no-brainer.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: BitcoinTate on April 05, 2013, 03:28:23 AM
Why do people draw straight lines on linear charts? I'd expect any real trends to be more relative (and thus, logarithmic).
Lol! +1 ....Good point my friend!.... I will do that on my prediction for the second half of April after we hit $300!

Of course the fundamental theorem of calculus or the area under a curve really only boils down to a bunch of straight lines and boxes. :)

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: BitcoinTate on April 05, 2013, 08:58:22 AM
Jesus... I thought more people would be ripping this apart. Guess all the bears are off sulking somewhere after selling off all there BTC. lol!

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: therealodog on April 05, 2013, 12:33:29 PM
lol wtf you literally just shat all over that chart

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: zarl on April 05, 2013, 12:53:59 PM
I said in various posts three or four weeks ago that this could easily go up to three digits (although I was cautious), so I don't think it was that far fetched.

The problem here is that you are assuming those account holders will be indiscriminately buying bitcoins at market price. Doubtful.

I'd like to know more about these accounts. Is 57000 the number of bonafide, funded accounts? Or does it include people that have simply signed up out of curiosity? I know several people that signed up at Mt. Gox but never funded their accounts.

Also Some like myself signed up, funding the account only with BTC (until i get verified, to fund with cash) no4500 in line

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: BitcoinTate on April 05, 2013, 06:55:03 PM
Next Tuesday I will be selling half of my BTC at $195 and buying back in at $165 the same day. :)

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: Hyena on April 05, 2013, 08:31:44 PM
That's really cool what you guys are planning. Sell and buy back after these periodic flash crashes. Too bad I have buried my coins in paper wallets several months ago in a safe place like treasure chests. Not going after them any time soon :D

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: XXthetimeisnowXX on April 05, 2013, 08:48:38 PM
I said in various posts three or four weeks ago that this could easily go up to three digits (although I was cautious), so I don't think it was that far fetched.

The problem here is that you are assuming those account holders will be indiscriminately buying bitcoins at market price. Doubtful.

I'd like to know more about these accounts. Is 57000 the number of bonafide, funded accounts? Or does it include people that have simply signed up out of curiosity? I know several people that signed up at Mt. Gox but never funded their accounts.

ok so lets say three out of ten dont ever put money into mt gox. but if you think there arent people signing up to put 10 k or 100k into there account than your crazy. thats why i think its fair to average all accounts to 1,000. 

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: XXthetimeisnowXX on April 05, 2013, 08:54:56 PM
I said in various posts three or four weeks ago that this could easily go up to three digits (although I was cautious), so I don't think it was that far fetched.

The problem here is that you are assuming those account holders will be indiscriminately buying bitcoins at market price. Doubtful.

I'd like to know more about these accounts. Is 57000 the number of bonafide, funded accounts? Or does it include people that have simply signed up out of curiosity? I know several people that signed up at Mt. Gox but never funded their accounts.

ok so lets say three out of ten dont ever put money into mt gox. but if you think there arent people signing up to put 10 k or 100k into there account than your crazy. thats why i think its fair to average all accounts to 1,000. 

additionaly why wouldnt they just look at mt gox and see any info that there is, signing up is a hastle and you would only wast your time if you were going to put money into it. its not what people do for fun....hahaha want to go golfing? no want to go to a movie? no want to go snowboarding? no I just want to sign up for a mt gox account thats way funner!!! yay. that was better than sex! now lest not put money in it as we see the price continue to increase. hahaha

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: Manticore on April 05, 2013, 09:30:23 PM
I said in various posts three or four weeks ago that this could easily go up to three digits (although I was cautious), so I don't think it was that far fetched.

The problem here is that you are assuming those account holders will be indiscriminately buying bitcoins at market price. Doubtful.

I'd like to know more about these accounts. Is 57000 the number of bonafide, funded accounts? Or does it include people that have simply signed up out of curiosity? I know several people that signed up at Mt. Gox but never funded their accounts.

ok so lets say three out of ten dont ever put money into mt gox. but if you think there arent people signing up to put 10 k or 100k into there account than your crazy. thats why i think its fair to average all accounts to 1,000. 

additionaly why wouldnt they just look at mt gox and see any info that there is, signing up is a hastle and you would only wast your time if you were going to put money into it. its not what people do for fun....hahaha want to go golfing? no want to go to a movie? no want to go snowboarding? no I just want to sign up for a mt gox account thats way funner!!! yay. that was better than sex! now lest not put money in it as we see the price continue to increase. hahaha

Out of takes two seconds to sign up. That's exactly what I did when I first heard about bitcoin. If the average person reads a news story that mentions BTC/Gox, they probably go to the site to see what the fuss is about, spending the two seconds to enter their email. I didn't say it was America's new pastime.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: Manticore on April 05, 2013, 10:04:01 PM
I said in various posts three or four weeks ago that this could easily go up to three digits (although I was cautious), so I don't think it was that far fetched.

The problem here is that you are assuming those account holders will be indiscriminately buying bitcoins at market price. Doubtful.

I'd like to know more about these accounts. Is 57000 the number of bonafide, funded accounts? Or does it include people that have simply signed up out of curiosity? I know several people that signed up at Mt. Gox but never funded their accounts.

ok so lets say three out of ten dont ever put money into mt gox. but if you think there arent people signing up to put 10 k or 100k into there account than your crazy. thats why i think its fair to average all accounts to 1,000.  

Speculators should be wishing for 1000's upon 1000's of tiny accounts. The masses of people gambling with fun money ($500 here, $1000 there) who don't care about losing it is what might drive this higher. The savvier the investor, the less chance they would buy into recent action.

Assuming a river of 60MM is flowing in to buy BTC hand over fist with complete disregard for the recent run-up is crazy. This would need to be a full blown massive panic/bubble for that to happen. If it does happen, it will be interesting to watch.

We are currently 10 fold higher than we were in January. At $300, we will be 20+ fold higher than we were in January. Have fundamentals changed by a factor of 20+ in the past 2 1/2 months? If 60MM did rush in to buy indiscriminately, I guarantee the bubble that would be inflated would come to a violent end fairly quickly. When everyone hoards and, at some point, there are no longer buyers....that's when things go south, especially in such a niche, non-ubiquitous market. There are masses of people that will probably never warm to the idea of BTC as digital gold, certainly not anytime soon.

Slow growth would serve BTC in the long-term and win over a lot more people, which would be needed to sustain any massive run-up. I do think there is a chance for a last leg, though. Still highly doubt we will see $200 & $300 on the previously mentioned dates.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: jackofspades on April 05, 2013, 11:39:06 PM
and then from 300 to 1k by june 1 2013
the world has seen BTC's value and many are embracing it!

300 by 4/15

1000 by 6/1

sky is the limit im buying all i can.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: ||bit on April 06, 2013, 08:22:57 AM
Given the massive influx of people into BTC and the amount of media attention it has received in the last two weeks I predict BTC will hit $200 by April 9th and $300 by April 15th if the current trend continues.

If you look at the massive rise in Google searches for BTC along with the BTC client download increase and the 60,000 new accounts at Mt. Gox last month I believe the upward exponential trend will continue for at least two more weeks. There is a lot of capital right now waiting to flood into BTC.

Right now the wall at $300.00 is 44.88K BTC. So that's 44,880 BTC x $300 = $13,464,000.00

60,000 new accounts last month x $1,000 per new account = $60,000,000.00.

BTC is way under valued!

Small Red Horizontal Lines = Previous flash crash bottoms.

Black Trend Lines = 1 set for upper values, 1 set for flash crash bottom values.

Gray Trend Lines = Attempt at exponential trend line increase.

Green Dot = Price prediction point for $200 and $300.

Historically big price increases tend to occur on Mondays and Tuesdays after deposits clear from the weekend which is why I pick the 9th and 15th.

Please forgive the crudeness of the chart. Bears, what say you? Tell me why it wont happen? :)

I think this is quite doable. This uptrend started at a base around $10. So, it wouldn't be different than the run from $1.00 to about $35.00 in mid 2011. The larger dollar amount needed to make the purchases can easily be compensated by a greater base of interest and further energized with the more positive press/publicity today versus 2011. To confirm the greater interest, just show that there are 10 times as many wallet holders today as there were during the 2011 surge. However, I think this surge will have more holding power because of the apparently better press, signs of legitimacy and a seemingly broader growing interest.

Late entry: Going by this chart, which only goes back to about April 2012, I see approximately 4,000 wallets versus the current 185,000 wallets. If this is proportionate to interested bitcoin users, then you meet your x30 wallet users to reach $300. In fact, you have at least x46 (I think it safe to assume fewer users wouldhave been online in mid 2011 - no data was found that far back). Does that mean it will at least surge to $460? Who knows.  8)

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: Luckybit on April 06, 2013, 05:38:57 PM
$5000 by December 25 2013. $10,000 by spring 2014. $20,000 by summer 2014. $100,000 by Dec 2014.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: XXthetimeisnowXX on April 06, 2013, 05:52:35 PM
I said in various posts three or four weeks ago that this could easily go up to three digits (although I was cautious), so I don't think it was that far fetched.

The problem here is that you are assuming those account holders will be indiscriminately buying bitcoins at market price. Doubtful.

I'd like to know more about these accounts. Is 57000 the number of bonafide, funded accounts? Or does it include people that have simply signed up out of curiosity? I know several people that signed up at Mt. Gox but never funded their accounts.

ok so lets say three out of ten dont ever put money into mt gox. but if you think there arent people signing up to put 10 k or 100k into there account than your crazy. thats why i think its fair to average all accounts to 1,000.  

Speculators should be wishing for 1000's upon 1000's of tiny accounts. The masses of people gambling with fun money ($500 here, $1000 there) who don't care about losing it is what might drive this higher. The savvier the investor, the less chance they would buy into recent action.

Assuming a river of 60MM is flowing in to buy BTC hand over fist with complete disregard for the recent run-up is crazy. This would need to be a full blown massive panic/bubble for that to happen. If it does happen, it will be interesting to watch.

We are currently 10 fold higher than we were in January. At $300, we will be 20+ fold higher than we were in January. Have fundamentals changed by a factor of 20+ in the past 2 1/2 months? If 60MM did rush in to buy indiscriminately, I guarantee the bubble that would be inflated would come to a violent end fairly quickly. When everyone hoards and, at some point, there are no longer buyers....that's when things go south, especially in such a niche, non-ubiquitous market. There are masses of people that will probably never warm to the idea of BTC as digital gold, certainly not anytime soon.

Slow growth would serve BTC in the long-term and win over a lot more people, which would be needed to sustain any massive run-up. I do think there is a chance for a last leg, though. Still highly doubt we will see $200 & $300 on the previously mentioned dates.

I agree with you on two counts, i dont think we will see the run up to 300 that fast and second if we did i dont think it would be all that good for bitcoin as the intended product. in fact im crossing my fingers it doesn't, i hope it grows at an average of 2% a day with some cooling here and there. 300 by December and then doubles the next year to 600.  if this thing just flatlines and sputters I dont know if that would be all that good for it ether.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: PachucoBro on April 06, 2013, 06:14:09 PM
WOW that chart sux big time... total optimist, gonna be rich, buy, buy, buy... not only is that chart just a mess, but it actually has no REAL technical analysis. Drawing a straight line .. ahem multiple straight lines on ever run up is not predicting anything.

How's that for someone slamming your speculation? LOL

Ok so someone does not have to be a BEAR to think your expectations, numbers and chart suck. I know BitCoins will continue to move along over time. I don't see a return to $30 anytime soon, but there will be a rather large correction atleast withing a few weeks or month or two.

There are so many factors outside of looking at a chart that goes STRAIGHT UP... the actual technical analysis of that cahrt would say STAY AWAY there is a correction coming.

So what you are really doing is fundamental analysis about media and people's sentiments and what can be bought or traded with BTC.

Even then you are thinking only of all the good fundamentals and missing all the bad points. Like what can you really use BTCs for?
Paying for your Wordpress account?
Buying a cup of coffee at one of about 100 coffee shops here in the US?

Oh now you are going to give me links to all those new websites that sell computers and electronics and are like eBay... we shall see how long those people offer items for sale with BTC when the BTC/USD starts to correct and drop even as little as 1-5% per day. I guarantee people won't be selling tangible things for BTC knowing it will be worth less by the end of the day.

What about Hashrates from the supposed new ASIC miners. Now you are going to introduce 1,000s of BTC into the market that WILL BE SOLD because those miners need their money back for the $20k USD they spent to buy the rigs.

Many factors to consider and being that the price on MtGOX has been pretty quiet so far this weekend I worry that people who have profit will take some profit now and newcomers will wait to see what happens before buying at Market Price.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: chrsjrcj on April 06, 2013, 06:14:16 PM
$5000 by December 25 2013. $10,000 by spring 2014. $20,000 by summer 2014. $100,000 by Dec 2014.

From your keyboard, to Satoshi's ears.  :)

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: Arzack on April 06, 2013, 06:55:53 PM
...I worry that people who have profit will take some profit now and newcomers will wait to see what happens before buying at Market Price.

And these newcomers will be more and more inclined to panic sell.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: alexh on April 06, 2013, 07:18:17 PM
Im glad i got in before it took off that much. $300 on 15th? That would be insane...

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: zedicus on April 07, 2013, 04:49:18 AM
I could see someone with a lot of money dumping 10 million in purely for egotistical reasons. Just to mess with Bitcoin.

I'm sorry you're having those delusions. Wealthy people are often much more frugal and/or careful than the average person, especially when it comes to their investments. How long would someone stay wealthy if they threw money around at every little deal that popped on their radar screen simply for the sake of ego??

Sure, it's possible we could go up higher than $300 one day......but not by April 15th.

Increased use of bitcoin for its utility is what will ultimately bring us higher in meaningful way. I wouldn't waste time hoping for some sort of dimwitted, wealthy savior to bring BTC up to $1000.

I concur~! Someone needs to read "the millionaire next door"!   

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: smoothie on April 07, 2013, 05:04:49 AM
I could see someone with a lot of money dumping 10 million in purely for egotistical reasons. Just to mess with Bitcoin.

I'm sorry you're having those delusions. Wealthy people are often much more frugal and/or careful than the average person, especially when it comes to their investments. How long would someone stay wealthy if they threw money around at every little deal that popped on their radar screen simply for the sake of ego??

Sure, it's possible we could go up higher than $300 one day......but not by April 15th.

Increased use of bitcoin for its utility is what will ultimately bring us higher in meaningful way. I wouldn't waste time hoping for some sort of dimwitted, wealthy savior to bring BTC up to $1000.

I concur~! Someone needs to read "the millionaire next door"!   

Manticore...i will ROFL if you are wrong.

You will get trolled pretty badly =).

Watch out  :D

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: oakpacific on April 07, 2013, 05:24:28 AM
I could see someone with a lot of money dumping 10 million in purely for egotistical reasons. Just to mess with Bitcoin.

I'm sorry you're having those delusions. Wealthy people are often much more frugal and/or careful than the average person, especially when it comes to their investments. How long would someone stay wealthy if they threw money around at every little deal that popped on their radar screen simply for the sake of ego??

Sure, it's possible we could go up higher than $300 one day......but not by April 15th.

Increased use of bitcoin for its utility is what will ultimately bring us higher in meaningful way. I wouldn't waste time hoping for some sort of dimwitted, wealthy savior to bring BTC up to $1000.

On one occasion: when the money is not yours and you still get a hefty bonus even if all your investments are bleeding, Wall Street banksters have squandered money on things worth much less than bitcoin. I am not saying such money will come into Bitcoin though.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: zedicus on April 07, 2013, 05:26:06 AM
I could see someone with a lot of money dumping 10 million in purely for egotistical reasons. Just to mess with Bitcoin.

I'm sorry you're having those delusions. Wealthy people are often much more frugal and/or careful than the average person, especially when it comes to their investments. How long would someone stay wealthy if they threw money around at every little deal that popped on their radar screen simply for the sake of ego??

Sure, it's possible we could go up higher than $300 one day......but not by April 15th.

Increased use of bitcoin for its utility is what will ultimately bring us higher in meaningful way. I wouldn't waste time hoping for some sort of dimwitted, wealthy savior to bring BTC up to $1000.

I concur~! Someone needs to read "the millionaire next door"!   

Manticore...i will ROFL if you are wrong.

You will get trolled pretty badly =).

Watch out  :D

lulz, i hope not i dun want to re-read that dam book again! heehee

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: BitcoinTate on April 07, 2013, 06:21:44 PM
Damn, after redoing my chart we are now headed for $300 by Tuesday!

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: smoothie on April 07, 2013, 07:07:20 PM
Damn, after redoing my chart we are now headed for $300 by Tuesday!

On this forum you need to be very specific on dates. Tuesday next year? Next month? lol

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: BitcoinTate on April 07, 2013, 07:08:46 PM
Damn, after redoing my chart we are now headed for $300 by Tuesday!

On this forum you need to be very specific on dates. Tuesday next year? Next month? lol
lol Tuesday, April the 9th in year of our lord 2013.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: notme on April 07, 2013, 07:14:05 PM
Damn, after redoing my chart we are now headed for $300 by Tuesday!

On this forum you need to be very specific on dates. Tuesday next year? Next month? lol
lol Tuesday, April the 9th in year of our lord 2013.


Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: BitcoinTate on April 07, 2013, 07:19:25 PM
Damn, after redoing my chart we are now headed for $300 by Tuesday!

On this forum you need to be very specific on dates. Tuesday next year? Next month? lol
lol Tuesday, April the 9th in year of our lord 2013.

haha Yes, I am your father... keeping sending your fiat to the dark side so one day I can build my very own Bitcoin death star! Bwahahaha!

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: ManBearPig on April 07, 2013, 07:20:52 PM
Damn, after redoing my chart we are now headed for $300 by Tuesday!

Never say never! Daily growth has been 5.9% for the last 21 days.

Of course that change, it could do down or...we could see record volume tomorrow.

This could be a BIG week for BTC.

If nothing major positive or negative happens I say we hit $200 on Thursday (11th April 2013)

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: BitcoinTate on April 07, 2013, 07:24:37 PM
Damn, after redoing my chart we are now headed for $300 by Tuesday!

Never say never! Daily growth has been 5.9% for the last 21 days.

Of course that change, it could do down or...we could see record volume tomorrow.

This could be a BIG week for BTC.

If nothing major positive or negative happens I say we hit $200 on Thursday (11th April 2013)
If it keeps up the 5.9% growth for 60 more days that gives us a prices of $4,956.27 :)

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: hubbabubbabaker on April 08, 2013, 07:49:51 AM
Looks like your prediction is probably right.  :D

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: wopwop on April 08, 2013, 07:51:20 AM
Looks like your prediction is probably right.  :D
i predicted 300$ by 15th way before smoothie

smoothie is just a shill taking other people's ideas

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: smoothie on April 08, 2013, 09:27:56 AM
Looks like your prediction is probably right.  :D
i predicted 300$ by 15th way before smoothie

smoothie is just a shill taking other people's ideas

Oh really and whose ORIGINAL idea was it that the price could go up?

LOL so many failed noobs.  :D :D :D

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: julius on April 08, 2013, 09:33:04 AM
When I read OP for the first time I thought you were absolutely bonkers.
I was wrong.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: BitcoinTate on April 08, 2013, 03:46:23 PM
When I read OP for the first time I thought you were absolutely bonkers.
I was wrong.
Thanks for the honesty. lol I must confess that I did not sell anything at $195 like planned. I am now "holding.... for the longest time." After doing some calcs and another chart I realized we can easily blow past $200 today and tomorrow and the mini crash wont be as large as I first thought.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: PachucoBro on April 08, 2013, 04:28:13 PM

Thanks for the honesty. lol I must confess that I did not sell anything at $195 like planned. I am now "holding.... for the longest time." After doing some calcs and another chart I realized we can easily blow past $200 today and tomorrow and the mini crash wont be as large as I first thought.

Meh... I think we are seeing the big correction we were all expecting at some point... once the dust settles then we can all buy back in. I only have 1 BTC at this moment. I got out at 188.

Looks like $155 to $160 is the next support level.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: BitcoinTate on April 08, 2013, 04:36:52 PM

Thanks for the honesty. lol I must confess that I did not sell anything at $195 like planned. I am now "holding.... for the longest time." After doing some calcs and another chart I realized we can easily blow past $200 today and tomorrow and the mini crash wont be as large as I first thought.

Meh... I think we are seeing the big correction we were all expecting at some point... once the dust settles then we can all buy back in. I only have 1 BTC at this moment. I got out at 188.

Looks like $155 to $160 is the next support level.
Damn... I didn't heed my own chart. lol!

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: AlexM on April 08, 2013, 09:13:33 PM

Thanks for this. I read it and decided I too thought we would get close to $200 today so, I sold some of my coins at £128.5444. I then managed to buy back nearly half of them at £114.555. Sadly the rest I had to buy back at £121, but I made my first ever trading profit. I now own 1.5 more bitcoin and have taken a profit of a few hundred pounds.  Im not sure I will be bothered to do that again though.

Anyway Im pretty sure we wont hit $300 tomorrow. The price on all the exchanges varies so much!
Bitfloor $186.
Bitcoin24 $189
BTCE $175
MTGox $183

$300 by the end of the month is very likely. Probably, this or next week.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: BitcoinTate on April 08, 2013, 09:59:58 PM

Thanks for this. I read it and decided I too thought we would get close to $200 today so, I sold some of my coins at £128.5444. I then managed to buy back nearly half of them at £114.555. Sadly the rest I had to buy back at £121, but I made my first ever trading profit. I now own 1.5 more bitcoin and have taken a profit of a few hundred pounds.  Im not sure I will be bothered to do that again though.

Anyway Im pretty sure we wont hit $300 tomorrow. The price on all the exchanges varies so much!
Bitfloor $186.
Bitcoin24 $189
BTCE $175
MTGox $183

$300 by the end of the month is very likely. Probably, this or next week.
Glad you made some dough! Now as to my fee... j/k lol I think we could still see close to $300 tomorrow, if not for sure by next Tuesday.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: BitcoinTate on April 09, 2013, 03:12:58 AM
I am now gladly accepting donations to my beer fund! lol :)


Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: Quetzalcoatl_ on April 09, 2013, 03:24:28 AM
I can't tell if this is a joke......but no, $200 and $300 are not happening by their respective dates.

The 9th is tomorrow, and it only has $9 more dollars to go. Looks like it's right on target from where I'm sitting.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: smoothie on April 09, 2013, 03:28:25 AM
[quote author =Quetzalcoatl_ link=topic=167611.msg1778040#msg1778040 date=1365477868]
I can't tell if this is a joke......but no, $200 and $300 are not happening by their respective dates.

The 9th is tomorrow, and it only has $9 more dollars to go. Looks like it's right on target from where I'm sitting.


Are you sitting on the secret rocket? Lol  :D

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: BitcoinTate on April 09, 2013, 03:38:48 AM
I say we break $200 within the next 6 hours. : )

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: bitcon on April 09, 2013, 04:51:58 AM
party on the smoothie yacht after we pass $200!

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: Zaih on April 09, 2013, 06:08:56 AM
About to be right on the date of $200 :o

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: P_Shep on April 09, 2013, 10:33:19 AM
Within the next hour?

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: InspiredEye on April 09, 2013, 10:47:01 AM has to assume that anyone injecting a large sum (fund manager or private individual) is probably smart enough to realize the incredible risk involved in single handedly driving the price up to astronomical levels. BTC is not liquid enough for big movers.

or they're using dark pools to get their BTC  ;)

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: candoo on April 09, 2013, 10:47:59 AM
The awkward moment when Bitcoin hits 200$

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: oakpacific on April 09, 2013, 10:51:50 AM
So it's right.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: InspiredEye on April 09, 2013, 10:57:43 AM
Right on time!

Looking forward to (hopefully) seeing everyone at $300  :)

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: BitcoinTate on April 09, 2013, 10:59:03 AM
I say we break $200 within the next 6 hours. : )
Damn, my BTC ticker alarm just went off and woke me up! Hell yes gentlemen! $200!! "Sha na na na, Sha na na na, Sha na na na  ...  hey hey goodbye!"

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: ruski on April 09, 2013, 11:02:16 AM
April 9th = $200

Nice one!

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: BitcoinTate on April 09, 2013, 11:08:17 AM


Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: HappyBitCoinUser on April 09, 2013, 11:09:53 AM

April 9th around 7am eastern.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: ruski on April 09, 2013, 11:13:14 AM

Ruh roh.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: BitcoinTate on April 09, 2013, 11:24:06 AM
Onward to $300 by the 15th!!!

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: John Self on April 09, 2013, 11:37:52 AM
Kickass prediction


Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: julius on April 09, 2013, 12:02:36 PM
300$ by 15th is too far-fetched.
However, I also thought that 200 today was a no-no, and here we are.

This is becoming to crazy for me.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: thefiniteidea on April 09, 2013, 12:04:27 PM
surprising that someone has not posted the "my hobby: extrapolation" comic...  :D

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: MaTachi on April 09, 2013, 12:06:14 PM
This is getting redicioulius. :-P

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: BitcoinTate on April 09, 2013, 12:08:38 PM
300$ by 15th is too far-fetched.
However, I also thought that 200 today was a no-no, and here we are.

This is becoming to crazy for me.

I didn't believe it at first either. I just repeated what the chart was saying. That's the thing about an exponential chart. Same data on Google trends, media attention, bitcoin wallet downloads, account verification at gox and on and on. :)

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: XxionxX on April 09, 2013, 12:57:50 PM
I have to say, I expected these predictions to be close but not exactly on the mark! Geez, it was hanging on $190 all day yesterday, and just like clockwork, pop! The price hits $200. Insane.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: John Kirk on April 09, 2013, 01:36:39 PM
This is getting redicioulius. :-P

I think we passed redicioulius a while back.  I'd say we're well into ludicrolicious.  ::)

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: newtothescene on April 09, 2013, 01:44:08 PM
This is getting redicioulius. :-P

I think we passed redicioulius a while back.  I'd say we're well into ludicrolicious.  ::)

Colonel Sandurz: Prepare ship for light speed.
Dark Helmet: No, no, no, light speed is too slow.
Colonel Sandurz: Light speed, too slow?
Dark Helmet: Yes, we're gonna have to go right to ludicrous speed.

Colonel Sandurz: [squeaks] Prepare ship...
[tries again, with booming voice]
Colonel Sandurz: Prepare ship for ludicrous speed! Fasten all seatbelts, seal all entrances and exits, close all shops in the mall, cancel the three ring circus, secure all animals in the zoo!


Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: BitcoinTate on April 09, 2013, 01:45:48 PM
This is getting redicioulius. :-P

I think we passed redicioulius a while back.  I'd say we're well into ludicrolicious.  ::)

Colonel Sandurz: Prepare ship for light speed.
Dark Helmet: No, no, no, light speed is too slow.
Colonel Sandurz: Light speed, too slow?
Dark Helmet: Yes, we're gonna have to go right to ludicrous speed.

Colonel Sandurz: [squeaks] Prepare ship...
[tries again, with booming voice]
Colonel Sandurz: Prepare ship for ludicrous speed! Fasten all seatbelts, seal all entrances and exits, close all shops in the mall, cancel the three ring circus, secure all animals in the zoo!

lol! +1 I love it!

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: essem on April 09, 2013, 01:55:40 PM
surprising that someone has not posted the "my hobby: extrapolation" comic...  :D

can you post it? I have never heard of this

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: newtothescene on April 09, 2013, 01:57:17 PM
surprising that someone has not posted the "my hobby: extrapolation" comic...  :D

can you post it? I have never heard of this

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: BitcoinTate on April 09, 2013, 01:59:41 PM

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: Viceroy on April 09, 2013, 02:29:17 PM
/me asks while bowing at BitcoinTate

How far can we go, sir?   

When will it crash, sir?

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: essem on April 09, 2013, 02:31:21 PM

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: BitcoinTate on April 09, 2013, 02:36:41 PM
/me asks while bowing at BitcoinTate

How far can we go, sir?   

When will it crash, sir?

Well my young apprentice, the farthest point we can observe is currently about 42 billion light years (the distance that light has been able to travel since the big bang began).

So if we take that and put it on an exponential graph and then double our answer we might be close!

As to a crash? What's a crash? I am sorry, I am not familiar with this term ;)

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: chiropteran on April 09, 2013, 02:44:02 PM
I can't tell if this is a joke......but no, $200 and $300 are not happening by their respective dates.

Oh really?

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: FuriousTeam on April 09, 2013, 02:59:25 PM
this is really sick :D

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: smoothie on April 09, 2013, 03:47:42 PM
I can't tell if this is a joke......but no, $200 and $300 are not happening by their respective dates.

Oh really?

It is so funny to see so many self proclaimed experts on the price not hitting an upwards price then to be proven wrong a week later.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: Wekkel on April 09, 2013, 06:19:26 PM
It's simple price discovery. Do the Math and understand why people got in.... Just after the Great 2011 Gox Crash...

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: MaTachi on April 09, 2013, 06:21:26 PM
$ 240 and it's still April 9th. Seems like the speed is accelerating and like we will reach $ 300 a lot earlier. Great, ehh, right...?

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: PachucoBro on April 09, 2013, 07:59:16 PM

It is so funny to see so many self proclaimed experts on the price not hitting an upwards price then to be proven wrong a week later.

It is also the same amount of funny when people pat themselves on the back for seeing the price hit what they predicted...

I forsee BitCoins being worth more tomorrow than they were today!

.. done ..

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: BitcoinTate on April 09, 2013, 09:35:15 PM

It is so funny to see so many self proclaimed experts on the price not hitting an upwards price then to be proven wrong a week later.

It is also the same amount of funny when people pat themselves on the back for seeing the price hit what they predicted...

I forsee BitCoins being worth more tomorrow than they were today!

.. done ..

lol! +1 Yeah, I think I under shot the 15th projection. We could easily hit $300 by tomorrow. This thing is going fucking vertical!

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: XXthetimeisnowXX on April 09, 2013, 10:29:08 PM
/me asks while bowing at BitcoinTate

How far can we go, sir?   

When will it crash, sir?

Well my young apprentice, the farthest point we can observe is currently about 42 billion light years (the distance that light has been able to travel since the big bang began).

So if we take that and put it on an exponential graph and then double our answer we might be close!

As to a crash? What's a crash? I am sorry, I am not familiar with this term ;)

augh i was the first to post after mr tate...IM FAMIOUS BY KNOWING SOMEONE FAMIOUS! hahaha .... I was thinking he might be a bit crazy but also understanding what the gaph was suggesting and what the coins might do. so i went out and bought some damn bitcoins! hoooo rayyyy tate is the man!!!! ok lets start a new thread with your predictions. also make a low ball and a high ball prediction, that would be cool.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: BitcoinTate on April 09, 2013, 11:00:17 PM
/me asks while bowing at BitcoinTate

How far can we go, sir?   

When will it crash, sir?

Well my young apprentice, the farthest point we can observe is currently about 42 billion light years (the distance that light has been able to travel since the big bang began).

So if we take that and put it on an exponential graph and then double our answer we might be close!

As to a crash? What's a crash? I am sorry, I am not familiar with this term ;)

augh i was the first to post after mr tate...IM FAMIOUS BY KNOWING SOMEONE FAMIOUS! hahaha .... I was thinking he might be a bit crazy but also understanding what the gaph was suggesting and what the coins might do. so i went out and bought some damn bitcoins! hoooo rayyyy tate is the man!!!! ok lets start a new thread with your predictions. also make a low ball and a high ball prediction, that would be cool.

+1 lol!  I love it. Glad you made the switch to BTC! I have had several people message me today... had no idea this thread would have this amount of impact! :)

So in response to its inaugural posting I will be making a more detailed chart with more evidence to back it up for next weeks prediction. High ball & low ball is a good idea. After all, math doesn't lie :)

I will try to get it done before I leave tomorrow on a three week business trip. (Gotta go make some more fiat to dump into BTC.)

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: XXthetimeisnowXX on April 10, 2013, 03:25:58 AM

It is so funny to see so many self proclaimed experts on the price not hitting an upwards price then to be proven wrong a week later.

It is also the same amount of funny when people pat themselves on the back for seeing the price hit what they predicted...

I forsee BitCoins being worth more tomorrow than they were today!

.. done ..

where is  your graph? and so far your wrong. where i live it has decreased from yesterday. down ten bucks. hummmmm.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: PachucoBro on April 10, 2013, 03:38:53 AM

where is  your graph? and so far your wrong. where i live it has decreased from yesterday. down ten bucks. hummmmm.

Doh! I musta left my graph in my other post...

and I am not wrong because I just posted that 8 hours ago... Where I live when you say tomorrow at 3pm in the afternoon, it means atleast  16 or 17 hours from then... Keep watching.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: BitcoinTate on April 11, 2013, 01:59:11 AM
Shit, I was out of cell service for 8 hours and all hell broke loose! Damn you Bitcoin, I want an invitation to the party next time!Lol!

Just have to point out my chart showed a crash floor of $150 (which looks to be where the price first stabilized after the madness).

We have all seen this before.... bunch of newbie dumb asses put in "market" orders when gox started lagging and learned all about getting "goxxed." Shit i did it back in the $30s and learned my lesson (of course the price only tanked $10 lol).

See you all next Monday @ $300.00! :) "Long live the coin! Here, here!"

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: PachucoBro on April 11, 2013, 02:32:17 AM
I don't know... we will all have to wait maybe 24 hours before we see the final effects of today.

i am pretty sure the drop turned off plenty of people who were already in.... and definitely will be scaring off any people who were new waiting to get in.

We shall see... I got lagged... hit cancel a ton of times... AND STILL GOX took me out at the lowest possible price of $106.00!

But with some time... I got my self back in and with the swings in the aftermath I am only short $200 at this moment. I am all in at $173 so... here's to it recovering.


Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: NamelessOne on April 11, 2013, 02:41:27 AM
I don't know... we will all have to wait maybe 24 hours before we see the final effects of today.

i am pretty sure the drop turned off plenty of people who were already in.... and definitely will be scaring off any people who were new waiting to get in.

We shall see... I got lagged... hit cancel a ton of times... AND STILL GOX took me out at the lowest possible price of $106.00!

But with some time... I got my self back in and with the swings in the aftermath I am only short $200 at this moment. I am all in at $173 so... here's to it recovering.


Yes, it scared off the weak ass weak hands who were in the market and lost their coins, and it probably also scared away some of the week hands that weren't in the market, haha.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: PachucoBro on April 11, 2013, 02:44:47 AM
I was one of the weak ones... for good reason. Today was the first day since April 1st I was going to be onsite at a customer's place working with no internet connection and no fooling around watching charts during the day. LOL

I say it plumeting and happened to grab ahold of someone's laptop in the lobby for 5 minutes to place a Market order at around $190.

later in the afternoon I see that GOX took me out at $106.... REALLY?!  The low was like $105 for the entire day. So I guess all the people and 4-6 hours... my market order was like near last to get filled... WHAT LAG!  :P

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: BitcoinTate on April 11, 2013, 08:36:17 AM
If I had been in cell service and not staking mining claims in a remote ass wildneress I would have done the same thing. At the end of the day we are only human. Have faith but do the math. Bitcoin has now way mathematicaly but to be zero or worth a fortune! Coins are still cheap!

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: ruski on April 11, 2013, 08:40:08 AM
I say it plumeting and happened to grab ahold of someone's laptop in the lobby for 5 minutes to place a Market order at around $190.

later in the afternoon I see that GOX took me out at $106.... REALLY?!

Panic sellers, you have seen the enemy, and he is you.

Point at this guy. POINT AT THIS GUY AND LAUGH.

Market order

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: PachucoBro on April 11, 2013, 02:02:50 PM
I say it plumeting and happened to grab ahold of someone's laptop in the lobby for 5 minutes to place a Market order at around $190.

later in the afternoon I see that GOX took me out at $106.... REALLY?!

Panic sellers, you have seen the enemy, and he is you.

Point at this guy. POINT AT THIS GUY AND LAUGH.

Market order

Way to take things out of context... the rest of my story was that I was onsite at a customer's location and could not sit there and monitor my BTC. Therefore I had to get out and I had 5 minutes of using a stranger's laptop to make that choice. It was a good choice. Especially, at this moment when the price is down to $115 again.

There is nothing wrong with making a Market Sell. There was no 'Panic' in the sell, there was a decision made that... yup, it's gonna go lower. I can't sit here and adjust sell orders or wait for bounces. I need to get out and get back to work.

Also, the rest of my story shows how I got about 90% of my losses back after I got off work trading the bounces... and now with the prices where they are at.... I am at a loss again and it wasn't a 'Panic Sell'.

Wow some people want to call everyone a Panic Seller just because they feel the price is going to go down and want out.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: julius on April 15, 2013, 03:29:52 PM
You failed.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: mgio on April 15, 2013, 04:01:38 PM
I don't blame MtGox for the crash but they triggered it.

The bubble was bound to burst, but I think we had a little more time, days or even weeks but it would. If it wasn't for the lag from the exchange that triggered panic selling we would have seen $300 by the 15th, probably sooner. The lag popped the bubble a little pre-maturely though and we never made it to $300.

We will get there again though, it will just take a little to recover.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: Manticore on April 15, 2013, 05:22:16 PM
/me asks while bowing at BitcoinTate

How far can we go, sir?  

When will it crash, sir?

Well my young apprentice, the farthest point we can observe is currently about 42 billion light years (the distance that light has been able to travel since the big bang began).

So if we take that and put it on an exponential graph and then double our answer we might be close!

As to a crash? What's a crash? I am sorry, I am not familiar with this term ;)

No worries. Perhaps you are now familiar with this term.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: cbeast on April 15, 2013, 05:27:34 PM
Still high trading volume, but no lag. The big difference between now and a week ago is the price is going down. I guess the DDOS attackers don't care if that happens.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: Manticore on April 15, 2013, 05:35:07 PM
Still high trading volume, but no lag. The big difference between now and a week ago is the price is going down. I guess the DDOS attackers don't care if that happens.

The DDoS lag excuse is mythology. Gox only lags out when the price goes down.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: Manticore on April 15, 2013, 05:35:59 PM
And they blame the sell-off on the lag. It's a convenient excuse.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: humanitee on April 15, 2013, 05:49:50 PM
And they blame the sell-off on the lag. It's a convenient excuse.

Parrot parroting parrots

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: Manticore on April 15, 2013, 06:17:04 PM
How would a nefarious DDoS attack squad profit from completely destroying Bitcoin? Seriously? And at this point how would a DDoS even be successful in dropping the price now that everyone has been fooled into believing this DDoS nonsense? It's an excuse that, if believed, would boost the price because everyone would stop selling whenever we have a lag.

If anything, the lag prevents a sell-off. Is Bitcoin really so fragile that a temporary lag annihilates the currency? If so, that is even scarier than the supposed DDoS attacks.

Everyone acts as if Bitcoin's success is a foregone conclusion, so a shadowy group would aim to DDoS attack (assuming that creates a panic....doubtful) so they could pick up cheap coins because they will definitely be worth much more in the future.

No, that is not a business model. There is no guarantee that they will ever be worth more in the future.

The only entity that stands to benefit from lags are Mt Gox, IMO. The lag stems the sell-off, as I've posted ad nauseum. Having you believe this nonsense supports the price of bitcoins. The sell-off always starts prior to the lag. The system becomes unresponsive at key support levels and almost never breaks these levels (only during the crash). Tiny bot buys support the price fiercely and the price turns around.

Statements from Mt Gox would lead you to believe that the only time the price ever goes down is during is DDoS because Bitcoin simply doesn't go down.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: Wuji on April 15, 2013, 06:45:21 PM
/me asks while bowing at BitcoinTate

How far can we go, sir?  

When will it crash, sir?

Well my young apprentice, the farthest point we can observe is currently about 42 billion light years (the distance that light has been able to travel since the big bang began).

So if we take that and put it on an exponential graph and then double our answer we might be close!

As to a crash? What's a crash? I am sorry, I am not familiar with this term ;)

No worries. Perhaps you are you now familiar with this term.

Padawan was right once just like a coin is right 50% of the time if you continue to call the same side.  ;D  I think a lot of Padawan's may now be looking up the terms bubble and crash so, they can make more money next round.

I was hearing complaints on lag and DDOS as the bubble was inflating with USD.  Some folks seem to have very selective short term memories.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: mgio on April 15, 2013, 06:46:05 PM
April 15th is not over yet, I'm not giving up hope.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: Wuji on April 15, 2013, 06:49:59 PM
April 15th is not over yet, I'm not giving up hope.

Five more hours if you go by UTC.  Just like every down day we should see a slight rise maybe over $95.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: mgio on April 15, 2013, 06:59:16 PM
April 15th is not over yet, I'm not giving up hope.

Five more hours if you go by UTC.  Just like every down day we should see a slight rise maybe over $95.

I was kidding, of course.

If I had a ton of money like the winkleface twins, I'd make crazy predictions here on this forum. The I would manipulate the market by buying and selling millions in bitcoins to get it to exactly match my prediction. Then I would post on here and everyone would see how smart I was with my prediction.

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: JimiQ84 on April 15, 2013, 07:06:16 PM
If I had a ton of money like the winkleface twins, I'd make crazy predictions here on this forum. The I would manipulate the market by buying and selling millions in bitcoins to get it to exactly match my prediction. Then I would post on here and everyone would see how smart I was with my prediction.

If I had a ton of money like them, I would just go scuba diving now.

They've already been scubadiving a thousand times. How many times did they predicted price of something and then manipulated it into that price? ;-) I think that would be fun. Even more fun than scubadiving!

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: Geist on April 15, 2013, 08:01:00 PM
If I had a ton of money like the winkleface twins, I'd make crazy predictions here on this forum. The I would manipulate the market by buying and selling millions in bitcoins to get it to exactly match my prediction. Then I would post on here and everyone would see how smart I was with my prediction.

If I had a ton of money like them, I would just go scuba diving now.
Scuba diving? That's what everyone does. Me? Space tourism.  ;)

Title: Re: Price Chart: April 9th = $200, April 15th = $300
Post by: shad0wbitz on April 15, 2013, 08:59:24 PM
If I had a ton of money like the winkleface twins, I'd make crazy predictions here on this forum. The I would manipulate the market by buying and selling millions in bitcoins to get it to exactly match my prediction. Then I would post on here and everyone would see how smart I was with my prediction.

If I had a ton of money like them, I would just go scuba diving now.
Scuba diving? That's what everyone does. Me? Space tourism.  ;)

$5 by the end of next weekend. Watch it happen boys!