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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Masha Sha on November 14, 2016, 01:24:08 AM

Title: Dear Hillary...
Post by: Masha Sha on November 14, 2016, 01:24:08 AM
What ever you did, I hope you will find him again. What happened?

P.s. The truth will be made, and we will still be mercyless but just. Don't worry. It's for us.


Title: Re: Dear Hillary...
Post by: Indijanos on November 14, 2016, 08:57:29 AM
What arw you talking about exactly? Whos "him"?

Title: Re: Dear Hillary...
Post by: Masha Sha on November 14, 2016, 10:34:26 AM
What arw you talking about exactly? Whos "him"?

The man she loves who lost himself. Death will see through him. And who knows what death will reveal, an empty shell of a trapped soul? I can't tell... and I don't care. It's not my business. However I care for for justice toward his victims (and hers). Clearer?

Title: Re: Dear Hillary...
Post by: awesome31312 on November 14, 2016, 10:41:51 AM
I am asking this not to be spiteful or to mock you, but because I genuinely am concerned for you after reading this incoherent, err, fairy tale?

Are you okay?

Who/What the hell are you talking about?

Title: Re: Dear Hillary...
Post by: iamTom123 on November 14, 2016, 10:52:35 AM
Are you talking about the men who lost their lives due to Hillary's decision or indecision maybe? Anyway, all can be water under the bridge now as the election is over though anybody can file a case against her in the proper court.

Title: Re: Dear Hillary...
Post by: Masha Sha on November 14, 2016, 12:15:08 PM
I am asking this not to be spiteful or to mock you, but because I genuinely am concerned for you after reading this incoherent, err, fairy tale?

Are you okay?

Who/What the hell are you talking about?

thanks for your question. pretty okay, don't worry. a little lack of sleep however...

Are you talking about the men who lost their lives due to Hillary's decision or indecision maybe? Anyway, all can be water under the bridge now as the election is over though anybody can file a case against her in the proper court.

What are they putting into the water? It's not possible... it's evident... I am speaking of the former rapists in chief, the one who cheated, lied and betrayed her, his family and country. the worst scum bag of them all... but remember he wasn't always like that.

this is what interest me. who was behind his change? how did they achieve to turn a once innocent child into this monster? not that I care for his faith, but to prevent it to happen anymore.

like jfk the rapist, he should have been flashed a long long long time ago. I accuse woosley do not have done it's job. Who cares about the image. the image is preconditionned by the "priesthood" to weaken mankind into sheepness. fuck them.

Title: Re: Dear Hillary...
Post by: btvlGainer on November 14, 2016, 12:45:07 PM
Are you talking about the men who lost their lives due to Hillary's decision or indecision maybe? Anyway, all can be water under the bridge now as the election is over though anybody can file a case against her in the proper court.
No nothing against her will excite. Now on the contrary there will be attempts to appease her supporters. If this is not done it is possible to provoke a civil war.

Title: Re: Dear Hillary...
Post by: Masha Sha on November 14, 2016, 01:46:32 PM
Are you talking about the men who lost their lives due to Hillary's decision or indecision maybe? Anyway, all can be water under the bridge now as the election is over though anybody can file a case against her in the proper court.
No nothing against her will excite. Now on the contrary there will be attempts to appease her supporters. If this is not done it is possible to provoke a civil war.

by focusing on issues that matters to all Americans (safety first) he will be able to execute her in the middle of the street and all the people will respect him even more. However let's wait for the truth to be revealed. all of it, how far and deep it may goes... zeromercy. An individual doesn't really matter on a systemical level, it's the group and even more importantly the ideology.

Title: Re: Dear Hillary...
Post by: Sithara007 on November 14, 2016, 01:49:03 PM
No nothing against her will excite. Now on the contrary there will be attempts to appease her supporters. If this is not done it is possible to provoke a civil war.

I don't think that Trump will try his luck with appeasement. He will wait for a few days more, and after that he will put down the rioting with an iron fist. He is not the ordinary establishment Republican guy.

Title: Re: Dear Hillary...
Post by: awesome31312 on November 14, 2016, 02:24:21 PM
Trump won't be your anti establishment guy. That's a United States fairy tale. I foresee a similar era to Bill Clinton's center right presidency.

What are they putting into the water?


And a shitload of that.

Title: Re: Dear Hillary...
Post by: Masha Sha on November 14, 2016, 03:33:34 PM
No nothing against her will excite. Now on the contrary there will be attempts to appease her supporters. If this is not done it is possible to provoke a civil war.

I don't think that Trump will try his luck with appeasement. He will wait for a few days more, and after that he will put down the rioting with an iron fist. He is not the ordinary establishment Republican guy.

how will little snowflakes fret in the harsh winter  ::). you know as long as they are peaceful (disturbing traffic a while okay... but not months on end) I don't see the problem with them protesting. it keeps them busy ;D

and the more they will learn about the obamadeceptions/scams/hightreason the more likely (even if low) for them to start to think.

It would be giant leap forward.

Title: Re: Dear Hillary...
Post by: Alfa123 on November 14, 2016, 05:31:30 PM
Trump has divided the society and exacerbated the confrontation. This tactic is good for a TV show, but it is very harmful to the state. This clown does not understand the difference.

Title: Re: Dear Hillary...
Post by: Masha Sha on November 14, 2016, 06:02:36 PM
Trump has divided the society and exacerbated the confrontation. This tactic is good for a TV show, but it is very harmful to the state. This clown does not understand the difference.

I strongly disagree. What could he do against the barrage that the media (old and new) trowed at him? While nothing was said about hrc. Not a bleep about the total treason that her foundation represent? No one has been able to refute podesta's horros. Nothing. 0. The most shameful, irresponsible and unpatriotic behaviors in the history of the USA. When you think about Paul Revere letters and all those that fought to gain independence, I am sure that none could believe that such traitors would be allowed to live.

The most frustrating part is their total disconnect with the reality of the world. the ivory tower defined. But worst if it was from a real genuine idea to improve things that would have failed... but no, it was clearly a way to "enshrine" their domination on the People.

Their contempt knew no limit. I use the past because I think they start to get how massive the backslash to their "initiatives" really is. And more certainly how dangerous the situation start to get for them... little coward. Sucking everything they can. leeches.