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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Masha Sha on November 16, 2016, 03:25:33 PM

Title: I love cluster bombs, do you?
Post by: Masha Sha on November 16, 2016, 03:25:33 PM @5:50 (slow mo at 5:26  8))


There are a lot of places who deserve some... and the idea of letting some around UNexploded is brilliant!

What do you think about the subject? Any better video?

Ps this is life, you can't hide from it ;D

Woot woot the hammers of Stalin? He would have loved it and said moar ;)

Title: Re: I love cluster bombs, do you?
Post by: Balthazar on November 17, 2016, 04:46:59 PM

Cluster bombs are fine, but on the way to be outdated.

Title: Re: I love cluster bombs, do you?
Post by: Tyrantt on November 17, 2016, 05:38:13 PM
Arent cluster bombs banned after the bombarding of serbia in the '99 ?

Title: Re: I love cluster bombs, do you?
Post by: xhomerx10 on November 17, 2016, 06:09:30 PM
Arent cluster bombs banned after the bombarding of serbia in the '99 ?

 There is a convention on cluster munitions but...

only the countries in blue and purple have aggreed.  As you can see, the countries with the largest militaries have not.
Also, there was a controversy in Canada a couple of months ago because our government uses a loophole in the convention that allows us to operate alongside allies (such as the USA) which continue to use cluster munitions.  This isn't something I have followed too closely - I think it's moot.  ie Let's keep on killing each other but make it easier to clean up afterwards.  Ditto with landmines.

Title: Re: I love cluster bombs, do you?
Post by: birareru1988 on November 18, 2016, 06:06:33 PM
Arent cluster bombs banned after the bombarding of serbia in the '99 ?
Russia will never recognize international obligations and does not adhere to their obligations. You still do not understand that this country is without honor and conscience?

Title: Re: I love cluster bombs, do you?
Post by: Racey on November 19, 2016, 07:24:37 PM
What are on on about Russia for assumptions without proof, yes I seen the MSM news rhetoric about Russia.
And by now you should know not trust one word they say on Russia.

Worried About “Stigmatizing” Cluster Bombs, House Approves More Sales to Saudi Arabia.
The US endorses cluster fkn bombs

Revealed: the cluster bombs that litter Iraq

Why Did the United States Use Cluster Bombs in Iraq?

British-made cluster bomb found in Yemen, Amnesty International says

Title: Re: I love cluster bombs, do you?
Post by: criptix on November 19, 2016, 07:47:12 PM
Because the stupid muricans use cluster bombs on civilians it is ok for everyone else to do the same.

Please stop this russian apologist narrative.

We already know putin is mother mary and trump her son jesus.

Title: Re: I love cluster bombs, do you?
Post by: Racey on November 19, 2016, 07:57:22 PM
Because the stupid muricans use cluster bombs on civilians it is ok for everyone else to do the same.

Please stop this russian apologist narrative.

We already know putin is mother mary and trump her son jesus.

I like my opinions far better, you can ignore if you like, it would be far better for you.

Title: Re: I love cluster bombs, do you?
Post by: manbitcoinlover on November 20, 2016, 01:22:42 AM
No, I do not like them. Especially when they are used to bomb innocent civilians whose lives get destroyed by them. And who uses them? Mostly, armies who are funded by TAX dollars which ultimately worsens the economy, continues to increase tax and destroys not only the people being bombed, but your own country economically, while only a certain few individuals benefit. GG. ::)

Title: Re: I love cluster bombs, do you?
Post by: bryant.coleman on November 20, 2016, 04:24:39 AM
Arent cluster bombs banned after the bombarding of serbia in the '99 ?
Russia will never recognize international obligations and does not adhere to their obligations. You still do not understand that this country is without honor and conscience?

American made cluster bombs have killed tens of thousands of civilians in Yemen this year. What you have to say about this? American cluster bombs have killed 100x more people than those from all the other countries combined. And one more thing. Russia has used cluster bombs in just one country (Syria). On the other hand, the US has used it in dozens of third world nations.