Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: rat on April 06, 2013, 03:24:33 PM

Title: WTF is with the mainstream media and Bitcoin?
Post by: rat on April 06, 2013, 03:24:33 PM


I'm critical of Bitcoin too - but in a positive way.

I try to be realistic about it's weaknesses - for the sake of reason and progress.

But, Jesus H. Christ.

Many of the articles about Bitcoin that I have read lately from the lamestream media

have been absolutely fucking reprehensible.

Loaded with bullshit and lies.

It's like they want it to fail.

I have actually read articles by financial gurus that have absolutely no fucking idea what Bitcoin is.

I don't think they even tried.

The things the public are being told about Bitcoin by these clowns could very well cheat people from being a part of something so liberating.

Makes me wonder about the other shit they report on.

Is objectivity dead in journalism?   

Title: Re: WTF is with the mainstream media and Bitcoin?
Post by: mai77 on April 06, 2013, 03:26:45 PM

the usual FUD campaign because f*****g Bernanke is going down for good.

Bernanke - last head of FED in history.

Title: Re: WTF is with the mainstream media and Bitcoin?
Post by: cbeast on April 06, 2013, 03:29:25 PM
Relax, buy more while the price is low and be happy.

Title: Re: WTF is with the mainstream media and Bitcoin?
Post by: tutkarz on April 06, 2013, 03:45:49 PM
Worst thing they can do is to stop writing about bitcoin :) But i dont know if it isnt too late for this.

Title: Re: WTF is with the mainstream media and Bitcoin?
Post by: ElectricMucus on April 06, 2013, 03:47:15 PM
oh my you people are bitching already?

Title: Re: WTF is with the mainstream media and Bitcoin?
Post by: tysat on April 06, 2013, 05:06:00 PM

the usual FUD campaign because f*****g Bernanke is going down for good.

Bernanke - last head of FED in history.

From reading your posts you have some interesting views...

Bitcoin =\= FED going away

Title: Re: WTF is with the mainstream media and Bitcoin?
Post by: bassclef on April 06, 2013, 05:56:08 PM
Anyone who followed Ron Paul's campaign closely last election (also the one before) will not be surprised by this. The negative journalism and outright lies were reprehensible. Of course his big issue is about the dangers of central banking. Can't have a candidate upsetting the status quo gravy train.

We are stabbing at the heart of the beast; don't expect any help from the presstitutes. They will go down kicking and screaming.

Title: Re: WTF is with the mainstream media and Bitcoin?
Post by: ElectricMucus on April 06, 2013, 05:58:54 PM
Anyone who followed Ron Paul's campaign closely last election (also the one before) will not be surprised by this. The negative journalism and outright lies were reprehensible. Of course his big issue is about the dangers of central banking. Can't have a candidate upsetting the status quo gravy train.

We are stabbing at the heart of the beast; don't expect any help from the presstitutes. They will go down kicking and screaming.

Famous last words.

Title: Re: WTF is with the mainstream media and Bitcoin?
Post by: Bitcoinm on April 06, 2013, 06:12:31 PM
They're just hoping on the story bandwagon.  You can't expect them to like Bitcoin; the media loves bad news and they have no reason to naturally "like" Bitcoin.

Title: Re: WTF is with the mainstream media and Bitcoin?
Post by: Junko on April 06, 2013, 06:40:26 PM
"First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. Then they fight you. Then you win."

Title: Re: WTF is with the mainstream media and Bitcoin?
Post by: zeroday on April 06, 2013, 06:46:42 PM
Don't see a problem at all. I like how media is now pouring loads of shit at bitcoin. I'm waiting for crash to buy moooooore BTC ;D

Title: Re: WTF is with the mainstream media and Bitcoin?
Post by: cbeast on April 06, 2013, 06:49:47 PM
I've tried to explain Bitcoin to bankers, MBAs, middle managers, and small business owners. Very few really understand Bitcoin. Perhaps there needs to be a scientific brain study to determine what part of the brain it is. Someone needs to invent a pill that turns on the Bitcoin part of the brain. Until then, just enjoy the good fortune that allows you to grok Bitcoin.

Title: Re: WTF is with the mainstream media and Bitcoin?
Post by: ElectricMucus on April 06, 2013, 07:26:29 PM
I've tried to explain Bitcoin to bankers, MBAs, middle managers, and small business owners. Very few really understand Bitcoin. Perhaps there needs to be a scientific brain study to determine what part of the brain it is. Someone needs to invent a pill that turns on the Bitcoin part of the brain. Until then, just enjoy the good fortune that allows you to grok Bitcoin.

It's the same part involved with getting into libertarianism, conspiracy theories and new age stuff for sure.

Title: Re: WTF is with the mainstream media and Bitcoin?
Post by: ffssixtynine on April 06, 2013, 07:36:41 PM
Real journalism has been all but dead in many places for years, particularly mainstream US television. It isn't just Bitcoin. This is partly a result of a tiny number of media companies dominating the US whereas there used to be many.

Title: Re: WTF is with the mainstream media and Bitcoin?
Post by: alexh on April 06, 2013, 07:47:42 PM
Bitcoins need to age more, old people aren't even capable opening their browsers. They will probably never use Bitcoin in its current state.

Title: Re: WTF is with the mainstream media and Bitcoin?
Post by: zeroday on April 06, 2013, 07:49:03 PM
I've tried to explain Bitcoin to bankers, MBAs, middle managers, and small business owners. Very few really understand Bitcoin. Perhaps there needs to be a scientific brain study to determine what part of the brain it is. Someone needs to invent a pill that turns on the Bitcoin part of the brain. Until then, just enjoy the good fortune that allows you to grok Bitcoin.

No surprise, they are zombies and can only follow "guidelines" and checklists. They are unable to focus their attention on something that takes more than 30 seconds to understand.

If you want them to understand at least very basic principles of bitcoin, you have to make a presentation with big pictures like those in elementary schools .

Title: Re: WTF is with the mainstream media and Bitcoin?
Post by: marcus_of_augustus on April 06, 2013, 10:59:28 PM
oh my you people are bitching bit-ching already?


Title: Re: WTF is with the mainstream media and Bitcoin?
Post by: LightRider on April 06, 2013, 11:01:57 PM

Perhaps we can help point out these flaws and biases as a community?