Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Technical Support => Topic started by: uck on April 06, 2013, 07:59:21 PM

Title: Sent Btc to wrong address!?!?! help
Post by: uck on April 06, 2013, 07:59:21 PM

  I made a large mistake recently and sent two transactions to the wrong address.

  on 3/25 for 5 btc and again on 3/26 for 10 btc to 1CNgRULaq7PVenr5x3CpbYqQ1kkVaoKopy

  Here are the transactions:

Anybody with better sleuthing ability than me know how to locate this person or company to ask for a refund?

Thanks if you can help!

Title: Re: Sent Btc to wrong address!?!?! help
Post by: edd on April 06, 2013, 08:03:12 PM
How did you come to use that address? Did you send the 16.8 BTC to that address back in May 2011?

Title: Re: Sent Btc to wrong address!?!?! help
Post by: uck on April 06, 2013, 08:10:47 PM
it was listed in my wallet, but didnt have any 'description' attached... i cut and pasted and thought i had the right one but didnt.    I probably did make that prev purchase.

Title: Re: Sent Btc to wrong address!?!?! help
Post by: phatsphere on April 06, 2013, 08:21:40 PM
it's decentralized, uhm, so, that's bad. by posting this address here, you make it discoverable by the receiver via google. that's your best hope, i fear …

Title: Re: Sent Btc to wrong address!?!?! help
Post by: uck on April 06, 2013, 08:30:50 PM
I looked at my old old transactions from may of 11 and i think what happened was,  every day, after recieving 16 or 20 btc (you got alot then) i would transfer it to mtgox. So I suspect those were mtgox addresses.

But i looked at my acct and i dont see that amount transfereed in, so i imagine they dont use that address anymore. Sooo, I will have to get with them to iron this out. Oh fun.