Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: topper26 on November 29, 2016, 04:20:36 PM

Title: blockchain development vs bitcoin
Post by: topper26 on November 29, 2016, 04:20:36 PM
i am a frequent reader of discussion here seldom post. I simply keep buying bitcoin weekly no matter the price, not into trading, feel the price is still very low compared to future possibility and feel it is a good investment.

now that is out of the way, what will the effect of blockchain technology be on the value of bitcoin? Every couple days it appears some new corporation appears to be exploring, developing, or integrating blockchain technology. Will this cause a decrease in need for Bitcoin and deem it useless in the years to come? thoughts?

Title: Re: blockchain development vs bitcoin
Post by: mrcash02 on November 29, 2016, 04:26:24 PM
i am a frequent reader of discussion here seldom post. I simply keep buying bitcoin weekly no matter the price, not into trading, feel the price is still very low compared to future possibility and feel it is a good investment.

now that is out of the way, what will the effect of blockchain technology be on the value of bitcoin? Every couple days it appears some new corporation appears to be exploring, developing, or integrating blockchain technology. Will this cause a decrease in need for Bitcoin and deem it useless in the years to come? thoughts?

It will provoke a increase of Bitcoin demand. If something is being improved and very well developed, people will want to start using it, they will want to be a part of it. As the Bitcoin technology is being improved every time, it's become useful for more people each new day.

In years, we will have a very well developed currency technology with many supporters, each one can be a businessman by himself using Bitcoins, you can sell, buy stuff anytime, without bureucracy, and that is why I think Bitcoin will be very successful as it's being until now.

Title: Re: blockchain development vs bitcoin
Post by: yayayo on November 29, 2016, 04:41:56 PM
i am a frequent reader of discussion here seldom post. I simply keep buying bitcoin weekly no matter the price, not into trading, feel the price is still very low compared to future possibility and feel it is a good investment.

Congratulations, you're doing the right thing! Don't let others talk you into trading or dubious investments. There are a lot of amateurs here who overestimate their own abilities regarding the prediction of market movements and end up with a negative ROI. Buy and hodl is the right strategy for Bitcoin and guarantees peace of mind (if you don't invest more than you can afford to loose without emotional problems).

now that is out of the way, what will the effect of blockchain technology be on the value of bitcoin? Every couple days it appears some new corporation appears to be exploring, developing, or integrating blockchain technology. Will this cause a decrease in need for Bitcoin and deem it useless in the years to come? thoughts?

I think "Blockchain Technology" is a fad, hyped by bankers, who want to create their own private and centrally controlled altcoin schemes - if they would admit that Bitcoin is the real thing it would mean that they'd had to realize becoming dispensable. The true killer app is Bitcoin, the decentralized currency. Private, centrally controlled blockchains won't succeed, they are just a resource intensive way of things that can be done with a traditional database. There are secondary applications for the Bitcoin blockchain, these may add to the value of the currency, but I don't consider them important within the next decade or so.


Title: Re: blockchain development vs bitcoin
Post by: MingLee on November 29, 2016, 04:51:04 PM
The blockchain technology would, at most, end up bringing in a lot more interest towards Bitcoin, but the blockchain technology being implemented in other applications would likely not have a direct effect on the value of Bitcoin beyond what would come from new interest.

Outside blockchains aren't tied to Bitcoin, so it doesn't really mean anything to have Bitcoin in a blockchain world.

Title: Re: blockchain development vs bitcoin
Post by: franky1 on November 29, 2016, 05:36:34 PM
it has taken the blockstream paid devs 2 years to not even yet activate a one time boost to bitcoins capacity,
during this delaying period. they have ramped up bitcoins fee's and done other things to cause barrier of entry.
 even when the community demand a scaled approach that naturally grows due to network demand not dev control. without fee barriers of use that are expensive to third world countries.

but in just 6 months them same devs have been doing alot more for the bankers at hyperledger

you may think they wont ruin bitcoin because they are invested in it. but that is not the case their funding is FIAT
dont underestimate the hyperledgers influence to expand while they try to halt and delay bitcoin growth/usability.

this segwit boost is a "token gesture" to kep pushing the rug from under us.
the next step is pushing us away from permissionless peer-to-peer and into permissioned hubs with fee's, penalties, settlement delays, and chargebacks

permissioned: LN= dual signed multisig ...buzzword: 'bidirectional channels' managed by hubs
fee's: open channel onchain fee, LN swap fee, multihop fee, hub management fee, close channel onchain fee
penalties: not signing in acceptable time, denying payment
settlement delays: coin maturity after confirmation onchain (CLTV)
chargeback: output revoke codes (CSV)

the devs:

who they really work for and got millions of dollars investment from.. (hyperledger)

Title: Re: blockchain development vs bitcoin
Post by: rapazev on November 29, 2016, 07:17:51 PM
There's no bad advertising.
what i mean is: any company working with blockchain will be good for bitcoin, since it is the first crypto it will always be remembered in any work and that will add more value with time.

i'm holding bitcoin for future too, no worries about that.

Title: Re: blockchain development vs bitcoin
Post by: Idrisu on November 29, 2016, 07:36:13 PM
i am a frequent reader of discussion here seldom post. I simply keep buying bitcoin weekly no matter the price, not into trading, feel the price is still very low compared to future possibility and feel it is a good investment.

now that is out of the way, what will the effect of blockchain technology be on the value of bitcoin? Every couple days it appears some new corporation appears to be exploring, developing, or integrating blockchain technology. Will this cause a decrease in need for Bitcoin and deem it useless in the years to come? thoughts?
we firstly has to see bitcoin as a currency and like other currencies such as dollars, gpb, ucad.and other countries currency. Crypto currency are money in there on classes' and one's cannot decreases the demand of another.

Title: Re: blockchain development vs bitcoin
Post by: Milkduds on November 29, 2016, 08:36:42 PM
Short term it will cause bitcoin to rise,long term it may end up being a problem as we spread out in the crypto world.
If more people are using blockchain related tech it may start to suppress bitcoin due to people understanding the technology in a different way than say bitcoin use. So people will not understand the connection or think a newer product suits their needs more,like a altcoin or stupid government sponsered coins.