Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Development & Technical Discussion => Topic started by: sebastian on November 30, 2016, 02:11:00 AM

Title: Bitcoin and the Ransomware problem?
Post by: sebastian on November 30, 2016, 02:11:00 AM
What can be done to the ransomware problem?
I think Bitcoin is the seed that grown into the ransomware problem. What can be done to protect users?

My tought was some sort of list of "dishonest" adresses, like what have been discussed with stolen money, but that would not work in this case due to the possibility to create one adress per victim, as opposed to bitcoin theft where there is a few adresses involved where the money was stolen from (the victim).

Any ideas how bitcoin could be adapted to make it "toxic" to ransomware authors, while not burning legit users?

My second tought was some "Vote To Refund" scheme, applying to any transaction, but the problem would be that people could spread false screenshots of ransomware just to get free services/products.
Go brainstorm about ideas on how to prevent ransomware on bitcoin's end.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and the Ransomware problem?
Post by: g2com on November 30, 2016, 02:31:47 AM
Backup data is the most effective way. Even if there is no Bitcoin criminals can still demand ransoms in other forms, which have long existed before Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and the Ransomware problem?
Post by: ranochigo on November 30, 2016, 02:48:39 AM
My second tought was some "Vote To Refund" scheme, applying to any transaction, but the problem would be that people could spread false screenshots of ransomware just to get free services/products.
Go brainstorm about ideas on how to prevent ransomware on bitcoin's end.
This would require a central entity to verify everything and it makes Bitcoin centralised, not a solution.

The problem with ransomware that uses Bitcoin is that it isn't Bitcoin's fault. Bitcoin is not the reason that ransomware exist. The problem is with the user having no protection against them. Use antiviruses and practice good security and you will be fine. Bitcoin cannot be changed to prevent this kind of things.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and the Ransomware problem?
Post by: BuySomeBitcoins on November 30, 2016, 05:08:15 AM
Ransomware existed before Bitcoin, there is NOTHING to do.

Remember ukash ? Paysafecard ? PerfectMoney ? Libertyreserve ?

They used to be ransomware currencies and payment methods.

You have to blame cash for all criminal activities before starting with Bitcoin.
The solution is preventing systems from being infected, it is not that hard really.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and the Ransomware problem?
Post by: OmegaStarScream on November 30, 2016, 05:29:13 AM
This definitely has nothing to do with Bitcoin , I mean It's probably used in ransomware as mentioned but people would've used another payment method instead If Bitcoin didn't exist . In order for people to protect themselves they should probably focus on not downloading random stuff from the internet and running them , use a licensed anti virus and operating system and games would help too because most of the time cracked stuff contains malicious programs.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and the Ransomware problem?
Post by: Coin-Keeper on November 30, 2016, 08:07:14 PM
Clearly to me this is not a Bitcoin problem as mentioned above.  On the contrary it actually shows that Bitcoin is solid, which in this particular case is a bad thing for networks infected with ransomware.  I do agree though that the public seems to be blaming Bitcoin for making this possible.  Bitcoin is a great tool just like a gun can be.  Funny though, the tool is always getting blamed and not the person using it.  Familiar story??

Title: Re: Bitcoin and the Ransomware problem?
Post by: equator on November 30, 2016, 09:02:12 PM
This definitely has nothing to do with Bitcoin , I mean It's probably used in ransomware as mentioned but people would've used another payment method instead If Bitcoin didn't exist . In order for people to protect themselves they should probably focus on not downloading random stuff from the internet and running them , use a licensed anti virus and operating system and games would help too because most of the time cracked stuff contains malicious programs.

I totally agree with your reply that Bitcoin is not only the main means of ransomware before bitcoin also their were ransomware going on with fiat currency so do you mean that fiat currency is to be done something , Ransomware is done in any means it is upto the criminals that they ask. And it is right that we have to not get greedy and just download some files if anyone is giving any high bitcoin bounty offer. We have to be prepared for all sort of problems

Title: Re: Bitcoin and the Ransomware problem?
Post by: Kakmakr on December 01, 2016, 06:21:56 AM
Well most of these hackers are using these addresses just once, and then they push these funds through mixer services to sweep their tracks. If the authorities are serious about the conviction of these people, then they will have to follow the legal route and Subpoena these Mixer services for this information and then follow the money from there.

Bitcoin is not 100% Anonymous and can be followed, if the right strategies are used to follow the money.

The best prevention now, will be to make incremental backups. < Not just over writing the same old backup every day >   

Title: Re: Bitcoin and the Ransomware problem?
Post by: Coin-Keeper on December 01, 2016, 10:56:13 PM
Well most of these hackers are using these addresses just once, and then they push these funds through mixer services to sweep their tracks. If the authorities are serious about the conviction of these people, then they will have to follow the legal route and Subpoena these Mixer services for this information and then follow the money from there.

Bitcoin is not 100% Anonymous and can be followed, if the right strategies are used to follow the money.

The best prevention now, will be to make incremental backups. < Not just over writing the same old backup every day >   

First let me say that I hate the ransomware thing.  I don't want them to stay in business.  Back to commenting about your post.  The mixers I use are completely onion and the servers are well hidden.  This means there is no entity to Subpoena, and like the best VPN's they destroy their records after a very short period of time if they keep that even for a second (that is the promise anyway).  That period (for mixers) is just long enough to confirm verification with their client in case anything goes wrong during the scrub.  I have never had a glitch operating in this world.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and the Ransomware problem?
Post by: Shiroslullaby on December 01, 2016, 11:42:46 PM
Attacking the payment system isnt the answer.
Anyone who is competent enough to actually code a decent ransomware will be smart enough to use new addresses, mixers, transfer money between BTC and anonymous coins like Monero, etc.
The only way to stop ransomware is not get infected, and if you do, have backups of your data so you don't have to pay the fee.
If its not worth their time, the authors will move onto other projects.
Unfortunately, cybercrime is very profitable, and is not going away any time soon.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and the Ransomware problem?
Post by: TheWallStreetCrew on December 01, 2016, 11:46:14 PM
I read somone is developing a new address that can leave a predertmined window claw back the funds. I bet we will see that very soon.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and the Ransomware problem?
Post by: Coin-Keeper on December 01, 2016, 11:51:41 PM
I read somone is developing a new address that can leave a predertmined window claw back the funds. I bet we will see that very soon.

Got any links to read about it?  Such a device/invention would be ripe for scammers to steal back funds on legit transactions.  I don't see it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and the Ransomware problem?
Post by: ArcCsch on December 02, 2016, 04:57:05 PM
What people should say:                                                             What people say:
I lost my coins because I kept them at an exchange that got hacked.          Bitcoin was hacked.
I lost my coins because I invested in a "double your bitcoins" scheme.       Bitcoin is a scam.
I lost my coins because I don't understand change addresses.                     Bitcoin can only be used by programming geeks.
I got overcharged by middlemen when trying to send fiat through Bitcoin.  Bitcoin is a scam that would never match Western Union.
Bitcoin can be used by criminals and ransomware.                                       Bitcoin is a money-laundering scheme that only benefits criminals.

Please stop the FUD about a "ransomware problem."

Title: Re: Bitcoin and the Ransomware problem?
Post by: Milkduds on December 04, 2016, 02:40:19 AM
Hackers will use the easiest form of transaction that gives them the most protection from being caught. Really not a bitcoin issue, the concept you are thinking of would be against the idea of bitcoin.
You do not hear the same drama about itunes cards and yet they are often used in the same manner. Take a step back and ask why the media is pushing the ransomware/bitcoin narrative.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and the Ransomware problem?
Post by: veleten on December 07, 2016, 04:20:14 PM
first bitcoin is blamed for ransomware spread,whats next?
ISIS funding?
oh wai.... (
this is same as blaming knives for stabbing and killing people

Title: Re: Bitcoin and the Ransomware problem?
Post by: kolloh on December 07, 2016, 06:17:11 PM
Bitcoin is often used in the ransomware attacks because it is a more anonymous form of payment so it makes it harder to track the identities of the criminals running these attacks. This could happen with any other form of currency such as cash as well and I think its just a common misconception that people equate bitcoin as being mainly used for this type of illegal activities.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and the Ransomware problem?
Post by: wxa7115 on December 07, 2016, 07:34:08 PM
What can be done to the ransomware problem?
I think Bitcoin is the seed that grown into the ransomware problem. What can be done to protect users?

My tought was some sort of list of "dishonest" adresses, like what have been discussed with stolen money, but that would not work in this case due to the possibility to create one adress per victim, as opposed to bitcoin theft where there is a few adresses involved where the money was stolen from (the victim).

Any ideas how bitcoin could be adapted to make it "toxic" to ransomware authors, while not burning legit users?

My second tought was some "Vote To Refund" scheme, applying to any transaction, but the problem would be that people could spread false screenshots of ransomware just to get free services/products.
Go brainstorm about ideas on how to prevent ransomware on bitcoin's end.
Use any kind of linux distribution, Linux has come to a point where it has become very easy to use unlike the past, if you still need to use some Windows programs you could use Wine or use another partition with Windows installed and keep your programs that you really need to run on Windows there.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and the Ransomware problem?
Post by: chesatochi on December 11, 2016, 12:16:30 PM
The problem of the ransomware is not the fault of bitcoin, you will see the headline in the news and people who read it could have a negative view or bad judgment. The criminal activities have always existed and will continue to be, the bitcoin network will not make a difference. Also, the criminals can make the same thing with fiat currency and ask money in return.

The best is to try to apply always the latest security and take security seriously.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and the Ransomware problem?
Post by: morgand on January 05, 2017, 04:05:50 AM
What can be done to the ransomware problem?
I think Bitcoin is the seed that grown into the ransomware problem.

i made bitcoin address and learn about bitcoin because cerber3 ransomware hit me couple month ago, and they only want payment using bitcoin with 5 address of it. But after read some post above about ransomware existed before bitcoin, i just stop thinking about bitcoin making some criminal made ransomware. thanks for your information ;)

Title: Re: Bitcoin and the Ransomware problem?
Post by: GMPoison on January 05, 2017, 04:47:37 AM
What can be done to the ransomware problem?
I think Bitcoin is the seed that grown into the ransomware problem. What can be done to protect users?

My tought was some sort of list of "dishonest" adresses, like what have been discussed with stolen money, but that would not work in this case due to the possibility to create one adress per victim, as opposed to bitcoin theft where there is a few adresses involved where the money was stolen from (the victim).

Any ideas how bitcoin could be adapted to make it "toxic" to ransomware authors, while not burning legit users?

My second tought was some "Vote To Refund" scheme, applying to any transaction, but the problem would be that people could spread false screenshots of ransomware just to get free services/products.
Go brainstorm about ideas on how to prevent ransomware on bitcoin's end.

What can be done to protect users? Don't install ransomware. If you infect yourself with ransomware you now have many other problems to deal with than just your bitcoin wallet such as any saved website usernames/passwords, sensitive documents on your hard drive, the possibility of infecting your whole network, etc.

I think an emphasis on good security practices should be a required step to installing any bitcoin wallet. I believe BitPay's wallet does this well. When you first install their software and create your first bitcoin wallet there are a few slides you have to click through that emphasis how important security really is.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and the Ransomware problem?
Post by: dfox101 on January 05, 2017, 05:08:44 AM
Possibly there's no way to resolve this, or at least no good ways. One possibility is to have a centralized place, where it has bitcoin's checkpoint private key, and somehow exclude that particular tx from being used. That is, its tx output can not be spent. This will require significant changes in the bitcoin code though.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and the Ransomware problem?
Post by: Decoded on January 05, 2017, 05:23:11 AM
Oh my god, the sun can burn your retinas, but the sun isn't a weapon.
Paper can give you cuts, but it's not a weapon.
The internet allows cyberweapons to exist, but the internet isn't a weapon.

Some criminals like bitcoin, so what? It's a scam?

Title: Re: Bitcoin and the Ransomware problem?
Post by: coinmachina on January 05, 2017, 06:17:54 PM
Yeah, this really isn't a Bitcoin problem.

Just don't install ransomware and if you have really important data you have to have a backup - not just because of ransomware, loss of data is always possible.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and the Ransomware problem?
Post by: divyam_94 on January 05, 2017, 07:13:54 PM
As the growing popularity of bitcoin it is very hard to control the ransomeware problem because therr are soo many people who want quick money doesn't matter how they will get it? As bitcoin has an opensource connection archietecture & also it is publicly design therefore the problem are arised. As bitcoin is a crytocurrency then the authority they provided to the user......the user will have there private key to encrypt or decrypt the there have to be more amedments that have to be done on bitcoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and the Ransomware problem?
Post by: Cereberus on January 06, 2017, 06:09:51 PM
First of all is not a bitcoin problem.

Second, if you really are worried about your bitcoins, I think anyone here living in developed western countries can afford to buy a ledger cheap hardware wallet, this way the Ransomware cannot do anything to you if you don't have other important data in your PC. Just make a format and start with all your bitcoins in place again thanks to the hardware wallet.

As others have already said. It is very much recommended to back up all your data, including bitcoin wallet.dat if you have any.
Also if you have electrum wallet and have safeguarded the seed in few other places rather than your PC you can restore from the seed after you reformat your HDD.

Still ransomware is a very nasty thing.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and the Ransomware problem?
Post by: GMPoison on January 06, 2017, 06:49:59 PM
First of all is not a bitcoin problem.

Second, if you really are worried about your bitcoins, I think anyone here living in developed western countries can afford to buy a ledger cheap hardware wallet, this way the Ransomware cannot do anything to you if you don't have other important data in your PC. Just make a format and start with all your bitcoins in place again thanks to the hardware wallet.

As others have already said. It is very much recommended to back up all your data, including bitcoin wallet.dat if you have any.
Also if you have electrum wallet and have safeguarded the seed in few other places rather than your PC you can restore from the seed after you reformat your HDD.

Still ransomware is a very nasty thing.

Exactly. Offline wallet = no possibility of ransomware.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and the Ransomware problem?
Post by: DuddlyDoRight on January 08, 2017, 02:06:36 AM
Most ransomware is installed from things you willingly download and install.. The people behind them aren't intelligent enough to do something like a Chrome sandbox escape..

Yeah ransomware has nothing to do with bitcoin.. More like stupid users and the anti-virus industry ran by people not much smarter.. The "attacks" are mostly basic social engineering and primitive malware that just keeps private keys on a server with HWID.. Most I've seen were even very short .NET programs..